St. Helen Catholic Church 12060 Kinsman Road, Newbury, Ohio 44065 Clustered with Sts. Edward and Lucy November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed Fr. Jay McPhillips, Pastor Fr. Jerry Bednar Weekend Associate, Deacon Will Payne Pastoral Associate, Deacon Larry Somrack Pastoral Associate, Sr. Margaret Hartman SND Principal, Mrs. Rose Torok Office Manager, Mrs. Maria Flauto PSR/EDGE, Mrs. Cindy Yokules Accounting, Mrs. Mary Weber, Pastoral Minister, Mrs. Theresa Zickert Life Teen, Mr. Jack Tayek Music Director Church office – 440-564-5805, Church FAX – 440 564-7367, School office – 440-564-7125 Mass Schedule Sunday: - Pianist: 7:30 am St. Helen Choir: 9:15 am Testify: 11:00 am Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 pm Holy Day Mass Schedule (See Bulletin for Vigil and Holy Day Mass Schedule) Confession Schedule Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 pm Sunday before each Mass by request Life Teen: See Bulletin or call the Parish Office to see if there is a Mass. Monday - Friday: Friday (During the school year) Saturday - Mass 8:00 am 9:00 am 8:00 am Pray for our seminarians: Phillip Lewandowski and Bobby McWilliams Baptisms: By Arrangement - Please call the Parish Office Marriages: By Arrangement - Please call the Parish Office Visitation of Our Sick: We are concerned and want to be advised when someone is ill at home or in the hospital or in a long term care facility. Please call the parish Office to have the shut in place on our Friday calls. Pregnancy Hot Line 1-800-395-HELP (4357) THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR Mon Nov 3, 2014 8:30am - 9:30am Divine Mercy/BR 2:30pm - 9:30pm Vol/Baslball/soccer/G 5pm - 7pm Prayer Shawl Ministry/TL 6pm – 7:30pm PSR/EDGE /CH 6:15pm - 7:30pm PSR/EDGE/2,3,4,7,8,OLCH 7:30pm - 9:30pm Knights of Columbus/ LTC 7:30pm - 9:30pm Testify practice/CH Tue Nov 4, 2014 8:30am - 9:30am BIBLE STUDY/ BR 9am - 12am Adoration Exposition /A 2:30pm - 9:30pm Vol/Baslball/soccer/G 7pm - 10pm LIFETEEN band/CH 7pm - 8:30pm Teen Advisory/LTC 7pm - 9pm Women's Renewal/C 7:30pm - 9pm RCIA/OLCH Wed Nov 5, 2014 8:30am - 10:30am Legion of Mary/ BR 10:30am - 11:30am Fatima Hour /A 2pm - 3pm Dynmc Cthlc/ LofM group/ BR 2:30pm - 4pm Dance/OLCH 5pm - 11pm Bingo /G 6pm - 7:30pm Girl Scouts/OLCH 6:30pm - 8:30pm Fall retreat mtg/LTC 7pm - 8pm Sunday Scripture Study/BR A =ADORATION CHPL BR =BRIDES ROOM OLCH = OLD CHURCH R =RECTORY C =CAFETERIA S =SOCCER FIELD Wed Nov 5, 2014 (Continued) 7:30pm - 9pm Choir(small group)/CH 7:30pm - 8:30pm St. Joseph prayer grp/ A 8 – 10pm Men’s Renewal /OLCH Thu Nov 6, 2014 8:45 – 9:45am Sunday Scripture Study/BR 2:30pm - 9:30pm Vol/BB/soccer/G 6pm - 9:30pm Choir/CH 7pm - 9pm Geauga Teens for LIfe/LTC 7pm - 9pm Healing Ministry /BR Fri Nov 7, 2014 2:30pm - 4pm Dance/OLCH 2:30pm - 9:30pm Vol/Baslball/soccer/G 7:30pm - 8:30pm First Friday Mass /CH Sat Nov 8, 2014 8 – 10am - Lector Morning Reflection /CH 9am - 10am Worship Comm/PO 9am - 2:30pm Booster Sports/G 6pm - 11:30pm Extravaganza OFF SITE Sun Nov 9, 2014 9:30am - 10:30am Testify/OLCH 1:30pm - 4:30pm Dance/OLCH 5:30pm - 9pm 5:30 Mass and lifenight/CH/LTC 6pm - 9pm AA /C CF =CONFERENCE RM SC =SCHOOL The Monthly Calendar is available on our Web-Site CH = CHURCH G = GYM LTC = LIFE TEEN CENTER TL =TEACHER’S LNGE PO = PARISH OFFICE This Weeks Masses SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (ALL SOULS DAY) Wis 3:1-9, Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9 7:30 – Souls in Purgatory 9:15 – Bill Martin Sr. – (Diane, John, Paul Eberling) 11:00 – Lee Eiermann – (Lillian Eiermann) 5:30 – Caroline Popelka – (Bill and Carol Hering) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, WEEKDAY, ST. MARTIN DE PORRES, RELIGIOUS Phil 2:1-4, Lk 14:12-14 8:00 – Christine Polzer – (Craig Polzer) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, ST. CHARLES BORROMEO, BISHOP Phil 2:5-11, Lk 14:15-24 8:00 – Tammi Schwieterman – (Walt and Donna Jean Zagar) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, WEEKDAY Phil 2:12-18, Lk 14:25-33 8:00 – Stanley and Josephine Paryzek – (Frank and Jean McBride) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, WEEKDAY, Phil 3:3-8A, Lk 15:1-10 8:00 – Dorothy Hrvatin – (Dick and Carol Joyce) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, WEEKDAY, Phil 3:17—4:1, Lk 16:1-8 9:00 – Karol Horvat – (Ethel Pikus) 7:30 – Ken Keidel – (Bill and Clare O’Brien) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, WEEKDAY, Phil 4:10-12, Lk 16:9-15 8:00 – Souls in Purgatory 5:00 – Brendan McMeechan (Living) – (Claire Volpe) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12, 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17, Jn 2:13-22 7:30 – Carl Wolfram – (Ann Lawrence Herbruck) 9:15 – Ken Yenke – (Jim and Mary Beth O’Neill) 11:00 – Dorothy Bushek – (Billy Morton) 5:30 – Souls in Purgatory STEWARDSHIP We are the servants of God, each with his or her own task. We will be judged good stewards if, at His coming, He finds us ready and conscientiously pursuing the tasks to which we have been called. The offering for the week of October 26, was $14,726.98 with 1,533 of our faithful parishioners were in attendance and 349 envelopes were used. Thank you all for your continued generosity. St. Vincent de Paul-the October collection total last weekend was $1,272.50. We will be sending a check for that amount to Project Hope for the Homeless. Thank you. A Reflection by Maria Flauto: This weekend the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of All Saints on Nov. 1st and All Soul’s on Nov. 2nd. Where did these two traditions come from and what is the link (if any) to Halloween? Here is an excerpt from an article by Fr Weiser from The feast of All Saints was established by the Church because a very large number of martyrs and other saints could not be accorded the honor of individual celebrations since the days of the year would not suffice. Therefore, as the prayer of the Mass states, "we venerate the merits of all the saints by this one celebration." There is another reason for the feast. Pope Urban IV mentioned it in the following words: "Any negligence, omission and irreverence committed in the celebration of the saints'' feasts throughout the year is to be atoned for by the faithful, and thus due honor may still be offered these saints."(Pope Urban IV, Decretale Si Dominum.) All Souls The commemoration of all the holy souls in Purgatory was introduced by St. Odilo, abbot of Cluny, about the year 1000. He prescribed that all the monks of his Benedictine congregation should offer the holy Sacrifice and say prayers for the suffering souls every year on November 2. The popes in Rome gladly accepted this wonderful and charitable thought and extended the celebration to the whole Church. Since then we do not only pray for the holy souls throughout the year but have a special day devoted to their prayerful memory. Pope Benedict XV, in 1915, allowed all priests to say three Masses on All Souls Day, so our dear departed ones will receive greater help from us and an abundance of mercy from God. Halloween : Although the name of this tradition is taken from the great Christian feast (All Hallows' Eve), the observance of Halloween pranks, masquerading, "trick or treat" and similar features, are not based on any religious background nor connected with any Christian meaning. This practice has come down to us from the demon lore of the ancient Druids. In a Catholic home, therefore, the participation of the children in such Halloween activities should not be explained as a part of the Christian feast, because such explanations would be erroneous. It is an ancient popular custom from pagan times which has never been associated with Christian meanings. Let the children enjoy their Halloween festival, if you wish, but apart from it direct their minds to the fact that this evening is primarily a time of preparation for the great feast of All Saints, and that after the Halloween frolics they should turn their minds to God in a devout evening prayer, and greet all the heroes of God on the eve of their feast. PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL: Wayne Ardo, Robert Bates, James Bayer, Sally Boyer, Laurie Bucar, Jim Cantelli, Cliff Cherni, Annette Cillian, Jessica Coe, Bill Csonka, Bill Felberg, Len Hosmer, Richard Lang, Liam McDougall, Brendan McMeechan, Bill Molnar, Linda Mulacek, Helen Nelson, Bill O’Brien, Dave Omerza, Veronica Peairs, Lucy Pishnery, Martin Polomsky, John Rakoczy Sr., Bob Rasmussen, Evelyn Rowlands, Holly-Hudak Schell, Matthew Schell, Marilyn Segulin, Richard Stebnicki, John Strzalka, Dennis Szczepanik, Liz Szuszkiewicz, Derek Turk, Ida Urbancic, Terry Williford, and Mary Lou Wolfram. ELIJAH CHALICE SCHEDULE Nov 2 – Dave and Jennifer Sensibello and Family Nov 9 – Larry and Colletta Somrack and Family If you are interested in joining this vocation prayer ministry, please contact: Marsha Sallee 440.338.8649. Five Minute Bible Study Wisdom 3:1-9 The first reading is a beautiful faith statement about our belief in life after death. "The souls of the just . . . are in peace." The saved are saved because of their trust in God: "their hope is full of immortality" and they are purified through God’s chastisement. The just are full of hope for a blessed immortality, and at the Judgment the just shall enjoy the kingdom of God. Sometime this week, whether on your own, while sitting at the family dinner table or talking with friends, reflect on the following question: Think of a moment in the last week where you truly trusted in God. Did you know: Why wasn’t All Saints a holy day of obligation this year? In accord with the provisions of canon 1246 §2 of the Code of Canon Law, the USCCB has ruled: "Whenever January 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, or August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption, or November 1, the solemnity of All Saints, falls on a Saturday or on a Monday, the precept to attend Mass is abrogated" ( ENVELOPES: There is an envelope in your packet for All Souls Day. You can put the names of deceased family and friends you want us to pray for. They will be placed in the sanctuary. We will have a Mass every week in November and one once a month for the rest of the year. RCIA The RCIA meets in the old Church on Tuesdays, at 7:30 pm. This week’s topic is New Testament. Call Mary at the office ext 14 if you have questions. This is not just for non-Catholics – it’s a great way for adult Catholics to see their faith through adult eyes. CHAPEL HELP NEEDED: The following hours need to filled: 4:00-5:00, 5:00-6:00 pm, 6:00-7:00 pm, and 8:-9:00 p.m. Please call JoAnn Ott at 8344953 if you are able to help. CONFIRMATION CLASS: The next th nd Confirmation class for 8 graders is Nov 2 from 6:45-8:30pm in the former church. All 8th graders preparing for confirmation should attend this meeting. Your saint report is due! Parents and any other parishioners are also welcome to attend the Matthew Kelly Decision Point class in the 7th grade classroom from 6:45-8:30pm. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PICTURE: The Knights of Columbus have provided us with a beautiful picture of the Immaculate Conception which has been in our sanctuary for the last two weeks. This traveling picture that has been blessed by the pope is a replica of the picture that hangs over the main altar of the Basilica –Cathedral of Notre Dame in Quebec which was the first Cathedral north of Mexico in the New World. When it was built 350 years ago it was the Mother Church for most of the United States including Ohio. FALL EXTRAVAGANZA 'BELLA NOTTE' ~ NOVEMBER 8, 2014: The St. Helen School Fall Extravaganza is a few weeks away. This year's "Bella Notte" event, to be held on November 8th at LaMalfa Centre, is sure to be a beautiful night. Our school's largest annual fundraiser benefits our school and parish. Did you know that Extravaganza funds were used to improve spaces that many of us enjoy? The recent gymnasium update was made possible by Extravaganza proceeds. Past proceeds funded new carpeting in the old church, restroom remodeling and our parish sports programs. Please consider supporting this worthy cause! For ticket information, contact Mary Beth Lyons at (440) 487-6360 or To donate to one of our auctions, contact Alison Lee at (216) 392-5907 or For more information, including sponsorship opportunities, contact Chris Taylor at (440) 564-6603 or Thank you for supporting our parish and school! SAVE THE DATE: If your child will be entering Kindergarten in the 2015-16 school year then join us for our Kindergarten Open House “A TASTE OF KINDERGARTEN” Wednesday, November 12 from 8:30 – 11:00am. Call (440) 564-7125 to RSVP. Join us November 12 and receive a free gift!! FIRST FRIDAY MASS at Saint Helen’s on Nov. 7th at 7:30PM: All are invited to celebrate Mass on the First Friday of November. Gather your family and come for this wonderful opportunity. Jesus promises: In the excess of the mercy of my Heart, I promise you that my all powerful love will grant to all those who will receive Communion on the First Fridays, for nine consecutive months, the grace of final repentance: they will not die in my displeasure, nor without receiving the sacraments; and my Heart will be their secure refuge in that last hour. THE HEALING MINISTRY will have healing prayer teams available after the First Friday 7:30 pm Mass on Friday, November 7. If you would like to schedule a healing session on another day, please contact Sue White at the Healing Ministry number: 440-313-7369, or send an email request to “IT’S A MATTER OF LIFE” "The Body of Christ is under attack. Today's growing anti-Christian mood is fueled by political agendas, government directives, court decisions and biased media reporting. We can empathize with the anxieties the Apostles experienced as they hid in the upper room in fear of the Jewish leaders after the Crucifixion and Ascension. We know that our adversaries will call us haters and bigots when we defend the sanctity of human life and the family. Even so we must stay the course of our Christian commission by loving, forgiving, and doing good to our adversaries. It is our duty. Yet we must do this without giving up, and without being cowardly. We must resist whenever our adversaries demand of us obedience contrary to the orders of the Gospel. We must do so without fear, but also without pride and without hate. THANK YOU: I want to thank everyone for their gifts, cards and prayers for my birthday. I really appreciate. God Bless you all. Father Jay WANT TO GET MORE OUT OF THE LITURGY? Join us in studying the Sunday Scripture on Thursday mornings after the 8:00 Mass in the Brides Room or Wednesday evenings from 78PM in the parish office. MERRY CHRISTMAS. It is time once again to remember our military. If you know someone in the service who will be away from home this Christmas please give us their address. Email We will soon have cards available in the gather space for all to sign. PANCAKE BREAKFAST: The next pancake breakfast will be Sunday, November 16th from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. It is all you can eat pancakes for $6.00. Scrambled eggs can be added for a dollar. There is a family price of $25.00 for five or more people in your family. BLOOD DRIVE: The next blood drive will be on Nov. 16 with LifeShare. LifeShare is a nonprofit, community-focused blood center. They have been serving Northeast Ohio for over 60 years. The company is also a fundraiser for the school. LifeShare gives thousands of dollars in scholarships to area schools for activities and programs. For so many pints of blood donated St. Helen School receives scholarship money. Please stop by the gym to donate. Not only will you be helping with desperately need blood in the area you will also be helping our school with much needed funds. All donors will receive a free t-shirt. Thank you. MISS ETTA QUETTE: Please be quiet while in church. Once we enter the nave, it is not the time or place to visit with those around us. No matter where we are seated (on the side, in the back...), if we must converse, Miss Etta suggests we do so in a whisper and be as brief as possible. Remember, dear soul, that our conversation might be disturbing someone who is in prayer, which is much more important. Sssshhhhhhhh! If you could spare one hour a couple times a month we could use some help with Jail Ministry. No special requirements needed, just prayer and an open mind. For more information please call Deacon Will at the parish office or Judy Lester at 440-834-8418. We meet with both men and women on Thursday nights at 7:00 PM. Mortgage Update Loan Balance – 10/1/14 Standard Principal Payment Additional Principal Payment Interest Payment Loan Balance –10/20/14 Debt reduction envelopes October 42 $1,381,485 $7,365 $7,357 $5,699 $1,366,763 $6,639.00 LIFETEEN NEWS There will be a training for current and new Lector’s for the Life Teen Mass on Sunday November 2 at 4:15 in the church. If you are interested please contact Tammy by text @330-8421745 or email Fall 2014 Retreat Permission Forms are now available on the St. Helen Website, Facebook, vestibule and Life Teen Center. Please note the retreat will be at Camp Wise in Chardon November 21-23. Turn your forms in no later than November 10th, but as soon as possible. We need to limit the amount of teens due to space available. Please pray for our Fall 2014 Retreat Planning Team as they prepare for our retreat in November. Meetings are held every Wednesday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Life Teen Center. NDCL students please join us for Bible Study on Thursday’s from 10:50-11:20 in the Campus Ministry office. SCHOOL NEWS Please check our website (Our School BINGO: Our BINGO workers for November 5 are: BERMAN, MASTANDREA, and SHIVELY. Thank you for your help! MISSION PROJECT: Sister Marie Manning, SND will speak to the children in Grades 1-3 about the Notre Dame Missions in Africa. We will be raffling off a ninja turtle Build-A-Bear. Tickets will be on sale in the atrium the week of Nov. 10 – 14 for $1.00 a ticket. The winning raffle ticket will be drawn on Friday, Nov. 14. Money from the raffle will go towards the Notre Dame Mission in Africa. HALLOWEEN PARTY “THANK YOU”: Thank you to Cindy Berschig for all her hard work in coordinating our spectacular Halloween party last Friday. We cannot forget to thank our wonderful area businesses, Aladdin, Kinetico, Mangia, Mangia, and Michales for donating water, food and prizes. We also want to thank all of our generous volunteers including parents, grandparents, parishioner’s of St. Helen Church, Knights of Columbus, and our Jr. High students. We are especially grateful to Mary Beth and Jim O'Neill, Mr. McWilliams (He did a great job as our MC for the evening), Jim & Theresa Adamic, Mr. Mills (Photographer for the evening and developing pictures for the kids), Ken Moses, Judy Romagni, Laura Wolfe, and Cindy Wozniak. Thank you to the 45 families who sent in beautiful cakes and cupcakes for the cake walk. Above all, thank God for a beautiful, safe day! HALLOWEEN DANCE: Thank you to all of our parents for their help with the dance. Thank you to Paul and Nathan Lewandowski for being the DJ’s for the night and a special thank you to our party director, Jennifer Rakoczy, who truly made this event a possibility! THINK SNOW: Registration for Ski Club has begun. Boston Mills/Brandywine & Alpine Ski Club membership is open only to ages 8-18. All registration must be done on-line at Click on “Club Login”; then enter the following - LOGIN: sthelen PASSWORD: member. Next click on “Go Shopping”. Under Categories (on left) click on “Fri/Sat Club Program”; click on “Club Program Package” and then select options that apply to your skier, click on “Add to Cart” and “Check Out”. Lastly, click on “Create New Club Member”. If you have any questions, please call Kevin O’Reilly at 440-548-5292.
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