2014 Holy Ghost Wiener Roast Friday, October 31st, 5 – 9 PM, Deep Creek campus DON’T MISS THE FUN! Hay maze also open Wednesday, 10/22 – Thursday, 10/30, 6 – 9 PM Pastor Dan & Rhonda Backens Bridges Over Troubled Waters Storms. Live any significant length of time, and I promise you will find yourself in one of these. And it’s amazing how quickly these storms can arise. I’m convinced that often it’s not the severity of the storm that is so devastating, but how quickly the storms of our life can appear. When I think of storms, I often think of Job. Few people in the history of the world have faced the severity and suddenness of his devastation. Yet what is unbelievable to me is Job’s response: he blessed the Lord and worshipped. What a response! What a way to deal with unbelievable news about things that cut to the core of our being! • • • Wristbands available now! Advance prices: $9 adults (13+); $7 kids; 2 & under free At the event: $12/$10/free Candy donations being received at all campuses! I wish I could say that throughout my life my first response to the storms that came up faster than my mind could process or the storms that pushed me beyond my emotional limits was worship. But if I’m honest, I often find a place of despair or complaining faster than a place of worship. Yet I know that worshippers always walk with a greater sense of peace and witness a greater sense of His abiding presence than those who choose to speak words of death rather than life. Worship becomes the bridge that connects my heart with God’s heart. The Lord’s words of “Peace be still” ride on a bridge of worship that simultaneously connects my storm and my soul with His presence. It is worship that lead us to a place of exaltation (Psalm 145) and through seasons of wilderness (Psalm 42). It is worship that invokes in us a sense of thanksgiving (Psalm 100), joy (Psalm 122), and repentance (Psalm 31). Worship brings us through places of deliverance (Psalm 25) and grants us guidance in life (Psalm 119). Maybe most importantly, worship leads our heart into a place of deeper devotion (Psalm 27). As a church family, let’s build some bridges of worship that rise above troubled waters. It’s a journey of eternal proportions with a divine destination: His heart. Pastor Joel October 11 & 12, 2014 Welcome, Guests! To help you feel a little more at home, here’s a snapshot of what to expect in today’s service. Our worship includes a variety of musical styles, all having the primary purpose of exalting the Lord. Some songs will have a gospel feel, others will have a contemporary flavor, and some will be traditional. During worship you may see: Raising of hands Spontaneous singing Clapping Public prophecy Special music by the choir and worship team Whatever the style, we hope you find our worship to be wholehearted unto the Lord and done with a spirit of excellence. You will find that the dress here is semi-casual. Children’s programs are available for infants through 5th grade at all three campuses. Kids Clubhouse at Ghent is located at the east end of the building. Kids Creek at Deep Creek is located at the north end of the building. Kids Cove at Kempsville is located on the west side of the building. Our elementary program, Ablaze, is available for 1 st through 5th graders. At Ghent, check in at the Clubhouse; at Deep Creek – room 200; and Kempsville – multi-purpose room (140). Elementary age children attend the worship portion of the service with their families until they are released to their age-appropriate ministry. Special Evening Service with Bob Sorge teaching from his book A Covenant with My Eyes. From the book: “Get ready for a bold call to sexual consecration like you’ve never read. For men. For women. For young and old…The Lord is inviting you to make an actual covenant concerning what your eyes will look upon. He is extending grace to attain the purity for which your heart has yearned.” With IHOP Kansas City, Bob Sorge teaches and writes on personal intimacy with Jesus. Sunday, October 19th, 6:00 PM, KV sanctuary. Live Soaking Prayer at KV Joy Francis will be the guest facilitator for soaking prayer at the Kempsville campus on Monday, October 20th, 7:00 – 9:00 PM in the sanctuary. Connect’s Movie Night is October 24th Singles… come and relax in Connect’s “living room” during a free movie night at 7:00 PM on Friday, October 24th! “God’s Not Dead” will be featured at the Kempsville campus. Popcorn and beverages provided. Please bring your favorite movie snack to share. Connect is a community of singles ages 30 and up. Questions? Email connect@newlifeprovidence.com. A typical service lasts about 100 minutes and divides approximately according to this schedule: Praise & worship 30 minutes Ministry time 10 minutes Announcements, offering, 15 minutes & release of children Practical teaching 45 minutes We believe… You matter to God. Heaven and Hell are real. Jesus, God’s Son, died because of your sin, and rose again. When you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are saved. The Bible is true and relevant for your life. The Holy Spirit will give you the power to live a life of victory. Transethnicity We are a church that intentionally seeks to transcend our cultural and ethnic differences by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. New Life Providence offers nine worship services in a variety of sizes and venues. Pick up a full schedule at the information center. Attendance for October 4 & 5: 3,518 Church Picnic at all Campuses October 18 & 19 SPEAKER Steve Kurrle former police officer leads a Life Group with his wife, Betsy SPEAKER Jeremy Miller Leader of Church without Walls ministry to the homeless graduate of Bethany Bible Training Center NLP READERS’ CIRCLE: Connecting Women through Books Saturday, October 25th, 10:00 AM – 12:00 NOON, KV campus, room 132 Enjoy brunch, specialty coffee drinks, and connect with other women in a relaxed setting. We’ll discuss this month’s book, Listen to Your Life by Valorie Burton, but feel free to come even if you haven’t read the book. Also bring along books and CDs you would like to swap. $6 in advance; $8 at the door. Childcare available if you register and pay by October 22nd – $5 for the first child; $2 each additional child. Sign up and pay at the church office or at newlifeprovidence.com. For more information, contact Peggy Homesly at 777-8933 or peghomesly@gmail.com. OPPORTUNITIES FROM OTHER MINISTRIES Are you a Christian attracted to the same sex? Announcing the start of a free sexual identity therapy group for Christians who experience same-sex attraction. The focus of the group will be on how Christian sexual minorities experience the church, their emotional experience of God, and the challenge of shame. If you are interested in joining the group, please contact Dr. Mark Yarhouse at markyar@regent.edu or by phone at 352.4829. We plan to start on Tuesday, October 21st, 6:30-8:00 PM. DNA Booster for young women 18 – 35 (or thereabouts) Annual NLP Missions Fest Friday, October 24, 7:00 PM – MIDNIGHT Theme: "Beyond!" Ghent campus November 7-9, 2014 Cost: $5.00 “early bird” pricing; With special guests, the "En-Kata Choir" from Tanzania, $10.00 at the door Africa. Stay tuned for further details! Childcare: $5.00 for first child; $2.00 for Host homes needed for Friday-Sunday, November 7-9. Would you be willing to host four or more members of the each additional child En-Kata Choir for three nights? These people are all Register at: about fellowship, not amenities, and would rather sleep newlifeprovidence.com on the floor or share a bed than stay in a home alone. Contact Pastor Doug at dougchandler1@gmail.com. Save the Dates! DON’T MISS THE FUN! OPPORTUNITIES FROM OTHER MINISTRIES Daughters of Life Fall Luncheon October 25, 2014, 12 – 2:30 PM, NLP KV auditorium Tickets $25; purchase at daughtersoflife.com The Daughters of Life is an organization of positive women extending ourselves to bring hope, encouragement, and stability into the lives of others. Questions? Contact: Dr. Charlene Winley at daughtersoflife@gmail.com New Life Providence has three locations: Kempsville (KV) 1244 Thompkins Lane, Virginia Beach, VA 23464 757.227.6930 Deep Creek (DC) 423 Shell Road, Chesapeake, VA 23323 757.673.6300 Ghent (GH) 1420 Colonial Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23517 757.222.8285 We are a member church of New Life Ministries International and The Mosaix Global Network. @nlpchurch food live band face painting hay maze hayrides photo booth games/prizes G-Force Spin Gladiator Joust square dancing moonwalk candy HGWR 2014 /newlifeprovidencechurch Download our app today: NLP Church newlifeprovidence.com
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