FLOTILLA 73 NEWSLETTER Please help name our newsletter. See contest below! United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 73 Butler, Pennsylvania, Eighth District Eastern Region Volume 1 Issue 1 November 2014 David A Lynch, FSO-PB, Editor and Publisher gsdk9handler@gmail.com Joan Lanz Receives Swivel Shot Award for Exceptional Service By David A Lynch Butler, PA – Mrs. Joan Lanz, who has been a very active, long time member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, until her retirement, has been awarded the Swivel Shot Award for exceptional and sustained service to the United States Coast Guard and the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. As the wife of the National Commodore of the Auxiliary, Joseph Lanz Jr, Joan Lanz represented the Auxiliary at many meetings and other functions and has been the host for a number of key national conference events for both the Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Auxiliary. She coordinated many of the non-meeting activities that occur at these events. She also worked as the Director of Community Services for the past twenty years at the Parent and Child Guidance Center in Pittsburgh, PA. She has testified before a Congressional Subcommittee on the issues of child care and the Job Corps program. Flotilla Ranks Grow with New Members Butler, PA - The last two months have seen an influx of five new members into our Flotilla. Anchor Losch in September and Thomas Schaefer, David Lynch, Jonathan Stroud and Donald Straw in October. Welcome aboard! We need your help choosing a name for our new newsletter. It could be geographic or nautical, but something Coast Guard related that identifies us as the Butler Flotilla. The winner gets an extra- large chocolate bar. Please submit your ideas to gsdk9handler@gmail.com by Thanksgiving Day. Good luck! Left to right Commodore Joseph Lanz, Thomas Schaeffer, David Lynch, Jonathan Stroud, Donald Straw and Mark Draskovich, FC. Flotilla 73 meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at the Butler County Airport Schoefield Field in the Pilots Room (1rst floor) and begin promptly at 19:30. Page 1 Left to right David Barnas, FSO-HR and Anchor Losch. Newsletter Spotlight Flotilla 73 October Meeting Notes Butler, PA - October’s meeting began with the swearing in of four new members, followed by the announcement that Mrs. Joan Lanz had received the Swivel Shot Award. It was reported that Pittsburgh has been selected to host the 2015 D-Train (more details to follow as they become available) and that flotilla members are able to participate in the Color Guard. All flotilla members were encouraged to visit the flotilla website at: http://wow.uscgaux.info/content.php?unit=082-07-03 Joe Lanz, FSO-DV, will be conducting diversity training after the November meeting. David Barnas, FSO-HR, reported the possible formation of a detachment in DuBois. Karl Richter, FSO-MS, reported that MSEP barge examination training is available and this offers auxiliarists a chance to work with active duty personnel. See Karl for more information or if you are interested. Anchor Losch was congratulated on passing her VE and RBSPV tests and her appointment as the new FSO-PV. Mark Drascovich, FC, reported that the flotilla will be reorganizing staff offices and wants to spread out the responsibilities. Please contact Commodore Joe Lanz if you are interested in running for office as Flotilla Commander or Vice Commander. The Commodore was also asked to chair the Nominating Committee. Planning for the Christmas Party is underway. See Mark if you are interested in helping. We Need Reports and Articles In order to communicate with our growing membership more effectively, flotilla staff officers are encouraged to submit any reports or articles that they would like to share with the membership to keep everyone informed and in the know. Flotilla members are also encouraged to submit any articles or ideas for articles on Auxiliary or Coast Guard related matters that are of interest to them and would benefit our members. Please submit your work to the Editor, David Lynch, at gsdk9handler@gmail.com in Microsoft Word format and attach any pictures in *.jpg (jpeg) format. The deadline for content submission for the next month’s newsletter in the 15th of the current month, i.e., submission deadline for Decembers issue is 15 Nov 14. Butler Flotilla 73 is coming to FaceBook Stay tuned for more details! Other Links of Interest: Division 7 website: http://wow.uscgaux.info/content.php?unit=082-07 Page 2 Buter Flotilla 73 website: http://wow.uscgaux.info/content.php?unit=082-07-03 From the Flotilla Commander By Mark Drascovich, FC WELCOME ABOARD!! I am very proud to present one of the most optimistic and positive reports from Flotilla 7-3 in my own memory. The reason centers around the dramatic membership growth that we have had over the last few months. I welcome aboard Anchor Losch, Don Straw, David Lynch, Jonathan Stroud and Thomas Schaeffer. Together with Josh Gelles who also joined this year our Flotilla has experienced a dramatic growth in membership and talent. Josh has taken over the Communications staff office, Anchor takes on the Public Visitor program, David has already started the new flotilla newsletter that you are now reading as Publications Staff Officer. Don Straw takes on Materials, Jonathan will take over as Public Affairs and Thomas has expressed interest in either Public Education or Vessel Examiner staff offices. In future editions, we would like to feature each of these new members in a profile similar to one done on Anchor Losch for our division newsletter. I look forward to working with all of our new members and on behalf of the rest of the flotilla, WELCOME ABOARD!!! From the Vice Flotilla Commander By Ray Nagy, VFC Coast Guard Trivia As you have heard, I spent 4 years with the CG, mostly on Lake Superior. In 2002, the US Coast Guard That was 55 + years ago, so I am kind of "dated". I spent part of the became part of what newlysummer staying in touch with old ship-mates in Michigan & Minnesota. We established Government started with a tour of the "retired" CG Cutter Mackinaw in June. That was department? my first time aboard but saw the old girl plenty of times on Lake Superior Answer on the last page. in the past. There is a new Mackinaw, of course, bigger & better, now days. I also worked with the Cook County, Minnesota Museum on displaying the Grand Marais Lighthouse original Fresnel Lens. The CG replaced it with LED & plastic optics last year. Also on display is a set of dress whites & dress blues from the Coast Guard in the 50's. (Mine). We are on an inland lake 14 miles from Lake Superior & spend alot of time on the water, weather permitting. The weather (& fishing), this year was horrendous. Besides being busy at the museum, telling tall tales of the Coast Guard, I did manage to do a couple of VE's on local boats. DISCLAIMER: The Flotilla 73 Newsletter is the official publication of Flotilla 73, Eighth District Eastern Region of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. The information provided here is for the edification and convenience of members of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and the readers of this publication. The Editor and staff reserve the right to use or reject articles and photos; edit submitted articles and photos for clarity, space, and or other concerns. Reprints of articles in this publication may be used by other publications provided proper credit is given and a copy sent to the Editor of these publications. Bylines and pictures are the property of the Editor unless otherwise credited. Please direct any comments or constructive criticism to: Editor and Publisher: David Lynch, FSO-PB at email address gsdk9handler@gmail.com Page 3 My youngest Grand-daughter, 13, calls my "tales", "Historical Malarkey". She may be right. New Instructional Resource on Emergency Signaling Posted on 2 July 2013 by bc-bri The RBS Outreach Directorate is pleased to announce a new partnership with Orion Signals, a leading manufacturer of flares and other emergency signaling devices. Orion is offering Auxiliarists a free “Safety Awareness Kit.” Orion Safety Information This kit includes laminated flare charts (Visual Distress Signal Guides), ‘Saved by the Signal’ brochures, and some useful “Upcoming Vessel Safety Check” posters. It also includes rebate coupons that Auxiliarists can use when purchasing needed Orion safety products. To enroll in the program, Auxiliarists should visit this site. In the Guestbook window, enter your name and mailing address. Clicking “Submit” will launch a short introductory video, followed by a 20 minute instructional video (which you can pause at any time). This 20 minute video is a tremendous resource to deepen your understanding of the various types of marine flares and the proper use of each. It’s so comprehensive that it can even be used for Auxiliary Member Training. As you watch the video, take careful notes — every Auxiliarist will learn several useful pointers from this video, and chances are that you will not pass the questionnaire (required to recieve your Orion RBS Kit) unless you do. After the video, a 20 question review of the video begins. Answer the questions with a passiing ratio, and you will receive your Orion Safety Kit, directly from Orion. More importantly, you will be a better Auxiliarist, Vessel Examiner, Program Visitor, and/or Instructor. The RBS Outreach (“B”) Directorate sincerely thanks Orion for helping to make us all better Auxiliarists by increasing the knowledge we pass along to the boating public. Photographs containing uniform, policy or regulation discrepancies will not be published Page 4 Editor’s note: Reprinted from USCG Archives http://bdept.cgaux.org/wp/?p=1310 Captain Breakwater’s Safety Notes from the Quarterdeck as reported by Donald Straw This time of year, when most boaters are winterizing and storing their vessels, some of us are looking forward to extending our boating season by using them for hunting, fishing and sightseeing, to enjoy the fall colors and scenery. This presents us with some very important safety concerns and precautions that we must address and pay strict attention to. We all recognize that the temperature of the water has drastically changed and that the daylight has shortened, so we must think about some safety issues a bit differently. Be aware of both weather and water conditions: During the fall and winter seasons, the weather can change rapidly which could present a serious problem if you are not prepared for it. Make sure your emergency kit is well stacked and you have enough survival equipment for everyone on board. This might include foul weather/rain gear, sweatshirts and extra clothing, some blankets and knit hats, since we lose most of our body heat through our head. All navigation and other lighting should be operational: Make sure all your vessels lights are functional. If any require batteries, make sure you have enough spares. It’s also a good idea to make sure some of the flashlights are waterproof. These can be helpful in an emergency and can assist in offloading passengers at the end of your cruise and help you with making sure your vessel is properly stored and tied down onto the trailer. Top off ALL of your fuel tanks: Be mindful that at this time of the year, there are fewer boats on the water and your local marina or dock, or favorite fueling spot may have closed for the season. By making sure you have enough fuel with you, you’ll be able to complete your day of enjoyment on the water. Have a working marine radio with you: Since we already know that there will be fewer boats on the water, you must be able to contact a reliable source of assistance if an emergency arises, whether this is a fellow boater, marina, or your dock. It’s recommended that you conduct a radio check prior to getting underway and maintain contact with that person during your time on the water. Make sure you have a spare battery for your radio too. Maintain updated charts/maps and other needed navigational aids: At this time of the year, our friends and neighbors along shore are closing their camps, which means they’re taking down flags, turning off lights and removing docks and other things we may have used during the summer as navigation references. Night and low light navigation becomes more difficult. Pay attention to your surroundings at all times. WEAR YOUR PFD: We talk about this all year long, but now, it is extremely important that you wear one at all times. Children under 12 years old are required to wear a PFD at all times, but with the water temperatures dropping, falling overboard or falling off of a dock could make hypothermia a deadly situation. Be aware that a PFD that fits you perfectly during the summer months may be to small now, since you’re probably wearing extra clothing, such as a sweatshirt or jacket. As always, if your PFD has a zipper or strap, it must be fully zipped or snapped. Too many times we hear about boaters who drown while wearing a PFD that is not properly secured. It is recommended that your PFD have both a whistle and a working light source attached to it at all times (remember the spare battery if applicable). Remember to change the battery, if applicable, every few months whether it needs it or not. Page 5 Remember: It’s your life: We all want to have fun on the water. Paying attention to safety issues can help us all return home from a memorable day on the water with family and friends, or just relaxing. If we all use some common sense we’ll be able to limit the factors that lead to accidents and cause injuries to ourselves, our shipmates and passengers. Pennsylvania Mandatory Cold Weather Life Jacket Wear Beginning in 2012, the following regulation was established: a person shall wear a Coast Guard approved personal flotation device (PFD or life jacket) during the cold weather months from November 1st through April 30th while underway or at anchor on boats less than 16 feet in length or any canoe or kayak . Upcoming Events Nov 5 – Flotilla 73 monthly meeting at Butler County Airport at 19:30. Nov 27 – Happy Thanksgiving. Dec 3 – Flotilla 73 Christmas Party. Location TBA at November meeting. Dec 25 – Merry Christmas. Jan 1 – Happy New Year. Jan 24 – Change of Watch 2015 Airport Marriott Grand Ballroom 11:00 – 16:00 Service Dress Blue, Tropical Blues and Suits/Sport coat and tie are the Uniforms of the Day. Jan 26 – Division 7 monthly meeting at Sewickley Moorings at 19:30. Join us for the Annual Flotilla 73 Christmas Party Wednesday December 3, 2014 Beginning at 19:30 Location to be determined at November’s meeting The Flotilla 73 Newsletter is published twelve (12) times a year. Our electronic newsletter is distributed as a * .pdf file. Direct email articles and correspondence should be submitted in Microsoft Word format and pictures attached as *.jpg files to the Editor, David Lynch, FSO-PB gsdk9handler@gmail.com The next publication deadline is: 15 November 2014 Page 6 Coast Guard Trivia Question Answer: The Department of Homeland Security.
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