2015 D-TRAIN WORKSHOPS (Workshops Subject to Change) FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY – JAN 9, 10 & 11, 2015 SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Friday Only TCT 4 – Hour class – Must pre-register to attend - Friday Only TCT 8 – Hour class – Must pre-register to attend - Friday Only SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Flotilla Commander Workshop - Part A Flotilla Commander Workshop - Part B Flotilla Commander Workshop - Part C New Member Training - Part A New Member Training - Part B LOGISTICS TRACK Auxiliary Food Services Auxiliary Music Program AUXINFO - Information Services - Class I AUXINFO - Information Services - Class II Diversity Finance Legal Matters Security Screener - Class I Security Screener - Class II Social Media IN Public Affairs Today Uniforms and Protocol RESPONSE TRACK Auxiliary PWC Program Coxswains and Crew with Q.E. Deployable AUX Radio Team (DART) Introduction Enhanced Boat Crew First Aid Radio Communication Resilient Leadership PREVENTION TRACK Commercial Fishing Vessel Program California Dockwalkers Program Marine Safety Overview Member Training - The Training Compendium Navigation Systems Workshop Program Visitor Workshop Public Education Workshop Vessel Exam Workshop Visual Aides for PE Training COAST GUARD TRACK AUXDATA Order Management Air Station Operations CAL-BOATING - New State Laws Homeland Security Investigations 101 USCG Motion Picture & TV Office (MOPIC) Smuggling In California Waters Waterways Management 12/24/2014 rev. 3 Page 1 of 7 2015 D-TRAIN WORKSHOPS SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Sunday Only QE Meeting (Private) Aviation Swim PDCA Meeting Aviation Safety Class Surface Operations Workshop SPECIAL ACTIVITIES______________________________ HOSPITALITY ROOM Come and enjoy fourth cornerstone time with fellow Auxiliarists. Catch up with old friends or meet new members wanting to learn more about what the Auxiliary is all about. Includes refreshments. NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION Learn about the many programs and opportunities to serve as a volunteer in the Coast Guard Auxiliary. This program will be presented in a two part one-hour workshop. The workshops will cover where to get uniforms, supplies and the information you will need to get a running start as a new member. Learn about the various sessions that would be beneficial to attend at D-Train. TEAM COORDINATION TRAINING An eight hour session and two four hour TCT sessions will be held on Friday, January 9th. Registration for DTrain and the class is mandatory and emails should be sent to: Patricia Swope at Patricia.C.Swope@uscg.mil for 8-Hour TCT or COMO Harry Jacobs kf6sgu@verizon.net at for the 4-Hour TCT. FLOTILLA COMMANDERS WORKSHOPS Session 1 Flotilla Commanders Meet the Gold Side District Leadership, DIRAUX Staff, and the Auxiliary District Leaders. In addition hear about the strategic plan for D11S. Also a primer on Uniforms and how to help you help your members to wear their uniforms properly and proudly. Session 2 Flotilla Commanders Tools to help develop flotilla members to aspire to become District Leaders for either Elected or Appointed District Positions. A new member Passport will be introduced. Session 3 Flotilla Commanders You will meet with some of the past Commodores, who will help you get a better understanding of the expectations of a Flotilla Commander and Vice Commander, and how to work with DIRAUX. 12/24/2014 rev. 3 Page 2 of 7 2015 D-TRAIN WORKSHOPS LOGISTICS TRACK: AUXILIARY FOOD SERVICES Overview of the training, missions & team member skills required to qualify and serve as an Auxiliary Food Services Specialist. AUXILIARY MUSIC PROGRAM The Coast Guard Auxiliary has recently authorized the formation of performing musical Concert and Marching Bands and Ensembles as one of our authorized missions. A new way to provide public affairs outreach – through Music, will be presented by Immediate Past Commodore Al Verdi. COMO Verdi will describe the new Auxiliary Music program and how it will be implemented in our district and nationwide. AUXINFO - INTRODUCTION to AUXINFO - For the NON-IS Officer Learn how to gain access and find information you want that has been submitted through AUXDATA. Learn various ways to retrieve, organize and print the information you need for managing your flotilla and programs. AUXINFO - ADVANCED AUXINFO - For the NON-IS Officer Learn advanced ways to retrieve, organize and print the information you need for managing your flotilla and programs. DIVERSITY Have you ever thought to use the Coast Guard Auxiliary’s Diversity Program to strengthen and build your flotilla? The Assistant District Staff Officer for Diversity will show you how the Diversity Program can become your flotillas business plan for member recruitment and retention. FINANCE The Finance Workshop is for both the Flotilla and Division Staff Officers. We will discuss the reports that must be completed annually and monthly. We will also communicate how new members’ dues are prorated and how the renewal dues process works. If time permits an open forum will be held on how to protect your Flotilla/Division from fraud. LEGAL MATTERS This workshop presents a full review of the legal obligations and responsibilities of members in the Auxiliary from personal conduct to participating in the many programs available to Auxiliarists. SECURITY SCREENER CLASS I PSI Screener Update. Updated information for the Screener Technicians, including new checklist sheet and responsibilities of the screener. SECURITY SCREENER CLASS II PSI Practical. Proper method of doing prints with hands on practice. SOCIAL MEDIA IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS TODAY This introductory workshop covers Social Media strategies and best practices that will help you get the most out of your time, develop relationships, and grow your flotilla and division. Workshop will cover what social media marketing really is, why you should use it and how it works. 12/24/2014 rev. 3 Page 3 of 7 2015 D-TRAIN WORKSHOPS UNIFORMS AND PROTOCOL Although many Auxiliarists are aware of the differences between Auxiliary and active duty Coast Guard uniforms – the general public often does NOT! Due to the similar appearances of our uniforms, the public often mistakes us for active duty Coast Guard. The result is OUR appearance reflects on the publics view of the Coast Guard. This workshop focuses on the basic uniforms we use and how to wear them PROPERLY as a member of team Coast Guard. RESPONSE TRACK: AUXILIARY PWC PROGRAM This presentation focuses on the benefits and advantages of participating in the Auxiliary Personal Watercraft Operations Program. With the cost of owning and operating an Auxiliary Boat Facility continually increasing, PWCs can offer a less expensive alternative to participation in our surface operations program. Learn how to become PWC Operator qualified and its benefits to you and the Auxiliary. COXSWAINS & CREW – WHAT QEs WANT YOU TO KNOW Lean the key ingredients to a successful patrol. From getting orders to better understanding the policies that guide us. This presentation & round table answers the proverbial “How do I …?” DEPLOYABLE AUXILIARY RADIO TEAMS (DART) The District is developing a plan for Deployable Auxiliary Radio Teams to be used for emergencies, events, and exercises. Learn how this new program will work and how you can participate. INTRODUCTION ENHANCED BOAT CREW FIRST AID Join Herb Haas for an overview of first aide procedures for on-the-water incidents. Review current Coast Guard policies regarding administering firs aid, what types of first aid training are available and where to go to get the training you need. NOTE: THIS IS NOT A CERTIFICATION COURSE. RADIO COMMUNICATIONS This class will demonstrate some of the new technologies being used in the radio field. There will be opportunities to practice some of the new technologies hands-on. Newer members who are new to the area of radio usage may find this class beneficial. RESILIENT LEADERSHIP Resilient leadership is the term used to describe those leadership behaviors that help others withstand crisis, and adapt or rebound from adversity. In this short workshop we will review the core components of resilient leadership and discuss ways to avoid the deadly sins of crisis leadership. We will review USCG Aux scenarios to help illustrate these leadership principles. 12/24/2014 rev. 3 Page 4 of 7 2015 D-TRAIN WORKSHOPS PREVENTION TRACK: COMMERCIAL FISHING VESSEL SAFETY An overview of the Marine Safety Fishing Vessel program. The dockside examination program involves a nonthreatening, non-adversarial inspection by qualified Coast Guard and Auxiliary individuals to help fisherman bring their vessels into full compliance with all federal regulation. The examination is strictly for the benefit of the fishermen. Learn the details of the program and how to get involved. CALIFORNIA DOCK WALKERS The primary purpose of the Dockwalkers training program is to educate and motivate boaters to engage in environmentally sound boating. By talking “face-to-face” to boaters at docks, launch ramps, and other waterfront areas, Dockwalkers have demonstrated their ability to motivate behavior change in the boating community. MARINE SAFETY OVERVIEW Learn how to become active augmenting active duty Coast Guard units by participating in one of the many Marine Safety programs. Workshop will include an overview of the Trident program and the Personal Qualification Standard (PQS) available to Auxiliary members leading to the award of the Trident device. MEMBER TRAINING – The Training Compendium Do you sometimes wonder how do you get the training you need to effectively participate in Auxiliary missions? There are a number of training resources (manuals, websites, classes, etc.) available to every member – But where do you start? And where do you find out about them? The training compendium is the answer to that need. Learn to use this simple aid to find the training you want! NAVIGATION SYSTEMS WORKSHOP The Navigation Systems program will provide an overview of the new Aid Verify PQS (Personal Qualification Standard) for new aid verifiers Learn all about the new PQS and updates for the year. It’s all about helping people get home safely. PROGRAM VISITOR WORKSHOP The Program Visitor program will help your flotilla as well as help the community. Learn how to make your program visits more productive. The ADSO-PV will show you how to create an effective partnership with the local boating community that will foster flotilla growth and help educate the boating public. PUBLIC EDUCATION WORKSHOP Hear about new and exciting ways of teaching Public Education classes. Learn ways to reach the public and get them interested in boating courses. Discussion will include current programs available to members to help instructors become more proficient and improved means of presenting class materials. VESSEL EXAMINATION WORKSHOP What’s in the new manual and what to wear (Personal Protective Equipment) during your examinations. There have been some changes in the VE manual. Learn all about them. Also learn a little about the Uninspected Passenger Examiner Program. 12/24/2014 rev. 3 Page 5 of 7 2015 D-TRAIN WORKSHOPS VISUAL AIDES FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION TRAINING Join Ralph Steffen for a presentation on the innovative tools he uses to teach Public Education classes. Over many years, Mr. Steffen has developed a number of visual aids and devices to help the student better understand safe boating concepts. See how you can add easy to make visual aids that will really make your next PE class stand out from others. COAST GUARD TRACK: AUXILIARY PATROLS – ORDER MANAGEMENT Presented by the Order Issuing Authorities (OIA) of Sector Los Angeles – Long Beach and Sector San Diego, this presentation will cover important information you need to know to make your next Auxiliary patrol successful. Topics to include: Using the new AUXDATA Order Management System, Damage Claims and proper uniforms. AIR STATION OPERATIONS We see them flying in the air and work with them on the water, but how does a Coast Guard Air Station really work? Hear active duty Coast Guard from Air Station Los Angeles present what it is like to work at a Coast Guard Air Station. How to they train? What kind of missions do they fly? And what is it like to be a Coast Guard aviator, flight mechanic or rescue swimmer? CAL-BOATING – The New State Laws You may have heard by now the state of California will be moving to mandatory boating education to be phased in over the next several years. Come hear the details how what’s in the new law and how the implementation will eventually require California boaters to have safe boating education. This is a must workshop for Public Education instructors! HOMELAND SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS 101 Description to Come USCG Motion Picture & T.V. Office (MOPIC) Have you ever wondered how a Coast Guard Cutter or Helo ends up in a television show or movie? It doesn’t just happen. It’s a very complicated process. MOPIC representatives are going to explain the process and talk about the exciting TV shows & movies that the Coast Guard has appeared in. This is something you’re not going to want to miss! SMUGGLING IN COASTAL CALIFORNIA Transnational criminal organizations smuggle narcotics, primarily marijuana but also methamphetamine and cocaine via maritime conveyance--both in open hulled "pangas" and in non-descript pleasure craft. Smuggling activity occurs every day of the year from Mexico and stretching all the way up the California Coast as far as San Francisco and possibly further. Coast Guard Auxiliary units can assist with countering this smuggling activity by being alert for indicators of smuggling and reporting that activity to the USCG and local authorities. 12/24/2014 rev. 3 Page 6 of 7 2015 D-TRAIN WORKSHOPS WATERWAYS MANAGEMENT: What's nice to know, and what you really need to know! Presented by the USCG Sector Los Angeles Waterways Management Division. This workshop will discuss and answer a variety of Waterways topics such as nuts and bolts on Auxiliary support for Ports and Waterways Management, Waterway Analysis Studies, Marine Events, and emphasis on how the CG Auxiliary is vital to CG Mission success as well as just being in the know on Waterways issues. If it happens on the water, then Waterways Management is most likely involved. Come join in on an informative presentation and Q&A session. SUNDAY (Only Sessions) SURFACE OPERATIONS WORKSHOP A very important workshop for all Boat Crew, Coxswain, non-Coxswain facility owners, and PWC operator. Information will include the latest in operations from our Operations and Training Officer and DSO-Operations. AVIATION SWIM The prerequisite of a current FAA third (or higher) class medical certificate or a completed Auxiliary Flight Crew Medical Screening Form must be met by all participants. A copy of those forms will be inspected prior to the swim. The training will include the emergency egress training, 75 yard swim with entry into a waterborne life raft and a CRM/ORM class. AVIATION - CREW RESOURCE MANAGEMENT/OPERATIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT The prerequisite of a current FAA third (or higher) class medical certificate or a completed Auxiliary Flight Crew Medical Screening Form must be met by all participants. A copy of those forms will be inspected prior to the swim. FOR THE LATEST CLASS AND CONFERENCE INFORMATION VISIT THE DISTRICT WEBSITE AT http://dtrain.d11s.org/ 12/24/2014 rev. 3 Page 7 of 7
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