November/December 2014 Volume 16, Issue 10 OPAWL Newsletter President’s Message Newsletter Deadline for January is December 20th Publisher/Editor ~ Michelle Pettit Williams Proofing ~ Nancy Madrid Electronic Distribution ~ Jana Shuler & Michelle Pettit Williams Inside this issue: The Inside Story 2 Membership 2 Christmas Party 2 Our Website 2 Calendar 3 Sections 3 Board Meeting Minutes + Financials 4 Hot Trotters 6 Beverly’s House 7 Arena Events 7 At this Thanksgiving time I want to thank all the members of the OPAWL for making our organization so wonderful. It is my pleasure to know all of you and to share in our mission for Community, Philanthropy and Friendship in OPA. Thank you to Peggy Hartley, and President Kathy Manulkin the entire committee who made our General Meeting Luncheon and talk by Dr. Stephen H. Fink, such a success. I, myself, really enjoyed seeing so many members together. Thank you to Connie Bowin and the Hot Trotters for the Gymkhana held on October 26th. May you all enjoy this season of Thanksgiving with gratitude for all the gifts you have in your life. We will be putting up the Christmas wreaths on November 22nd, if you can help please call Kathy Manulkin, Lori Di Gangi or Lynn Canton. We will also be organizing our storage bin that day and can use your cleaning talents. We invite members only, and their significant others, to an Orange Park Acres Women League Social the night of December 12th at the home of Emilia and Darren Sugiyama. This will be a potluck dinner. We invite you to bid on silent auction items, with the proceeds going to the Christmas wishes of the girls of Beverly’s House. We will have an ornament decoration station and other surprises! Look for the information on our web-site December 21st will the Caroling on Horseback led by Connie Bowin and crew. Plan on being outside to hear the beautiful singing, see the horses decked out for Christmas and share treats with all. Happy 2015 and plan on many fun and worthwhile activities this new year. Kathy Manulkin 714-767-5771 Next Board Meetings The Next OPAWL Regular Board Meeting Our regular Board Meeting in November will be held on Wednesday, November 12th at 7 pm at the home of Annette Mason, 20212 Rogers Drive, OPA. Our regular Board Meeting in December will be held on Wednesday, December 10th at 7 pm at the home of Donna Aidekman, 7643 E Twinleaf Trail, Broadmoor. Page 2 OPAWL Newsletter Membership The Inside Story Sunshine November Birthdays 8th 10th 11th 13th 26th Ava Roberts, Michelle Pettit Williams and Debbie Kiepfer are all battling cancer and winning. Send them your best wishes for recovery! Let me know if anyone else needs a little sunshine in their lives and I’ll provide some on behalf of OPAWL! Volume 16, Issue 10 Karen Grecco Noreen Bryce Gruebl Ruth Lundring Snover Uppal Laura Thomas Rita Guarriello Donna Aidekman December Birthdays 2nd 6th 10th 11th Annette Mason Suzanne Seegers Christy Cormack Becky Shiley Julie Hyde 17th Julie Shaw 25th Joel Lynn Kelly 29th Midge Kennedy Emily Neubert Noreen Bryce Gruebl 714-633-3190 ~ A big THANK YOU to everyone who has renewed their OPAWL Membership for the 2014 - 2015 year. We now have over 100 members! We are excited about our new pocket size Directory that we plan to have out by the first part of December. November 12th is the final day to renew your membership and be included in the Directory. So...if you have procrastinated....Renew NOW! Laurel Baker, Membership VP 714-289-0270 Our Website Over the past few years, many people have worked long hours to get our WEBSITE set up, then cleaned up and easy to use. A huge Thank You to all of them. OPAWL Christmas Party By Jana Shuler ....Christmas around the World....each of our heritage’s...what heritage’s are represented at Beverly’s House?? My Grandma would make Rouladen for special dinners which is a pounded flat iron steak rolled up with onion, pickle relish and bacon inside. It was my Grandpa’s favorite meal when accompanied with a large mound of mashed potatoes and gravy of course. What’s YOUR favorite family recipe????? Let’s get together and share the fabulous smells, delicious tastes, dear friends, great company and lots of fun! WHEN? Friday December 12, 2014 6:30 pm ~ Cocktails 7 pm ~ Pot Luck Dinner WHERE? Sugiyama Hacienda 11192 Meads Ave, OPA Watch for your E-vite! Our Webmaster these past few months has been Stacy Bass of Select Web Solutions. She too has worked many long hours and we are very pleased to announce that is now up to date! Do yourself a FAVOR and spend some time looking at the website. You will most likely see your picture in the brand new photo gallery! Can’t find the email with the newest Newsletter in your Inbox? Want to check something on one from a few months ago? The OPAWL Newsletters are available on the site, plus announcements of upcoming events. And, of course, the Membership page is easy to use to renew or join online or by mail. Take time to read the About Us page. Lois Powers has updated that information and you will learn a lot about our group. Also of interest is the Sections page. You can learn what all are sections are up to and how to contact the leader if you are interested in that group. Have fun exploring!! ---------------------------------------------------------------WE NEED PICTURES Send us your pictures.... When you take photos at an OPAWL event or activity, please email them to: This way they can be used on our Website and in our Newsletter! Sending them as attachments is preferred. OPAWL Newsletter Volume 16, Issue 10 Page 3 ~ Calendar ~ OPAWL activities are in Black, OP Association activities in Orange, Mara Brandman Arena activities in Blue, and various “Holidays” in Green Sections News 3rd Monday Bridge ~ Marcia Hogie, 714-273-0492 ~ We will meet on Monday, November 17th at Coco’s on Newport Ave in Tustin. Call Marcia for time. Dark for December. Beginning Bridge ~ Great New Open Group! Call Rose Ellen Cunningham, 714532-1326 or Annette Mason, 714-538-4683 Here’s your chance if you want to learn to play Bridge. Call these ladies! We meet the 3rd Thursday of every month at the home of Annette Mason, 20212 Rogers Drive. We will meet on Thursday, November 20th. Dark in December. Bunco ~ Linda Mazzara, 714-633-9079 ~ Bunco is held on the 3rd Friday of each month at 7 pm. Enjoy friendship, along with appetizers and dessert for the low low entry fee of $10 per player. The game is easy to learn and we have LOTS of FUN! Dark in November & December. Fiber Arts Section Pam Sapetto, 714-815-7771 All things related to knitting, crochet, spinning, weaving and other fiber related activities. We meet the 3rd Saturday of every month. On Sections Coordinator ~ Sheree Haavik or 714-633-4054 November 15th & December 20th, we will meet at 10 am at Pam Sapetto’s home, 20162 E. Chapman Ave. Contact Pam for more info. We welcome beginners to those with advanced skills! To help with the maintenance of Pony Park our Corner Beautification Project - Please contact Ruth Lundring 714-932-8864 or Lois Widly 714-633-0836 to join our volunteer team! Gad-A-Bouts ~ Coordinator Judy Denton, 714-639-7515, We will be dark for November & December. Hot Trotters ~ Connie Bowin, 714-369-4072, We are the “horsey” Section of OPAWL! Watch for emails for fun events planned! We had a Halloween themed Play Day Gymkhana at the Mara Brandman Arena on October 26th. Galloping Gourmet We need a new Leader! Rita has retired from heading up this Section. If interested, contact Sheree Haavik (see above). Home & Garden Section ~ Rose Ellen Cunningham, 714-532-1326 ~ Change of Date for a Special Thanksgiving Event! We will meet Thursday, November 6th at the home of Lois Widly, 11155 Meads Ave. $15 deposit buys most of your supplies including the pumpkin & succulents for this cute centerpiece for your Thanksgiving table. Sunday, December 21st at 2 pm, there will be Christmas Caroling in OPA on horseback and the horses will be decorated! Don’t miss it. Kids & Family Club ~ Teresa Beach, 714-501-7840, or Lois Widly, 714-633-0836, Neighborhood social activities for kids and their families. Literature ~ Kathy Manulkin, 714-639-8686, We meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 7 to 8 pm but will be dark for November & December. We will be discussing Killing Patton by Bill O’Reilly for January. Walking for Fitness ~ Donna Aidekman, 714-356-6545, Meet us at 7 pm each Monday at the corner of Meads Ave and Morada Drive at the Anita Bennyhoff bench for an hour walk. Come out and join us as we enjoy seeing friends and talking up a storm :- ) Hire the best. Pay them fairly. Communicate frequently. Provide challenges and rewards. Believe in them. Get out of their way and they'll knock your socks off. Mary Ann Allison American scholar and futurist Page 4 OPAWL Newsletter Volume 16, Issue 10 Board Minutes—September 2014 ORANGE PARK ACRES WOMEN’S LEAGUE BOARD MEETING September 10, 2014 The regular Board Meeting was called to order by President, Kathy Manulkin, at 7:00 p.m. Elected Officers present: President First Vice President VP – Membership VP – Ways and Means VP – Communications Treasurer Recording Secretary Kathy Manulkin Lorrie DiGangi Laurel Baker Connie Bowin Michelle Pettit-Williams Donna Aidekman Nancy Madrid Appointed Officers, Committee Chairs and others present: Sheree Haavik, Peggy Hartley, B.J. Reich, Suzette Slater Minutes: Minutes of the June 11 Board meeting and August 22 Board retreat were unanimously approved as presented. Treasurer’s Report: Donna Aidekman presented the treasurer’s report which reflects a balance on hand of $18,627.35 as of August 17 which does not include approximately $500 owed on web site revisions to date or regular August financial expenses. Checks will be presented at the membership social to SCC for the 2015 scholarship, and our past year contributions to Beverly’s House, OPA and OPA-ETC. Membership: Laurel Baker has set a goal to have our new directory out by Christmas. Any revisions must be submitted not later than November 12th. The new directory will be a more compact, purse sized edition. COMMUNICATIONS Web Site: Laurel advised everyone to take a look at the changes that have been made to date to the web site and particularly to the Membership section where you can now either renew on-line and pay dues through Pay Pal or download and print the form to mail with your check. Upcoming modifications are being made to include past newsletters, information on events and current photographs. Constant Contact: Michelle Williams and Jana Shuler are maintaining this program for our newsletter and group reminders and have recently updated the membership information. Michelle had copies of the updated list. Page 5 OPAWL Newsletter V o l u m e 1 6 , I sP su ae g e1 5 0 Board Minutes—September 2014 (continued) Facebook: Mandy Morales has done a great job on updating our Facebook page. COMMUNITY Membership Social: Thursday, September 25th is the date for the membership social to be held at Michelle Williams’ home. Evites have been sent out to members and contact has been made with new homeowners from information provided by Chris McKeen. Laurel distributed event flyers and a sign-up sheet was passed around for helpers. B.J. is phoning to invite inactive members, Emilia Sugiyama will take photos. The event will start at 5 pm with a meet and greet, followed by dinner at 6. General Meeting: Peggy Hartley has made arrangements to host a general membership luncheon meeting at The Villa on Katella Avenue, with Villa Park Catering providing the food at a cost of $26 per person including tax and tip. They will require a $300 deposit to reserve. The purpose of the luncheon will be to promote membership and the program will include a speaker. Peggy was authorized to move ahead with the plans and to confirm a date for this luncheon meeting. Motion: Connie Bowin, seconded by B.J. Reich – unanimously carried. We briefly discussed also having a Christmas luncheon or party. PHILANTHROPY No discussion this month. OTHER BUSINESS Connie Bowin advised us that the Hot Trotters group has “fizzled” a little because of the lack of a leader but they are trying to schedule a Gymkhana event at the arena for October which will be planned by Bonnie Boone. We will be asking for volunteers to help clean out and organize the storage unit in December after the wreaths have been hung. Sheree Haavik will provide information on our Sections at the membership dinner. The next Board Meeting will be held on October 8th at Connie Bowin’s home. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Madrid Recording Secretary Page 6 OPAWL Newsletter Volume 16, Issue 10 Hot Trotter’s Play Day Gymkhana Photos by Kathy Manulkin Hot Trotters Annual Gymkhana/Omoksee was a BrewHAHA! Gymkhana: an equestrian event consisting of speed pattern racing and timed games for riders on horses. Omoksee: a term derived from a Native American phrase meaning “games on horseback. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon on October 26th. Riders started to gather to plan and compete with each other at the Mara Brandman Arena. It looked like we had six contestants, but they just coming and then we were eleven. We played musical stalls, serpentined around four poles, attempted to keep the green witches brew in our champagne glasses as we trotted to the finish, barrel raced with pumpkins, and had our horses bob for apples, etc. Debbie Kiepfer took first place on her long-eared Joey and was awarded a beautiful leatherworks pouch donated by Joanne Pritts. Inside it was a $50 gift certificate to Morton’s Steakhouse donated by Kathy Manulkin. Karen Grecco on her horse, Romeo, earned second place. She took home a $75 gift basket made by a former Hot Trotter, Julie Shaw and horse treats donated by Andrea at Foothill Feed. Nancy Johnson finished third on Frankie. She took home a $50 Cabi gift certificate donated by Donna Aidekman. Special thanks to those who helped with the event: Bruce Williams, Mike Shiley, Jim McElroy and Lynn Canton. It was a great event for us to get together and just play together with our horses. We are going to have a lot more fun in the coming year. Our planning meeting will be November 6th at the Cormack Cottage. Evites to follow. Brouhaha: a skirmish amongst people (and horses). Lets skirmish some more! Connie Bowin, Head Trotter Grim Reaper Chris Richardson, Shear Attitude Nancy Johnson & Witch Connie Bowin Bobbing for Apples—Equestrian Style Reserve Winner—Karen Grecco & Romeo Overall Winner—Debbie Kiepher & Joey Page 7 OPAWL Newsletter V o l u m e 1 6 , I sP su ae g e1 7 0 Arena Events First Steps at Beverly’s House by Lori DiGangi Beverly’s House is part of the Rising Tide Communities. It is a transitional housing program for emancipated foster youth who are at least 18 years old. The purpose of the program is to provide motivated young people with affordable housing and supportive services to help them make a successful transition to independence. Most kids who age out of the foster care program have nowhere to go and no one to turn to who doesn’t want something from them. Many get involved in prostitution, drug abuse and homelessness. One of the young ladies living at Beverly’s House is 19 years old. She grew up in Los Angeles County. She was heavily involved in gang life as early as 10 or 11 years of age. She was taken away from a neglectful mother at approximately 10 years old and placed in various group homes. She consistently ran away from each group home and while “on the streets” was taken advantage of and sexually trafficked by various men during her adolescence and teen years. While living in a group home in L.A. County she met a mentor. This same mentor has been working with her since she was 14 years old and is the only “healthy” adult consistent in her young life. She calls him “Pops”. Throughout all these years her mentor continued to help her and finally was able to bring her to Beverly’s House in Orange County so she would be away from her previous life and the people she knew and associated with. She has been living at Beverly’s House for 18 months. It has not always been smooth sailing. She has her ups and downs. In the early days she would disappear for days, use drugs, spend all her money and drop her classes. As time went on she made concrete advances. She is learning how to choose wisely between her “wants” verses her “needs”. She has begun to see the big picture and is now on a consistently forward path. Her accomplishments in just 18 months include: graduation from high school, enrolling in Orange Coast College and taking classes for three semesters, securing a job as a server in a local restaurant. She has received good grades in the classes that she finished and enjoys her current job. She is saving for a car and is almost at her goal. In the next few months she will be moving forward in the program by moving into a Rising Tides Community apartment. The girls usually spend one year in the main house at Beverly’s House then move to a Beverly’s House small apartment in the rear of the main house. After the first 18 months, the girls are able to move to the Community apartments for 1-2 years giving them about 3 to 3 1/2 years of structure, support systems and guidance to prepare them for independent adult life. They learn to make a budget, pay rent, save money, cook and do their laundry among other skills. Beverly’s House staff keeps the school and work schedules for each girl and reviews their progress on a weekly basis. At present, there are 5 girls living in the main house and 3 in the rear apartment. The girls’ school tuition is paid for by the Federal Government because they have been in foster care. They also receive financial aid as long as they are in school and maintaining passing grades. If they fail or drop out they are quickly cut off from their financial aid. Some girls are also eligible for monthly support from the Federal Government. From their jobs and the government support they receive, they budget money for their rent, food and other necessary living expenses. The OPAWL Christmas party will include fund raising raffles for Beverly’s House - a really important and worthy philanthropic project dear to us at OPAWL for many years. Please, plan to attend the party on December 12th. Orange Park Acres Women’s League P.O. Box 2696 Orange, CA 92859 Contact Us At:
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