TO LET JUNCTION 15A, M1 • NORTHAMPTON SV 460 SV 530 SV 460 - 40,600 SQ FT (3,771 SQ M) SV 530 - 30,000 SQ FT (2,787 SQ M) THE PREMIER BUSINESS LOCATION ON THE M1 SV 530 Specification WAREHOUSE 27,000 sq ft (2,508 sq m) warehouse space gross internal area 8m to underside of haunch 15% roof lights 1,000 lbs/sq ft (50 kN/sq m) floor loading Four level access loading doors Secure yard - 35m depth OFFICE 3,000 sq ft (279 sq m) office space gross internal area Raised floors Male, female and disabled toilet facilities to each floor 68 car parking spaces SV 530 SV 510 Ground floor plan First floor plan Elevations E S N PA DE SA LI DI ST RI BU TI ON PO ND GH HI 4m E 2. NC FE PI NE HA M FL OW SV 460 Specification G E TIN E IS T R EX RN BE D O E T H T O AIN T RE 8 R PA RK IN G 4m 2. WAREHOUSE 36,300 sq ft (3,372 sq m) warehouse space gross internal area 8.5m to underside of haunch 15% roof lights 1,000 lbs/sq ft (50 Kn/sq m) floor loading Dock and level access loading doors Secure yard minimum 35m depth CA N∞ GH HI PA R D R CA G N∞ IN 5 ARK P A SW BO AN V UN AL DA LE RY Y AR E NC M FE CO BA IE RR R E TY RI CU E IC SE S V DE SA LI Y R 2 2 L VE L E SS N∞ CE AC TY RI CU ES SE GAT CK S DO ER N∞ LL VE LE P IN E H SV 460 A M S D AY A RY DA UN BO ZO NE O 50 m R W GH HI K W IN NE L OFFICE 4,300 sq ft (399 sq m) office space gross internal area Raised floors Male, female and disabled toilet facilities to each floor 40 Car parking spaces 27 D C Ground floor plan 40,600 sq ft inc. 4,300 sq ft of offices Description Swan Valley extends to approximately 210 acres benefiting from consent for 2,100,000 sq ft of B1/B2/B8, a hotel and ancillary accommodation adjacent to junction 15a of the M1 motorway and is regarded by many to be the M1’s premier business location. To date Morrisons, Levi Strauss, Carlsberg, Tetley and Outdoor Group have all committed to major new facilities at the scheme. Morley and Astral have recently obtained detailed planning for the next phases of development on sites 300, 400 and 500 which can accommodate units from 30,000 240,000 sq ft. CA N∞ First floor plan Elevations n o r t h w e s t e l e v a t io n s o u t h e a s t e l e v a t io n O B R PA R RK I IN G V SP E AC ES KE R BI LTE E SH AY W GH S H I ES W C N E AC Sat Nav NN4 9BA M1 J15a Rotherthorpe Services SV 310 The Big Swan SV 100 W.M. Morrison Swan Office Village Levi Strauss Carlsberg SV 510 240,000 SQ FT W.M. Morrison SV 530 30,000 SQ FT SV 460 40,600 SQ FT The Outdoor Group TWO NEW PRODUCTION/ WAREHOUSE/ DISTRIBUTION UNITS CITIES Birmingham Nottingham London Reading Coventry Bristol MILES 54 66 68 105 33 73 TIMES 1 hrs 0 mins 1 hrs 10 mins 1 hrs 20 mins 2 hrs 0 mins 0 hrs 40 mins 1 hrs 20 mins Terms Upon application. Viewing For further information please contact joint sole agents. A development by: Source AA Route Planner As a responsible landlord, Morley Fund Management has regard to the recommendations of the voluntary Code of Practice for Commercial Leases in England and Wales. If you are professionally represented, you should ask your advisor for a copy. Alternatively, the document can be found at North Rae Sanders and CBRE for themselves and for vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are give notice that, (1) The particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of the intending purchasers or lesser and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract. (2) All descriptions, dimensions, or references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, but any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of facts but satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of them. (3) No person in the employment of North Rae Sanders and CBRE or any joint agents has any authority to give any representative or warranty whatever the relation to this property. All rentals and prices are quoted exclusive of VAT. Subject to contract. Details prepared 10/08. Designed and produced by Barques Design. Tel: 0121 233 2080 RICHARD LORD: KENNY ALLAN: ROBERT RAE: ANDREW JACKSON:
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