ROLLING THUNDER®, INC. CHAPTER 4 TENNESSEE PO Box 220 Mountain Home, TN 37684 423-329-3151 “When one American is not worth the effort to be found, we as Americans have lost!” November 1, 2014 RTTN-4 Officers Pres: Alan Sipe 423-329-3151, VP: Vacant, Sec: Kay Nave 423-342-1498, Treas: Traci Fisher 423-483-4947 Board Members Chairman: Bob Rambo(2016) 423-276-8368, John Andes(2015) 423-282-2515, Susan Andrews(2015) 423-282-6020, Tom Correll(2016) 423-483-2341, Angie Grissom(2015) 423-676-1628, Will Hardy(2016) 423-440-1870 Spencer Nave(2015) 423-213-7919, Chuck Richardson(2016) 423-342-6162, Charlie Smith(2016) 423-543-7218, alt(2): Bill Hunt 423-928-4928(2015), alt(1): Tom Hill 423-946-0270(2015) VOLUME 12, ISSUE 11 November 2014, NEWSLETTER Chairmans Report: The month of October was a very busy month for our chapter, with sixteen events. I want to thank everyone who was involved in making each and every event extremely well attended. Our poppy donations at the Greeneville, Tenn. Walmart was a super success, our welcome home ride to welcome our troops back up in Marion, Va. was appreciated by all, and our empty chair dedication in Lebanon, Va. was a great event. The month of November will be no different, as we have many upcoming events. Several of us will be leaving for our national conference in Washington and I know things are well covered here at home. Thank each of you in advance for stepping up and representing your chapter. I also want to make a report to the chapter about our new partnership with Wreaths Across America, in the last two weeks we have ordered over 200 wreaths for our VA cemetery in Mountain Home,Tenn. We have until Thanksgiving to complete this year's orders, let's keep up the good work. I wish each of you a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving, enjoy the turkey and trimmings. The COB From the President As you can see on the schedule below, a very busy November awaits us. Please join us at any event you are able to attend. Thanks to those filling in for the regulars ... especially during the National Conference. Our mission at the Community Living Center, CLC (previous called the VA Nursing Home) will slowly be closed. Their function has been changed to a short-term care facility. Rehab only. Poker nights will cease after December and it has yet to be determined what will happen with the ice cream/pizza socials. The remaining long term care clients will stay until they complete their time at the facility. Please notice that our December meeting will be on Saturday evening the 6th at 6 pm. An abbreviated meeting will be followed by a pot luck dinner with turkey and ham provided. Please sign up at the next meeting or by email/phone to Gail Hughes, or 423-6386122. Warm Regards, Alan NOVEMBER Birthdays (and may you have many more) 1-Angela Johnson 8-Jane Hensley 14-Terry Evans 26-Earl Leonard 2-John Abe Teague 4-Blake Brooks 5-Donna Adams 4-Roy Fisher 9-Roy Livingston 10-Jeff Kilbourn 11-Jay Grubb 12-Chuck Elrod 14-Bill Horn 17-Danny Johnson 22-Michael Strickland 23-Lisa Hall MISSION STATEMENT: “THE MAJOR FUNCTION OF ROLLING THUNDER®, INC. IS TO PUBLICIZE THE POW-MIA ISSUE; TO EDUCATE THE PUBLIC THAT MANY AMERICAN PRISONERS OF WAR WERE LEFT BEHIND AFTER ALL PREVIOUS WARS, AND TO HELP CORRECT THE PAST, AS WELL AS TO PROTECT FUTURE VETERANS FROM BEING LEFT BEHIND, SHOULD THEY BECOME PRISONERS OF WAR OR MISSING IN ACTION. WE ARE ALSO COMMITTED TO HELPING AMERICAN VETERANS FROM ALL WARS.” UPCOMNG 2014 RTTN4 EVENTS: PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW ! NOVEMBER 1---(SATURDAY) Ex-POW Luncheon at noon at Shoney's JC. Be there NLT 11:45. (The exPOW's have decided to continue their luncheon with RTTN4 on a month by month basis.) 2---(SUNDAY) Day Light Savings Time ends. 2---(SUNDAY) Keystone FW Baptist Church in JC, Veteran's Day Service. 11-noon svc, with Table Ceremony, Roll Call, TAPS and a complimentary meal afterwards. Ceremonial dress. Stage at Bojangle's, State of Franklin Rd. in JC, next to ETSU at 9:45 am. Depart at 10:15. 3---(MONDAY) November Board Meeting at Perkins in JC at 6:30 pm. 6-8---(THURSDAY-SATURDAY) Rolling Thunder National Conference, Washington, DC 6---(THURSDAY) POKER NIGHT at the V.A. CLC at 7:00-8:30 pm. Be there NLT 6:45 pm. 8---(SATURDAY) Bristol Veterans' Day Parade. Start time 10 am. Line-up on Morrison Blvd. Stage at McDonald's in Piney Flats. Stage NLT 8 am, depart at 8:15. Casual Dress. Weather permitting. 9---(SUNDAY) Doe River Baptist Church, Eliza, past drive-in on Avon Dr. off of US 321. 9 Nov 2014, 11 am for Veterans Day. Table Ceremony/Roll Call/TAPS. Ceremonial dress please. Stage at Bojangles in Elizabethton at 10 am. Depart at 10:30. POC: Juanita 423-647-1727. 9---(SUNDAY) Victory Baptist Church Veterans' Day service. 11 am. Stage at McDonald's in Piney Flats at 9:45 am, depart at 10 am. Table/Roll Call/TAPS. Ceremonial dress please. Fabulous meal to follow. POC: Danny Damron 423-538-5062. 10---(MONDAY) CLC PIZZA SOCIAL at 2 pm. Be there NLT 1:45 pm. 10---(MONDAY) Veterans Day Ceremony at the ETSU Quadrangle at 10 am. Stage at Bojangles in JC, near ETSU at 9 am with departure at 9:30 am. Table Ceremony only and the speaker system is required. Ceremonial dress is requested. Motorcycles only due to parking restrictions. 10---(MONDAY) Roan Highlands Nursing Center, Veterans Day, Table, Roll Call, TAPS at 10:45 am. Stage at Bojangles in Elizabethton at 9:30 am with departure at 10 am. Replacement flag if necessary. Ceremonial dress is requested. POC: Jodi Howald 423-772-0161 10—(MONDAY) CHAPTER MEETING at the American Legion on Watauga and G St. Eliza. 7 pm. 11---(TUESDAY) Veterans' Day. Flag raising and Table/Roll Call/TAPS at 10 am. Monte Vista Burial Park on Oakland Ave. in JC. Stage at McDonald's on Browns Mill Rd at 9 am with departure at 9:30. Ceremonial dress requested. Monte Vista has their POW/MIA flag to raise, may need lanyard clips. POC: Brenda 423-833-5235 11---(TUESDAY) Lakebridge Health Care Center. Table/Roll Call/TAPS at 2 pm. 115 Woodlawn Dr. Stage at McDonald's on W. Market St. in JC at 1 pm. Depart at 1:30 pm. Ceremonial dress requested. POC: Pandora Abbott 423-975-0095 x: 308. 12---(WEDNESDAY) John M. Reed Health and Rehab, Limestone, .5 miles behind Johnny's Mkt. Table/Roll Call/TAPS at 10:30 am. Stage at Hardee's in Jonesborough at 9:30 am and depart at 9:50. POC: Annette at 257-6122. 13---(THURSDAY) POKER NIGHT at the V.A. CLC at 7:00-8:30 pm. Be there NLT 6:45 pm. 15---(SATURDAY) VETERAN'S DAY ceremony at Black Wolf HD. Table, Roll Call and TAPS. Ceremonial dress for those participating in the ceremony. Staging to follow... 16---(SUNDAY) Empty Chair dedication at Damascus VA at 2 pm. Table, Roll Call, TAPS. Ceremonial dress please. Details to follow. 18---(TUESDAY) Thunder Night at 6:30 pm at the Eliza. AL. Menu TBA. 20---(THURSDAY) POKER NIGHT at the V.A. CLC at 7:00-8:30 pm. Be there NLT 6:45 pm. 27---(THURSDAY) Thanksgiving!!! DECEMBER 4---(THURSDAY) POKER NIGHT at the V.A. CLC at 7:00-8:30 pm. Be there NLT 6:45 pm. 6---(SATURDAY) Ex-POW luncheon at Shoney's in JC at noon. Be there NLT 11:45. 6---(SATURDAY) Junior Members Christmas Party at 2 pm at Chuck E. Cheese in JC. Please call Charlie Smith at 423-512-2176 if you plan on having your youngsters there. 6—(SATURDAY) Abbreviated CHAPTER MEETING and Christmas Party at the American Legion on Watauga and G St. Eliza. at 6 pm. Chinese Gift Exchange. Bring gift for a value up to $20. Also bring a side dish to go with the turkey and ham being provided. Sign up at the next meeting or contact Gail Hughes at or 423-638-6122. 7---(SUNDAY) Toys for Tots ride at Freedom Hall. Stage at 1 pm and depart at 2 pm. $10 donation or one new toy per rider. Ride is to the Gray Fairgrounds. 8---(MONDAY) Christmas Party in lieu of the CLC PIZZA SOCIAL at 2 pm. Be there NLT 1:45 pm. An expanded selection of food/goodies will be served. Presents will be handed out. 10---(WEDNESDAY) Wreaths Across America at the Walmart Distribution Center in Midway, TN at 8 am. Stage at Hardee's in Jonesborough with departure at 6:45 am. Table Ceremony and TAPS. Black and whites requested. 11---(THURSDAY) POKER NIGHT at the V.A. CLC at 7:00-8:30 pm. Be there NLT 6:45 pm. 13---(SATURDAY) Wreaths Across America ceremony at noon at the VA Cemetery entrance. 14---(SUNDAY) MANNA HOUSE Christmas Party at 4:30 pm. Be there NLT 4:15 pm. 18---(THURSDAY) POKER NIGHT at the V.A. CLC at 7:00-8:30 pm. Be there NLT 6:45 pm. 24---(WEDNESDAY) Christmas Eve at the Melting Pot at Munsey Methodist Church around 3:30/4 pm. Help feed the homeless of which many are Vets. Contact Alan via email/text/phone at or 423-329-3151. Deadline is 31 Oct to let me know 25---(THURSDAY) Merry Christmas!!! Left, Alan and Jeff receive a certificate of appreciation from Mayor Helms of Marion and the VFW Commander. We stop and perform ceremonies on the courthouse steps on our way to D.C. each Memorial Day. Right, our newest member, former Junior Member Catelyn Matthews, receives her Boot, Eagle/Rocker, from VP Tom Lowe as COB Bob Rambo looks on. Another Missing Man Chair was installed at the Veterans Memorial in Lebanon, Virginia. It is appropriately centered in the new memorial and was dedicated with a Table and Roll Call Ceremony as well as TAPS. All were performed by RTTN4 members. New member Danny Jordan receives a shadow box for the American Flag his family received at a recent burial of a loved one at the VA. These boxes are handmade by member Tom Lowe. The 760th Engineering Co. arrived in Marion Virginia on 24 Oct to a hero's welcome. They were escorted by RTTN4. After having seen them off last year to Afghanistan, it was great to see them all come home. Please see additional pictures on our Facebook site. PFC Cecil Harris died during WWII in Jan. 1945 during the Battle of the Bulge. His remains were repatriated with his family this past summer in Mountain City, TN and was finally laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery on 22 Oct 2014. RIP Committee Chairpersons 10/26/14 Ceremony & Event Participation Comm. Color Guard CaptainCommittal Flag CommitteeEducation Committee Event Scheduling CoordinatorFlag CoordinatorEx-POW Co-ChairEx-POW Co-ChairFundraising CommitteeFundraising CommitteeFundraising CommitteeFuneral Honor Guard CaptainGold Star Mothers CommitteeGold Star Mothers CommitteeHomeless Veterans CommitteeHomeless Veterans CommitteeJunior Membership CommitteeManna House CommitteeManna House CommitteeMedia Relations CommitteeMissing Man Chair CommitteeMissing Man Chair CommitteeMonetary Assistance CommitteeMonetary Assistance CommitteeMonetary Assistance CommitteeNew Membership Co-ChairNew Membership Co-ChairVA Community Living Center Committee- Alan Sipe Will Hardy Kay Nave Carl McCutcheon Alan Sipe Frankie Andrews Open Chuck Richardson Chuck Shelton Bill Hunt Bob Rambo Bob Rambo Susan Andrews Rocky Skelton Will Hardy Laurie Norris Charlie Smith Tom Lowe Vicky Lowe Kay Nave Open Frankie Andrews John Andes Traci Fisher Chuck Richardson Bob Rambo Angela Johnson Dave Willis 423-329-3151 423-440-1870 423-342-1498 423-647-7653 423-329-3151 423-791-4053 423-297-1330 423-741-6288 423-928-4929 423-276-8368 423-276-8368 423-282-6020 423-782-9542 423-480-1870 423-483-5421 423-512-2176 423-388-9160 423-388-8257 423-342-1498 423-791-4053 423-282-2515 423-483-4947 423-297-1330 423-276-8368 423-327-7881 423-429-5170 Project Leaders 9/26/14 Amber Project (co)Amber Project (co)Card CorrespondenceCo- ChaplainCo- ChaplainFlag InventoryGrant WriterGrant WriterNewsletter DistributorP.A. System/Speaker TransporterP.A. System/Speaker Transporter-Alt ParliamentarianProgressive DinnerRTTN4 Facebook Site Moderator“Run to the Wall” CoordinatorSales Table (co) Sales Table (co) Thunder Night Dinner CoordinatorThunder RunVA CLC SocialsVeterans Council RepresentativeVeterans Council RepresentativeWebmaster/Group EmailWebmaster/Group Email AssistantWebmaster/Group Updates Women’s Clothing ProjectWreaths Across America Beth Begley Laurie Norris P K Richardson Tom Lowe Jim Hughes Frankie Andrews Greg Battles Diane Cannon P.K. Richardson Tom Lowe Frankie Andrews Bob Rambo Alan Sipe Doug Grissom Kay Nave Terry/Jan Evans Steve/Lisa Gail Hughes Chuck Richardson Tom Correll Vacant Earl Leonard Dean Nash Kevin Dison Terry Evans P. K. Richardson Bob Rambo 423-914-3494 423-483-5421 423-297-1330 423-388-9160 423-638-6122 423-791-4053 423-747-8734 423-474-2138 423-297-1330 423-388-9160 423-791-4053 423-276-8368 423-329-3151 423-676-9028 423-342-1498 423-573-6439 423-794-7181 423-638-6122 423-297-1330 423-483-2341 423-341-5371 423-477-4014 423-612-6991 423-573-6439 423-297-1330 423-276-8368
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