G S Link to Leaders irl

Link to Leaders
News and Updates for Leaders and Volunteers
of Southern Illinois
New Outdoor Badges Coming in Fall 2015!
November 2014
GSSI’s Link to Leaders provides
vital information and program updates each month that Leaders and
volunteers will find helpful for
creating a great Girl Scout experience for girls in Southern Illinois.
Send comments, photos, story
ideas and feedback to Erin Johnson, LTL editor at 800.345.6858 or
by e-mail at ejohnson@gsofsi.org.
Villie M. Appoo
Chief Executive Officer
Jay Strobel
Chief Communications Officer
Tricia Higgins
Exciting News! Girl Scouts will offer NEW OUTDOOR BADGES starting in Fall
2015 and girls decide what those badges will be!
During phase one, which runs Oct. 31-Nov. 30, girls pick between categories Outdoor
Adventure, Outdoor Environment and Outdoor Recreation. During phase two, which
runs from Dec. 1-31, girls will vote on specific topics within the category with the most
votes. The badges are scheduled to be announced on March 12, 2015 and will be ready
by “Back to Troop” time next year! Read more in this issue of Link to Leaders!
 Go to Online Voting at http://bit.ly/1sS9nBA.
Inside this issue of Link to Leaders:
Communications Manager
Erin Johnson
Editor, Link to Leaders
Girl Scouts of
Southern Illinois
Corporate Service Center
#4 Ginger Creek Parkway
Glen Carbon, IL 62034
Regional Service Center
4102 S. Water Tower Place
Mt.Vernon, IL 62864
Girl Scouts to Offer New Outdoor Badges!
GSSI Attends 2014 Girl Scout Convention
Girl Scout Product Program Update
Invite a Friend Campaign Rewards Recruiting New K-5 Leaders!
Local & National Girl Scout News
GSSI Council Shop Update
Program Updates
Girl Scouts Around the Council & Around the Council in Photos
Girl Scout Mission:
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage
courage,, confidence, and
character, who make the world a better place!
P roud P a r t n e r
Visit our website at:
www.gsofsi.org 1
Girls Will Choose New Outdoor Badges to Be Introduced in 2015
Girl Scouts will offer new outdoor badges starting in Fall 2015 and girls will decide what those badges will
be through an online survey conducted by Girl Scouts of the USA. The voting process will include one phase
(Oct. 31-Nov. 30) that allows girls to choose a category of interest and a second phase (Dec. 1-31) when girls
select a more specific topic. Badges will be announced March 12, 2015 and will be available by that fall. This
particular survey applies to Daisies-Seniors. In past surveys, Ambassadors had distinct preferences and their
interests are going to be studied separately.
Volunteers and parents should help younger Girl Scouts share their vote. For girls without internet access,
volunteers can collect girls’ preferences and enter them in the online survey. There is no limit to how many
times a girl can vote. Please help girls’ voices be heard!
 Go to online voting at http://bit.ly/1sS9nBA.
GSSI Attends 2014 Girl Scout Convention
More than 20 delegates, girl members, adult volunteers, alumnae and staff represented GSSI at the 2014 Girl Scout
Convention. This year’s convention, which is held every three years, was Oct. 16-19 in Salt Lake City. The event
featured speakers, entertainers, exhibitions, learning sessions and more. Delegates from each Girl Scout council also
participated in the National Council session, during which the National Board and National Board Development Committee was selected, proposals were discussed and acted upon and a report on the state of Girl Scouting was delivered.
Also taking place during the Girl Scout Convention is the Girl Scout Leadership Institute, which engaged girl members
aged 14 and older in leadership building sessions that help them develop solutions to global issues that interest them.
Thank you to the following members Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois for representing the 40 1/2 counties that make up
our jurisdiction at the 2014 Girl Scout Convention:
GSSI National Delegates:
Ruthie Alexander from Mt. Vernon, Deena Ballard from Effingham, Christine Stewart from Belleville, Dixie Travelstead from DuQuoin, David Waun from Jonesboro.
Girl Member National Delegates:
Many councils, including GSSI, have girls among their elected delegates. Girl delegates attend Girl Scout Leadership
Institute (GSLI) general sessions along with being on the delegate floor during all business meetings.
Sophia Ballard from Effingham, Caroline Stewart from Belleville, Jessica Quicksall from Effingham
Girl Scout Leadership Institute Participants:
Madison Blacker from Effingham, Lauren Carter from Collinsville, Mackenzie Chasteen from Effingham, Tristen Jones
from Effingham, Sarah Lemar from Effingham, Maggie Seiler from Effingham, Kayli Worthey from Neoga Chaperones: Dawn Quicksall & Vicki Blacker
GSSI Staff:
Villie M. Appoo, CEO, Jay Strobel, Chief Communications Officer, Micah Bolandis, Director of Mission Delivery
GSSI also had several dedicated volunteers and alumnae that attended the 2014 National Convention and participated
in various learning sessions and activities there outside of their official capacity. We are so pleased to have been represented by such exemplary members at this momentous event!
 See Girl Scout Convention Photos
Outdoor Experiences
Let’s make
GSSI is pleased to share that our Program Department has developed many camp
and outdoor experience programs for our girls and volunteers. You like to camp?
You like Extreme Adventures? You like archery, swimming, canoeing and rock
climbing? Well if you do, Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois has an outdoor experience
for you!!! Below is a list of a few that will be featured in the 2015 Girl Scout Program Book which will be on-line in December. Prices are reasonable...starting at $7.
Check back for dates, times and locations.
Winter Survival Campout for Juniors and Cadettes
Brownie Ready, Set, Go Camping!: overnight camping experience for Brownie Troops
Spring Equinox Campout: overnight camping experience for Cadettes- Ambassadors
Daisies Discover Camp (multiple sessions at our camps)
Scouting for Wildlife (with Crab Orchard): weekend campout for Cadettes– Ambassadors
OWL Weekend (with Volunteer Services) for adults
Archery, swimming, Canoeing, and Rock Climbing sessions at various camps
Zombie Apocalypse Training: survival skills program at Camp Cedar Point for Juniors/Cadettes
Bike Southern Illinois for Juniors
Junior Forest Ranger Program for Daisies
Wilderness Challenge: overnight camping program for Cadettes- Ambassadors
Brownies, Fairies, and Godmothers: overnight camping experience for Brownies
Hunger Games: day program for Juniors/Cadettes
Extreme Adventures: overnight campout for Seniors and Ambassadors
Paddle Thru the Stars: evening canoe program for Juniors and Cadettes
Ozark River Expedition: overnight campout for Cadettes – Ambassadors
Paddle Wars: canoe fun for Juniors
Fall Fest: annual event for all levels at CCP
Trailblazer: weekend campout for Cadettes - Ambassadors
Come make S’more memories in the outdoors!
Camping and having an outdoor experience is an important part of the Girl Scout Leadership
Experience. GSSI is committed to providing girls and volunteers a first-rate camp and outdoor experience where they can attend camp, learn leadership skills and build friendships
that will last a lifetime. GSSI Staff, BODs, and volunteers want more girls to go camping, more
girls to love to camp and more girls to have a fun and rewarding outdoor experience.
For more information, call Anne in our Program Department at 618.242.5079
GSSI’s Lauren Carter Meets With AT&T Reps at 2014 Girl Scout Convention
AT&T and Girl Scouts Partner to Inspire Girls to Pursue STEM Careers
Lauren Carter, a Girl Scout from Collinsville, travelled to the Girl Scouts of the USA’s National Convention in Salt Lake
City recently to participate in the Girl Scout Leadership Institute. While at the convention, Lauren and three other Girl
Scouts from Nevada, California and West Virginia met with senior AT&T representatives to talk about girls today and
Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM)
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois (GSSI) was one of four councils nationwide that received a $72,000 grant from Girl
Scouts of the USA and AT&T to advance Science, Technology, Engineering & Math for 200 girls in 10th-12th grades
in the Collinsville and East St. Louis School District. The grant is part of a partnership between GSUSA and AT&T
through a program called Imagine Your STEM Future.
Lauren and other Girl Scouts had breakfast with Cathy Coughlin, GSUSA Board Member, AT&T Executive Vice President and Chief Global Marketing Officer and Marachel Knight, AT&T Vice President of Technology Reliability Centers. Lauren shared about her Girl Scouting journey and STEM experiences and how both have positively impacted
her. “I love the Girl Scouts and I love Science, Technology, Engineering & Math,” Lauren said. “Thank you AT&T for
supporting the Girl Scouts and providing more girls STEM opportunities.”
As the result of a $625,000 national contribution from A&T Aspire—a long-time supporter of Girl Scouting—Girl
Scouts of Southern Illinois is implementing “Imagine Your STEM Future.” Through this program, GSSI will inspire
even more girls to pursue STEM fields. “Imagine Your STEM Future” will be implemented as a natural addition to the
Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE), where girls will gain leadership skills by engaging with program materials
in the context of the three Girl Scout processes: girl-led, learning by doing, and cooperative learning.
“We are thrilled to receive this Imagine Your STEM Future grant from GSUSA and AT&T,” said Micah Bolandis, Director of Mission Delivery. “Today’s girls need programming that will introduce them to a variety of career options in the
science, technology, engineering and math fields. GSSI has an extensive STEM program that allows girls to participate
in a variety of STEM initiatives like programming robots, building bridges, candy chemistry and STEM Explosion Day
Camp. In fact, more than 1,728 girls participated in a STEM program in the past year,” Bolandis added.
The contribution from AT&T is part of AT&T Aspire, the company’s signature education initiative, focusing on school
success and workforce readiness. Beyond funding, AT&T employees are giving their time by providing mentoring,
which is a part of the company’s commitment for one million hours of mentoring by 2016.
More specifically, “Imagine Your STEM Future” will provide after school STEM and mentoring activities to 800 girls
in four councils across the country, 75% of which are at-risk of dropping out of high school. This program will also
increase local involvement of community and professional volunteers, and the program’s outcome will be measured by
girls’ academic performance.
Girl Scouts leads the nation in empowering girls to pursue their natural interests in STEM. Girls exposed to STEM
activities and careers while being encouraged by professional mentors will not only be more likely to graduate high
school on time, but also be more likely to excel in STEM-related subjects in school, explore post-secondary education
in STEM, and consider STEM-related careers in which women are historically underrepresented.
About AT&T Philanthropy
AT&T Inc. is committed to advancing education, strengthening communities and improving lives. Through its community initiatives, AT&T has a long history of investing in projects that create learning opportunities; promote academic
and economic achievement; or address community needs. In 2013, more than $130 million was contributed or directed
through corporate-, employee-, social investment- and AT&T Foundation-giving programs. AT&T Aspire is AT&T’s
signature education initiative that drives innovation in education by bringing diverse resources to bear on the issue including funding, technology, employee volunteerism, and mentoring.
2015 Girl Scout Cookie Program Theme is “There’s Something Amazing Inside”
Training Will Be in November & December; Program Starts Jan. 10
GSSI’s 2015 Girl Scout Cookie Program will start Jan. 10! Volunteer training will be in November and December.
This year, our program theme is “There’s Something Amazing Inside.” Help inspire and guide your girls to make a
positive change in the world around them. We encourage your Service Unit and Troops to help us teach girls five valuable skills: Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills, and Business Ethics.
Today, as girls learn to handle money and be self-reliant, they are also learning how to bring their own values to the
business world and how to use their time, talent, and resources (including money!) to make the world a better place.
When girls develop financial savvy, business skills and innovative thinking, they can become entrepreneurs who
change the world.
Important Dates
November/December Cookie Program Training/Planning
January 9
Cookie Rally
January 10
Cookie Program Begins
January 11-12
Optional Council Wide Booth Weekend
January 31
Cookie Program Ends
February 1
Cookie Program Orders are due to the Troop
February 3
Cookie Program Orders are due to the SU
February 23-26
Cookie Delivery
March 9
1st ACH Sweep Date
March 16
Final Cookie Payments are due to the Troop
March 23
Final ACH Sweep and Girl Reward orders are due the SU
Girl Rewards distributed
January 10-11
Council Wide Booth Weekend
February 27-March 1 Council Wide Booth Weekend
March 3-8
Council Wide Booth Weekend
March 13-15
Council Wide Booth Weekend
Troop Booth Sales may continue until May 30
Optional Cookie Booth Weekend Jan. 11-12. Sign Up Now!
Sign up to participate in our optional January 11-12 Cookie Booth Weekend. Registration deadline is Dec. 4. Please see
the form on the following page for details and to register. For more information please contact Kelly Jansen, Director of
Product Sales, kjansen@gsofsi.org.
Nut, Candy & Magazine Program Delivery Is Nov. 10-14
Thank you all for participating in the Fall Product Program! We hope you and your girls had a fun and successful
time selling. Nut and candy products will be delivered the week of November 10 – 14th just in time for the holidays!
Please remember to have receipts signed for all product that is issued.
2015 Annual Meeting & All That Glitters is March 28 at Rend Lake Resort
GSSI’s 2015 Annual Meeting and All That Glitters is scheduled for March 28 at Rend Lake Resort. Hotel rooms can
be booked now! When calling, mention Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois or Group Block #4169. Rooms options are
singles, two queens and king beds. All rooms are available for $75 a night. More information about these events
will be shared as soon as it becomes available. We can’t wait to see you there! Rend Lake Resort Contact Information: 11712 East Windy Lane, Whittington, IL 62897, Phone: 618.629.2211
Cookie Booth Application
January 2015
All applications must be submitted to Product Program Department by December 4, 2014.
Troop #: ___________________________ Service Unit: ______________________________________
Troop Age Level (Circle): Daisy Brownie Junior Cadette Senior Ambassador
Troop Contact: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone Number : ____________________________________ Email: _________________________________
Address: ____________________________ City: _______________________ Zip Code: _________________
Cookie Order
Troops that have participated in previous January booth sales can order a max of 30 cases.
If you are a new troop to the January Cookie Booth, you may take up to 15 cases. If you are not sure what to
order, here is an example-1-Savannah Smile, 2-Trefoils, 2-Do-so-dos, 2-Samoas, 1 Rah Rah Raisins, 2Tagalongs, 5-Thin Mints.
First order will be in CASES (12 boxes per case). You are not required to order all 7 varieties.
______ Savannah Smiles
______ Samoas
______ Tagalongs
______ Trefoils
______ Rah Rah Raisins
______ Thin Mints
______ Do-Si- Dos
______ Total Cases
Office Locations Please select an office location for cookie pick up. (Circle Choice)
Office Hours are
Monday- Wednesday- 8-5:30 p.m.
Thursday- 8 a.m.-7 p.m.
Friday- 12-4 p.m.
Glen Carbon Office
Mt Vernon Office
Since this a weekend only council booth sale, all cookies must be picked up at one of the above offices. Troops have
a choice of either keeping the cookies and using them throughout the sale (Goal Getter or Feb/March booth
weekends) or coming back on Monday January 12 to return any unsold/unopen boxes of cookies. All boxes that have
been sold (not returned) will be added to eBudde and totals will be reflected on the Troop Sales Report.
Please return completed forms to:
Katie Grayling, Product Program Assistant
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois Regional Service Center
4102 S. Water Tower Place, Mt Vernon, IL 62864
Fax: 618.242.5191
Email: kgrayling@gsofsi.org
Girl Scouts
Volunteer Invite a Friend Campaign
Nov. 1- Dec. 1, 2014
In Girl Scouts, girls are always counting down to the next adventure they will go on. To lead girls
on these adventures and to help them feel strong and confident to make a difference in the
world, we need positive adult role models! To help fill this need, Girl Scouts of the USA is offering the opportunity for currently registered Girl Scout adults (Recruiter) to recruit newly
registered K-5 Troop Leaders (Recruited Volunteer).
Sell Cookies
Go Camping
Program a Robot
Make New Friends
Change the World
Our Goal
Our goal is to start 10 new K-5 troops in November. To do that, we all need to work together to get the
word out about the Invite a Friend Campaign and how much Girl Scouting benefits girls.
We’re challenging all current Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois volunteers to reach out to friends, family
and colleagues to let them know how great they are - what a great a fit they’d be in Girl Scouts!
Prizes for Success
Current volunteers will get $50 to be used at Girl Scouts’ Official Online Store when they recruit a new
volunteer to start a new K-5 Girl Scout troop. A coupon code will be e-mailed for redemption.
The new volunteer will get a Volunteer Resource Pack (a Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting, a Journey
set, a badge pack, a tote, and pins) to help make getting started easier...Pretty cool, huh!). A coupon
code will be e-mailed for redemption.
Girl Scouts
Volunteer Invite a Friend Campaign
Nov. 1- Dec. 1, 2014
Steps To Take After Recruiting a New K-5 Troop Leader
• At the time a currently registered GSSI volunteer recruits a new K-5 Troop Leader, they must
give the new leader the required paperwork: registration form, volunteer application, CANTS
form and background check form. Completed forms and $15 Girl Scouts of the USA registration
fee must be sent to Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois immediately.
• The new troop leader also needs to be connected to the volunteer in the Service Unit who
conducts New Troop Orientation. All paperwork and trainings must be completed by
December 31, 2014. The sooner the better!
• The RECRUITER goes to girlscouts.org/inviteafriend and completes a survey.
• After the new troop has been successfully started, the Recruiter will receive a coupon code
from Girl Scouts of the USA for a $50 gift card to Girl Scouts of the USA’s Online Store,
located at girlscoutshop.com.
• When the new K-5 Troop Leader is approved and completes New Troop Orientation, a
coupon code will be sent to from Girl Scouts of the USA for the Volunteer Resource Pack,
which must be ordered from Girl Scouts of the USA’s Online Store.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can participate in this contest?
Any currently registered GSSI volunteer can recruit new K-5 Troop Leaders to earn prizes.
Does the new volunteer have to start a new troop?
That is correct, to be eligible for prizes, the newly recruited volunteer must be a new registered adult
and start a new K-5 troop.
How many prizes can each volunteer earn?
Each currently registered GSSI volunteer is eligible to earn up to two (2) $50 coupons to Girl Scouts of
the USA’s Online Store. Each new troop will be eligible to receive one new resource pack.
Can we redeem coupons in Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois Council Shops?
No, coupons are offered through Girl Scouts of the USA and are valid only through their Online Store.
Is a recruited volunteer eligible for GSSI’s 4L’s program too?
Yes, volunteers recruited between Nov. 1-Dec.1, 2014 can earn rewards in both Girl Scouts of the USA’s
“Invite a Friend” campaign and GSSI’s “Legacy Leaders Leading a Legacy (4L’s) program. Just remember to turn in your 4L’s paperwork to Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois.
For more information:
Joan Burke, Director of Membership
Phone: 618.692.0692, ext. 1120 E-mail: jburke@gsofsi.org
Nominate a Volunteer for an Adult Award!
Volunteers are truly the cornerstone of Girl Scouting. There are so many wonderful people who give their time and talents to enrich the lives of girls in our communities. Every year at the Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois Annual Meeting,
we hold a very special awards ceremony to honor extraordinary volunteers for all that they have contributed to the Girl
Scout Leadership Experience.
All nomination and endorsement forms are available on the Adult Awards page of GSSI’s website, www.gsofsi.org.
Please take a moment to review the Guidelines and Criteria and determine which award is appropriate for the fabulous
volunteers you want to recognize. Nominations must be received no later than Monday, Jan. 19, and are accepted via
e-mail, fax or mail.
 Go to Adult Awards page
Swap N Scout Website Can Help You Fill Volunteer & Supply Needs
GSSI’s new Swap N Scout website allows GSSI volunteers to post volunteer and supply needs, items for sale or swap,
pen pals and other valuable exchanges. The site can be accessed through a button on the homepage of the council website or directly at www.swapnscout.com. The page is maintained by GSSI’s Volunteer Services Department. Please
contact Volunteer Services Manager Amanda Kaemmerer at 800.345.6858, ext. 1142 or e-mail akaemmerer@gsofsi.org
for more information.
Visit Swap N Scout Now
Prudential Spirit of Community Award Nominations Due Nov. 4
Prudential Spirit of Communities Awards celebrate the spirit of youth volunteer service. We want to recognize Girl
Scouts who have distinguished themselves by making a meaningful difference in their communities by volunteering!
Qualifying Girl Scouts must:
Be in grades 5-12 as of November 4, 2014, and a legal U.S. resident.
Have participated in a volunteer activity at least in part after September 1, 2013
Complete and submit an online application by November 4, 2014 and submit it to the Awards Program Manager
How to submit an online application:
Go to http://spirit.prudential.com or www.nassp.org/spirit
Complete the application and the student/parent agreement by November 4th
Go to the certification page to e-mail or print out instructions for GSSI. You must deliver this to the Awards Program
Manager by November 4
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois will then select Local Honoree. This Girl Scout will receive the President’s Volunteer
Service Award (if she has contributed the minimum number of hours to qualify), and will become eligible to win an
award of $1,000 or more, a beautifully engraved medallion, and an all-expense-paid trip with a parent to Washington,
D.C., next spring for four days of special recognition events. For more information about the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, please contact Julie (Schloss) Fox at 800.345.6858, ext. 1119 or e-mail jfox@gsofsi.org.
Go to Online Application Form
Check Out GSSI’s YouTube Channel!
Visit GSSI’s YouTube channel for new videos featuring real GSSI girl members and adult volunteers! Find us by
searching “Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois” or at www.youtube.com/GSofSIGirlScouts!
Watch Videos Now
Thank you for your interest in the First AVOW Campout!
This event is for any Adult Girl Scout Volunteer.
PLACE: Camp Chan Ya Ta, Worden, IL
DATE: Friday, Nov. 21st 6pm - Sunday, Nov. 23rd 12pm
(If you can’t come the whole weekend, just come when you can!)
COST: $20 per adult
(includes food and drinks)
WHAT TO BRING: Clothes, jacket, shoes for hiking, lawn chair, sleeping
bag, pillow, personal items (medicine, toothbrush, etc.), water bottle, dunk
bag, and any craft projects that you want to catch up on. 
o A weekend of fun and relaxation with fellow Girl Scouts
o A variety of activities to sign up for when you arrive
o Campfire both nights
o Tons of laughs and fellowship
o Lots of Girl Scout sharing
Service Unit:
Phone Number:
Food allergies or other considerations:
Emergency Contact Name:
Emergency Contact Phone Number:
List any allergies or health conditions:
If you are certified and would like to help lead an activity, please list here:
Send in registrations before NOVEMBER 17th
Please make check payable to: Christina Boyce
Send registration and $20 fee to:
Tina Boyce, PO BOX 281, Hamel, IL 62046
GSSI Celebrated Fifth Anniversary on Oct. 1
On Oct. 1, 2014, Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois observed its fifth year. GSSI CEO Villie M. Appoo shared a special
message to mark this milestone:
“I would like to invite all our members to join me in celebrating our five year anniversary! Just five short years ago our
two legacy councils merged to form the Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois. Five years in the lifetime of a dynamic, 112
year old movement like the Girl Scouts does not sound like much - but what an extraordinary five years it has been!
Thanks to our amazing members, we are now one seamless, united council serving 14,000 girls and 4,500 adult volunteers. Thanks to our volunteers, we can provide challenging programs that meet the needs of all our girls - from Robotics
and other STEM programs to leadership opportunities that challenge our girls to push boundaries and excel - while still
having fun.
It is always gratifying to look back and reflect on what we have achieved, and so exciting to look forward to what is yet
to come. Over the next year, together with our dedicated volunteers, we will expand our Outdoor Experiences programs
with a goal of putting “outing” back into Girl Scouting!
Our council’s commitment to you - we will continue to listen to what our girls and volunteers want and strive to be
responsive and relevant, strive to be a resource and a support, strive to be the best we can be, so TOGETHER, we can
build girls of courage, confidence and character!
On behalf of our staff and Board, I would like to thank you for a wonderful five years and we look forward to celebrating
more milestones with you!”
Yours in Girl Scouting,
GSSI Participating In Veterans Day Event at Saint Louis Science Center
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois is honored to be invited to conduct opening & closing flag ceremonies at a special Veterans Day event at the Saint Louis Science Center. The event on Nov. 11 will include special exhibitions and guests, as
well as the OMNIMAX Theater film: D-Day: Normandy 1944.
GSSI’s opening flag ceremony will take place around 11 a.m. in the OMNIMAX Theater. Due to limited seating, reservations should be made by calling 314.289.4424.
All Girl Scouts & Adult Volunteers in uniform can receive a special reduced OMNIMAX ticket price of $6 per person!
Military veterans can attend the show for free.
Help us show appreciation to our veterans by sending a photo of Girl Scouts holding a thank you sign!
Photos will be used to make a short video to display at GSSI’s display table at the Saint Louis Science Center during
the event.
Some sample messages include:
“Thank You, Veterans!”
“Thank You, Veterans from Girl Scouts Troop (Your Troop Number)”
“We Love Our Veterans!”
“Thanks Veterans! From (Your Hometown Here)”
Please e-mail photos to Communications & Marketing Manager Erin Johnson at ejohnson@gsofsi.org no later than
Nov. 6.
GSSI Council Shop Update
New Fall and Winter Items
Check out our new merchandise for fall and winter! GSSI has a multitude of new merchandise for girls and adult volunteers. Stop by a retail shop soon or browse our virtual catalog. See our Virtual Catalog
GSSI Council Shops Extended Hours To Return:
GSSI Council Shops will be open from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. on the following first Saturdays of the month:
November 1, 2014
December 6, 2014
Visit GSSI’s Mobile Shops at these upcoming Council Event:
November 23, 2014 – Scout Night at the Lights – The National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows
Several areas are running Mobile Shops at their events. You can too! If interested in a running a Mobile Shop at your
local service unit or regional event, please contact the Beth Ross, Business Services Manager.
GSSI Council Shop Contact Information:
Corporate Service Center: Beth Ross: 618.692.0692, ext. 1129 • e-mail: bross@gsofsi.org
Regional Service Center: Linda Quinn: 618.242.5079, ext. 2115 • e-mail: lquinn@gsofsi.org
Go to GSSI’s Online Shop
Jason Dothager of Staunton Named October Pearl of the Month
Jason Dothager of Staunton is GSSI’s October Pearl of the Month. The Pearl of the Month Award recognizes a Girl
Scout volunteer who has delivered service beyond expectations and helped to ensure that the approximately 14,000
Girl Scouts in southern Illinois benefit from a premier Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Nominees must meet several
criteria, including completion of all required training for his or her volunteer position as well as providing outstanding
service to his or her Service Unit or the Council.
Jason is the father of four Girl Scouts. He takes an active role, serving as co-leader of a troop and has also stepped up
to help with other activities for the Service Unit. He initiated the “He & Me” campout last year which attracted over 20
girls and their “He’s” for a day of fun outdoor activities. Following the success of this event, he recruited other dads to
help plan for this year. Jason has also become the leader of a STEM group which resulted in the recruitment of three
new Girl Scouts! The area day camp also benefitted from Jason’s certifications in archery and canoeing, which allows
girls the opportunity to enjoy these activities while at camp. He is known as an example to other who always says
“What can I do to help?”
To nominate a volunteer from your area for a Pearl of the Month award, please fill out the form on the following page
and e-mail it to awards@gsofsi.org.
Honor a Great Volunteer Through Pearl of the Month
Girl Scout volunteers are doing great things every day -- let us know about it! GSSI’s Pearl of the Month nomination
form is now available. This is a quick and easy way to say more than “thank you” for a job well done. You can now
nominate in one of two categories: Event Coordination or Overall Contributions. Pearl nominations are accepted on an
ongoing basis and are approved by the Adult Awards committee. Any nominations that are approved will be awarded
in an upcoming month. For more information, please contact Amanda Kaemmerer, Volunteer Services Manager, at or
800.345.6858 or akaemmerer@gsofsi.org.
Pearl of the Month Nomination Form
Do you know an outstanding Girl Scout volunteer?
volunteer? Do you think they go above and beyond? Do you want to
recognize their efforts? Girl Scout of Southern Illinois knows our volunteers are the heart of our organization.
The GSSI Pearls program is our way to recognize outstanding volunteers who help provide a premier Girl Scout
Leadership Experience for the 14,000 Girl
Girl Scouts in southern Illinois.
Nominee Information:
Service Unit: ________________________
Troop Number (If Applicable): ___________
Name: ____________________________
Phone: ____________________________
E-Mail: ____________________________
Date of Nomination: __________________
Nominator Information:
Service Unit: _________________________
Troop Number (If Applicable): ___________
Name: _____________________________
Phone: _____________________________
E-Mail: _____________________________
Nominee Girl Scout Volunteer Positions Held (Past/Present):
Troop Leader (01)
Troop Co-Leader (02)
Service Team Member - Please List Position(s) ______________________________________________
Service Unit Delegate
Event Volunteer
Other (Please List) ___________________________________________________________________
Criteria & Guidelines:
• Nominee must be currently registered as an adult member of GSUSA.
• Nominee must have completed all required training for her or his volunteer position.
• Nominee must be in good financial standing with Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois.
• Nominations should represent volunteer service during the current membership year.
Nominations will be accepted on an ongoing basis and awarded monthly.
All nominations that are approved by the Adult Awards Committee will be awarded either the month they are
received or in an upcoming month.
One Pearl of the Month will be chosen as the Pearl of the Year and recognized at the Annual Meeting.
Please return to:
Fax: 618-692-0685
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois
Attn: Amanda Kaemmerer
#4 Ginger Creek Parkway
Glen Carbon, IL 62034
Please provide a description of outstanding service in one of the two categories below.
Event Coordination
Describe in detail how the nominee supported the program or event including: planning, publicity, attendance,
girl evaluation, impact on girls or community, and how it related to the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
2. Overall Contributions
Describe in detail how the nominee has demonstrated service beyond expectations to ensure girls benefit
from a premier Girl Scout leadership experience including: growing membership, retaining members,
developing programs, assisting other volunteers, etc.
What’s Happening Around the Council
New stand up paddleboards and slingshots have arrived! This new program equipment, along with funds for Outstanding Graduating Girl Scout scholarships were provided through GSSI’s Staff Giving Campaign.
Troop #8779 from Fairfield made 200 pumpkin, banana and poppyseed muffins for a local church that provides free
meals to children once a week as part of GSSI’s “Spread the Bread” council-wide service project.
SU 522 - Eastern Coles County hosted 50 girls at Camp Wassatoga. Daisies-Cadettes enjoyed camp activities during the
day and Juniors and Cadettes spent the night and earned their Night Owl/Camper and Night Hiker badges.
Senior Troop #8438 from Breese recently started their Girltopic Journey. Girls discussed the impact that lack of education, low wages and violence has on women and their families. Each girl also created a creative collage of her own
Girltopia and made cards to send to area shelters and support groups for their Take Action project.
Troy area Troops #205, #958 and #971 teamed up to run the “Spooki Spa” at Haunted Camp Torqua.
East Alton/Wood River Troop #130 assisted at a baby shower for female veterans held by the community at an area
senior living center including helping the mothers load all of their gifts into their cars afterwards!
Casey Daisy Troop #2263 held a “Back to School” event to celebrate the new year.
Brownie Troop #204 from Glen Carbon volunteered at Operation Food Search in University City, Mo. They also donated “birthday kits” with cake mix, frosting and cards with their sister Girl Scouts Daisy Troop #326.
Service Unit 201 - O’Fallon/Shiloh kicked off the new Girl Scout year by having Girl Scouts all across town wear their
uniforms to school on Oct. 1.
Collinsville Brownie Troop #208 participated in the annual “Fall Window Painting” event where local organizations
decorate shop front windows in town.
Junior Troop #8597 from Jonesboro baked 65 loaves of bread and made cards of encouragement for residents of Illinois
Veterans Home as part of GSSI’s “Spread the Bread” council-wide service project.
Harrisburg Daisy Troop #8269 had a fall character dress up and book swap.
DuQuoin Brownie Troop #8123 had a Halloween-themed troop meeting in October complete with costume contest.
SU 12 - Clay County held a fun-filled Fall Festival.
Daisy Troop #8456 and Brownie Troop #8455 held a sleepover at Camp Whispering Oaks. Girls created memo boards
and dreamcatchers, made ice cream and went hiking.
Anna Troop #8548 has been busy! Among the highlights of their recent adventures are participating in GSSI’s Float N
S’More program, camping at Camp Whispering Oaks, enjoying the “Sculpture on the Avenue” event, and helping at an
Ohio River cleanup. A unique attraction they recently visited is Pollard’s Collection in Salem, a quirky collection of
outdoor art created from cars and other metalwork, such as a two-seater airplane standing on its nose!
Girl Scouts from SU 72 - UPAC enjoyed a trip to Savannah, GA - birthplace of Girl Scouts and its founder Juliette Gordon Low, as well as neighboring Tybee Island.
Red Bud Troop #8303 recently brushed up on their cooking skills and learned about professional cake decorating.
Staunton Girl Scouts held their 2nd Annual “All Staunton Campout” at Camp Chan Ya Ta. Girls did some serious
campfire cooking, enjoyed canoeing, hiking and archery, held a Scouts’ Own ceremony about courage and much more!
Make Sure Your Area is Represented!
E-mail Erin Johnson at ejohnson@gsofsi.org with a note about what your troop is up to! While not every submission can
be published, we will make an effort to reflect the diverse interests, activities and areas that make GSSI so great.
Program Updates
NEW Virtual Girl Scout Opportunity!
Girls have the chance to earn 36 badges and participate in GSSI’s first Virtual Troop! Fill out a program registration
form and pay $10 for a year’s access to Taken Charge, a cool app that operates on PC, Mac or tablet and teaches girls
the basics of computer science, from simple parts to constructing a machine, to networking and setting up home work
groups. Watch your girl learn the basics of online safety, understand cyber security and coding as she plays a fun interactive video game. At each level, girls have a chance to earn a virtual badge. Once the program is complete (the Taken
Charge program takes about 14-18 hours to finish, so it is something a girl can work on in her spare time over the school
year), we will send her a real patch for her vest.
More information is available in GSSI’s upcoming 2015 Program Book. You must register for the program through
GSSI using the Program Registration form with payment to be given access to Taken Charge. Both girls who are part
of a traditional troop and individual Girl Scouts are welcome to register. For more information, please contact STEM
Program Manager Emily Stanley at 800.345.6858, ext. 1111 or e-mail estanley@gsofsi.org.
NEW PROGRAM at Missouri Botanical Gardens for 2014
Learn to make your own gifts on a shopping trip to the city! Combine window shopping in the city with a trip to the
Missouri Botanical Gardens to learn and make recycled gifts for someone special on your list.
Holiday Eco-Gifts (Brownies/Juniors/Cadettes)
Date: Dec. 6 (deadline 11/19) Time: 9-11 a.m. or 1-3 p.m.
Cost: $13/girls; $8/adults
Place: Missouri Botanical Gardens, St. Louis, MO
Give the gift of green! Girls will learn the environmental benefits of making gifts from recycled materials. Learn how
to make plant dyes and revamp old jewelry. Examples of gifts may include earth friendly cleaning products, ornaments,
beauty products and more! Fee includes entry into the Gardens. Optional – Visit the Gardenland Express after/before
your session at a reduced fee of $3 per person (normally $5) – pay at the Gardens for this optional activity on the day of
the session.
Children’s Museum Art Display 2014
Thanks are extended to troops who participated in the Edwardsville Children’s Museum art display for Girl Scouts entitled “What Girl Scouting Means to Me.” Seven troops created seventy-nine pictures, which were displayed throughout
October in honor of Girl Scouts’ founder Juliette Gordon Low’s birthday. Each girl received a complimentary ticket to
the Children’s Museum for participating. The following troops participated:
Brownie Troop #19 and leader Shari Renken from Marine
Brownie Troop #233 and leader Barb Smith from O’Fallon
Daisy Troop #410 and leader Christine Mitchell-Endsley from Shiloh
Daisy Troop #431 and leader Peggy Hilmes from Belleville
Daisy Troop #751 and leader Jill Schrage from Highland
Brownie Troop #611 and leader Courtney Winkler from Glen Carbon
Daisy/Brownie Troop #1149 and leader Jamie Williams from Jerseyville
Program Updates
Don’t Miss These Programs! Deadlines Approaching!
Holiday Eco-Gifts (Brownies/Juniors/Cadettes)
Date: December 6 (deadline 11/19) 9-11 a.m. or 1-3 p.m.
Cost: $13/girls; $8/adults
Place: Missouri Botanical Gardens, St. Louis, MO
Give the gift of green! Girls will learn the environmental benefits of making gifts from recycled materials. Learn how
to make plant dyes and revamp old jewelry. Examples of gifts may include earth friendly cleaning products, ornaments,
beauty products and more! Optional – Visit the Gardenland Express after/before your session at a reduced fee of $3 per
person (normally $5) – pay at the Gardens for this optional activity on the day of the session.
Self Defense & Tae Kwon Do (Daisies/Brownies/Juniors)
Date: December 6 (deadline 11/13) 1-2 p.m. (Brownies); 2:30-3:30 p.m. (Daisies); 4-5 p.m. (Juniors)
Cost: $11/girls
Place: McArther’s Tae Kwon Do & Fitness, Collinsville, IL
Learn self defense moves and strategies along with Tae Kwon Do at this hands on workshop. Girls will receive material from “Stranger Danger” that they can share with their families. Leaders can then purchase the Self Defense patch
through the Program Dept. at $2 each.
Holiday Paper Crafting (Daisies & Brownies)
Date: December 13 (deadline 11/24) 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. or 1-2 p.m.
Cost: $8/girls
Place: Three Sisters Crafts, O’Fallon, IL
Show your holiday spirit at this paper crafting session! Girls will make up to 6 holiday cards, 6 gift tags and 2 gift bags
using cutouts, stickers, stamps and other fun items.
Finding Common Ground (Cadettes)
Date: December 30 (deadline 12/16) 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Cost: $6/girls
Place: Old Courthouse, St. Louis, MO
Gather at the Old Courthouse in downtown St. Louis to learn the art of debate and compromise in an effort to find our
common ground!
Upcoming Girl Scout Gold Award Proposal Meetings
Girls wishing to present their initial proposal must submit the appropriate paperwork at least 2 weeks before the intended meeting date/time. All forms must be typed. The next intent date is December 3, 2014.
Upcoming Gold Award Trainings
Monday, November 17, 2014, 6-8 p.m., Waterloo
Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6-8 p.m., Herrin
For more information about earning the Girl Scout Gold Award, please contact Julie (Schloss) Fox at 800.345.6858, ext.
1119 or e-mail jfox@gsofsi.org
Program Updates
Upcoming GSSI Travel Opportunities
Junior-Ambassador Leaders – it’s time to start making 2015 travel plans with your troop! We have some exciting council run trip opportunities for you to consider. Leave the hassle to us and register your troop for the fun. Please note the
January registration deadlines. This allows ample time for troop fundraising. For more information, please contact Mary
Buchanan at 800.345.6858, ext. 1115 or e-mail mbuchanan@gsofsi.org .
Horsing Around in Kentucky (Cadettes-Ambassadors)
Date: June 12-15, 2015 (deadline Jan. 8, 2015)
Cost: $300 for girls, $330 for adults
Join GSSI in exploring the Horse Capital of the World in Louisville and Lexington, Kentucky. We will visit Churchill
Downs, the Kentucky Horse Park, take a Horse Farm tour and have a trail ride complete with BBQ picnic. While in
Louisville, we will also visit the Louisville Slugger factory. Included in the trip is bus transportation, lodging for two
nights, admission fees and seven meals.
Chills and Thrills in Indiana: Junior Trip 2015
Date: October 9-11, 2015 (deadline Jan. 29, 2015)
Cost: $220 for girls, $235 for adults
Experience Halloween chills and thrills when we visit Holiday World, the Indy Children’s Museum and the Indy Zoo.
All of these locations will be decked out in their Halloween splendor. Trip includes bus transportation, lodging in a RV
at Camp Rudolph, admission to Holiday World, the Children’s Museum and Zoo, two breakfasts, lunches and dinners
and Saturday evening s’mores.
ACE is the PLACE for ADVENTURE! (Cadettes-Ambassadors)
Date: July 19-22, 2016 (deadline May 14, 2015)
Cost: $500 for girls, $535 for adults
ACE is the place to go for adventure! Join GSSI on an exciting trip to West Virginia. Experience a full day whitewater
rafting on the New River Gorge with a grilled riverside lunch then hang back and spend time on the lake with water
trampolines and the “Blob.” You will also get to choose your own additional activity. Do you want to zipline, rock
climb, paddleboard or maybe go horseback riding? The choice is yours. Price includes charter bus transportation, lodging for three nights, nine meals, whitewater rafting, lake activities and choice of second activity.
Pack Your Bags and Travel with Girl Scouts From Around the World!
Girl Scout destinations, travel experiences that range from two days to three weeks for Cadettes and older,
whisk you away to the far corners of the world where you will meet remarkable girls, develop leadership skills, gain
confidence and enjoy valuable learning opportunities to take action. Destinations scheduled this year include:
South Texas Beach Aventura: Go eye to eye with a dolphin, hang ten on an island wave, and soak up local culture!
Cape Town Exploration: Nature, Culture & Community Service in South Africa!
Grand Cayman Scuba Certification Adventure: Spend a week learning to scuba dive in the warm waters off one of
the most beautiful island paradises in the world.
Exotic Morocco A Whole New World: This adventure will take you to the peaks of Morocco and to the deserts below.
And more!
To see all GSUSA’s destinations visit, at www.forgirls.girlscouts.org/travel/take-a-trip/destinations. Applications are
due to GSSI on November 24, 2014. For more information, please contact Julie (Schloss) Fox at 800.345.6858, ext.
1119 or e-mail jfox@gsofsi.org.
Program Updates
Haunted Camp Torqua and Zombie Run Thank You!
More than 1,400 Girl Scouts and adults participated in Haunted Camp or Zombie Run on October 18-19 at Camp Torqua
outside of Edwardsville.
At Haunted Camp, Girl Scout Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops and their advisors planned and delivered programming for younger girls. Activity stations included a craft, mad science lab, songs/storytelling, a spooky spa,
games, snack, haunted house and haunted trails. The event raised more than $1,000 for GSSI’s Outstanding Graduating
Girl Scout Scholarship Fund.
During Zombie Run, girls raced for survival along Camp Torqua’s many trails trying to escape zombies! Each racer
started the course wearing flags that their zombie rivals tried to capture and both sides had a blast! There was also a
“Quarantine Party” where girls and adults enjoyed music with a DJ, a Haunted Diner, zombie makeovers, a mad science
lab and plenty of photo ops.
GSSI’s Property Department and rangers were invaluable in making our Zombie Run a success by putting challenges
and obstacles on the trails for participants to navigate while dodging those dreaded zombies!
Both of these days were huge hits with both girls and adults thanks to more than 200 volunteers! Without their help
these events wouldn’t be possible. All of our volunteers did an excellent job and are to be commended. Thanks are
extended to the following troops and individuals for making the Haunted Camp Torqua and Zombie Run a success:
Haunted Camp and Zombie Run:
Troop # 71 & leader Theresa Gratton from Alton
Troop # 89 & leader Mary Anne Hopper from Waterloo
Troop # 109 & leader Laura Dietzen from Edwardsville
Troop #130 & leader Darcy Rowland from Godfrey
Troop # 180 & leader Allyson Burr from Collinsville
Troop # 205 & leader Elisa D’Antonio from St. Jacob
Troop # 255 & leader Judy Rendleman from Caseyville
Troop # 299 & leader Jennifer Hampsten from Millstadt
Troop# 373 & leader CJ Runyon from Waterloo
Troop # 449 & leader Sarah Dixon from Dupo
Troop # 663 & leader Sandy Nelson from Dupo
Troop # 676 & leader Angie Zahn from Trenton
Troop# 834 & leader Darcy Rowland from Godfrey
Troop# 884 & leader Karen Schmitz from O’Fallon
Troop # 958 & leader Helen Housewright from St. Jacob
Troop # 962 & leader Jennifer Zinschlag from Edwardsville
Troop # 971 & leader Connie Fair from Troy
Troop # 1075 & leader Sarah Baldwin from Staunton
Troop # 8046 & leader Cara Emrich from Benton
Troop # 8174 & leader Kim King-Wren from Carbondale
Troop # 8609 & leader Donna McGehee from Mt. Vernon
Zombie Run:
Troop #143 & leader Carrie Ramsey from Granite City
Troop # 335 & leader Judy Thomas from Granite City
Troop # 539 & leader Melissa Barnett from Troy
Other Adult Volunteers:
Angela Heimerman, Cheryl Heimerman, Lynn Miener, & Wayne Nelson, camp ranger,
Christine & Stefani Nelson and friends
Diane Brooks, Connie & Kelsey Schott, Reva & Katie Bowen and friends
Lisa Morrison and the Lawrence Group, a design firm from St. Louis, MO
Joan Burke and students from SIUE; Mary Buchanan & Emily Stanley, STEM Program Managers
Thank You For Donations:
Schnucks Markets, Inc., St. Louis, donated 2,000 Halloween cookies; McDonald’s in Edwardsville donated drink mix
& 1,000 cups; RP Lumber of Edwardsville donated black plastic and duct tape for the haunted house; Connie Schott
donated straw for decorations and Angie Zahn helped with straw for the maze at Zombie Run.
Program Updates
One Match Club Patch Recipients
The girls listed below have earned the One Match Club patch! They achieved this by starting a campfire and keeping it
going for at least 5 minutes with only 1 match and without using a fire starter! Congratulations on this accomplishment
and way to go, girls!
Leaders, we really want to recognize every girl who accomplishes this, but we need your help. Please fill out all of the
information for each girl who earns this patch. Thanks so much for your help!
Girl’s Name
Sammi Hartkop
Kayla Fisher
Olivia Weidenbenner
Emily Schildknecht
Annis Byram
Nicole Labbee
Jennifer Reed
Alicia Reed
Allison Brantley
Brianna Lindsey
Chasity Smith-Peterson
Chloe Dubecki
Madeline James
Mariyah Smith-Peterson
Sarah Walkington
Sofia Marshall
Elisa Strickland
Scott AFB
Troop Leader/Event Name
Karen Schmitz
Karen Schmitz
Karen Schmitz
Karen Schmitz
Karen Schmitz
Nicole Labbee
Karlene Hoefener
Karen Reed
Karen Reed
Karen Reed
Karen Reed
Karen Reed
Karen Reed
Karen Reed
Karen Reed
Karen Reed
Karen Reed
GSSI Robotics Update - FIRST LEGO League Qualifying Tournaments
GSSI’s FIRST LEGO League (FLL) teams are competing in regional qualifying tournaments! FLL is a robotics program for 9 to 14 year olds which is designed to get children excited about science and technology, as well as teach them
valuable life skills. Teams use a LEGO MINDSTORMS set to build and program an autonomous robot to score points
on a themed playing surface. Along with programming robots, teams are evaluated on an elaborate research project
and how well they demonstrate FLL Core Values, which include teamwork, collective learning, active participation and
gracious professionalism. Teams meet at regional qualifying tournaments to be graded on the three elements, with top
teams advancing to state competition.
GSSI FLL Qualifying Tournament Schedule:
Nov. 22 at Carriel Jr. High in O’Fallon
Belleville, O’Fallon and Roxana
Dec. 6 at Carriel Jr. High in O’Fallon
Albers and Washington Park
Dec. 6 at Cassens Elementary School in Edwardsville
Belleville, East St. Louis, Glen Carbon and Staunton
Dec. 6 at Urbana Middle School in Urbana
Scout Night at the Lights
Sunday, November 23, 2014 1:30 – 9 p.m.
One free ticket to see both Laser Shows (Value $5)
One free 4 x 6 print & upload of your group at photo area (Value $9)
One free horse, donkey or camel ride (Value $6)
One free snack-size bag of kettle corn (Value $2)
Gift Shop Discount of 10% (Ticket pack exclusive)
Commemorative Patch while supplies last (Value $3.00)
Also available HORSE-DRAWN WAGON RIDES $5 per person – Call 618-397-6700 to make a reservation.
Troop Leader_________________________________________________________Troop # ______________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________
City _____________________________________ State ________ Zip _______________________________
Phone _________________________________ Email ____________________________________________
____ Girls ____ Adults Total # of Packets ______ X $14 = $________ Register by Nov. 14, 2014
U Discover UMC UAmerican Express
Card # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Expiration Date ________________ Security Code _ _ _
To allow time for all groups to enjoy all the activities (which takes about three - four hours), we ask that you
rank in order the start time that would work best for your group.
Please rank 1st, 2nd, 3rd: _____ 1:30 p.m. ______ 3:30 p.m. _____ 5:30 p.m.
442 S. De Mazenod Dr. Belleville, IL 62223 618-397-6700
30pm &5pm
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Around the Council in Photos
Each month, GSSI features photos submitted by our membership in each edition of the Link to Leaders. Please e-mail
photos to Erin Johnson, editor, at ejohnson@gsofsi.org or mail to: GSSI, #4 Ginger Creek Parkway, Glen Carbon, IL 62034
ATTN: Communications and Marketing Dept. When e-mailing, please do not submit more than 2-3 pictures at a time, or your
e-mail may be undeliverable. You may also send photos through your Membership Development Manager. Photos cannot be
returned and may be used by GSSI for future publications, including on the website. Be sure to include your Troop/Service
Unit information with submissions. See these photos & more on GSSI’s Facebook Page!
While not every submission can be published, we will make an effort to reflect the diverse interests, activities and areas that
make GSSI so great. Please remember that we have many areas to support, so be sure to select only your best 2-3 pictures.