Young Israel of Lawrence-Cedarhurst 8 Spruce Street, Cedarhurst, NY 11516, 569-3324, Fax – 569-4021, Eruv - 516 295-4212 After 1:00pm On Friday Oct 31st Nov 1st Nov 7th & 8th Nov 14th & 15th Nov 21st & 22nd Nov 28th & 29th PARSHAT HASHAVUA Lech Lecha Vayera Chaye Sarah Toldot Mevorchim Vayetze Light Candles 5:34 4:26 4:20 4:14pm 4:11pm Erev Shabbat Mincha 5:42 4:34 4:28 4:22pm 4:19pm Sof Zman Kriat Shema 10:01am 9:05am 9:10am 9:15am 9:20am Rabbi Teitelbaum’s Talmud Shiur 4:35 3:25 3:15pm 3:15pm 3:10pm Mincha 1:30 & 5:25 1:30 & 4:15 1:30 & 4:05pm 1:30 & 4:05pm 1:30 & 4:00pm Maariv / Shabbat ends 6:35 / 6:42 5:27 / 5:34 5:21 / 5:28 5:16 / 5:23 5:13 / 5:20pm 6:15 6:15 6:10 6:10 Week of Nov. 2nd 4:35 Week of Nov. 9th 4:25pm Sisterhood Shiur Father Child Learning Weekday Mincha Week of Oct. 26th 5:40pm Week of Nov. 16th 4:20pm Week of Nov. 23rd 4:15pm Shabbat Morning Youth Groups will meet at 9:15am in the Rochelle and Melly Lifshitz Youth Center. From 8:45 until 9:15am, there will be a laining class for 3rd-6th grade boys. Shabbat Shacharit Minyanim 7:30am - Hashkama Minyan in the Annette Adler Young Adult Beit Medrash 8:30am - Beit Medrash Minyan in the Gluck-Gelnick Beit Medrash 9:00am - Main Minyan in the Joseph S. Straus Main Synagogue 9:15am - Teen and Young Adult Minyan in the Annette Adler Young Adult Beit Medrash, under the guidance of Rabbi Gershon Kramer 9:30am - Minyan in the Rabbi Morris Friedman Beit Medrash Weekday Shacharit Minyanim Key – AA=Annette Adler Young Adult Beit Medrash BM=Gluck-Gelnick Beit Medrash YC=Rabbi Morris Friedman Beit Medrash Sunday 6:30 AA, 7:15 BM, 8:00 BM, 8:30 YC, 9:00 BM Mon & Thurs 5:50 AA, 6:20 BM, 7:00 AA, 7:20 YC, 8:00 AA Tues, Wed & Fri 5:50 AA, 6:30 BM, 7:00 AA, 7:20 YC, 8:00 AA Late Ma`ariv will take place at 8:15pm & 9:15pm. On Motzei Shabbat, November 1st at 2:00am please turn clocks back one hour. rd Rosh Chodesh Kislev will be on Sunday, November 23 : Shacharit – 6:15, 7:00, 8:00, 8:30 & 9:00 Daf Yomi Schedule Sunday – 7:00am, Mon – Fri – 6:30am, Shabbat – 7:30am Mishna Berurah- Mon – Fri, Following the 7:20am Shacharit Shiurim with Rabbi Teitelbaum Ladies “How To” Shiur Thursday mornings, at 9:30am Thursday night for Men Rav Tzadok Shiur – at 8:25pm Shiurim with Rabbi Ya’akov Trump Sunday mornings for Men and Ladies Timely Torah at 8:00am Wednesday evenings for Ladies Tanach Shiur at 8:00pm Women’s Lecture Series Tuesday Mornings 10:30am – Rebbetzin Jaeger Thursday Mornings 10:00am – Esther Wein Amud Yomi Schedule Sunday – Friday 7:00am In the library, with Rabbi Gershon Kramer Young Israel of Lawrence-Cedarhurst CONDOLENCES TO: Dr. Chaim Gettenberg- upon the loss of his beloved father, Mr. Sidney Gettenberg, ע"ה. Mr. Adam Hofstetter- upon the loss of his beloved father, Mr. Marty Hofstetter, ע"ה. Mrs. Esther Lasky – upon the loss of her beloved mother, Mrs. Frances Kastovitzky Ferman, ע"ה. Mrs. Rachelle Alter-Wernick- upon the loss of her beloved mother, Mrs. Miriam Alter, ע"ה. MAZAL TOV TO: Thea and Robert Block- upon the birth of their granddaughter born to their children, Naomi and Noah Goldstein. Shera and Bruce Chubak- upon the birth of their granddaughter born to their children, Rebecca and Josh Chubak. Chana and Jay Fenster- upon the birth of their granddaughter born to their children, Reva and Yechiel Fuchs. Frimmit and Murray Forman- upon the birth of their grandson. Debbie and Fred Greenstein- upon the birth of their grandson born to their children, Jessie and Josh Greenstein. Naomi and David Kaszovitz- upon the birth of their first grandchild, a grandson born to their children, Sarah and Netanel Goldstein. Sandy and Ed Klar- upon the birth of their granddaughter born to their children, Jordana and Gedalia Kleinkaufman. Esther and Jonathan Leiderman- upon the birth of their first grandchild, a granddaughter born to their children, Yael and Zack Stone. Lynn and Joel Mael – upon the birth of their grandson born to their children, Fani and Jonathan Mael. Mazal Tov to the great-grandparents, Estelle and Nysen Mael. Shirley and Leo Schachter – upon the marriage of their grandson, Yonatan Tannenbaum to Sarit Ickovics. Mimi and Ari Schreier- upon the marriage of their son, Chesky to Michal Hershberg. Elana and David Schwartz- upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Adam. Mazal Tov to the grandparents, Paula and Moish Weinstein. Susan and Michael Sosnowik- upon the birth of their grandson born to their children, Chaya and Shlomo Zalman Maza. Risa and Lewis Stein – upon the birth of their granddaughter born to their children, Rochel and Binyamin Bergos. Ilse Warburg- upon the birth of a great-granddaughter born to her grandchildren, Tamar and Yigal Gross and upon the birth of a great-granddaughter born to her grandchildren, Meira and Yehuda Hammer. Irit and Yosi Wittmann- upon the engagement of their son, Meir to Rachellie Knobel. NEW MEMBERS: Sara and Daniel Grossman UPCOMING SMACHOT: Shabbat Parshat Lech Lecha – November 1st Aufruf of Kevin Lifshitz at the 9:00am Minyan in the Joseph S. Straus Main Synagogue. Mazal Tov Karen and Ed. Shabbat Parshat Toldot - Mevorchim – November 22ndAufruf of Dovi Kalowitz at the 9:00am Minyan in the Joseph S. Straus Main Synagogue. Mazal Tov Carol and Joshua.
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