Shabbat Schedule, Shabbat Parshat Ki Tissa Golden Calves and Asheirah Trees Friday 5:33 pm Candle Lighting 5:41 pm Mincha in the Joseph S. Straus Main Synagogue Shabbat 9:13 am Sof Zman Kriyat Sh’ma 7:30 am Hashkama Minyan, Annette Adler Young Adult Beit Midrash followed by a Shiur 8:30 am Beit Medrash Minyan in the Gluck-Gelnick Beit Midrash 9:00 am Main Minyan in the Joseph S. Straus Main Synagogue 9:15 am Youth Groups in the Rochelle & Melly Lifshitz Youth Center 9:30 am Minyan in the Rabbi Morris Friedman Beit Midrash 1:30 pm 1st Mincha in the Annette Adler Young Adult Beit Midrash 4:35 pm Masechet Ketuvot Shiur with Rabbi Teitelbaum 5:25 pm 2nd Mincha in the Joseph S. Straus Main Synagogue 6:36 pm Ma’ariv 6:43 pm Shabbat Ends Mazal Tov to: Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzin Sori Teitelbaum upon the birth of their granddaughter ♦ Leslie and Chet Eisen upon the birth of their grandson ♦ Fran and Joshua Eisenstein upon the engagement of their granddaughter ♦ Anne and Sheldon Golombeck upon the birth of their grandson ♦ Ayalah and David Jesselson upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Eliezer ♦ Helene and Harvey Werblowsky upon the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Eliezer Jesselson ♦ Lisa and Steven Krausman upon the marriage of their daughter, Leora to Yoel Grunhut ♦ Sharon and Arnold Rosenberg upon the birth of their granddaughter ♦ Rabbi Yitzie and Reisy Ross upon the birth of their son ♦ Lisa and Uri Lazar upon the engagement of their son Zevi Zahn to Leah Nathan ♦ New Members: ♦ Yael and Yoseph Gurevich & Family ♦ Rabbi Yitzie and Reisy Ross & Family Eventually, Am Yisrael learned to believe and trust only in one God. But there was a significant learning curve. When creating and worshiping the Golden Calf, Am Yisrael did much more than just desire something of a material nature to turn toward in religious devotion or in search of a power to trust in. The wishes of Am Yisrael had been affected by generations spent in Egypt where we had been exposed to (and became part of) a culture that embraces a true multiplicity of Gods. What we sought with the creation of the Egel was to serve any and all Gods of importance. For this reason, Aharon declared “Eleh Elohecha… Asher He`elucha (plural) M`Eretz Mitzrayim”. There is an opinion that states that there were numerous calves of gold that emerged from the cauldron of melted ore. How far-reaching was this misconception and error? When demanding that we destroy the Asheirah trees (used as foci of idolatry) that the Israelites would find upon arrival in the land of Canaan, God decrees that these trees be destroyed even though they were growing on Israel’s land – land that was rightfully ours. How could the Canaanite pagans impart Issur and resultant prohibitions that condemn trees that were not rightfully theirs? The Talmud explains that because the Israelites, at the time of the Sin of the Egel, desired to serve many Gods, the Canaanites were considered as if they were acting on behalf of the wayward nation of Israel. [Avoda Zara 53b] Acceptance of the intolerable has farreaching consequences. Condolences to: ♦ Mrs. Melodie Scharf upon the loss of her beloved brother, Mr. Miles Felder, O”H ♦ Judah Michael upon the loss of his beloved mother, Sarah Michael YOUTH GROUPS ARE ON REGULAR SCHEDULE!! ‰MISHEBERACH L’CHOLIM” Zev Eliezer ben Chaya Shaindel Avraham Yehuda ben Davida Yehudit Leah bat Brina Brina bat Sarah Esther Liat Leorah bat Berachah Meir Moshe ben Shayndl Rivka bat Sara Rachel bat Tziporah Elimelech Shmuel ben Miriam Dov Ber ben Fradl Rochel Leah bat Chana Yehoshua Chaim ben Vita Chaya bas Menya Chana Shaindel bat Chaya Lifsha Leah bat Sarah Shana bat Nurit Henna Leah bat Devorah Noach ben Chaya Etta Rivka bat Zahava Tziporah Bas Scheindel Chaya Rachel bat Breindel Yechiel Aryeh Reuven ben Sima Leah Chasya Shimon Mordechai ben Sarah Pinchas Aharon ben Golda Reva Chaim Shlomo ben Rochel Asher Chanan ben Ilana Leah Emmanuel Moshe ben Yehudis Yoel Yaakov ben Gittel Henia Dov Nechemia ben Rachel Chaya Sara Shayna bat Hinda Rivka David Yitzchak ben Rivka Rachel Yaakov Avraham ben Michla Rachel Mariyam bat Shifra Yenta Reuven Yisrael ben Vita Shmuel Zev ben Shoshana Zelda bat Mala Malka Esther Malka bat Eidel Shoshana bat Simcha Tziporah Chaya bat Dina Serach Escha bat Dina Yehuda ben Margalit Sarah Rachel Elisheva bat Batya Esther Leah Rochel bat Malka To submit a name visit our website, or call the Shul office at 569-3324 YILC Teens Snow Tubing trip for children in 6th- 12th grade. th Sunday, March 8 leaving from the Shul at 9:30am $50.00 member/$60.00 non member. For more information please contact Ariella Beitler by March 1st. Happy Birthday To Our Children: February 28th - Estee Breuer, Leah Fortgang, Emily Reba Silverstein March 2nd Avi and Eitan Kwestel Yahrzeits Observed This Coming Week: Lillian Packer - Mother of Fran Sicklick Rav Shlomo Kornfeld - Father of Rochelle Gold Yitzchak Graff - Father of Jehoshua Graff Mayer Zucker– Father of Harriet Steinmentz David Bondar– Father of Dov Bondar Florence Weiss –Mother of Michael Weiss Claire Wernick - Mother of Rabbi Stanley Wernick Jacob W. Klein - Father of Ralph and Sidney Klein George Lauer– Father of Eliot Lauer Ira Silverstein - Beloved father of Ben Jacob, Josef and Emily Reba Silverstein Amelia Seiff - Mother of Miriam Feller Belle Liss - Mother of Sylvia Kain Frieda Kramer - Mother of Nancy Karp Albert Mayerhoff - Father of Jonah Mayerhoff Sydney Lebow - Father of Florence Wolf Moshe Eliezer Galler - Father of Jeffrey Galler Morris Kain - Father of Rabbi Milton Kain Patricia Siegel - Mother of Debra Sandler Seymour Sicklick - Father of Marc Sicklick Yossef Perets - Father of Elaine Tobaly Morris Friedman - Father of David Friedman YILC Youth Department Purim Extravaganza Wednesday night, March 4th following the Megillah reading, until 9:30 pm in the YILC Ballroom Members: $10.00 per child , $50.00 family cap Non-Members : $15.00 per child $75.00 family cap For more information please contact Alyssa Schechter.
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