November 2014 Providing essential services since 1978 • How To Contact Us Serving South Euclid, Lyndhurst, Highland Heights, Mayfield Heights and Mayfield Village. We can be reached at the following numbers: Main Office / South Euclid (9:00-5:00) 216-291-3902 Lyndhurst & Trip Office (9:00-3:30) 440-473-5138 (M, T, W only) Mayfield Hts. Outreach (9:00-5:00) 440-442-2628 Lunch & Programming (9:00-3:00) 216-650-4029 Upcoming Meetings: Commissions on Aging Community Partnership on Aging Friday, November 7, 1:00 PM Ross DeJohn Community Center Mayfield Heights Tuesday, November 4 at 5:00 PM Mayfield Heights City Hall From Our Director At the time of printing, our 5 City 5 Alarm Chili Cook-Off is less than 3 weeks away! Fire department staff from all five of our communities prepare batches of chili for our event that will be held on Saturday, November 1 at Highland Heights Community Center. The event is a fundraiser for the Community Partnership on Aging Safe at Home Program. Look for the winners announced in our December newsletter. The Safe at Home Program is available to residents of all five communities. Priority is given to those who cannot afford to pay for equipment themselves. The program offers grab bars, hand rails, transitions strips and other safety equipment, as well as durable medical equipment, to increase safety in the home. To inquire about having a free assessment of your home or to complete an application for the Safe at Home Program, please contact our South Euclid or Mayfield Heights office. Believe it or not, it’s time to talk about taxes again! The AARP Tax Aide program is gearing up for the 2015 season and is in need of volunteers. An AARP Volunteer Tax-Aide Information Session will be held at Maple Heights Senior Center, 15901 Libby Rd., on Wednesday, December 10 from 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM. Tax Aides receive training in all applicable laws, data entry and quality review. Please consider joining their team! Mayfield Village Thursday, January 8, 2015, 11:00 AM Senior Services Office It’s Medicare Open Enrollment time. Please take a few minutes on your own, or with our staff, to review your Medicare plan, including your Part D drug plan, to make sure it still fits for you. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please contact our outreach staff at 440-442-2628 or 216-2913902. Please also see page 3 for information about an upcoming Medicare program on November 12. South Euclid Monday, January 26, 1:30 PM South Euclid Community Center The annual Highland Heights Holiday Party will be held on Wednesday, December 3. Reservations are required by November 26 by calling Mary at 440-461-2441 x147. There is a $5 fee per person. Highland Heights Monday, November 17, 9:00 AM Highland Heights City Hall The Mayfield Heights Commission on Aging is hosting a Winter Dance on Saturday, December 6 at Ross C. DeJohn Community Center. Tickets are Funding is provided by the cities of South $5.00 at the door—all are welcome! Euclid, Lyndhurst, Highland Heights, Mayfield Stacey O’Brien, MSSA, LISW-S Heights and Mayfield Village; a grant from the Ohio Department on Aging through the Western Lyndhurst - No meeting scheduled Reserve Area Agency on Aging; Cuyahoga County through the Health & Human Services Levy; program donations; and contributions of time and dollars. All programs and services are provided without regard to race, ethnicity, marital status, religion, gender, disability, age, political belief, sexual orientation or veteran status. Services and programs funded by Title III or by the Cuyahoga County Health and Human Services levy will not be denied based on an individual’s inability to pay or donate. Community Partnership on Aging accepts tax-deductible donations all year. Contributions are used to help older adults in need, provide emergency services and food, and help to fund ongoing programs and services. Please consider giving to the program or service of your choice if you have not already done so! Volunteer News - call 216-291-3902 for all inquiries Become a CPA Volunteer! Volunteers from South Euclid United Church of Christ were of great help in October. Three individuals helped serve lunch (left) and another group did yard work for an older adult (bottom). Thanks to you all! Have you ever considered becoming a volunteer with our agency? More than 200 people are doing just that! There are lots of ways that older adults can be of help, and our volunteer coordinator would be happy to meet with you. Here is just a sample of volunteer jobs: Office work projects Computer work Newsletter distribution Consulting experience AARP tax assistant Nutrition program volunteer Friendly visitor Minor household repairs Residential computer tutor for older adults School or college volunteer Hillcrest Meals on Wheels volunteer (call Judy Conkling at 440-449-3551) If we have peaked your interest, please call Corinne Dunn to learn more. She can tell you about those opportunities as well as others in the community. Please call 216-291-3902 and ask for Corinne. Attention Community Volunteers! Individuals, businesses, families, and groups are needed to help with our annual leaf-raking project. Grab a rake (or leaf blower) and spend a couple hours enjoying a November day of your choice! In addition, beginning in January, our Adopt an Older Adult program will take place. This referralonly service provides light snow shoveling and trash assistance during the winter months. It is a great way to enable older adults who do not have family or friends to help them. Volunteer Help for Older Adults (60+) South Euclid, Lyndhurst, Highland Heights, Mayfield Heights, and Mayfield Village Ongoing Volunteer Services: Computer tutoring in your home (one or two sessions for beginners and intermediates) Occasional errand-running Simple home repairs (not including plumbing or electrical work) Friendly visits · Organizational tasks and November is Leaf-raking Month! * *Note: Volunteers will only be available to help once and at a designated time. Priority will be given to those with financial need. For information about any of these services, please call 216-291-3902. To volunteer for either program, please call Corinne Dunn, Volunteer Coordinator, at 216-291-3902. Quote of the Month Unless we hear each other singing and crying, unless we can comfort each other’s failures and cheer each other’s victories, we are missing out on the best that life has to offer. The only real action takes place on the bridge between people. —Unknown From The Heart of a Volunteer Community Partnership on Aging ~2~ November 2014 Program Highlights - call 216-650-4029 for all inquiries Fresh Goods To Go! Eligible older adults age 60+ residing in South Euclid, Lyndhurst, Highland Heights, Mayfield Heights and Mayfield Village may call for a reservation of a free Tote of groceries each month! Reservations for November 20 distribution MUST be received by 3:00 PM Wednesday, November 12. Call 216-650-4029 or stop in to see CPA staff at any lunch location to make a reservation or to find out if you are eligible. Don’t forget to ask about lunch! Programs and Events Call 216-650-4029 Do You Have Questions About Medicare? Wednesday, November 12 at 12:30 PM Ross DeJohn Community Center in Mayfield Hts. Stop by the Communiy Center to listen to a presentation and/or ask questions of a CPA social worker. Please call 216-650-4029 to RSVP. Laughter Club Every Thursday from 11:00-11:45 South Euclid Community Center Laughter is the best medicine and THIS medicine is FREE! Reservations not required. Hot Topic Returns! “What Happened to Etiquette?” Tuesday, November 18, 12:30-1:30 PM Lyndhurst Community Center Would You Like to Learn Sign Language? Give us a call and we will put you on our list for a weekly class that is being developed. Lunch ‘N’ Movie in Mayfield Village Civic Center / Reserve Hall Theatre Wednesday, November 12. Movie: “Lone Survivor,” combined with a hearty entrée of baked gnocchi with tomatoes and mozzarella! Reservations are required no later than the Wednesday prior to the lunch by calling 216-6504029. Movie subject to change based on availability. Fee: $5.00 per person; doors open at 11:45 AM / lunch at 12:15 / movie at 1:00. “Lone Survivor” is based on the true story of a Navy SEAL team on a mission to kill a former Taliban leader. Rated R, 121 minutes. FREE Movie Matinee at DeJohn Community Center Every fourth Tuesday at 1:00 Tues., November 25: “Godzilla” (2014) Rated PG-13, 123 minutes Entertainment by The High Notes! The High Notes are a group of ladies from the National Council of Jewish Women who volunteer their time performing a terrific song and dance routine! They will be at South Euclid Community Center on Wednesday, November 19 at 12:00. Lunch is available that day, too! Please call 216-650-4029 to inquire about lunch (reservations required for lunch but not for the entertainment). Health Notes November Café Lunch Enjoy an entrée of Blood pressure screenings for November: Lyndhurst: No Lyndhurst BP’s in November Chicken Roulade (full Mayfield Hts: Wed., Nov. 5, 10:30-11:30 chicken breast baked and South Euclid: No South Euclid BP’s in November stuffed with fresh spinach, Highland Hts: No Highland Heights BP’s in November roasted red peppers and All blood pressure screenings are first come, first served and smoked cheese) at the are FREE. Mayfield Village Blood Pressure checks offered the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Mayfield Café Lunch on Tuesday, November 25! Village Community Room. Call 440-919-2332 for details. Entertainment to be announced. Reservations for You can also make an appointment with one of the Café Lunch should be called in no later than our podiatrists for $20 (in some cases the doctor can 3:00 PM on Wednesday, November 19. bill Medicare. Please discuss that with the doctor.) Highland Hts: Friday, November 21, 9:00 - 11:00 South Euclid: Thursday , December 4, 9:30-11:30 Lyndhurst: Monday, November 24, 9:30 - 11:30 Please call 216-650-4029 for foot clinic appointments. Mayfield Village: Please call 440-919-2332 for Mayfield Village foot clinics dates and info. Community Partnership on Aging ~3~ Outreach Connection Please see the calendar on pages 4 & 5 for Outreach Connection dates. Stop by our lunch program to get updates from a CPA social worker, or to schedule an individual appointment. November 2014 November Program Calendar - call 216-650-4029 for all lunc Monday Tuesday Wednesday Program location codes and addresses: ▪ Lyndhurst Community Center (LCC): 1341 Parkview Dr. in Lyndhurst ▪ South Euclid Community Center (SE): 1370 Victory Dr. in South Euclid ▪ Highland Heights Community Center (HH): 5827 Highland Rd. in Highland Hts. ▪ Ross C. DeJohn Community Center (MH): 6306 Marsol Rd. in Mayfield Hts. ▪ Mayfield Village Civic Center and Reserve Hall Theatre (MV): 6622 Wilson Mills Rd. ▪ University Suburban Health Center (US): 1611 South Green Rd. in South Euclid 10:00 Stamp Collecting (LCC) 10:45 Qi Gong for Balance - fee (LCC) 11:00 Library Cart (LCC) 11:45 Hamburger (LCC) 12:30 Bridge (LCC) 3 Looking to play Maj Jong? Mayfield Village Senior Services offers it every Monday from 1-4, and it’s free! Call 440-919-2332 10:45 Qi Gong for Balance - fee (LCC) 11:00 Library Cart (LCC) 11:45 Breaded Fish (LCC) 12:00 Outreach Connetion (LCC) 12:30 Bridge (LCC) 10 4 Election Day No lunch or programs in Lyndhurst 3:15 Rock ‘n’ Roll History - fee (MV) 11 No lunch or programs in observance of Veteran’s Day in Mayfield Village 10:00 Health Talk: “New Approaches to Back Pain” presented by Dr. Abood (MH) 10:30 Blood Pressures/Glucose 10:30 Senior Exercise $2 (SE) 11:00 Library Cart (SE) 11:45 Tomato Basil Chicken ( 12:15 Pinochle (MH) 12:30 Bridge (SE) 1:00 Busy Hands Knitters (SE 9:00 Advanced Card-Making Class - $2 (MH) 10:30 Senior Exercise $2 (SE) 11:00 Library Cart (SE) 11:45 NO BP’s this month (SE) 11:45 Beef Meatloaf (SE) (MH) 12:15 Lunch ‘N’ Movie (MV) 12:15 Pinochle (MH) 12:30 Bridge (SE) 1:00 Busy Hands Knitters (SE) “Remember When” (LCC) 17 10:00 10:30 Arthritis Exercise $3 (LCC) 18 11:00 Library Cart (SE) 11:00 Visionary Group (SE) 10:30 Senior Exercise $2 (SE) 10:45 Qi Gong for Balance - fee (LCC) 11:00 Library Cart (LCC) 11:45 Pepper Steak (LCC) 12:30 Bridge (LCC) 11:00 11:45 12:15 12:30 12:30 3:15 Library Cart (LCC) BBQ Rib Patty (LCC) Pinochle (LCC) Hot Topic (LCC) Scrabble (LCC) Rock ‘n’ Roll History - fee (MV) Arthritis Exercise - $3 (LCC) 25 24 10:30 11:00 Library Cart (LCC) 9:30 Foot Clinic $20 (LCC) 10:45 Qi Gong for Balance - fee (LCC) 11:00 Library Cart (LCC) 11:45 Spaghetti & Meatballs (LCC) 12:30 Bridge (LCC) 11:45 12:15 12:30 1:00 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 1:00 9:00 10:30 11:00 Café Lunch $3 (LCC) 11:45 Pinochle (LCC) 12:00 Scrabble (LCC) Free Movie Matinee: “Godzilla” (MH) 12:15 12:30 12:30 Beef Fried Steak (SE) (M The High Notes (SE) Pinochle (MH) Bridge (SE) Busy Hands Knitters (SE) Card-Making $2 (MH) Senior Exercise $2 (SE) Library Cart (SE) Roasted Turkey Breast ( Outreach Connection (S Pinochle (MH) Bridge (SE) Book Club: The Chaperon Laura Moriarty (SE) 1:00 Busy Hands Knitters (SE) Saturday, November 1 5 City 5 Alarm Chili Cook-Off! 5 e (MH) (SE) (MH) MH) 12 6 9:30 10:30 11:00 11:00 11:45 1:00 1:00 Arthritis Exercise $3 (MH) Senior Exercise $2 (SE) Library Cart (SE) Laughter Club (SE) Rosemary Rub Pork Loin (SE) Games (SE) Creative Paper Recycling (US) 9:30 10:30 11:00 11:00 11:45 1:00 1:00 Arthritis Exercise $3 (MH) Senior Exercise $2 (SE) Library Cart (SE) Laughter Club (SE) Chicken Sloppy Joe (SE) Games (SE) Creative Paper Recycling (US) 9:30 Arthritis Exercise $3 (MH) 9:30 NO Foot Clinic (SE) 19 10:30 Senior Exercise $2 (SE) 13 20 11:00 Library Cart (SE) 11:00 Laughter Club (SE) 11:45 Beef Hot Dog (SE) 12:00-3:00 Fresh Goods To Go (SE) 1:00 Games (SE) 1:00 Creative Paper Recycling (US) 26 (SE) (MH) SE) ne by Friday 27 Centers closed in observance of Thanksgiving 9:30 9:30 9:30 10:00 11:45 12:00 12:30 12:30 Line Dancing - fee (MH) Arthritis Exercise - $2 (HH) Woodcarving (HH) Nimble Needlers (MH) Swiss Steak (HH) Gentle Yoga - fee (MH) Wii Bowling League - fee (HH) Bridge and Cards (HH) 9:30 Arthritis Exercise - $2 (HH) 9:30 Intermediate Line Dancing - fee (MH) 9:30 Woodcarving (HH) 10:00 Nimble Needlers (MH) 11:45 Chicken A La King (HH) 12:00 Gentle Yoga - fee (MH) 12:30 Wii Bowling League - fee (HH) 12:30 Bridge and Cards (HH) 9:00 9:30 9:30 9:30 10:00 11:45 12:00 12:30 12:30 Foot Clinic Appts. $20 (HH) Arthritis Exercise - $2 (HH) Woodcarving (HH) Intermediate Line Dancing - fee (MH) Nimble Needlers (MH) Chicken Cacciatore (HH) Gentle Yoga - fee (MH) Wii Bowling League - fee (HH) Bridge and Cards (HH) 7 14 21 28 No lunch or programs in observance of Thanksgiving A hot lunch or cold box lunch is available to any person age 60+ for a voluntary contribution of $1.50. Reservations are necessary and should be made by calling or leaving a message at 216-650-4029 no later than Wednesday at 3:00 PM for M-F the following week. You can also make a reservation in person at any of our lunch sites in Lyndhurst, South Euclid, Highland Heights or Mayfield Heights Lunches are served at 11:45 AM. Alternative dessert and buttermilk available by request, as is a cold sandwich lunch. A copy of the full menu is available at or at any lunch site. Hours of operation at lunch sites: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Residents of any city can also enjoy our monthly Café Lunch in South Euclid, Lyndhurst or Highland Heights ($3) or Lunch ‘N’ Movie in Mayfield Village ($5). Reservations/cancellations are also required the week before any lunch by calling 216-650-4029. Thursday Information about CPA Lunches - call 216-650-4029 for all reservations, inquiries and fees. ch and program reservations, inquiries and fees CPA Trips - call 440-473-5138 for all inquiries CPA trip cell phone (for passenger emergencies during scheduled trips or last-minute changes): 216-548-8020. Please note that all prices are subject to change. Our tours are planned for physically active adults 55 and over. Trip reservations will be taken weekdays during office hours until trips are filled. NOVEMBER TRIP OFFICE HOURS: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, 9:00-3:30 The trip office will be closed on Wednesday, November 26. Trips and Programs with Mayfield Village Senior Services Call Donna at 440-919-2332 for detailed information and to register. Irving Berlin’s White Christmas - Seats still open! Thursday, December 4 $74 per person The Natural History Museum with Lunch at Guarino’s Wednesday, January 21 Fee: $57 per person Deadline to register is December 17. FREE Lunch and Learn “Live Life to the Fullest with Better Hearing” January 23 at 12:00PM Mayfield Village Civic Center Sponsored by Zounds Hearing of Mayfield CHRISTMAS CONCERT Severance Hall Saturday, December 13 This 2:30 matinee show by the World-Famous Cleveland Orchestra will feature conductor Robert Porco, the Cleveland Orchestra Chorus and guest chorus by the Cleveland Orchestra Children’s Chorus. Motorcoach transportation and tickets are for first floor seating are included. COST: $80 (due 11/12) ACTIVITY RATING: 1 (mild activity) DEPART: 12:45 PM from the Rae Rd. lot off Irene Rd. RETURN: Approx. 5:00 PM Kemper House Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care GROUP SHOPPING TRIPS with STC (FOR ALL RESERVATIONS CALL 1-800-983-4782) (Trips subject to change) SE – Tues., Nov. 11 & 25 to Giant Eagle ▪ Wed., Nov. 12 & 26 to Heinen’s ▪ Thurs., Nov. 13 & 27 to Marc’s LYND & HH – Tuesdays, Nov. 4, 18 & Dec. 2 to Giant Eagle ▪ Wednesdays, Nov. 5, 19 & Dec. 3 to Dave’s ▪ Thursdays, Nov. 6, 20 & Dec. 4 to Marc’s MH & MV – Tuesdays, Nov. 4 & 18 to Giant Eagle & Wal-Mart ▪ Fridays, Nov. 14 & 28 to Heinen’s & Marc’s FOR MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS call 1-800-983-4782 MONDAY through FRIDAY. Cancellations are REQUIRED no later than 7:00 AM on the day of your scheduled ride.
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