31 OCTOBER VOL.14 NO.32 NEWSLETTER t: 3354 3422 w: www.hillbrook.qld.edu.au e: hillbrook@hillbrook.qld.edu.au From The School Leadership Team This weekend we are holding two very different events, both involving students. One group left Hillbrook 20 years ago - it’s their reunion - they started at Hillbrook in 1990. The other group is about to commence their journey with Hillbrook. If they were to meet and talk sometime next year after a semester at Hillbrook; what would they say is the same and what would be different? So, let’s do a bit of crystal ball gazing... Our past students would marvel at the number of new buildings and the transformation of the ones they remember. They often talk about the quadrangle at the centre of the school as a patch of grass with a few old buildings from the Boys’ Home. The office block wasn’t there in 1990, the Design, Tech and Engineering Block and Maths and English Blocks were new. The Rec Centre was just an idea and where the PAC sits now was a small amphitheatre style abandoned quarry. The Chapel was over 10 years away. Massive changes, that together with the current program, will make Hillbrook’s campus one of the most inviting and interesting around. So yes, the campus is very different, but you would hope that would be the case! So, once past the campus changes, how would the conversation go between the groups? Parents make choices about schools for their children based on reputation and what it offers. Past students hope that the school they left is, in some fundamental way, unchanged. Are the values and beliefs that were inherent in the 90s when the school was new still with us? These are some of the questions we could ask: • Would there be a common language for both groups? • Would they understand, ‘In Balance We Grow’? • Would they understand shared leadership and would they talk about the Rights and Responsibilities? • Would they see a happy place; a place where they would still be welcomed for who they are? • Would they see strong, respectful relationships between staff and students? • Would they talk together about the Outdoor Ed experiences? • Would they enjoy Drama productions and talk about the Music program? • Would Green Justice mean the same to both groups? Speaking of shared experiences, don’t forget Celebration Evening is on next Thursday 6 November at Brisbane City Hall. Please be seated by 6.45pm. It is a great occasion and one where we celebrate together the achievements of our students, and your sons and daughters. (For more information, see next page). Geoff Newton, Stephanie Munday-Lake, Craig Merritt & David Briggs Sustainability Day 30 May 2015 WE WANT YOU! Our bi-annual Sustainability Day is on 30 May 2015 and we need a Convenor to oversee the organisation of the event. Those who have been involved before know that preparation for Sustainability Day needs to start early as there are so many things to organise! If you are interested in this role, please contact P&F President, Grant Starkey, on 0417 716 744 or starquay@ hn.ozemail.com.au Year 8 2015 Vacancies Due to the half-sized cohort of Queensland students commencing Year 8 in 2015 Hillbrook now has a limited number of vacancies. Interested families can contact our Enrolment Officer, Liz Laws, on 3354 6440 or lizl@hillbrook.qld.edu.au for further information. List Your Second Hand Uniforms Before Family Day! With Family Day being held this Sunday, to be followed by our Uniform Sale Days starting on 8 November 2014, this is the ideal time to register and list your second hand uniforms and other items on www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au. New families to the school will be actively looking to purchase both new and second hand uniforms in the next few weeks. By registering now you will also receive a complimentary annual subscription to www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au. If you have any feedback regarding the new second hand trading system, or suggestions as to how we can improve it for Hillbrook families, please contact Wendy on wbrownsc@bigpond.net.au. • Would they see the same leadership style? • Would they see the same emphasis on a liberal education? • As parents, would they still want a Hillbrook experience for their children? We would say ‘yes’ to these questions and believe that both groups would have great fun telling stories and sharing a common bond. P&F Volunteers Thank You Party The P&F appreciate all the hours of hard work that are given willingly by the volunteers, and invite you to a thank you party on Wednesday 12 November near the Tuckshop starting at 6.30pm. Please RSVP Rosie Grant: rosie@donohoeconsulting. com.au by Friday 7 November so we have an idea of numbers. 2 of 10 HILLBROOK ANGLICAN SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 31 OCTOBER 2014 Hillbrook 2015 Perisher Ski Trip We now have enough expressions of interest for this trip to go ahead. For details of the trip see attached flyer. If you are definitely interested in having your child attend this trip next year, please contact Norelle Millhouse on norellem@hillbrook. qld.edu.au with your child’s name and preferred email contact details. Deposits of $200 are now being accepted to secure your child’s place on this trip. Uniform & Stationery Stationery Packing – Thank You! My sincere thanks go to each and every one of the wonderful group of volunteers who assisted last Saturday with the packing of the Stationery Kits for next year’s students. It was a great turn out with both Mothers and Fathers, current and future students, a future mother and even a Grandmother helping. What could have been a very long day was certainly shortened by the number of people who gave their time. New Price Lists Attached to this newsletter you will find our updated price lists. You will also find a copy online. All items are available for sale now. With Year 7 joining us in 2015, I would urge you to consider purchasing before the end of this term to avoid the Back-toSchool rush in January. Online Stationery Orders These will be available again this year. Just log onto the Hillbrook website, click on About Hillbrook, go to Uniform and Stationery and then to Online orders. Orders placed before 16 November will be available for pick up and payment on our sales afternoon on or after Wednesday the 19th from 3.30pm-6pm. We will endeavour to pack any orders placed after that date in time for collection by the end of term, however, as this is our busy time this may not be possible. Any outstanding orders will be available for pick up on our first sale day in January. Extra End of Year Sales’ Days Saturday 8 November from 9am-4pm ~ Year 7 students 2015 Wednesday 12 November from 3.30pm–6pm ~ Years 7 & 8 students 2015 Saturday 15 November from 9am–4pm ~ Year 8 students 2015 Wednesday 19 November from 3.30pm–6pm ~ All students 2015 Celebration Evening - Only 6 days to go! Celebration Evening is to be held at Brisbane City Hall at 7pm on Thursday 6 November. We invite all parents and students to attend this night, where the school community comes together to reflect on the year, and to award students for their efforts, achievement and their contributions to school and community life. Doors open at 6.30pm, seating for 6.45pm and a 7pm start. Students will be briefed over the next week about expectations for dress and behaviour. We hope that parents might re-inforce this message at home. The night is for celebration; the tone is dignified. Some notes for parents and students new to the school, and a reminder for those who have been here for a while: • The evening is one for families and, as such, all students are asked to sit with their parents. • We request that students receiving awards and their families from Red and White sit on the left of the hall (looking at the stage) and Blue and Green on the right. This will help ensure that the night runs smoothly. • The school asks that parents and students do come for the whole evening. • There is underground secure parking in King George Square at a cost of $12. From the School Board The next three months will see an increase in building activity around the school. As well as major projects including the new two-storey B Block and the Outdoor Education Centre, there will be work in C, E and F Blocks all to be completed before school starts in 2015. In all, 13 projects designed to accommodate the new Year 7 cohort and to enhance the learning environment of all students at Hillbrook. Hillbrook is one of 15 schools Australia wide taking part in a research project conducted by the Australian Institute for School Governance. Board members were interviewed before the last meeting and their responses will be used in formulating a survey instrument to be circulated to all Australian schools mid-2015. The Board congratulates John O’Sullivan Williams on his appointment to Head of Performing Arts at St Margarets and wishes him every success in the future. Apart from his great contribution to the school as an exemplary teacher, taking on significant extra tasks and leadership roles, John has made a significant contribution to the Board during his three and a half years as a Class A member. It is hard to believe we are four weeks into Term 4 and there are only four weeks before the Christmas holidays. The Board wishes all students well in their final assessments for this year. Grahme Whiting - Chairperson Still Standing by Basement Arts Basement Arts is proud to present its final production of the year, Still Standing by Margery Forde and Michael Forde. The play takes us back to the days of Countdown, when records were the norm, and music was generated purely by instruments. Oh, those were the days! I remember when I was young, when the world had just begun, and I was happy. Enough said! Hillbrook teacher Ben Behan makes his acting debut for the company alongside past students Jenn Keil and Ben Trigger. The play also features a live band on stage starring current students Mitch Starkey, Jed Stoll, Dom Machen and special guest Mike Dunlop (Mrs Dunlop’s husband!) This play is going to rock! Two shows only on 7 and 8 November at 7pm. Tickets are $15 adults and $10 students/concession and can be purchased from the drama department or reserved at http://www.trybooking. com/108710 Holly O’Sullivan Williams & Sue-Ellen Taylor - Directors Yellow Day 2014 Hillbrook Creche wish to thank everyone for their efforts and contributions to our fundraising for Yellow Day; in memory of our very special Creche friend, Rhys Slater, who died from leukaemia, aged 5 years. All proceeds will go to the Leukaemia Foundation. 3 of 10 HILLBROOK ANGLICAN SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 31 OCTOBER 2014 COMING EVENTS EVENT DAY/DATE Year 12 Block Testing 10-17 November G20 Public Holiday Friday 14 November Year 11 Block Testing 17-20 November TIME VENUE Year 12 Wet n Wild Day Last Day Term 4 Friday 28 November First Day Term 1 2015 Years 7, 10 & 12 Tuesday 27 January First Day Term 1 2015 Years 7, 8, 9 & 11 Wednesday 28 January Whole School Resumes Thursday 29 January MAJOR EVENTS IN 2014 EVENT DAY/DATE TIME VENUE Class of 1994 - 20 Year Reunion Saturday 1 November 7pm The Fox Hotel Family Day Sunday 2 November Celebration Evening Thursday 6 November 7pm City Hall Year 12 Graduation Dinner Thursday 20 November 7pm - 10.30pm Royal International Convention Centre Year 12 Farewell Day Friday 21 November Year 8-11 Final Day 2014 Friday 28 November TUCKSHOP ROSTER MONDAY 3 NOVEMBER TUESDAY 4 NOVEMBER WEDNESDAY 5 NOVEMBER THURSDAY 6 NOVEMBER FRIDAY 7 NOVEMBER Karen Davis Alison Hatchman Cathy Orchard Fiona Lynch Kathryn Stewart Jo McNeilly Heidi Kaufmann Bronwyn Davies Carol Weeks Leanne Boyd Kathy Sheppard Ros Baynes Susan MacKenzie Rosie Grant Claire Williams Alison Wilcox Kim Garthwaite Tracy Neuendorf UNIFORM AND STATIONERY MONDAY 3 NOVEMBER WEDNESDAY 5 NOVEMBER FRIDAY 7 NOVEMBER 12pm - 2pm 8am - 10am 8am - 9am Catherine Haden Mary Bendixen Jo Purcell Kerry Darton Alison Boyd Karen Malowiecki Wendy Springfield Julie Alexander Sandi Rogers 4 of 10 HILLBROOK ANGLICAN SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 31 OCTOBER 2014 Year 10 Red Camp UNIFORM PRICE LIST Current 7.10.14 - GST Inclusive - Prices Subject to change GIRLS PRICE BOYS PRICE Dress $ 89.50 Shirt - L/s Stripe $ 50.50 Day skirt $ 54.50 Shirt - S/s Stripe $ 47.00 Blouse - Blue stripe - Red stripe $ $ 48.50 48.50 Polo Shirt - white yoke $ 43.00 Girl's Ties - Red & Blue $ 21.00 Shorts - Grey $ 39.50 Trousers - Grey $ 46.00 Socks - Grey Ankle - reg & K/s Long - reg & K/s $ $ 8.00 10.00 Belt - Black leather $ 23.00 Tie - Striped $ 26.50 14 / 16 18/22 24 + $ $ $ 86.50 91.50 96.00 Scarf - Red or Blue Acrylic $ 19.00 $ $ 25.50 29.50 $ 34.50 (one size) Socks - White ankle $ 9.50 Tights - Black $ 13.50 SPORTS T-shirt - White Polo Shorts - Navy Hat - Navy Bucket $ $ $ 25.50 25.50 13.00 (One size) DRAMA JUMPERS Pants - Black T-shirt - Black $ $ 35.50 15.50 Woollen - Blue & Red FORMAL HATS Girls Boys $ $ Blazers 85.50 67.50 P.O.A MUSIC School Badge Buttons $ 7.50 15c /30c Polo Shirt - Black L/s Formal shirt -Black Hair Accessories ART Ponytail Elastics Tubes Ribbons (from) (from) $ $ $ 3.50 5.50 8.00 Smock - Red or Royal (XS - L) HILLBROOK ANGLICAN SCHOOL Stationery Price List - Current 25.10.14 GST Incl - subject to change ITEM Artline marker Binder books - A4 128 pg Binder books - A4 64pg Binder Ring - plain Biro - Staedtler Calculator - Years 7,8 & 9 Compass - Staedtler Connector pens - Faber-Castell Correction pen Correction Tape - Osmer Display books A4 Document wallet Document wallet - Documanager - KFS Duraclip Folder Ear Phones - Music Yrs 9 - 12 Erasers Exercise book - 48pg Exercise book - 96pg Glue stick UHU 40 gm Highlighters Home Work Diary / Cover Manuscript pad - Music yrs 9-12 Mouthguard - PE Music book - Years 7 & 8 Pacer lead refills Pacer pencil Paint set - Chromacryls (tubes x 5) Paint brush # 2 Paint brush # 6 Paint brush # 8 Pencil Sharpener- (Double) Pencil Sharpener (Single) Pencils - Crayola Coloured. Pencils - lead HB Pencils - Aquarelles -Geography Yrs 11& 12 Plastic pockets - single Plastic pockets - Pk 10 Protractors Quad ruled Exercise Book (7mm & 10mm) Refill paper PRICE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2.10 1.00 0.60 3.00 0.40 28.00 5.50 3.10 3.10 2.50 1.20 0.55 3.15 2.35 8.50 0.50 0.30 0.50 3.00 1.15 18.00 10.20 8.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 12.40 1.50 2.25 3.50 1.00 0.50 3.50 0.50 13.85 0.05 0.65 0.50 0.50 2.05 Price List - cont'd ITEM Ruler - Wooden Scissors - general Spiral lecture pad Stapler / staples Swimming - Microfibre towel Swimming - Lycra cap Swimming - Goggles Swimming - Waterproof bag. Whistles - PE USB 8GB USB 16GB Visual Diary Spiral - Art Yr 10 (Black) Visual Diary Spiral - Yr 8 Art (Blue) Visual Diary Spiral - Yr 9 Art (Green) Visual Diary Spiral- Yr !0 Art ( Purple) Visual Diary - Jas Art Tech. Studies Yr 11 BAGS Back pack - School logo Back pack - Physiopak KITS Year 7 Kit Year 8 - Basic Year 9/10 - Basic PRICE $ 0.50 $ 1.35 $ 1.60 $ 1.60 $ 15.00 $ 8.00 $ 12.00 $ 10.00 $ 1.70 $ 10.20 $ 14.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 $ 8.00 $ $ 67.50 80.00 $ $ $ 74.65 92.75 35.35 Chill Collar $ 6.50 PLEASE NOTE : Years 7, 8 and 9/10 - Basic kits cover all stationery needs for core subjects. Year 9 &10 Students will need to purchase requirements for elective subjects separately Year 11 & 12 No basic kit. Students to select needs for individual electives. (Can purchase 9/10 kit ) * It is expected that all students should have a memory stick for school use only. FOR SCHOOLS Hillbrook Anglican School’s 2015 Ski Trip Register NOW PERISHER We are offering a ski trip for our Junior students (Years 7 - 9). We now have enough expressions of interest for this trip to go ahead Please read on for a summary of the package on offer; - Travelling Sat 27 Jun – Sat 4 July, overnight coach Hillbrook - Perisher - Exclusive accommodation at Acacia Snowy Motel - 5 nights multi share accommodation including dinners (x5) & breakfasts (x5) - 5½ day all mountain lift pass - 5 x 2hour group lessons - 5½ day hire: helmet, skis & poles/snow board, boots, pants, parka - Total Cost $1550.00 per person If you are definitely interested in having your child attend this trip next year, please contact Norelle Millhouse with your child’s name and preferred contact email address. Email norellem@hillbrook.qld.edu.au A deposit of $200 will be required by Friday, 7th November 2014, to secure your child’s spot. “Nothing beats seeing snow for the first time, it was awesome!” “Perisher was massive, so many places to ski. I was a pro by the end of the week!” HILLBROOK CHORALE presents An afternoon of sensational music, filled with classic American tunes, music from Germany to Africa, and concluding with a little bit of Christmas! Conducted by Kylie Los Accompanied by Judy Collins featuring guest artist Margie Cottrell (flute) Join us for an uplifting afternoon of music set in the peaceful and tranquil surrounds of the Hillbrook Anglican School Chapel, Hurdcotte Street, Enoggera. Sunday 23rd November, 4:00 till 5:00pm Share complimentary afternoon tea with us afterwards $5 entry
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