Contact Us Newsletter 16 December 2014

Growing Excellence Together
Piki ake te tihi ngātahi
Newsletter 16 December 2014
Important Notes
Things to note…
Nau mai haere mai, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Bula Vinaka!
►Dec 17 Class Placements
go home with pupils.
►Dec 17 Senior PrizeGiving at 6pm.
►Dec 17 Reports go home.
It’s a difficult job deciding what class your child would be best suited for next year. There
are all sorts of criteria we consider but our prime goal is to select the best place for your
Next year, as we move more toward collaborative teaching, you must realise that it is not
only the ‘home room’ teacher that is important but the other teachers in the team who
will be involved in the education of your child. This team is made up of teachers with
various strengths, skills and talents and together they will make up a rich, balanced
‘package’ for your child. This will enable us to cater better for all learning, social and
personal needs. We have been trialling this collaborative approach this year and we know
it has significant impact on the learning and well-being of all children.
Class teachers, who know your children well, have spent hours talking about where the
►Dec 18 School finishes at best place for your child will be. We have placed your child into a home room and team
that we know will cater for his/her academic and social needs. We ask that you have
confidence in us to know that your child has been carefully placed in a room where they
will continue to grow and develop both academically and socially.
This Year our Five Teams are made up of::
Team 1 made up of New Entrant and Year 1 students in R23, R1, R2 and Rm 3 with
Kerri Waterman as the team Leader
Team 2 made up of Year 1 and 2 students in Rm 4, 5, 6 and 7 with Heather Law as
our AP and Team Leader
Team 3 and 4 made up of three year 3 classes (Rm 8, 9,and 10) and three year 4
classes (Rm 11,12 and 13) with Kate Morgan as the Team Leader
Team 5 and 6 made up of five classes; (one of those being a year 4 & 5 class (Rm19))
and four year 5 & 6 classes (Rm 20, 21, 22 and 18) with Amanda Thornbury as Team
Team 7 & 8 made up of four year 7 & 8 classes in our new Learning Hub with Bruce
Rodger as the team Leader
For safety’s sake we have to restrict the number of pool keys we issue and like last year,
have limited it to 70 keys. Just a reminder, the pool will be open over the holidays and
will be heated. Please look after the pool for us and tell anyone who shouldn’t be there to
leave. Please also remind children…there should be no diving OR DIVE BOMBING as it
makes it very difficult for others to enjoy their swim while all that activity is going on. We
will ask for your key back if we hear that families are allowing their children to do this.
►Term 1 of 2015 starts
Monday 2 February.
Contact Us
FINAL ASSEMBLY –TOMORROW NIGHT at 6pm. This year we have shifted the formal,
Year 7&8 assembly to the evening to allow more working parents to attend. All our Year
7&8’s are required to be at this assembly. As it is likely to last for an hour-and-a-half, the
year 7&8’s are not required back on Thursday morning as they have fulfilled the extra
requirements of attendance by being at this extra assembly outside of school time. So this
will be an emotional time for the year 8’s as the march-out at the end will be their last
time at school. Younger children who go along to watch this….are not required to be at
this formal assembly. It’s OK if they choose to be there, but they will be required back at
school on Thursday morning (finishing at 12.30pm) to fulfil their attendance requirement.
Address: 55 Avonhead Road, Christchurch 8042 Phone: 03 348-7361
Finally…….We wish you all a safe and happy Christmas holiday and look forward to seeing your wonderful children back with
us at the start of the school year - 2nd February 2014.
We would like to thank you all for your on-going support.
Aku mihi nui ki a kotou
Charles Levings
Our whole school at the final assembly for 2015.
▲Awardees at our final assembly. These
students have the Avonhead attitude!
Jnr & Middle Kapa Haka awardees►
Awards Students
▼These students were awarded certificates for
showing all if the Avonhead Attitude at all times.
Congratulations for showing Respect,
Responsibility and Excellence in everything you
say and do.
This term, four small groups of talented artists joined
together for extension art sessions with Mrs
Farrelly. This was made possible with Red Cross
Funding. Year 5 to 8 students worked in a variety of
media, particularly pastels and water colours. There are
some very artistic children in our school and we thank
Mrs Farrelly for sharing her talents with them.
1st, 2nd & 3rd place-getters at zones.
A big thank you
Placegetters at zones
to our school community
for their support for our
Room 22 small business
inquiry. We raised a
total of $1340.60, which
will go towards a chosen
charity, something useful
for our new Year 7/8
block and a treat for
Room 22.
To Karen O’Connell for
Canterbury Primary School Athletics
all the great work she
Sports were held at Ashburton Domain
does for our choirs!
and 22 Avonhead children took part.
We had 2 notable achievements...Kyle
Gullery came 2nd in the 1200m and
Kayley Johnson also came 2nd in the
Thank you for the return
of Skyla’s scooter!
high jump. Well done to all those taking
part! You had a very positive attitude
and your behaviour was excellent!
Calendar art will be
delivered to homes if
not received before the
end of school.
Learning Celebrations Team 1!
Learning Celebrations Team 2!
Learning Celebrations Team 3/4!
Learning Celebrations Team 5/6!
Helene Pollard, (middle in blue) leaving Avonhead after 22 years!
She is joined here by staff and ex-teachers, ex-Principal Harry
Friedel, ex-caretaker Jim McCarthy, to celebrate her 22 years at
Avonhead School.
▼ALP students at the careers expo.
School Stationery 2015 Requirements:
Stationery class lists will go home with school reports. Lists will be available on our school web site
( from end of year.
Team 1. - Rooms 1 – 3:
List will go home beginning of 2015. All stationery items will be issued through school as many are
specialist books required for these classes and are not found at shops.
Classes below will be required to purchase most stationery items outside of
school. Important the read your children(s) stationery list
Team 2. - Rooms 4 – 7:
All stationery items to be issued through school as many are specialist books required for these
classes and are not found at shops.
Team 3/4 – Rooms 8-9-10-11-12-13:
Please note some items are only available at Office Max.
It is important to check stationery list for your child’s room.
Team 5/6:
All items to be purchased outside of school so it is important to check the stationery list for this
Team 7/8:
Please note some items are only available through school only! so it is important to check the
stationery list for this level.
Library Book ‘Amnesty’
The Library has now closed for the year. All library books to be returned by
Friday 12th December.
Please help your child(ren) search at home and return all books that belong
to our library.
Community Notices
Wanted Year 8
Girl to play as
stand in for interclub tennis for local
tennis club commencing February
2015 until end of summer season. No
fees required and you get professional
coaching on a week night from
resident coach for free as
well. Transport to interclub venues
will be provided. Experience at tennis
is required. If interested or you
require further information please
contact Julie Miles on Ph 0226218052
or leave a message and I will get back
to you.
Summer Holiday Programme at The international Antarctic Centre:
Don't be bored over the Summer holidays! Come along and help us set up a real Antarctic campsite, compete
in the penguin Olympic games, ride the waves on board the 4D Antarctic cruise experience, defeat the mighty
'Antarctic storm' and meet lots of new friends! Choose between a one-day or three-day holiday programme.
Suitable for 6 to 12 year olds.
‘Summer never ends in Antarctica’ holiday programme runs from 9.00 am to 5 pm on:
week 1: Tue 13th, Wed 14th and Thurs 15th of January, 2015
week 2: Tue 20th, Wed 21st and Thurs 22rnd of January, 2015
For more information and bookings, please call us on (03) 357 0519 or email: or visit our
Every year the librarians at Christchurch City Libraries put together their favourite books of
the entire year....
and here are our picks for 2014!
And while you’re reading some of those wonderful books over the summer holidays, make
sure you enter our Summer Time Reading Club. Just pick up a double sided reading
adventure map from your local library, or print one off the website. Try your best to complete
the challenges and then take your completed map into your local library to collect your badge
or sticker reward. The library staff will also enter you into the prize draw online. This
qualifies you for 10 prize draws for 5 of the best children’s books of 2014!
And the school with the most entries wins 50 books for their school!
If you would like any reading suggestions, or help with finding books and resources for your
children, just ask the friendly staff Upper Riccarton library.