Document 398656

November 2, 2014 - Feast of All Souls
Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston
Served by Oratorians
1694 Bird Street ● Rock Hill, SC 29730 ● Phone: (803) 329-2662 ● Fax: (803) 329-2190
Office Hours: Monday—Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm ● Email:
Sacramental Emergency (803) 329-2662 Ext.7 ●
WELCOME to saint anne
We celebrate our cultural diversity and invite everyone in our community to share their unique gifts.
Rev. Fabio Refosco, C.O., Pastor
Rev. Paul Nguyen, C.O., Parochial Vicar
Deacon Ray Moore (803) 684-5621
Deacon Jim Hyland (803) 327-5080
Mrs. Pat Fedele, Parish Manager
Mrs. Christina Pascual, Parish Secretary
Ms. Margie Blair, Facility Operations
Mrs. Maria Perez, Parish Bookkeeper
Mrs. Elena Ziegler, DRE
Mrs. Kendra Foos, Youth Minister
Mr. Jermaine Evans, Music Director
Mr. Dan Taylor, FLC Coordinator
Saint Anne Catholic School
Phone: (803) 324-4814
Mrs. Shaileen Riginos, Principal
Mrs. Melita Talbot-Hill, Secretary
Mrs. Michelle Hatchett, Marketing
Mrs. Terrah Shene, Nurse
Saint Anne Catholic Parish is a Eucharistic community
blessed with a diversity of cultures all united in the Body of Christ.
Formed in Faith and nourished by the Sacraments,
we continue to grow in our call to Evangelization.
Saturday Masses
5:30pm and 7:30pm (Vietnamese Mass)
Sunday Masses
7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am
12:30pm (Spanish Mass) and 5:00pm (Contemporary Mass)
Weekday Mass
7:00am (Monday - Friday)
Baptism—Contact the office before or after the child’s birth. Baptism Class
is on the first Thursday of the month at 7pm in the Church Meeting Room.
Holy Eucharist—Please call the church for Communion to be brought to
the homebound, the sick or the hospitalized.
Reconciliation—Saturday at 4:45pm — 5:15pm or by appointment.
Confirmation—Call the DRE for more information.
Marriage—Bride and Groom must schedule with the pastor a minimum of
one year prior to intended date of marriage.
Holy Orders—If you feel a call to the priesthood or the diaconate, contact
our priests or deacons.
Anointing of the Sick—If you are in need of this sacrament, contact one of
our priests.
November 2, 2014 - Feast of All Souls
November 2, 2014 - Feast of All Souls
Altar Server Lauren Switzer (803) 517 7415
Annulments Jim Hyland (803) 327 5080
Apostles of Divine Mercy Bill Griesbauer (803) 327 4300
Bereavement Ministry Marian Craig (803) 327 1458
Boy Scouts Dan D'Agostino (803) 628 0150
Building Committee Rob Worley (803) 328 9399
Confirmation Kendra Foos (803) 372 5808
Craft Group Mary Sacco (803) 328 3244
Cub Scouts Todd Cook (803) 327 0420
Daily Morning Mass Marian Shulgay (803) 327 7676
Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen Beverly Carroll (803) 366 2963
Extraordinary Ministers Bill Rife (803) 980 5483
Family Promise Jan Richards (803) 328 6535
Finance Council Ralph Domenick (803) 324 4250
Girl Scouts Pat Swoope (803) 329 3439
Greeters Chuck Villani (803) 524 6637
Hispanic Ministry Ángel Juarez (803) 327 2548
Knights of Columbus Ray Howard (803) 325 1086
Lectors Pat Gann (803) 366 2168
Little Flowers Group Kristine Patterson (803) 327 1333
Men’s Organization Ed FitzGerald (803) 366 2774
Music Director Jermaine Evans (803) 517 4537
Parish Manager Pat Fedele (803) 329 2662
Pastoral Council Pat Swoope (803) 329 3439
Perpetual Adoration Bud & Carol Marlow (803) 328 9745
Religious Education Elena Ziegler (803) 372 5865
Respect For Life Kristine Lenti (803) 328 5810
Rosary Group (M.M.P.) Maureen Johnson (803) 366 1588
Sacristan Bill Rife (803) 980 5483
Safe Environment Elena Ziegler (803) 372 5865
Secretary Christina Pascual (803) 329 2662
St. Anne Festival Kendra Foos (803) 792 1442
St. Martha’s Circle Mary Lou Fellows (803) 980 6271
St. Vincent De Paul Debi Noce (803) 327 2099
St. Vincent De Paul Youth Donna Willis ( 803) 324 2724
Stewardship Committee Charlie Grobusky (803) 366 1501
Ushers Chuck Villani (803) 524 6637
Vietnamese Ministry Jenny Nguyen (803) 389 9516
Wedding Advisor Diane Hinton (803) 366 6652
Welcome Committee Pat Swoope (803) 329 3439
Worship Committee Fr. Paul Nguyen (803) 329 2662
Youth Ministry Kendra Foos (803) 372 5808
Oficina Parroquial Christina Pascual (803) 329-2662
Caballeros de Colón Rigoberto Félix (803) 980-4990
Coro de la Iglesia Jesús Román (803) 324-9784
Catecismo Denise Kizer, Coordinadora (803) 324-8260
Bautizos Gerardo Arroyo (803) 412-1859
Matrimonio Ángel Juarez (803) 327-2548
Quinceañera Coi Juarez (803) 242-2985
Ministerio de Eucaristía Luis Lozano (803) 371-7210
Lectores María Quiroz (803) 487-8682
Grupo de Oración Elvia Trujillo (803) 678-9961
Legión de María Chela Arzaluz (803) 324-2088
Mục Vụ Công Giáo Việt Nam
Mọi vấn đề liên quan đến mục vụ Công Giáo Việt Nam
xin trực tiếp liên lạc với Ông Gioan Nguyễn Văn
Chuyên (324-7532), Ông Nguyễn Văn Toán (803)3671990, Bà Phạm Thị Liễu (803-325-5260), Bà Nguyễn
Jenny Nhung (803-389-9516), Bà Nguyễn Thị Huyền
(803-412-2759), hoặc Phạm Thị Loan (803-328-5100).
Các vấn đề liên quan tới phép bí tích xin liên lạc với
Cha Xứ hoặc các vị dưới đây.
Bí Tích Rửa Tội
Cha mẹ muốn cho con chịu phép Rửa Tội cần phải (1)
gia nhập giáo xứ và (2) tham dự khóa hướng dẫn về Bí
Tích Rửa Tội. Xin liên lạc văn phòng giáo xứ (803-3292662 ext. 3) để ghi danh.
Bí Tích Hôn Phối
Theo luật Ðịa Phận Charleston, những ai muốn lãnh nhận
Bí Tích Hôn Phối cần phải học khóa dự bị hôn nhân với
cha xứ ít nhất là 6 tháng trước ngày lễ cưới.
Liên lạc: Cha Phaolô Hiền
Xin liên lạc với bà Diane Hinton (366-6652) để biết
những việc cần làm và tập dợt cho ngày lễ cưới.
Pat Swoope - Chair
2012-2015 - Pat Swoope, Ángel Juarez, Elena Ziegler
2013-2016 - Denise Kizer, Bud Marlow, Jenny Nguyen
2014-2017 - Ed FitzGerald, Joe Geraci, Jamie Raad
If you would like to serve in the Parish Council,
please contact the Parish Office.
Chương Trình Giáo Lý
Mọi chi tiết về chương trình Giáo Lý xin trực tiếp liên lạc
với bà Elena Ziegler (329-2662 ext. 4).
Chương Trình Giới Trẻ
Ralph Domenick - Chair
Pat Fedele, Shaileen Riginos, Andrew Shene,
Ray Howard, Michael Radl, Mark Eddie
Mọi chi tiết về Nhóm Trẻ (Youth Group) xin liên lạc với
bà Elena Ziegler (329-2662 ext. 4).
November 2, 2014 - Feast of All Souls
First Reading — The souls of the just are in the hands of God, and
no torment shall touch them (Wisdom 3:1-9).
Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want
(Psalm 23).
Second Reading — Hope does not disappoint, because the love of
God has been poured out into our hearts (Rm 5:5-11)
Gospel — This is the will of the Father, that everyone who sees the
Son and believes may have eternal life (John 6:37-40).
Primera Lectura — Las almas de los justos están en manos
de Dios, donde no los alcanzará ningún tormento (Sa 3:1-9).
Salmo — El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta (Salmo 23).
Segunda Lectura — La prueba de que Dios nos ama está en
que Cristo murió por nosotros (Romanos 6:3-9).
Evangelio — La voluntad de mi Padre es que todo hombre que
ve al Hijo y crea en él tenga la vida eterna (Juan 6:37-40).
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Los lectores se reúnen el segundo jueves
de cada mes a las 7:00pm en la iglesia.
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass
© 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English
in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
This hour still needs an adorer—
might you help fill it? 1:00am
Thurs. If you wish to be a
substitute adorer, please call Bud
Marlow at (803) 328-9745.
La siguiente hora todavia está
abierta ¿usted puede ayudar?
Los jueves a la 1:00am. Si le
gustaria ser sustituto, llame a
Felipe Uribe (803) 985-3850.
Knight of Columbus Blood-drive Sign-ups - Gathering Space
7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:30pm, 5:00pm - Sunday Masses
Spanish Baptism Preparation Class - Cafeteria
Faith Formation & F.U.E.L. K4 — 12th Grade
Adult Bible Study - “A Cultural Tour of the Bible”
Catholic Women - FLC Library
Parish Prayer List
Porter, Jr.
Diego Perez
MONDAY - November 3 - St. Martin de Porres
Mass - Daily Chapel
Rosary (Spanish) - Daily Chapel
Boy Scouts # 277 - Cafeteria
K of C Meeting - Library
Hispanic Prayer Grp.- Sacristy
TUESDAY - November 4 - St. Charles Borromeo—Election Day
Mass - Daily Chapel
Rosary (M.M.P.) - Church
St. Vincent de Paul - Library
WEDNESDAY - November 5
Those who have died (los difuntos)
Patricia Mottl
Mass Intentions
Sunday November 2
7:30am † Margaret Amend
9:00am † Patricia Mottl
10:30am † Robert Strohlein
12:30pm † Santos Andujar
Mass - Daily Chapel
School Mass - Church
Bible Study - “The Gospel of Mark” - FLC Mtg Room
Faith Formation K4 — 8th Grade - FLC
Adult Bible Study - “Catholic Beliefs that Guide you”
Confirmation Class - Religion Room
Adult Choir - Music Room
Legion of Mary (Spanish) - Sacristy
Choir (Spanish) - Church
THURSDAY - November 6
Mass - Daily Chapel
Cub Den Meeting - Café-Mtg-Music Rooms
ESL - FLC Meeting Room 2
Baptism Preparation Class - Church Mtg. Room
FRIDAY - November 7 - First Friday
Flowers for the Altar
This weekend’s flowers for the altar
and the statue of Our Lady were
donated by Pat & Edith Gann and
are in memory of Helen Bergenn.
Mass - Daily Chapel
SAS All Saints Assembly - Church
First Friday Friends - FLC Meeting Room
Divine Mercy Chaplet - Daily Chapel
Stations of the Cross - Daily Chapel
Little Flowers Catholic Girls - Cafeteria
Hispanic Prayer Group - Church
SATURDAY - November 8
Knights of Columbus Blood-drive Sign-Ups – Gathering Space
Vigil Masses at 5:30pm and 7:30pm
November 2, 2014 - Feast of All Souls
Saint Anne: Committed to Safe Environment
The policy requires any adult who has regular contact with children or vulnerable adults and all employees of the Church to attend awareness
training, be background screened, sign a volunteer/employee code of conduct and acknowledgement of receipt of our diocesan policy.
Please go to to register for one of the upcoming classes.
Elena Ziegler (DRE) (803) 372 5865
Kendra Foos (Youth Minister) (803) 372 5808
For Young Adults: If you are out of high school, and
between the ages of 18 and 35, and you want to grow in holiness and attain a greater knowledge of the Catholic faith, consider the Diocese of Charleston’s Young Adult Fall Retreat:
The Art of Catholic Living, November 14-16, 2014, at the
Diakonia Retreat Center in Salem, SC. Contact Rachel
Neubauer at 843-670-2586 or to
14th Annual Life Teen FALL RETREAT
First Friday Friends (formerly known as Over 60s)
will meet on Friday, November 7th in the Family Life Center.
Come spend some time in casual conversation with parish
friends and get to meet new ones. We continue our discussion
of Spirituality for Life—the topics are often spontaneous and
always interesting. A veteran couple shares “We like the social
part, getting to know people better in an informal setting and
learning more about our faith. We can’t forget the snacks provided, an added treat!”
This year’s retreat at Bethelwoods camp in York will be held
November 22-23. This always proves to be a fun and blessed
weekend. Please join us! All High School students are welcome. Permission forms are available in the Gathering Space
and on the parish website. The cost is $60.
Paperwork is due no later than November 3rd—thank you!
Sunday Morning Adult Group meets from
All 9-12 grade students are invited to come and engage in
lively discussions about our Faith: Sundays 10:30am12:00pm in the Religion Room. (F.U.E.L will not meet November 9th).
Sunday Morning F.U.E.L.
10:30-12:00 in the Family Life Center. Here’s a good description from one of the members: “Various backgrounds, various
educations and various objectives brought to the class —all
combine to make for stimulating and thought-provoking conversations about life, Christ and the Bible.” No experience
necessary—just come join us!
The Power of Prayer is November 17th from 7:008:00pm in the Religion Room. The Power of Prayer is a
chance for students to come and learn some traditional Catholic prayers as well as sit and have silent prayer. We live in a
very busy world and sometimes we just need a chance to decompress. Families are welcome to join us!
Sacraments for Adults!
Are you a baptized Catholic adult who has never been Confirmed or who has not made First Communion? It’s never too
Need Service Hours?
Our next service project will be assisting with the Knights of
Columbus Pancake Breakfast on Nov. 9th. If you are interested, please Contact Kendra.
Technology Safety is everyone’s concern, but most
especially for parents of children. The USCCB has developed a
simple, practical website for parents:
Check out this website for help in building a strong Christian
Confirmation Fall session is underway! Please contact
Kendra and/or visit
Upcoming VIRTUS training sessions: Go to
9-12 Grade Movie Night!!! to register: Nov 13, 7:00pm (St. Philip Neri,
Fort Mill); Nov. 20, 8:30am (St. Anne, Rock Hill).
We will have movie night on Saturday, Nov. 15th in the gym
from 7:00-10:00pm. Snacks will be provided.
Genuflecting or Kneeling? “When receiving Holy Communion, the communicant bows his or her head before the sacrament as a gesture of reverence and receives the Body of the Lord from the minister. The consecrated Host may be received either
on the tongue or in the hand at the discretion of each communicant. When Holy Communion is received under both kinds, the sign
of reverence is also made before receiving the Precious Blood." - Father Bryan Babick, Vicar for Divine Worship & Sacraments
November 2, 2014 - Feast of All Souls
“Active Parishioner” is determined by three things:
●Being properly registered in the parish—faithfully attending Mass on the weekends and Holy Days of Obligation
●Regularly supporting the parish by using any identifiable donation (such as envelope system, loose check, or electronic donation)
●Being active in at least one parish program, ministry, or organization.
Stewardship of Treasure
Corresponsabilidad Financiera
Weekend Collec on
Christmas, Easter, Holy
Facili es Improvement
Religious Educa on Program
Catholic Schools
Diocesan Collec ons
Other Funding Sources
Oratory/Clergy Compensaon
Employees' Salaries
Office & Opera ons
U li es (telephone, electricity,
water, gas)
Religious Supplies & Music
Furnishings & Equipment
Diocesan Assessment
Property Insurance
Religious Educa on
Catholic School Assistance
Charitable Disbursements
Diocesan Collec ons
Other Expenses & Transit
NET (Surplus)
Oct 26, 2014 Collection
Online Contributions
Other Income
Catholic Schools
Facilities Improvement
“Budgets are never a problem when you have
enough money.”
Dennis M. Corcoran
A budget is nothing more than a plan for accomplishing
goals and objectives. From the time our budget is finalized and approved, circumstances change. For example,
you can see from the collection report above that we are
well below our goals for income. As a result, we will
have to re-evaluate our expenses and look for areas to
cut. If we have emergencies, we will have to use our
savings as we did last year. Be sure to look at the back
page of this bulletin to see the financial report for the
2013-2014 fiscal year. Please do your part: remember to
turn lights off in the church if they are not needed, don’t
leave the church doors wide open to save on utility bills,
etc.; in short, adopt the same good habits you use at
home to save money. This church is your home, too.
NEXT WEEK - Second Collection
Church in Africa
Next week’s collection supports the Church in Africa.
This collection helps the Church spread the word of God
and train Church leaders of tomorrow, helps needy families materially and spiritually, rebuilds churches that
have fallen and supports the sisters and brothers who
have suffered for the faith. For more information, please
THIS WEEK— Second Collection
Facilities Improvement
This Collection is used depending on the age and wear
and tear of structures and systems and the need for major
expenditures required to keep our facilities safe, in good
condition, comfortable and well-functioning.
November 2, 2014 - Feast of All Souls
2014 Gala Tickets now on sale!
$50 each or $600 for a table of 8
Gala 2014
Nov.13th or Nov.15th
Sister Mary Hugh Mauldin, RSM
Our fall scripture day this year is dedicated to the Gospel of
John. Our day will include an overview of the Gospel as well as
a consideration of its use in the Liturgy of the Word. Resources
for the Gospel of John will be available. Prayer, noon Eucharist
and lunch are included in the schedule. The same program is
offered both days. Sr. Mary Hugh has degrees in Math Education from NC State, an MA in Theology from St. Bonaventure
University and a graduate certificate in Liturgy from St. John’s
College. Her professional career included teaching positions at
Limestone, Sacred Heart and Belmont Colleges. She is a frequent speaker and popular presenter in the Charlotte Diocese.
Cost: $ 40.00 (lunch included): choose Thurs. or Sat. program.
SAS Gala 2014 Saturday, November 8th! St. Anne Gala 2014‘s
theme is “START SPREADING THE NEWS” at the Rock
Hill Country Club. To reserve tickets, donate, sponsor, or volunteer, please email! Special thanks to
these $5000 Sponsors: Founders FCU, Michele Boyne Pediatric Dentistry and CVC Consulting; to our $2500 Sponsors: Blue Rose Pottery, Digestive Disease Associates, Kirol
Family Dentistry, Resolute, H2M Consulting, Ribald Events,
and Waterstone Multifamily Group; our $1500 sponsors
include Comporium, the Crippen Family, CROWN Trophy,
First Citizens Bank, Scott and Laurie Atkinson and the Rick
and Demaso Families; $500 Sponsors are: Family Trust
FCU, Piedmont Medical Center, and South State Bank.
NOVEMBER is traditionally
Publix and St. Anne School
dedicated to the Holy Souls in
Purgatory whom the Church
remembers particularly on Nov. 2nd
on the Feast of All Souls. We are encouraged to offer our prayers and sacrifices for the faithful departed all year-long, but
especially in November. Prayerful visits to cemeteries, Mass
intentions for the deceased, as well as novena prayers are especially meaningful to those of us on earth (the Church Militant)
and to those for whom we pray (the Church Suffering): so that
we might all, one day, be reunited in Heaven (as the Church
Triumphant). A nice novena prayer can be found here: http://
Support St. Anne School by using the pre-linked cards available
on the welcome desk counter when you shop at Publix. Each
quarter, a donation will be made to St. Anne School based on
sales recorded with these linked cards. Thank you for supporting St. Anne School in this way!
SAS 3rd Grade Service Project: New Shoes
Samaritan’s Feet is a local organization that provides impoverished children with shoes worldwide. SAS 3rd
graders will be coordinating a shoe
drive, then will deliver the donations
to the Samaritan’s Feet Warehouse on
November 6th. On Monday, Oct. 27th,
SAS kicked off the drive with a
presentation by a speaker from Samaritan’s Feet. Barrels will be
set up in the school lobby to collect NEW shoe donations
through Nov. 5th.
Prayer for the Faithful Departed
The Church has encouraged prayer for the dead from the earliest times as an act of Christian charity. “If we had no care for
the dead,” Augustine noted, “we would not be in the habit of
praying for them.” Whether or not one should pray for the dead
is one of the great arguments which divides Christians. Yet
prayer for a loved one is, for the believer, a way of erasing any
distance, even death. In prayer we stand in God’s presence in
the company of someone we love, even if that person has gone
before us in death. (
Fire Safety WINNERS!
Each year, our 1st graders submit coloring contest entries and our 5th graders
submit essays—both about fire safety.
Congratulations to the following SAS
stand-out students:
1st Grade Coloring Contest Winner: Wesley Hane
5th Grade Essay Contest Winner: Mason Branch
A Word from the Saints about Purgatory
“We must not make purgatory into a flaming concentration
camp on the brink of hell—or even a ‘hell for a short time.’ It is
blasphemous to think of it as a place where a petty God exacts
the last pound—or ounce—of flesh…” St. Catherine of Genoa,
a mystic of the 15th century, wrote that the ‘fire’ of purgatory is
God’s love ‘burning’ the soul so that, at last, the soul is wholly
aflame. It is the pain of wanting to be made totally worthy of
One who is seen as infinitely lovable, the pain of desire for
union that is now absolutely assured, but not yet fully
tasted” (Leonard Foley, O.F.M., Believing in Jesus).
November 2, 2014 - Feast of All Souls
Saint Martha’s Gift Shop Offers...
Many prayerful gifts that nicely commemorate
November, the month dedicated to the Holy Souls
Knights of Columbus Breakfast and Lunch
The Book of the Dead
A breakfast and lunch sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
will be held on Sunday, Nov. 9th and everyone is welcome! The
breakfast will be served in the St. Anne Parish Life Center from
7:30am until noon. A lunch of Mexican food will be served after
the 12:30 Mass (about 2pm) in the parking lot or Parish Life
Center depending on the weather. The proceeds from the breakfast and lunch will be used to support the St. Anne Youth
Group. The breakfast includes pancakes, eggs, hash browns,
meats and drinks. See you there!
You may inscribe the name of a loved one who has died in our
Book of the Dead located
near the oils ambry as you
enter the Sanctuary. These
individuals will be remembered all through the month
of November in the prayer
of the Church. All Souls
Day this year will be celebrated at the weekend
Masses on November 1st
and 2nd. Parishioners who
wish to recognize family
members who have died
since last All Souls Day, November 2, 2013, may bring in a picture and place it on the remembrance table that weekend. At
each Mass, Father will bless the pictures as we pray for the souls
of the faithful departed. Pictures may remain in the church or be
taken home after Mass.
Interested in becoming an Altar Server?
Adults and children are needed (ages
10 and up or in 5th grade) to serve
weekend Masses—especially the
7:30am, 9am, and 5pm. Scheduling
is flexible. Is God calling you to be
an altar server? Contact Lauren
Switzer at 803-517-7415 or to discuss this
special ministry.
The Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen
Hospitality Luncheon!
We need a volunteer to accompany people to the dentist office
in the evening on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. It entails
picking people up at the soup kitchen and transporting them to
the dentist office and staying with them while they are being
treated. Please call Bev Carroll at 704-519-5952.
Come meet your fellow parishioners for a “Dutch Treat
Luncheon” on November 11th at 1:00pm at the White Horse
Restaurant, 1022 Camden Avenue, Rock Hill. No reservations
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat
Our next weekend that assists post-abortive women and men
find healing from their abortion experience, will be November
7—9, 2014 in Rock Hill, SC. For more information, contact
Christy 803 554 6088 or Kathy 803 546 6010 or
Sewing a Talent of Yours?
Conference for Mothers!
Thanksgiving Day Help Needed
We are looking for a volunteer to help mend the Altar Servers’
cassocks with Velcro. All Velcro will be bought and provided
for you. If you can help or have any questions, please contact
Lauren Switzer at 803-517-7415 or
Our annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner serves hundreds of shutins and visitors to our parish by providing meals. All of this is
done completely by volunteers contributing their time and the
necessary food. Volunteers like you! Sign-ups sheets for donations and volunteering are in the Gathering Space beginning this
weekend. Please be generous and sign up. If you know of anyone who will need a dinner delivered, please notify the church
office by Monday, Nov. 24th.
All mothers are invited to attend a one-day conference, “God
Equips the Called." Come experience renewal in your vocation
through inspiring talks, prayer, and Holy Mass! Featuring talks
by Fr. Patrick Winslow and popular author Danielle Bean. Saturday, November 8, 8:30am-3:30pm at St. Thomas Aquinas
Catholic Church, Charlotte. Tickets are $35 (before October 5)
and $45 (after October 5). Infants welcome! The conference
includes lunch. Advance registration required. To reserve your seat
today please visit
Remember To Vote
Election Tuesday:
November 4th!
November 2, 2014 - Feast of All Souls
Bienvenidos a la Página de Información Hispana
Esta página contiene información para la Communidad Hispana. Los invitamos a formar parte de nuestra parroquia,
a crecer espiritualmente, a integrarse a algunos de nuestros ministerios, y a leer todas las páginas del boletín.
Lecturas y Calendário, página 3 - Finanzas, página 5 - Evangelización, página 6
Libro Para
Los Difuntos
El 1 y el 2 de noviembre,
recordamos a todos los santos y los
difuntos. La parroquia mantiene un
libro de los difuntos al entrar en el
sanctuario de la iglesia a la
derecha. Por favor, cuando pasen,
tomen el tiempo para anotar a sus
seres queridos en nuestro libro. Las intenciones de las misas
durante el mes de noviembre serán para estas personas.
El día de acción de gracias
se celebra a lo grande en los
Estados Unidos, tomando la
oportunidad de compartir
una comida o cena tradiciónal con los seres queridos. St. Anne
ayuda a miembros de la comunidad que están solos o que necesitan comida ese día. Por lo tanto, la iglesia pide donaciones
para preparer la comida para estas personas necesitadas.
Además, St. Anne necesita voluntarios para servir la comida,
empacarla, y distribuirla a las familias. Habra hojas en el loby
donde uno puede inscribir para donar o ayudar. ¡Muchas gracias por considerar este ministerio!
Coro de Niños
Los niños y jóvenes (quienes sepan
leer) están invitados a ensayar para el
coro de niños. Pueden hablar con Chela
(catequísta) despúes de la misa sobre
los ensayos. Los niños cantan en la misa
una vez al mes.
MIRAVIA: Ayuda Para Los Embarazos en Crisis
MiraVia es la única organización católica en nuestra comunidad que ayuda a las madres embarazadas y sin recursos. Para
apoyar al programa, por favor, llenen las mamilas que MiraVia
nos ofrecio hace dos semanas con su donación.
Se las van a colectar la primera semana de noviembre.
Coro de Adultos
El coro de adultos necesita más voces.
Para los que tienen talento musical en
voz o en instrumento están invitados a
los ensayos los miércoles a las 7pm y los domingos a las 11am.
Retiro Para las Victimas del Aborto
Hay retiros para las personas (mujeres y hombres) quienes han
sufrido un aborto en sus vidas. En estas situaciones, en particular, tenemos que sentir el perdón de Dios y su sanación. Hay
un retiro en inglés el día 7 de noviembre hasta el 9 en Rock
Hill. Para más información llamen a Christy 803-554-6088.
Todo es confidencial.
La Pastorela: Obra de
Teatro Navideña
Clases de Confirmación
Se estará organizando una pastorela con la participación de
nuestros niños. La pastorela será
sábado, el 20 de diciembre. Más detalles vendran pronto—
mientras tanto, por favor, hablen con Coi Juarez (803) 2422985. Los ensayos son cada martes y
jueves a las 6:30pm en el gimnasio.
Jóvenes, si han estado un año en el Youth Group, pueden
comenzar las clases de confirmación. Las primeras clases
empiezan en octubre, cada miércoles de las 6 hasta las 7:30 en
la escuela de St. Anne. Para más detalles, favor de contactar a
la directora del ministerio juvenil, Kendra Foos al (803) 3725808.
Programa de F.U.E.L.
Este es un programa para todos los jóvenes en el High School.
F.U.E.L. (Finding Understanding in Everyday Living) es una
clase dinámica donde los jóvenes pueden hablar sobre
diferentes temas de la fe católica. Vengan a participar y dialogar para entender mejor varios aspectos de la fe. Esta clase
cuenta como requisito de confirmación pero no es solamente
para los de confirmación: es para todos los jóvenes en el High
School. (No hay F.U.E.L. el 9 de noviembre).
Las novenas para la Virgen empiezan
el 3 de diciembre en la iglesia. Si su
familia le gustaría tomar un día para
coordinar el rosario, por favor hable
con Berta Uribe al (803) 985-3850.
(CN L Các Linh Hn Thng Niên – Nm Chn)
“Linh Hn Ngi Công Chính Trong Tay Chúa”
Bài c I (Kn 3, 1-9)
Linh hn ngi công chính trong tay Chúa. Và vì
tin cy và trung thành vi Chúa, nên c Chúa
thng cho h
ng phc vi Ngi. Ðó là ý ngha
a bài c 1, trích sách Khôn Ngoan.
Bài c II (Rm 5, 5-11)
n Thánh th hôm nay nói Linh hn ngi công
chính trong tay Chúa. Và vì h tin cy và trung
thành vi Chúa, nên c Chúa thng cho h
phc vi Ngi.
Bài Tin Mng (Ga 6:37-40)
Trong Tin Mng hôm nay, Chúa Giêsu nói rõ cho
chúng ta bit: ai tin Ngi thì c sng i i, và
Ngi s cho h sng li trong ngày sau ht, ng phc muôn i vi Ngi.
Phân Nhim Cho Tha Tác Viên:
1 tháng 11, 2014 Æ 7:30 PM
Tha Tác Viên Li Chúa
o 'Di Các Bà MF%Jm trách (Bài c I)
o 'Di Các Bà MF%Jm trách (Bài c II)
Tha Tác Viên Thánh Th
o HDi Các Bà MF%Jm trách
8 tháng 11, 2014 Æ 7:30 PM
Tha Tác Viên Li Chúa
o Ô. aminh Uông Sn (Bài c I)
o Ô. aminh Trn Xuân D3ng (Bài c II)
Tha Tác Viên Thánh Th
o Ô. Tôma Maria Lê An Nhân
o Ô. aminh Nguyn Vn Tính
o Ô. Giuse Hoàng Vn Phát
Thông Báo:
Trong tun, xin hip ý cu cho nhng ý
nguyn sau:
ƒ Cu cho các linh hn
ƒ Cu cho các bnh nhân
Tháng Các Linh Hn
! Ghi tên nh"ng ngi ã qua i c #t trên
bàn nh$ phía cui nhà th. Xin ghi tên các linh hn
a ngi thân trong gia ình %c cu nguyn
sut tháng 11. L Các Linh Hn nm nay s vào
chung vi các thánh l cui tun,1 & 2 tháng 11.
Nh"ng ai có thân nhân qua i k t l Các Linh
'n nm trc xin mang hình ca ngi quá c%#t
trên bàn phía cui nhà th vào cui tun u tháng
11. Các Cha s làm phép hình vào m*i thánh l và
u nguyn cho các linh hn +y. Sau l, quí v- có
th mang hình ca ngi thân v/ nhà ho#c ti
nhà th.
Giúp L
Giáo x0 hin r+t cn ngi ln c3ng nh các em
(10 tu!i ho#c lp 5 tr
lên) giúp trong các thánh l.
6u có th ph7c v7 trong ban Giúp L, xin liên lc
8i bà Lauren Switzer ti 9n thoi s 803-5177415 ho#c 9n th
Giáo x0 c3ng ang cn ngi giúp sBa các khn
thánh (b$ Velcro vào sau khn). Nu có th giúp
c, xin liên lc vi bà Lauren Switzer ti 9n
Các Thánh To Vit Nam
6m nay, L Các Thánh TB% o Vit Nam s% c t!
ch0c ti Columbia, SC vào ngày 16 tháng 11 lúc 2:30
PM. Gn ngày l, chúng tôi s ph! bin chi tit. Xin quí
8- theo dõi bJn tin giáo x0 hàng tun.
Tháng Các Linh Hn
Theo truyn thng lâu i thì tháng 11 hàng nm là
tháng c dùng làm vi
c n ti, cu nguy
và tng nhn nhng ngi ã qua i.
Các Linh Hn Luy
n Ngc ang ngày êm chu
thng khn ti ca chính h. Hang cn li
u nguy
n và các Thánh L mà chúng ta dâng lên
Chúa cu nguy
n cho h.
Chúng ta hãy t lòng bác ái bng cách cu nguy
và xin Thánh L, bng hy sinh, hãm mình, n chay,
thí… cu nguy
n cho các ng Linh Hn.
Các Linh Hn cng hng cu nguy
n cho các ân
nhân ca h. Vy chúng ta cu nguy
n cho các
Linh Hn và cu nguy
n vi các Linh Hn.
Nhng s! hy sinh cá nhân ca chúng ta n ti
cho các Linh Hn s" làm gi#m thiu thi gian mà
$ ph#i chi n%i Luy
n Ngc, và làm cho chúng
ta hi
p thông vi các tín hu, dù h còn sng hay
ã cht. S! hi
p nh&t này s" giúp chúng ta c
ngi khác cu nguy
n cho, khi mà Linh Hn
chúng ta cn n s! giúp ' ca ngi khác.
Trích trang m(ng
November 2, 2014 - Feast of All Souls