19th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter November 3-4, 2014 Waaier Building, University of Twente Organized by: Optical Sciences Sponsored by: Monday, November 3 Registration 16:00-17:00 Chair welcome Words of the Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW) Words of the Scientific Director, MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology 17:00-17:15 Plenary Session I - Waaier 4 Chair: S.M. García-Blanco Silicon CMOS Integrated Nanophotonics for Optical Interconnects - Invited Dr. William M. J. Green, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA Integrated Microwave Photonics - Invited Prof. Dr. José Capmany, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain Dinner 17:15-18:00 18:00-18:45 18:45-20:15 Parallel Sessions I Waaier 3 Waaier 4 Chair: Y. Jiao Chair: J. Pozo An integrated photonic Remote Access 20:15-20:30 Gain characterization of a latticeUnit for 60 GHz wireless connections engineered potassium double K. Welikow et al., tungstate thin film with 57.5 at. % PhoeniX Software ytterbium concentration Y.S. Yong et al., University of Twente Indoor Optical Wireless Communication System Beam-steered by Cascaded Diffractive Optical Elements C.W. Oh et al., Eindhoven University of Technology Optical Multicasting based on AllOptical Triode Wavelength Converter Y. Maeda et al., Eindhoven University of Technology 20:30-20:45 Low loss waveguides for standardized InP integration processes D. D’Agostino et al., Eindhoven University of Technology 20:45-21:00 High-index-contrast potassium double tungstate waveguides enabled by heterogeneous integration M.A. Sefunc et al., University of Twente Erbium-doped dielectric waveguide amplifiers working in the telecom Cband S.A. Vázquez-Córdova et al., University of Twente 21:00-21:15 Fabrication of an efficient metal grating coupler for membrane-based integrated photonics A. Higuera-Rodriguez et al., Eindhoven University of Technology Poster session I (All posters displayed, odd-numbered posters attended) IOP Sponsored Networking Borrel 21:15-23:00 21:15-23:00 Tuesday, November 4 Registration 08:30-09:00 Plenary Session II - Waaier 4 Chair: K.-J. Boller Chipscale Optical Frequency Combs – Invited Dr. Michael Geiselmann, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland TriplexTM: The Low Loss Platform from UV to IR - Invited Dr. Arne Leinse, Lionix BV, The Netherlands PhotonicsNL is also for You Dr. Bart H. Verbeek, PhotonicsNL, The Netherlands Coffee break 09:00-09:45 09:45-10:30 10:30-10:40 10:40-11:00 Parallel Sessions II Waaier 3 Chair: D. Geuzebroek Fabrication and characterization etched facets in InP for advanced packaging of Photonic Integrated circuits R. Santos et al., Eindhoven University of Technology A new packaging approach for transceiver modules: embedding the bare dies into PCB T. Li et al., Eindhoven University of Technology Highly efficient light-sound interaction in silicon photonic nanowires R. van Laer et al., Ghent University - imec Click &Measure optical interfacing to Silicon-On-Insulator chips P.J. Harmsma et al., TNO 11::00-11:15 Waaier 4 Chair: M. Wuilpart Micron-sized dielectric chips with gold nanostructures for intracellular label-free SERS P.C. Wuytens et al., Ghent University 11:15-11:30 Accurate nanophotonic control of the local density of optical states J.C. Prangsma et al., University of Twente 11:30-11:45 Graphene doping inhomogeneities: plasmonic taper applications G. Rosolen et al., University of Mons 11:45-12:00 Ultrafast laser patterning of organic / inorganic thin-films for OLED / OPV applications S. Naithani et al., Ghent University - imec Poster Session II (Even-numbered posters attended) IOP Sponsored Networking Lunch 12:00-14:30 12:00-14:30 (continue…) Tuesday, November 4 (cont.) Parallel Sessions III Waaier 3 Waaier 4 Chair: X. Leijtens Chair: R. Stoffer Experimental study of a linear 14:30-14:45 Demonstrating efficient design passively mode-locked laser transfer methods for complex V. Moskalenko et al., photonic integrated circuits Eindhoven University of Technology A. Sosa et al., TU Berlin 2.5 GHz Extended Ring Cavity Mode14:45-15:00 Diffraction-suppressed adiabatic locked Laser with an Integrated Phase tapers for photonic circuits Modulator for Dual Comb Fourier A. Millan-Mejia et al., Transform Spectroscopy Eindhoven University of S. Latkowski et al., Technology Eindhoven University of Technology Compact micro ring lasers with fast 15:00-15:15 Fabrication and Thermal Tolerant allfrequency tuning using filtered Silicon Wavelength Filtering Devices feedback S. Dwivedi et al., M.A. Khoder et al., Ghent University - imec Vrije Universiteit Brussel Low-Voltage, High-Sensitivity 10Gb/s 15:15-15:30 Tolerant and high performance 3x3 Ge Avalanche Photodetectors and 4x4 multimode interference H.T. Chen et al., couplers Ghent University - imec E. van Vliet et al., Eindhoven University of Technology Closing Session - Waaier 4 Best Poster Award and Closing Sonia M. García-Blanco, Chair 15:30-16:00 POSTERS P1 Optical Beamforming System for Satellite Communication N. Tessema, Z. Cao, E. Tangdiongga, A.M.J. Koonen Eindhoven University of Technology P2 Numerical Simulations of in Service Monitoring Technique for Passive Optical Networks Using Time Domain Reflectometer with Fiber Bragg Gratings M. Khoder, J. van Erps, M. Vervaeke, H. Thienpont Vrije University Brussels P3 Switching of free space diffraction with a tailored PT symmetric grating N. Rivolta, B. Maes University of Mons P4 Optical waveguide with freestanding grating couplers Y. Xin, A. Purniawan, L. Pakula, G. Pandraud, P. J. French Delft University of Technology P5 HD-Video Streaming over an Inexpensive In-Building Radio-over-MMF System M.T. Vega, S. Zou, E. Tangdiongga, A.M.J. Koonen, A. Liotta Eindhoven University of Technology P6 Fabrication of high-Q silicon nitride microdisk resonator coupled with on-chip waveguide W. Xie, D. van Thourhout Ghent University-IMEC P7 Optimization of a single-step reactive ion etch process for InP photonic integration Y. Jiao, T. de Vries, L. Shen, H. Ambrosius, M. Smit, J. van der Tol Eindhoven University of Technology P8 Suitability of thick-core plastic optical fibers to broadband in-home communication F. Forni, Y. Shi, E. Tangdiongga, A.M.J. Koonen Eindhoven University of Technology & Genexis P9 Impact of emerging technologies and topology selection in large scale data centers design G. Guelbenzu, O. Raz, H.J.S. Dorren Eindhoven University of Technology P10 Length optimization of planar waveguide taper J. Mu, M.A. Sefunc, M. Dijkstra, S.M. Garcia-Blanco University of Twente P11 Reflective Arrayed Waveguide Grating in Silicon-on-Insulator with flattened spectral response B. Gargallo, P. Muñoz, R. Baños Universitat Politècnica de València P12 Enabling acousto-optic devices for glass waveguides M.A.G. Porcel, M. Hoekman, M. Dekkers, R. Stoffer, R. Dekker, A. Leinse, P.J.M. van der Slot, K.-J. Boller University of Twente POSTERS P13 Comparison of multisectional SOAs for gain and absorption measurement D. Pustakhod, M. Smit, X. Leijtens Eindhoven University of Technology P14 Design of an efficient photonic crystal beam laser D. Heiss, A. Higuera-Rodriguez, V. Dolores-Calzadilla, A. Fiore, M.K. Smit Eindhoven University of Technology P15 On-wafer electrical characterization of Photonic Integrated Circuits E. Bitincka, R.G. Broeke, K.A. Williams, M.K. Smit Eindhoven University of Technology P16 Characterization of Ge/Ag ohmic contacts for InP based nanophotonic devices L. Shen, C.W.H.A. Wullems, P.J. van Veldhoven, V.M. Dolores Calzadilla, D. Heiss, J.J.G.M. van der Tol, M.K. Smit, H.P.M.M. Ambrosius Eindhoven University of Technology P17 Advantages of generic technology for academic research K. Lawniczuk, D. Lenstra, M. Yousefi, X.J.M. Leijtens, M.K. Wale, M.K. Smit, K.A. Williams Eindhoven University of Technology P18 Reconfigurable Virtual Data Centre Networks Based on OpenFlow-enabled OPS W. Miao, S. Peng, S. Spadaro, G. Bernini, F. Agraz, A. Ferrer, J. Perello, G. Zervas, R. Nejabati, N. Ciulli, D. Simeonidou, H.J.S. Dorren, N. Calabretta Eindhoven University of Technology P19 Wet thermal oxidation technique for current guiding in membrane lasers S.P. Bhat, J.J.G.M. van der Tol, G. Roelkens, E. Smalbrugge, P.J. van Veldhoven, H.P.P.M. Ambrosius, M.K. Smit Eindhoven University of Technology P20 Performance evaluation of low-cost pluggable WDM-PON transceivers R. van der Linden, N.C. Tran, E. Tangdiongga, A.M.J. Koonen Eindhoven University of Technology P21 Design and simulation of a series push-pull Mach-Zehnder modulator in a generic photonic integration platform W. Yao, G. Gilardi, M.K. Smit, M.J. Wale Eindhoven University of Technology P22 Characterization and application of a novel high-speed snapshot hyperspectral imaging sensor M.H.W. Stopel, J. Kauffman, T. Scholtens, M. Maksimovic, G. van den Eijkel Focal Vision & Optics P23 An advanced Dark Fiber Monitoring System for Next Generation Ring–and-Spur LongReach Passive Optical Networks M. Cen, J. Chen, V. Moeyaert, P. Mégret, M. Wuilpart University of Mons * Only affiliation of the first author is shown NOTES Bus No. 9 Scientific Committee Sonia M. García-Blanco, chair Klaus Boller, vice chair Douwe Geuzebroek Guy Verschaffelt Henrie P.A. van den Boom Jose Pozo Marc Wuilpart Mirvais Yousefi Remco Stoffer Pascal Kockaert Peter Bienstman Xaveer Leijtens Station Drienerlo Spiegel Organizing Committee Sonia M. García-Blanco, chair Klaus Boller, vice chair Douwe Geuzebroek Gerwin Steen Jinfeng Mu Karen Munnink Lantian Chang Mustafa Akin Sefunc Sergio Vázquez-Córdova Yean-Sheng Yong Bus No. 1 Coop Supermarkt Bus No. 9 The Gallery Waaier Carre Nanolab Zilverling Hal B (Entrance) Parking Horst
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