Programme Day 1 | 24 February 2015 09:00 09:30 Registration, Coffee & Tea Word of Welcome Moderator: Mark Nelson, H-STAR, Stanford University Welcome Speech “Innovating Humanitarian Response in a Digital Era” Christiaan Rebergen, Director-General for International Cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands Welcome by Organisers Gideon Shimshon, Centre for Innovation, Leiden University Sam Muller, The Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law (HiiL) Alix Dunn, The Engine Room William Hoffman, World Economic Forum Conference Keynote “Setting the Stage: Trends in Humanitarian Response” Mark Dalton, Chief of the Information Services Branch, UNOCHA THEME #1 Data Deficit Thematic keynote: Ulrich Mans, Co-founder Peace Informatics Lab, Leiden University Respondent: Emmanuel Letouzé, Director DataPop Alliance Interactive break-out sessions: How to resolve the data deficit? 09:35 09.50 10.15 10.30 11.00 12.45 14.15 14.45 A1 Increasing open government data B1 Improving private data sharing C1 Creating additional civic data streams D1 Building data pools 1: Theo van de Sande, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1: Nicolas de Cordes, Orange Telecom 1: Sam Muller and Martin Gramatikov, HiiL 1: Thomas Baar, Peace Informatics Lab, Leiden University 2: Abdul Hafiz Koroma, Ministry of Public Works, Liberia 2: William Hoffman, World Economic Forum 2: Christophe Billen, People’s Intelligence 2: Linus Bengtsson, Flowminder 3: Josje Spierings, Akvo Mod: U. Mans Mod: Z. Rahman Mod: E. Letouzé Buffet Lunch Innovation Market: Data-Driven Innovation in Humanitarian Response THEME #2: Human-centred Design Thematic keynote: Abi Weaver, Director Global Dialogue on Emerging Technologies, American Red Cross Respondent: Amanda Noonan, Director of Research, Design and Learning, Internews Interactive break-out sessions: How to safeguard a human-centred vision in a digital era? A2 Building new partnerships B2 Challenges in the field C2 Leveraging local knowledge D2 Including urban communities E2 In search of ground truth 1: Robert Kirkpatrick, UN Global Pulse 1: Kees Boersma, VU University Amsterdam 1: Mark van Embden Andres, Elva Community Engagement 1: John Sabou, Leiden University (NITIM) 1: Linnet Taylor, University of Amsterdam 2: Nathaniel Raymond, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative 2: Tina Comes, Agder University 2: Kevin Sudi, Sisi ni Amani 2: Nico Keijzer, Slum Dwellers Int. 2: Nick van Praag, Ground Truth Solutions Mod: G. Shimshon Mod: A. Noonan Mod: A. Dunn Mod: E. Letouzé Mod: T. Baar 16.30 Plenary: Conclusions themes #1 and #2 Andrej Zwitter, Co-Chair of Research in Ethics and Globalisation, Groningen University 19.00 Conference Dinner (by invitation only) 1 Programme Day 2 | 25 February 2015 09.00 09.30 09.45 10.30 12.15 13.45 14.15 Doors open, Coffee & Tea Welcome, Starting Questions Moderator: Mark Nelson, H-STAR, Stanford University THEME #3: Data Governance for Humanitarian Response Thematic keynote: Stefaan Verhulst, Co-Founder, GovLab New York University Respondent: Dennis Broeders, senior research fellow, Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) Interactive breakout sessions: Case Studies & Benchmarks A3 Data & Epidemics B3 Understanding Human Response to Emergencies C3 Learning from the IATI Process D3 From Policy to Practice 1: Marijn Both/Reinout van Santen, Netherlands Red Cross 1: Jurjen Wagemaker, Floodtags 1: Roderick Besseling, Coordinator Open Data, Cordaid 1: Alix Dunn, The Engine Room 2: Jean-Martin Bauer, World Food Programme 2: Nuno Nunes, IOM 2: Zara Rahman, Open Knowledge Foundation 2: Amy O’Donnell, Oxfam Novib Mod: L. Bengtsson Mod: U. Mans Mod: A. Noonan Mod: A. Dunn Buffet Lunch Innovation Market: Data-Driven Innovation in Humanitarian Response Thematic Keynote Pathways forward: Challenges ahead William Hoffman, Director Global Agenda Council on Data-Driven Development, World Economic Forum Respondent: Bartel van de Walle, Tilburg University “Thought Leader Sessions”: Defining next steps for data governance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 16.00 TITLE TO BE ANNOUNCED Chair: Bartel van de Walle, Tilburg University Delivering justice in humanitarian response Chair: Sam Muller, Director, The Hague Institute for the Internationalization of Law A World Humanitarian Summit Perspective Chair: Mahsa Jafari, Thematic Coordinator, World Humanitarian Summit Addressing Risks, Harms and Ethics Chair: Nathaniel Raymond, Director, Signal Program on Human Security and Technology, HHI Checks and balances Chair: Linnet Taylor, Senior Researcher, University of Amsterdam The Engine Room Session Chair: Alix Dunn, Co-Founder, The Engine Room A Government Perspective Chair: Jelte van Wieren, Deputy Director Stabilisation and Humanitarian Aid, MFA The Netherlands Plenary Panel: Round-up and Way Forward Moderator: Mark Nelson, H-STAR, Stanford University Panelists: Robert Kirkpatrick, Director, UN Global Pulse Mahsa Jafari, Thematic Coordinator, World Humanitarian Summit Ulrich Mans, Co-Founder Peace Informatics Lab, Leiden University William Hoffman, Head Data-Driven Development, World Economic Forum Jelte van Wieren, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands 16.45 17.00 17.15 18.30 Announcement of the Data Governance Working Group (initiated by Leiden University, World Economic Forum, New York University) Announcement of the Data4Climate Initiative (Orange Telecom) Closing remarks Moderator: Mark Nelson, H-STAR, Stanford University Reception & Small Bites Screening of Peace in our Pockets at Leiden University College, Campus The Hague 2
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