The Shofar Temple Or Elohim serves the surrounding communities of Jericho, Syosset, the North Shore and beyond. New Member Shabbat Friday, December 12, 2014 November 2014 Volume 37 No. 3 Cheshvan - Kislev 5775 Temple Or Elohim Jericho, NY 11753 Kristallnacht Sunday, November 9, 2014 at 7 PM Dinner - 6 PM, Shabbat Services - 7:30 PM A fabulous evening is planned to welcome our new and returning members on Friday, December 12, 2014, at 6:00 PM for our New Member Shabbat. The premise of the evening is to have our “old” congregants mix and mingle with our newest families. Shabbat Evening Services follow the dinner at 7:30 PM. The tables will be beautifully decorated and the dinner, catered by Hasson Caterers, will feature a traditional chicken dinner with potatoes, vegetables and salad. Of course, we will have chicken fingers and tater tots for the children! Deena Yaris, Rose Bruy and Laurel Fried from the Catering and Membership committees will coordinate the evening’s dinner, Shabbat Service and an outrageously delicious Oneg Shabbat. Dinner costs: Adults - $20, Children under 13 - $12, Families of four or more - $50 and New Members - see Dinner Invitation. New Members must RSVP by December 1st to Rose at (516) 749-1958. All other congregants have until December 9th to RSVP to the Temple Office (516) 433-9888 ext. 14. Kristallnacht, refers to the “Night of Broken Glass” which took place on November 9th and 10th, 1938. The date is remembered to enlighten us about the horrors of the wave of pogroms that took place in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia during the time of the Nazis. Nazi youth and members of the Nazi party raped and murdered Jewish victims, looted their property and broke the windows of their synagogues, homes and businesses. At the service, new congregants will lead us in prayer, reading in English and Hebrew and opening the ark. We hope to celebrate many happy occasions together as our temple family grows. Every year at this time, a solemn service is held at the temple to commemorate this evening. Yahrzeit candles are lit to remember the dead and special prayers are said to mourn these individuals. This year, we are honored to have Aaron Golub, as our guest speaker, who will speak to us about his struggles to escape Nazi Germany and about his book Kaddishiel – A Life Reborn. Our First Progressive Dinner For more information, please call the office at (516) 4339888 ext. 14 or e-mail Saturday, November 15, 2014 at 6 PM Sisterhood is proud to present our first annual Progressive Dinner on Saturday November 15, 2014 at 6:00 PM. We are having this event in November, although a Progressive Dinner is a Sukkot tradition. During Sukkot, it is customary to go Sukkah hopping to many friends’ homes to view and eat in their Sukkahs. Since many of us do not put up Sukkahs anymore, this tradition has evolved into the Progressive Dinner. A Progressive Dinner is where attendees go to one home for hors d’oeuvres, another for dinner and then all get together at a third home for dessert. This year we are excited to announce that our event will start at the home of TOE President Howie Pastolove for hors d’oeuvres and cocktails followed by Dinner at a mystery host (you will receive that name at the end of the cocktail party). Then we will gather again at the home of Deena and Harvey Yaris for delicious desserts. Please RSVP, as soon as possible, to Judy Kislik at (516) 965-8353 or e-mail Shopper’s Day Holiday Boutique Sunday, December 7, 2014 11 AM to 4 PM Chanukah begins at sundown on December 16th, so bring your gift list to Temple Or Elohim’s annual Sisterhood Shopper’s Day on Sunday, December 7th, from 11 AM to 4 PM. Enjoy an afternoon of shopping and fun! There will be many new and returning vendors selling Judaica items, baby items, spa gifts, jewelry, clothing and more. Our Sisterhood Showcase/Judaica shop will be open during Shopper’s Day and many other beautiful items can also be purchased. Temple Or Elohim Vol. 37 No. 3 Temple Or Elohim Rabbi’s office hours are: 4 — 6 PM Wednesdays & Thursdays Temple Fax (516) 681-6126 Rabbi Harvey Abramowitz Marvin Antosofsky, Rabbi Emeritus Cantor David Katz Deborah Tract, Director of Education Howard Pastolove, President Nancy Marshall, Temple Administrator Goldie Brandl, Temple Secretary The Shofar Office Hours 18 Tobie Lane, Jericho, NY 11753 Temple Office (516) 433-9888 5775 ext. 11 Cantor’s office hours are: 4 — 6 PM Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays ext. 12 ext. 15 Director of Education’s office hours are: 1:00 — 6:30 PM Mondays & Thursdays 2:00 — 8:30 PM Tuesdays If any of the above office hours are inconvenient, please call to arrange an alternate meeting time. ext. 13 ext. 14 Executive Committee President.……………………………...……….….….Howard Pastolove Vice President…………………………………………...…....Laurel Fried Vice President……………….……………....…...…...Michael Wilner Vice President………………………………….…….…...……Deena Yaris Treasurer……...…………………………….…….........David Schwartz Asst. Treasurer…….………………………………...….Roslind Vermut Recording Secretary…….……………………...……......Gail Mayer Immediate Past President.………….…….…....…Marc Wiener Chairman of the Board………………………………..Bob Feinstein Advisor to the President…………………….Susan Bloomberg Yarmulkes Do you need yarmulkes for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah or Wedding? Satin 6-panel Suede Suede (with trim) Embossed Suede $21.00/dozen $28.00/dozen $32.50dozen $34.00/dozen $10 shipping and handling charge on all orders. Gold or Silver imprint is free on orders of 5 dozen or more. If more than one color is ordered, or if orders are less than 5 dozen, there is an additional fee. Please call Susan Bloomberg (516) 932-7112 Catering Information Board of Trustees Jill Karp Tara Kass Ronald Langman Susan Levine Neil Miller Steven Finkelstein Mike Mogavero Robin Grossman Donna Wolff Larry Jacobs Amy Adler Susan Bloomberg Jodi Breslin Bob Feinstein Jeff Feltman Gilda Balesh Sheila Zimmerman Sisterhood Co-Presidents Artie Mayer Men’s Club President Editorial Corner We encourage our members to submit articles, photos and simchas for us to include in future issues. We also welcome suggestions for future articles/columns. Please contact Gail Mayer at: (516) 935-1626 or e-mail: Rabbi Requests Information We commemorate the lives of those we have loved and lost. It is also appropriate to commemorate events in the lives of those we love in the here-and-now. I’d like to announce happy events in your lives: birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions that bring joy to you. Please forward all such information to or contact the temple office at (516) 433-9888 ext. 11. Our expanded and redecorated Temple can accommodate your celebrations, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Kiddushes, Havdalahs, Luncheons, Weddings, Bris, and all other parties. Please contact Hasson Caterers to consider having your simcha at Temple Or Elohim. Shawn and Scott will be happy to help you plan memorable occasions for your family. Hasson Caterers (516) 937-0120 or 0121 Sponsor an Oneg A special way to celebrate your family's simcha is by sponsoring a Friday night oneg. Sponsorship is not only for Bar/Bat Mitzvah families. You can celebrate an anniversary, birthday, aufruf, bris, special birthday, graduation, becoming grandparents or anything else. The price for an oneg following a traditional Friday night service with an event attached to it is $250 with fruit and $200 without fruit. The cost for an oneg following a Friday night service without an event is $100. Your sponsorship will be acknowledged in the pamphlet and will be announced from the Bimah. You will not only be making a wonderful gesture on behalf of your family but will be helping out your temple as well. Please call Deena Yaris at (516) 433-0771 2 Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.39 Committee Chairpersons B/M Liaison, Changes B/M Flowers Babysitter Connection By Laws Temple Attorney Building & Housing Caring Committee Catering Entertainment Books E-mail Blasts Amy Adler 931-6030 Contact temple office 433-9888 Susan Bloomberg 932-7112 Roz Vermut 822-2246 Neil Miller 681-9263 Howard Pastolove 433-9007 Susan Bloomberg 932-7112 Deena Yaris 433-0771 Janet Weinberg 922-1160 Laurel Fried 932-5410 Gail Mayer 935-1626 Finance Bob Feinstein 681-5113 Laurel Fried 932-5410 Internal Controls Roz Vermut 822-2246 Kinder Club Arlene Isserles 718-631-9822 Membership Rose Bruy 749-1958 Laurel Fried 932-5410 Men’s Club Artie Mayer 935-1626 Publicity Laurel Fried 932-5410 Religious School Korri Frampton 364-6511 Jill Karp 390-5691 Ritual Chairperson Michael Wilner 822-7057 Shofar Editor Gail Mayer 935-1626 Sisterhood Gilda Balesh 933-3749 Sheila Zimmerman 935-1533 Sisterhood Showcase Susan Bloomberg 932-7112 Social Action Susan Levine 931-2550 Strategic Planning Larry Jacobs 759-3229 Star of David, Tree of Life, Wall of Light Toby Suroff 433-6618 Yarmulkes Susan Bloomberg 932-7112 Webmaster Gail Mayer 935-1626 5775 5773 Schedule of Services, November 2014 Sat. Nov. 1 Shabbat Shalom Fri. Nov. 7 Social Action/Musical Shabbat Evening Service Sat. Nov. 8 Shabbat Shalom Sun. Nov. 9 Kristallnacht Service 7:00 PM Fri. Nov. 14 Shabbat Evening Service 7:30 PM Sat. Nov. 15 Shabbat Shalom Fri. Nov. 21 Shabbat Evening Service Sat. Nov. 22 Shabbat Shalom Fri. Nov. 28 Shabbat Evening Service Sat. Nov. 29 Shabbat Shalom 7:30 PM 7:30 PM (If God forbid, there is a death or illness in the family) CALL AND TELL US Daytime—Call the temple office (516) 433-9888 or (516) 433-9587 Call the Rabbi at (631) 424-6632 or (516) 510-9931 Call the Cantor at (516) 849-1332 Honor the occasion of your child’s Bar or Bat Mitzvah Consultation with the Rabbi before final scheduling of services will help ensure his availability. Give them a “Leaf “on the Tree of Life or a “Star” on the Star of David. Both are located in the temple lobby. Please call the temple office at (516) 433-9888, ext. 14 Now is the time to order bronze Yahrzeit plaques to be mounted on the Memorial Tablet in the sanctuary. These plaques offer the opportunity to memorialize the names of our departed loved ones. 7:30 PM Keep Handy for Reference Honor the Occasion Order Memorial Plaques The TheShofar Shofar SERVICES PROVIDED BY TEMPLE FOR MEMBERS: Shiva services at home for up to 3 evenings. E-mail notice will be sent to our membership informing them of the loss in your family, if requested. Whenever Kaddish is said during services: Names read for Temple Members—11 months Near relatives of Members—30 days. Thoughts and Prayers Each year upon the anniversary of their passing, a light is kindled beside their name and at the Memorial service on We want to acknowledge those of us who have had an illness or are in need of healing (mind, body and soul). Yom Kippur. To order, call the Temple office at (516) 433-9888, ext. 14 We offer our prayers of healing and heartfelt thoughts. 3 Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.39 5775 5773 From the Rabbi The TheShofar Shofar We are well into the Fall season, school is open and the sounds of learning resonate in the hallways. It is a wonderful sound, filled with promise for a bright future for our Jewish people. needed to accommodate said growth. We have adjusted and will continue to monitor our planned events, schedules and classes to ensure they reflect our expanded growth. We had a wonderful Sukkot service that was very well attended. Sadly, we couldn't use the Sukkah for our Shabbat service due to the threat of rain. As I write, we are preparing for Simchat Torah and Consecration. With our congregation’s recent growth, we have a large group of youngsters who will be consecrated this year. Mitzvah Day (Sunday, Nov. 2nd) is an event all should try to attend. Our students are encouraged to participate in many different ways, all aimed at helping others in need. Many report how good it makes them feel to be performing such worthwhile tasks. All our Hebrew School classes are learning about proper etiquette and appropriate dress for our Sanctuary. It is, after all, the sacred space of our community, not simply an auditorium. When in the sanctuary for school events or religious services, chewing gum and baseball caps are discouraged and proper decorum is expected. On Sunday, November 9th at 7 PM, we will observe our annual Kristallnacht commemoration. We are planning to have a speaker who survived that human tragedy talk to us and our children about his personal experience of that event which was a herald of what was to come. Your children are learning about this darkest time in human history that we call the Holocaust. I urge all parents to bring your kids to hear Mr. Aaron Golub's talk. We are likely the last generation that will hear testimony from those that lived through these events, and it is important for us, them and those that come after us, to know what really happened. Once we are fully cognizant, it affirms and informs our resolution to never again permit such evil to arise unchallenged. Along with the joy of welcoming all our new member families, comes the pleasure of “growing pains” which are All our Bar and Bat Mitzvah candidates and their parents will be invited to a brief series of meetings at which I, Cantor David Katz and Mrs. Deborah Tract will discuss with you various aspects related to this momentous occasion in your family’s life. Please make every effort to join us in these short meetings. Later this month, comes Thanksgiving where we will sit down to family gatherings. At that festive family time, I urge you to remember those less fortunate. Please bring or send in with your child, one can, box or package of basic foodstuff every week which we will donate to those who are struggling to provide the basics to their families. Also, if you try to include an Israeli product, you can help provide support to our homeland’s citizens. Two mitzvot in one - what a bargain! Shalom. Rabbi Harvey Abramowitz (516) 433 - 9888, ext. 11 Notes from the Cantor Now that we have recovered from the Jewish Holidays, we gear up again for the "American" holidays. This month, we celebrate Thanksgiving. Each year I remind myself and write in my Shofar articles about Thanksgiving and being grateful. This message and action can never get old. They say that the more you focus on what you have, rather than what you do not have, the better you will feel. It's worth a try, and you have nothing to lose! if you said this prayer twice daily, morning and evening. It would serve to help you feel more grateful and appreciate what you have, reminding you to "take stock" of your life with a different perspective. In Judaism, being grateful is nothing new. Most of our prayers center around the expression of gratitude for all in this world that we have and what the world provides for us. If you take a look at the simple prayer from our daily service called "Modim”, you will see one of the quintessential prayers for gratitude that has been around long before Thanksgiving was ever even an idea. At temple, we try to stay in the grateful and appreciative mode. We focus on how amazing our congregation is; how grateful we are to be part of this community, how inviting and beautiful our building is and how incredible it is that we are growing with such strength and security. The first three words of the prayer "Modim anachnu lach" literally mean "we gratefully acknowledge”. It starts with a statement of gratitude and continues with "We shall thank You for our lives, for our souls, for miracles that are with us every day and for wondrous deeds and favors at all times: evening, morning and noon.” Just imagine how you may feel 4 In effect, you are simply allowing yourself to become more aware of how much you really do have versus focusing on what may be lacking in your life. After all, ours is a place where you and your family can come to express joy, celebrate life events and have fun! I wish you all a fabulous and grateful Thanksgiving holiday. Cantor David Katz (516) 433 - 9888, ext. 12 Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35No. No.39 5775 5773 The TheShofar Shofar Torah Notes November 1, Lech Lecha, Genesis 12:1 – 17:27 Here we read of the life and experiences of Abraham, Judaism’s remarkable pioneer; the establishment of the faith in One God and God’s covenant with Abraham that the land of Canaan shall be the land of the Hebrews. Unable to have children with his wife Sarah, Abraham takes Hagar to himself as wife and has a son, Ishmael. November 8, Vayera, Genesis 18:1 – 22:24 Abraham & Sarah are promised a child in their old age; God announces his intention to destroy Sodom & Gomorrah and Abraham debates with God in an effort to save the good people there. Lot is saved, his wife is turned into a pillar of salt. We read here of the seduction of Lot, Avimelech’s attempted seduction of Sarah, the birth of Isaac and the expulsion of Hagar and her son Ishmael. November– Genesis 23:1– 25:18 Sarah dies at 120 years of age and is buried in Hebron. Abraham sends his servant Eliezer back to Charan to seek a bride for his son Isaac. There he finds Rebecca, daughter of Betuel, sister of Laban. Rebecca agrees to marry Isaac, and returns with Eliezer to Canaan. Leading a Summer Lay Service I was fortunate to be able to volunteer to lead a Lay Service over the summer at Temple Or Elohim, when the Rabbi and Cantor were on vacation. The service date I was given was in late August, so I had the opportunity beforehand to attend lay services conducted by other temple members. At those services I took notes, watched and listened carefully as these dedicated members led us in prayer. In addition, our very talented pianist, Ed Stolarz came to temple to rehearse with me twice during the weeks leading up to the service I would be conducting. I had never practiced with a professional pianist before, so I didn’t know what to expect. Ed was patient and knowledgeable as he guided me every step of the way. November 22 - Toldot, Genesis 25:19-28:9 Isaac and Rebecca have twins, Esau and Jacob. Esau sells his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of lentils. Rebecca schemes to have her son Jacob receive the blessing of the oldest son. Jacob receives the blessing, then flees for his life as his brother Esau threatens to kill him. November 29 -Vayetze, Genesis 28:10-32:3 Jacob’s dream, his arrival at his uncle Laban’s house and his meeting with Laban’s daughters, Rachel and Leah. Jacob wants to marry Rachel, is deceived by his uncle who substitutes Leah instead. Jacob works another 7 years in order to marry Rachel. After 20 years, Jacob decides it is time to return home and face his brother. A big “Thank you!” goes to Laurel Fried for her valuable advice in the preparation of the service. I hope other temple members consider leading a lay service next summer. It can be a wonderful learning experience, especially if it motivates you to go to all the summer Friday Evening Services, like it did for me. Judy Kislik 5 Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Religious School Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.39 5775 5773 Shalom Friends! It is a pleasure to see our students acclimating and becoming familiar with our synagogue. It is our mission to make all students feel safe, comfortable, and happy while attending religious school. They are learning through the richness of Jewish experiences, classroom lessons, and building a community, a place where everyone can belong. We have new teacher assistants, who generously volunteer their time working with our students. Our teens are role models for the students and their passion for our religious school reverberates through the classrooms affirming that beyond a Bat/Bar Mitzvah, students continue to feel connected to Temple Or Elohim. Thank you to all of our students and parents who graciously donated snacks and drinks to our very own Snack Shack. All funds raised go directly back into our school to assist for enrichment activities. Kudos to our student helpers for ensuring that the Snack Shack is ready upon each school session and overseeing the purchases! Together our temple family celebrated holidays during the month of October, beginning with our very well attended “Pizza in the Hut” followed by an uplifting Sukkot service led by Rabbi Abramowitz and Cantor Katz. Our President, Howard Pastolove completed the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS. Our children, once again enjoyed the activity of pouring water over an adult’s head, but remembering it is part of Mitzvah. The entire school participated in the event by raising funds for ALS. The beautiful Sukkah was built by the awesome Men’s Club and decorated by our creative students. On October 17, 2014, we came together to celebrate the life cycle event of Consecration, a ceremony that welcomes our new students that are beginning their formal Jewish Education. This journey marks the beginning of years of learning, leading up to a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, followed by Confirmation. The Bema was filled with many children eager to learn about their Jewish identity. This year I am pleased to announce we have a music teacher, Morah (teacher) Judy, who will be working with upper grades and assisting students with additional support in prayer study as well as musical instruction. We welcome Cantor Judy Merrick to our faculty! November is Mitzvah month in our school. As we continue to teach our children about Gemilut Hasadim-Giving of Loving Kindness, we will be offering our students various ways to help with charitable endeavors. Temple Or Elohim’s Social Action Committee, chaired by Susan Levine, is planning several activities for families to participate in. During September and October, all Tzedakah collected was donated to ALS. For November and December, all Tzedakah collected will be donated to Make a Wish. On Monday, November 3 and Thursday, November 6, 2014 we will have a ”Shoot for Basket” Tournament. All students wishing to participate and are encouraged to do so, may attend either Monday or Thursday of that week. All monies raised will be donated to Make a Wish. All students who attend religious school on a Tuesday, please note, due to Election Day we are closed. 6 The TheShofar Shofar As Thanksgiving approaches, we have so much to be thankful for; family, friends, and health. However, there are many families who may be going through a difficult time, financial problems, job loss, health issues, and feelings of helplessness. Beginning November 22 through December 22, 2014, our religious school will be collecting NEW toys for sick and/or underprivileged children. All toys collected will be donated to the John Theissen’s Children’s Foundation, a 501(c) 3 Non-Profit Organization. The organization will accept toys and gift cards. Wishing all of you a Happy Thanksgiving, may you all enjoy this special time of family and togetherness Deborah E. Tract Director of Education (516) 433 - 9888, ext. 15 Dates to Remember November 3 to 6 Basketball hoops for Make a Wish. Entire school may participate. Tuesday, November 4 No Religious School - Election Day Tuesday November 11 No Religious School - Veteran’s Day Thursday, November 13 3rd– 6th Grade Youth Group from 6:30 to 8 PM Tuesday, November 18 7th - 9th Grade Teen Program from 6:30 to 8 PM Tuesday, November 25 10th - 12th Grade Senior Teen Program from 6:30 to 8 PM Thursday, November 27 No Religious School - Thanksgiving Day We welcome new members to the Temple Or Elohim family Stacey and Larry Menkes and family Gwen and Andrew Bernstein Collette Paul and Oren Gold and family Aimee and Ken Leff and family Deborah and Jeffrey Glickman and family Jennifer and Benjamin Hatz and family Stef and Rob Appel and family Rabbi Arthur and Nancy Schwartz Karin and Harry Arlin Temple Or Elohim Vol. 37 No. 3 5775 The Shofar Contributions November 2014 Mike and Elaine Hauptman In loving memory of Daisy Klein Richard and Linda Jankowitz In loving memory of Bella Chorost Harold and Felice Kestenbaum In loving memory of Rosalind November CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Richard and Joyce Klein In honor of Myron and PRINCIPAL’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Elaine Hauptman Frida and Richard Klinghoffer CHOIR FUND In loving memory of Meir Polner Enid and Al Kotowitz HONORIAL AND MEMORIAL In loving memory of Harry Kotowitz Amy and Paul Adler Jerome and Laurie Krantz In loving memory of Nathaniel Adler In loving memory of Jacob Krantz In loving memory of In loving memory of Freida Cole Arthur M. Rosenstein Stacey and Scott Kravitz Marilyn and Howard Bertan In loving memory of Edward Kravitz In loving memory of Sarah Gaffin Erna and Barry Leff Emilie and Richard Epstein In loving memory of Aaron Korenvaes In loving memory of Harry Kaufman Daniel Levy Todd Fabricant In loving memory of Phyllis Levy In loving memory of Fay Fink In loving memory of Beverly Fabricant Jeffrey and Andrea Lomasky In loving memory of Morris Dinner In loving memory of Buddy Fink Sharon and Bernard Mark Barbara and Bob Feinstein In loving memory of Judith H. Mark In loving memory of Theresa Feinstein In loving memory of David Bilmas Ronald and Michelle Finkelstein In loving memory of Sam Bilmas In loving memory of Susan and Steve Mender Suzanne Neumann In loving memory of Anne Mender Edward and Eileen Flax Eric and Rhonda Moore In loving memory of William H. Flax In loving memory of Benny Finkelstein Judith Freudenthal In loving memory of Betty Friedlander Frederic and Bonnie Oliver In loving memory of William Oliver Alan and Susan Geller In loving memory of George Mitchel In loving memory of Bernice Geller In loving memory of Florence Schwartz Ron and Pamela Goldberg In loving memory of Herman Schwartz In loving memory of Jerome Goldberg RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Dennis and Karen Blinder and Family Alan and Bonnie Chodosh Richard and Roberta Feinstein Phran and Bob Ginsberg Arnold S. Preminger Philip and Linda Peller In loving memory of Billie Peller Bruce and Leslie Pollack In loving memory of Seymour Pollack Iris and Stan Rothstein In loving memory of Beatrice Rothstein Allen and Eve Sabot and family In loving memory of Barbara Sabot, mother of Jill Bachman Roz and David Vermut In loving memory of Leona Resnick Murray and Lorette Wilensky In loving memory of George Wilensky Ann and Doug William In loving memory of Ann and Ben Zimmerman CARING COMMITTEE GENERAL CONTRIBUTION FOOD BASKETS MARVIN DUBIN CHILDREN’S LIBRARY FUND SCHOOL & EXPANSION FUND SOCIAL ACTION SPONSORED ONEG Debra Pastolove and family In honor of Howard’s birthday We now have 2 Facebook Pages!! A new “Temple Or Elohim Family” Facebook page has recently been launched as an addition to our main Temple Or Elohim Facebook page. The primary purpose of this new family page is to communicate with Temple Or Elohim parents and families on topics such as Religious School updates, news and information (non-sensitive information only); carpool requests (organized privately); Bar/Bat Mitzvah ideas and recommendations; local activities for kids and families; suggestions and comments, special announcements, news and GIVEAWAYS!!!! Don’t forget to also join our main Facebook page, This is the ‘official’ Temple Or Elohim page where you will see “push” notifications about various Jewish-related topics and important communications from the Temple. Here’s the link to the TOE Family page Here’s the link to the TOE Official page “Like Us” on both Facebook pages! Temple Or Elohim Official Facebook Page Temple Or Elohim Family Facebook Page 7 Temple TempleOrOrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35No. No.39 5775 5773 The TheShofar Shofar Yahrzeits—November 2014 Presidents Message Week of November 7 Irving Fern, Mildred Getelman, Ronald Brecher, Minnie Glotzer, Gerald Greenhut, Pincus Levy, Manny Lichtiger, Harriet Wallfield, Lillian Moskowitz, Leo Pollak, Vincent Mirabella, Simon Portnoy, Harry Wilner, Lawrence Baron, Alvin M. Jeffer, Yetta Kestenbaum, Meyer Sacks, Jean Seldes, Abraham Smiloff, Hyman Weintraub, Sylvia Weiss, Eva Flaum, David Goldfarb, Alexander Honigstock, Dorothy Platt, Louis Serota, Fred Sobel Fifty, what a number and yet that is how old I just turned this past October 14th. It is half a century, five decades or something that we look at as a long amount of time. Our temple has been here for over fifty years and this year at our 5775 High Holiday Services, I knew that we could and will be around for at for least another fifty years. Week of November 14 Ralph Greenberg, Norman Kazan, Melvin Lester, Arnold Rosenzweig, Samuel Steinberg, Max Chodosh, Martha Gerschitz, Celia Bertan, Harriet Kravit, Irving Rappaport, David Schlanger, Morris Wilensky, Nathan Work, Irving Goldberg, Seymour Fradin, Ruth Garfinkel, Fay Meisner, Celia Baiman, Harry Glickman, Shelley Lillian, Gert Wiener, Rose Yablonovitz Week of November 21 Samuel Amsterdam, Clara Briendel, Blanche Gottlieb, Sylvia Hill, Benjamin Horowitz, Ruth Weintraub, Olga Babik, Jack Becker, Ted Freudenthal, Charles Greene, Beatrice Harris, A. Harold Seidner, Benjamin Vandow, Benny Schwartz, Isaac Liebman, Diane Silverman, Joseph Singer, Eva Brownstein, Marion Frankel, David Jacobs, Evelyn Kadin, William Weintraub, Anna Levy, Marvin Tischler, Joseph Vermut Week of November 28 Abraham Derechinsky, Barbara Dragoumis, Louis Feuer, Milton Knaster, Harry Kramer, Edward C. Adlman, Anna Bernstein, Jay Eisenberg, Clara Koenigsberg, Evelyn Reich, Morton Stark, Beatrice Beller, Fannie Berson, Samuel Briendel, Irving Forman, Murray Krimsky, Selma Siegel, David Moskowitz, Murray Reich, Jean Wolf, Joseph Green, Mortimor Kaufman, Werner Marz, Joseph Mayer, Bess Miller, Anne Blick, Joseph Brodsky, Alice Leff, Lester Shimberg, Edward Wisotsky Entertainment Book Long Island Entertainment 2015 books are available for $25. GO MOBILE AND SAVE™ with the new Entertainment Membership Coupon App that may be used for restaurants, amusement parks, theaters, travel and more throughout the United States. It is as if you owned all the books for all the cities, but just need to pay for the Long Island book. The year started off with our always hugely popular Shabbat Under the Stars BBQ and Service. We had over 350 people in attendance this year! I was really excited to see so many people talking, eating, singing, dancing and praying together. Thank you to our Clergy, our Temple Band, our custodial staff, our volunteers, our administrative staff and the chair of this committee, Laurel Fried. The event was a huge success. Thank you to all of you. The High Holidays went on without a hitch. Thanks to our behind the scenes crew of Michael Wilner and the Ritual Committee, Howie Isserles and the ushers, Clergy, Choir, Ed our organist, Len Gershitz our Gabbai, our Appeal Speakers, custodians and office staff, we were able to have wonderful High Holiday Services enjoyed by all. The Tashlich Service this year was fantastic. We filled up the dock at Theodore Roosevelt Park. There were over 140 people there throwing away their sins (including myself). Continuing my theme of gratitude and pride, I want to acknowledge the smooth beginning of school this year. With many new students, Deborah Tract, her teachers and the office staff were able to begin the year with enthusiasm and happiness for all. Sukkot was another time of joy for me. Not only did I join the Cantor and Deborah in supporting ALS by doing the Ice Bucket Challenge, but our Sukkah was filled with families eating pizza and then enjoying services in the Sukkah. Simchat Torah, what a great service as I watched our new students get consecrated, listened to the music and melodies of our Cantor and our temple band “Nishamah”, and saw our sanctuary filled with congregants of all ages singing, dancing and participating in this spiritual event. Thank you to everyone who made this evening possible. Finally, thank you to Sisterhood and Men’s Club for running their amazing activities and for keeping us all entertained with speakers, food and funny movies. As I started this message, I was reflecting and now you can see what makes me so thrilled to be president of our congregation for my fourth year. Let’s continue this challenge of being the “GO-TO REFORM SYNAGOGUE“ of the North Shore. Support our activities, get involved and join us at future happenings. Everything is listed on our website, the Shofar, e-mail blasts and our two Facebook pages. Once again, a very Happy and Healthy New Year to all of To purchase your Entertainment Book with for the Mobil app: you, from my family to your family. Call the Temple office (516) 433-9888 ext 14 or Janet Howard Pastolove, President Weinberg (516) 922-1160 or e-mail 8 Temple TempleOrOrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35No. No.39 Sisterhood News With the rush of holidays finally behind us, we are now approaching our next “round” of Sisterhood events. October brought us the inspirational wisdom of Terry Sands, who faced and conquered the personal trials of being confronted with two potentially debilitating medical conditions. Her story was poignant, yet uplifting and her sage advice provided many of us with food for thought. 5775 5773 The TheShofar Shofar Men’s Club Sunday, September 28th, Men’s Club members once again came together to build the Temple Sukkah. Our satisfaction is seeing the structure put to good use by our school students and our congregation. See pictures on page 14. Those who attended the October Movie Night saw a very good film, had a nice dinner and most importantly, enjoyed each other’s company in our community home. Also in October, those who attended the CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and AED (automated external defibrillator) training and certification course acquired excellent life-saving skills in this hands-on learning experience. Our temple has an AED located in the lobby near the Sisterhood showcase. Thank you to Robin Grossman for coordinating this class and for organizing last month’s successful Garage Sale. Looking ahead, Men’s Club is hosting a Chanukah Party on December 14th, which is a cooperative effort with our Religious School. We are hosting a new event; a “Super Sunday Party” on February 1st that will include the movie “Horsefeathers”, a send-up of college football starring the Marx Brothers, as well as dinner, the Super Bowl Game and more! Details will be available soon. On November 5th, we are looking forward to a game night at Panera Bread in Plainview. Come and share your expertise in a game of Mah Jongg, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, Pictionary or bring a game of your choice along with your “chill out” mindset and just have fun! Panera offers an enticing menu of sandwiches and salads or just a cup of coffee, for those who desire! At Men’s Club, we want to experience growth in our active membership that reflects the wonderful increase in our overall temple membership and religious school enrollment. We will undertake an initiative to reach out to our new temple members as well as to those men who may not realize that they are Men’s Club members. This is their temple, their community; they are part of our “Templehood”, so I have asked Club Executive VP Ed Kislik to direct this effort. We are excited at the prospect of our first Progressive Dinner, as we navigate to different homes for cocktails, dinner and dessert. Enjoy cocktails at the home of President Howard and Debra Pastolove, have dinner at a mystery host’s home and then gather for Dessert at the home of Deena and Harvey Yaris. This will be a wonderful opportunity to mix and mingle with seasoned friends and to welcome new members into our TOE family. Mark your calendars for Saturday night, November 15th at 6:00 PM for this unique opportunity of culinary camaraderie On December 7th, Sisterhood will be hosting its Annual Shopper’s Day which is a wonderful opportunity to support Sisterhood through our sales from these local vendors. While there, consider doing your shopping for your family and friends and our Sisterhood Chanukah Party to be held on December 10th! Look around to see what would be the perfect gift for a holiday surprise! That being said, it is so heart-warming for us to be the Co-Presidents of Sisterhood and to be a part of this temple family. We have a number of ideas in progress as we plan for future meetings and events. We invite everyone to get involved and become immersed in the possibilities that Sisterhood has in store for each of us. With our wishes to you for “Naches and Gesund” always… With warmest regards, Sheila Zimmerman & Gilda Balesh Ed expressed this concern at our last meeting: “So you pay your Men’s Club dues every year, but you don’t show up for the membership meetings because Men’s Club doesn’t do anything that interests you. Sound familiar? Men’s Club is a member-driven organization. If you don’t show up and let us know what you are interested in doing, then chances are we aren’t reflecting what interests you. And you know what? There are probably lots of other men that belong to Temple Or Elohim just like you”. Going forward, we want to do things a little differently. We are in the process of discussing events/activities that will bring all of us together. In the meantime, please let us hear from you. We at Men’s Club ask that you keep up with Club news, events and activities by looking at the temple website, reading The Shofar, flyers, e-mail blasts and, yes, attending a meeting. If you are a new member at Temple Or Elohim, contact me ASAP because you are invited to attend our next get-together on Monday, November 10th at 7:30 PM for a dinner off-premises and we will pick up your tab! Have I got your attention? Artie Mayer Men’s Club President Sheila Zimmerman Gilda Balesh Sisterhood Co-Presidents 9 Temple TempleOrOrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35No. No.39 5775 5773 The TheShofar Shofar Social Action Committee Upcoming Social Action Events Fall is a busy time for our committee and we hope you will join us and support us during the following events: Mitzvah Day- Sunday, November 2, 2014 Religious School children and their parents needed to deliver breakfast to needy families - 10:00 AM. Make sandwiches to feed the hungry - 12:00 PM Join us as we come together to make 200 sandwiches and pack them with a snack and drink. Lunches will be delivered to The INN at Glen Cove and Hempstead (a part of the Interfaith Network). Make toiletries gift bags to be given out to various shelters - 12:00 PM Mitzvah Week Monday, November 3rd- Friday, November 7th How many Mitzvah’s can we do during the week? Try and do acts of kindness all week! Monday, November 3rd and Thursday, November 6th 5:45 PM “Shoot for Basket” Tournament (all donations collected will go to the Make a Wish Foundation). Wednesday, November 5th Please donate a non-perishable food item or toiletries Social Action Shabbat is Friday, November 7, 2014 at 7:30 PM. A guest speaker has been invited. Social Action Committee Meeting Dates for 2014-2015. All meetings begin at 7:30 PM. November 11, 2014 December 2, 2014 January 13, 2015 February 3, 2015 March 3, 2015 April 14, 2015 May 12, 2015 What is the Adopt-a-Family Program? Through Social Action, the Temple currently has one “adopted” needy Jewish family. The family is assigned through F.E.G.S., a subdivision of UJA. For discretion purposes, a contact person acts as the liaison to the family to protect their privacy. The family is adopted by the entire congregation, however only Susan Levine makes the contact and delivers items donated by the congregation. Adopted Family News Are you aware that Temple Or Elohim currently has an adopted family? The family selected is requiring on-going assistance are screened by F.E.G.S., an affiliation of UJA and assigned to groups that want to provide such service. Members of our Social Action Committee have offered to act as liaisons between the family and the Temple. Gift cards (in any amount) would be much appreciated to support our adopted family. If you would like specific information on our adopted family please e-mail Susan Levine at for information. Please also e-mail Susan with any ideas, suggestions and charity information. Join us for our most successful event of the year! Watch for upcoming e-mail blasts for details. Susan Levine Chair, Social Action Committee (516) 931-2550 Do you want to be a part of all the exciting events we are planning? Baskets on the Bimah Program Please join us on Tuesday, November 11th at 7:30 PM and learn how you can get involved. Meetings usually do not last more than 1 hour. We promise you do not need to make a big commitment. Any amount of time you can spare would be much appreciated. 10 A great way to honor a simcha is by sponsoring a basket on the bimah. Proceeds go to assist local needy families. Any congregant can have a basket displayed on the Bimah for a non-Bar Mitzvah Shabbat by bringing a minimum of $36 to the temple office, at least one week in advance. A great way to honor any simcha you may be celebrating! Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.39 5775 5773 The TheShofar Shofar Celebrations It is appropriate to commemorate the lives of those we have loved and lost. It is equally appropriate to celebrate events in the lives of those we love in the here-and-now. November Birthdays 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Mark Fried Lisa Hirsch Barbara Kandel Hayden Blinder Jessica Finkelstein Lois Lerner Lauren Lomasky Barbara Weiss Barry Ballen Deborah Glickman Julie Lefkowitz Paul Reich Jolie Davilman Matthew Pressman Gary Topple Melanie Etess Carolyn Kellman Sara Lefkowitz Steven Lefkowitz Robert Bock Carrie Jacobs Steven Rose Jeffrey Feltman J'aime Abramowitz Daniel Lerner Jillian Palumbo Howard Rosenberg Odette Walsh Michelle Wilner Ivan Dolowich Emilie Epstein Lita Friedman Alexander Heffner Nicholas Albicocco Lon Goldstein Stephen Grossman Julia Katz Andrew Meyer Samantha Meyer Ellen Mogavero 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 26 27 28 28 29 29 November Anniversaries Daniel Oliver Leonard Saltz David Evan Simon Marc Wiener Sydney Goltzman Aimee Leff Rebecca Lefkowitz Sheila Zimmerman Risa Beck Korri Frampton Melissa Goldstein Rachel Klinghoffer James Math Janet Weintraub Sean Breslin Michael Jacobs Samuel Pollack Michael Stuart Feinstein Sue Grayson Karen Kweit Steven Starr Alexa Brecher Ira Lampert Jerome Delott William Gold Ashley-Lynn Goldstein Michael Hantman Howard Green Adam Newman 11 1 3 5 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 13 16 16 17 17 18 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 Richard & Emilie Epstein Steven & Alisa Gold David & Lisa Kleinman Bradley & Lynette Birnbaum Mark & Ivy Heller David & Mary Ann Schwartz Steven & Wendy Blidner Michael & Ellen Mogavero Marc & Andrea Wiener Paul & Amy Adler Leonard & Jessica Gerschitz Abe & Marilyn Milstein Ilan & Meredith Glenn Samuel & Tara Kass Steven & Randi Ross Mark & Debra Starr Michael & Julie Peress Richard & Frida Klinghoffer Abraham & Ruth Gottlieb David & Elisa Samuelson Lawrence & Jill Karp Jeffrey & Andrea Lomasky Mitchell & Susan Bloomberg Richard & Linda Jankowitz Fred & Gilda Balesh Greg & Melissa Goldstein Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.39 5775 5773 The TheShofar Shofar Temple Or Elohim Happenings A Family Found After 50 Years, by Sheila Kwitkin Zimmerman A Family Found After 50 Years - Part 1 As our families gathered throughout the years to welcome the New Year, there was always someone missing in my life, Aunt Ruth, my father’s sister. I was 8 years old and my Aunt Ruth was 16 when she disappeared without a trace. My grandparents were born in Uman, a part of Russia. My grandparents and their two sons, Herschel, age 13 and Issac, age 10 came to America first. Aunt Ruth was born here. My grandmother died on my 2nd birthday, leaving my Aunt Ruth to be raised by a very stern, old fashioned father. One day, my sister and I were playing dress-up with Aunt Ruth. We went downstairs to show grandfather how pretty we looked, all dressed like grown-ups, even wearing lipstick. Grandfather yelled at Aunt Ruth, whereupon she grabbed her coat, ran out the door and we never saw her again. I can still remember that day. I was crying, hoping she would come back, but she never did. I thought that she would miss us so much that she would just have to come back. I would dream about her all the time. My family tried to find her but she found a shelter and lived there in secret for many years. After several years, I hired a detective who specialized in tracking missing persons. He put ads in newspapers and suddenly my uncle received news that Aunt Ruth was in California and had married a jeweler. I wrote to every jewelry store asking if anyone knew of my Aunt Ruth. Years went by with no word, our lives went on and became more involved but I never forgot her. One day my uncle, now 88 years old, decided to scrutinize his monthly bills only to find out that he had been paying for an unlisted number all these years. He called the phone company to remove it,. Shortly after that, my uncle received a letter from a man in Israel named Dr. David Snyder. It stated “I believe I am your nephew, your sister Ruth’s son. She had two brothers named Herschel and Issac. Your parent’s names were Rachel and William. If you are my uncle, please call me”. My uncle was suspicious and thought that this was from someone who wanted something, said that he was not calling him back. He called me, read me the letter and gave the phone number to me to check out. I knew and I felt that this was for real. I remember going into work late and dialing Israel. The first time I lost my nerve and quickly hung up the phone. A Family Found After 50 Years -Part 2 I was trembling, dialed again and the voice on the other end said “David Snyder here”. I could feel panic setting in as I said, “My name is Sheila Kwitkin” (or Kvitko, our original name and my Aunt’s name) and the response was, “I know who you are, my mother loved you very much”. Tears rolled down my eyes, as I hesitated to ask, “Is Aunt Ruth alive?” He replied that she had died 5 years ago and that he had been searching for me for 35 years. With no internet, an unlisted number and the change in the family name, it was difficult to track down any one of us. We spoke for a long 12 time and he promised to send us a video. On the day it came, the entire family gathered together to see the pictures. Much to our surprise, the video was of Aunt Ruth being interviewed on well known talk shows here in the United States. She had put herself through Columbia University, worked as a reporter on the Brooklyn Eagle newspaper, became a pilot and spent most of her years in Israel as a journalist. My aunt’s mission was to hold the media accountable for misleading articles that were being written about Israel. I anxiously waited to meet my first cousin David. When he and his family finally came to the U.S., the reunion was amazing. He announced that his family had decided to permanently settle in Israel. David is a scientist who is studying experimental treatments to restore mobility to those paralyzed in the hopes that they would walk again. In fact, he worked with actor Christopher Reeve. David looked so much like my brother and he wanted to know all about everyone in the family. David met my uncle and his family but unfortunately, my Dad had already passed away and never got to meet him. I decided to write this family story and submit it to Newsday. Ed Lowe, the writer, accepted it and had it published in a Newsday Sunday edition. When my story appeared in the paper, a new chapter was soon to be added to this family saga. On Election Day, my brother in Commack went to vote and was approached by a woman, who asked if he was Robert Kwitkin. He had never met her but somehow she knew his name. He responded, “Are we related?” She said , “What would you say if I told you that your Grandfather and my Grandfather were brothers?” She had read the article and they spoke, concluding that they were indeed family. My grandfather had brothers I didn’t know he had! Since that day, many people have contacted us. Our family was greatly extended. A Family Found After 50 Years - Part 3 Conclusion It’s been an incredible journey finding so many new family members with my last name. We have become very good friends with our cousin in Commack and from her found out a lot about our history. I know my father had a very famous cousin who was the Sholem Aleichem of Russian writers called Liev Kvitko. Kvitko was murdered the day the government thugs killed all the famous writers there. I am still looking for his descendents who may be around for us to contact. When your family gathers together, have you ever wondered if anyone in your family is missing from the occasion, but out there someplace? Are there descendents from long gone family members who may be living just miles from where you reside? Maybe now is the time to find out! Sheila Kwitkin Zimmerman Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.39 5775 5773 The TheShofar Shofar Temple Or Elohim Happenings Social Action High Holiday Food Drive & Project Replenish 2014 Temple Or Elohim’s High Holiday Food Drive helps feed hundreds of people in need on Long Island by collecting non-perishable foods to stock the FEGS food pantry in Syosset. Project Replenish is a meaningful way to demonstrate our concern for those in need throughout our greater community. On Sunday, October 12th, twenty-five Temple members young and old, loaded their cars and headed to FEGS in Syosset to count, sort and stock FEGS shelves with 1,050 items of food! Thanks to all our wonderful volunteers! Susan Levine Kol Nidre Appeal Kol Nidre appeal is half over! Days turn into weeks and weeks into months and before you know it, it will be January 15th, 2015, the date when we will be ending our Kol Nidre appeal. As you asked G-d to be sealed in the Book of Life at High Holiday services and He grants your wish; please answer our plea and contribute what you can to the Kol Nidre Appeal. It has been mentioned from time to time that dues alone do not pay the expenses of our beloved temple. This is our largest fundraiser and we would be so pleased for you to be a part of it. We wish you a year of great things and thank you in advance for your contribution. The Kol Nidre Committee 13 Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.39 5775 5773 The TheShofar Shofar Temple Or Elohim Happenings Men’s Club Sukkah Building 2014 On a rather warm late September morning, Ken and Greg of our custodial staff led our Men’s Club members in the building of our Sukkah. While the group that exceeded 20 people consisted of veterans including Neil Miller, Phil Rubin, Harvey Yaris, Ken Gerome, Meir Ariel, TOE President Howie Pastolove, Stan Miller and yours truly, it was the presence of so many “newbie's” that energized us all. A big welcome and bigger thanks go to Rich Jankowitz, Mark Heller, Dean Alexenburg, Men’s Club Executive VP Ed Kislik and Steve Brown. Let’s not forget several other recent additions to our ranks, Fred Balesh and Frank Zimmerman who have supported this and our other club efforts. Wherever one looked, there were these guys lifting, climbing ladders, drilling and joking around like they’ve been here for years! We could not have done the job without them. In the end, it’s all about camaraderie and what it takes to enrich our Temple Or Elohim experience. Artie Mayer 7th graders in theSukkah with Mrs. Deborah Tract 14 Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.39 5775 5773 Temple Or Elohim Happenings Tashlihch at Oyster Bay, 2014 15 The TheShofar Shofar Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.39 5775 5773 The TheShofar Shofar Temple Or Elohim Happenings Sisterhood Speaker, Terry Sands New Temple Sign on Jericho Turnpike 16 Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.39 5775 5773 The TheShofar Shofar Tidbits from Temple Or Elohim Member Larry Jacobs Spivack Brothers Development Corp. BUILDERS OF FINE HOMES (516) 883-2110 99 Karol Place Muttontown, NY 11753 Paul Spivack Steven Spivack H & M, a Swedish international retail clothing store has come out with a tank top that has a partial quote from the Talmudic sage Hillel. It has become one of their best sellers. Written in oversized black letters "If not now, when?" The entire phrase by Hillel reads "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? And if not now when". The famous phrase comes from (ethics of the fathers) a collection of moral advice. In 1933, Joan Rivers was born as Joan Alexandra Molinsky in Brooklyn, NY. She was the daughter of Russian immigrant Jews. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Barnard. She often used her member of the tribe status in her comedy routine. ("I’m Jewish. I don’t work out. If G-d had wanted us to bend over, he would have put diamonds on the floor”). Closing with a ditty:.... And this is good old Boston; the home of the bean and the cod. Where the Lowell’s speak only to the Cabot’s; and the Cabot’s speak Yiddish, by god........... (Temple Member) 17 Temple TempleOrOrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35No. No.39 5775 5773 18 The TheShofar Shofar Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.39 5775 5773 The TheShofar Shofar 15% Discount for Temple Members or Free Rechargeable Batteries and Recharger (never have to buy hearing aid batteries again). New Country Deli (formerly Jagermeister) 19 Temple Or Elohim Vol. 37 No. 3 5775 The Shofar Temple Or Elohim 18 Tobie Lane Jericho, NY 11753 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Jericho, NY 11753 Permit No. 3 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED The deadline for the December 2014 Shofar is November 5, 2014 Shofar Advertising Rates based on 1 yr (9 issues) (Can be prorated) Business Card Size $150 1/4 Page $250 1/2 Page $500 Full Page $1000 For up to date calendar information please visit November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Mitzvah Day 9 Kristallnacht Service 7:00 PM 3 Institute for Adult Jewish Studies North Shore Synagogue 7:45 PM 10 Institute for Adult Jewish Studies North Shore Synagogue 7:45 PM 4 Election Day 5 6 7 Social Action Shabbat with Band 7:30 PM 12 13 Youth Group Grades 3,4,5,6 6:30-8:00 PM 14 15 Shabbat Evening Sisterhood Service 7:30 PM Progressive Dinner 6:00 PM 19 Executive Committee Meeting 8:00 PM 20 21 22 Shabbat Evening Service 7:30 PM No Religious School 11 Social Action Meeting 7:30 PM 8 Ritual Meeting 8:00 PM Men's Club dinner No Religious offsite School 16 17 Institute for Adult Jewish Studies North Shore Synagogue 7:45 PM 18 Teen Program Grades 7,8,9 6:30 - 8:00 PM Religious School Committee Meeting 7:30 PM 23 Roundtable Rap 11:00 AM 24 Institute for Adult Jewish Studies North Shore Synagogue 7:45 PM 26 25 Board of Trustees Meeting 8:00 PM 27 28 29 Thanksgiving Day Shabbat Evening Service 7:30 PM Senior Teen Pgm Grades 10,11,12 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM No Religious School 30 20
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