The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica- Stewardship Sunday MASS INTENTIONS November 9, 2014 Our young pe ople are goi ng t o do a sleepover experience t o stand in s olidarity wit h t he homeless. This year will make a donation t o "Keep the Heat" – If you want to s upport young people in this challenge, can deliver an envelope mar ked " Sleep Out" wit h your donation t he rectory or in t he collection. T hank you very m uch! Saturday, November 8th 2:00PM Wedding: Thomas McNamee & Brittany Murphy 4:00PM Joseph, Irene & Russell Escobar; Rui Oliveira & Family; Eduardo Gouveia & family; Arthur & Irene Braza; Manuel Botelho; Fernando J. Silveira(Birth Remb); Deceased members of Holy Rosary Sodality 5:30PM Fernando Resendes & Grandparents; Roberto Cordeiro & Family; ): Eugenia & Jose Botelho; Jose Cardoso (Birth Remb); Intentions of Robert Armagost Jr; Antonio & Joshua Burgo; Maria Faria Sunday, November 9th 7:30AM Manuel SImao Pereira & Ana de Deus Roias; Joao & Ana Peixoto; Antonio & Maria Carreiro; Maria Catarina Medeiros; Mariano Arruda, Wife & Son 9:00AM Pro Populo 10:30AM Florency Perry; Jose & Ana Faria & Family; Antonio & Rosa da Ponte & Son 11:45AM Gil & Suzann raposo; Jose Vigario; Jose Nobrega & Family; Silvana Oliveira, aunt, parents & in Laws; Eduardo Sousa (7th Day); Manuel Correia (7th Day) Monday, November 10th 12:05PM Manuel & Maria da Luz Taveira; Candida Monteiro & All Souls 6:00PM Jose Vargas Faria; Delfina Lacerda; Maria Faria; Fernando Silveira & Family; Tuesday, November 11th - Veterans Day 8:00AM Deceased & Living Veterans 12:05PM NO MASS 6:00PM NO MASS Wednesday, November 12th 12:00PM Tommy Gomes; Anthony & Rita G. Cabral; Sam Faria (Birth Remb) 6:00PM Alcide Raposo (Birth Remb) & Berta Moniz; Albertino Costa; Mary T. Moniz (Month’s Mind) Thursday, November 13th 12:05PM Isaltina Leal; In Honor of St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. John Paul II, Blessed Virgin Mary & St. Joseph; Blessed Teresa of Calcutta 6:00PM Joao & Amelia Furtado; Joao Sousa th Friday, November 14 12:05PM Daniel Maciel (5th Anniv) 6:00PM Maria Dutra (Birth Remb); Maria Faria Saturday, November 15th 4:00PM Albert Motta (O); Manuel & Edith Morais & Daughter: Antonio Medeiros, Jose & Ana Pimentel, In Honor of St. Joseph; Deceased members of the Holy Rosary Sodality 5:30PM Ana & Francisco Maciel (O); Maria Faria; Fernando Resendes & Maria & Jose Furtado; Duarte Fernando Ferreira & Grandparents & Aunt; Fatima Medeiros & family; Daniel Almeida & Parents; Maria de Deus Medeiros & parents; Genoveva Meneses, Husband & Son; John Carvalho & Parents; Rev. Aristides Zacarias Arruda Sunday, November 16th 7:30AM Manuel & Maria Moniz (O); Jose & Ana Faria & Family; Maria Faria; Jose & Ana Peixoto 9:00AM Pro Populo 10:30AM Idalina Quadros, husband & Daughter (O); Catherine Rose Botelho; Vic Rose (6th Anniv); Joao F. Amaral (5th Anniv) & Family; John L. & Julia Lewis; Manuel F. Se Sousa (Birth Remb); Alda Lopes Mendes, Domingos Lopes Mendes; Angelina Soares Almeida, Jose Mendes de Barros; Joaquim dos Santos Fernandes Valdir Barros, Norberto Silvio Barros 11:45AM Sofia & Natalia Leitao; Afonso Pinto & Family; Maria Conciecao Medeiros (Birth Remb); Maria Luisa Medeiros; Henrique Teixeira Blessed Sacrament Lamp Special Intentions Mass book for 2015 The Mass book will open for 2015. If you would like to schedule a Mass, please call the rectory 434-1878 between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM – Mondays through Fridays. You need to remember to call at least 2 weeks before of the date that you want the mass to be said. You may also come to the office at between those times. Thanksgiving We are in the process of preparing our thanksgiving baskets for needy families. We need your help in providing the following items: cranberry sauce, canned fruits & vegetables, stuffing mix, gravy, pie filling & pie crust, cake mix & frosting, drinks, soup, olives, jello, cookies and pudding. Items can be brought to the church the weekend of November 15th & 16th or to the rectory through Thursday, November 20th. Thank you for your support. Portuguese Bible Study Sr. Liria Grade will be leading a Portuguese Bible Study on Mary in the Scriptures. Wednesday, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 at 7:00PM It will take place in the church. If you have a bible please bring it. Everybody is welcome and there is no cost for the bible study. There will be a Book Sale (Portuguese) after the Bible Study. The Holy Rosary Sodality The Holy Rosary Sodality will hold a mass for deceased members this Saturday November 8, 2014 during the 4pm mass. New members will also be installed followed by a reception in the Church Library. Veterans Day Holiday Please note: On Tuesday, November 11th there is only an 8:00am mass due to Veterans’ Day Holiday, There is no Mass at 12:05 or 6:00PM. The rectory will be closed on Tuesday. St. Francis Xavier Church East Providence, RI Baptisms in our Church This Sunday, November 9th the following children will receive the Sacrament of Baptism following the 11:45am Mass: Cameron Olivia Larguinho; Juliana Maria Carroll-Medeiros. Congratulations to the parents and godparents. Pound Away the Pounds with the Padre No class this week because of the bazaar set up Pound away the pounds will resume on Thursday, November 20th at 7PM Collection for Rejoice in Hope Center 15th 16th On the weekend, November & there will be a collection for the Rejoice in Hope Center in Cranston, RI. This center provides activities and opportunities for the youth of this area which includes our parish. They offer spiritual formation and leadership training as well as a variety of athletic and social events. Please be generous, the young people of today need us to share our faith and our support. It is an important investment. Thank you. Holiday Bazaar: November 15 & 16, 2014 We are in need of new Christmas Items for this year’s bazaar. Also, we could use any handmade Crafts or knit items for the Craft Table. Faith Formation News: Kindergarten – Grade 5 All classes are in session. Grades 6-7-8 Fall Session Class will meet this Monday, November 17th from 6pm – 7:30pm in Rego Auditorium Confirmation I Classes meet Tuesday, November 18th from 6pm – 7:30pm. BLIND Bidding on Dinner in the RECTORY Dining Room 4 Course Meal Prepared by “Chef” Father Scott includes wine and pre-prandials Winners To Be Announced on Sunday, November 16 at 1:00PM Rego Auditorium. Bidding takes place either online at or at the Holiday Bazaar on November 15 & 16. Your bid is only for 2 seats at dinner in the rectory dining room. There will be others at the table.Top 3 highest bidders win. A total of 6 guests will be present. New Editions to the Bazaar The Centennial Raffle: 10 chances to win $100.00 Grand Prize: One Round Trip Airfare to Portugal/Azores *To be drawn on January 25th at the Anniversary Dinner. And…. BINGO! Come enjoy a sandwich and coffee as you play Bingo! Saturday – 11AM – 3PM Saturday night – 6PM – 8PM SPECIAL KIDS’ BINGO: SUNDAY 11AM – 12:30PM *All prizes are gift cards and gift baskets! Charismatic Prayer Group On Wednesday, November 19th Debra Brum will be at the prayer group meeting in the church. All are invited to attend. Look who is turning 100! That’s right, St. Francis Xavier Parish is turning 100 years old in January 2015! SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, January 25, 2015 11AM – MASS with Bishop Tobin 1PM – Luncheon at Crowne Plaza $25.00 per person Music provided by: All Star Entertainment Soup, Chicken Dinner with dessert & Cash Bar TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE HOLIDAY BAZAAR – Nov. 15 & 16 If you are interested in helping with this committee for dinner at the Crowne Plaza please do not hesitate to contact our 100th Anniversary Chairwoman, Betty Vieira via email: or via telephone: 401-433-5577
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