Spiseseddel / Menu Kursus Course Scientific Communication (SC) Project related FSA-course Mini-modul / Mini Module SC-Topic 2 Kursusholder / Lecturer Erik Granum, RDB 14, kontor/office 4.309, tlf./phone: 9940 8790, email: eg@create.aau.dk, URL: www.create.aau.dk/eg/ Emne / Topic Synopsis Introduction + "On Logic and The Scientific Method" Temaer Themes Kommuniker troværdig viden. At skabe ny troværdig viden kræver systematisk og logisk fremgangsmåde. Denne tankegang afspejler sig i meget af vor daglige adfærd, og den er grundlag for en værdifuld og essentiel metodik for praktisk arbejde og formidling. Communicate trustworthy knowledge. To create new and trustworthy knowledge requires a systematic and logic approach. Such thinking is also reflected in much of our everyday behavior, and it is the basis for a valuable and essential method for daily work and communication / dissemination, Introduction + SC-2, PART A • On logic and reasoning – About classical logic – Deduction and induction – Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens – Logic in every-day use - Exercises SC-2, PART B • What is Science? • The Scientific Method – Goals and Means • The Scientific Method in Praxis – project planing – project execution and consistency-check – project reporting • Your project, Who is to blame? About one-page abstracts Summary & Homework for Topic 5 (Lecture 5) Forberedelse Preparation Der er ingen forberedelse til denne forelæsning. Mød op veludhvilet og oplagt, og vær forberedt på at gøre en indsats under og mellem forelæsningerne. No preparations for this lecture. Show up fresh and with an open mind, and be prepared to make an effort during and between lectures. Litteratur Literature Materialet vil primært udgøres af Slides brugt ved forelæsningerne Material is primarily the slides of the lecture. Find Links on course homepage and in moodle to 1) Slides SC-Topic-2_PP, 2) Hand-out, 8 slides, 3)Sample abstracts in English and Danish, 4)Review form Øvelser til opgavetiden For the Break: Formalise the logical structure of a syllogism, and Exercises between and of Sherlock Holmes' reasoning (from lecture part A) afterLectures After the Lecture: Reflexions Analyze and discus your project (or project idea) with respect to: • How brief can you describe “the project’s problem"? * How did you analyse the problem? * How did you approach the problem? • Can you expect a conclusion as a solution to “the problem"? • Did you design a logical work plan? • Did you make consistency check on progress? • How will you structure the report of the project? • Can you (in due course) write the report as a logic (and interesting) story? Hjemmeopgave for Topic 5 Homework/assignments for Topic 5 Lecture For the SC-course Topic 5: Write an extra and alternative "One-page-abstract" of your project on the basis of how you would like it to end (i.e. the desired status when you hand-in the project). Submit “One-page-abstract” in Word or pdf format to eg@create.aau.dk two days before Lecture on Topic 5
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