St. Jude Roman Catholic Shrine Church of Celebration of

PHONE: 631-281-5743
Roman Catholic
Shrine Church of
St. Jude
FAX: 631-395-5786
“To the Greater Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls.”
Celebration of
the Eucharist
Saturday Evenings
Vigil Mass
Spanish Mass
English & Italian
Children’s Choir
Adult Choir
Youth Mass
Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday
Holy days
as announced.
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome- November 9th 2014
Rev. Gregory Yacyshyn Thomas Gillen
Kenneth Geoghan
In Residence
Mark Herrmann
Msgr. John Heinlein
Joseph Simeone
John Gagliardi
Senior Priest
Rev. James Leone
Parish Office
Monday, Tuesday,
Closed Holidays
Useful Numbers
Parish Outreach
Queen of Apostles
St. Vincent Depaul
Sacrament of
Anointing of
the Sick
Sacrament of
Couples wishing to be
married should contact
Available in danger of
death or whenever there the rectory at least one
year in advance to meet
is a personal need, call
with one of the priests
the rectory for an
to make wedding
Pre-Cana is required for
of Penance/
all couples.
Sacrament of
Celebrated most 1st and
3rd Sundays throughout
the year. Please contact
Also by appointment the rectory to set up
an appointment with a
Parish Outreach
member of the staff to
arrange for the
Baptismal preparation
Closed Fri., SAT.,
SUN., And Holidays and then to arrange for
a Baptism date.
Miraculous Medal
Mondays after the
9:00am Mass
St. Jude Novena
Thursdays after the
9:00am Mass
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
Benediction at 1:00pm
First Friday
Benediction at 9:00pm
The Holy Rosary
Monday through Friday at
8:30am; Saturday at
Masses for the Week
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Gerard Prichard †
Parishioners of St. Jude
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Francesco Paolo Pisano †
Carmella (Lolly) Pecoraro †
Bartholemew W. Gannon †
Florence & Charles Schwarz †
MONDAY, November 10, 2014
Living & Deceased members of
Koller & Gauggel Families
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Josephine Gioia †
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
9:00am Gregory Redmond Jr. †
12 Noon (Guild) Gordon Werner †, Intentions
of Living Members of the Legion of Mary
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Peter P. Konieczny †
Friday, November 14, 2014
Ronald Bona Sr. †
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Intentions of Sonnia &
Amedeo (Tony) Marotti
50th Wedding Anniversary
5:00pm Barney Cincotta †
7:30pm Giovanni Traina †
Sunday, November 16, 2014
8:00am Anna Campagna †
9:30am Giuseppe Cumbo †
11:30am Julio Frenna †
5:00pm Parishiones of St. Jude
† Denotes Mass is for deceased
For the Sick: Patricia Ambrosino, Paula Arbaiza,
Benjamin Archer, Joseph & Cindy Balzer, Christina
Bobas, Joseph Boyle, Gary & Jennifer Brendel, Rev.
Robert Burgess, Francis X. Butler, Dana Celentano,
Al Clerico, Samantha Davis, Robert DiFrancesco,
Joann Dillman, Raymond Dhyne, Tara Doring,
Michael Drury, JoAnn Eppaillat, Joe Fazio, Joseph
& Stephanie Frigano, Edward Fusco Sr., Felice
Gagliardi, Nora Getchell, Ann & Frank Giordano,
George Gunther, Greg Haren, Steven Heerbrandt,
Marybeth and Virginia Hoffman, Gary J., Matthew
Kaminsky, Lawrence Katz, Jonathan Koenig, John
Kurz, Philomena Leone, Lewery Family, Freddy Liguori, Mr. & Mrs.C. Linsalata, Marilyn Lyden, Ronald
Nappe, Jessica & Joan Passaro, Frank Perez, Elvin
Rodriguez, Justina Rodriquez, Eugene & Salvatore
Russo, Vito Schiraldi, Alexa Elizabeth Temple,
Richard Thomas, Desmond Vella, Madeline Villardi,
Stefanie & James Walsh
For the Deceased: Jennie Paruolo, Vincent Joe
Castillo, Felice A. Perretto
For the Military: John Abel, Nicholas Acierno,
Matt Corica, Michael Cuervo, Daniel Engo, Cody
Farrell, Kyle Christopher Gray, Patrick Gross, Jeffrey
Holmes, Chris Howell, Steven Kay, Richard Kruger,
T.J. Kurlowicz, Chris Manakides, Thomas Mannix,
John Maresca, Richard Mclaughlin, Joe Occhineri,
Anthony Ochoa Jr., Katherine M. Onorato, Ramon
Ortiz, Matthew Parenti, Rich Pinckney, Kerri-Anne
Pliego, Gerard Posillico, John Redding, Jr., Eric Reilly, Vinnie Riveria, Steven Schloesser, Carl Seaman,
Don Skelton, Arlise A. Smith, Bobby Sosa, Anthony
Thompson, Timothy Weisner, Robert Weyer
Important Information:
The Outreach office will be closed Tuesday, November 11th, Veterans
Day. The rectory & faith formation offices will be open 9-5pm.
Faith Formation
HOME STUDY PARENT MEETING: (students need not attend) To assist
those that are teaching their children at home this year, there will be a
meeting on Thursday, Nov. 13 from 8-9 pm in the First Floor Classroom
of the parish center. Bring your concerns and questions and we will talk.
Please RSVP to 281-2835 if attending. Thank you, Theresa
Lighthouse Catholic Media
Next weekend, November 15th & 16th after all the Masses, we will offer
The New Testament, including selected Ignatius Catholic Study Bible
notes (retail $21), for $5 each. We will also offer Fr. Robert Barron’s
Catholicism book for $5 each and his A Journey Through Advent CDs for
$3 each. Also available: DVD episodes from the Symbolon and YDisciple
series and new audio CDs for $3 each. Please see the representative at the
table for more information.
Adult ‘Catholicism’ at St. Jude
Fr. Greg is presenting Fr. Robert Barron’s popular 10-part series Catholicism, in the parish center, on Tuesday evenings from 7-9 pm with one hour
for the video and one hour for discussion. The dates are November 11th,
18th, 25th; December 2nd, 9th; January 6th, 13th, 27th; and February 3rd.
If you are not able to attend all weeks, come when you can!
The Annual Thanksgiving Bake Sale
The Rosary Altar Society will once again be hosting this bake sale.
It will be held in the parish center next Sunday, November 16th
after all morning Masses. All proceeds go to the St. Jude Outreach
Thanksgiving Food Drive.
Bulletin Reflection
As we pray today for an increase of spiritual gifts, we are reminded by the
Bishops’ Pastoral on Stewardship that good stewardship of the Church
“means cherishing and fostering the gifts of all, while using one’s own gifts
to serve the community of faith.”
Pizza, Prayer and New Friends
Grades 7 and 8
Grades 9 – 12
Friday Night: 7 – 8:30
Sunday Night: 6-8pm
Parish Center
Small group activities, Video presentations,
Refreshments and fellowship
For information e-mail or you can
call the rectory
From the Pastor
November 9th, 2014
Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome
he Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Today the liturgy celebrates the dedication of the Lateran Basilica, called “mother and head of all
the churches of the city and the world.” In fact, this basilica was the first to be built after Emperor Constantine’s edict, in 313, which granted Christians freedom to practice their religion.
The emperor himself gave Pope Miltiades the ancient palace of the Laterani family, and the basilica,
the baptistery, and the patriarchate, that is, the Bishop of Rome’s residence — where the Popes lived until
the Avignon period (1300’s) — were all built there. The basilica’s dedication was celebrated by Pope Sylvester around the year 324 and was named Most Holy Savior. Only after the 6th century were the names of
St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist added, and now is typically denominated by these latter.
Initially the observance of this feast was confined to the city of Rome; then, beginning in 1565, it
was extended to all the Churches of the Roman Rite. The honoring of this sacred edifice was a way of expressing love and veneration for the Roman Church, which, as St. Ignatius of Antioch (d. 107 A.D.) says,
“presides in charity” over the whole Catholic communion (Letter to the Romans, 1:1).
On this solemnity the Word of God recalls an essential truth: the temple of stones is a symbol of the
living Church, the Christian community, which in their letters the Apostles Peter and Paul already understood as a “spiritual edifice,” built by God with “living stones,” namely, Christians themselves, upon the one
foundation of Jesus Christ, who is called the “cornerstone” (cf. 1 Corinthians 3:9-11, 16-17; 1 Peter 2:4-8;
Ephesians 2:20-22). “Brothers, you are God’s building,” St. Paul wrote, and added: “holy is God’s temple,
which you are” (1 Corinthians 3:9c, 17).
The beauty and harmony of the churches, destined to give praise to God, also draws us human beings, limited and sinful, to convert to form a “cosmos,” a well-ordered structure, in intimate communion
with Jesus, who is the true Saint of saints. This happens in a culminating way in the Eucharistic liturgy, in
which the “ecclesia,” that is, the community of the baptized, come together in a unified way to listen to the
Word of God and nourish themselves with the Body and Blood of Christ. From these two tables the Church
of living stones is built up in truth and charity and is internally formed by the Holy Spirit transforming
herself into what she receives, conforming herself more and more to the Lord Jesus Christ. She herself, if
she lives in sincere and fraternal unity, in this way, becomes the spiritual sacrifice pleasing to God.
Dear friends, today’s feast celebrates a mystery that is always relevant: God’s desire to build a
spiritual temple in the world, a community that worships him in spirit and truth (cf. John 4:23-24). But this
observance also reminds us of the importance of the material buildings in which the community gathers to
celebrate the praises of God. Every community therefore has the duty to take special care of its own sacred
buildings, which are a precious religious and historical patrimony. For this we call upon the intercession
of Mary Most Holy, that she help us to become, like her, the “house of God,” living temple of his love.
— Pope Benedict XVI, Angelus Address, November 9, 2008
As we celebrate the dedication of the Lateran Basilica – the cathedral church of the Supreme Pontiff
– we are grateful to almighty God for our beautiful spiritual home here in Mastic Beach that is so near and
dear to our hearts. Here, as God’s living stones, we weekly celebrate the Sacred Mysteries and all those
sacramental moments in our lives as Catholic Christians. We look forward to a “resurrection” for the old St.
Jude Shrine Church in the near future, so that the site of so many sacred events of the past will once again
be a place of prayer and praise of our blessed Lord. May we help to build-up and further make this a locus
of encounter with the living God and leave a legacy of faith for those who will come after us.
In Christ, Fr. Greg
St. Jude 15th Annual Krist Kindle
The word Kristkindl means “Christ Child” in German. This custom
began as a way to prepare for the coming of Jesus by seeing him in
others. A group of people (family, neighbors, etc.) would put their
names in a hat and everyone would pick a name. Several times
during the Advent season, each person would do something special
for their Kristkindl without the other person finding out who did it
for them. The “something special” could be an act of kindness, a
small gift, a service, or a prayer offered. On Christmas day everyone
would reveal his or her identity to their Kristkindl.
By November 28th you will receive, by mail the name of your assigned family. You can pray for them and surprise them with cards,
phone calls or little token gifts each week throughout Advent.
Another family will have your name and will be surprising you too.
Advent will soon begin, November 30th, and during this special time of preparation you can be part of St. Jude’s Krist Kindle
Program. Just fill out the form below and place it in the brightly
wrapped box in the lobby of the church or drop it off at the rectory
or just log on to our web site at and follow the
link to Krist Kindle.
Remember all names must be submitted by 6:30PM on Sunday,
November 23rd! Any questions please call Dinah Castro at 631- 3990604 or email to
On Sunday, January 11th, after 9:30 Mass all the participants in the
program will meet for refreshments and will have the opportunity
to meet their Krist Kindle family. This program is so much fun for the
whole family.
Family Name:
Cross Street:
Heads of Household:
Childrens Names and Ages:
PRO 2014- Young Men’s
The annual diocesan retreat at the
Seminary of the Immaculate Conception
in Huntington is a weekend experience
for Catholic young men in high school
who are looking to grow deeper in their
relationship with Christ and His Church.
The retreat will include presentations on
authentic manhood from lay men, priests
and seminarians, Mass and Adoration of
the Blessed Sacrament, outdoor activities
and times of fellowship. Date November
14-16th Cost $40 & includes all meals,
lodging and supplies). For registration/
info you can email or
call 516-678-5800 ext 214.
New Years Eve Party!
December 31st at 7:00pm
Join the ‘Parish of St. Jude’ in our beautiful hall.
Ticket Price: $65 per person
(Purchase on or before December 1st, early bird special $60 pp)
Last day to purchase tickets 12/16
Come enjoy delicious food catered by Carlos Ristorante,
feel the music by DJ - Bob Vecchio.
Ticket price includes food, DJ, wine, beer, soda,
noisemakers and a midnight champagne toast!
Tickets are now available at the rectory, Roma Funeral Home and on
our website (Paypal)
Tables have been generously donated by the Kane family
Table seating capacity is eight people.
St. Vincent de Paul
The gospel suggests that our waiting and watching must also include seeking. We must go out to meet Christ. Waiting and keeping vigil without
seeking for the Bridegroom might be metaphors for living our daily lives
without paying attention to the times when God breaks in upon us. For
Vincent, true holiness meant that all of his decisions, plans, struggles, and
actions had to revolve around the person of Jesus Christ. Join the Society of
St. Vincent de Paul?
Chinese Auction
Our Lady of Consolation is holding their 11th annual Chinese Auction on
Friday, November 14th; door open at 6pm prizes to be raffled at 7pm.
Admission is $15 to include 25 tickets and a door prize ticket; additional
tickets $10 per 25. Refreshments will be available for purchase. Proceeds
benefit the resident fund. For additional information, please call 587-1600
ext. 8342.
Living Stewardship
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who use their Godgiven gifts to serve others, especially through our parish’s ministries as well
as out in the wider community.
Molloy College
We invite you to join us on Friday, November 21st @ The Madison Theater
at Molloy College for a symposium on the making and meaning of the Saint
John’s Bible, including an opportunity to view this brilliant masterpiece.
$20 Registration fee includes continental breakfast & lunch. Registration
deadline is November 10th. Register by phone or email or online at
Students to Perform Ken Ludwig’s
“Moon Over Buffalo”
The members of the award winning McGann-Mercy Theatre Company will perform their version of Ken Ludwig’s situational comedy,
“Moon Over Buffalo”. Set in the 1950’s, this comedy revolves around
two aging actors working in a repertory theatre in Buffalo, New York,
striving for their “big shot” at fame, who learn that Frank Capra would
be coming to see their matinee and might cast them in one of his
films. Apparently, the universe conspires against them, and anything
that could go wrong or awry does.
Running from Thursday, November 20th through Saturday, November 22nd in the school auditorium, the show starts at 7:30 pm. Tickets
are $10 per person and will be sold at the door. For more information
please call 631.727.5900 ext. 310.
Chosen - A Day of Formation Mini-Evening Session
Chosen is designed to offer teens a life-changing experience as they journey through their Catholic faith in all its richness and vitality. This special
day of formation offers leaders valuable insight and tool. Monday, Nov 24,
2014, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Ss. Cyril and Methodius Parish, Deer Park
Molloy College
Molloy College is hosting a Fall Open House for prospective students and
their guests on Sunday, November 16th at 1PM. For more information call
Mass Attendance
5pm 7:30
Oct.12 298 140
Oct.19 284 155
Oct.26 317 185
Nov.2 261 170
Weekly Collection
Nov 2nd
Monthly Maintenance
All Saints
Scripture Readings
MONDAY , Nov. 10, 2014
Memorial of Saint Leo the Great, Pope and
Doctor of the Church- Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6
Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014
Memorial of Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop- Ti
2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10
Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2014
Memorial of Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr- Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19
Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014
Memorial of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini,
Virgin- Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25
Friday, Nov. 14, 2014
Weekday- 2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37
Saturday, NOV. 15, 2014
Weekday- 3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8
Sunday, nov. 16, 2014
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time: Prv
31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6/Mt
Altar Bread and Wine
Have been donated:
In memory of Frederick Zecha
Available dates:
January 5,12,19 &26th
Altar Flowers
Have been donated:
In memory of Carmella (Lolly) Pecoraro
Life Center of Long Island
Volunteers needed computer literate? Looking to help out in your community? Then look no further. We are seeking individuals for data entry and
clerical assistance at our Deer Park and Riverhead offices. Person must be
at ease using our computers and willing to learn our program. Please call
Donna in Deer Park at ... 631-243-2373, or Franci in Riverhead at ... 631591-9017
Also if you are interested in being trained to be a counselor at one of our
Centers we are having a Training Course,November 14th from 9:30am
- 3:00pm. Please call Cindy at Massapequa if you are interested: 516-7988746.
8am 9:30 11:30 5pm Total
202 275 335 191 1441
197 271 470 177 1554
224 300 335 157 1518
252 312 310 186 1491
Available dates
January 18 & 25th
Damien Demetri & Ketcy Lynne Diaz,
Stephen Michael Domke,
Cameron Joseph Nolan,
Carmine Lorenzo Denaro,
Aubrey Marie Kilcullen
May God Bless them and their families
St. Jude Annual Christmas Fair
When: Saturday, December 6th from 9AM-3PM
Where: Parish Center
Visit Santa, shop the vendors, purchase raffle chances, enjoy great food, there is something for everyone!
For more information, call the rectory at: 631-281-5743
Fresh baked goodies are needed for our bake sale if you would like to make cookies, brownies, cupcakes, etc.
Please call the rectory.
Raffles tickets will be on sale after Masses for the weekend of November 22nd & 23rd.
Ticket donation, three for $10, and can be purchased at rectory beginning November 10th.
Raffle Prizes are 1st Prize: $300.00 cash & 26” Statue of the Blessed Mother (Value $480), 2nd Prize: (2) 32” X 22” framed
botanical prints and 2-1/2 hour massages from Three Peaks Physical Therapy (Value $190), 3rd Prize: Mr. Coffee Espresso
& Cappuccino maker plus Capresso milk frother (Value $132), 4th Prize: Tastefully Simple Food Basket (Value $120), 5th
Prize: Temptations Casserole, soup & sandwich set plus T-fal electric kettle (Value $100) 6th Prize: Santa serving dish, casserole & tiered serving set (Value $95)
Winner need not be present at time of drawing. All drawings will be held on December 6th at the fair.
Keep Christ in Christmas
Lawn Signs
The Shrine of St. Jude Knights of
Columbus will be taking orders
for ‘Keep Christ in Christmas’
signs this weekend, after Mass.
The lawn sign with stand cost
$10 and will be available for
pickup at the Christmas Fair on
December 6th or after that date
at the rectory. This is a great
Christmas gift for both family
and friends. For more information please contact the Grand
Knight, Benny Schiraldi at 2816501.
Tickets can be purchased at the rectory now until December 4th.