HOBOKEN’S CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF GRACE 400 Willow Avenue, Hoboken NJ 07030 Chapel in Parish Center at 411 Clinton Street Phone: 201-659-0369 Fax: 201-659-5833 E-mail: olgrace@optonline.net www.olghoboken.com & ST. JOSEPH 61 Monroe Street Phone & Fax: 201-659-0221 The Commemora on of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day) THE EUCHARIST Saturday Vigil Mass (OLG)..5:00 PM Sunday (OLG)……………………9:00 AM, 10:30 AM ……………………………………….12:30 PM (Spanish), 7:30 PM Sunday (St. Joseph)…….…..10:00 AM (Spanish) 12:00 Noon DAILY MASS IN CHAPEL Monday - Friday …………….12:30 PM Monday - Thursday………….7:00 PM HOLY DAYS Chapel Vigil Mass…………….7:00 PM OLG ……………………………...12:30 PM, 7:30 PM St. Joseph………………………..7:30 PM (Bi-lingual) BAPTISM: For registered parishioners: First Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM in English. Third Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM in Spanish or at Mass in either church. Register in advance for the prepara on session on the last Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM. MATRIMONY: Registered parishioners contact the rectory one year before the wedding. RECONCILIATION: Confessions are heard Saturday from 4:00 to 4:50 PM and by appointment. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please no fy the rectory for homebound, hospital and nursing home visits. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Sacramental prepara on and religious educa on take place on Sunday morning at each church. Adults prepare at OLG on Tuesday at 7:30 PM. November 2, 2014 OFFICE HOURS OUR LADY OF GRACE Monday - Friday ……………..…..9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday - Thursday………..…. ..6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Saturday………………………..…..10:00 AM to 4:00 PM ST. JOSEPH Monday - Friday………………......9:00 AM to 4:00 PM BINGO Saturday: 12:00 PM PARISH STAFF Rev. Alexander M. Santora....Pastor Rev. O. Dani DeLaPena…….….Parochial Vicar Rev. John A. Mullin, S.J………..Weekend Assistant Rev. Robert O’Hare, S.J………..Weekend Assistant Rev. Anthony Azzarto, S.J…….Weekend Assistant Deacon John Dugger…………...Pastoral Assistant Megan Moffit……………………...Pastoral Associate Dr. Merry Naddeo………………..Music Director & Organist Ann Fabbricatore………….……..Business Manager Veronica Rosso…………….……..Office Manager Catherine Hoppmann….……...St. Joseph Manager Gustavo Barrera………….….…..Facili es Manager Guido Barrera……………………..Facili es Staff Leo Parry…………………….……….Bingo Coordinator Iris Diaz ……………………….....….Rectory Cook/Housekeeper April Harris………………….……...In Jesus’ Name Chari es Igna us DePalma………….….…Trustee Helen A. Cunning………….…….Trustee HOBOKEN CATHOLIC ACADEMY Ma hew Mc Grath, Principal (201)-963-9535. We follow Jesus Christ in the Catholic tradi on of worship, community and service to each other. PASTOR’S MESSAGE Pristine Churches Our two churches are the oldest, territorial churches in Hoboken. Our Lady of Grace is the oldest and the mother church. As the Catholic population swelled, a second parish was opened on the Jersey City border. The remaining three churches are technically ethnic parishes though today any one may attend any church. OLG is one of the largest churches in the country and one of the top five in the state of New Jersey. When it was completed in 1878, it was the largest in the state. It is amazing to behold. Through the years, work has been done. In the 1990’s the pastor painted the church and created the blue ceiling with stars. However, the roof needed work and Msgr. Herbster, my predecessor, raised $500,000 to put on a new slate roof, which should last 100 years. Since I became pastor we have addressed smaller projects to refresh the church. The Finance Council has been asking to address the entire church. Thanks to a family foundation grant, we are beginning to paint the church starting with the ceiling. After several bids and the assistance of the Property Management Office of the Archdiocese, we have contracted with Sumberac Painting and Plastering. They will use spot scaffolding so we can continue to worship regularly every weekend. At times, we will have to adjust our seating. It will take months for this to be completed. But it will be worth the wait. We are using the same colors. Since we are completing the parish center work and funding, last Easter we started our Church Restoration Fund. This Christmas our gift to the parish will be to continue to raise funds for church restoration. We are also addressing work on St. Joseph Church and I will discuss this in another bulletin. Thank you for your generosity. Please consider your Sacrificial Giving each week in the first collection. Peace, Fr. Alex Santora COME TO NOVEMBER FIRESIDE CHATS We continue our Wednesday evening Fireside Chats sponsored by our young adults and open to all parishioners. Please come to the OLG Rectory at 7:30 PM. This week’s topic is “How are we Sinners? I try to live a good life”. Some gather for Mass in the Chapel at 7 PM. Please check p. 7 of this bulletin for the month’s schedule. DONATE TO THE NOVEMBER SHELTER COLLECTION Each November, we hold our annual collection for the Hoboken Shelter. They recently served their 2 millionth meal. Located at Third and Bloomfield, the Shelter serves hot meals, counsels for jobs and transitions to permanent housing. We cannot do this alone but by supporting the Shelter we can live out our corporal works of mercy. Next week’s bulletin will contain an envelope for you to make your donation. 2015 MASS BOOKS ARE NOW OPEN A church tradition invites people to offer a Mass for a loved one or an intention. This is both for living and deceased. So you can offer a Mass for the anniversary of parents, or someone’s birthday, or the recovery of a sick person. We have living Mass cards for these intentions. Most people remember a deceased loved one. Please come to either rectory or mail in your requests. TODAY IS THE DEADLINE TO ORDER 2015 MISSALS We are accepting orders for the 2015 Missals, which contain all the readings and prayers for the Sunday Masses. Complete order form with your payment. $5 English; $8 Spanish. Today, November 2, is the deadline to order HELP CLEAN OLG CHURCH We need volunteers to help clean OLG Church on Saturday, Nov. 15th, 10am - 1pm. Sign-up sheets are on the church tables. Please enter from the ramp side of the church. For more info., contact Megan Moffit. COLLECTION CCD TEACHERS For the weekend of October 26th: \ OLG St. Joseph In Church : $ 4,708.00 $ 881.14 Online /Mail $ 1,785.00 $ 0.00 Total $ 6,493.00 $ 881.14 Debt Reduction Assessment $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Fuel $ 55.00 $ 10.00 Main. & Rep. $ 53.00 $ 0.00 Utilities $ 642.00 $ 202.00 We have set $5,000 at OLG and $1,500 at St. Joseph as the goals for us to reach each weekend, excluding any debt reduction or special collection. To donate through on-line banking, request your bank or financial institution, at no charge, mail to OLG or St. Joseph the amount you request each week or month. We are grateful to the parishioners who volunteer as catechists for our children: Tet Agcaoili, Dacquiri Calimese, Elma Crabbe, Maria Cruz, Theresa Hunt, Kristin Kenny, Grace Leong, Eloisa Millet, Julian Millet, Maximina Nieves, Shirley Ramos, Ana Sanchez-Clemente, Irene Smith and Melissa Martinez, Assistant Teacher. Next week’s second collection is for Assessment. ALL SOULS DAY All Souls Day is November 2, 2014, and we pray for all the deceased. We invite you to submit the names of loved ones and we place them before the Blessed Sacrament for the month of November and remember them at all our Masses. Envelopes may be found on the church tables. JOIN THE CHOIRS If you would like to sing in the choir, please stop by after Mass and speak with Dr. Merry Naddeo or just show-up. The adult choir rehearse Tuesdays at 7 PM. The choir sings at the 10:30 Sunday Mass and for special holydays. The children’s choir ages 4, 5 & 6 will practice Tuesdays from 3 to 3:30 and ages 7 to 12 from 3:30 to 4:15 in the choir room. Enter church from the ramp side door. OCTOBER 50/50 WINNER Reyita Roig from Hoboken won $256.00 in the October raffle. Thank you for your support. November tickets are available after Mass. Please take some to work or home to sell to your co-workers or neighbors. You may also contact Ronnie or Catherine in either parish office and they will mail you some. Or you can complete the form on the church tables and we will mail them to you each month. Proceeds help us to cover Sandy repair costs not covered by insurance. NEW BINGO GAMES New games at the weekly Saturday Bingo at Noon have begun. A new schedule of games is offered with exciting prizes. Games will include: Five Number, Letter T Anyway, 50/50, Progressive, #7, Letter L Anyway, Jackpot, and Big Game. Also featured is great food in our school hall with ample parking. CHILDREN’S PAGEANT There will be a Christmas Pageant at the Family Mass on Sunday, December 21st at 10:30am. Registration for Children to be in the Christmas Pageant is open to all children grades Kindergarten through 3rd. Mandatory Rehearsals are 3 Mondays only! Nov. 10th, 17th and Dec. 15th from 3:15pm to 4:00pm in OLG Choir Room. Please contact Megan Moffit to register your child at (201) 659-0369 or e-mail at olgrace@optonline.net. HELP OUR MARINE Marine Captain Nicholas DeGregorio has returned home. He was very grateful for the three large boxes of items we mailed to him and his colleagues. Thank you for your generosity. He is living in Hoboken and worshipping with us. He has a request. There is a White House petition his Marines have created to honor our troops. Currently there are 1,500 service members in Iraq and thousands of others in the Persian Gulf supporting the fight against ISIS. And yet, there is no campaign medal for these brave men and women, as is customary. It is unfortunate that these warriors' efforts are being ignored. If any of our church members would like to vote on our petition to have a medal created for these great Americans who are away from their families and in harm's way, they can visit this link: https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/create-operationinherent-resolve-campaign-medal-honor-ourdeployed-servicemembers-fighting-isis/dSt1ZzQZ. MASS INTENTIONS REMEMBRANCES CHURCH: OLG MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3 St. Martin de Porres 12:30 P.M. Gaetano Bavaro (A35) 7:00 P.M. Grace and Al Santora TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 St. Charles Borromeo 12:30 P.M. Theresa Harvey and Richard Turner 7:00 P.M. John Pietropaolo Jr. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 12:30 P.M. Michael Wells 7:00 P.M. Mary Donnelly THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 12:30 P.M. Bernadette Molloy 7:00 P.M. Deceased members of the Albruno and Reid Families FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 12:30 P.M. Deceased members of the De Stefano and Albruno Families SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 The Blessed Virgin Mary 5:00 P.M. Veneranda (B) and Ignazio Grillo SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica— Stewardship Sunday 9:00 A.M. Maureen Nisler 10:30 A.M. Ligia Tapia 12:30 P.M. Pro Populo 7:30 P.M Patrick Caufield ST. JOSEPH 10:00 A.M. Felix Cruz 12:00 Noon Edward Mullins DECEASED Judy Ann Gallagher, Cpl. Daniel T. O’Leary, Sgt. William C. Spencer, Spc. Lakeshia M. Bailey, Sgt. Aaron M. Arthur, Spc. Steven J. Bishop, Pfc. Erin L. McLyman, Staff Sgt. Richard J. Jordan, Spc. Robert M. Rieckhoff, Pfc. Raymond N. Pacleb, Sgt. Kurt E. Kruize. Each week we pray for ten U.S. military who lost their lives in Iraq since 2003. These died in 2010. Bread and Wine are in loving memory of Sr. Elizabeth McLoughlin, S.C., former faculty, St. Aloysius High School, Jersey City. Sanctuary Lamp is in loving memory of Antonia Nesi, Nick Knezich and Fulvio Giudici from Anna Giudici and Family. The Holy Family Lights are in memory of Sr. Adalgisa Manone, M.P.F. CHAPEL: Sanctuary Lamp is in loving memory of Vincent Russo. Bread and Wine are in loving memory of Sr. Carmela Frisella, M.P.F. ST. JOSEPH: Altar Bread and Wine are in loving memory of Rev. Gabriel Kohlbrenner. Altar Candles are in loving memory of Rev. Lambert Kennedy. PRAYER NEEDS FOR THE SICK: Maria Marin, Bill Harris, Tom Parry, Jesse Shaw, Elizabeth Donnelly Klein, Alicia Saribalis, Carmen R. Rodriguez, Alma Valentin, José Sanchez. JOB BANK Please check the bulletin board in the OLG Choir Room for more job postings. Christ The King Prep High School, Newark, is looking to hire a Corporate Work Study Administrative Assistant. Contact is Brenda Pescoran at 973-483-0033 X 308. Send resume to bpescoran@ctkprep.org by Friday, November 7, 2014. The Archdiocesan Cemeteries Office is looking to hire a Marketing Manager Fax resume to Office of Human Resources, Fax (973) 497-4103 or e-mail floresra@rcan.org SANDY ASSISTANCE There is money available to help people fix their homes, replace a vehicle or furniture that was damaged as a result Superstorm Sandy. There is also mental health counseling available as well. Call 211, they will connect you with a case manager. HOSPITAL VISITATION Because of privacy laws, hospitals, nursing homes and rehab facilities may not disclose the names of their patients and residents without an inquiry. If you or a family member is admitted and want one of our staff to visit, please call either rectory and leave the information. IGLESIA DE NRA.. SRA. DE LA GRACIA Y SAN JOSÉ Teléfono: (201)659-0221 Eucaristia Dominical San José, 10:00 AM, (Spanish) and 12:00 noon OLG 12:30 PM Misa de Guardar San José Misa Bilingüe 7:00 PM Bautismo Bautizamos el tercer +Domingo del mes a las 2:00 PM en OLG o durante la misa dominical en cada iglesia. Matrimonio Feligreses registrados tienen que Presentarse un ańo antes de la Boda Reconciliación Confesiones cada Sábado en OLG 4:00 PM—4:50 PM y por cita. Unción de los Enfermos Llamar la casa parroquial para visitas a las casas y hospitals. Exposición y Adoración. 7:00 PM—9:00 PM Desde Marzo hasta Octubre MENSAJE SEMANAL Durante todo el mes de noviembre y en la recta final del año litúrgico las Escrituras continúan dirigiendo nuestra atención a la esperanza final de todos los bautizados y discípulos de Cristo. ¿Permaneceremos “junto a él en el amor”, pasando “de la muerte a la vida”? ¿Llegaremos a reunirnos con nuestros seres queridos para descansar en paz? Amén. HORARIO MENSUAL Comunión en Marion Tower: noviembre 14 (6PM) Las Damas de María: noviembre 20 (7:30 PM) Divino Nino: noviembre 21 ( 7:00 PM) Las Madres Cristianas: noviembre 21 (8:00 PM) REUNIÓN: MINISTROS E. Es obligatorio para todos los Ministros de la Eucaristía de OLG y SAN JOSÉ de asistir a la reunión con el representante diocesana el 15 de noviembre 2014, a las 4:00 PM hasta a las 6:00 PM en la IGLESIA DE SAN JOSÉ. El diácono Jorge dirigirá la reunión. Por favor de venir a la reunión para mostrar también su respeto con los otros miembros. REUNIÓN: LECTORES Es obligatorio para todos los lectores de OLG y SAN JOSÉ de asistir a la reunión con el representante diocesana el 6 de diciembre 2014, a las 2:00 PM hasta a las 4:00 PM en la IGLESIA DE SAN JOSE tambienEl seňor Jose Planas dirigirá la reunion. Por favor de venir a la reunión para mostrar también su respeto a los demás miembros. VIAJE: MT AIRY CASINO Habrá un viaje en autobús a Mt Airy Casino en Pocono el 22 de noviembre, sabado. $30 por persona. El casino le da $25 y $10 para comida. El autobús sale a las 10 AM en OLG y 10:15 AM en San José. Para informaciones llame padre Dani 201-6590221. Educación Religiosa Preparación y educación religiosa cada Domingo en cada lugar. Adultos se preparan en OLG cada Martes a las 7:30 PM Circulo de Oración Todos los Miércoles del mes a las 7:00 PM en San José. Misa del Divino Nińo El Tercer Vienes de cada Mess a las 7:00 PM en San José. Con la reunion de las Madres Cristianas despues de la Misa LECTURAS SEMANALES 11/3 11/4 11/5 11/6 11/7 11/8 11/9 Español Filipenses Lucas Filipenses Lucas Filipenses Lucas Filipenses Lucas Filipenses Lucas Filipenses Lucas Génesis Lucas English Philippians Luke Philippians Luke Philippians Luke Philippians Luke Philippians Luke Philippians Luke Genesis Luke 2:1-4 14:12-14 2:5-11 14:15-24 2:12-18 14:25-33 3:3-8 15:1-10 3:17—4:1 16:1-8 4:10-19 16:9-15 28:11-18 19:1-10 HOSPITALITY TABLE Please stop by today after the 12 Noon Mass for coffee and refreshments in the church vestibule. ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS Estaremos recogiendo comida para repartir a algunas familias pobres de nuestra comunidad parroquial. Esta comida será repartida junto con los pavos para la celebración de Acción de Gracias. Pueden traer la comida a la rectoría. Gracias. MT. AIRY CASINO Saturday, November 22, 2014 leaving at 10:00 AM from OLG and leaving at 10:15 AM from St. Joe’s. $30 per person with $25 in slot cash and a $10 food coupon. For reservations, please call 201-659-0221. ST. JOE’S FUNDRAISING Flea Market $214, Coffee $53 Church of Our Lady of Grace & St. Joseph Presents A Christmas Pageant Sunday, Dec. 21st at The 10:30Am Mass Mandatory Rehearsals are 3 Mondays only! Nov. 10th, 17th and Dec. 15th from 3:15pm to 4:00pm in OLG Choir Room. Enter through the alleyway on Willow Ave. between Rectory and Church. Go up the Ramp to the Door. Open to all children grades Kindergarten through 3rd Please contact Megan Moffit to register your child at (201) 659-0369 or e-mail at olgrace@optonline.net E A R L F. B O S W O R T H F U N E R A L H O M E “Serving the Community Since 1917” ~ Family Owned Pre-need Counseling for Medicaid • Revocable and Irrevocable Funeral Trusts James L. Bosworth, Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 2988 311 WILLOW AVENUE ■ HOBOKEN, NJ ■ 659-1455 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Restaurant and Bar www.courtstreet.com • 201-795-4515 61 Sixth Street (Bet. Hudson & Washington) Hoboken, NJ 07030 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers AIRPORT LIMO HOBOKEN To LGA $45+ toll To EWR $40 • To JFK $60 $5 OFF on $30+ Exp. 8/30/14 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! palpallimo@gmail.com 201-333-3111 21 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA PUSH ACCOMPLISHED, INC. TALK ................... 24/7 HELP ................... 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