To Register for the Conference: 2014 Return the lower portion of this form with a check or purchase order for $295 payable to CACE by November 10, 2014 Council of Administrators of Compensatory Education The $295 fee includes conference registration, all meals*, and your 2015 membership for CACE and NAFEPA. Title I Information Resources Advocacy *Note: Guest meals may be purchased on site at check-in time. Mail registration to: Annual Leadership Conference CACE C/O Mary Grassi P.O. Box 410034 Cambridge, MA 02141 Phone 617-349-6490 Fax: 617-349-6493 Email registration questions to: Conference Registration Form I will be purchasing guest meals at check-in. Food Allergies_________________ I will be retiring during the 2014- 2015 school year. Wednesday, December 3 Thursday, December 4 Friday, December 5 For addition conference brochures, please check the new CACE Website: Thank you, Karen McCarthy 30 CACE: Administrators; Leaders for Today and Tomorrow Name: ____________________________________ Position: __________________________________ CACE Conference Chair Wequassett Inn Email: ____________________________________ Telephone: ________________________________ Address: __________________________________ City: ______________________________________ 2173 Route 28 Harwich, MA 02645 Hotel Registration: Wequassett Inn Our special conference rate is $140 per room per night. The hotel requires a credit card deposit to confirm your reservation. Advanced deposits are refundable only for cancellations received up to 7 days prior to the conference. Check-in time is 3 pm. To guarantee a room, reservations must be received by November 2, 2014. After that, reservations are subject to availability. Please note: The Wequassett Inn does NOT accept purchase orders. Reservations can be made by calling 800-225-7125. Speakers and Topics Keynotes: Robert L. Green Ph.D.: Overcoming Challenges to Student Achievement: Focus on High Expectations Dr. Nancy Boyles: Closer Reading for All Students Andrew Chen: Ph.D.: Seeing the Whole Elephant; Mathematics Leadership in the Context of the Common Core Michael W. Smith Ph.D.: Supporting Reading Rigor through Reading Pleasure: Lessons from the Secret Reading Lives of Teens David DeSchryver: Federal Title I Funding and Implications for School Districts Breakouts: Andrew Chen Ph.D.: Navigating the Common Core Landscape in Mathematics Nancy Boyles: Aligning Standards, Texts, and Text-Dependent Questions Mia Allen: Academic Vocabulary and its Effect on Accelerating Achievement for English Language Learners Vicky Gibson Ph.D.: Differentiating Instruction Katy Cotelyn Ed.D: Best Practices in Writing Administrators; Leaders for Instruction MA DESE Presenters: Title I Update Today Workshops: and Tomorrow Additional Educational leaders face multiple challenges as they lead districts and schools in meeting 21st century expectations for improved teaching and learning. Join us at the Annual CACE Conference to update and expand your knowledge and network of resources. We look forward to seeing you! CACE Tentative Agenda WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 1:00-3:00 1:00-3:00 3:00-7:00 5:00-6:30 6:30-7:45 7:45-9:00 9:00-11:00 Early Bird Registration Executive Board Meeting Registration Meet & Greet New Title I Directors Dinner Keynote: Robert L. Green Ph.D. Networking Reception THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 7:00-8:30 7:30-10:30 8:45-10:15 10:30-12:00 12:00-1:15 1:30-3:00 3:15-4:30 4:30-5:00 5:00-7:00 7:00-8:15 8:15-10:15 Breakfast Registration Keynote: Nancy Boyles Breakout Sessions *Deepening Comprehension *Academic Vocabulary *Best Practices in Writing Lunch Keynote: Andrew Chen Ph.D. Title I New Directors’ Networking and Support Annual Board Meeting Educational Publishers Exhibit Dinner Evening Social Event: Trivia Night FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5 7:00-8:30 8:45-10:15 10:30-12:00 12:15-1:30 1:30-2:30 Breakfast Keynote: Michael Smith Ph.D. Breakout Sessions *Differentiating Instruction to Implement the Common Core *MA DESE and Title I Update *Navigating the Common Core Landscape in Mathematics Keynote: View from Washington Lunch
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