Conference Program 2014 7th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering ICIII 2014 Xi’an, China 25-26, October, 2014 2014 7th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering Introduction Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering are becoming increasingly interesting to both the academic researchers and management practitioners. It is essential to explore enterprise management system from the theoretical viewpoint; it is also absolutely essential to the survival, growth and prosperity of any company to have some means to manage innovation in the process of Economic Globalization and under the Knowledge Economy environment. As China's domestic economy are fast expanding, more and more enterprises and scholars in and outside China are paying high attentions to management innovation. The 2014 7th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering (ICIII2014) provides two days' focus on the science and technology that are the basis for the management. The theme of the plenary session is “Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial engineering” featuring invited speakers who will further explore this topic that is so significant for management. Concurrent sessions and a poster session will cover a wide range of topics and issues, including both contributed papers and special sessions developed on specific themes, all with a central focus of management. Topics will range from the management theories such as experimental management, to the management practice methods and technology, such as logistics and supply chain management, knowledge management, information management, innovation management, future technology in Service of Regional Industry, etc. This conference provides an idea-exchange and discussion platform for the world’s managers and academia, where internationally recognized researches and practitioners share cutting-edge information, address the hottest issue in management, explore new technologies, exchange and build upon ideas. This year, ICIII 2014 has received an overwhelming papers submitted to the Program Committee. All the submitted papers have been peer reviewed by at least 2 reviewers drawn from the chairs of committees depending on the subject matter of the paper. Reviewing and initial selection were undertaken electronically. A joint committee meeting was held to resolve the final paper selection and a draft program for the conference. The proceedings of ICIII 2014 were published by IEEE. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we appreciate, IEEE Xi’an Section, Chang’an Univeristy, Yunnan Normal University and Xi’an University of Technology. We wish to express our heart-felt appreciation to the keynote and panel speakers. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the contributors to this volume and contributions for the proceedings were sought from all participants and all papers received were carefully refereed by peer referees. Conference Program 24 October, 2014 14:00-20:00 Registration, the hall of hotel-1st floor,Xi’an Hotel 25 October, 2014 7:30-8:30 Registration, the hall of hotel-1st floor,Xi’an Hotel 7:30-8:40 By Bus,the hall of hotel-1st floor,Xi’an Hotel 9:00- 9:15 Open & Welcome, The conference hall IEEE Xi’an Section, Chang’an University 9:15-10:00 Keynote speech-1 Prof. Chin-Chen Chang 10:05-10:15 Cafeteria 10:15- 11:00 Keynote Speech-2 Prof. Klaus Reitze 11:05-11:50 Keynote Speech-3 Prof. Lakhmi Jian 12:00-13:00 Lunch 14:00-17:30 Oral presentation, Meeting Room 1-2 18:00-19:00 Banquet 20:00-21:00 Post Presentation, Meeting Room 3 26 October, 2014 9:00-12:00 Oral presentation, Meeting Room 1-2 12:00-13:00 Lunch 14:00-17:30 Oral presentation, Meeting Room 1-2 18:00-19:00 Banquet Keynote speaker Prof. Chin-Chen Chang Chair Professor, IEEE and IET Fellows Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science Feng Chia University Professor Chang’s specialties include, but not limited to, data engineering, database systems, and computer cryptography and information security. A researcher of acclaimed and distinguished services and contributions to his country and advancing human knowledge in the field of information science, Professor Chang has won many research awards and honorary positions by and in prestigious organizations both nationally and internationally. He is currently a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of IET, UK. And since his early years of career development, he consecutively won Outstanding Youth Award of the R. O. C., Outstanding Talent in Information Sciences of the R. O. C., AceR Dragon Award of the Ten Most Outstanding Talents, Outstanding Scholar Award of the R. O. C., Outstanding Engineering Professor Award of the R. O. C., Chung-Shan Academic Publication Awards, Distinguished Research Awards of National Science Council of the R. O. C., Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award of the International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, Top Fifteen Scholars in Systems and Software Engineering of the Journal of Systems and Software, and so on. On numerous occasions, he was invited to serve as Visiting Professor, Chair Professor, Honorary Professor, Honorary Director, Honorary Chairman, Distinguished Alumnus, Distinguished Researcher, Research Fellow by universities and research institutes. He also published over 1000 papers in Information Sciences. In the meantime, he participates actively in international academic organizations and performs advisory work to government agencies and academic organizations. Keynote speaker Prof.Klaus Reitze Following Studies of Law and Economy, Dr. Reitze majored in Law (2 state exams, OLG Koeln, OLG Stuttgart); doctorate; lawyer/ He joined industry in 1967 as corporate counsel to the internal legal department of the Special Insurer D.A.S. in Munich, where he, predominantly, dealt with contracts of the company’s own large construction projects. As from 1971 he was working with Siemens AG, firstly, regarding advisory and audit assignments, later regarding diverse commercial/managerial positions, both in central advisory and in sales departments. As from 1980 he received an assignment as commercial head of a large-scale Project “Light Metro”- in Tunis, North Africa. As from 1983, he was commercial in-charge for diverse largescale high-voltage projects in the Middle East (esp. Saudi Arabia). Thereafter, he held managerial positions as commercial head in a Siemens division for medium voltage transformers, in a subsidiary company for bushings in Cologne (commercial head), in the subsidiary company in Pakistan (commercial head for Medium voltage and power generation business), between 1994 and 1997 as GM of a JV between the company and a Chinese partner in Baoji (China) for the production and sales of medium-voltage, ceramic vacuum interrupters. In addition to work as per respective assignments, he was conducting in-house trainings for employees on management level throughout his active practical business life. Keynote speaker Prof. Lakhmi Jain PhD, ME, BE (Hons), Fellow (Engineers Aust) University of South Australia Dr Jain serves as Adjunct Professor in the Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment at the University of South Australia, Australia and University of Canberra, Australia. Dr Jain founded the KES International for providing a professional community the opportunities for publications, knowledge exchange, cooperation and teaming. Involving around 5000 researchers drawn from universities and companies world-wide, KES facilitates international cooperation and generate synergy in teaching and research. KES regularly provides networking opportunities for professional community through one of the largest conferences of its kind in the area of KES. ( His interests focus on the artificial intelligence paradigms and their applications in complex systems, security, e-education, e-healthcare, unmanned air vehicles and intelligent agents. Conference Venue and Hotel information Xi’an Hotel (西安宾馆) Website: Address: 58#, North Chang'an Road, Xi’an, China (中国西安市长安路北段 58 号) Tel: (86-029)87666666 Fax: (86-029)87666333 西安宾馆是陕西旅游集团公司所属的 4 星级涉外旅游宾馆,由陕西旅游饭店管理公司管 理。宾馆位于古城西安南北中轴线上(地铁二号线主线南稍门站点)、永宁门外长安路北段 58 号,毗邻唐代荐福寺小雁塔园林区,南邻陕西历史博物馆、省图书馆、美术馆和陕西国际 展览中心,距城市中心商区仅 1 公里,火车站 4 公里,国际航空港 49 公里。城市二环干道横 贯于宾馆南侧,地理位置优越,交通极其便利。 多年的积淀和发展,使宾馆不但保留着与古城西安历史文化内涵相融汇的神韵,同时也焕 发着现代国际酒店的风采。宾馆目前拥有宽带接入的不同类型和标准的客房 538 间(套), 中、西餐厅、酒楼、酒吧各具特色,同声传译会议大厅、多功能厅、会议室功能齐备,还拥有 商务中心、KTV、健身房、棋牌室、游泳池、影像冲印等服务设施,可以满足商务、旅游、会 议等住店宾客的各类需求。
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