2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy 2014年第18屆長庚紀念醫院國際 臟惡性腫瘤研討會 Co-organized by: CONTENTS Page 1. Ministry of Science and Technology 科技部 Welcome Message .......................................................................................................................... 2 2. Taiwan Surgical Society of Gastroenterology 台灣消化系外科醫學會 Committees…………………………………………………………………………… ................. 5 Scientific Programs…..………………………………………………………………… ............... 6 3. Taiwan Pancreas Society Call for Papers…………………………………………………………………………................. 8 台灣胰臟醫學會 Instructions for Poster Presentation…………………………………………………… ................ 8 4. International College of Surgeons - Taiwan section 國際外科學會中華民國總會 Abstract Guidelines……………………………………………………………………. ................ 8 Registration…………………………………………………………………………….. ............... 9 Accreditation (各專科醫學會積分) General Information……………………………………………………………………. ............... 10 1. 台灣外科醫學會 申請中 Hotel Information………………………………………………………………………................ 11 2. 台灣內科醫學會 申請中 Host Hospital - Chang Gung Memorial Hospital…………………………………….. ................. 14 3. 台灣消化系外科醫學會 申請中 Map of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital………………………………………………. ............... 15 4. 台灣消化系醫學會 申請中 Sample of Abstract……………………………………………………………………. ................. 16 5. 台灣消化系內視鏡醫學會 申請中 6. 中華民國醫用超音波學會 申請中 7. 中華民國放射線醫學會 申請中 8. 台灣放射腫瘤學會 申請中 9. 台灣病理學會 申請中 10.中華民國癌症醫學會 申請中 1 2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy 2014年第18屆長庚紀念醫院國際 臟惡性腫瘤研討會 MESSAGE FROM THE HONORARY CONGRESS PRESIDENT MESSAGE FROM THE HONORARY CONGRESS PRESIDENT Dear colleagues: Dear Colleagues and Friends: It is a great honor to extend to you a warm invitation to attend the 2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy to be held in Taoyuan, Taiwan on November 22, 2014. Annual Chang Gung Memorial Hospital 2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy will be held in Linkou, Taiwan on 22th November 2014. Many associations of specialty in Taiwan and aboard will support this symposium also. Cancer is a complex set of diseases. Among all, pancreatic cancer is the one with devastating outcome and less well understood, so it's important that we explore more in every aspect, such as basic studies, clinical treatment, and even preventive medicine. This is the 18th year of the Conference. For the past years, we’ve been learning much about the diagnosis and treatment on Pancreatic Cancer. This year, professionals from four countries worldwide get together again to share topics from basic studies, epidemiology, and diagnosis to clinical management. I believe this Conference will be a fruitful journey for all participants. The main topics of this symposium will cover four fields including basic studies, diagnosis and clinical management of pancreatic carcinoma. Epidemiology and basic studies of NETs, and clinical management of NETs. Many famous international and domestic specialists have been invited for giving special talks. On behalf of Taiwan pancreatic society, we would like to extend our sincerely warm invitation to your participation. Hope you have a nice trip and stay in Taiwan. We are looking forward to seeing you in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou. We hope you will join us in Taiwan, the beautiful island where you can enjoy its spectacular view, fine cuisine as well as modern site like Taipei 101. Sincerely yours We look forward to welcoming you to an inspiring and promising program in Taoyuan, Taiwan with the intent of addressing the global challenge of Pancreatic Malignancy together. With warm regards, Chih-Hsiung Wu MD President, Taiwan Surgical Society of Gastroenterology Superintendent, Taipei Medical University – Shuang Ho Hospital Taipei, Taiwan 2 Yi-Yin Jan MD, FACS President, Taiwan Pancreas Society Professor, Department of Surgery Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Chang Gung University Taipei, Taiwan 3 2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy 2014年第18屆長庚紀念醫院國際 臟惡性腫瘤研討會 MESSAGE FROM THE HONORARY CONGRESS PRESIDENT Dear Colleagues and Friends: ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Honorary Congress President: Greeting! To celebrate the 38th anniversary of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, and with the cooperation of Taiwan Pancreatic Society, Taiwan Surgical Society of Gastroenterology, and International College of Surgeons, Taiwan Section, we will host the “2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy” in Linkou, Taiwan on 22 November, 2014. Many associations of related specialty in Taiwan were also invited to support this upcoming conference. The main subjects of this conference cover four major fields of two pancreatic malignancy, pancreatic ductal cancer and neuroendocrine disease. The fields include epidemiology and genomic studies, endoscopic and image diagnosis surgical treatment, and chemotherapy or update treatment. Many famous international and domestic specialists have been invited for giving special and the newest talks. On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to extend my sincerely warm invitation to your participation. Hope you have a nice trip and good stay in the beautiful country. I am looking forward to seeing you in Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. Miin-Fu Chen Congress President: Tsann-Long Hwang Congress Vice President: Yi-Yin Jan Secretary General: Jun-Te Hsu Scientific Committee: (in alphabetical orders) Li-Tzong Chen Jen-Chi Chen Cheng-Tang Chiu King-The Lee Lein-Ray Mo Yan-Shen Shan Yi-Ming Shyr Cheng-His Su Jeng-Hwei Tseng Chin-Yuan Tzen Yu-Wen Tien Hsiu-Po Wang Hiroki Yamaue James C. Yao Chi-Chen Yen Ming-Yu Lin Pei-Fan Chiang John Yu Financial and Administration: Li-Yu Huang Public Relations Committee: Jun-Te Hsu Honorary Advisory Board (in alphabetical orders) Chen-Guo Ker Jaw-Town Lin Tsang-Wu Liu Chung-Kwe Wang Chih-Hsiung Wu Tsann-Long Hwang, MD, FACS, FICS Congress President 2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Linkou, Taiwan 4 5 2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy 2014年第18屆長庚紀念醫院國際 臟惡性腫瘤研討會 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PANCREATIC MALIGNANCY •Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014 •Time: 8:20AM ~ 17:30PM •Venue: First Congress Hall, Lin-Kou Medical Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, 5 Fu-Hsing St., Kweishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan Time Topic Speaker 07:30 ~ 08:20 ~ 08:25 Registration Superintendent of CGMH Wen-Neng Ueng 翁文能 院長 Prof. Miin-Fu Chen 陳敏夫 榮譽院長 President of TSSG 吳志雄 理事長 Opening Remarks Session I 08:25 ~ 08:40 08:40 ~ 09:30 09:30 ~ 09:45 09:45 ~ 10:00 Basic studies and Diagnosis Novel Biomarker for Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer Prof. John Yu 游正博 教授 The role of EUS and EUS-FNA for the diagnosis of pancreatic malignancy~ focusing PDAC IPMN and PNET~ Prof. Susumu Hijioka (Japan) Animal Model of Pancreatic Cancer and Its Applications Kung-Kai Kuo, PhD 郭功楷 副教授 Imaging Diagnosis of Pancreatic Malignancy 10:00 ~ 10:20 Prof. Jeng-Hwei Tseng 曾振輝 教授 12:30 ~ 13:00 13:00 ~ 13:20 13:35 ~ 14:25 Molecular markers and EUS diagnosis of NETs Prof. Irvin Modlin (USA) 14:25 ~ 14:40 Gallium-68 Octreotide Scan for Diagnosis of NETs Prof. Lein-Ray Mo 14:40 ~ 15:30 PRRT in the management of NET Prof. Yi-Yin Jan 詹益銀 教授 Prof. Yi -Ming Shyr 石宜銘 教授 10:35 ~ 11:25 11:25 ~ 12:15 12:15 ~ 12:30 Surgical strategies for pancreatic cancer Aggressive surgical resection with combined vascular resection for locally advanced pancreatic cancer -Its role and limitsFeasibility of gemcitabine-based chemoradiotherapy (CRT) after triplet chemotherapy (CT) for postoperative pancreatic cancer patients Prof. Masaru Miyazaki (Japan) 15:50 ~ 16:05 6 Prof. Nai-Jen Liu 劉乃仁 教授 Tsung-Ying Ho, MD 何宗穎 醫師 Prof. Chi-Chen Yen Prof. Rod Hicks (Australia) Prof. Cheng-Hsi Su Prof. Chen-Kuo Ker Prof. Jun-Te Hsu 徐潤德 教授 Surgical treatment for pancreatic NET 16:05 ~ 16:55 Medical Management of NETs 16:55 ~ 17:10 Molecular Basis of NET Prof. James C. Yao (USA) Prof. Yu-Wen Tien 田郁文 教授 Prof. Li-Tzong Chen 17:10 ~ 17:25 Chemotherapy for NETs 17:25 ~ 17:30 Closing Prof. Chin-Yuan Tzen 曾嶔元 教授 Prof. Li-Tzong Chen 陳立宗 教授 閻紫宸 教授 蘇正熙 教授 Prof. Yan-Shen Shan 沈延盛 教授 Prof. Jen-Chi Chen 陳仁熙 教授 Prof. Hsiu-Po Wang 王秀伯 教授 Prof. Tse-Ching Chen 陳澤卿 教授 Prof. Tsann-Long Hwang 黃燦龍 教授 陳立宗 教授 Prof. Hui-Ju Ch’ang 常慧如 教授 李金德 教授 COFFEE BREAK 15:30~ 15:50 柯成國 教授 Prof. Hiroki Yamaue (Japan) Prof. King-Teh Lee Session IV Clinical Management of NETs Clinical Management of Pancreatic Cancer Update surgical procedures and results for pancreatic cancer in VGH Epidemiology and Basic studies of NETs Prof. Hwei-Jane Tsai 蔡慧珍 教授 葉大森 教授 牟聯瑞 教授 Place: 復健 2F 骨科部會議室 Place: 復健 2F 骨科部會議室 Epidemiology of Neuroendocrine Tumors in Taiwan Prof. Chung-Kwe Wang Prof. Ta-Sen Yeh 台灣胰臟醫學會理監事會議 台灣胰臟醫學會 2014 年度會員大會 Session III 13:20 ~ 13:35 王鐘貴 教授 LUNCH & POSTER EXHIBITION 12:30 ~ 13:20 COFFEE BREAK Session II 10:20 ~ 10:35 Moderator Prof. Tsang-Wu Liu 劉滄梧 教授 7 2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy 2014年第18屆長庚紀念醫院國際 臟惡性腫瘤研討會 CALL FOR PAPERS REGISTRATION Deadline of submission of abstract: September 30, 2014 Registration can be made by mail, or FAX. Please complete the enclosed Registration Form in BLOCK letters and return it to Secretariat Office. Most of free abstracts accepted will be presented in a poster format. Oral presentation will be relatively limited except for invited speakers. Instructions for Poster Presentation: 1. Each poster will be exhibited during the Symposium. 2. 3. Please use clear, distinct text and diagrams in large characters, and ensure that they are legible from a distance of several meters. The size of poster panel is 90 cm width by 150 cm height. 4. 5. Office supplies necessary for mounting will be provided by the Secretariat. Please have poster mounted on the panel before 8:00 a.m. and removed at 5:00 p.m. November 6. 22, 2014. The presenter should make him/herself available for one hour at the designated time for discussion. The time will be announced later. ABSTRACT GUIDELINES Important Notice: Please use the designated Abstract Reproduction Form. Read these instructions carefully before typing the abstract. 1. 2. Please submit abstracts in English; submission by fax is not acceptable. Please write the text inside the frame without margin. 3. Use more than 12-point typeface and a laser printer, or comparable printer. Do not use a dot matrix printer. 4. Within the frame, type the followings: (a) The title in capital letters. (b) The family names and initials of all authors. Underline the presenting author. (c) The institution, city and country. (d) Leave one blank line before waiting the main text. Indent the first line with three spaces. Single space throughout. Use the standard abbreviations. Other abbreviations should be The registration form should be sent no later than November 1, 2014. On-site registration is also available, but not encouraged. It takes time at the registration desk. Registration Fee (including lunch, coffee break, abstract book, certificate of attendance) Categories Advanced registration Physician staff free free Fellow/Resident/ Basic Science Researcher free free Invited speakers and chairpersons are requested to also submit the Registration Form, no registration fee. Registration Desk at the Congress venue opens on Saturday, November 22, 2014 from 07:30-17:30. Cancellation and Refund Cancellation must be notified in writing before November 1, 2014. Confirmation Registration will not be completed until the payment is received. Upon receipt of both the completed registration form(s) and appropriate fees, each participant will receive an official receipt/acknowledgment. This receipt must be presented to the receptionist when checking in at the Congress. placed in parenthesis, after the first appearance of the full word for which it stands. (e) State purpose, materials and methods, results and conclusions. (f) Do not erase for change; use correction fluid or tape for it. DO NOT FOLD the Abstract Reproduction Form, in the envelope to the Secretariat. 8 On-site registration 9 2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy 2014年第18屆長庚紀念醫院國際 臟惡性腫瘤研討會 GENERAL INFORMATION HOTEL AND TRAVEL INFORMATION Hotel rooms have been reserved at special rate for the congress. Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014 Time: 8:20 AM ~ 17:30 PM Venue: 林口長庚醫院第一會議廳 First Congress Hall, Lin-Kou Medical Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, 5 Fu-Hsing St., Kweishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan Secretariat: Room rate Department of General Surgery Lin-Kou Medical Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital 5, Fu-Hsing St., Kweishan, Taoyuan 333, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 886-3-328-1200 ext.3219 Fax: 886-3-328-5818 E-Mail: julia55@cgmh.org.tw Language: Official language is English. No simultaneous translation is available. Currency: As of August, 2014 the exchange rate quoted about NT$30.20 to US$1. Foreign currencies can be exchanged at the airport upon arrival, or at the government authorized banks, tourist hotels, and large department stores. Visas: Health: Tourist visas for the Republic of China (Taiwan), or letters of recommendation that can be exchanged for visas, can be obtained from ROC embassies, consulates, or designated representative offices in foreign countries. Chiang Kai-Shek International Airport in Taoyuan and Hsiaokang International Airport in Kaohsiung, and the only two points of entry to Taiwan at which such letters may be exchanged. *14-day visa-free privileges are afforded to citizens of the United States, Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Holland, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Australia, and New Zealand. Those who have been in a yellow fever infected area are required to have vaccination for entry to Taiwan. Good health services are available at hospitals of quality at the international level. Travelers are advised to obtain health insurance before visiting Taiwan. Power Voltage: 110 Volts A.C. outlet is used in Taiwan. 10 Name of Hotel Single Fullon Hotel (福容大飯店) NT$2,600 Twin/double NT$2,600 * 10% service charge included. * Room rates include breakfasts. * An one-night room deposit charge is required for reservation. Application and Confirmation For hotel reservation, please complete the hotel reservation form and return it with one-night deposit to the Secretariat. The reservation is valid upon receipt of confirmation letter from hotel. No reservation will be held in the absence of a deposit. Hotel assignment will be made on the first-come, first-served basis. Method of Payment Deposit may be paid by credit cards and will be charged in New Taiwan dollar. Cancellation In case of hotel cancellation, written notification should be sent directly to the Secretariat. The deposit for one night room charge will be refunded when cancellation is made before November 1, 2014. There will be no refunds thereafter. Transportation *The routes of shuttle bus(汎航) are as follows. ↔ Taipei Chang Gung Memorial Hospital LinKou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital ↔ Taipei Station LinKou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Taipei Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (199 Tung-Hwa North Road, Taipei). Taipei Station (40 Section 1, Cheng-Te Road, Taipei). The bus schedule will be about 10-15 minutes interval from 6:20 a.m. to 23:40 p.m.. *The taxi fare in Taipei is NT$80 for the first 1.25 kilometers and NT$ 5 for each additional 250 meters. A 20% surcharge is added between 11 P.M. and 6 A.M. and a “waiting surcharge” for each 3 minutes is added when the taxi is stopping or traveling less than 5 kilometers per hour. Different rates apply in other areas. In Taipei, NT$30 are added to the fare at the end of each ride. No tips are necessary, though the driver would gladly accept the tips. 11 2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy 2014年第18屆長庚紀念醫院國際 臟惡性腫瘤研討會 林口長庚醫院-台北長庚醫院行駛路線圖 林口長庚醫院-台北北門行駛路線圖 每隔15∼40分鐘一班車,全票35元 半票18元 每隔10∼20分鐘一班車,全票35元 半票18元 林口長庚:頭班6:20 末班23:40 台北長庚:頭班6:20 末班24:20 往 程 返 程 林口長庚站:桃園縣龜山鄉復興街5號 台北長庚站:北市敦化北路199號 高公局泰管中心站: 國道高速公路局泰山管制中心 民權復興路口站: 民權復興路口公車專用道候車月台 行天宮站:北市松江路406號前 行天宮站:北市松江路357巷南側16公尺處 中山國中站: 北市復興北路386號(捷運中山國中站旁) 高公局泰管中心站: 國道高速公路局泰山管制中心 台北長庚站:北市敦化北路199號 林口長庚站:桃園縣龜山鄉復興街5號 林口長庚:頭班6:00 末班23:10 台北長庚:頭班約6:30 末班24:20 往 程 返 程 林口長庚站:桃園縣龜山鄉復興街5號 台北西站A棟(原國光東站): 台北市忠孝西路一段173號 啟聰學校站:台北市重慶北路三段318號 重慶民生西路站:重慶北路公車專用道 民生西路口候車月台 成淵高中站:台北市承德路二段168號 成淵高中對面(近捷運民權西路站) 重慶昌吉街口站:重慶北路公車專用道 昌吉街口候車月台 台北西站A棟(原國光東路站): 台北市忠孝西路一段173號 啟聰學校站:台北市重慶北路三段327號 林口長庚站:桃園縣龜山鄉復興街5號 12 13 2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy 2014年第18屆長庚紀念醫院國際 臟惡性腫瘤研討會 Host Hospital - Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Map of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Chang Gung Memorial Hospital was founded in 1976. It is currently the largest general hospital in Taiwan. As of the end of 1997, it has 6,500 beds available for in-patients with 12,500 medical personnel. As a teaching hospital, aside from working closely with its affiliated medical school, Chang Gung University College of Medicine, it is committed to the clerkship, internship, residency, and fellowship training programs to medical students and physicians from all over the country. To encourage research and development, a large fund is provided annually for research programs in the field of clinical medicine and basic medical research, and to subsidize medical personnel going abroad for advanced studies. Over the years, it has funded more than1,800 research programs. Cancer research project has been one of the priority fields of investigation. In fact, one out of every five doctors who have completed training has been trained by Chang Gung’s faculty. One out of every four people in Taiwan has experienced Chang Gung’s service. Furthermore, of those articles from Taiwan published in the world literature, one out of four is from Chang Gung’s faculty. The staff will continue its commitment to safeguard the health of the public and contribute to the progress of medical science. 14 15 2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy 2014年第18屆長庚紀念醫院國際 臟惡性腫瘤研討會 2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy Abstract Reproduction Form The abstract must be formatted according to guidelines and submitted using e-mail altogether. (E-Mail: julia55@cgmh.org.tw) Type abstract within gray rectangle. DO NOT FOLD THIS FORM Use cardboard backing when mailing DNA FLOW CYTOMETRY OF GASTRIC CANCER AND ITS CLINICOPATHOLOGIC CORRELATION Chia-Siu Wang, Tze-Chieh Chao, Ta-Sen Yeh, Departments of Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan Abstract deadline:September 30, 2014 To be completed by presenting author: First Name(Chinese Name) Title Last Name(Chinese Name) Institution/Organization Department Address Purpose: To examine the DNA contents of freshly resected gastric cancer tissue and to investigate its correlation with clinicopathologic features and prognosis of gastric cancer patients. City Tel Country Postal Code Ext. FAX E-Mail Materials and Methods: From Nov. 1995 to Sept. 1998, 152 patients with resectable gastric cancer were entered in this study. First Author’s Signature Results: The median DNA index of gastric cancer tissue was 1.26 (range 0.9 –3.3). Aneuploidy was noted in 87 patients (57.2%). Conclusion: The DNA ploidy is significantly associated with the prognosis and some clinicopathological features of gastric cancer patients Please complete this form in type/print and return it to: Secretariat Office, 2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy Department of Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Lin-Kou Medical Center, 5, Fu-Hsing St., Kuei-Shan Hsiang, Taoyuan 333, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 886-3-3281200 Ext. 3219, FAX: 886-3-3285818, E-Mail: julia55@cgmh.org.tw 長庚醫療財團法人 林口長庚紀念醫院 一般外科, 桃園縣龜山鄉復興街五號 333 16 17 2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy 2014年第18屆長庚紀念醫院國際 臟惡性腫瘤研討會 REGISTRATION FORM PARTICIPANT HOTEL RESERVATION FORM First Name(Chinese Name) Last Name(Chinese Name) Title Institution/Organization Address City Country Tel First Name(Chinese Name) Postal Code Ext. Please complete this form in type/print and return it to Secretariat Office before November 1, 2014. Title FAX Last Name(Chinese Name) Institution/Organization Department Address E-Mail City Country Tel REGISTRATION FEES Postal Code Ext. FAX E-Mail Categories Advanced registration On-site registration Physician staff free free Name of Hotel Single (per room/night) Twin/Double (per room/night) Fellow/Resident/ Basic Science Researcher free free Fullon Hotel (福容大飯店) NT$2,600 NT$2,600 ● 10% service charge included. ● One night deposit per room is required to secure your reservation. ● US$1 is quoted about NT$30.20 METHOD OF REGISTRATION 填妥報名表後,請將報名表傳真03-3285818或E-Mail至julia55@cgmh.org.tw 大會秘書處。 Deadline for mailing registration: November 1, 2014 Hotel Accommodations Check in date: Room Type: □ Single room METHOD OF PAYMERNT Credit card: □ Visa □ Master Card Cardholder name (Block letters): Card No. Signature Please complete this form in type/print and return it to: Secretariat Office, 2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy Department of Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Lin-Kou Medical Center, 5, Fu-Hsing St., Kuei-Shan Hsiang, Taoyuan 333, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 886-3-3281200 Ext. 3219, FAX: 886-3-3285818, E-Mail: julia55@cgmh.org.tw 長庚醫療財團法人 林口長庚紀念醫院 一般外科, 桃園縣龜山鄉復興街五號 333 18 Check out date: □ Twin / Double room No. of Nights: □ American Express Expire Date: Date: Secretariat Office, 2014 International Conference of Pancreatic Malignancy Department of Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Lin-Kou Medical Center, 5, Fu-Hsing St., Kuei-Shan Hsiang, Taoyuan 333, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 886-3-3281200 Ext. 3219, FAX: 886-3-3285818, E-Mail: julia55@cgmh.org.tw 長庚醫療財團法人 林口長庚紀念醫院 一般外科, 桃園縣龜山鄉復興街五號 333 19
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