PreParing industry-ready business leaders

S P Jain School of Global Management (S P Jain) continues its
ride up in international university standings. Most recently,
the school was ranked number
one in the UAE by Nielsen in
its Salary Audit Topline Report
2014, which indicates that S P
Jain MBA graduates received
the highest salaries in the UAE
on graduation. The findings
were drawn from a salary audit conducted by Nielsen of
fresh management graduates
who have been placed within
various companies in the UAE.
Nielsen reported that S P Jain
graduates enjoy starting salaries 45 per cent higher than
their peers from other UAE
Professor Christopher Abraham, Head of Campus – Dubai,
S P Jain, says that although
the school is much younger
than most local and international universities in the UAE,
it stands tall thanks to the remarkable performance of its
students and alumni. “We live
and breathe for the success of
our alumni. The Nielsen ranking proves the exceptional
Most recently, the
school was ranked
number one in the
UAE by Nielsen in its
Salary Audit Topline
Report 2014, which
indicates that S P
Jain MBA graduates
received the highest
salaries in the UAE on
quality of talent we produce and that top companies are
willing to pay the highest salaries for these graduates. We
are so proud of them. Our multi-campus model plays a distinctive role in shaping these graduates. They are globally
intelligent, culturally agile, and have actual experience living, studying and working in diverse cultures. Recruiters
find this very appealing and relevant to their needs.”
Professor John Davis, Dean – Global MBA and Master
of Global Business, S P Jain, shares, “Year after year, S P
Jain graduates have built a strong track record of being
exceptional global business managers. Their remarkable
performance, both in the workplace and outside, has led
to our growth as one of the world’s best business schools.
Just last year, the school was ranked number one in Dubai
and number five in Asia by Forbes in its Best International
Business Schools Rankings.”
In recent years, S P Jain has risen up the ranks in international university standings. In addition to a coveted
Forbes ranking in 2013, the school enjoyed top rankings
for its MBA programme in 2011 and 2012 by the Financial
Times. S P Jain’s postgraduate business programmes are
accredited by AMBA, UK, and ABEST21, Japan.
S P Jain School of Global Management (S P Jain) is driven
by its mission of crafting 21st century business leaders.
With international campuses in Dubai, Singapore and Sydney, S P Jain has established a strong foothold in the Asia
Pacific region.
S P Jain requires all its full-time students to study in all
three campuses. This gives the school’s undergraduate
and postgraduate students direct experience of three
very different cultural and business environments. In each
city, students have the unique opportunity to interact with
local industry experts, engage in projects with top multinationals and experience diverse cultural environments
through structured global immersion activities.
S P Jain is registered as a Higher Education Provider in
Australia. Upon graduation, students receive a degree conferred by S P Jain School of Global Management, Australia.
S P Jain’s world-class business courses are accredited by
the Department of Education/Tertiary Education Quality
and Standards Agency (TEQSA), Australia, and licensed
by the Council of Private Education, Singapore, and the
Knowledge and Human Development Authority, Dubai.
Preparing industry-ready
business leaders
S P Jain Alumni have successfully crafted global
careers in various domains all over the world
Dr Dhrupad Mathur
he significance of business education today is demonstrated by the sizable impact business graduates
create on the business world. Business organisations globally aspire to infuse talented, capable managers
and business decision makers in their teams. For any Bschool therefore, it is essential to impart skills and capabilities that are required to manage the real-world situations
and challenges effectively. Though easy to point out but
this is the most critical element of business education today which prominent B-schools are attempting to address
At the S P Jain School of Global
Management, one of the key
pillars of business education
focusses on practice-related
learning and reinforces the
industry-readiness of the business graduates by developing
the crucial real-world skills. Collectively nurtured under the Industry-Interface projects, such
initiatives are vital components
of all the programmes at S P
Jain. Various types of projects
like Applied Research Project,
Action Learning Project, Capstone Research Project and Regional Research Project opportunities are embedded across
the Global MBA, MGB, BBA
and executive programmes at
S P Jain to foster skills to design, evaluate, implement and
analyse about developments
in the corporate world and
contribute to the professional
practice. These projects following the Australian Qualification
Framework emphasise on developing cognitive, technical,
creative skills to investigate,
analyse and synthesise complex information, problems,
concepts and theories and to
apply established theories to
different bodies of knowledge
or professional practice. Equally important, as per the AQF, is
the development of cognitive,
technical and creative skills to
K h a l e e j T i m e s H i g h e r E d u cat i o n G u i d e 2 0 14
K h a l e e j T i m e s H i g h e r E d u cat i o n G u i d e 2 0 14
S P Jain School of Global Management
S P Jain School of Global Management
generate and evaluate complex
ideas and abstract concepts
and communicate technical
and professional decisions to
specialist and non-specialist audiences. Industry projects at S P
Jain provide various potent opportunities to develop business
large and Action Learning project initiative, per se, has received several recognitions from the associated corporate
Various skills and traits evolve throughout the lifecycle of
industry projects depending on the transformative route
and effort a participant undertakes. Empirically observed,
some of the key traits are captured below
10 traits of business leaders
1. Competency:
Developing adequate technical and subject skills
2. Capability: Practical wisdom, judgment, attitude &and acumen
K h a l e e j T i m e s H i g h e r E d u cat i o n G u i d e 2 0 14
3. Conviction: Correct Self-belief and deep insights into the decision
4. Commitment : Committing self, adequate resources and time
5. Connection : Collaborate, understand and Connect well with the internal and
external business environment in context
6. Cognition : Awareness of issues, actions, enquiry, logic - thinking through
various dimensions of the decision-set, potential responses
7. Communication : Correct and effective communication and with all stakeholders
to command intervention, processes and fallouts
8. Creativity: Creatively balance deductive and generative perspectives
9. Courage : Courage and character, the risk-taking ability, the courage to
probe, discourse and implement
10. Contingency: Handling contingencies and be well prepared for contingencies
“Knowing decision-making” is
different from “being a decision-maker”. Business leaders
thrive on challenges and are
comfortable with complexity and ambiguity. They constantly analyse the business
environment, discover developments, issues or opportunities. Industry projects serve
as a productive platform to
develop such capabilities that
enable students to work effectively in the unfamiliar settings
while dealing with unfamiliar
problems. Industry-project at
The SP Jain Industry-Interface operations today span
across geographies, not only the where S P Jain campuses
are located but even beyond. Out to create a global footprint through the industry projects and with a mission to
contribute to the professional practice, the student teams
have worked with several hundred companies globally.
Every year S P Jain students engage with diverse industryverticals and companies, from big MNCs to regional SMEs,
and with ever increasing acceptance from employers and
students, over last several years the portfolio of industry
projects has become wider, further highlighting the pervasive impact that the business leaders of future can make.
The writer is the Director (Industry Interface Projects),
SPJSGM, Dubai. Email: