Tri–City Wood Carver’s Newsletter …Tri-City Carvers Club … Bay City … Midland … Saginaw … P.O. Box 6553 … Saginaw, MI … 48608-6553 Check our Web Page at: Member of the Michigan Wood Carver’s Association Editor Edward Hak (989) 781-3846 (989) 860-2417 November 2014 Nov 18 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. Carving Sta. 1 5:30 Board 7:00 Membership No Meeting November 4th, Election Day The meeting will be on third Tuesday due to elections at the fire stations. If any of you have done some great pumpkin carving Please send me a photo so I can share them with the Guys and gals in the club. FROM OUR PRESIDENT Mike Basner Hi All, The Frankenmuth show was really nice. They had a lot of quality carvings entered in the competition, several of our members entered and won ribbons. There are two activities that coming up that I want to remind you of. First the election of club officers happens at the November meeting. I know we are in rifle deer hunting season but please come on the 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. for the meeting and the election The second is a reminder that the club Christmas party is on December 2nd. Please let Gene Gubbins know if plan on attending as we need to get enough supplies. Keep on making chips Mike Page 1 Upcoming Events Nov. 1-2 Fruitbelt Carving Show. Nov. 8-9 Artistry in Wood Carving Show Board/Membership Meeting News: Old Business . New Business Show report: Mike Ford presented a show report. We had a total of 221 folks attend with 161 of those being visitors and the rest vendors and exhibitors. It was a very good show with high quality competition carvings again this year. Unfortunately 42 members didn’t respond to the tickets sent out or assist the show in any manner. Frankenmuth show: Our club will have a table at the Frankenmuth Carving Show this year. Mike Basner will man the table along with the help of Dick Bishop and anyone else who would like to stop in and help. Carousel Team: Phil Westendorf is working putting a team together to repair and repaint the carousel horses. The project will be tabled for a month or two until Phil can get things all lined up. Election Nominations: The floor was up for nominations for club offices. Gerald Willis was nominated for Vice President. Phil Westendorf was nominated for Treasurer. Ken Hite was nominated for 3yr. trustee. We do not have anyone to fill the office of President or Show chairperson. Gerald Willis has consented to run the election at the next meeting. Christmas Party: Our Christmas Party will be hosted again this year by Gene and Marlyn Gubbins. It will be held Tuesday December 2, 2014 at 6pm at the fire hall on Shattuck . Bring a dish to pass and plan on having a good time, great food and lots of prizes. Be sure and spred the word to others in the club and don’t forget to R.S.V.P. to Gene or Marlyn at 770-4482. Next meeting: Our Novembeer meeting will be held on the third Tuesday of the month due to the elections being run at the fire hall on our regular first Tuesday. Tri City Wood Carvers November 2014 Page 2 Local Classes. Robert Gubbins at 791-6039 teaches weekly classes. Call for information. Earl Fisher 793-1103 hosts carvers at his home at no charge. Future Meetings Date Location December 2 Sta. 1 Christmas Party Board meetings start at 5:30 and Membership meetings are at 7:00 Station 1 is on Shattuck west of Wieneke, Station 2 is on McCarty Rd just west of Bay. Station 3 is on Center just north of Gratiot AREA ACTIVITIES Ed Sowulewski’s Best of Masters “Eyeballing”. MWCA Update: The MWCA will be presided over by Bill Phillips due to the recent death of former President Andy Luckhardt. The MWCA learning seminar will be held again this next year in May. Our club has three members instructing. The learning seminar could be in financial straits again this next year without everyone’s help. To break even, they need 130 students sign up. There will be some changes mad to adjust some costs. Please consider attending the upcoming seminar. Bit of Humor . At Sunday School they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings. Little Johnny seemed especially intent when they told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam's ribs. Later in the week his mother noticed him lying down as though he were ill, and she said, 'Johnny, what is the matter?' Little Johnny responded, 'I have pain in my side. I think I'm going to have a wife.' If you have changed your mailing address or e-mail address this year please let Ed Hak know so our list can be updated. Contact Ed at or call 989 781-3846 The Michigan Wood Carver’s Association Web Site OFFICERS 2014 President Mike Basner (989) 799-8577 Vice-President Dick Bishop (989) 529-3324 Secretary Edward Hak (989) 781-3846 Treasurer Mike Ford (989) 687- 9783 Librarian Butch Urban (989) 790-0376 Historian Phil Westendorf (989) 799-5197 Hospitality Butch Urban (989) 790-0376 Trustees Vince Rosolowski (989) 684-6122 Robert Gubbins (989) 791-6039 Ed Becker (989) 213-6239 Contact any of the above with suggestions, newsletter items, or concerns. Articles Please email articles, items of interest, humor, announcements, etc., for the newsletter to or call Ed Hak at 989 781-3846. Tri-City Wood Carvers November, 2014 page 3 _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014 Tri-City Wood Carver’s Wood Carving and Art Show Best of Show went to Cliff Lindahl from Hartland, MI, for his bear, Second Best of Show went to Trig Neprud for his Viking, Third best of show went to Ben Donaghy for his bird, and best of Novice went to Greg Nye for his creel. Cliff Lindahl, Best of Show Bear Ben Donaghy, Third Best of Show Bird Trig Neprud, Second Best of Show Viking. Greg Nye, Best of Novice
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