PRESIDENT’S LETTER It’s a little sad around the arena with our bovine friends gone, the left over hay sold, and the end of Gymkhana. The Hay Burner Nevada County Horsemen, Inc. NOV 1, 2014 VOLUME 14 ISSUE 11 The activity and camaraderie under the trees at Jeannie’s Snak Shack is but a memory, and actually, some of the trees are gone too, due to the elimination of the diseased and dying trunks and branches. Officers President: Charles Green 530‐268‐3905 1st Vice President: Vickie Reed 530‐432‐1171 2nd Vice President: Don Daniels 530‐272‐6036 Secretary: Tamara Tobiassen 530‐273‐9326 Treasurer: Anita Daniels 530‐272‐6036 Caretaker: Tony Ardito 530‐277‐2332 Clubhouse 530‐273‐1507 E‐Board Don Daniels 530‐272‐6036 Pam DeGrio 530‐265‐4528 Joanne Santinelli 530‐274‐3409 Jane de’Zell 530‐268‐8785 Anita Daniels 530‐272‐6036 The next executive board meeting will be the Monday before the General meeting. Just so you know, the left over wood and wood chips is available to our members and anything left over will be sold, burnt or given to charity. The election of new officers is during our next meeting and it is important that you attend. Please check the flyer in this newsletter for the proposed changes to the by-laws, to also be voted on at the Nov meeting. Hey there: Just a note to let folks know that our website is still up and running, and if they have corrections or suggestions I can be reached at Spat 1 (edit note…I’m not typing that 3 times) Charles Green, President NCHI General Meeting Friday NOV 14th SPAGHETTI FEED members to bring green salads and deserts. NCHI Social Hour and 6 pm DINNER @ MEETING @ 7 PM All of our arena events are over for the year. The cows went home and we were able to sell the left over hay for $680. SNACK SHACK NCHI Members: What wonderful donations for the raffle during the meetings.... Again "What a success!" We would like to continue the raffles at all of the meetings as the money has been going to the ag fund for the kids. We made an impressive $500 to add to the Ag fund this year. We were able to give all the kids that wrote letters to us an added $60 each. After we have paid out the scholarship money this year, we will start over and build up the Ag fund for next year. NCHI in continuing to have a fun and exciting raffle during the meetings... Remember-- The donation can be some horsey homemade thing like jewelry, signs, horse painting, or baked goods to raffle during the club General Meeting. EVENTS 2 Jeannie had a good year and did a great job in the Snak Shack at gymkhana and team penning on Sat nights and for cow play on Tuesday nights. Everyone liked the food. A BIG thank you to Jeannie for good management and hard work. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Nov 14th is election night for NCHI officers. We are having a Spaghetti dinner with members bring salads and desert. If you have attended 3 meeting during the calendar year, and are pledged, you are eligible to vote. We have no one running for president or 1st and 2nd VP or Wrangler. We do have: Anita Daniels: Treasurer Tom Stevenson: Secretary. 3 Executive Board: Don Daniels, RonTobiassen, Tamara Tobiassen,& Jeannie Glover. HORSEMAN OF YEAR Ron Tobiassen, Denise Mazur,& Tamara Tobiassen: NCHI 2014 Current Committee Chair Person: Ag & Scholarship: Bar: Barrels: Newsletter: Facebook: Gymkhana: Web Site: Cow Play: Historian: Rental: Snak Shack: Sunshine: Tack Auction: Trail Rides: Team Penning: Jane de ‘Zell Charles Green open Tamara Tobiassen Spat Spathelf Tamara Tobiassen Spat Spathelf Denise Mazur open open Jeannie Glover Tamara Tobiassen open Charles Green Ron Tobiassen ADVERTIZING Affordable Window cleaning Residential & commercial Family owned and operated John Bancroft & Kelli Crump 530-477-0513 GREG WARD,GRI REALTOR-530-271-3850 direct line NETWORK REAL ESTATE 167 SOUTH AUBURN ST GRASS VALLEY, CA 95945 GREG WARD “CATCHING THE BUYERS YOU NEED AND LANDING THE PROPERTY YOU WANT” 887-549-7716 toll free 530-272-8703 FAX 4 Proposed Changes to NCHI BY-LAWS An election in accordance with ARTICLE XIV (Amendments and Parliamentary Authority:) shall be held at the regularly scheduled business meeting (Oct. 10th,2014, and Nov. 14, 2014) Please make a point of attending. (Any member who has paid their dues, and taken the pledge prior to the September General Meeting 2014 is eligible to vote.) ARTICLE III: Add “Life Membership” (With all requirements, and privileges) 1. 2. ARTICLE IV: (b) Replace language for all Officers with “…member of this Organization in Good Standing for a period of one (1) year prior to election.” President (c) Add “…with exception of the Nominating Committee, and Disciplinary Committees,” and shall perform such duties and exercise such powers prescribed by these By‐Laws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by Nevada County Horsemen, Inc. 3. Treasurer (b) 2. Add …”by one of the following; the President, Secretary, or Treasurer.” 4. 5. Special Events Secretary Remove entire Section from the By‐Laws. Executive Board a) Add…”Executive Board composed of eight members who shall consist of 6. the President, Secretary, Treasurer, and five additional members”. 1. Add…”The President, Secretary, and Treasurer automatically become members of the Executive Board.” c) 5. Add “The executive Board Chairperson shall cast a vote only in the event of a tie.” Note: In addition, any reference to NCHI, or “the club” within these By‐Laws shall be changed to: “Nevada County Horsemen, Inc.” If any, changes are made to our By‐Laws, some modification to the Standing Rules may be required. Should that need arise, a complete revised copy of the Standing Rules will be presented to the membership at the next regularly scheduled General meeting. 5 6
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