Table of Contents Executive Board

New York State Federation of Chapters of the Council for Exceptional Children
Executive Board
Annmarie Urso
Volume 36 Issue 2
Table of Contents
Letters from the Presidents and Editors
Regions and Regional Representatives
NYS CEC Awards & Nomination Form
Regional Chapter and Division Activities
Student Innovations
President Elect
Dennis Garland
Representative Assembly Meeting
CAN Report
Sharon Raimondi
Krista Vince Garland
Past President
Elfreda Blue
Associate Treasurer
Dawn Hamlin
Summer 2014
2014 NYS CEC Conference
Student Leadership Conference
Yes I Can!: Awards & Application
Chapter Rebate Form
Advertising Rates/ Author Guidelines
Additional Board Members
Dear NYS CEC Members,
I am excited to start off my year as the President of the NYS CEC! It is
with gratitude for her mentoring and leadership that I wish to acknowledge Dr. Elfreda Blue, our immediate past-president. NYS CEC had a
successful conference in Melville under Dr. Blue’s leadership and the
dedicated work of her conference planning committee. The executive
board has worked very hard the past year to assist me in planning this
year’s conference in Syracuse. We hope that you will plan to join us.
As you begin your summer vacation across the state, I want to give you a
brief conference update.
Our conference will be held 10/31-11/1 at the Syracuse Crowne Plaza.
We have many exciting events at the conference as well as many exciting
events going on in Syracuse that weekend.
The President
• Halloween event Friday for participants and their families is
• Vendors and exhibitors.
• Special Syracuse event concierge available to our members with
information on special events in Syracuse over the weekend, including
the Syracuse University events, plays, and shopping.
Conference registration is now open on our website. Early Bird prices are
in effect through August 31st.
• Our keynote, Dr. Paul Riccomini, is a popular author, presenter,
and researcher in the field of mathematics, the common core cur
riculum, and learning disabilities. Dr. Riccomini will also conduct
a session as part of the strand on Learning Disabilities.
Hotel registration is now open at the Crowne Plaza Syracuse. Please note
that this is Syracuse University’s Parents Weekend and there will be a
home Syracuse University football game - so please reserve your room
EARLY to ensure a room will be available at the conference venue for
your stay! Please note that the cutoff date to reserve a room at the Crowne
Plaza for our special conference rate of $125 is September 29th, therefore
the link/code will not work after this date.
• Special strands on Autism, Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
and Learning Disabilities, led by leading practitioners and research
ers in the field - and in New York State.
Meeting of the Representative Assembly has been called for Saturday,
November 1st at 7:30am. More information is available in this issue of
Exceptional Individuals.
• Special strand for presentations of interest to pre-service teachers
coordinated by the NYS CEC Student Council.
• A panel of policy makers, state education representatives, and
school district employees will present on current topics (Common
Core, edTPA, CDOS, Sheltered Workshops, IDEA) and will answer your questions on hot topics and policies in the field at the
state and national level. The panel will be moderated by NYS CEC
past president, Dr. Michael Glover.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Visit the
NYS CEC website for complete details and more information!
• I have asked Dr. Liz Hall to put out a call for Yes I Can! Awards
nominations to be awarded at the conference in Syracuse– please
consider nominating deserving individuals for these awards and for
our other awards. More information is available in this issue of
Exceptional Individuals and on our website.
• Student research will be presented at our Friday evening reception.
Finally, I will be attending the Council for Exceptional Children’s Leadership Conference for State Unit and Provincial Leaders July 21-23 in Arlington, VA and look forward to bringing back new ideas. I will provide
you with a report in our Fall issue of Exceptional Individual Issue.
Dr. Annmarie Urso
President of NYS Council for Exceptional Children
Conference Chair 2014 NYS CEC Conference
The Editors
Dear Readers,
We hope everyone is enjoying the summer weather! This past spring,
the NYS CEC Student Leadership Council held a terrific conference in
Buffalo. If you were not able to attend, check out the highlights and
some great photos inside this edition. Speaking of conferences, have
you made your plans for the annual NYS CEC conference in Syracuse,
in November, yet? It is shaping up to be a great conference, and we look
forward to seeing you there. If you are planning to present at the conference, please also consider writing up your presentation for publication in
EI - as either a feature-length article or to be featured in one of our two
new columns, Teachers Corner and Student Innovations. We are always
looking to hear from our members, and to publish the exciting research,
practices, and new learning we know you are engaged in. Please send
any submissions to us at
Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Sharon Matthews and Kristie Asaro-Saddler
Co-Editors, Exceptional Individuals
Letters continued
The Past-President
Note to NYS CEC,
Thank you Members
Dr. Stephen Hernandez—new Regional Representative
Thank you Board
Election Results
It has been my pleasure to serve as president of New York State’s Council
for Exceptional Children. The unit, its board, and its members have one
mission in mind—serving as the voice and vision of students and families
of children with disabilities. Don’t just participate as a sideliner. Get
involved. Recruit others to become a part of NYS CEC. We encourage
each of you to enlist a colleague to join the organization.
During my term as president, we have recruited fantastic individuals to
serve on the board and to become active participants of the state unit. The
board is actively engaged in service—in planning the convention, honing
in on membership issues, and working together for a united approach to
all the challenges facing exceptional children. Thank you board members
and members for all of your support!
Thank you to Student Leaders and Advisor
I would like to thank Dr. Mike Kelly for his service as Student Advisor
to NYS CEC Student Chapter officers. Jennifer Rice and her dedicated
group of students have been a tremendous asset to the entire unit. Congratulations, Jennifer and team on a fabulous student leadership event in
Buffalo, NY.
In addition to serving as student advisor, Dr. Kelly has also served as regional representative for New York Region 1 (Hudson Valley). During his
tenure, he has become actively involved in the local chapter activity and
kept abreast of events underway. Thank you, Mike, for your leadership!
Teacher's Corner
Are you a K-12
teacher? Are you
using any great strategies with your students
with disabilities? Do you
have any tips and tricks?
Helpful hints for your colleagues? We are starting a
new feature column in EI and
would love to print your suggestions! This will be a place
for teachers to share practical
approaches that work in the
classroom. We are looking for
ideas in the areas of: instructional strategies for specific
populations or in specific
content areas, behavioral
interventions, progress
monitoring and assessment and assistive or
instructional technology to consider for our
Teacher Corner.
When you submit,
please be sure to send
us your name, the school
where you teach and
grade/content area, along
with a stunning self-portrait
to print along with your suggestions. When you submit
your ideas to us, please limit
your description to one page,
and send to us at: ei.editors@ We look forward
to hearing about and sharing
your great ideas!
But no board member should serve in two capacities. For that reason, I
have enlisted the services of Dr. Stephen Hernandez to serve in Mike’s
stead as the New York Region 1 Regional Representative. Dr. Hernandez, a resident in the region, is poised to pick up the mantle and become
actively engaged with Region 1 student and professional chapters. Thank
you, Steve!
It is my pleasure to announce the winners of the most recent election:
Frank Thornton—Regional Representative, Syracuse Region
Amy Ranalli—Regional Representative, Albany Regional
Vice President – pending election results
As I pass the mantle onto Dr. Annmarie Urso, I wish you Godspeed. Dr.
Urso is a dedicated member of NYS CEC and has already given outstanding service in her capacities as vice-president and president elect. You are
in good hands, NYS CEC!
Yours in service,
Elfreda Blue
Past President—New York State Council for Exceptional Children
You're Invited!
Please join us for a Reception and
Halloween Party at our Annual
Conference on
Friday, October 31st, 2014
(time TBA)
Crowne Plaza
701 E Genesee St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
Free to all registered members of the
conference and children. Guests are
invited for a fee of $10
Check your email for an invite to register for the event. We look forward
to seeing you there!
Regions & Regional Representatives & Chapters
Albany Region
Regional Representative:
Elizabeth Foley - 2011
1003 SUNY Plattsburg*
0443 College of St. Rose,
Dr. Margaret McLane,
0598 SUNY/Albany*
0798 Russell Sage*
Buffalo Region
Regional Representative: Angela Patti
0071 Long Island, Maggie Blair
0853 Hofstra University*
0856 Adelphi University*
1138 Long Island University (CW Post)*
1209 Sally Rottman Chapter (Molloy College)*
1217 SUNY College at Westbury,
Dr. Diana Sukhram
New York Region 1
Regional Representative: Stephen
1155 St. Thomas Aquinas College*
0324 Niagara University,
James D’Angelo
0402 Greater Niagara Frontier, Dr. Theresa Janczak
0017 Buffalo State College,
Angela Patti,
University of Buffalo,
Sharon Raimondi,sharon.
0432 Canisius College,
Michele Marable
0371 Daemen College,
Dr. Mary Fox
0158 Western NY*
1212 SUNY Fredonia,
Dr. Laura Geraci
Long Island
Regional Representative: Mary McDonald - 2011
1141 Dowling College,
Dr. Wendy Ehrensberger
0653 Suffolk County,
Lou Malerba
0664 St. Joseph’s College,
Dr. Joan Silver
1229 Rockland Chapter, Dr. Mike Kelly
0948 College of New Rochelle*, Dr. Ruth Zealand
0615 LIU Hudson, Dr. Janet Simon
0393 Manhattanville College,
Dr. Mikki Malow
0615 Westchester
Concordia, Dr. Stephanie Squires
New York Region 2
Regional Representative: Young Seh
0045 Columbia University Teachers College, Laudan Jahromi
1141 Hunter College Professional
Timothy D. Lackaye
0742 Greater NY City*
0750 New York University,
Dr. Barbara Schwartz
0817 City College of NY (CUNY)*
0160 Manhattan College
Gloria Wolpert
0545 Bronx*
New York Region 3
Regional Representative: Elizabeth
0654 St. John’s University
Dr. MaryTheresa Kiely
1002 Queens
Dr. Sara B Woolf
1191 Medgar Evers College
Dr. Sheilah Paul
1198 Brooklyn College,
Dr. Yoon-Joo Lee
Staten Island:
0318 Wagner College*
0498 College of Staten Island
Rochester Region
Regional Representative: Liz Hall
0019 SUNY Geneseo, Dr. Susan Salmon
0564 Monroe*
1205 Nazareth, Dr. Shanna Jamanis
1207 St. John Fisher College,
Susan Schultz
0833 Keuka College, Dr. Andrew Beigel
Syracuse Region
Regional Representative: Frank Thornton
0004 Southern Tier*
1144 Finger Lakes SCATS*
1223 SUNY Oneonta,
Dr. Dawn Hamlin
*inactive chapters as of June 2014
NYS CEC Awards & Nomination Form
The Executive Board of the NYS CEC is seeking nominations for its 2014
Excellence Awards. There are three categories.
Please read the criteria carefully and nominate a deserving individual. Provide all the necessary information on the nomination form, which may be copied. Recipients will be recognized at the 2014 NYS CEC Convention this November in Saratoga Springs. You will be notified by October 1, 2014 whether your nominee has been selected to receive the award.
Category: Excellence in Teaching
The Nominee Must:
1. be currently employed as either a special education teaching professional or general educator involved in collaborative programming for students with disabilities; and
2. demonstrate outstanding contributions to and support for the education and school life of students with disabilities and special education continuum of programs.
The nominator should provide evidence of Excellence in Teaching, including unique activities, projects and responsibilities which qualify the nominee for the award.
Category: Excellence in Leadership
The Nominee Must:
1. currently have responsibilities in administration, supervision, or hold a major office in a recognized organization or agency for children and youth with disabilities (teachers and non administrative personnel are not eligible); and
2. demonstrate excellence in creating and promoting an atmosphere of inclusion for all students with disabilities, advocating parental and student rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and generally assuming a leadership role within the community.
The nominator should describe unique activities, projects, and responsibilities that reflect Excellence in Leadership
Category: Excellence in Community Service
The Nominee Must:
1. be a non-teaching individual who exhibits a strong commitment to the well-being and enhanced quality of life for children and youth with disabilities; and
2. be involved in activities related to assisting citizens who have a disability to enjoy and participate more fully in his or her community (e.g., volunteering at recreation programs, fundraising, supplying free food or beverages, etc )
The nominator will describe unique activities, projects, and responsibilities that reflect excellence in community service.
___Community Service
Nominee: ________________________________________________________
Present Position: __________________________________________________
School or Agency: _________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________(Home) ______________________ (Work)
E-mail: _________________________________________________
Describe evidence of excellence. Attach additional sheets as necessary.
Nominator: _______________________________________________
Present Position: __________________________________________________
School or Agency: _________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________(Home) _______________________(Work)
E-mail: _________________________________________________________
Return by August
15 to:
Dr. Elfreda Blue
Hofstra University
Hagedorn Hall 216
Hempstead, New York 11549-1000
Award winners will be recognized at the Convention in Syracuse!
You can also email nominations to– please put
NYSCEC award in topic line. THANK YOU!
Angela L. Patti
SUNY Buffalo State Student Chapter
In the spring semester, the SUNY Buffalo State
Student Chapter held a three-day campus campaign for Spread the
Word to End the Word. They celebrated Read Across America
Day by visiting a local school and reading books to the students.
They also held meetings at which members learned about student
teaching, commonly used acronyms in the field of special education, children’s literature depicting characters with disabilities, and
assistive technology. Finally, the chapter sent three students to the
National CEC Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and had
many members attend the NYS CEC Student Leadership Conference in June.
Canisius College Student Chapter
Canisius College Student Chapter is continuing their focus on
professional development and growing their chapter. Eight members, along with their advisor, attended the National CEC Convention in Philadelphia this past April. The chapter also plans to
further the education of participants through film viewing events,
bring guest speakers to campus, and participate in community
SUNY Fredonia Student Chapter
In the spring semester, the SUNY Fredonia Student Chapter conducted a clinic at the Dunkirk Boys and Girls Club where they
worked on social skills instruction with students with autism. The
students came to the Boys and Girls Club once a week and the
CEC members helped encourage them to have appropriate interactions with others and to become more familiar with a different
environment. The program was a great success! The chapter had
ten people registered to attend the NYS CEC Student Leadership
Conference in June
University at Buffalo Student Chapter
In addition to holding monthly meetings, the UB Student CEC
Chapter had the pleasure of facilitating technology training at
SUNY Buffalo State. The training focused on different uses for
technology such as assistive technology, tech tools for college students, and general use of technology in the classroom. The chapter
looks forward to recruiting and training new board members this
fall as many of its members will be graduating in 2015. They will
also be planning new activities that focus on disability awareness
Incoming Rep. Frank Thornton
(Report prepared by outgoing
Rep. Dawn Hamlin)
SUNY Oneonta Chapter
The SUNY Oneonta Chapter #1223 has been busy
this spring! Students supported the ARC Oneida Lewis with a
huge basket donation of classic candies (Mary Janes, Bottle Caps,
etc.) for their annual Silent Auction in May. Students continue to
provide a Dragon Date program once a month for children with
ASD - modeled after the Friday Knights program from St. Rose.
Students have submitted proposals for the annual convention in
Syracuse and have been working on fundraising all spring. To date
they have completed two very successful fundraising campaigns
with Gertrude Hawk chocolates and a pizza kit campaign from a
company in Syracuse that uses the ARC Madison to put the kits
together. The chapter hopes to do some collaborative activities
this fall with Utica College and/or Hartwick College to promote
NYSCEC - stay tuned!
New York Region 1
Incoming Rep. Steve Hernandez
(Report prepared by outgoing
Rep. Mike Kelly)
Dear NYS CEC members:
As the summer brings those long and hazy days that many of us
enjoy, I would like to thank all of the Region 1 constituencies for
their hard work over the last several months in supporting the exceptional work of their chapters. As the NYS Student Chapter Advisor, I am especially proud to highlight the hard work and dedication of our Student Board for NYS CEC, led by President Jennifer
Rice, which provided a very successful Student Leadership Conference at Buffalo State last month. Not only was the conference
well attended, but the participation by the students and the guest
lecturers/faculty from a variety of colleges was particularly noteworthy (as was a wonderful student social event on the Maid of the
Mist at Niagara Falls and dinner at the Hard Rock Café). Many
thanks for the “insider” helpful hand from Dr.Sharon Raimondi
from Buff State, without whose help we could not have had the
many accom-plishments that this leadership weekend provided.
We welcome our new 2014-2015 student board led by President
Jonathan Pollino and look forward to our NYS CEC Conference
in Syracuse in October 2014.
Our Region 1 chapters have been busily involved with supporting
RC & DA continued
the goals of NYS CEC, too: Dr. Janet Simon, advisor for Long
Island University, reports that Chapter 615 held two events this
past spring which took place at the Westchester campus of LIU
Hudson in Purchase, NY. The first was held on Tuesday, March
25 and featured a presentation and discussion on the topic of
“ADHD: A New Vision for Tackling the Stigma Through Counseling, Special Education, Community Resources, Advocacy and
Professional Preparation in Support of Those with ADHD.” The
featured speakers included: Melissa Smith, M.S.Ed. Founder of
ADHD Aware and School Counselor for the Lakeland School District; Christina Kraemer, M.S.Ed.: Special Education Teacher and
student advocate for the Lakeland School District; and keynote
speaker Robert Tudisco, J.D. practicing attorney and former Executive Director of the Edge Foundation, a nonprofit organization
that provides specialized coaches for students with ADHD and
Executive Functioning Impairment. The focus of the evening was
on helping those individuals faced with the stigma of an ADHD
diagnosis and connecting them and their families with appropriate
professionals and resources. The panel was well received and
there was a great deal of give and take with audience members
after the more formal presentation.
On Tuesday, April 29th the Chapter 615 meeting featured a panel
of experts discussing: “The Power of Early Childhood Education.”
At a time when our president, governor and the mayor of New
York are talking about the importance of Universal Pre-K, Dr.
Janet Simon, CEC advisor from LIU Hudson at Westchester, felt
that it seemed appropriate for CEC to explore the unique features
of early childhood programs, with particular attention to serving
young children with special needs. In addition to highlighting the
long term benefits of these programs, the panel explored the features of early literacy, the importance of early intervention and the
value of inclusive programs at this level. Panelists included the
following individuals: Patricia Amanna, Director of the Children’s
Center at Purchase College; Toni Ann Carey, specialized reading
teacher; Marianne Gribbon, Director of Education Services at Easter Seals, Valhalla; Mary Gould, CPSE Chairperson; and Nancy
Tritsch, Education Supervisor TheraCare. Audience members
gave their perspectives and asked many questions of the panel.
Chapter 1229—Rockland County reports that while the planned
Basketball Clinic at DC did not materialize due to scheduling difficulties with the consumers from ARC, they had the opportunity
for discussion of pertinent issues in special education with members. In April a movie viewing of Temple Grandin, starring Claire
Danes, was held at Dominican College’s Fury Lecture Hall with
discussion of the newly adopted DSM V definitions and accompanying reflection on the uniqueness of each individual even within
a category such as Autism Spectrum Disorders. Chapter 1229 is
also proud that one of its NYS CEC student board members, North
Representative, Lauren Rossi, who is an active member of Chapter 1229, presented her research on the Flipped Classroom at our
Student Leadership weekend from June 6-8 as well as assisting me
with a student’s perspective of the edTPA during my presentation!
Concordia College’s Chapter 1236 had a very productive startup
year with two spring semester informational sessions for recruit-
ment as well as a Bully project to involve community ninth graders
in recognizing the negative effects of bullying. They visited community high schools and showed the movie, Bully. The Concordia
CEC chapter has decided to give a monetary award to a promising
special education student at Concordia College this Spring. When
last reported they were in the process of determining the qualities
representative of such a student and would make the award at an
appropriate time. Student Chapter President, Derrick DiRienzo,
reports also that an Autism Awareness Walk was scheduled to take
place in White Plains in June, and their chapter welcomed both
CEC and Concordia participants to participate with their officers,
faculty and faculty advisor.
The College of New Rochelle CEC advisor, Dr. Ruth Zealand, reports that the CNR chapter is holding elections of officers for next
year and planning events which will include going to conferences
with the hope of presenting a case study at one of them; bringing
guest lecturers in the fall; and presenting films on disabilities with
accompanying discussions.
On a very personal note, I love my connections and collaborations
with my wonderful colleagues in NYS CEC and will continue in
my appointment as Student Chapter Advisor, but after serving
six years as Region 1 representative, I hand the baton and offer
a hearty welcome to my successor, Dr. Stephen Hernandez from
Hofstra University ( who promises to bring you the most up to date information from Region 1.
Please provide him regularly with descriptions of all of your exciting and creative activities and extend to him a hearty welcome.
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Kelly
Region 1 Representative
Student Chapter Advisor
New York Region 2
Young Seh Bae
Teachers College Chapter
Teachers College Chapter, which has been not
active, is now reorganizing its activities. Dr. Jehromi Lauden,
Associate Professor in Intellectual Disability/Autism Program, is
now the new chapter advisor and will facilitate student and professional chapter activities at Teachers College. The chapter had their
first meeting on May 1 and discussed variety of exciting ideas to
revitalize the chapter.
New York Region 3
Elizabeth Finnegan
This spring has seen the reactivation of our two
chapters in Queens. Both Queens College and St.
John’s University, reorganized and recruited new members.
RC & DA continued
Members of St. John’s University participated in “Walk Now for
Autism Speaks”, raising $220 for the cause. The Walk Now events
are an opportunity to learn about current research in the Autism
Spectrum Disorders. The events also give students a chance to
interact with individuals with ASD and their families. In April
St. John’s University also held a Special Education Conference
featuring speakers from the area.
~ Speakers included ~
Dr. Young Seh Bae of Teachers College:
"Word problems and children with autism"
Dr. Jennifer Scuro of The New School:
"Resisting ableism, renegotiating the diagnosis"
Kerry Cohn, OTR/L:
"Support strategies for children with sensory processing disorders"
Queens College held a recruitment event in April in which over
thirty people expressed an interest in CEC and its mission. The
chapter co-sponsored a Resume Clinic with Queens College
Graduate Programs in Special Education. During the Resume
Clinic participants heard from retired school administrators on
what to include in their resumes and cover skills. Participants
were also able to receive feedback on their own resumes and interview skills.
Long Island
Mary McDonald
Nassau county: Maggie Blair continues as
president of the Chapter. The Nassau county
CEC co-hosted a disability awareness film festival this Spring and
provided a great deal of support to the annual state conference this
past Fall. The Nassau county chapter has supported student attendance at the annual conference and hopes to recruit some new
officers to begin planning events for this year.
Suffolk County 0653 has been reactivated! (President - Lou Malerba) They hosted a regional workshop presented by RES-TACS regarding the new exiting credentials for students with disabilities
who no longer are able to receive an IEP diploma. Special education administrators along with key administrators from their districts attended to understand the new requirements and how districts will be able to implement them this current school year. In
December, all CEC/CASE member had a joint meeting with our
Regional Curriculum Council, and the speaker was Kate Gerson
from SED. Kate’s presentation focused on the needs of SWDs and
reluctant learners in meeting the common core standards. They
also hosted a workshop presented by Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department on Project Lifesaver to address the SED memo regarding student elopement. The program is a wonderful support for
districts and parents for students with elopement behaviors, and is
cost effective.
Liz Hall
As the Regional Representative for the Rochester
region, my goal is to assist all active chapters and I
am willing to help any group in the same area form a new chapter.
The Livingston Chapter had a busy spring! Their annual spring
conference was a hit! This year’s conference theme was “Clear
Up Your Confusion about Inclusion!” Each event was about making classrooms more inclusive in every way. Presenters included:
Kelly Davis (a published author and educator), Elizabeth Tarvin
(SUNY-Orange), and students in the LIVES Program at SUNYGeneseo. They also hosted a mock IEP meeting. According to
the chapter, “The meeting may have been mock, but the IEP and
the family we worked with was real. It was a great meeting to
observe – our SOE professors (Drs. Salmon, Hall, Urso, Barber)
were able to suggest additional services to the parent to help her
son even further. The SOE professors were able to turn the event
into many lessons such as how to write an effective and meaningful IEP objective, and how important the teacher’s role truly is in
the IEP process.”
I would love to hear what ideas you have for encouraging professionals to become involved in this noble field; Special Education.
I invite you to contact me about events or with newsworthy upcoming events and activities from our region so we can publicize
these. Please feel free to send me information from your chapter
or let me know how I can be of assistance to you.
Elizabeth Foley
It has been a pleasure these past three years
serving as Albany's elected representative. The Saint
Rose Chapter continues to persevere by working as a unified
board to educate their community about Special Education. Seeing events like A Night to be a Child continue yearly has been
an amazing experience, and not something I had even considered
when I first organized it in 2010.
Even though my time with the state board is up for now, I will
continue to advocate and encourage others. Please keep a look out
for an Albany Regional Conference in the future.
Albany, continue to be the voice and vision of Special Education.
I challenge you to not just advocate by yourself but start a chapter,
or get involved at the state or national level. As Helen Keller said
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
RC & DA continued
~ Sub-division reports ~
Dee Berlinghoff
Division for Learning Disabilities: NY DLD will
be sponsoring a topical strand at the NYSCEC
conference in Syracuse on October 31-November 1. Topics will
include preventing litigation for students with learning disabilities,
evidence-based practices for students with LD, and Response to
Intervention. A meeting will be held during the conference and
all NY DLD members are encouraged to attend. Please check the
conference program for the day and time of the meeting.
Teacher Education Division: Higher education faculty across the
state have expressed an interest in forming an NY TED subdivision. Anyone interested in exploring the possibility of an NY TED
subdivi-sion is invited to participate in the meeting to be held at
the NYSCEC conference in Syracuse on October 31-November 1.
Please check the conference program for the day and time of the
Are you an undergraduate or graduate
student in special education? What
research projects are you working on?
We would like to share your hard work
with our membership! Send us a brief
(2-3 paragraph, 1 page max) synopsis of
your research, and we will consider it for publication in our new Student Innovations feature
of EI. When you submit, please be sure to
send us your name, year in school, the name
and location of the institution you attend, and a
“selfie” to print along with your innovative work.
We are always looking for research in the areas
of: instructional strategies, behavior management
techniques, assessment, technology, and any other
places your research has taken you! You can
submit your ideas to us at:
If you are the president of an active subdivision and you have items
to share, please send them to Dee Berlinghoff: dee.berlinghoff@ Thank you.
First off, I’d like to personally thank all the
editors and board (past & present) for allowing
me the opportunity to work on a journal for
such an admirable organization.
I am Joe Mielcarek, a freelance graphic
designer based out of Buffalo, NY. I have
a B.F.A. from Buffalo State College and at
least 10 years experience in creating a variety
of digital design layouts for print or web.
My specialties include identity packaging,
invitations, newsletters, event posters and
the like. I pride myself as a consistent
creator of good quality design.
So feel free to contact me at jjmielcarek@ so I may assist you with any of
your design needs at very reasonable pricing.
Calling all New York Federation Officers, Executive
Board members, Division representatives and New
York State CEC Chapter Presidents:
You are hereby called to attend the Representative
Assembly of the NYS CEC on Saturday, 11/1/2014
at 7:30am at the annual conference. Continental
breakfast will be served. Please RSVP to President
Annmarie Urso at
The Representative Assembly is charged with
reviewing the proposed budget presented by the
treasurer and voting on proposals for amendments
to the constitution and bylaws of the New York
Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children.
All Representative Assembly members are urged to
attend, including chapter presidents or their
President Annmarie Urso
ing approximately 250 visits with our elected officials and their staff
to discuss more than a dozen issues on behalf of students with disabilities.
What’s Happening Now and on the Horizon?
Kevin J. Miller, Ed.D., NYS CEC CAN Coordinator
As the new NYS CEC CAN Coordinator I would like to begin my
first CAN Report by thanking Dr. Joel Mittler for his years of dedicated service as our CAN Coordinator. I have known Joel for nearly
20 years and have had the good fortune to witness firsthand his devoted and steadfast commitment to advocacy on behalf of individuals
with disabilities, their families, and the professionals that engage with
them. He has represented us well! Thank you Joel!
As part of my preparation for writing this CAN Report I spent considerable time reflecting on recent education policy developments in
Washington and potential implications for children and adults with
disabilities as well as for their service providers, including school districts, educators, and teacher educators. My reflections took into consideration information presented at the June CEC National Legislative
Conference, which I attended with 6 other NYS CEC Members.
One thing that is clear, though not necessarily new, is we certainly are
experiencing interesting times in the education policy arena. What I
also have learned through my experiences is that strictly focusing on
the culture of Washington has the potential to paralyze action. As
advocates this is something we should avoid, as it is not the most
productive way to be proactive to advance policies and practices that
improve the education and quality of life for children and youth with
exceptionalities and to enhance engagement of their families. Instead,
we all need to be advocates who reach out to our respective Congressmen and Senators at the national level as well as our State Assemblymen and Senators to education and inform them of policy implications, and perhaps more importantly, to help shape education policy.
Currently, at the national level, multiple education House and Senate
bills are being prepared and introduced on a host of topics that will impact students with disabilities and all forms of educators and service
providers. Bills and policies currently in play include the reauthorization and full funding of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA),
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), U.S. Department
of Education's new Results-Driven Accountability (RDA) initiative,
and Higher Education Act reauthorization, among others.
~ New York State CEC Members at CEC National Legislative Conference ~
Joel Mittler, Emily Boyd, Sarah Howorth, Christopher Beirne, Arlene Pearson, Jeanne Angus, Kevin Miller
In all, about 45 CAN Coordinators from many CEC state units and
divisions gathered along with other advocates at CEC Headquarters
in Arlington, VA. The purpose was to learn up-to-the-minute policy
updates from top officials in the U.S. Department of Education, Members of Congress & Congressional Staff, nationally recognized policy
experts and CEC’s Policy & Advocacy Team. On the last day of the
meeting 80 plus advocates representing 25 states spent the day mak-
No doubt some issues will resonate more with you than others,
which is expected. What I challenge you to do is identify issues
of greatest importance to you and
take action. More simply put, the
questions I am asking of you
and all NYS CEC Members are:
What are you going to do? What
role(s) are you going to choose
to play? In this report I present
a few of the many current key
issues and legislative initiatives
being put forth and offer a way
for you to voice your positions.
As you contemplate your efforts
and roles, you may find it helpful to read the most recent eight
CEC Briefs ( that
delineate CEC positions.
IDEA Full Funding
Congressmen Van Hollen (DMD), McKinley (R-WV), Walz (D-MN), Gibson (R-NY), Huffman
(D-CA) and Reichert (R-WA) have introduced important bi-partisan
supported legislation that would honor Congress’s commitment to
fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and
help address the fiscal crisis in schools across the country. Nearly 40
years ago, when IDEA was originally passed, the Federal government
pledged to pay 40% of the “excess cost” of educating a student with
a disability, what is referred to as “full funding”. Unfortunately, in FY
2014, the Federal share was only 15.8%, leaving states and school
districts to pay the balance. The IDEA Full Funding Act (H.R. 4136)
puts IDEA on a solid and sustainable path to full funding. As budget cuts continue to negatively impact our schools and students, your
voice is needed now more than ever. I encourage you to read the CEC
Brief entitled Investing in Special & Gifted Education: Impacting 10
Million Children and Families as it provides strong factually based
rationales you can share with your Congressmen.
(NCLB). It's critical that lawmakers understand the importance of
ensuring that students with exceptionalities are held to high expectations and the educators who work on their behalf have access to highquality professional development and other resources that support
student achievement. You can join CEC advocacy efforts by calling
on Congress to improve ESEA for students with exceptionalities and
special/gifted education professionals. The House-passed reauthorization version of ESEA, which CEC opposes, is entitled Student SucOn a related note, at the June CEC National Legislative Conference cess Act (H.R. 5). In short, it weakens accountability measures for
Congressman Chris Gibson from the 19th Congressional District in students with disabilities, reduces caps, and eliminates funding for edNew York, along with several other Congressmen and Senators, were ucation programs serving students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
honored as Champions for Children with Exceptionalities. I had the The Senate version, passed by committee and not yet brought to the
good fortune of introducing and acknowledging Congressman Gib- full Senate, is entitled Strengthening America’s Schools Act (S. 1094).
son’s efforts as an IDEA Full Funding Champion. I encourage CEC CEC supports the S. 1094 with some reservations. The Senate bill fomembers living in the New York’s 19th district to reach out to Con- cuses on early learning, high expectations for students with disabilities
gressman Gibson and thank him for introducing and co-sponsoring in the accountability system and allows coordinated early intervention
The IDEA Full Funding Act (H.R. 4136). Likewise, CEC members services to be a jointly supported effort between general and special
outside the 19th district are encouraged to make contact with their education. The concerns include punitive turnaround models and an
Representatives and ask them to co-sponsor the bill. One way to urge overemphasis on teacher evaluation systems. Details on CEC posiyour House Representative to support and co-sponsor the IDEA Full tions, including specific pros and cons of the House and Senate bills,
Funding Act is to go to the CEC Take Action website (http://capwiz. are presented in the CEC Brief entitled: Promoting Access & Achievecom/cek/home/) and send an email. The website includes a draft email ment for Children and Youth with Exceptionalities in PK-12 Educaletter you can personalize and easily send to your U.S. House Repre- tion. As with the IDEA Full Funding Act, CEC’s Take Action website
( offers draft letters on the ESEA bills
you can personalize and
send to our U.S. Senators
~ NY Congressman Chris Gibson: CEC IDEA Full Funding Champion ~
and your U.S. House Representative. The process is
simple and will take only
a few minutes.
U.S. Department of
Education's ResultsDriven Accountability Initiative
The U.S. Department
of Education (USED) is
changing the evaluation
system based on their
Education Results-Driven
Accountability Initiative
(RDA) that will be used
in 2015. The new system
will be an integration of
compliance (in the traditional sense) and outcomes. According to the
Michael Yudin, Acting
NY CAN Coordinator Kevin Miller, Congressman Chris Gibson, CEC President Robin D. Brewer
Assistant Secretary for the
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services said, “RDA is about using the accountability framework to provide states with incentives and support
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
to implement evidence-based strategies to improve results and outCongress is now in the process of rewriting the Elementary and Sec- comes for students with disabilities.”
ondary Education Act (ESEA) -- also known as No Child Left Behind
In many ways this initiative reflects a natural progression, though it is
not without controversy. When passed in 1975, P.L. 94-142 guaranteed a free appropriate public education to each child with a disability.
Since its passage, reporting measures have focused solely on compliance to ensure efforts were made to improve access to education for
children with disabilities. For the first time in IDEA’s nearly 40-year
history, the USED has included the performance of students with disabilities on state and NAEP assessments as part of determining how
states are implementing IDEA. CEC supports the movement to including both compliance measures and outcomes as a means for taking a closer look at how students with disabilities are faring. Looking
ahead, CEC cautions that it is important policy makers and others use
these data wisely, recognizing the overall story it conveys.
IDEA also requires the USED to make annual decisions for states in
four categories: meet requirements, need assistance, need intervention, or need substantial intervention. Considered only compliance
data, this past year 41 states and territories were determined to meet requirements. Comparably, when
the Department included data on how students
actually performed, only 18 states and territories meet requirements. New York
State fell into the needs assistance category in both, the current adherence to
compliance and new Results-Driven
Accountability rating systems.
ment an improvement plan. If identified as low performing for three
consecutive years, the program would lose ability to provide TEACH
Grants (financial assistant for future teachers in high-need areas, such
as special education). Finally, if a program were to be identified as
low-performing for four consecutive years, it would close. The teacher preparation provisions (Title II) can be found on p. 85-209. The
disability provisions are on p. 596-659 (Title IX). Chairman Harkin’s
office created the email - - for interested stakeholder to submit comments and feedback. The deadline for
submissions is August 29, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. EDT.
While CEC supports many provisions in the bill, concerns remain
with some elements of the “discussion draft”. For a full explanation
of CEC position and CEC’s submitted response visit the CEC Policy
Insider Blog ( The joint CEC Teacher Education Division (TED)
and Higher Education Consortium on Special Education (HECSE)
response can be found at
Disproportionality Feedback Requested
... the USED
The U.S. Department of Education is seeking feedhas included the
back regarding significant disproportionality based
on race and ethnicity in special education. CEC
performance of students
be responding to this “request for informawith disabilities on state and will
tion” and is requesting your feedback to help inNAEP assessments as part form the response. Specifically, the Department
To learn more about the Results-Driven Accountability Initiative visit the
is looking for feedback related to significant disof determining how
CEC Website at http://www.cec.sped.
on race and ethnicity in the
states are implementing (a) identification ofbased
org/ and the U.S Department of Educachildren as children with disabiliIDEA.
tion Website at
ties, including identification by disability category; (b)
Higher Education Affordability Act - Higher Education Act
On June 25, Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA), chair of the Senate Committee
on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) released a discussion draft for the upcoming reauthorization of the Higher Education
Act. The Higher Education Affordability Act (HEAA) proposal focuses on four main goals: increasing college affordability, helping
struggling borrowers, strengthening accountability, and improving
transparency. Details on HEAA and the HEAA Discussion Draft Language document itself are available in the Newsroom section of the
US Senate HELP Committee website (
Among the 785 pages of the draft are sweeping changes to how teacher preparation programs would be held accountable, including new
provisions for both teacher preparation and access to higher education
for students with disabilities. Some key new proposed provisions
for teacher preparation include: a revised Educator Quality Preparation Grants (with a focus on preparing high need teachers including
special education); a new competitive state grant program (similar to
the proposal being discussed within the U.S. Department of Education) which would require states to rate all preparation programs on a
1-4 scale based on how their program graduates impact K-12 student
achievement, how happy their employers are with their performance,
and if they stay in the classroom for three years, as well as on other
revised Title II data collection elements. If a program was deemed
low performing for the first year, it would have to develop and imple-
placement of children with disabilities in particular educational settings; and (c) the incidence, duration, and type of
disciplinary action taken with respect to children with disabilities.
They also are seeking feedback related to ensuring funds reserved for
comprehensive, coordinated early intervening services under Part B of
the IDEA are used to effectively address significant disproportionality.
To read the Department’s Request for Information go to http://www. Please submit your comments by Wednesday, July 16 to Kim Hymes (kimh@
Final Thoughts
While it remains unclear exactly how much will be accomplished this
legislative session, especially given this is an election year, our advocacy action is still needed. In talking with members of Congress
and their legislative assistants it was made clear, our voices, or lack
thereof, does make a difference. Members of Congress depend on
their staff to be as knowledgeable as possible about most of the details
in every area Congress addresses. The fact is most of you know far
more than most members of Congress and their staff about special
education and the authentic implications of policy decisions. I encourage you to engage your voice on behalf of the children and youth with
disabilities, their families, and those that work with them. If you have
any questions, comments please feel free to contact me at millerkj@
2014 NYS CEC Conference
- Nov
1st 2014
The voiceOctober
and vision
Join NYS CEC for our annual
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To book a room, there are two
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$130 Member
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block code “CEC”
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Please go online to register at our website:
gormlese@buffaInformation on using purchase ordersE-mails:
is available
on the website.
All Eyes Misty at the
2014 Student Leadership Conference
By: Jennifer Rice
The Student Leadership Conference, held from June 6th to 8th, enjoyed especially beautiful weather this year on the bustling campus of Buffalo State. Students from all across New York State joined together to discuss the latest developments in special education, including presentations and demonstrations on
instructional strategies and educational technologies from experts in the field.
Notable sessions were led by Drs. Krista Vince Garland and Dennis Garland
who introduced participants to the computer-simulated, immersive, mixedreality classroom of TeachLivE™. Much like a flight simulator for pilots,
TeachLivE™ simulates a classroom experience for teachers to hone their
skills. “It was like I was transported. I felt like I was in a real classroom with
real students,” one participant later reflected. Timothy Zgliczynski’s presentation entitled, “Promoting Engagement for Students with Disabilities Using the
Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures” also garnered significant praise from
the attendees who described the session as “eye opening.”
As any educator can attest, playing hard can be just as important as working
hard. On the second night of the conference, students enjoyed a trip on the
world famous Maid of the Mist Boat Tour which took the group up close and
personal with the magnificent Niagara Falls. Drenched and smiling, the group
then made their way to the Hard Rock Café where they feasted on dinner and
dessert and further networked with their peers in a relaxed setting.
Equipped with new tools, resources, colleagues, and (of course) raffle prizes,
students left this year’s Student Leadership Conference more prepared to face
today’s challenges in education than they had been when they arrived. The Student Association was thrilled to have learned alongside the attendees and hope
to see them again at next year’s conference, the date and location of which
will be announced at the State Conference on October 31st in Syracuse. As the
incoming President, Jonathan Pollino is excited to lead another successful year
of networking, fundraising, and learning.
2014 Nomination Application
The New York Federation for the Council for Exceptional Children, along with the International Council
for Exceptional Children, is a community of professionals who are the voice and vision of special and
gifted education. Our missions are to improve, through
excellence and advocacy, the education and quality of
life for children and youth with exceptionalities and to
enhance the engagement of their families.
The Yes I Can! Awards honor students with disabilities
who excel. These awards celebrate the achievements
of children, youth, and adolescence with disabilities;
encourage these individuals to seek their highest potential; and increase public awareness of the abilities,
aspirations, and personal qualities of those with disabilities. Each candidate must be nominated by one individual (e.g., teacher, principal, related service provider,
friend, parent). The nominator does not need to be a
CEC member.
be held, provided they live more than 100
miles from the conference venue;
receive an award plaque with inscription;
have the nomination forwarded to National
CEC for the National Yes I Can! Awards; and
be featured on the NYSCEC Website: www.
Each individual nominated for a Yes I Can! Award will
receive a Certificate of Accomplishment. Certificates
are sent to the nominator, not the nominee. Braille and
large-print certificates are available (see Section B of
the nomination form).
Eligibility Requirements
Candidates must be 5–21 years of age when they are
nominated. The nominee must have an identified disability. Each candidate may be nominated in only one
The Yes I Can! Awards Review Committee will select a Award Selection Considerations
winner in one of the following categories:
The Selection Committee looks at not only the student’s achievements but also the severity of the stu
dent’s disability in relation to his or her achievements.
In the event of a tie, additional weight will be given to
the nominee from a CEC member or unit.
School and Community Activities
Rules and Instructions for Nomination
Each candidate may be nominated in one category only.
Nominations must be submitted in hard copy. All materials submitted become the property of CEC and will
Award Benefits
not be returned. All nomination materials (including
The Yes I Can! Award winner will:
supporting documentation) must be submitted together.
be invited to attend a special awards ceremo
ny and celebration at the NYSCEC Conference For more information on how to submit a nomination,
on 11/1/2014;
please go to the NYS CEC website:
receive one-night accommodations at the
NYSCEC Annual Conference and Expo on
10/31/2014, where the awards ceremony will
2014 -2015
All chapters including student chapters must update their officer information on an annual basis. CEC policy requires that all unit
officers be members of CEC in good standing.
Reimbursement checks will be issued in the name of the chapter and mailed to the treasure. The form below should be mailed yearly to
the NYS CEC Membership chair. If not received by April 1st 2015, reimbursement checks will not be issued.
Chapter Name: ________________________________________________
Submission Deadline
Check one:
Student chapter
Chapter #__________
Professional chapter
Chapter #__________
President ________________________________________________
CEC ID# _______________________________________________
Street __________________________________________________
Apt# ___________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________________
State ___________________________________________________
Zip ____________________________________________________
Phone ( ) _______________________________________________
Email __________________________________________________
President-elect ___________________________________________
CEC ID# _______________________________________________
Street __________________________________________________
Apt# ___________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________________
State ___________________________________________________
Zip ____________________________________________________
Phone ( )_______________________________________________
Email __________________________________________________
Treasurer _______________________________________________
CEC ID# _______________________________________________
Street __________________________________________________
Apt# ___________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________________
State ___________________________________________________
Zip ____________________________________________________
Phone ( )_______________________________________________
Email __________________________________________________
April 1st 2015
Membership Chair _________________________________________
CEC ID# ________________________________________________
Street ___________________________________________________
Apt# ____________________________________________________
City _____________________________________________________
State ____________________________________________________
Zip _____________________________________________________
Phone ( )________________________________________________
Email ___________________________________________________
Secretary ________________________________________________
CEC ID# ________________________________________________
Street ___________________________________________________
Apt# ____________________________________________________
City _____________________________________________________
State ____________________________________________________
Zip _____________________________________________________
Phone ( )________________________________________________
Email ___________________________________________________
Faculty Advisor*___________________________________________
CEC ID# ________________________________________________
Street ___________________________________________________
Apt# ____________________________________________________
City _____________________________________________________
State ____________________________________________________
Zip _____________________________________________________
Phone ( ) ________________________________________________
Email ___________________________________________________
(student chapters MUST have a faculty advisor)
As reminder, all chapter rebates are due at the end of each fiscal year. As you begin your new fiscal year on July 1, 2014, use this form
to record all chapter activities keep so you can submit your Chapter Rebate form next April 2015.
Rebate Checks
The List of Officers is due by April 1, 2015
• Term of office for all officers is July 1 – June 30th
• A list of chapter activities for the previous year must be included with the date of activities
and members who attended. (at least four chapter activities must be listed to receive a rebate)
• Rebates are based on the number of members registered with National as of 12/31
• Rebates are issued once a year in late June. If you do not receive a rebate check by 8/1, please
contact the membership chair.
• Send this completed form to the current membership chair (see list of officers on the NYS CEC
web site –
• Associate members cannot serve as officers
Send completed form to:
Sharon Raimondi
760 Lawrence Avenue
East Aurora, NY 14052
Chapter Activities:
(at least four chapter activities must be listed to receive a rebate)
Who’s Who (and Where) at
Exceptional Individuals
Exceptional Individuals is a journal designed specifically for New York State
Council for Exceptional Children (NYS
CEC) members. The purpose of this journal is to serve as a communication vehicle
to all NYS CEC members by providing articles and resources as well as information on
the activities of various NYS CEC Chapters
and divisions.
We encourage individuals to submit material, especially articles for publication.
The editors of Exceptional Individuals have an open submissions policy and
field submissions on a wide variety of
practical issues confronting special education teachers, administrators, and parents of children with disabilities. We
encourage submissions that include multiple authors representing the diversity of
professional roles within the field. We seek
to publish original work that describes: action research; research with an applied focus; specific instructional and management
interventions; works that help us understand
under-represented points of view (i.e., those
of children, youth, families) concerning
children’s exceptionality, schooling, or special education; issues in reform of service
delivery, curriculum, and roles; strategies for fostering and/or improving special education professional development;
information pertaining to state and federal legislation, rules, and regulations;
and issues related to the effectiveness of
special education or specific practices.
Dr. Sharon Matthews
College of Saint Rose
Dr. Kristie Asaro-Saddler
University at Albany
Authors are encouraged to be mindful that
the purpose of a professional journal is not
to publish all manuscripts having merit but
to select those having the greatest merit given the aims and scope of the journal within
the limitations of available space.
If you have any questions about the appropriateness of your work for Exceptional Individuals, please contact the co-editors.
Exceptional Individuals is the sole publication of the New
York State Council for Exceptional Children.
Reach a larger audience ...
It is read by over 3000 educators, administrators, state education officials, faculty, students, and parents across New York State.
Please consider advertising in Exceptional Individuals one time
or over an entire year. Issues are published four times per year:
Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer.
*Please contact Kristie Asaro-Saddler or Sharon Matthews, co-editors, at ksaddler@ or if you would like to advertise in Exceptional
(per single issue) (with 4 issue Commitment)
1/4 page
1/2 page
7” w x 5” h
Full page
3-1/2” w x 5” h
7” w x 10” h
New York State Federation of Chapters of
the Council for Exceptional Children
Sharon Matthews, Ed.D
The College of Saint Rose
432 Western Avenue
Albany, NY 12203
Lisa Rafferty
(accepting self-nominations of NYS
CEC members who are a division
member to join us on the board)
CAN Coordinator
Kevin Miller
Membership Chair
Dennis Garland Student CEC President
Jennifer Rice
Student CEC Advisor
Mike Kelly - 2008
Dee Berlinghoff - 2010
provided with NYS CEC membership. An application for membership can be obtained from a regional representative or from the CEC
Copies of EXCEPTIONAL INDIVIDUALS are generally abstracted
in Resources in Education and Exceptional Children Service. Items for
publication are due to the editor by
April 15 for Spring, June 15 for Summer, October 15 for Fall, and January
15 for Winter.