Vision Statement We are a welcoming family of Christians – committed to renewing our witness to our Lord, Jesus Christ through prayer, hope, healing and service. November Pastor Rev. Nancy A. Nardi Music Minister Sharon Pugliese Church Council President Ed Chin Vice President Art Delmotte Secretary Edna Pilch Financial Secretary Sandy Check Treasurer Karen Astrom Council Members Joe Loglisci Claudia McCrea Scott Paul Pirkko Pattanayak Janette Rosario Norman Schweitzer Dot Torre Ann Marie Woznica Newsletter Staff Kathy Antonitis The people of Messiah Messiah Lutheran Church, ELCA 3091 Bordentown Ave. Parlin NJ 08859 Church Office (732) 721-8493 Parsonage (908) 769-7366 Pastor’s Message Dear friends, It seems interesting that All Saints’ Sunday and Thanksgiving fall within the same month. All Saints’ Sunday is a time that we say “Thank You” to God for those who gave so much of themselves to us as family members and friends. Now, they have taken their place with all the saints that have gone before us. It wouldn’t be a surprise if many of us turn to those old photo albums or family movies to recapture those past memories of times spent in our loved ones’ presence, along with telling those old, old stories that still make us laugh, cry and long for their presence again in the life to come. God knows how much a picture can say a thousand words like those old photo albums. But the pictures He shares with us are of times to come where all will be gathered in His presence and the pain, suffering and death of this world will finally pass away. Those pictures or photos in God’s album known as the Holy Bible, are similar to some of the pictures or moments we experience on a daily basis. For instance, we probably all know what it is like to be a little kid that has been hurt for some reason and that kid runs to Mom or Dad, 2014 jumps on their lap, only to have Mom or Dad wipe the tears away. The reason for crying is soon forgotten in the presence of the love and care of Mom or Dad. Also, how many of us have been to the airport to witness the homecoming of others. I have witnessed more than my share of those wonderful moments where a child runs to their mother, father, grandmother, or grandfather after time and distance has kept them away from each other. The child screams, cries and jumps into the arms of that waiting parent or grandparent who also is crying with such immense joy after not holding that child in their arms for so long. Also, the long lost lovers who reunite or the service men or women who come home after a tour of duty to a throng of supporters and family members filled with such gratitude to the Lord for being able to see their son or daughter return home safely, knowing that other families would not be as lucky to partake of this same homecoming for their loved one. It’s also interesting to note that with all homecomings, a meal is usually not too far behind. Around the table, we give thanks for the safe return of our loved ones and then the sharing of stories ensues and the table explodes with laughter and tears of memories past and present. It’s nice to know that all the chairs are full. (continued on page 5) Messiah’s Voice Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study Join us in the large fellowship room at 9:00 a.m. as we engage in a Spiritled current events discussion. This informal Bible study addresses today’s topics with Biblical beliefs. Grab a cup of coffee and join the conversation! All Saints’ Sunday, November 2nd All Saints’ Day is celebrated on November 1 each year. It affords Christians the opportunity to remember those who have faithfully served Christ in special, often sacrificial, ways. Many of these special people suffered martyrdom for their dedication to Christ our Lord. Therefore, on All Saints’ Day we take time to express our gratitude to God for those devoted and devout souls who have set worthy examples for us. If you would like a loved one remembered on All Saints’ Sunday, please write their name on the sign-up sheet near the main doors. NEW MEMBERS We will be receiving new members on November 2nd. If you are interested in joining our congregation, please see Pastor Nancy. Congregational Meeting Sunday, November 23 Our annual Congregational Meeting will be held on November 23 following the worship service. Please make every effort to attend as important items of business will be discussed, including: Committee & Financial Reports Election of Council Members Council Members: Please get your reports to the church office by Sunday, November 16 for copying and collating. Thank you! Thursday Morning Bible Study November 6 and 20 at 10:15 a.m. Bible Study will be held at 10:15 a.m. on Thursday mornings November 6th and 20th. We are continuing our journey through the book of Luke. Please join us for study and fellowship. Page 2 COMING EVENTS Coffee Hour Weekly Following Worship * Sign-Up if attending these events November 1 All Saints’ Day Tricky Tray Set-up & Basket Drop-off 4 - 6 p.m. Daylight-Saving Time ends tomorrow!! November 2 All Saints Sunday Reception of New Members Tricky Tray Coffee Hour Confirmation Class 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Christmas Play Rehearsal November 6 Bible Study November 9 Christmas Play Rehearsal Fall Clean-Up November 11 Veterans Day November 14-16 Among the Wolves Confirmation Retreat November 16 Choir Rehearsal Christmas Play Rehearsal November 17 Semi-Annual Meeting with Groups 6:30 p.m. Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. December Newsletter Deadline November 20 Bible Study November 23 Christ the King Sunday Thanksgiving Service Congregation Meeting & Election Christmas Play Rehearsal November 27 Thanksgiving Day November 30 First Sunday of Advent Christmas Play Rehearsal Hymn Selection Advent Family Night Join us on Sunday, November 24 as we give thanks for all that God has graciously provided to us. Please bring canned goods for our food pantry as you are able. Advent Family Night Sunday, November 30th at 5:00 p.m. All members and friends of Messiah are invited to share in this enjoyable event as we celebrate the Advent season! A pot-luck dinner will begin at 5:00 p.m. Following dinner, we will be making Christmas crafts, singing holiday songs and playing trivia games. Sign-up and join us for some fun and fellowship! Messiah’s Voice Page 3 Group & Committee Updates SPECIAL TRICKY TRAY COFFEE HOUR Sunday, November 2 On Sunday, November 2 we will be holding our Fall Tricky Tray coffee hour. Again this year - due to limited storage space - we are asking you to bring your baskets and gifts on: Saturday, November 1 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. or Sunday, November 2nd before 9:00 a.m. If you have some time to spare on Saturday, we are looking for volunteers to help us set-up between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. Bring a friend or two with you to church on November 2nd and show them what Messiah is all about while helping us raise money for our roof repairs. With many helping hands and God's blessing this will be a fun and enjoyable event. Remember to bring some return address labels with you to stick on the back of your tickets to save you some time! Make Faith Your Focus This Thanksgiving! This year let the children say GRACE for Thanksgiving Dinner. Encourage them to speak from the heart and thank God for what he has done for them during the past year. They can even sing it! Or perhaps you can teach them one of your childhood favorites, such as: Thank you for the world so sweet, Thank you for the food we eat, Thank you for the birds that sing, Thank you, God, for everything! Amen. Attention All Groups Using Our Building! The next semi-annual group meeting will be held on Monday, November 17th from 6:30 - 7:00 pm. A representative from each group must attend. Groups who do not participate in this meeting will no longer be able to use Messiah to meet. Representatives from Messiah's Church Council will be in attendance. We will update group contact information, confirm meeting schedules and review building use and clean-up procedures. Worship and Music News Choir rehearsal will be held on Sunday November 16th at 11:00 a.m. We are practicing for Advent and Christmas Eve. If you like to sing please join us! Hymn Selection will be held on November 30th following worship. Please join us if you are able - we are always looking for new members and new ideas for our worship services. Four Council Members Needed! Are you interested in becoming more involved in the life of our congregation? If so, please consider filling one of the seats on our Church Council that will be open this year. Elections will be held at our November 23rd Congregational Meeting. If you are interested in serving your congregation as a Council member, please see Ed Chin. Thank you! FALL CLEAN-UP Sunday, November 9 after worship All members and friends: Please come out to help us clean-up and beautify our grounds! Bring Your Own Rake HEALTH OF THE CONGREGATION September 2013 total adult attendance: 175 September 2013 average attendance: 44 September 2013 Income: $7,364 September 2014 total adult attendance: 163 September 2014 average attendance: 41 September 2014 Income: $7,179 Our 2014 Budget: Budget through 9/30/14: Income through 9/30/14: Shortfall of budget: $111,025 $ 83,269 $ 66,031 $ -17,238 Messiah’s Voice Page 4 Helping Hands November Needs All types of soups Tomato Sauce Pasta Tuna Vegetables - mixed, corn, peas, carrots, potatoes and green beans A gentle reminder - please do not donate anything you would not serve to your family. NO outdated food, rusty or bulging cans, please! Thank you! Roof Replacement Fund A campaign has been started to pay off our $35,991 loan associated with our roof replacement. You may make a donation using an offering envelope found in the back of the church, or put your loose change in the wooden church building on the table in the hall. Watch the thermometer rise on the poster as donations are received. Through September 30th, $15,819.13 has been raised toward our goal - this amount includes insurance payments, money we received from other churches as Sandy relief and donations from our members and friends. Please help as you are able! TURKEY DONATIONS Our brand-new freezer is ready and waiting for the “birds”. If you can donate an extra turkey, oven stuffer, or lasagna we would appreciate your donation. During November we also ask that if you are able you bring in food items to help us make Thanksgiving baskets for needy families. Through the generosity of the people of Messiah we usually have extra turkeys to provide to those in need. At a time when the needs are becoming greater, won’t you consider donating an extra turkey that you may receive? Thank you! Messiah’s Thank You Column Thank you to Pastor Nancy, Janette Rosario, Confirmation class, and all others who helped organize the Blessing of Pets on October 4. Because it was raining cats and dogs outside, we brought the cats and dogs inside, and all were very happy to get their special blessing and treats. Their owners had a great time, too! Thank you to all who made baskets or donated other valuable gifts for the Tricky Tray. Thank you to our beloved Pastor Nancy, for all the hard work she does for our church throughout the year. Thank you to the children who gave her an "appreciation cheer" for leading God's team. Thank you to Ann Surina for getting the lovely cake, and the candy for Mr. Mike Nardi, who also deserves our appreciation for all his contributions! Thank you to all who made delicious food for the Octoberfest pot luck luncheon, and for those who worked so hard to put it together. Thank you to all the people who pray for us or work behind the scenes to keep Messiah running. Messiah wouldn’t be the great family it is without YOU! Finally, thank you to anyone we may have forgotten- you know who you are and we appreciate all your help 35 or 40 Gallon Heavy Duty Trash Bags Paper Towels & Toilet Paper Small Paper Plates We are Collecting Tea Tags, Box Tops for Education, Campbell Soup Labels, Aluminum and scrap metal, Soda Tabs, Yoplait Yogurt Lids and other General Mills “Save Lids to Save Lives” products. Messiah’s Voice Pastor’s Message (Continued from page 1) So it is with God’s table. He is the waiting and expectant father whose heart has longed for His children’s homecoming. The table has been set since the beginning of time and the chairs are still filling up with those saints who have completed their hard and long journey on earth. God continues to wait. The saints continue to wait. The waiting will not be over, the table will not be filled, and the eternal celebration will not take place until…. WE ARE THERE! THANKS BE TO GOD! Page 5 + Christian Symbol + Circle The circle is a symbol for God, as well as for eternity, due to its lack of a beginning or an end. It also reminds us of how the church year (not unlike the secular calendar) flows from season to season and moves smoothly from Christ the Circle King Sunday (the culmination of the liturgical calendar) to the First Sunday of Advent (a new beginning). Indeed, the One who rules all is the same One whose first and final comings we anticipate anew during Advent. On Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 2 a.m. (or the night before) turn your clocks back as daylight saving time ends. If you don’t, you’ll be very early for church! Congratulations to the Pattanayak Family on their recent additions! Amanda & Jan Pattanayak of Asheville, N.C. welcomed their son, Oliver Finn Patrick on April 14, 2014. Oliver’s happy siblings - Maya, age 5 and Lucas, age 4 Ari & Christine Pattanayak of London, England welcomed their son, who will be named soon on September 15, 2014. (Tradition gives the couple 6 weeks to agree on a name) Congratulations to the happy parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles! Pastoral Care of the Sick Arrangements for communion visits to the sick in hospitals, rehab centers, nursing homes, or private homes can be made by calling the church office at 732-721-8493. Please notify the church office when admitted or transferred to a hospital, rehab center, or nursing home. Pastors and Churches are NOT notified of transfers by institutions or social workers due to federal HIPPA privacy laws. The Altar Guild Needs Help! The Altar Guild is a subcommittee of the Worship and Music Committee and is responsible for preparing the altar and church for each worship service. At Messiah, we share the sacrament of Holy Communion every Sunday as well as during special services through the church year. The Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the communion vessels for the service; changing the linens, paraments and banners; ensuring the candles are filled with oil; and assuring appropriate flowers are on the altar. We open up the church and make sure everything is ready for our service. After service, the Altar Guild cleans and puts everything away until it is time to prepare for the next service. Preparations for weddings, funerals, and baptisms are also the responsibility of the Altar Guild. Currently this job is being done by two or three volunteers. This is a perfect job for members who bring their children to Sunday School and stay for service - you can put your time to good use and help set up the altar from 9:00 to 9:15 a.m. If you are willing to help, please see Carolyn Bundschuh, Betty O’Leary or Kathy Antonitis. Messiah’s Voice Page 6 Messiah’s Youth Sunday School Corner Confirmation Class - November Sunday, November 2 Confirmation Class 11:00 - 1:00 Friday - Sunday November 14-16 Among the Wolves Retreat at Harvey Cedars - Mandatory Every Sunday In November Christmas Play Practice Reminder: Attendance at Sunday School and regular participation in Sunday worship is required. Please check the Altar Server schedule and be prepared to serve. Thanksgiving Word Search S S P E S G A R E G Y T V Q L D G M R N V P N R G T A B W I P I N I A R F A M I L Y M O W M I V I A I T K J G O D I S T BLESSINGS FAMILY FEAST FRIENDS GATHERING GIVING GOD GRATITUDE HARVEST JESUS PARADE S I H Y S I S F E Y E D G S G G T E S T S E E S G D N E N N Q R U U R A E R U T A V X W I S X D F S O U L S R R P L J R N E Q T F M W M B A A U O P A F J X V M I G U H D P M N K H J W N L N Q N O X I U P L J S S D N E I R F G D T T K E I Q PIE PRAISE PRAYERS PUMPKIN SHARING STUFFING THANKFUL TRADITION TURKEY WORSHIP YAMS G N I R E H T A G I W I C M D T H A N K F U L K O P N X T T Y E K R U T Q J B N A C R O I Congratulations to all our children who received their Bibles on Reformation Sunday. Many of us brought our pets to the Blessing of the Animals. Pastor Nancy blessed many of God’s furry friends who are dear to our hearts. Thank you to our young adults who have been confirmed and are helping with Sunday School. Please remember to check the acolyte/crucifer schedule. If you can’t be there on your schedule day, please make arrangements for a substitute. Also, Sunday School starts at 9 a.m. We will be starting play practice on the November 2nd after church service from 11a.m.-12p.m. The play will be presented on December 21st, so mark your calendars. Thanking you in advance for taking time out of your busy lives, so your child/ren can attend play practice. Christmas Play Practice Schedule Every Sunday 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. November 2nd - Parts to be handed out & title of the play chosen. November 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th December 7th - Costumes to be distributed during Sunday School December 14th - Last practice December 21st Presentation of the Play Bible Sunday Congratulations to our Sunday School students who received their bibles on October 26th: Adriana Diane Barth Charles Baxter Catherine Marie Chin Jake Matthew Gervase Julie Isabelle Gervase Angeleah Lepre Kaitlin Anne Loglisci Nina Ricci Melendez Aiden Jace Miller Santino M. Whitaker Rebekkah Anne Elyzabeth Zeh The presentation of bibles to our students is one of the faith milestones celebrated at Messiah. The other milestones are Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation. Messiah’s Voice Page 7 A collection of inspiring thoughts, gathered by our members For all the saints Let there be this difference between the servants of Christ and the worshipers of idols, that the latter weep for their friends, whom they suppose to have perished forever .... But from us, for whom death is the end not of our nature but of this life only, since our nature itself is restored to a better state, let the advent of death wipe away all tears. —St. Ambrose (A.D. 340-397) Something’s fishy On her blog “Tales of Wonder,” Marlo Schalesky writes about the short-lived goldfish her family has accumulated over the years. When her daughter brought two more home, Schalesky tried to lower her expectations: “Fish like this don’t live that long.” Yet those particular fish thrived — one lived five years! Schalesky figured their well water must have been purer than the city water their previous pets inhabited. People are like fish that way, Schalesky suggests: What surrounds us has power over us. Constantly “swimming” in negativity and impure thoughts hinders our growth and wellbeing. Yet if we seek Christ-like surroundings, we’ll thrive spiritually. “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things” (Philippians 4:8, NIV). Election year advice In 1774, John Wesley, co-founder of the Methodist Church, offered this advice to people who’d be voting: Vote, without fee or reward, for the person you judge most worthy. Speak no evil of the person you vote against. Take care your spirits aren’t sharpened against those who voted on the other side. Give thanks always Full many a blessing wears the guise of worry or of trouble; Far-seeing is the soul, and wise, who knows the mask is double. But he who has the faith and strength to thank his God for sorrow Has found a joy without alloy to gladden every morrow. —Ella Wheeler Wilcox At home with us When a young man in our community lost a battle with cancer, his death hit close to home. His daughters are in the same grades at the same school as my sons. Years back, when our youngest were in preschool, my husband and I had pondered with this man and his wife how we’d be attending all the same functions for the next 12 years. Little did we know he wouldn’t be with us that long. When troubles hit “close to home” — either directly or indirectly — what a relief that God is home with us. “See, the home of God is among mortals. ... [and] he will wipe every tear from their eyes” (Revelation 21:3-4, NRSV). When pain hits us right where we live, we aren’t alone. Through Jesus, God makes himself at home with us, even in our struggles. And in time, he renews our joy. —Heidi Mann Gratitude’s gifts Gratitude gets us through the hard stuff. To reflect on your blessings is to rehearse God’s accomplishments. To rehearse God’s accomplishments is to discover his heart. To discover his heart is to discover not just good gifts but the Good Giver. Gratitude always leaves us looking at God and away from dread. It does to anxiety what the morning sun does to valley mist. It burns it up. —Max Lucado, You’ll Get Through This Messiah’s Voice Page 8 November Birthdays 6 Samantha E. Buono 6 Janette Rosario 9 Adrianna Barth 17 Priscilla Christudass 24 Michael Astrom 29 Bambi Brewer Anniversaries 7 20 Erik & Charlene Juenemann Joe & Stephanie Loglisci COFFEE HOUR HOSTS November 2 Help Needed November 9 Help Needed November 16 Help Needed November 23 Help Needed November 30 Help Needed Coffee Hour hosts are needed for December. If you have anything for the newsletter or page 7 please email: Articles for the next issue of Messiah’s Voice are due by November 19th or earlier if possible. Please look for the following sign -up sheets on the small bulletin board near the front door: All Saints Prayer List Advent Family Night Nursery Helpers And on the long bulletin board in the hall: Coffee Hour Sponsor Sign-Up PARTING WORDS “I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.” —Nelson Mandela Vision Statement: We are a welcoming family of Christians, committed to renewing our witness to our Lord, Jesus Christ through prayer, hope, healing and service. November Sun 2 9:00 am Sunday School 9:30 am Worship New Members Reception Confirmation Class Play Rehearsal Tricky Tray Coffee Hr. 9 9:00 am Sunday School 9:30 am Worship Mon 3 3091 Bordentown Avenue, Parlin, NJ 08859 Church 732-721-8493 Fax 732-721-4110 Parsonage 908-769-7366 Tue 4 Wed Thu 5 Fri 6 7 11 12 Tricky Tray Set-up 4 - 6 p.m. 8 14 13 Play Rehearsal Fall Clean-Up 16 9:00 am Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 23 9:00 am Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 17 Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 1st Sunday of Advent 18 19 20 Semi-Annual Group Meeting 6:30 p.m. 21 22 Bible Study 10:15 a.m. Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. 24 25 26 27 28 29 2 3 4 5 6 December Newsletter Deadline Thanksgiving Service Congregational Mtg. & Election Play Rehearsal 30 9:00 am 15 Among the Wolves Retreat Confirmation Retreat thru Sunday Play Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal Sat 1 Bible Study 10:15 a.m. 10 Page 9 Messiah Lutheran Church December 1 Play Rehearsal Hymn Selection Advent Family Night Communion Assistants Counters Greeter Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Kathy Antonitis Frank Roser, Jr. Ann Surina Karen Astrom Kathy Antonitis April Hicinbothem Alyssa McCloud Carmen Melendez Carolyn Bundschuh April Hicinbothem Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Mike Nardi Ann Surina April Chin Kathy Antonitis Mike Nardi Matt Gervase Ann Ligotino Betty O’Leary Claudia McCrea Matt Gervase Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Edna Pilch Janette Rosario Laura Simurda Ann Marie Woznica Kathy Antonitis Carolyn Bundschuh Ed Chin Pirkko Pattanayak Ann Marie Woznica Kathy Antonitis Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Ann Ligotino Ed Chin Kathy Antonitis Ann Marie Woznica Ann Ligotino Ann Surina April Hicinbothem Karen Astrom Art Delmotte Ann Surina Nov. 2 Ryan Cupo Nov. 9 Jason Moodey Nov. 16 Armando Melendez Nov. 23 Alexandra Barrera Nov. 30 Angelina Martinez Jessica Loglisci Frank Roser, Jr. Kathy Antonitis Edna Pilch Carmen Melendez Ann Surina Kathy Antonitis Carolyn Bundschuh April Hicinbothem Pirkko Pattanayak Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed If you are unable to serve on your assigned week, please find a replacement and let the office staff know by the Wednesday prior to your assigned Sunday. Thank you! Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Reader / Prayer Assistant Worship Asst. / Bread Baker Ushers Nursery 1 / Nursery 2 April Hicinbothem Carmen Melendez Pirkko Pattanayak Ann Surina Ann Marie Woznica Altar Servers Melyssa Mack Jenna Gervase Phillip Bassuk Madison Hicinbothem Jacqueline Dembowski Page 10 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:00 a.m. WORSHIP 9:30 a.m. Messiah’s Voice Special Events MESSIAH LUTHERAN CHURCH Coffee Hour Following Summer Worship November 1 Tricky Tray Set-up 4 - 6 p.m. November 2 Reception of New Members Tricky Tray Coffee Hour Confirmation Class 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Christmas Play Rehearsal November 6 Bible Study November 9 Christmas Play Rehearsal Fall Clean-Up November 14-16 Among the Wolves Confirmation Retreat November 16 Choir Rehearsal Christmas Play Rehearsal November 17 Semi-Annual Meeting w/Groups 6:30 p.m. Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. November 20 Bible Study November 23 Christ the King Sunday Thanksgiving Service Congregation Meeting & Election Christmas Play Rehearsal November 27 Thanksgiving Day November 30 First Sunday of Advent Christmas Play Rehearsal Hymn Selection Advent Family Night Reverend Nancy A. Nardi 3091 Bordentown Avenue Parlin, NJ 08859 732-721-8493 Address Correction Requested We are happy to send you our newsletter, but if you prefer we don’t, please contact us and we will remove your name from our mailing list. Visit us on the web
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