Lead Partner Media Partners Include "NNN is an extraordinary achievement. No other high powered international gathering opens so many new vistas onto life's riches beyond those things one already loves -- or has the sense of creating a new extended family...NNN is really a festival of the mind." Professor Simon May, Visiting Professor of Philosophy, King's College London PARTICIPATION FORM: Please note there may be a waiting list. Please select one of the options below and return with the booking form completed to kirsty@editorialintelligence.com Full Ticket (all inclusive) prices include the following: st Departure from London on Saturday 21 March 2015, group travel to and from rd Suffolk returning Monday 23 March 2015. All inclusive Suffolk accommodation, with hospitality and luggage concierge service. All inclusive attendance to all Suffolk sessions (see namesnotnumbers.com for full programme details). Invitations to on-going series of bespoke gatherings and private get-togethers for the NNN community, including the annual Names Not Numbers lecture in London, November 2014. Complimentary half day pass at NNN Autumn in Oxford Suffolk 3 Day pass prices include the following: st Attendance to all Suffolk day sessions from Saturday 21 March to Monday 23 March (see namesnotnumbers.com for full programme details). Invitation to one advance London Salon. rd Corporate Scholar Programme: This rate includes a unique opportunity for two talented individuals nominated by you to attend NNN Suffolk and be mentored in networks and networking for a year. Corporate Social Responsibility meets the new Social Health. Packages Available NNN Full Ticket Individual - £2,995 + VAT NNN Full Ticket "Clever Couple" - £5,350 + VAT NNN 3 Day Pass* - £1,800 + VAT NNN Corporate Scholar Programme - £5,000 + VAT * Includes all meals & all programme; * Excludes accommodation & Group travel to and from London. Full rates from 1st December 2014 ex VAT: £3,500, £6,000, £2,200 and £6,000 respectively. For details on NNN Oxford please contact Kirsty@editorialintelligence.com Booking Form: st Please sign and return the form with a holding deposit of 50% by 31 November. *All fields must be completed NAME: JOB TITLE AS YOU WISH TO BE DESCRIBED: ARE YOU AN eiCLUB MEMBER? YES / NO TICKET TYPE: COMPANY: MOBILE PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL: I confirm I have read and accept the terms and conditions overleaf and wish to confirm my booking: SIGNED: DATE: NNN 2015 Terms & Conditions: This booking form constitutes a legally binding agreement. We will send you a statement confirming payment and an invoice for the balance Please kindly sign and return one copy along with 50% of the total cost of the ticket to th secure your booking, the full balance is payable by 15 January 2015. All prices exclude V.A.T Booking forms to be sent to kirsty@editorialintelligence.com Data Protection: The personal information you provide will be held on a database by Editorial Intelligence Ltd. By registering for this symposium, Editorial Intelligence can provide you with information relating to your booking and other services via email, direct mail or telephone. You are requested to designate specifically as confidential any information you require us not to disclose, including your attendance at our symposium. NB You may be added to our client list which may be distributed and/or appear on our websites and company documentation. Payment details: We accept credit or debit card, bank transfers, cheque and Paypal payments. By Card: CARDHOLDER INFORMATION NAME ON CARD TYPE OF CARD DEBIT CREDIT CARD NUMBER START DATE IF APPLICABLE EXPIRATION DATE CVS NUMBER BILLING ADDRESS CITY PHONE COUNTY EMAIL POST CODE FAX NUMBER For any queries please contact Kirsty Hurrell at kirsty@editorialintelligence.com or call 020 7759 1850 By bank transfer: Editorial Intelligence Limited Sort Code 20-58-51 Account Number 40218146 By cheque Please kindly make the cheque payable to Editorial Intelligence Limited and mail it to the following address: Attn: Laura Musins Editorial Intelligence, West Wing, Somerset House, Strand, London, WC2R 1LA. By PayPal Please contact the office directly on 020 7759 1850 for instruction on this payment method. th Please note the full balance is due by the 15 January 2015. Cancellations: Although substitutions will be accepted if notified in writing at the latest one week prior to the event, non-arrivals will be liable for the full fee. If for some reason you need to cancel your place you must send written notification of the cancellation and then the following cancellation fees apply: i. Over 24 weeks notice of cancellation - No cancellation charge. ii. Between 24 and 16 weeks notice of cancellation - 10% of full charge. iii. Between 15 and 12 weeks notice of cancellation - 25% of full charge. iv. Between 11 and 8 weeks notice of cancellation - 50% of full charge. v. Between 7 and 4 weeks notice of cancellation - 75% of full charge. vi. Less than 4 weeks notice of cancellation - 100% of full charge Founded in 2009, Names Not Numbers (NNN) is a unique annual residential ideas festival. Over the course of an extended weekend, a hand-picked group of around 150 inspired and inspiring individuals from the worlds of business, science, media, culture, non-profit, technology and public life come together to discuss big ideas, share new thinking and make new connections in stylish seclusion. It’s an oasis away from the busy, hyperlinked worlds we usually inhabit, a chance to expand, process and refresh in the intimate and beautiful setting of the Suffolk Coast with over fifty hours of curated conversation, debates, workshops, polemics, performance, readings, screenings, walks, fine dining and even dancing for those still standing. NNN offers a fully personalised concierge experience, which starts from the moment you leave London and continues throughout the weekend to include accommodation, meals, courtesy cars and all activities. Luxury coaches provide gloriously stress-free travel with plenty of opportunity to relax and interact with fellow participants and speakers en route to Snape Maltings and Aldeburgh. Our ‘campus’ is the home of Benjamin Britten’s famous Aldeburgh Festival and NNN continues the ambitious tradition of eclectic programming and cultural highs but adds in politics, polemic and academic edge. “Convivial, thought provoking and fun” David Glick, Edge Investments The topic for NNN 2015 is, ‘What Sustains Us?’ and over the three days the programme will explore this question from a practical, political, business, philosophical and cultural perspective. New for 2015 we are delighted to announce the addition of a special two-day follow on event (28th – 29th September) in Autumn 2015 in association with key academic and cultural partners including Oxford Martin School, Mansfield College, University of Oxford, and Waddesdon Manor, home to the Rothschild Collection, in nearby Buckinghamshire. This additional initiative is intended to extend the depth and breadth of NNN and continue the conversations and connections begun over the festival weekend, throughout the course of the year. “It is a lovely event…very good idea to cross-pollinate in this way” Margaret Atwood “Consistently stimulating and absorbing” Ed Victor, Agent “What a Triumph! What an absolute pleasure…Thrilled and exhilarated to be there” Ben Eliot, Founder, Quintessentially David Aaronovitch, "Commentariat of the Year", Author and Broadcaster; Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Writer and Broadcaster; Armand d'Angour, Associate Professor, Classics, Jesus College Oxford and Cellist; Peter Bale, Digital Director, CNN; Jamie Byng, Founder, Canongate Books, and DJ; Caroline Daniel, Editor, FT Weekend; Esther Dyson, Tech Investor; Dominic Frisby, Author, ‘Story of Bitcoin’; Esther Freud, Novelist; Misha Glenny, Cyber Security and Organised Crime Expert; Professor Ian Goldin, Oxford Martin School, Oxford; Harvey Goldsmith CBE, Impresario and Producer; Daisy Goodwin, Novelist, Journalist and TV Producer; Ian Grojnowski, Department of Pure Maths, Cambridge University; Viv Groskop, Writer, Stand Up Comedienne, Broadcaster and Cultural Polymath; Liam Halligan, Business Commentator, Telegraph and Musician; Ben Hammersley, Digital Guru, Technologist; Margaret Heffernan, Entrepreneur and Author 'Wilful Blindness'; Julia Hobsbawm, Hon Visiting Prof, Cass Business School and UCS Suffolk; Dan Jones, Author, ‘Magna Carta’; Professor Steve Jones, University College London; Andrew Keen, Author, ‘The Internet is Not the Answer’; Baroness Helena Kennedy QC, Rector, Mansfield College, Oxford; Ravi Mattu, Technology, Media and Telecommunications News Editor, Financial Times; Julia Peyton Jones, Serpentine Gallery; Lord Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal; Philippe Sands QC, Barrister and Author; Professor Simon Schama, Historian, Writer, FT contributing Editor; Sir Anthony Seldon, Biographer, Writer and Polymath; Elif Shafak, Writer; Hans Ulrich Obrist, Curator, Serpentine Gallery; Simon Walker, CEO, Institute of Directors; Sarah Weir, Chief Executive, Waddesdon Manor, Rothschild Collections. For further details and regular updates on programme and speakers please visit www.namesnotnumbers.com
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