SHARE November 8 - 9, 2014 Welcome!

GROW in Grace in Groups
Choose the pathway for spiritual growth that best suits your needs. Bible studies, Sunday School classes,
and small groups meet throughout the week. Contact Teresa Rossy,, for more information.
Women's Advent Luncheon
Tuesday, December 2, 11:00 a.m., Fellowship Hall
All women and their friends are invited to rediscover the quiet joy
of welcoming Jesus in song, prayer, and reflection. This luncheon
is hosted by the United Methodist Women, with Lori Anderson
and Peter Johns. For more information, contact Gloria Mounger, To register, visit
Day of Centering Prayer Retreat
Monday, December 8, 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Ruah Center
This retreat includes centering prayer, walking meditation, and
plenty of free time for personal prayer, reflection, journaling, and
artistic expression. For more information, contact Nancy Sterling,, or (713) 354-4458.
SHARE Grace in Ministry
Use your spiritual gifts to serve the kingdom of God so our church, city, and the world may be transformed. For information about how to
serve at Chapelwood, please email For information about serving in the Spring Branch/Houston area, email
Amy Taylor, For information about global serving, email Janine Roberts,
Feed the Need - Thanksgiving Meal in a Bag
Sunday, November 9 is the last day! Chapelwood is holding a food
drive to help the East Spring Branch and Fair Haven Food Pantries
with their Thanksgiving distributions. Please place your bag of
donations in one of the bins located around the church.
Fairtrade Coffee
Sunday, November 9, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Purchasing fairly traded products allows farmers to earn a fair price
for their crops while delivering quality products to consumers.
Also, fair trade prohibits the use of child labor and encourages the
adoption of safer, chemical-free farming methods. For information,
contact Judy Jones at or (713) 354-4412.
Just Ride For A Just Cause
Saturday, November 15, Simonton Community Church
This MS150-recommended bike ride benefits Redeemed Ministries,
which provides direct aftercare support to meet the needs of victims
of sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation in Houston.
M.D. Anderson Blood Drive
November 16, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Courtyard Room
M. D. Anderson's blood bank uses more than 300 units every
day. Walk-ins are welcome. Blood donors must be at least 17
years of age, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds, and have a valid
drivers license with them. For more information, contact Anne
Singles Rice and Bean Bagging Project
Sunday, November 16, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Come join Singles from all Chapelwood communities as we bag
beans and rice for Spring Branch food pantries. We will also
share a meal. For more information, contact Gloria Mounger, or (713) 354-4465.
Christmas Manna
Sundays, November 16 - December 7, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Come by the tables outside Fellowship Hall to select a family
in Spring Branch to adopt and help provide that family with a
Christmas. For more information, contact Helen Crowe,
Free the Captives Christmas Market
November 21-22, various times, 4601 Bellaire Blvd.
Your Christmas shopping can fight human trafficking in Houston!
Exceptional vendors donate 15% of your purchase price to Free
the Captives, an organization which fights against exploitation and
trafficking of Houston's youth. For more information, contact
Marilyn Green,
UMCOR - Sager Brown Pilgrimage
February 1-6, 2015, Baldwin, Louisiana
Journey to Baldwin, Louisiana where Sager Brown runs relief supply
operations for UMCOR, caring for those affected by natural or
human-made disasters. We will pack supply kits, do home repairs,
and assist in schools and community. For more information,
contact Judy Jones,
Chapelwood uses visual and audio images of participants in its worship services and other events for broadcast, event promotion, publicity, and other related endeavors. By entering the event premises, you consent
to video recording, live streaming, photography, and audio recording; and consent to Chapelwood’s use of such images for all legitimate purposes, without compensation, both in print and electronically.
11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024 • • (713) 465-3467
November 8 - 9, 2014
At Chapelwood, we are a community of communities,
providing worship experiences of many kinds.
Our mission is to embody God's grace as we receive it to those who need it.
Contemplative - Sundays, 8:45 a.m., Chapel
Offers extended times of stillness, Scripture reading,
music, sacred reading, healing prayer, meditation,
and Holy Communion.
Esperanza - Sundays,10:30 a.m., 3911 Campbell Rd.
Our mission is to know (conocer), share (compartir), and
celebrate (celebrar) the hope (esperanza) of God with Hispanic
people in Houston.
*Mercy Street - Saturdays, 5:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Come as you are. No, really. Come as you physically are, as you
emotionally are, as you spiritually are ... and walk into a big
Sanctuary Worship - Sundays, Sanctuary
*8:25 a.m., Family service
*9:45 a.m., Contemporary service
*11:10 a.m., Traditional service
*Upper Room - Sundays, 11:15 a.m., Upper Room
This diverse community of Christ-followers is committed to
being R.E.A.L. (Restoring, Encouraging, Accepting, Loving) in
worship, service, community, and relationship.
* Services broadcast live on the Web.
Story of Grace
Each year, Children's Choirs work hard to prepare, practice, and participate in a
Christmas Musical. Choir is a chance for these children to develop lifelong community
relationships while learning and growing in their faith. Below are quotes from just a
few of those children who are preparing for the musical on December 14.
“I feel happy when
I’m singing a
musical. It makes
you feel special
when you sing
for all the people
because you’re
telling them about
God.” – Sarah
Christian, age 10
“Musicals are special because I get to hang out
with my friends, and I like acting. I feel great
when I’m doing a musical because I feel people
are supporting me. Kids should join choir
because it’s a fun learning experience about God.
This musical (Arrest These Merry Gentlemen)
is funnier than others I’ve done and it’s more
exciting.” – Savina Sabatelli (below, right), age 11
“Musicals are special
because it’s like a big
family and you get to
learn so much about
everyone. It teaches
you to learn lines and
you can ask if you
don’t know. I am
always happy when
I’m doing a musical.” –
Patricia Lynn, age 11
"I love the musicals because the songs are fun to
sing. It's exciting to be part of a stage creation
because there are so many aspects - the set, the
blocking, the directing. Over the years I've
learned from the older kids - and now I'm an
older kid, hopefully teaching the younger ones.
Arrest Ye Merry gentleman is cool because I
performed it when I was in second grade - and
although at that time I was too young to have a
part -- I got to learn all the music - so I still know
it!" – Gillian Konko (below, center), age 11
Worship of God transforms Christians. It happens any time or place that we turn our focus toward God.
Many of our worship experiences are streamed live via the web. Visit for available service times.
Singles Thanksgiving Worship and Dinner
Thursday, November 20, 7:00 p.m., Chapel
Join Singles from across Houston and Chapelwood’s worship
communities for worship at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel followed by
a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Cost
is $8. Reserve your place by November 14 with Gloria Mounger, or (713) 354-4465.
Thanksgiving Eve Service
Wednesday, November 26, 7:00 p.m., Chapel
“All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above; then thank
the Lord, O thank the Lord for all his love.”
Join Andy Cunningham and Peter Johns for a service of
celebration and reflection, giving thanks for the gifts of God in
our lives. Family and friends are welcome.
Advent Noon Series
Wednesdays, December 3, 10, and 17, 12:00 p.m., Chapel
Take a moment to breathe and spiritually recharge during these
three lunchtime services. The series, "An Unexpected Presence,"
will examine the different ways that Jesus' presence shaped the
lives of selected people present during the times surrounding
His birth. For information, contact Peter Johns, or (713) 354-4449.
Glory to the Newborn King
A Christmas Festival of Music
Sunday, December 7, 6:00 p.m., Sanctuary
Celebrate the season with this glorious festival of Christmas
music. Presented by the Chancel Choir, Chancel Bells, Houston
Children's Chorus, and orchestra, this evening will launch you
into the season with numerous traditional favorites (and maybe
a few new ones). For more information, contact Pamela Moore, or (713) 354-4480.
GROW in Grace in Groups
Choose the pathway for spiritual growth that best suits your needs. Bible studies, Sunday School classes,
and small groups meet throughout the week. Contact Teresa Rossy,, for more information.
"Musicals are neat because it’s a really fun
experience. I’m happy and excited when we
practice and do the musical. Kids should do this
because you get to sing and be with your friends.
This is a funny musical." – Pierce George (below,
right), age 10
Second Sunday Chicken Lunch
Sunday, November 9, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Come enjoy a delicious lunch. Cost is $8 for adults and $6 for
children ages 5-11. Children four and under eat free.
"I like being in musicals because I feel all the cast
members are nice and support each other, and it’s
fun to be around them. In this musical I connect
with the shepherds. They’re mischievous and
they play around with each other a lot. They like
hanging out." – Bayley Barnett (above, left), age
“It’s really cool to perform in front of people in
the church, and Mrs. Rita helps me do my best.
Also, the snacks rock!” – Jack Weatherly (above,
left), age 10
EXPERIENCE Grace in Worship
Matters Over Mind:
Understanding the Adolescent Brain
Wednesday, November 12, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.,
This presentation covers new research that helps explain why
teens behave with such vexing inconsistency. Karen Van Slyke
has a Ph.D. in Behavioral Science with a focus on child and
adolescent mental health. For more information,
Job Search Through the Holidays
Tuesday, November 18, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Fireside Room
Are you planning on taking time off from your job search between
Thanksgiving and New Year's Day? Better think again! The holiday
season is one of the best times of the year to be actively looking for
a job. Register at For more
information, contact Gloria Mounger,
Advent Wreath Making
Sunday, November 23, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Everyone is invited to join us for music, hot cocoa, desserts, and
crafts. Each family will make their own Advent wreath. Cost is
$15. Register at For more
information, contact Jennifer Palomo,
Sunday Lunch Series for Young Adults (20s and 30s)
Sundays through December 14, 12:00 noon
All young adults and young families are invited to gather for
lunch each week. Meet at the Bookstore to decide on
a nearby restaurant.
Children's Choirs
On December 14, our kindergarten-6th grade choirs will kickoff
our One Big Night with the musical, “Arrest These Merry
Gentlemen,” a Christmas musical caper for kids. If your child is
not already involved in choir, there is still time to participate.
For more information, contact Rita Stuckey,
Sunday, November 9, 2014
8:25 a.m.
Welcome and Congregational Greeting
Yesu Kwetu ni Rafiki
Crusader Singers – Susan Hall, director
Greg Barra, djembe; Peter Johns, pianist
 Call to Worship
Mark Burrows
Bob Johnson
 Opening Song
Mighty to Save
Curry Duffey, Max Dyer, James Kelly, Wayne Watson – musicians
Bringing in the Light of Christ
Prayer of Common Concerns and The Lord’s Prayer
A Time for Children
Worship Song
Near to the Heart of God
Story of Grace
Chapelwood Foundation
Renee Read
Josef Klam
John Stephens
Cleland McAfee
John Ogren
Offertory Prayer
Offertory Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel?
Wesley Choir – Bob Lindsey, director
Diana Montgomery, pianist; Joe Mishler, guitarist
 Presentation and Doxology
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
 Scripture Reading
2 Corinthians 4:5-12 Sermon
Where Is God in the Struggle?
Sermon Series: Discernment
Lloyd Larson
Dike Howe
John Stephens
Prayer of Commitment and Invitation to Christian Discipleship
 Closing Song
It Is Well with My Soul
 New Member Welcome
Bob Johnson
 Benediction
 Postlude
 Please stand as you are able.
Sanctuary Worship
Introit Bob Johnson
Sunday, November 9, 2014
9:45 a.m.
Praise and Worship
Mighty to Save
Welcome and Congregational Greeting
Praise and Worship
Andy Cunningham
Jesus Loves Me
Introduction to Baptism
John Stephens
Congregation’s Baptismal Response
Sacrament of Holy Baptism
Andy Cunningham, John Stephens
Emmett Lane Armbrister, son of Brooke and Cody Armbrister
Collins Julaine Bellow, daughter of Rory and Beau Bellow
Elizabeth Rae Suszko, daughter of Taylor and David Suszko
Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer
Story of Grace
Andy Cunningham
Chapelwood Foundation
John Ogren
Giving Our Tithes and Offerings
Near to the Heart of God
Cleland McAfee
Shine on Us Word of God Speak
The Word
Special Music
The Message
Deborah and Michael Smith
2 Corinthians 4:5-12
Hard Times
Where Is God in the Struggle?
Kristi Dina
Gary Driscoll
John Stephens
Sermon Series: Discernment
Prayer of Commitment and Invitation to Christian Discipleship
Song of Response
It Is Well with My Soul
New Member Welcome
Sending Forth
Andy Cunningham
Sanctuary Worship
Curry Duffey, Max Dyer, James Kelly, Wayne Watson – musicians
Sunday, November 9, 2014
11:10 a.m.
Bob Johnson
Prelude God Himself Is with Us Stephen Roddy, organist
Now Let Us All Praise God and Sing
James Kelly, pianist
Gordon Young
 Call to Worship  Hymn No. 132
Bob Johnson
All My Hope Is Firmly Grounded
Verses 1, 2, 3, and 4
Bringing in the Light of Christ
Patricia Lynn
Introduction to Baptism
John Stephens
Congregation’s Baptismal Response
Sacrament of Holy Baptism John Stephens, Wick Stuckey
Eleanor Margaret Hartensteiner, daughter of Jennifer and Fred Hartensteiner
Blaire Abigail McKnight, daughter of Amelia and Jeremy McKnight
Charles Ray Porter, IV, son of Mandy and Chuck Porter
Prayer of Common Concerns and The Lord’s Prayer
Scott Endress
A Time for Children
John Stephens
Hymn No. 375
William Smith
Story of Grace
There Is a Balm in Gilead
Verses 1 and 2
Chapelwood Foundation
John Ogren
Offertory Prayer
Offertory Give to the Winds Your Fears
John Wesley/Joseph Martin
Chancel Choir – Stephen Roddy, director
 Presentation and Doxology No. 94
 Scripture Reading
2 Corinthians 4:5-12
Where Is God in the Struggle?
Sermon Series: Discernment
Al Hoppe
John Stephens
Prayer of Commitment and Invitation to Christian Discipleship
 Hymn No. 368
My Hope Is Built
Verses 1 and 2
 New Member Welcome
Wick Stuckey
 Benediction and Seven Chimes
 Postlude
 Please stand as you are able.
Sanctuary Worship
Welcome and Congregational Greeting
Thank you for choosing to worship with us this morning!
You’re invited to join us for coffee after worship in the Parlor, located outside the northeast entrance of the Sanctuary.
Things to Know
We Lift Up in Prayer
Interested in Membership?
The only requirement for full membership at Chapelwood
is a Christian baptism and Profession of Faith in Christ. If
you have not been baptized, we can baptize you when you
join. If you have been baptized previously in the Christian
faith, Chapelwood recognizes the validity of your previous
baptism and re-baptism is not required. Membership is your
commitment to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ in the
areas of prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
For more information, please contact Fred Lowe, or (713) 827-3916.
This Week’s Prayer Focus
Memorial Drive United Methodist Church
Prayer Request Cards in the Pew Racks
Please place completed prayer request cards in the offering
plate or in the prayer request box in the Narthex. You can also
submit a prayer request online at
Those Recently Hospitalized
Alice Barry, Susan Bopp, Bob Clark, Nancy Darley,
Ann McKissack, Elizabeth Watson
For the Hearing Impaired
Sign language interpretation is provided at the 9:45 a.m.
service by Jeri Herbsleb and Randall Clements of the
Chapelwood Signs of Grace Ministry.
Stephen Ministers Available
If you need someone to pray with you, a Stephen Minister
will be in the Prayer Room at the back of the
Sanctuary after worship.
Today’s Sanctuary Flowers Are Given
Sunday School Opportunities
Given by Diane and Buz Creekmore and their daughters Cindy and
Sarah in loving memory of their daughter and sister, Suzy,
and in memory of Wes Alford;
Children - 9:45 a.m.
Children’s Building
Sixth Grade Confirmation - 9:45 a.m.
Smith Scout Building
In honor of Grace Phillips on the occasion of her birthday on
November 13 from her family;
Youth - 9:45 and 11:00 a.m.
7th - 12th Graders, Youth Building, Game Room
In honor of Nancy Grubbs on her birthday which is today
by her loving family.
**If you are interested in dedicating flowers for the Sanctuary,
please contact Pamela Moore,
Adults - 9:45 and 11:00 a.m.
Various Rooms
For a list of specific classes and locations, please see a greeter.
This Morning’s Baptisms
Emmett Lane Armbrister, son of Brooke and Cody Armbrister
Collins Julaine Bellow, daughter of Rory and Beau Bellow
Elizabeth Rae Suszko, daughter of Taylor and David Suszko
Eleanor Margaret Hartensteiner, daughter of
Jennifer and Fred Hartensteiner
Blake Abigail McKnight, daughter of
Amelia and Jeremy McKnight
Charles Ray Porter, IV, son of Mandy and Chuck Porter
Introduction to Baptism
Brothers and sisters in Christ: Through the Sacrament of
Baptism we are initiated into Christ’s Holy Church. We are
incorporated into God’s mighty acts of salvation and given new
birth through water and the Spirit. All this is God’s gift,
offered to us without price.
Congregation’s Baptismal Response
With God’s help we will proclaim the good news and live
according to the example of Christ. We will surround these
children with a community of love and forgiveness that they may
grow in their trust of God, and be found faithful in their service
to others. We will pray for them, that they may be true
disciples who walk in the way that leads to life.
11140 Greenbay Street, Houston, TX 77024 ● ● (713) 465-3467