Our mailing address: Blue Water Sportsman's Association P.O. Box 610464 Port Huron, MI 48061 - 0464 November 2014 Newsletter www.bwsa.club Do you want to be on the Board of Directors? It is time to submit your request to be included in the January election. The next Board of Directors Meeting’s will be on Monday November 10, 2014 @ 7:00pm In our clubhouse. Blue Water Sportsman’s Association www.bluewatersportsmansassociation.com www.bwsa.club The Blue Water News Editor: Linda Haack e m a i l : b l u e wa t e r n e ws @ m s n . c o m November 2014 Indoor Archery is back! The next Board of Directors Meeting is: Monday Nov. 10, 2014 @ 7:00 pm in the Clubhouse. All members may attend. Beginning on Monday, November 3rd, we will be meeting up on the indoor range for some Indoor Archery shooting. We will meet pretty much every other Monday, with the exact dates listed on the calendar. Time is from 5:30pm until 8:00pm. Yardages from 5 to 25 yards. All ages are welcome. Shoot for fun, or just to keep in practice. Member fee: $5.00, Non-members: $7.00, and Juniors $4.00. If you have any questions, give Mike Wilczynski a call at 810-327-2485 If you would like to run for a position on the BWSA Board of Directors, please submit your request in writing to our secretary before the next Board meeting on November 10th. The Board of Directors meet once a month on the Second Monday of the month, at 7pm. COMBAT NEWS After a busy and exciting season of 3 gun shooting we are starting our indoor season on Thursday November 6, and will continue each Thursday until the end of April. There will be NO shooting on November 27 (Thanksgiving) , December 25 (Christmas), and January 1 (New Years Day). Start time is 6:45pm till 9:15pm. If you are interested in keeping your pistol skills sharp, getting the kinks worked out for that new gun, or just some friendly competition, come on out and have some fun. Holster and mag pouches are mandatory. DON’T FORGET TO VOTE TUESDAY NOVEMBER 4th A couple of websites you may want to check out: www.triggerthevote.org and nssf.org/gunvote Muzzleloaders Only one month until the big event. Our “Last Blast” muzzleloader shoot is on Dec. 31st. There is no way you can have more fun shooting a muzzle loader. This event has 25 shots at clangers on a Woods Walk course. Each shot will be a challenge, shooting from 10 yards to about 50 yards. Remember to keep the last day of the year open for this event. You will be home in plenty of time for your New Year’s Eve Party! Several of us older gang shoot every Tuesday Morning and anyone is welcome to join us. One more thing, our Winter League will begin in January. There will be a rifle league and a pistol league, you can shoot one or both leagues. Most shooters that have a pistol do shoot both. Well, all you hunters, I hope your season is going great. If your freezer isn’t full yet, maybe the rifle season will help. Good Luck and Be Safe out there! Ron Page 2 Shotgun Hours: Sunday 11am – 4pm and Thursday 1 - 8pm Just a reminder that the third Thursday of the month we have “Pot Luck Thursday”. Just bring a dish to pass and come out and shoot. If you have any further questions about the Shotgun division you may call: Jan Frickert at 810-335-0890 JUNIOR SMALLBORE IS UP AND RUNNING ON TUESDAY EVENINGS! 6PM INDOOR RANGE Upcoming CPL Classes - Saturday November 1, 2014 & December 6, 2014 Please call ahead to register: Richard DeShon 810-364-7853 or Tom Carr 810-987-7708 President *Jim Hanus 810-543-1223 jim@michiganimaging.com Chairman of the Board Ken Brooks November 2014 The Blue Water News 810-300-8704 Attention Bullseye Shooters: Due to the decreased member interest in shooting the SEMPA postal league, the club has decided to withdraw from the 2014/15 league shoot. This decision was due to several external factors, the first and foremost being the lack of .22 rim fire ammunition. We are going to go back to our old format and have an inhouse Bullseye fun shoot competition, shooting national matches at either 50 feet or 25 yards, with a start time of 6:30 for sight-ins. This will be happening on the indoor range, in the clubhouse basement, on Wednesday nights. During the winter months, we will from time to time throw in a bowling pin shoot or a novelty shoot or two. All members (and nonmembers) are welcome to come on in and shoot. Whether you are a regular shooter, one of those “once in a while” shooters, or even if you just bought a new handgun yesterday, come on down and have some fun. Any type of handgun can be used (no magnum loads please). A range fee will be charged. For any additional information give me a call at 810531-9900 Dale DeFabio Hunters Education We just completed Hunters Ed for October. We had 50 registered students and passed 49. I would like to thank VF Sports for providing a voucher to each graduate. If the graduate purchased their first hunting license from them, they will be given a HS hat and vest. Secretary *Don Morgan 810-841-4970 Artillery Shotgun-Skeet/Trap *Mike Zandarski 586-739-6499 Jan Frickert 810-335-0890 Treasurer *Marv Ohrling 810-984-2440 Jr. Small Bore Black Powder Website *Ron Provost 810-326-0285 Jim Hanus 810-543-1223 *Pete Galante 810-488-6405 Administrative Assistant 1st Vice President Clubhouse Care *Jon Camm 810-956-0189 2nd Vice President Grounds / Range Care *Tom Goral 586-899-0848 3rd Vice President Combat/Cowboy *Dave Bryan 519-336-1690 Newsletter / Calendar Scheduling Membership information *Linda Haack 810-395-3535 Archery Mike Wilczynski 810-327-2486 *Mike Webb 810-650-5241 600yd Match/Shooting *Derek Stratelak 313-407-4284 3 Gun / Bob Manning lookfor3gun@yahoo.com 248-318-3866 *Dale DeFabio 810-531-9900 High Power League Tom Lehotsky 586-871-0757 Rifle League & Jr. High Power *David Dell Jerry Silvas 810-300-3043 *Additional Board Members… Handgun .22/Air Jim Sturdevan 810-984-3593 810-650-8676 Tim Aiken 810-385-9849 Ken Bubka 586-749-1062 Ray Jawor 810-327-2061 Bob Johnson 810-987-3870 Bob Manning 248-318-3866 Dan Matthews 810-324-2777 Reg Nicholas 810-941-1173 Rich Patterson 810-987-6092 Barry Priestman 810-388-5055 Michael Shier 810-385-7054 Page 3 The Blue Water News November 2014 It’s almost .22 Rimfire Skirmish Time! We have four .22 Rimfire Skirmishes scheduled for this winter! On January 3, 2015 “the first Saturday of the new year”, we will start shooting on the clubhouse basement range. (Indoors) Bring your .22 Rimfire with iron sights (no scopes) and come break some targets. As in the past, all ages and ALL SKILL LEVELS are invited to join in the fun. The schedule is as follows: 10-10:30am show up in the clubhouse basement, sign in, and pay. 10:30-11:00am Teams are picked by lottery and the first set of targets are put up. 11:00am until done (usually around 2pm) we will shoot 5 to 7 different timed team events. (Very fun.) Trophies will be awarded to the top 3 teams. If you have any questions about this event, you may call Mike Zandarski @ 586-739-6499 Welcome New Members 2014 Sight-In-Days at BWSA Ricardo Cottengim Mark your calendars for the upcoming sight-in-days. This year we will be shooting on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. October 31, November 1 & 2 November 7, 8, & 9 Shooting will be on the 100 yard range. Brad Cushman A fee will be charged for any member or non-member taking part in this event. James Baur Jerome Bednarchik Greg Branz David Dixon David Dodge William Fear Jeffery Gross II David Hoin John Hutchings Chris Kruskie Joshua Latzman Marc Miles Stephen VanKessel John Watson New Junior Members: Seth Kamendat Dylan Jones Ryan Jackson Jonathan Gurley Noah Roosa BWSA 2015 Winter Skeet League Hello skeet shooters. It’s that time of year to start getting your team together for the 2015 Winter Skeet League. Thanks to you, we increased the number of teams participating last year and we plan on doing the same this year. Last year’s brutal winter didn’t discourage many shooters, so no matter what the weather throws at us next year, we should have an easier time (knock on wood). The league will use 3 man teams and we’ll be starting around the first of the year again and will be using the same handicap system as we did in the 2014 league. The league will consist of five (5) 100 bird rounds and will last approximately 4 months with a league banquet in early May. I’ll have more details in the next newsletter as to the league rules, shooting dates, cost… We’re going to be advertising in the local paper and sending out reminders to past participants to come on out and have a great time during the winter months. If you know of anyone interested, invite them out for a practice round and get them to sign up. We’re counting on all of you to help spread the word. If you’re a new shooter, see me at the clubhouse and we’ll get you started at shooting skeet. Remember, this is a handicap league, so no matter what you shoot, you still have a chance to win. Also, if you’re looking for a team or need a team member, we’ll hook you up with someone. Don’t wait till the last minute. See or call Jan Frickert or myself at the clubhouse. Either of us are usually there on most shotgun shooting days. Larry Sokolowski November 2014 www.bwsa.club (This calendar is always subject to change. Any changes to this calendar during the month can be viewed at the website.) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Sight in days/100yd range 8a Carr/CPL clbhs/indoor 6p HighPwr Awards/clbhse 2 Sight in days/100yd range 3 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 11a-4p Shotgun OPEN 5:30-8p Open Indoor Archery 9 Sight in days/100yd range 10 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 11a-4p Shotgun OPEN 7pm Board Meeting 16 17 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 11a-4p Shotgun OPEN 5:30-8p Open Indoor Archery 23 11a-4p Shotgun OPEN 24 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 4 9a-5pSCCSD/Indoor 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 9:30a Muzzlders on Bay #4 6p Junior smallbore/indoor 11 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 9:30a Muzzlders on Bay #4 6p Junior smallbore/indoor 18 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 9:30a Muzzlders on Bay #4 6p Junior smallbore/indoor 25 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 9:30a Muzzlders on Bay #4 6p Junior smallbore/indoor 4 9a-5pSCCSD/Indoor 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 6:30pBullseye Pistol/Indoor 11a-4p Shotgun OPEN 7 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 Sight in days/100yd range 8 Sight in days/100yd range 1-8p Shotgun OPEN 3pm set up for combat on 13 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 14 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 15 21 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 22 28 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 29 9:30a Combat night shoot 12 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 5p PHPD/SRT 100yard 6:30pBullseye Pistol/Indoor 1-8p Shotgun OPEN 6:30p Combat/Indoor range 19 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 20 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 6:30pBullseye Pistol/Indoor 1-8p Shotgun OPEN 6:30p Combat/Indoor range 26 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 27 Thanksgiving Day 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 6:30pBullseye Pistol/Indoor 30 4 9a-5pSCCSD/Indoor 9:30-4p CBP/OFO Bay#12 10a-3p DPD/200yd NO Shotgun NO Combat
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