SAINT MARY, MOTHER OF GOD ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 22 Bartlett Street, Sylva, NC 28779 (828) 586-9496 Very Rev. J. A. Voitus, VF, Pastor;; office hours: Monday-Wednesday 10am-2pm Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (Holy Souls’ Day) - November 2, 2014 THIS WEEK we will have weekday Mass Monday and Wednesday through Saturday. The following week we will have no weekday Masses while Father Voitus is on vacation. PARISH COUNCIL MEETING was postponed last week to today, November 2nd, in the Conference Center at 12:30 pm. This Tuesday is FIRST TUESDAY. We will have silent adoration from 7:00 pm until 7:30 pm. As it is also election night, this seems a good opportunity to gather in prayer for our country. Our homebound and nursing home patients need your help! Could you please help with ministering to these special people by bringing them Holy Communion? We would like to have someone visit each person once each week. Please call the office for more information. OTHER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Please consider serving as Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers at our Sunday Masses. Both the 9:00 am and the 11:00 am Masses really need some extra help. Please call the office for more information. We hope to continue offering the Sacred Species under both kinds without interruption, but we do need your support. 1 Complimentary copies of THE WORD AMONG US for the month of November are available at the main entrance to the Church. IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN! Offertory envelopes, Saint Joseph Missals, and annual guides for Christian Prayer and the Liturgy of the Hours for 2015 are now available in the Fellowship Hall. 2015 Calendars are expected to arrive by the end of October. The last Sunday to return donations for the WOUNDED WARRIOR program will be November 16, 2014. The Knights of Columbus and all the wounded warriors thank you for getting them together with their families during the Christmas season. Our SOUND SYSTEM is in need of experienced help. The response to our request for contacts was very successful. We will be in contact with the suggested sound engineers very soon. Thank you for your input! Upcoming Eastern Catholic Liturgies in Canton Very Rev. Fr. Mark Shuey, an Eastern Catholic priest from Cary, NC, will celebrate Byzantine rite Vespers and the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Canton on Saturday, November 15, and Saturday, December 20. Vespers will begin at 4 p.m. and Divine Liturgy at 5 p.m. Services will be celebrated in English. Participating in Divine Liturgy fulfills the Sunday obligation for Catholics of any rite. Immaculate Conception Catholic Church is located at 42 Newfound Street, Canton. 2 From the Pastor: PRO-LIFE “[T]he courage and grace shown by those women who choose life—in the face of fear, uncertainty, parental or partner intimidation, seemingly insurmountable odds—make them today's heroes. They are joined by the many who counsel, support and nurture them both before and after the birth of their child. Such self-giving powerfully transformative of mother, of child, of families, of cultures.” — 2013-2014 Respect Life Program (USCCB), Erika Bachiochi, Esq., “Life Matters: Roe Plus 40” FREE Natural Family Planning (NFP) Full Course (with intro.) dates are November 8thin Arden at St. Barnabas Catholic Church and December 13th in Winston-Salem at Holy Family Catholic Church. Topics to be covered include: * Effectiveness of modern NFP methods * Health risks of popular contraceptives * Benefits of NFP - health, relational, and spiritual * Church teaching on responsible parenting * to use NFP For more information, go to or to RSVP, contact: Batrice Adcock, MSN, at Catholic Charities (704)-370-3230 or 3 This week the Church has celebrated, and is celebrating, a pair of wonderful feasts. On Saturday morning we celebrated All Saints, a day on which we remember all who have gone before us to the eternal splendor of Heaven, and we ask for their intercession for us on earth as we strive to follow in their footsteps. On Sunday we are celebrating the feast of All Souls on which we offer our prayers and sacrifices for those who have died, but who are still awaiting entrance into Paradise. These two feasts together show the grand unity of the Body of Christ, a unity which continues even in death; where the Church triumphant (those in heaven) assists the Church Militant (those still struggling here on earth) and the Church Suffering (those in Purgatory) by prayers, and the Church Militant prays for its own salvation as well as the end of the purgation of the Church Suffering that all might be united in union with God. Now, it may seem that the feast of All Souls is a somewhat grim one. The "Gloria" is omitted, we use unbleached candles on the altar, and the priest wears either Violet or, in our case, Black vestments for the Mass. Why this grimness? Don't we have faith in the resurrection? Of course we do! The somberness (I like this word better than "grimness") of the celebration points to three realities. 1) It points to the real grief and mourning which we experience when we lose a loved one to death. Just as we mourn the death of a friend or family member, so does the Church mourn the passing on of all who have passed from this life to the next. 2) It also acknowledges, ceremonially, the reality which we confront on this day, that the people for whom we pray are 4 not yet in Heaven. True, we rejoice that they are on their way and, if they are in Purgatory, they are guaranteed a place in Heaven, but we are somewhat sorrowful that their entrance has been delayed. 3) Violet and black vestments are, in addition to being symbolic of mourning, are symbolic of penance. Today we remind ourselves that we ought to do penance and fasting not only for ourselves (we really should be doing this for ourselves regularly), but that we should be doing these things on behalf of those in Purgatory, that their time there may be short and that they may quickly be brought to Eternal Joy with God. So let us pray for those who have gone before us; let us too mourn the loss of our loved ones. Yet, in the midst of our mourning and sacrifice, let us remember that we do have faith in the eternal love of Jesus Christ, that, just as the penitential vestments are trimmed in gold and silver, so our mourning and penance should always be trimmed with Hope and Joy and Faith in the Love and Salvation of Almighty God. - Father Voitus Words of the Church Fathers “But not the high priest [Christ] alone prays for those who pray sincerely, but also the angels . . . as also the souls of the saints who have already fallen asleep.” Origen (A.D. 233) 5 SCHEDULES FOR NEXT WEEK 9:00 am 11:00 am Reader EMHCs Ushers Altar Servers Reader EMHCs Ushers Altar Servers Jan Chervenak Rita Lamanna, David Ramsey Robert Lamanna, Allen Thurston Roy Ensley, Braden Tholkes Rita Goffinet Gladys Pilch, Kathy Starr Linwood Newsome, Dean Slusser Beau Franzen, Josiah Newsome, Isaac Moorman and Avery Moorman PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: Justin Basenese, Jacki Bautista, Regina Bryson, Della Sue Bryson, Will Crain, Kit Gilliam, Monica Glover, Rosemary Hudson, Georgia Newsom, William Newsom, Jr., William Newsom, Sr., Cathleen Pilch, Zig Pilch, Flo Piotrowski, Alicia Ramirez, Halie Settlemyre, Jay Thorne, Allen Thurston, Joshua Turner, Bonnie Welch, and Mel and Virginia Wittekind; Those in Nursing Homes and the Homebound: Rosemary Bauer, Katherine Baumann, Phyllis Brogan, Theresa Campbell, Joan Doolan, George Feick, Cecilia Gomez, TJ Martin, Diane Muelick, and Lorraine Sclafani; Family and Friends called to active duty: Courtney Ortengren. Friends in Religious Life: Sr. Catherine, OCD and those men discerning their call to the priesthood, the religious life or to the permanent diaconate; and the intentions for all of the prayers written in the parish book. 6 CHURCH EVENT SCHEDULE – November 2, 2014 LITURGICAL AID Proper (Cycle A-2) SUNDAY ALL SOULS’ DAY Monday St. Martin de Porres Tuesday ST. CHARLES BORROMEO Wednesday Mass Readings Wisdom 3:1-9; Romans 5:5-11; John 6:37-40 Philippians 2:1-4; Luke 14:12-14 Philippians 2:5-11; Luke 14:15-24 Philippians 2:12-18; Luke 14:25-33 Thursday Philippians 3:3-8a; Luke 15:1-10 Friday Philippians 3:17-4:1; Luke 16:1-8 Saturday Philippians 4:10-19; Luke 16:9-15 SUNDAY Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12; DEDICATION OF SAINT 1 Corinthians JOHN LATERAN 3:9c-11,16-17; (Feast) John 2:13-22 Sunday Common Psalms Sun III Monday Holy Men: Mon III Relig Pastor Tue III Tuesday Wednesday Wed III Thu III Fri III Thursday Sat III Sun IV Friday Saturday Sunday 8:00 am Hispanic Parents’ Retreat in the Conference Ctr. 9:00 am ALL SOULS’ DAY MASS: Holy Souls+ 11:00 am ALL SOULS’ DAY MASS: The Intentions of Pope Francis 4:00 pm ALL SOULS’ DAY MASS at WCU Student Center 9:00 am WEEKDAY MASS: Georgia Newsom 9:30 am Morning Prayer 6:00 pm Hispanic Familias in the Fellowship Hall 7:00 pm Hispanic Choir Practice in the Church 9:45 am Choir Practice for the 11am Mass 7:00 pm FIRST TUESDAY ADORATION until 7:30 pm 9:00 am WEEKDAY MASS: Catherine Hartley+ 9:30 am Morning Prayer 5:45 pm Faith Formation Classes (K-9) until 6:45 pm 6:00 pm Hispanic Familias in the Fellowship Hall 7:00 pm Hispanic Readers’ Practice in the Church 7:30 pm Hispanic Familias Pastoral in the Conference Center 9:00 am WEEKDAY MASS: Deceased Members of the Culler and Knaff Families 9:30 am Morning Prayer 6:00 pm Hispanic Familias in the Fellowship Hall 7:00 pm Hispanic Choir Practice in the Church 7:00 pm RCIA Class Meeting in the Conference Center 9:00 am WEEKDAY MASS: Catherine Hartley+ 9:30 am Adoration and Benediction until 10:30 am 6:00 pm Hispanic Women’s Retreat All Day Hispanic Women’s Retreat 9:00 am WEEKDAY MASS: Pastor’s Intention 9:30 am Morning Prayer 6:00 pm Confessions 8:00 pm MISA EN ESPANOL Hispanic Women’s Retreat 9:00 am SUNDAY MASS: Linda Tiller+ 11:00 am SUNDAY MASS: Pro Populo 2:30 pm MISA EN ESPANOL ends Women’s Retreat 4:00 pm SUNDAY MASS at WCU Student Center Offertory for last weekend: $ 2,508.00; Children’s Collection: $ 2.00 Rosary is prayed 30 minutes before Mass Confessions are also available by request 7 8
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