St. Helena’s Church 602 PHILADELPHIA PIKE, BELLEFONTE, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19809 (302)764-0325 • FAX: (302)764-1068 • WWW.SAINTHELENAS.ORG PARISH STAFF PASTOR: Vy. Rev. Stanley J. Russell, V.F. In Residence Rev. Edward J. Fahey DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Hummy Pennell 762-4280 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC/ORGANIST Mr. Joseph Louden 888-1743 PARISH SECRETARY Mrs. Kathy Quinn 764-0325 x106 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY – 764-7545 Mrs. Dorothy Medeiros Director, 764-0325x104 RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Mon-Thus, 8am to 2pm Fri, 8am-Noon PARISH RECEPTIONIST Ms. Leslie Savage 764-0325 x100 PARISH MANAGER Mr. Christopher Hullinger 764-0325 x102 SUNDAY MASSES Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm (except Easter Vigil) Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 & 11:00am FINANCE MANAGER Mr. Paul Penna (302) 764-0325 Ext. 102 PARISH COUNCIL EXECUTIVE OFFICER Mr. Jim Clark 764-0325 x106 PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL EXECUTIVE OFFICER Mr. Joe Newdeck 764-0325 x106 CONVENT - Sisters of St. Joseph 610 Philadelphia Pike 764-3427 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Mr. Dominic DiChristopher, Grand Knight Christopher Council, #3182 302-562-4492 DAILY MASSES Monday through Friday: 7:00 & 9:00am Saturday: 9:00am RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION): Saturday: 3:30-4:30pm Other times by appointment. Room of Reconciliation (Confession) is located in the rear of the church on the Blessed Mother’s side. BAPTISMS & WEDDINGS: Call the Rectory to register November 9, 2014 DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA November 9, 2014 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica Knights of Columbus, Christopher Council cordially invites you (and yours) to the annual Italian Feast, featuring an amazing antipasto bar, a full course of homemade, “wedding soup to nuts” Italian dinner, wine, beer, soda and our promise of an enjoyable evening of dancing and Italian hospitality! The event will be here at St. Helena’s in Masci Hall on Saturday, 11/22 from 6pm to 11pm. Tickets $35/person and are available online: or call Bill Northey, 798-8272, Judy or Mike Panfile, 610-874-5064 or at the Brandywine Club in Claymont. All proceeds benefit Christopher Council’s charitable and community projects. Can’t make it? Christopher Council will have take-out service on Sunday, 11/23 from 12 to 4pm at the Council Hall in Claymont. Individual Items: Meat Ravioli (10) for $6; wedding soup: $4 (pint), $7 (quart); Meatballs (8) $6; Dinners: Ravioli (4) & meatball, roll $7; Chicken (breast or thigh & leg), mashed potatoes, green beans, roll $7; Roast Pork, mashed potatoes green beans, roll $7. Take outs should be reserved. Call Judy Panfile, (610) 874-5064 or In celebrating the feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, we celebrate the dedication of the Cathedral of Rome in 324 A.D. The Emperor Constantine, with the encouragement of his mother, St. Helena, built a Cathedral for the Bishops of Rome and gave the adjoining palace of the Lateran family for the popes’ dwelling place. Five of the 20 Ecumenical Councils have been held in the Lateran. To celebrate the Cathedral of Rome, or indeed any cathedral or church, is to celebrate the spiritual mystery of the Church. Our scriptures today reminds us of the Temple of Jerusalem, the dwelling place of God with His People, Israel. But St. Paul reminds us: “You are God’s are the Temple of God…the Spirit of God dwells in you.” All through the centuries, the Lord Jesus continues to cleanse His Church of all evil. LECTOR ALERT!! There will be a one-time refresher session for all lectors NEXT Saturday, November 15th at 10:30am in Church. It is a review of the ministry. Comments and questions will be welcome after the review. There will be a chance to be critiqued, if you like. The critique is not mandatory. The more participation we have, the better the sharing opportunities. If you are unable to attend, we will e-mail the highlights of the session to you. NOTE TO POTENTIAL LECTORS: This is an invitation to begin your training, if lecturing is something the Holy Spirit moves you to do. Please notify Ellen Fitzgerald, 764-8604 or Bridget Kirk, 562-1048 if you plan to attend or cannot. **Lectors: please pick up your 2015 copy of the Workbook for Lectors in the Sacristy. If you are a practicing Catholic gentleman 18 years of age or older, interested in helping those in need, serving your parish, growing in your faith or having exclusive access to top-rated insurance protection for your family, then the Knights of Columbus is the for you. Contact Dominic DiChristopher, Sr. at 562-4492. The Columbiettes are a non-profit organization supporting many different charities. They are ordinary women reaching out to help those less fortunate and to address the religious needs of our Church and community. They are committed to preserving family life and work collectively with their Brother Knights to promote faith and unity. For more information contact Mary Beth Payne, (302) 897-3022 or you may email her: Page 1 – 311 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION RELIGIOUS ED CLASSES: will resume TOMORROW night, Monday, November 10. LOOK WHAT’S COMING UP… The Religious Ed Thanksgiving Prayer Service will be on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, at 6:30pm in Church. There will be NO classes in the school that night. FAMILIES are asked to join everyone in CHURCH so we can thank God for everything we have been blessed with this past year. Students will be given a “food stuff” to bring for our Outreach Office which is always in need to help those less fortunate. Please read the letter being given out in class on November 17. CONFIRMATION RETREAT: All Candidates preparing for Confirmation are asked to attend our Retreat in the School Hall NEXT Saturday, 11/15 beginning at 1pm and concluding with the 5pm Mass. Sponsors and parents can join us for Mass at 5pm. Please sit in the sectioned off part of the Church. PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE: St. Helena’s annual Thanksgiving Food Drive has begun. This food drive is made possible through the tremendous generosity of our parishioners and CCD families. If you have taken a food bag, please remember to return your bag of food NEXT weekend, November 15th and 16th in the church vestibule. God’s blessings to all of you! Parish Social Ministry is in need of an office volunteer. Training is provided. Call Dorothy, 764-0325 Ext. 104. Hours needed are Monday-Thursday, 9am to noon, one day a month or week, what your schedule allows. Saturday, November 8 5:00pm(SR) Janet and Edgar Obenchain Sunday, November 9 7:00am(SR) People of the Parish 9:00am(WK)All Souls 11:00am(SR)Special Intention Monday, November 10 7:00am (WR)All Souls 9:00am(SR) Sharon Moley Tuesday, November 11 7:00am(WR) All Souls 9:00am(SR) Betty and Vicki Barone Wednesday, November 12 7:00am(WR) All Souls 9:00am(SR) John Deeney Thursday, November 13 7:00am(SR) Adelaide and Stanley Russell 9:00am(WK)All Souls Friday, November 14 7:00am(Cap)All Souls 9:00am(SR) Charlie Prettyman Saturday, November 15 9:00am(SR) All Souls 5:00pm(SR) Rose and Francis Talarowski Sunday, November 16 7:00am(WR) People of the Parish 9:00am(SR) John and Anna Fedena and Deceased Sons 11:00am(KN) All Souls ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE Saturday, November 15 5:00pm Max, Liz, Emily Sunday, November 16 7:00am Cathy 9:00am Noah, Daniella 11:00am David, Maria, Molly Page 2 – 311 YOUNG AT HEART LITURGY CORNER An exciting evening was enjoyed by all at our October meeting. Everyone attending was taught an invigorating chair exercise routine by our wonderful facilitator, Leondra Day. Thank you, Leondra! Our next general meeting will be held Monday evening, November 17th at 7:00pm in Masci Hall and will feature our enjoyable Horseracing followed by refreshments. Please come and bring a friend. St. Helena Choir: Are you a high school student or older and interested in singing? We have an incredible music program waiting for you. We are especially looking for gentleman singers. Contact Joe Louden, 302888-1743 or to set up an appointment for a hearing. BINGO Doors open at 5:30pm with Bingo beginning at 7:00pm. Bingo is open to the public, but you must be 18 years of age in order to play. Call (302) 764-0325 for questions. Door Prizes, Pull Tabs Food, drinks, snacks Can You Help With Bingo? Bingo games are bringing a profit of about $1,000 per month to the parish! We would like to continue this wonderful activity. We need folks helping once or twice a month. For info, call 764-0325 Ext. 106 PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month between 7 & 9pm in the Convent. We begin with the Chaplet of Mercy and then knit, crochet & make rosaries. Lessons in making rosaries will be scheduled at another time. Free material is provided for these activities. Join us. You can also make items at home. Prayer shawls bring comfort to those in need and are blessed. Info is in the vestibule of Church. Call Carmela, 302-762-9057 for info. Bulletin Deadlines Bulletin for 11/15 Due Date:11/10 Info needs to be sent on or before 9am on the due date. Thank you for keeping to the deadline. If you are late, I cannot guarantee its inclusion. For questions feel free to call, 764-0325 Ext. 106 or email: The Offertory Collection for the weekend of 10/26 was $6,902. Thank you! Youth Choir: We would be glad to welcome new members! Grades 3 through 8 rehearse on Monday nights at 5:45pm in Church the nights Religious Ed classes are in session. Kids from all these grades are represented. Afterwards we walk over to CCD. WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, November 9 2nd Collection: Annual Fuel Offering 8:00am Christmas Bazaar-Masci Hall 8:00am Breakfast Buffet-Masci Hall 11:00am Liturgy of the Word-Church Monday, November 10 6:00pm Children’s Choir-Church 6:30pm Religious Ed Classes-School 6:30pm Bible Study-Religious Ed Office 7:30pm Liturgy Committee Mtg-Rectory Tuesday, November 11 7:00pm Finance Council-Rectory Wednesday, November 12 7:00pm Prayer Shawl-Convent 7:00pm Parish Council Exec.Mtg-Rectory Thursday, November 13 5:30pm Bingo-Masci Hall 7:30pm Adult Choir-Church HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSES Open Houses, Sunday, 11/9: Salesianum School ~ 12:30pm-3:30pm Ursuline Academy ~ 1:00pm Open House, Sunday, 11/16: Archmere Academy ~ 1:00pm-4:00pm Page 3 – 311 THE SECOND SUNDAY BREAKFAST BUFFET St. Helena Parish Christmas Bazar Weekend is here! Be sure to stop over on Saturday after Mass for shopping and then enjoy a great spaghetti dinner! Don’t forget the Second Sunday Breakfast Buffet From 8am to 12:45pm All prizes will be drawn on Sunday at 1:00pm Clean-up begins immediately following, so if you are able to help, please stop by! MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO WORKED SO HARD to make this year’s Christmas Bazaar a success and to all who came out to enjoy such a great parish event! Our November Breakfast Buffet will mark our Second Anniversary! It’s hard to believe, but we began our monthly Second Sunday Breakfast Buffet in 2012 at our annual parish Christmas Bazaar. We will continue the tradition of serving our Breakfast Buffet at the Bazaar again this year. Be sure to join your parish family and friends for this 2nd Anniversary Celebration TODAY, November 9th. Come early and enjoy the Christmas Bazaar as well as our all you care to eat Breakfast Buffet! We will serve from 8am to 12:45pm. Unfortunately, because it is Bazaar weekend, we are unable to take reservations. Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner at Calvary Episcopal Church, 304 Lore Avenue in Hillcrest. Time: 3pm on Sunday, 11/9. Cost of tickets: $12 pp/9 years and older; $5 pp/ 8 years and younger. For more information, call Calvary’s Church Office: 302-764-2027 Flapjack Breakfast: Saturday, 11/15, from 8:00am to 10:00am at Applebee’s, 105 Wilton Boulevard in New Castle, next to Walmart. $10/person. Proceeds are used to support activities such as scholarships and charitable contributions made by the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary, Bishop Francis Joseph Council, #383 and the St. Josephine Bakhita Court, #383 of St. Joseph’s church in Wilmington. Page 4 - 311 “Honoring loved ones at affordable prices” RALPH’S SCISSOR SENSATIONS Ralph & Jim Gioffre Tammy from Club Avenue Personalized Funeral and Cremation Services By: Timothy J. 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