DIVISION 1310 OPEN BOER GOAT SHOW PHIL GROVER Department Director All terms and conditions are subject to change, including, but not limited to premiums. Department Staff Mary Grover Office Carole Pontious Check-In Cindi Grover Announcer Cathy Ely Wether Weigh-in Arlan Humble Show Ring Preparation Timothy Humble Junior Breeding Show Becky Humble Clerk Lisa VanHorn Clerk and Check-In Karen Price Typist and Check-In Phil Kress Ring Steward and Show Ring Preparation Phil Myers Wether Show LOCATION O’Neill Swine Building Arrival Time Breeding Goats Wednesday, July 16 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Check-in for Pen Assignments Thursday, July 17 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Check-in for Pen Assignments Thursday, July 17 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Check-in Registration Papers Open Entry Fee - $12.00 Per Head Junior Entry Fee - $8.00 Per Head Late Entry – Late entry (June 21- July 13) will be charged $75 late fee, plus animal charge. If entering both Junior and Open, then it would be $75 late fee for junior entry and $75 late fee for open entry, plus animal charge. Jr. Breeding Showmanship Thursday, July 17 4:30 p.m. Age of January 1, 2014 Junior - 9-11, Intermediate - 12-14, and Senior -15-18 Judge Sylvester Ridings, Cumming GA Buckeye Classic ABGA Show Thursday, July 17 Following immediately after the Jr. Breeding Showmanship Judge Sylvester Ridings, Cumming, GA Ohio State Fair Open Class ABGA Show Friday, July 18 9:00 a.m. Judge Josh Taylor, Perkins, OK Junior Breeding Show 30 Minutes after conclusion of Open Show Judge Josh Taylor, Perkins, OK Open show exhibitors may leave at the conclusion of the Junior Show or by 6:00 a.m. Saturday. Otherwise you must stay through the conclusion of the show. Arrival Time Wether Sires and Dams Saturday, July 19 7:00 a.m. Weigh-In Sire and Dams Saturday, July 19 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Wethers Weigh-In 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 am Open Class Wether Sires & Dams Show 9:30 a.m. Followed Immediately by Wether Show Followed Immediately by Wether Showmanship Judge Billy Zanolini, College Station, TX 1 BOER GOAT SCHEDULE Wednesday, July 16 Optional arrival for ABGA and Junior Breeding 4:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. Thursday, July 17 Arrival and Check-In for ABGA and Junior Breeding 9:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. Junior Breeding Showmanship4:30 p.m. Buckeye Classic Open ABGA Show Immediately following Showmanship Friday, July 18 Ohio State Fair ABGA Open Show 9:00 a.m. Junior Breeding Show 30 minutes after conclusion of Open ABGA Show ABGA and Junior Breeding Goats Optional Release Conclusion of Junior Breeding Show thru 6:00 a.m. Saturday, July 19 Saturday, July 19 Arrival and check-in Wethers, Sires and Dams 7:00 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. Open Wether Sires and Dams Weigh-In 7:30 a.m. — 8:00 a.m. Junior Wether Weigh-In 7:30 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. Open Wether Sires and Dams Show 9:30 a.m. Junior Wether Show Immediately following Open Sires and Dams Show Junior Wether Showmanship Immediately following Junior Wether Show All animals released After Junior Wether Showmanship 2 Rules 1. All entries and awards in the department will be subject to the General Rules and Regulations published in the exhitibor's information, including the following rules. 2. Entries: The show shall be open to all exhibitors. There is a limit of four animals that can be entered in an individual class by an exhibitor. Exhibitors will be restricted to (2) two monies in each class. 3. Eligibility of Animals: All goats must be registered in the Herd Book of the American Boer Goat Association, The original registration certificate is required. Animals must be registered and owned on or before July 1, 2014. 12. All goats must be housed in pens assigned to exhibitors. Any exhibitor failing to house their entries in the goat barn from the time of arrival until the shows have been completed will be ineligible to compete. 13. Health Regulations can be found at the Ohio Department of Agriculture website, www.agri.ohio.gov, click on the Division of Animal Health. 14. Ohio's Livestock Tampering Exhbition can be found at the Ohio Department of Agriculture website, www.agri.ohio.gov, click on the Division of Animal Health. 15. For protest procedure please see General Rules. 4. Ennobled Herd Book Points: Goats entered under its ABGA registration number and presenting its ABGA Certificate of Registration will be eligible to earn points for its actual placing in the show as described in the ABGA “Criteria for the Ennoblement of a Boer Goat.” 5. Tattoos: All goats must have legible tattoo(s) or other means of permanent identification consistent with its registration certificate. Illegible tattoos or tattoos inconsistent with registration papers will result in disqualification. If the animal has a microchip as its permanent identification, the exhibitor is responsible for providing a microchip reader. 6. Computing Ages: Birth dates, as listed on the registration certificate, will be used to determine the class division. The base date is the date of the show. 7. Classes: All animals must be registered purebred, full blood, or percentage blood boer goats. Percentage doe classes are for goats 50% to 87.5% (1/2 to 7/8 blood) boer; fullblood classes are for does that are 93.7% and higher; and 96.8% and higher for bucks. Progeny of fresh does will not be allowed in the ring. The Champion and Reserve classes will be chosen from the first and second place animals in that division of the show. 8. Disqualification: Any goat showing any pronounced defect or abnormality will be barred from the show in any of the breeding classes. Artificial coloring will be a disqualification. Illegible tattoos or tattoos inconsistent with registration papers will result in disqualification. Any doe over 24 months of age that has not kidded and cannot prove a current pregnancy will not be allowed to show. 9. Only one person per goat is permitted in the ring. 10. Substitutions are allowed in the same ownership as the original entry. Please make substitutions at checkin. Group class entries are to be made at check-in. 11. Exhibitors will check registration papers at the office upon their arrival. 3 DIVISION 1310 PERCENTAGE BOER DOES (1/2 TO 7/8 Blood) Total Amount Offered by Ohio State Fair $975.00 Class No. 1—Doe Kids 0-3 months, born after April 18, 2014 $40 35 2—Doe Kids 3-6 months, born Jan. 19-— April 18, 2014 $40 35 30 25 20 3—Doe Kids 6-9 months, born on Oct. 19, 2013— Jan. 18, 2014 $40 35 30 25 20 4—Doe Kids 9-12 months, born July 19— Oct. 18, 2013 $40 5—Pair of Percentage Doe Kids $40 35 6—Junior Champion Percentage Boer Doe Rosette 7—Reserve Junior Champion Percentage Boer Doe Rosette 8—Yearling Does 12-16 months, born March 19— July 18, 2013 $40 35 9 —Yearling Does 16-20 months, born Nov. 19, 2012— March 18, 2013 $40 35 30 25 20 10—Yearling Does 20-24 months, born July 19— Nov. 18, 2012 $40 35 11—Champion Yearling Percentage Doe Rosette 12—Reserve Champion Yearling Percentage Doe Rosette 13—Two Year Old Does 24 to 36 months, born July 19, 2011 —July 18, 2012 $40 35 14—Aged Does – 36 months & over, born before July 19, 2011 $40 35 15—Pair of Does over 12 months, owned by exhibitor. Limited to one entry. $35 16—Senior Champion Percentage Boer Doe Rosette 17—Reserve Senior Champion Percentage Boer Doe Rosette 18—Grand Champion Percentage Boer Doe Banner 19—Reserve Grand Champion Percentage Boer Doe Banner 20—Premier Exhibitor Banner (See full blood section for method of calculation) FULLBLOOD BOER DOES (15/16 to Fulll Blood) Total Amount Offered by Ohio State Fair $1,598.00 Class No. 21—Doe Kids 0-3 months, born after April 18, 2014 $5040 22—Doe Kids 3-6 months, born Jan. 19— April 18, 2014 $504035 252015 151512 12 23—Doe Kids 6-9 months, born Oct. 19, 2013— Jan. 18, 2014 $5040 35 252015 151512 12 24—Doe Kids 9-12 months, born July 19— Oct. 18, 2013 $5040 35 25 25—Pair of Doe Kids, owned by exhibitor. Limited to one entry. $40 35 26—Junior Champion Fullblood Boer Doe Rosette 27—Reserve Junior Champion Fullblood Boer Doe Rosette 28—Yearling Does 12-16 months, born March 19— July 18, 2013 $5040 35 25 2015 29—Yearling Does 16-20 months, born Nov. 19, 2012 —March 18, 2013 $50403525201515 30—Yearling Does 20-24 months born July 19— Nov. 18, 2012 $5040 31—Champion Yearling Fullblood Boer Doe Rosette 32—Reserve Yearling Fullblood Boer Doe Rosette 33—Pair of Yearling Does, owned by exhibitor. Limited to one entry. $40 35 34—Two-year-old Does 24-36 months, born July 19, 2011—July 18, 2012 $50 40 35—Aged Does – 36 months born before July 19, 2011 $5040 35 36—Pair of Fullblood Senior Does $40 37—Senior Champion Fullblood Boer Doe Rosette 38—Reserve Senior Champion Fullblood Boer Doe Rosette 39—Grand Champion Fullblood Boer Doe Banner 40—Reserve Grand Champion Fullblood Boer Doe Banner 4 FULLBLOOD BOER BUCKS (31/32 to Fullblood) Total Amount Offered by Ohio State Fair $970.00 Class No. 41—Buck Kids 0 to 3 months, born after April 18, 2014 $50 40 35 42—Buck Kids 3 to 6 months, born Jan. 19— April 18, 2014 $50 40 35 43—Buck Kids 6 to 9 months, born Oct. 19, 2013— Jan. 18, 2014 $50 40 35 44—Buck Kids 9 to 12 months, born July 19 — Oct. 18, 2013 $5040 45—Pair of Buck Kids, owned by exhibitor. Llimited to one entry $40 46—Junior Champion Fullblood Boer Buck Rosette 47—Reserve Junior Champion Fullblood Boer Buck Rosette 48—Yearling Buck 12-16 months, born March 19— July 18, 2013 $50 40 49—Yearling Buck 16 to 20 months, born Nov. 19, 2012—March 18, 2013 $50 40 50—Yearling Buck 20 to 24 months, born July 19— Nov. 18, 2012 $40 51—Yearling Champion Fullblood Boer Buck Rosette 52—Reserve Yearling Champion Fullblood Boer Buck Rosette 53—Two Year Old Buck 24 to 36 months, born July 19, 2011—July 18, 2012 $5040 54—Aged Buck – 36 months & over, born before July 19, 2011 $40 55—Senior Champion Fullblood Boer Buck Rosette 56—Reserve Senior Champion Fullblood Boer Buck Rosette 57—Grand Champion Fullblood Boer Buck Banner 58—Reserve Grand Champion Fullblood Boer Buck Banner 59—Young Herd – One buck kid and two doe kids, owned by exhibitor. Limited to one entry $40 35 60—Get of Sire—Four animals, the get of one sire, both sexes to be represented. Owned by exhibitor. Each exhibitor limited to one entry sired by the same buck. Indicate name of sire on entry form. $ 40 61— Premier Exhibitor—Points computed from winnings—5 points for first place; 4 points for second place; 3 points for third place; 2 points for fourth place; 1 point for fifth place. Points will be computed from fullblood classes and will be awarded only to the registered name appearing on the records of the breed association. Animals do not have to be bred by exhibitor. Only the exhibitor's two highest placings in any one class will be counted. In case of tie, the exhibitor winning the most firsts will receive the award. If tie still exists, the one with the most seconds will win. Banner 62—Reserve Premier Exhibitor Banner 63— Premier Breeder Banner 64—Reserve Premier Breeder Banner All goats must be shown in individual classes to be in group classes. 5 WETHER SIRE AND DAM CLASSES Saturday, July 19 1. No registration papers are required for the wether sire and dam classes. 2. There will be two divisions; bucks and does. SPECIAL AWARDS Champion Wether Sire – John Braddock Memorial Rotating Trophy Champion Wether Dam – RotatingTrophy Presented by Van Horn Boer Goats 3. All entries must be slick shorn to 3/8 inch or less (equivalent to Lister Cover Cote blade). Wether Sires & Dams must be slick shorn to an even length from the knees and hocks up excluding the head and tail switch. No blocking will be permitted and will be grounds for refused entry into the ring. 4. All entries must be presented to the official weigh in. Those with all of their kid teeth will be weighed and split into classes. Those that have lost any kid teeth will show in the Senior class. Class List — Pre-determined weight breaks 75 lbs & under 76-100 lbs 101 lbs & over Seniors 5. Entry fee is $12 6. Entry Deadline - June 20. Entries made June 21 through July 13 will requires a $75.00 late fee per exhibitor, plus $12 per animal charge. No entries will be accepted after July 13. 7. Premiums determined by number of entries. At least 75 % payout. 8. Open to all exhibitors. 9. This is not an ABGA sanctioned show. Therefore it is up to the judge to determine his own criteria for sound mouths, teats, testicles, and pigment. 10. This show is provided as an opportunity for those involved in the wether business to showcase animals responsible for creating the next generation of wethers and the entries will be evaluated with this sole purpose in mind. Class No. 65—Wether Dams — Premiums determined by number of entries. At least 75% payout 66—Wether Sires — Premiums determined by number of entries. At least 75% payout 67—Grand Champion Wether Dam Banner 68—Grand Champion Wether Sire Banner 6 Exhibitor Information Important The Junior entry blank is a different one than the Open. If you want to enter both Junior and Open, then two blanks are needed. All exhibitors must submit with their entry form, a W-9 and Vendor Information Form. These forms are required by the State of Ohio in order to process premium payments over $500. You may find these forms online under competitions. Complete animal information as required and animal count information as requested on the entry blank. Entry due date is June 20, this means the entry blank, along with money, must be postmarked by June 20. We do not accept metered mail. Please make checks payable to the Ohio State Fair and mail to Ohio State Fair, Entry Department, 717 East 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43211. ONLINE ENTRY INFORMATION You may enter online at www.ohiostatefair.com. Exhibitors should keep their exact login information (username/password). If entering under farm name, please utilize team/ company information line to list your farm name. Late entry (June 21-July 13) requires a $75.00 late fee per exhibitor, per species, plus the usual per animal charge. If wanting to enter both Junior and Open, then it would be $75.00 for each area, plus the animal entry fee. Ticket Information No tickets will be required for Boer Goat exhibitors, since the show is before the official opening of the Ohio State Fair. If you wish to purchase admission tickets for the Ohio State Fair, you may do so from the Entry Office at the following cost: $28 $50 $ 6 6-day (this ticket may be used by more than one person at the gate) 12-day (only one person admission each day of the fair) 1-day (one person admission) Premium money (amount listed after the class information) is processed and mailed at the conclusion of the fair. Any exhibitor who has not received due money by October 31, 2014, you should notify the Entry Department 717 East 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43211, phone 614-644-4052, or e-mail b.prince@expo.state.oh.us or 614-466-8366, s.french@expo.state.oh.us 7
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