St Mary’s Catholic Parish Warwick EMBRACING THE COMMUNITIES OF: PARISH OFFICE PO BOX 118, WARWICK. 81 Percy Street, Warwick. Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm St Mary’s, Warwick, Our Lady of Dolours, Greymare, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Gladfield and Our Lady of Fatima, Karara 8th/9th November 2014 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Phone: (07) 4661 1033 Fax: (07) 4661 4232 Liturgy Committee Email: Website: St Mary’s Catholic Parish Parish Priest Fr Franco Filipetto Semi-retired Priest Fr Terry Hickling 4661 8227 Parish Administration Officer Kathleen Cuskelly Administration Support Officer Mary-anne Loudon PARISH SCHOOLS St Mary’s Kindergarten Director: Marie Sullivan Phone: 4667 1075 St Mary’s (Primary) Principal: Mrs Michelle Campbell Phone: 4661 1872 Assumption College Principal: Mr Peter Moloney Phone: 4660 4000 Co-ordination Specialist liturgical ministries are planned and performed by those who have the necessary knowledge and skills. For example, musicians select appropriate music and artists shape the liturgical environment. It is the responsibility of the liturgy committee, however, to co-ordinate these various ministries and to ensure that they are carried out with a common understanding of the spirit and structure of the celebration and season. The liturgy committee is the avenue for communication between the different liturgical ministry groups in the parish. For example, it needs to ensure that rosters for readers and ministers of communion are drawn up in such a way that an individual performs only one liturgical ministry at a particular Mass. Formation In-service training is as important for those involved in liturgical ministry as it is in any job. Another role of the parish liturgy committee is to provide opportunities for spiritual and practical formation for its own members, for the various liturgical ministers and for the parish as a whole. This can be done by arranging guest speakers, using one of the many excellent training videos available and by including information about liturgy in parish bulletins and handouts (copies of the “Liturgy Lines”, for example!). Evaluation Looking back at the way feasts and seasons were celebrated is an important learning experience for liturgy planners. What worked well that should be retained? What needs to be revised, improved or eliminated in the future? Some of the big questions that a liturgy committee might ask include: Are our liturgies life-giving? Are parishioners able to participate easily in the liturgies? What criticisms are people making and how do we address these? Good liturgy doesn’t just happen. The members of parish liturgy committees do important work on our behalf to ensure that in worship we encounter the living God and enter into the paschal mystery and are thereby nourished and sent out to continue to be the body of Christ for the world. LITURGY TIMES PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS WEEK 8TH/9TH NOVEMBER RECENTLY DECEASED: Phillip Owens, Maud Perrin, Anne Holmes, Venesia Cooper, Kev Thumpkin MASSES St Mary’s Vigil 6pm Sunday 8:30am Baptisms 10am Cahalane, Charles Daly, Francis Leonard, Peter Murphy, John Dowd & William McCormack, Harold Booth, Don McGinness, Thomas & Mary McMahon, Michael Quinn, Cecil & Rose Dettori, Jim & Monica Nolan, Mary Bourke, Lorna Bradfield, Ned & May Nolan, Elizabeth Cantwell, Leo Cantwell, Sylvester & Maria Canavan, Helario Gallardo, Benigna Gallardo, Feleciano Gallardo, Matea Llanto, Juana Gallardo, Bacella Abordonado, Thomas John Carr, Flo & Henry Smith, Basil Byrne, Paul Brewer, Ronald Gilham, Neta-Frances Spencer, Kev Peters, Teodora Yee Villar, Tom Crawford, William Dunne, Ellen Catherine Ryan, Mary O’Brien, Vic Mednis, Thomas, Monica & Murray Ryan and all relatives and friends. Killarney Sunday 8am SICK: Michael Willett, Kev O’Shea, Heidi Haferkamp, Annette Carey, Rick Waterworth (Bris), Carmel Ryan, LAY LITURGIES Yangan Saturday 6pm Gladfield Sunday 9:30am WEEKDAY LITURGIES Monday Mass 9am Tuesday Liturgy of The Word 5:30pm Leader 1: Margaret Lawton Leader 2: Shirley Owens Reader: Trish Seaby Gospel & Reflection: Kev Seaby ANNIVERSARIES: Ned Murphy, Ven. A/Deacon Leo Hayes, Rev Frs William McGovern, Cornelius Margaret Aldridge (Bris), Bridge Murphy, Margaret Morris, Denis McEniery (Bris), Mike Keim, Alison Towler (Emerald), Bianca Muir, Lucas Hermeston (NSW), Sue Moffatt & son, Robert (Millmerran), Mila Jacob (Hobart), Judy Robertson, Lou Rowan, Denise Tracey (Gold Coast), Sylvie Gray, Marion O’Leary, Del Franchina, Michael Dawson, Morris Condon, Yolande Miller, Louise Henricksen, Billy Johnson (Bris), Pippa Harth (Dalby), Cheryl Bushell (Benn), John Henry, Marie Gillespie, Narcise Talara, Colin King, Kellie Keir (T’ville), Peter Roche (Tas), Jessica Ryan, Terry O’Shea, Terry Hollindale, Amanda Webb, Phil Gant, Anne Barnier (Buderim), Jess Scanlan (Ballina), Doug Christensen, Anne Gant & residents of Akooramak and The Oaks, patients at the Warwick Hospital and all those who receive Home Communion. Ministries Friday Mass 12noon Saturday Mass 9am FEAST DAYS Mon St Leo the Great Tues St Martin of Tours Wed St Josaphat NEXT WEEK 15TH/16TH NOVEMBER MASSES St Mary’s Vigil 6pm Sunday 8:30am Gladfield Sunday 10am NEXT WEEKEND 15th/16th November Vigil 6pm 8:30am Killarney Sunday 8am Reconciliation St Mary’s Saturday 9:40am 8:30am Bell Ringers Paul Scerri Marty & Sue Harris Paul Scerri Marty & Sue Harris Betty Peters Maree Ryan PPC—Mary Darr & Des Collins Young family Gloria Duffy Mal Brownlie Readers Mary Bourke WR Pauline Stewart Lisa Watt Sr Margaret Murphy WR Shirley Peel Pauline Pickering Cheryl Collins WR Jo McNally Justin Walsh Marianne Jordan WR Rowena O’Dea Margaret Lawton Prayer of the Faithful Maria Ryan John Telfer Judy Morrisey Amy Bradfiled Gifts Faa Family Nancy Ford Bernadette Ryan Reardon family Con Lo Giudice Shirley Owens Mary Darr Ministers of Communion Judy & Gerry Morrisey Peter & Michelle Campbell Justin Walsh Michael Gaffney Marianne Jordan Len & Sue Doyle Claire Duggan Lyn & Mary Noble Rob Dawson Susan Ryan Karine Preston Mal Brownlie Barry Scanlan Marion McGahan Sally Carr Con lo Giudice PowerPoint Matthew Henry Joe Willett Chloe Thorne Nathaniel Ryan Musicians Debbie, Regina & Jessica Michael, Rey, Ingrid & Kathleen Ingrid & Kathleen Val, Michael & Rey Morning Tea at Assisi Place Val Gray Des & Bette McConville Children’s Liturgy Rowena O’Dea & Melanie Joyce Carmel Wooding Mary-Ellen Roberts Altar Servers Chloe Thorne Zia Thorne Samantha Joyce Ben Pickering Chris Diaz Mitchell Lyons Benjamin Lyons Christie Lyons MacKenzie Ganly Tori Abood Harriet Plummer Juliana Cox OTHER ROSTERS THIS WEEK LAY LITURGIES Yangan Saturday 6pm Vigil 6pm Welcomers at Church Doors Wednesday Mass 7am Thursday Mass 9am; Communion Service at Akooramak 10:30am THIS WEEKEND 8th/9th November ROSTERS NEXT WEEK Akooramak Mick Gaffney & Carolyn Abood Home Communion Fr Franco & Pattie Hemmings Val Murphy & Marion McGahan Bus Drivers & Carers Tony Tuddenham 4661 9729 & Nina Lynch-Doyle Tom Lawton 4667 1390 Des McConville 4661 1669 Money Counters Group 3—Gerry Morrisey 4661 3170 Group 4-Paul Maher 4667 9109 PRAYER & LITURGY Rosary is prayed before each weekday Mass in St Mary’s Church. Mothers’ Prayers Group meets on Thursdays at 9:30 in Church (Maria 4661 2158) Liturgy Group Meeting Thursday, 13th November at 2pm at the Presbytery. PARISH GROUPS MEETINGS AT THE PARISH CENTRE MAGAZINES ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets on Wednesdays at 7pm in Room 1. Catholic Leader $2 Caritas participates in World’s Biggest Mock Tax Haven to draw attention to tax evasion in lead-up to G20 Horizons Winter edition ] Aust Catholics Magazine—Christmas Edition ] available on tables Trends—Social Justice Newsletter ] at doors November Mass Envelopes available at front of church PARISH EVENTS Parish Christmas Party Saturday 15th Nov ‘14 after 6pm Mass. Please bring a salad or sweets to share. The Parish will supply the barbecue. BYO drinks. Last year’s Christmas Party was a success despite the storm. Please join us to get to know each other and foster community in our parish. Planned Giving Statements for each Quarter will not be printed unless specifically asked for. If you would like a PGP Statement for the first Quarter 2014/15, please contact the Parish Office. A Memorial Mass, to remember those of our Parish Community who died between November 2013 and November 2014, will be celebrated on 12th November at 7pm followed by a “cuppa” in Assisi Place. Please bring ‘bikkies’, e.g. to share. Book of Remembrance for the month of November will be placed at the front of the Church for registering names of relatives and friends who have departed this life. SVDP Bus Trip for November is on last Sunday 30th Nov. Parish Badges have arrived and can be collected from the tables near the front doors of the Church each Sunday or from the Parish Office during the week, for those who ordered them. A new list is currently being compiled. If you would like a Parish Badge, put your name on the list at the Parish Office. Annual Leave Fr Terry will be away from the Parish for 3 weeks from this Sunday 9th November 2014. Happy holidays!!!! Social Cards Monday 10th Nov 7:30pm at Sthn Cross Bowls Club. All welcome. COMMUNITY EVENTS Fr Joe McKey Archives/Museum Visits may be arranged by 4661 3497. Christmas Downunder Ecumenical Christian themed event over 4 halfdays (17-20 Dec) offers free activities to local families to bring the story of the birth of Jesus into the world of Santa and shopping. Contact Mary-anne ( or 0428 841 164, Donna ( or 0415 439 311 or 4661 3442 if you can or wish to assist. Your help would be most appreciated. Affordable accommodation is available for Tertiary Students, Apprentices and other Young Working People at The Loft, 38 Ferguson Road, Wavell Heights, Brisbane. For more information, please see our website: St Joseph’s Church Centenary, Helidon 9th November, 2014. Mass 8.30am, Bishop McGuckin celebrating with Fr Michael. Morning tea at 10amplease bring a plate to share. Sausage sizzle, gold coin donation for brunch. Centenary book being launched as well as commemorative mugs. More info, contact Parish Office on 46997 6221 or Self-Harm Prevention & Management Evening will be held at the RSL Function Room on Monday 10th November at 6:30pm. Speaker, Garry King, will address topics including Reasons for Self-harm, Risk Factors, Those most at Risk, Protective Factors and A ‘What-to-say’ and ‘What-not-to-say’ guide for parents. No children under 18 will be admitted. For more info contact Marie Brennan, WHS, 4666 9222. Sponsored by RSL, Rotary & Zonta & Scripture Union Qld. CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP meets on Mondays in Room 1 at 9:45am. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP meets on Fridays from 9-10am. FATHERS’ PRAYERS GROUP meets on Tuesdays in Room 10 from 6pm. All welcome. Ph 4661 3133 LAY CARMELITES meet on 2nd Friday of each month at 9am Pam Eather 4661 3917 LITTLE TREASURES PLAY GROUP meets Wednesdays at 9:30am in Rooms 1 & 2 (during school terms) MEN ALIVE GROUP meets in Room 2 on Thursdays at 7-8pm. Contact 4661 3133. MOTHERS’ PRAYERS GROUPS meet on Tuesdays in Room 3 at 6pm (Pauline 4661 7293) and Fridays in Room 3 at 10am (Maree 4661 7345). PARISH LADIES meet on 1st Tuesday of each month at 9:30am in Room 1. New members are warmly invited to join this group. Contact Rita 4661 8144 or Shirley 4661 2470 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica St. John Lateran is one of the four major basilicas in Rome, together with St. Peter’s, St. Mary Major, and St. Paul Outside the Walls. It is unique among the four since it (not St. Peter's) is the cathedral church of the Bishop of Rome, the Pope. Lateran was the name of a Roman family whose lands were seized for the Church by the Emperor Constantine, and which then became the site of a great basilica dedicated in honour of John the Baptist. The basilica now has a triple dedication in honour of St. John the Baptist, St. John the Evangelist, and our Lord. Across the front of the basilica is a Latin inscription that says, "This is the mother and head of all churches in the whole world." It is a reminder of why the dedication of this one church is celebrated by the universal Church: we are one family, one flock, and led by one shepherd, the successor of St. Peter. REFLECTION This text is often cited as one of the passages that shows the humanity of Jesus. He becomes very angry at what he sees as a desecration of the Temple-his Father’s house. And yet this Gospel is full of surprises. Jesus drives out the very people who are necessary for the Temple to function. Offering sacrifice was a vital part of the religion of Israel and a central function of the Temple priesthood. It was sacrilegious to bring Roman coinage with its images of the Emperor-god into the Temple precinct. All coins had to be changes to Tyrian coinage. Money changers were necessary, as were those who sold the animals needed for sacrifice: larger beasts for the wealthy and cheaper pigeons for the poor. Jesus was angry that the commercial aspect of the Temple cult had assumed such importance. More than this, his actions point to a new reality. The Temple cult has now been replaced by the living sanctuary of his own presence among people. God is present beyond the Temple of wood and stone. Jesus, though his death and resurrection, is to become the living presence of God, a reality that the disciples are yet to grasp fully. What puts a fire in your belly? What signs have you seen so far in your journey that Jesus has the words of eternal life? First Reading Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 I saw water flowing from the temple and all who were touched by it were saved. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 45:2-3, 5-6, 8-9. R.v.5 The waters of the river gladden the city of God. Second Reading Corinthians 3:9-11, 16-17 You are the temple of God. Gospel Acclamation 2 Chronicles 7:16 I have chosen and sanctified this house, says the Lord, that my name may remain in it for all time. Gospel John 2:13-22 He spoke about the temple of his own body. The Summit Volume 41 Number 2 Jesus Cleansing the Temple Copyright © ABDA Acts - Arts and Publishing - Used by permission.
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