St Mary’s Catholic Parish Warwick PARISH OFFICE PO BOX 118, WARWICK. 81 Percy Street, Warwick. Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Phone: (07) 4661 1033 Fax: (07) 4661 4232 Email: Website: EMBRACING THE COMMUNITIES OF: St Mary’s, Warwick, Our Lady of Dolours, Greymare, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Gladfield and Our Lady of Fatima, Karara 15th/16th November 2014 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time What is Liturgy? St Mary’s Catholic Parish Parish Priest Fr Franco Filipetto Semi-retired Priest Fr Terry Hickling 4661 8227 Parish Administration Officer Kathleen Cuskelly Administration Support Officer Mary-anne Loudon PARISH SCHOOLS St Mary’s Kindergarten Director: Marie Sullivan Phone: 4667 1075 St Mary’s (Primary) Principal: Mrs Michelle Campbell Phone: 4661 1872 Assumption College Principal: Mr Peter Moloney Phone: 4660 4000 Liturgy is always an action, something we do; it is not simply a text in a book. Liturgy is a public action, a ritual action, and a symbolic action. We participate in the action of the liturgy by responding, singing, listening and joining in the gestures. The tangible words and actions made by the Church in liturgy signify the mysterious Word of God who acts in our midst; in fact, the liturgy actually makes present God’s action in the world since it is Christ who acts in the worship of the Church, Christ’s body. It is in the proclamation of the word that God speaks to us; it is in the breaking of the bread that we recognise Christ. The liturgy is therefore the twofold work of God’s Spirit and the Church assembled. Not only does the Church’s prayer of praise and petition rise to God in the liturgy but the rich blessing of the Spirit also descends upon the Church and its assembled members. In its sacramental signs, the Church takes part in the passage of Christ from suffering and death to life and glory. This description emphasises that the liturgy is not only communal and public but is the official worship of the Church made present in the gathered assembly. In this act of the Church, Christ acts to save us. Not everyone can express the depth of this reality in words, but everyone can take part in the singing, the prayers, the scriptures and the sacramental gestures and know that by their participation they touch the mysterious presence and grace of God. Liturgy Workshop will be held on Sunday 23rd November at the Parish Centre from 10am. The workshop will be run by John Briffa and anyone who is interested or who would like to attend is most welcome. LITURGY TIMES PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS WEEK 15TH/16TH NOVEMBER RECENTLY DECEASED: Ella Hall (Daymar), Blanche Turnbull (Gatton), Phillip Owens, Maud Perrin MASSES St Mary’s Vigil 6pm Sunday 8:30am cis & Johanna Barrett, Raymund Cleary, Ned Murphy, Ven. A/Deacon Leo Hayes, Rev Frs William McGovern, Cornelius Cahalane, Charles Daly, Francis Leonard, Peter Murphy, John Dowd & William McCormack, Harold Booth, Don McGinness, Thomas & Mary McMahon, Michael Quinn, Cecil & Rose Dettori, Jim & Monica Nolan, Mary Bourke, Lorna Bradfield, Ned & May Nolan, Elizabeth Cantwell, Leo Cantwell, Sylvester & Maria Canavan, and all relatives and friends. Gladfield Sunday 10am SICK: Michael Willett, Kev O’Shea, Heidi Haferkamp, Annette Carey, Rick Waterworth (Bris), Carmel Ryan, LAY LITURGIES Killarney Sunday 8am Yangan Saturday 6pm WEEKDAY LITURGIES Monday Mass 9am Tuesday Liturgy of The Word 5:30pm Leader 1: Gerry Morrisey Leader 2: Maria Ryan Reader: Des Collins Gospel & Reflection: Judy Morrisey Wednesday Mass 7am Thursday Mass 9am Friday Mass 12noon ANNIVERSARIES: Gregorio Villar, Antioco Villar Jr, Wilma Crawford, Peter & Margaret Bourke, Fran- Margaret Aldridge (Bris), Bridge Murphy, Margaret Morris, Denis McEniery (Bris), Mike Keim, Alison Towler (Emerald), Bianca Muir, Lucas Hermeston (NSW), Sue Moffatt & son, Robert (Millmerran), Judy Robertson, Lou Rowan, Denise Tracey (Gold Coast), Sylvie Gray, Marion O’Leary, Del Franchina, Michael Dawson, Morris Condon, Yolande Miller, Louise Henricksen, Billy Johnson (Bris), Pippa Harth (Dalby), Cheryl Bushell (Benn), John Henry, Marie Gillespie, Narcise Talara, Colin King, Kellie Keir (T’ville), Peter Roche (Tas), Jessica Ryan, Terry O’Shea, Terry Hollindale, Amanda Webb, Phil Gant, Anne Barnier (Buderim), Jess Scanlan (Ballina), Doug Christensen, Anne Gant & residents of Akooramak and The Oaks, patients at the Warwick Hospital and all those who receive Home Communion. We welcome into our Parish Community through the Sacrament of Baptism: Ella Jane Schmidt daughter of Katie, Zachary William Abood son of Shane & Nicole Luke Paul Nolan son of Luke & Michelle, Emma Katelyn Martin daughter of Stephen & Pauline and Ruby Kate Danzey daughter of Corey & Christine ROSTERS THIS WEEKEND 15th/16th November Ministries Vigil 6pm 8:30am Vigil 6pm 8:30am Bell Ringers Paul Scerri Marty & Sue Harris Paul Scerri Marty & Sue Harris Welcomers at Church Doors Young family Gloria Duffy Mal Brownlie Kajewski family Dave Carr & Bernadette Ryan Readers Cheryl Collins WR Jo McNally Justin Walsh Marianne Jordan WR Rowena O’Dea Margaret Lawton Pauline Stewart WR Maree Ryan Kelly Reardon Pam Eather WR Bernice Furness Nina Lynch-Doyle Prayer of the Faithful Judy Morrisey Amy Bradfiled Richard Tarten Mary-Anne Driver Gifts Reardon family Con Lo Giudice Shirley Owens Mary Darr Wayne Watt & family Andrew O’Dea & family Ministers of Communion Lyn & Mary Noble Rob Dawson Susan Ryan Karine Preston Mal Brownlie Barry Scanlan Marion McGahan Sally Carr Con lo Giudice Kev & Trish Seaby Judith Ting Bette McConville Caroline Abood Mary-Anne Driver Shirley Peel Pauline Pickering Nina Lynch Doyle Patty Hemmings PowerPoint Chloe Thorne Nathaniel Ryan Brittney Benn Camille Diaz Musicians Ingrid & Kathleen Val, Michael & Rey Debbie, Regina & Jessica Michael, Rey, Ingrid & Kathleen. Saturday Mass 9am FEAST DAYS Mon St Elizabeth of Hungary Sat St Cecilia NEXT WEEK 22ND/23RD NOVEMBER MASSES St Mary’s Vigil 6pm Sunday 8:30am LAY LITURGIES Yangan Saturday 6pm NEXT WEEKEND 22nd/23rd November Morning Tea at Assisi Place Des & Bette McConville Family Groups Children’s Liturgy Carmel Wooding Mary-Ellen Roberts Pauline Pickering Elaina Brosnan Altar Servers Mitchell Lyons Benjamin Lyons Christie Lyons OTHER ROSTERS MacKenzie Ganly Tori Abood Harriet Plummer Juliana Cox THIS WEEK Cameron Watt Christopher Watt Ben Willett Nathaniel Ryan Andrew Willett NEXT WEEK Killarney Sunday 8am Akooramak Home Communion Val Murphy & Marion McGahan Basil & Phillipa Doherty Gladfield Sunday 9:30am Bus Drivers & Carers Tom Lawton 4667 1390 Des & Kerri Collins 4661 5336 Money Counters Group 4-Paul Maher 4667 9109 Group 5 - Chris O’Brien 4661 3681 Reconciliation St Mary’s Saturday 9:40am Pam Eather & Michael Dwan PRAYER & LITURGY Rosary is prayed before each weekday Mass in St Mary’s Church. Mothers’ Prayers Group meets on Thursdays at 9:30 in Church (Maria 4661 2158) Liturgy Group Meeting 2pm at Presbytery Thursday 20th November Choir Practice after 9am Mass on Saturday 22nd November. All welcome. MAGAZINES Catholic Leader $2 Horizons Winter edition Aust Catholics Magazine—Christmas Edition Trends—Social Justice Newsletter November Mass Envelopes ] ] available on tables ] at doors ] PARISH EVENTS Date Claimer: St Mary’s Celtfest 2015 Friday 20th/Saturday 21st March Parish Christmas Party Saturday 15th Nov ‘14 after 6pm Mass. Please bring a salad or sweets to share. The Parish will supply the barbecue. BYO drinks. Last year’s Christmas Party was a success despite the storm. Please join us to get to know each other and foster community in our parish. Planned Giving Statements for each Quarter will not be printed unless specifically asked for. If you would like a PGP Statement for the first Quarter 2014/15, please contact the Parish Office. Book of Remembrance for the month of November will be placed at the front of the Church for registering names of relatives and friends who have departed this life. St Mary’s Parish Ladies will be holding their Christmas Lunch at The Christian College in the founders Room on 8th December 2014 at 12noon. Cost per person will be $28 for Buffet. Payment with booking is essential by 1st December. Phone Celine 4667 1919 or Rita 4661 8144. SVDP Bus Trip for November is on last Sunday 30th Nov. Parish Badges have arrived and can be collected from the tables near the front doors of the Church each Sunday or from the Parish Office during the week, for those who ordered them. A new list is currently being compiled. If you would like a Parish Badge, put your name on the list at the Parish Office. Congratulations to Thelma Marshall - 100 last Wednesday. Family and friends are invited to join Thelly on Saturday 15th November at the Douglas Feez Pavilion from 10am to 3pm to mark this special occasion and help her celebrate this milestone!! May God bless Thelly and her family. COMMUNITY EVENTS Fr Joe McKey Archives/Museum Visits may be arranged by 4661 3497. Christmas Downunder Ecumenical Christian themed event over 4 half-days (17-20 Dec) offers free activities to local families to bring the story of the birth of Jesus into the world of Santa and shopping. Contact Mary-anne ( or 0428 841 164, Donna ( or 0415 439 311 or 4661 3442 if you can or wish to assist. Your help would be most appreciated. SPRED Community will celebrate their annual Thanksgiving Mass with the parishioners of St Anthony’s Parish at 8:30am on Sunday 30th November, 2014. All are invited to join the SPRED Community for Morning Tea after mass. For further information please phone the SPRED Centre on 46328427. Affordable accommodation is available for Tertiary Students, Apprentices and other Young Working People at The Loft, 38 Ferguson Road, Wavell Heights, Brisbane. For more information, please see our website: A SERVICE FOR REMEMBRANCE & HOPE MONDAY 1ST December 2014 7pm St Mary’s Catholic Church. For many this Christmas will bring sadness, because of the absence of one with whom they expected to share this tradition. PARISH GROUPS MEETINGS AT THE PARISH CENTRE ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets on Wednesdays at 7pm in Room 1. CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP meets on Mondays in Room 1 at 9:45am. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP meets on Fridays from 9-10am. FATHERS’ PRAYERS GROUP meets on Tuesdays in Room 10 from 6pm. All welcome. Ph 4661 3133 LAY CARMELITES meet on 2nd Friday of each month at 9am Pam Eather 4661 3917 LITTLE TREASURES PLAY GROUP meets Wednesdays at 9:30am in Rooms 1 & 2 (during school terms) MEN ALIVE GROUP meets in Room 2 on Thursdays at 7-8pm. Contact 4661 3133. MOTHERS’ PRAYERS GROUPS meet on Tuesdays in Room 3 at 6pm (Pauline 4661 7293) and Fridays in Room 3 at 10am (Maree 4661 7345). PARISH LADIES meet on 1st Tuesday of each month at 9:30am in Room 1. New members are warmly invited to join this group. Contact Rita 4661 8144 or Shirley 4661 2470 Prayer For Rain Almighty and everlasting God, you have given us this earth to care for and delight in. Look with mercy on our need for rain for our parched land. We pray that life-giving rain will soon fall. We pray for those suffering from the severity of this drought— people working on the land, and those in business who depend on farming and grazing for their livelihoods. Father, help them to know your love and care, and to bring their burdens to you. Guide all those who are seeking to provide help and REFLECTION In today’s Gospel, Matthew develops the theme of what it means to be living in the in-between time. The Master has given the servants ‘talents’ and on his return they will be judged according to how they have used those talents and whether they have followed his instructions. The reference is to money, a standard measure used in the Near east and a very large sum indeed. In fact, each servant has been given a treasure. Two perform well but the third is paralysed by the fear of taking a risk and hides his talent away. His excuseis that he knew his Master was an exacting man and so he refused even to try. He condemns himself by not responding to the demands of the Master. This Gospel challenges us to drop our false notion of God as an exacting Master to appreciate the gifts we have been given and to use and develop them for our good and the good of others. What are your talents and gifts? How do you use them? When do you feel like a “good and faithful servant?” bring healing in the midst of so much pain. We ask these things through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. First Reading Proverbs 31: 10-13,19-20,30-31 Give her a share in what she has worked for. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 127:1-5,R.v.1 Happy are those who fear the Lord. Second Reading Thessalonians 5:1-6 The day the Lord is going to come like a thief in the night. Gospel Acclamation John 15:4-5 Live in me and let me live in you, says the Lord; my branches bear much fruit. Gospel Matthew 25:14-30 Because you have been faithful over a few things, enter into the joy of the Lord. THE PARABLE OF THE TALENTS Copyright © ABDA Acts - Arts and Publishing - Used by permission.
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