SAINT FRANCIS DE SALES PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Thomas V. Doyle, Pastor Rev. John S. Wtulich Rev. Patrick Longalong Deacon Vincent LaGamba Deacon Armand D’Accordo Mr. Robert Ruggiero, Religious Education Mr. Christopher Scharbach—Principal Mr. Jonathan D’Amico – Music Ministry PARISH OFFICE 129-16 Rockaway Beach Blvd. Belle Harbor, NY 11694 MISSION STATEMENT St. Francis de Sales, a parish steeped in tradition, rich in natural beauty and bountifully blessed with a community devoted in love to serve God and our neighbor. We seek to live actively the Word of God through the example of our patron saint, a life devoted to energetic, generous and constant fidelity to the will of God. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we will grow in our faith through continuous education, formation, communication, and out-reach, while passing these values on to our future generations. We endeavor to be a most vibrant community of faith which will effectively utilize the talents, resources, and treasures of our parish for the good of all God’s people. WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday to Friday: 6:30am and 9:00am Saturday: 8:00am; 9:00am and 5:30pm (Vigil) SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE 7:30am; 9:00am; 10:30am, Noon, 5:30pm and 7:00pm (Polish) HOLY DAY SCHEDULE Vigil of Holy Day at 7:30pm Holy Day at 6:30am; 9:00am and Noon CONFESSION/SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturdays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm Seasonal Penance Services during Advent and Lent CARE OF THE SICK If there is an elderly, sick or infirm parishioner who wishes to receive Holy Communion or the Anointing of the Sick, please call the Parish Office. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Communal Celebrations of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will take place in the Fall and in the Spring. OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm Evening—by appointment Saturday—by appointment Sunday—No Office hours BAPTISM Parents are asked to contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with a priest or deacon to complete the Baptismal Registration Form. Parents are required to attend a Baptismal Instruction at 7:00pm on the First Thursday of the month. Baptisms are celebrated on the Second Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm. MARRIAGE Preparations for the Sacrament of Marriage are very important and take time. Couples planning to be married at Saint Francis De Sales are asked to contact the Parish Office no less than eight months prior to the wedding date. Please do not schedule the catering hall prior to making arrangements at the parish. Couples are required to attend the Pre-Cana Program of the Parish at least six months prior to the wedding. PARISH WEBSITE: PARISH TELEPHONE NUMBERS Parish Office/Rectory Parish Office/Rectory Fax Parish Email Parish Religious Education Office Saint Francis De Sales School Saint Francis De Sales School Fax 718-634-6464 718-634-0716 718-634-6464 718-634-2775 718-634-6673 ST. FRANCIS DE SALES PARISH Sunday, November 9, 2014 Masses for the week of 11-9- to 16, 2014 Sunday 7:30 AM For the People of the Parish 9:00 AM Nelly and John Sinon 10:30 AM Terrence Flynn 12:00 PM Alexander Flanagan 5:30 PM For the Deceased Members of the Religious Monday 6:30 AM Thomas Coleman 9:00 AM The McGovern Family Tuesday 6:30 AM Margaret and John McCarthy 9:00 AM Denis Buckley Wednesday 6:30 AM For all the people who died on November 12th 9:00 AM For all the people who died on November 12th Thursday 6:30 AM Mary Tomasetti 9:00 AM Alice B. O'Donnell and Sister Mary Monica Friday 6:30 AM Peter and Alice Hayden 9:00 AM Nora Gildea Saturday 8:00 AM Peggy Murphy 9:00 AM Walter F. and John Moran 5:30 PM The Living and Deceased Members of the Cotter and Mackey Families Sunday 7:30 AM For the People of the Parish 9:00 AM James Francis O'Donnell 10:30 AM Madeline Bird 12:00 PM Robert Chapey 5:30 PM For the Purgatorial Society BREAD AND WINE: to be offered at the Masses for this week is donated in memory of Deceased Members of the McDonnell, Lachner and Peterson Families. SCRIPTURE REFLECTION – Join us each Tuesday morning following the 9:00 Mass in the Sacred Heart Chapel. We read, and reflect upon the coming Sunday scripture readings. All are welcome from 9:30 to 10:30 AM. 500 Club Weekly: Congratulations! Winners are: $100 #024 Kathleen Shea 50 #194 Elizabeth and Damien George 25 #454 Nolan Parchment SEA BREEZE TRIPS Thursday, December 11th – It Happened One Christmas Eve at Westchester Broadway Theatre – Lunch and Show – Price $85.00. Monday, March 16th – Andy Cooney Concert at Westbury – Show and Dinner at Swan Club – Price $89.00 For more information call: Mary Ellen at 718634-6307 or Kate Hanratty at 718-634-1941. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES BEREAVEMENT MINISITY – The members of the Bereavement Ministry invite anyone who has recently lost a loved one to join them for a Memorial Prayer Service on Saturday, November 22nd at 11:00 Am in the Sacred Heart Chapel in the church. Everyone is welcome. Light refreshments will be served after the service. COUNTED AGAIN - Bishop DiMarzio and our Diocesan Office for Pastoral Planning requires each parish in Brooklyn and Queens to count every individual who comes to Sunday Mass the weekends of November 8 and 9, 15 and 16th. Our ushers will be clicking you during these two weekends. Those numbers will be used by the diocese in planning the assignments of priests and even whether some parishes will have to be closed or merged in the next few years. Many Catholics have drifted away from the tradition of never missing Mass. Polls tell us that about 25% of Catholics go to Mass every week. Our parish statistics are a little better than the national average, but not enough better. We have a spirit here in Rockaway and in St. Francis de Sales that prides itself on community participation. Please come to Mass. Your parish needs you. It counts with God, and that’s what really counts! Thanks, Father Thomas Doyle HELPERS OF GOD’S PRECIOUS INFANTS Vigil from the Unborn – Saturday, Nov. 15th., at Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary located at 88-19 Parsons Blvd. Jamaica, NY. 7:30 AM Mass, followed by the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and a walk to nearby abortion mill to pray the rosary. If you prefer, you may stay in the Church in the company of The Blessed Sacrament. For more information call Rita Hayden at 718-570-7908. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES PARISH Sunday, November 9, 2014 FROM THE DESK OF FATHER DOYLE Dear Parishioners: Today we celebrate the dedication of the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, the oldest church in Rome, and, in a special way the people’s church. We usually think of Saint Peter’s that way, but Pope Francis is the Bishop of the Diocese of Rome, and Saint John Lateran is his cathedral church, so we pay it honor every year. A church is a place where we go to meet God. We know that God is everywhere, but in the church we feel his presence in a special way, in prayer and worship and sacrament. We also know that the church is no just a sacred building. It is us – you and me – all of us. Saint John Paul II wrote in The Vocation and Mission of the Lay Faithful – “The parish is not principally a structure, a territory, or a building, but rather the family of God, a fellowship after with a unifying Spirit, a familial and welcoming home, the community of the faithful. It is a Eucharistic community, a people well suited for celebrating the Eucharist. The parish is the church situated in the neighborhood of humanity. Its way is to be deeply inserted in human society and intimately bound up with people’s aspirations and with the dramatic events of our lives. Life today can be disintegrated and dehumanized. The individual may be lost or disoriented. But there always remains in the human heart the desire to experience and cultivate caring and personal relationships. The parish can respond to this desire when its people participate in its essential mission and calling which is to be a place in the world for the community of believers to gather together, to be a house of welcome to all, and a place of service to all – to be ‘the village fountain’ to which all would have recourse in their thirst (1988, paragraphs 26-27).” Today let us pray – God of our Lord Jesus Christ, as we share together in the life of our parish family, we ask you: Lead us onwards on the journey of discovering your dream for us. Lead us outwards in love and solidarity, cherishing each other and every other. Lead us upwards, to experience more intensely your inexpressible life. Lead us inwards, deeper into the mystery of what you have created us to be. Much peace! Rev. Fr. Thomas V. Doyle Pastor VETERAN’S DAY – NOVEMBER 11TH On Tuesday, November 11th we honor our veterans – living and deceased – who have served and are serving our country. Especially we remember and honor those men and women in our armed services who are on duty throughout the world. As they continue to be in harm’s way in Afghanistan and Iraq, let us pray and work for a just and peaceful and speedy resolution to these warms in which our fellow citizens and other people of goodwill are engaged. In observance of the civil holiday, the Parish Office will be closed on Tuesday, November 11th. PLEASE BE AWARE It was brought to the attention of both the Rectory and Academy that on Sunday, November 2nd an individual was going through the School Yard during the Noon Mass checking doors of the cars. Please make sure all cars doors are locked while at church. DESCRATION IN THE PRAYER GARDEN On Tuesday, a parishioner returning from voting noticed the out stretched hands of the image of Jesus were broken, upon further investigation the statue had been dislodged from the pedestal. The statue has been removed from the Prayer Garden and we have been in contact with the local precinct to report the incident and ask for assistance in how to keep the property of Saint Francis de Sales safe. 2014 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL – UPDATE Assigned Goal $121,579.00 Amount Pledged $101,110.00 (83.16%) Amount needed to reach goal $ 20,469.00 (16.84%) Amount received $ 96.863.17 (79.67%) Donors 309 (14.98%) out of 2,063 If you have not already had the opportunity to participate with this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal, there is still time. Appeal materials are available throughout the church or you can contribute on line at:; please make sure to indicate Saint Francis De Sales Parish. On behalf of Bishop DiMarzio, and the many beneficiaries of the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal – thank you for every gift for they are important and appreciated. MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3RD Join Father Charles Mangano and his sister Laurie as they join us for a Night of Recollection recalling the great gift of God to us. The evening begins at 7:30pm and is a 2 hour program combining music, readings, testimony and preaching. It is our hope that this night will touch your heart, help you to feel the presence of the Lord and come to know Jesus in a more personal way, realizing we are never alone, and that with the Lord, we can do the unthinkable, unimaginable and even forgive the unforgivable. School of Evangelization - Faith Formation INFORMATION Special Needs Program We are happy to announce that we have three dedicated and professional Special Education Teachers volunteering their time as Catechists. If your child(ren) requires IEP for religious education and sacramental preparation we invite you to meet with us on Wednesday, November 19th 7:30 P.M. at the Academy of St. Francis de Sales (First Floor). Healing Service You are cordially invited to join us at Church on Tuesday, November 11th at 7:30 P.M. - Holy Mass will be celebrated by Msgr. Jeffrey Conway. The healing service will immediately follow Holy Mass. Come, “Be Open to the Healing Power of Jesus.” First Annual Visit with St. Nicholas and Christmas Fair Join us on Friday, December 12th 6:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. at the Academy of St. Francis de Sales Hall and Gym. Ticket Price is $20.00 per child (accompanying parent is free) includes food, personal photo with St. Nicholas, and gift. Tickets may be purchased from the Parish Office Monday to Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Vendors interested in purchasing a table (8 feet length X 30 inches width) at the Christmas Fair may contact the Parish Office 718-634-6464. Deadline for signing Vendor’s Contract is due Friday, December 5th. Vendor’s fee is $30.00 per table. Volunteers needed to help with the Christmas Fair, please contact Robert A. Ruggiero at the Parish Office 718-634-6464. QUEENS COUNTY ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE AND CULTURAL COMMITTEE FUNDRAISER AT ST. CAMMILUS SPRINGMAN HALL, LOCATED AT BEACH 100TH STREET – SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH – MUSIC BY THE CELTIC JUSTICE BAND FROM 7:00 PM TO 11:00 PM. BYOB, DRAFT BEER, COFFEE TEA AND SODA. COME AND SUPPORT OUR PARADE $40 PER PERSON, TABLE OF TEN $400 THIS IS OUR 40TH ANNIVERSARY PARADE WWW.QUEENSCOUNTYPARADE.ORG Tickets at Kerry Hills, Rogers Pub and the Parade Committee 718-318-4749
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