Issue 17/2014 31st October 2014 . October 2014 31 Prom Bake Sale November 2014 03 Yr 12 English Studies Exam 9.00 am in Theatre Finance Committee Meeting 7.30 pm in Library 04 Legal Studies Law Courts Excursion to L3 and L4 Yr 12 Physics Exam 1.30 pm In Theatre 06 Yr 12 Maths Applications Exam 9.00 am in Theatre Yr 12 Maths Studies Exam 1.30 pm in Theatre 07 Year 8/9 Knockout Boys Volleyball Year 12 Modern History Exam 9.00 am in Theatre Year 12 German Exam 1.30 pm in Theatre 10 Yr 12 Biology Exam 9.00 am in Theatre Year 11 Major Assessment Week 11 Remembrance Day Ceremony Yr 11 Major Assessment Week 12 Yr 12 Chemistry Exam 9.00 am in Theatre Yr 11 Major Assessment Week 13 Yr 12 Physical Education Exam 9.00 am in Theatre Year 11 Major Assessment Week 14 Yr 12 Specialist Maths at 9.00 am in Theatre Yr 11 Major Assessment Week Notice of Loxton High School Annual General Meeting to be held on Tuesday, 2nd December 2014 at 7.30 pm in the school Library. FROM THE PRINCIPAL Last week was very busy at school, finishing with the SRC Breast Cancer Awareness Casual Day on Friday. SRC sold “brunch” items and there was a tug-of-war and other activities on the oval at lunchtime. Then on Friday night the Prefects held their Bowls Night at the Loxton Bowling Club. Both fundraisers were very successful with over $2,300 being raised! Well done to everyone who assisted with organisation. Despite being in Week 3, we are already busy preparing for the remainder of the year. On Monday the Year 12’s had their last day at school, starting with a brunch at recess and final assembly after lunch. The assembly was well thought-out and very entertaining. I had high expectations of this event and this one, being my first Yr 12 assembly, certainly didn’t disappoint! Year 12’s now move into exam time with the first of the exams starting th on Monday and finish on 19 November. Year 11’s start their Major Assessment Week in two weeks. Finance Committee will be meeting rd on 3 November to finalise the budget for next year. The Governing Council Annual General nd Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 2 December and we have six Councillors retiring from their positions at the end of this year. If you are interested in becoming a part of the Governing Council and/or Finance Committee, please contact the School to find out more information. The Remembrance Day Service will th be held on the Green on 11 November, and this is a very moving ceremony. This year we are honoured to have Brig Cheryl Pearce, a past student, attending our ceremony. Presentation Night is set for th Tuesday, 25 November – always a fantastic celebration of the year’s highlights! As we are currently preparing classes for 2015, we would appreciate it if you could let your child’s Home Group teacher know if your child will not be attending Loxton High School next year. JOHN TIVER CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Roxanne Roy who won the National Apex Teenage Fashion Awards, Formal Category in Melbourne on the weekend! Also congratulations to Ashley Tyler who was selected to represent South Australia in Aquatics at the Special Olympics in Melbourne last week. He swam three individual races and one relay. Relay was 100m medley with Ashley doing the 100m freestyle home leg, he was faced with an impossible task of catching the leading team, who were 1 lap in front, he finished only half a lap behind for the team to take silver. He did 50m breast and narrowly missed gold by .21 of a second, 100m back he came in second and for his 100m freestyle he came in first by a mere .74 of a second and a two second personal best time. By participating in the games he is now up for selection for the world games to be held in Los Angeles next year. 31st October 2014 Newsletter No.17 PREFECT BOWLS NIGHT th On Friday 24 October the Prefects successfully held their major fundraiser for the year, a Lawn Bowls Night. The social event was well attended, with over 80 people participating in teams of four. Everyone enjoyed themselves during the three rounds of bowling, followed by a ‘Closest to the Kitty’ competition and a light meal in the clubrooms. Overall we raised $1200.25 from the night, which will go towards future projects for the school. We would like to thank all who attended, as well as the local businesses that kindly supported the event by donating prizes for fundraising. A special thank you to the Loxton Bowling Club for providing the venue free of charge and assisting on the night. The financial pressure on families at that time of the year is incredible if your child has Prom, Graduation, Melbourne Volleyball and don't forget Christmas and perhaps there are other children in the family wanting experiences as well. One Farewell is great as a lot of the students will also go to ‘Schoolies’. Next year a Formal Farewell will be trialled, the make-up of which will be determined by representatives from the 2015 Yr 12 cohort and interested staff members. JANE GARRARD YR 12 HOME GROUP TEACHER BARBERSHOP BOYS It has been a busy time for the Barbershop Boys. RESULTS OF FORMAL/PROM SURVEY They performed for the School Chaplaincy Principal's evening at the Pike River Function Centre on September 8th. On September 15th, the boys had an afternoon of performing, commencing with a performance to an audience of over 200 at the Probus Friendship Day and later that day, to the residents of the Loxton Nursing Home. Towards the end of last term we conducted a Prom / Formal Farewell survey, with access details provided in the Newsletter. Thank you to those students and parents who took the time to complete the survey. The ensemble performed as part of Andrew Casey's Year 12 Music assessment at the end of last term and will sing for Andrew's Year 12 moderation on Thursday 16th October. In response to the statement ‘A Formal (Year 12) Farewell should replace the Prom and Grad Dinner.’ 75% of respondents Strongly Agreed and 25% Agreed. Here are some of the comments that best reflected the views of the respondents: ACT NOW THEATRE PERFORMANCE JOEL McDONOUGH PREFECT I believe that there should only be one event to celebrate the end of the year for senior students. I don't find it necessary to attend a prom inYyear 11, it should just be a privilege and celebration in Year 12 after a whole life of education with the people who have been there with you along the years. Combining the prom and graduation to one event will make the celebration more meaningful. Act Now Theatre Company performed a play called th Clocks, in the Loxton Theatre on September 19 . Several Year 9 classes were fortunate to be part of the audience and to participate in the interactive performance, which was about challenging common perceptions about aging. Thank you to Riverland Youth Theatre for bringing this performance to our school at no cost to students and giving them the opportunity to see issues-based Drama. I strongly believe this is a very positive initiative for the school. From my family’s experience, my current Year 12 daughter chose not to attend the prom in Year 11 as she thought it would make it more 'special' in Year 12. As it turns out we have heard many comments from past and present students and families that the prom is much more favourable inYear 11 and the students are 'over it' by Year 12. If it becomes a ‘once off' celebration for all students as they complete their schooling in Year 12, I feel it will be a great night/finale for all involved. This will also be a cost saver for many families who simply can’t afford all of the expenses attached to graduation and prom nights. Fantastic idea! ANN-MARIE WASLEY DRAMA / MUSIC TEACHER 31st October 2014 Newsletter No.17 YEAR 8 ART 4. Visit the DECD website or Visit the CFS website 5. to find out whether a Catastrophic Day has been declared and therefore school buses will not run. Given the size of our school it is impossible to contact every family in person. Therefore it becomes the parent/carers responsibility to confirm whether that day (and subsequent days) have been declared “catastrophic”. Staff and Local Schools’ Responsibilities It is staff and local schools’ responsibility to listen to ABC local radio etc after 5.00 pm on the day immediately preceding a possible Catastrophic Day to ascertain the Fire Danger Rating for that day. Conclusion We acknowledge the cooperation of parents, local schools and bus contractor. The safety of our students is our first priority. FLOW CHART PREPARING FOR CATASTROPHIC DAYS 24 Hours In Advance - Letter to Families - Contact with Bus Contractor - Contact With Local Schools CATASTROPHIC BUSHFIRE DAYS Loxton High School will be open if the Riverland Fire Ban District is classified as “Catastrophic” by the Bureau of Meteorology. However, no school buses will run. 5.00 pm Day Preceding Check - ABC Radio 1062 AM - Bushfire Parent Hotline 1800 000 279 - - - Procedure School Responsibility In the event of the likelihood of a “Catastrophic Day”. 1. Families will receive a letter from our school 24 hours in advance notifying them of this possibility. 2. The bus contractor and all local schools will be contacted by phone and/or email. Parent Responsibility After 5.00 pm on the day immediately preceding the potential “Catastrophic Day” parents must: 1. 2. 3. Listen to ABC Radio 1062 AM or Phone the Bushfire Parent Hotline number (1800 000 279) or Visit the Bureau of Meteorology website or Catastrophic Day Yes No Normal School - No school buses Loxton High School open 31st October 2014 Newsletter No.17 GOVERNING COUNCIL NEWS nd Our Annual General Meeting is to be held on Tuesday, 2 December in the Library at 7.30 pm. We will be looking for six new Councillors on the night. The period of service is two years and below we have some comments from existing councillors that may encourage you to generously donate your time to our school: programme which can be started at any time during the season. For enquiries please contact: Club Registrar – Karina Lambert 0431 521 339 President – Kerri Donaldson 0488 533 431 Alternatively you can email enquiries to Please note: training for existing members commences on Monday the 27th of October at 6pm ______________________________________________ “It was important to me to be part of my children’s secondary education, being part of the Governing Council offered me just this experience. By being involved with GC, it gave me the chance to experience information first hand and how it would impact on my children’s secondary years and learning. I have enjoyed the relaxed, open and friendly atmosphere the meetings offer, as well as meeting new people”. “I joined Governing Council because I hold Loxton High in such high regard and am forever grateful for the high standards and commitment to our children and opportunities that are offered. I wanted to offer the wonderful staff whatever support I could and ‘pitch-in’ to help ensure the standards are maintained and the positive culture of the school is recognised and staff and students feel that the community is beside and behind them all the way. Loxton High has given our children such a wonderful, confidence building experience which has valued them for who they are and encouraged them to reach their potential. Serving on Governing Council is my way of saying ‘thank you’. 410 Berri Army Cadet Unit is re-open and parading every friday night at 7.00 pm. We are calling on anyone between the ages of 13 to 17 who is interested in learning new skills, looking for adventure and a challenge or gaining leadership while making new friends. The Army Cadets will teach communications, bush craft, marksmanship, map reading and more. There are opportunities to attend annual camps on Army Bases and a chance to travel overseas or interstate. For those who are interested, you can find more information at or email The unit is located at Foreman Road Berri. Interested? Watch out for our circular coming home next week with nomination forms attached. We’d love to have you join our Council. CANTEEN Monday Nov Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 03 04 05 06 07 Sonia Koskinas Sally Searles Karen Milich Tracey Reichelt Dianne Smith The 2015 C.A.S. Hawker Scholarships open on Monday th nd 8 December 2014 and close on Friday 2 January 2015. The C.A.S. Hawker Scholarship is one of the most generous privately funded scholarships available to undergraduate students in Australia. Each residential scholarship is valued at up to $45,000 over three years. Monday Nov Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 10 11 12 13 14 Helen Badran Tracey Jaensch Diana Williams Julieann Phillips Jodie Pearn Information about the C.A.S. Hawker Scholarship and an application form are available at or by contacting the secretary to the Trustees on 08 8127 1654. COMMUNITY NEWS The Vitor Renmark Amateur Swimming Club annual registration day will be held at the clubrooms located in the Renmark Swimming Centre on Wednesday the 5th of November from 5:30pm. Training for new members will commence following registration on the night. Swim for fun, fitness or to compete, you’ll be coached according to your goals and intentions. Take advantage of our free 2 week Come ‘n’ Try The Charles Hawker Scholarship perpetuates the memory of scholar, soldier and pastoralist Charles Allan Seymour Hawker and commemorates the achievements of one of Australia’s most respected statesmen. The scholarships are available to all Australian students. The majority have been awarded to students entering their first year of university study. Selection is largely based on personal qualities and demonstrated leadership as well as academic ability. Undergraduate Hawker Scholars are able to attend a range of Australian educational institutions. For more information please check the website :
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