Builth Showground Stages 1

Builth Showground
1 November 2014
Welcome to Builth Showground Stages, following it’s spectacular return last year we are
delighted to offer you a return to the Royal Welsh Showground.
As last year we are restricted to the Stockman Hill Area of the site, however we still feel that
this is the most action packed part of the venue. Herefordshire Motor Club have worked hard
to continue to run this rally on your behalf, and are proud to continue our long association with
The Showground Committee and various local charities.
We are pleased to have Humfrys & Symonds as our 2014 sponsor. Humfrys & Symonds have
provided legal advice to generations of clients for more than a hundred years, and are one of
the best known and trusted solicitors in Herefordshire and the Marches. That’s down to two
things: the highest quality up-to-the-minute legal advice and good old-fashioned personal
And so from friends old and new, we look forward to receiving your entry. The Organising
Team feel this rally will provide a challenge for everyone - whether experienced or a beginner
– and hopefully be a bit of end of year fun!
The Organising Team
Herefordshire Motor Club is one of the country’s oldest affiliated Motor
Clubs, celebrating over 60 years of competing, organising, marshalling
and socialising. We can offer something for everyone.
The Club meet on the first Tuesday of every month, so why not come and
join us?
For more information, contact our Club Chairman - Mark Beavan- on 07964
662 228
The Builth Showground Stages
Herefordshire Motor Club Ltd will promote a National B permit Multi-Use Special Stage
Rally on Saturday 1st November 2014 the complete event taking place on The Royal
Welsh Showground, Builth Wells. Entrance to the venue via Map Ref 147/036518.
The event will be governed by the 2014 General Regulations of the MSA Ltd
(incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the F.I.A.), these
Supplementary Regulations and any written instructions that the Organising Club may
issue for this event.
MSA Permit Number
The event is open to Competitors holding a valid National B or higher grade licence
issued by the MSA Ltd who are either:
a) fully elected members of the Organising Club
b) fully elected members of any club of the WAMC
c) fully elected members of any club of the AWMMC
All Competition Licences and Club Membership Cards will be inspected at
The programme of the Meeting will be as follows:
Entries open on publication of these Regulations
Wednesday 22nd October
Sunday 26th October
Thursday 30th October
Saturday 1st November
Entries Close for seeding
Final Instructions emailed
Entries finally close
Noise Check & Scrutineering begins
Documentation begins
First car starts
@ 06.00 hrs
@ 06.00 hrs
@ 09.00 hrs
Any Competitor not signed on one hour before their due start time may be excluded.
The event will contain approximately 14 Special Stages (some stages will run in the dark)
on private property, a mixture of approximately 50% sealed and 50% gravel surfaces
totalling approximately 28 miles. Competitors will start at 2 cars per minute at Main Time
Controls. Cars will start at 30 second intervals by interposing on Special Stages subject
to MSA approval.(R26.6.2) Special Stages will be timed to an accuracy of less than one
The event will consist of 8 classes as follows:
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Up to and including 1400cc
1401cc up to and including 1600cc
1601cc up to and including 2000cc
(with exception of those in class 3A)
Class 3A
1601cc up to and including 2000cc - 8 valve engines
Class 4
2001cc and over
Class 5
Road Rally Specification cars
Class 6
Historic Specification cars
Class 7
Four Wheel Drive cars. NOTE: No Anti-Lag systems are to be
used due to noise restrictions
and a 3 second per mile penalty will be enforced.
Turbo Charged engines and Rotary engines will have their capacity multiplied by 1.7 in
line with F.I.A. Regulations. In addition to stage safety regulations R46.1 to R48.10.10,
Entrants in the Road Rally class must comply with R18 to R18.6. Entrants in the Historic
Specification class must comply with R19.1 to R19.7.6.
All vehicles must conform to MSA Tyre Regulations as defined in General Regulation
L - Permitted Tyres. No Forest/Gravel tyres will be permitted to preserve the venue.
All vehicles must possess a valid MOT certificate where a car is required by law to have a
certificate, and MSA Competition Car Log Book (R46.1.2 and R46.1.3); these documents
must be produced at Scrutineering. As the event takes place wholly on private property,
the need for the vehicle to be “taxed” is relaxed as R46.1.1 (all classes)
All vehicles must comply with R4.1 to R4.1.2. Any vehicle that produces “excessive
noise” will be immediately excluded.
The entry list opens on publication of these Regulations and closes on Wednesday 22nd
October 2014 for seeding. The entry fee is £205.00. All entries must be made on the
official Entry Form and accompanied by the appropriate fee. No entries will be accepted
by telephone. All accepted entries will be acknowledged. Late entries may be
accepted up until Thursday 30th October, and will be taken at the Organiser’s discretion.
The maximum entry for the event is 50 and minimum is 35. Minimum numbers for each
class is 5. Should any of the minimum figures not be reached, then the Organisers
reserve the right to cancel the event or to amalgamate classes and/or reduce the awards
list as deemed appropriate.
Entries are on a strictly “First Come, First Served” basis and the Organiser’s reserve the
right to refuse an entry without reason.
Competitors who are under 18 year old will need to have a Parental Authorisation Form
completed to enable them to compete [D13.1.1].
All cheques should be made payable to “Herefordshire Motor Club Ltd”. Post-dated
cheques will not be accepted. In the event of a cheque being dishonoured, the entry will
be deemed as not received and any costs incurred passed on to the entrant - and strictly
no further discussion entered into.
If for any reason the Organisers cancel the event, all entry fees will be refunded less an
administration fee of £20.00.
Entry fees will be refunded, less an administration fee of £20.00 if withdrawn in writing or
e-mail prior to Wednesday 22nd October, in accordance with H31.1.2(e). Entries that are
withdrawn between 23rd October and 29th October will have 50% of their entry fee
refunded (unless a reserve takes your place then a £20 administration fee will apply) Any
entry withdrawn on or after 30th October will have no refund (unless a reserve takes your
place then you will have a 50% refund)
Final instructions will be emailed only to Competitors on Sunday 26th Octoberplease advise the Entry Secretary if you do not have an email address. The order of
starting will be at Organiser’s discretion, but to assist seeding, Competitors should note
their previous results on the Entry Form. Late entries received and acknowledged will be
appropriately accommodated in the running order, but may be omitted from Press
Releases, the published Entry List and the Programme. Once the Entry List has been
published, no communication will be entered into regarding it
All entries must be made on the official Entry form, fully completed and accompanied by
the correct fees and delivered to:
Mrs Caroline Wilks
1 Llangua Terrace
NO e-mail entries will be accepted, but hand delivered entries being dropped through the
letter box will be accepted.
MSA Steward:
Clerk of the Course:
Assistant Clerk of the Course:
Secretary of the Meeting:
Assistant Sec of the Meeting
Entry Secretary:
Safety Officer:
Club Stewards:
Competitor Liaison Officer:
Chief Marshals:
Assistant Chief Marshal
Chief Scrutineer:
Environmental Scrutineer:
Chief Time Keeper:
Medial Officer:
Press & PR:
Radio Controller:
Rally Rescue:
Child Protection Officer:
Mike Pugh
Adam Wilks
Caroline Wilks
Gillian Powell
Caroline Wilks
07968 399438 [Mobile]
07779 136523 [Mobile]
01981 240502[Home]
01432 830659{Home}
01981 240502[Home]
07792 504549 [Mobile]
Gerald Watkins
01568 612547 [Home]
Len Evans /Colin Ellis
Paul Morris
Martin Williams
01544 388337 [Home]
Kevin Morris
07773 120653 [Mobile]
Callum Price
Peter Farrington
07773 040698[Mobile]
Eifion Page
Neil Fuller
Stewart Blunstone
Amserwyr Modur Cymru
Karen Phelps
Jimmy Jones
RAM Recovery
Stoke Rescue
Len Evans/Karen Phelps
Please no telephone calls after 21.00 hrs to any Official
Regulation size black numbers on a white background must be supplied by Competitors
and displayed on both sides of the car (J4.1). Competitors are reminded that these
numbers must be affixed before Scrutineering (except Reserves) and must be removed
after completion or upon retirement/exclusion from the event.
Competitors must provide a clear space above the competition numbers for event
sponsorship advertising (H29.1.1).
Rally Marketing will be attendance in the Service Area from who you will be able to
purchase competition numbers (Tel No 01938 553764 or 07900 981564).
Competitors will be supplied with stage diagrams and an initial Time Card at Signing-On,
provided the necessary documentation details are completed. These documents will
provide Competitors with the necessary information to enable them to comply with R33.1
– R33.1.9. Maximum lateness will be TEN minutes between MC’s. Service will only be
allowed in the designated area at designated times.
The route will be divided into competitive legs, each leg containing a number of Special
Stages. At the end of each leg will be a Main Control (MC), this is to ensure the event
runs to time.
Service will only be permitted within the confines of the Official Service Area. There will
be a 5MPH SPEED LIMIT ON LINK SECTIONS and in the Service Area - failure to
comply will result in EXCLUSION. This will be enforced as it is a requirement of our hire
agreement for the venue - do not be the crew that loses this venue - use your
permitted lateness rather than speeding.
Each rally crew will be limited to one service vehicle parked in the Service Area and a
“Service Pass” will need to be displayed to gain access. It will be the responsibility of
the competing crew to ensure that no other vehicles are parked within the Service Area,
as any unauthorised vehicles will result in the competing car being EXCLUDED.
All servicing must be carried out on a tarpaulin sheet or ground cover of a size which
exceeds the car size, to avoid contamination of the surface. Axle stands must be used
when working on the vehicle raised off ground level.
The use of Quad/Pit Bikes, Mopeds, and Motorcycles is strictly prohibited; any person
found using one of these vehicles will be removed from the venue.
Service Crews are subject to the same Regulations as Competitors regarding noise,
speed, bad manners, etc.. Officials and Marshals have been instructed to note any
infringements and Competitors are responsible for ensuring that their Service Crew
understand and comply with these Regulations.
All Competitors are responsible for the collection and removal of their rubbish – black bin
bags will be provided for your use.
Broken down vehicles will be recovered at the Organiser’s discretion. Cars broken down
in a dangerous location may only be moved to a safe location and recovered at a later
time to ensure the event runs to schedule.
Provisional results will be displayed at intervals during the event and as soon as possible
after the event, at Rally HQ, The Hafod Hendre Building.
Any protest must be lodged in accordance with C5.1.2 and C5.2.1 to C5.2.2.
A copy will be despatched by post or via e-mail within 7 days of the event.
Penalties will be as detailed in R32.2 of the MSA General Regulations (Appendix 1, Chart
32.2), unless specifically modified in these SR’s.
(a) Causing a decibel meter reading greater than the specified limited will be deemed
“excessive noise”. It is at the discretion of the Environmental Scrutineer, Judge of Fact or
Driving Standards Observer, or of the Organisers, whether a car which causes excessive
noise is refused a start / permission to proceed at any time / is excluded [R4.1 – R4.1.7
/R24.9.1 / R32.2(m)].
(b) Taking an incorrect route on a Special Stage [R32.2(c) :: Stage Target
Competitors must submit a Damage Declaration Form at the end of the event or upon
retirement/exclusion, in accordance with R40.1.3 and R40.1.4.
In the event of a claim having to be made for damage caused to a third party’s property
by a Competitor, the Organisers and Promoters of the event reserve the right to pass on
the insurance excess under the MSA master policies (currently £350.00) to the
Competitor(s) involved.
Awards will be presented at Rally HQ, The Hafod Hendre, as soon as possible after the
Results are finalised, as follows:First Overall
First in Class
Second in Class
Third in Class
Best Mixed/Female Crew
Best Novice Crew
Best HMC Crew
“The Herefordshire Raceway Trophy” and two replicas
Two Awards
Two Awards (subject to a minimum of 5 entries)
Two Awards (subject to a minimum of 8 entries)
Two Awards
Two Awards (neither crew member having previously won
an award on a stage rally)
“The Duce Motorsport Trophy” and two replicas (both crew
members must have been a member of HMC prior to
publication of these Regulations)
Additional awards may be presented at the Organiser’s discretion. No Competitor may
win more than one award.
All named trophies remain the property of Herefordshire Motor Club Ltd, and are to be
returned in good condition after eleven months or on demand, which ever is the soone
The rally will be divided into Link Sections and Special Stages. All controls will be Time
Controls (TC). Each Link Section will be allocated a target time and a Competitor can
calculate their time of arrival at the next TC by adding their Target Time to their Actual
Time of departure from the preceding TC; in certain areas, no Link Sections will be
included. All Special Stages will have a Bogey Time set at 65mph and a Target Time
set at approximately 30mph.
Competitors will receive penalties as follows:
Under Bogey
Bogey Time
Over Bogey, Under Target
Actual Time Taken
Over Target
Target Time
However, excessive lateness taken over target on Link Sections and Special Stages is
accumulative and once lost cannot be regained. When accumulative lateness between
any two consecutive controls exceeds a penalty free ten minutes, R31.2.5 (Maximum
Permitted Lateness) a Competitor will be excluded.
The following titles will describe the various types of controls:
Main Control (MC) - Main Controls will be situated at the Start, Service Halts, Finish and
any other specified points of the rally. On arrival at an “MC In”, a Competitor will receive
their due starting time at “MC Out”. Competitors will depart in their order of arrival at the
“MC In”.
Special Stage Arrival Controls (SSA) - At this Time Control, the marshal will enter the
Competitor’s time of arrival and the provisional starting time for the Special Stage, which
must be a minimum of 3 minutes after the arrival time in order to allow the crew to
prepare for the stage. The area between the SSA control and the SSS is Parc Ferme.
However cars need to be aware that an interposing start system will apply.(R26.6.2)
Special Stage Start Controls (SSS) - At the Special Stage Start, the marshal will enter
the actual start time, which will normally correspond with the provisional start time. The
marshal will either enter manually or electronically (Traffic Lights), inform the competitor
at 15 seconds, 10 seconds, 5,4,3,2,1 ‘Go’. The Traffic Light sequence, with 15 seconds
to go, the red light comes on; with 10 seconds to go, red light stays on and the 5 amber
lights come on; with 5 seconds to go, the red light goes out; from 5 seconds to zero, the
amber lights count down the last 5 seconds; at zero, the green light comes on to signal
the start. The green light remains on for 5 seconds. Should the start lights fail, then the
marshal will follow the starting procedure as per R25.7.1,-R25.8 dispersing with a verbal
30 seconds to go advance warning.
Special Stage Finish Controls (SSF) - At the Special Stage Finish, Competitors will
receive their finish time in hours, minutes and seconds. This time in hours and minutes
will be their start time for the next section. Any Competitor who fails to stop at the Stop
Line must return on foot as reversing the vehicle is prohibited and is subject to a penalty
of exclusion [R25.6.1,R32.2p]
Service Control (SV)
The Service Area will have “IN” and “OUT” Time controls. At Service Areas not
designated as MC’s, a Target Time will be specified between these controls. The Section
between SV(IN) and SV(OUT) will be marked as a Road Section.
Should any time not be legible, or not appear authentic on a competitor’s Time Card, the
Organisers may use any means at their disposal to establish a time.
Named Judges of Fact G10.1, R24.7 (as per the list displayed on the Official Notice
Board at Rally HQ prior to the start of the event), will be appointed by the Organisers and
will be on duty throughout the event to observe and report any Competitor considered to
be in contravention of these Regulations and to adjudicate on R24.7.2, R24.7.3, R24.7.6,
R24.7.7, R24.7.8, R24.7.10. Driving Standards Observers may be appointed in
accordance with R24.8 to R24.10.1.
The Start Officials on all Special Stages will be empowered to judge whether or not a
Competitor has made a false start R24.7.3.
Competitors must comply with R25.4 to R25.4.9. Misuse of the ‘SOS/OK’ Board will
result in exclusion R32.2(ee).
As per Supplementary Regulation 6, some special stages will be run in the dark due to
the shortage of daylight hours. Any Competitor wishing to use auxiliary lighting MUST
present their vehicle for scrutineering with the lights attached. Any vehicle arriving a SSA
with lights fitted that were not fitted at scrutineering may not be permitted to start the
Special Stage.
All Competitors trailers must be parked in the designated Trailer Park, which will be
detailed in the Final Instructions. Failure to comply will result in the associated competing
car being EXCLUDED.
In-Car cameras/videos are permitted subject to written notification to the Clerk of the
Course. Any equipment must be installed prior to Scrutineering and is subject to
acceptance by the Chief Scrutineer.
Should you have any queries or difficulties with any aspect of the event on the day,
please bring it to the attention of the Competitor Liaison Officer who can help or resolve a
potential problem. The CLO will be available at varying times at the “MC Out/In” or at
Rally HQ, and at the finish of the event.
As you are probably aware, an event such as this requires many marshals to ensure your
safety on the Special Stages and the safety of the spectators. We would like to reward
their enthusiasm for giving their time voluntarily by holding a Marshal’s Raffle and
therefore we need your help.
A small donation to purchase a “Smiley Badge” would be gratefully received (£5 per
badge is suggested) and these will be readily available at Documentation on the
morning. Your support will be greatly appreciated!
Ralli Photos Wales will be in attendance on the day and are the official photographers for
the event. Ralliphotoswales@yahoo.co.uk
JD Tyres will be available in the Service Area for the supply of tyres. For advance orders,
please ring John direct on: 07968 020546.
Catering will be provided by Ryan & Roy’s Catering - please support this facility.
Accommodation facilities are available at The Royal Welsh Showground, (Tel No. 01982
552116) or on the campsite (Tel No. 01982 553683). Please contact these direct.
We are indebted to the help and co-operation of the following:
The Motor Sports Association Ltd
The Royal Welsh Showground, Builth Wells
Humfrys & Symonds
Mr Andrew Thomson(RLO)
Dyfed Powys Police
All local residents
All advertisers and stage sponsors
All event Officials and Marshals, including Paramedics, Rescue and Recovery
Crews, Timekeepers and Radio Operators.