The 2015 DP Welding Valentine Novice Road Rally 14th - 15th February 2015 Organised by The Caernarvonshire and Anglesey Motor Club Ltd Foreword Thank you for your interest in the D P Welding, Valentine Novice Road Rally 2015. The event is organised by current competitors and they have put together a challenging event for Novice and Beginner crews of Caernarvonshire and Anglesey Motor Club. As in previous years, entries from Novice and Beginner crews will be given priority as only these two classes are eligible to win the Valentine trophy. Expert crews will be listed in the overall results and are eligible for class awards. Due to the event being open to only 40 cars, every crew must supply a marshal which must be signed on before the competitors. Rally officials may not be deemed as marshals. We are also grateful of any help from Expert crews who may choose not to compete as their input is vital in the assistance of all Competitors. This year's Valentine will be held on Anglesey using Map 114 and is a pre-plot format with minimal use of Triangles and Whites. Experienced Drivers and Navigators will be on hand, should any competitors require assistance with route plotting etc. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The organisers would like to thank the following without whom; the running of the event would be extremely difficult if not impossible. All residents en-route Mr. John Davies, RLO North Wales MSA Route Authorisation Department North Wales Police Cyngor Ynys Môn All Marshals, Officials and their Families DP Welding 07881 935797 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 1 ANNOUNCMENT Caernarvonshire & Anglesey Motor Club Ltd will organise a “Novice” Road Rally on Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015, to be called the “D P Welding Valentine Novice Road Rally 2015”. 2 JURISDICTION The meeting will be governed by the general regulations of the Motor Sports Association Ltd. (incorporating the provisions of the international sporting code of the FIA), these supplementary Regulations and any written instructions that the organising club may issue for the event. 3 AUTHORISATION MSA permit and DOE authorisation will be displayed at “Signing On”. Permit No: 87208 4 ELIGIBILITY The event is open to fully elected members of Caernarvonshire & Anglesey Motor Club Ltd (competition licence will not be required). 5 PROGRAMME The event will start at Anglesey Circuit and finish at Cartio Mon (333½ 781¾) within OS Map Number 114. Scrutineering & Noise will take place between 17:00hrs and 19:30hrs. Signing On will take place between 17:00hrs and 19:40hrs. Drivers’ Briefing will take place at 19:45hrs. Any Crew (this includes your marshal) not signed on by 19:40hrs may be excluded and their place offered to a reserve crew. Remember NO MARSHAL = NO START. (Named Officials may not be deemed as marshals) Map number 114 (1:50,000), Latest edition will be required. Competing cars are required to carry enough fuel to cover the route which will be approximately 85 miles in total. Containers for carrying fuel (full or empty) other than the cars’ own fuel tank are not permitted. There will be NO opportunity to refuel on route. CLASSES: The following definitions apply to either crew member in the role now entered (driver as driver / navigator as navigator) based on their previous performances (no matter how long ago) as follows: EXPERT: Having won two or more awards on a Road Rally other than last finisher, mixed crew and Beginner award; finished in top 10 on a National B rally or in the top 5 on a Closed to Club rally SEMI: Having won an award on a Road Rally other than last finisher, mixed crew and Beginner award NOVICE: Neither member of crew having won an award on a Road Rally other than last finisher, mixed crew and Beginner award. BEGINNER: Not started any Road Rally before. The organisers will endeavour to check each competitor is valid for the class they have entered, and to change their class or refer them to the reserves list if deemed correct to do so. 6 INSURANCE Competitors will be aware that most policies no longer cover competitive events, therefore arrangements have been made by the club for a Blanket Cover Note to use the Lockton Motor Sports Insurance Scheme. The scheme will provide competitors with Third party cover that is necessary to meet Road Traffic Acts on the Road sections of the events. If you have extended your own private Motor Insurance to cover the event the following does not apply. New applicants to the scheme must be able to comply with all five points of the following: 1 2 3 4 5 Over 21 and held a full RTA drivers licence for at least six months Not more than one fault accident in the last three years No more than a maximum of six speeding points on licence No physical or mental disabilities No other material facts to disclose If you are able to comply with all five points above then simply mark the relevant box or write on the Entry Form – no letter of acceptance will be required. If you are unable to comply with any of the five points, you must request a declaration form from the Club Secretary at least 14 days before the event. A letter of acceptance will be issued upon submission of this declaration form. The basic rate for the event before any loading per driver is expected to be £30.00 inclusive of Insurance Premium Tax (In cash at signing on). If you have any Questions on insurance please E-Mail: Dafydd Edwards:- 7 ENTRIES The acceptance of entries are already under way and will close on 6 th February 2015. The maximum number of entries is 40. Exceptionally, if there are entries available after the closing date, entries may be accepted on a cash basis, up until 19:30hrs on Saturday 14th February 2015. The entry fee is £80.00, which includes two breakfasts. Entries cancelled before the closing date will be refunded minus £10.00 to cover administration costs. Entries cancelled after the closing date will not be refunded (you have been warned). Reserves who sign-on, but are not offered a run or choose not to run will be refunded in full. In the event of an unforeseen incident causing the cancellation of the event after the close of entries date, the organisers reserve the right to retain a non profitable amount of entry fees to cover event costs. All entries must be made online at: and will not be deemed accepted until payment has been received in full. Payment can be made by cheque, bank transfer or Paypal. Details for bank transfer or Paypal are available on the online entry system. Cheques payable to: Caernarvonshire & Anglesey Motor Club Ltd. It is a condition of entry that every competitor must supply a marshal that is not a named official and their details must be given on the entry form. NO MARSHAL=NO START. (Named Officials may not be deemed as marshals) Entries will be accepted at the organiser’s discretion. The entry secretary, to whom all cheques must be sent is:- Angharad Morgan Llwyn Bethesda Bach Caernarfon Gwynedd LL54 5SF 01286 830266 Please no personal visits and no calls after 9pm. 8 TECHNICAL Competitors are urged to make themselves aware of the 2015 General Regulations (Blue Book) and all recent rule changes that will be enforced on this event. All cars will be required to undergo a noise test both before and during the event and if over 86dBa at 2/3 maximum r.p.m 2 metres from the exhaust is recorded on the official noise metre the car will not be permitted to start or continue in the event. Any entry fee will be forfeited. All cars will report to scrutineering both before and during the event where the Scrutineers will ensure vehicles comply with the Road Traffic Act, General Regulations, Supplementary Regulations and Technical Regulation R18. Cars are required to be Taxed and Insured for use on the public highway (The scrutineers will pay particular attention to SR 19 “Vehicle Damage”) If a car fails scrutineering it will not be permitted to start or continue in the event. Any entry fee will be forfeited. All cars must have: MOT certificate and Vehicle Registration document for the car Road fund licence – a declaration of confirmation will need to be completed on the night Engines must comply with the silencing levels Maximum of four forward facing beams (excluding side and indictor lights) Tyres road legal and e-marked at all times Air filters fitted to comply with noise Small Spill Kit complying with GR J5.20.13. No external navigation lights One colour unless manufacturers original No spoilers or additional arches unless fitted standard The following may not be installed or carried in competing cars under pain of exclusion: Video Camera’s, two way radios, intercom’s, containers for carrying fuel (full or empty) other than the cars own fuel tank, and GPS receivers. Mobile phones can be carried for use in emergencies only. 9 IDENTIFICATION Cars will be identified by rally plates, which should be fitted to the near side and/or rear of the car. These will be supplied by the organisers, and must be removed at the finish or point of retirement/exclusion. 10 ROUTE Total mileage on the public highway will be approximately 85 miles. Competing cars are required to carry enough fuel to cover the route, there will be NO opportunity to refuel on route. The route includes less than 2 miles of ‘WHITE’ roads. The route has been driven using a standard road car (without sump guard) but we do recommend sump guards and under-body protection for the more competitive drivers. O/S 1:50,000 scale map number 114 Anglesey will be required. The route instructions will be defined by Map references, given as “pre-plot”. Details of the entire route will be issued at MC2IN on the 14th February 2015. 11 TYPES OF SECTION: The event will contain three types of section as follows: 1. NEUTRAL These are sections used to link up Standard Sections, and are Quiet zones, they will be driven with as little noise as possible, without the use of auxiliary lamps except in conditions of fog or falling snow. There are no lateness penalties at the end of these sections, except towards OTL. 2 STANDARD These sections are used to test navigation. And can be timed to the second. 3 SPECIAL TEST These sections are designed to test car and driver ability over a short distance. There is no benefit to any competitor that exceeds an average speed of 30mph. 12 CONTROLS / TIMING The event will use the schedule timing method, and marshal’s clocks will be set to BBC / Telecom Time. All crews are advised to carry an accurate digital watch with them. All controls open 15 minutes before the scheduled time of car0. Special test controls close 10 minutes and 59 seconds after the scheduled time of the last competing car, and standard and neutral time controls will close 30 minutes and 59 seconds after the scheduled time of the last competing car. OTL will be 10 minutes and 59 seconds up to MC2OUT at which point it will be reset to 30 minutes and 59 seconds. Competitors are reminded of R 12.5.1 The organisers reserve the right to cancel controls or change time controls to passage controls if deemed fair to do so, force majeure etc. not withstanding. With the exception of a N.A.M Control (3 Meter Control) which will be described on diagrams supplied, the position of each Control Board will determine the start of the control area and will be placed up to 100 metres in advance on each control. The Control area will end 5 metres after the marshal. Examples of each type of board to be used will be on display in the signingon room at the start. Controls must be visited in the order on the Time Card. Competitors will be required to make up any lateness at Time Recovery / Rest Halts R12.6. Should an entry on a Time Card not be legible, or not appear to be authentic it may be considered not to have been made. Organisers may refer to Marshals Check-sheets in case of doubt. Any alterations or amendments to Time cards will only be accepted if countersigned by the marshal at time of amendment. It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure that his/her time card is correctly marked. It is not the duty of the marshal to interpret these Regulations, MSA regulations, or any other written instruction given to the competitors, nor explain the meaning thereof. It is the responsibility of the competitor to read and understand any regulation and written instruction. Any competitor who causes any form of harassment to a marshal or any official, or who remains in a control area subsequent to an instruction to depart, will be penalised up to the penalty of exclusion. If however a competitor wilfully obstructs any section of route, he/she will be penalised with the penalty of exclusion. Main Time Control:- Located throughout the event and their location is given. The marshal will record his/her signature, direction of approach and the time showing on the clock when the competitor’s time card is presented, in hours and minutes. You must visit these controls within your Maximum Lateness to be classified as a finisher. You may be requested to reduce your lateness between two main time controls (time recovery) and details of this will be on your time card. Standard Time Control:- These timed controls are located at the end of a Standard Section and their location is given in advance. The marshal will record his/her signature, direction of approach and the time showing on the clock when the competitor’s time card is presented, in hours, minutes and sometimes seconds. Special Test Time Control:- These timed controls are located at the end of a Special Test and their location is given in advance. The marshal will record his/her signature, direction of approach and the time showing on the clock when the competing car enters the control area, in hours, minutes and seconds. The competitor’s car will then move forward to enable the marshal to record the time on the competitors Time Card. Neutral Time Control:- These timed controls are located at the end of a Neutral Section and their location is given in advance. The marshal will record his/her signature, direction of approach and the time showing on the clock when the competitor’s time card is presented, in hours and minutes. Passage Control (PC):- Un-timed manned control to prove adherence to the correct route. The competitor must stop and present the Time Card for the marshal who will enter his/her name and direction of approach. They may be replaced by a Route Check (RC) with no notice. Route Checks (RC):- This unmanned PC will be identified by a CODE BOARD at the road side, containing a number of letters and/or numbers which must be noted by the competitor onto the Time Card, and signed for by the marshal at the next manned control to prove adherence to correct route. Secret Checks (DSO):- Manned by a Driving Standards Observer, location will not be given. All competitors must stop and hand over their DSO / Damage card to the observer. Secret Checks will be established to ensure compliance with the Regulations, in particular the following under R 9.1.3. Give Ways. Competitors will be required to stop at all junctions specified as “Stop” and or “Give Way” junctions on the route cards. At these junctions all four wheels must be seen to stop and all forward motion must cease. G 10 Judges and G 11 Driving Standards Observers will be appointed to adjudicate on a. Failure to stop at Stop or Give Way signs b. False starts on Standard sections c. Unauthorised use of auxiliary lights d. Unauthorised servicing e. Excessive sound d. Violation of out of bounds areas e. Driving in a manner likely to bring motor sport in to disrepute f. Not complying with the route card 13 QUIET ZONES Along the route the organisers may establish Quiet Zones by notification in the route cards. Additionally, the use of Quiet Boards followed by OK boards may be placed to aid crews. They will be driven with as little noise as possible, without the use of auxiliary lamps except in conditions of fog or falling snow. All Neutral sections will be classified as Quiet Zones. 14 BLACK-SPOTS Certain areas may be classified as Black-Spots. Competitors must not enter these areas for any reason, even upon retirement as they are P.R. sensitive areas. The penalty for infringement is Exclusion. 15 DAMAGE Damage checks to competing cars will be made at the start, during the event and at the end. All competitors will be required to complete a damage declaration form to be handed in at the finish or in case of retirement forwarded to the secretary within 72 hours. Failure to do so will result in a competitor being reported to the MSA and Club committee. Competitors are reminded that the submission of a damage declaration form does not in itself negate their responsibilities within the law if they have been involved in a Road Traffic Accident. Any injury/damage to third parties MUST be reported to the Police and Organisers immediately, so they may arrange prompt repairs. Competitors are reminded that R 15.1.4. is amended to include damage below the horizontal plane at the wheel centre as per SR 19. 16 RESULTS Assessment of performances between crews will favour the crews with the least total Fail penalties, and so on. Ties will favour the crew who incurs the lesser time penalty. Unresolved ties will then be judged in the favour of furthest cleanest. If still unresolved engine capacity will therefore decide. To be classified as a finisher a competitor must visit all Main Controls, Noise checks and scrutineering (“Damage”) within OTL in the same car that they started, and avoid the penalty of exclusion. Provisional results will be published as soon as possible after the last car has finished at the finish venue. Protests must be made in accordance with MSA regulation C 5. Results may be declared final 30 minutes after being declared provisional at the finish. 17 AWARDS Awards will be presented at the finish venue once results are declared final. The named trophies and cups remain the property of Caernarvonshire & Anglesey Motor Club Limited and must be returned within one year or upon request, whichever is earlier. 1st 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 1st Over-all Novice or Beginner Crew in Expert class in Expert class in Expert class (if more than 10 in class) in Novice class in Novice class in Novice class (if more than 10 in class) in Beginner class in Beginner class in Beginner class (if more than 10 in class) Under 21 Driver (at time of entry) Under 21 Navigator (at time of entry) The Valentine Trophy and two awards Award to driver and navigator Award to driver and navigator Award to driver and navigator Award to driver and navigator Award to driver and navigator Award to driver and navigator Award to driver and navigator Award to driver and navigator Award to driver and navigator Award to driver Award to Navigator 18 PENALTIES Will be assessed on the “Fail” system, R 13 modified as follows. All penalties are per-offence. F Arrival after due time at the end of a Standard Section K Breach of any statutory requirement concerning the use of a motor vehicle Exclusion Failure to comply with a reasonable instruction by an official provided warning is given that a penalty will be applied Exclusion R Act ual time late 19 GENERAL REGULATIONS R 15.1.4 Is amended to include damage below the horizontal plane at the wheel centre Delete Vehicle damage in relation to 13(q) will be considered as being any tear or indentation exceeding 50mm in depth occurring to the external surfaces of the coachwork or its accessories (excluding windscreens, windows, lamps, and bumpers) above the horizontal plane at the wheel centre. Add Vehicle damage in relation to 13(q) will be considered as being any tear or indentation exceeding 50mm in depth occurring to the external surfaces of the coachwork or its accessories. 20 MISCELLANEOUS The event will include Sections on Private Property all vehicles must carry a Small Spill Kit complying with GR J5.20.13. A clear description can be found on Page 55 of the “Blue Book” Basically:- Absorbent pads and granular absorbent material capable of dealing with all types of automotive fluid spillages up to 1.25 Litres capacity, and disposable bags for collection of used materials.(You the competitor must supply the Spill Kit and have it in your car throughout the event).Competitors are urged to make themselves aware of the 2015 General Regulations (Blue Book) and all recent rule changes that will be enforced on this event. Any notice or amendment displayed at the start or en-route bearing the signature of either Clerk of the Course, Secretary of the meeting or the Chief Marshal shall have the same authority as these S.R.’s. The official notice board will be at the Start/Finish venue and every competitor will be deemed to have read all such notices. Give ways:- It is a requirement of the event that all forward motion ceases at give way junctions. Some Give Way's will be observed by DSO's or Judges of Fact. The DSO or Judge of Fact will record on the time card if all forward motion ceased at the Give Way or not. Should all forward motion not be ceased, the DSO or Judge of Fact will record as such on the time card and a 5 minute penalty will be applied for the first offence. Should a crew be recorded twice by a DSO or Judge of Fact for not stopping at a Give Way then that crew will be excluded from the event. All organisers times and mileages are correct. Servicing is not Permitted. The nearest A&E hospital is Ysbyty Gwynedd 01248 384383 (999 in an emergency) (557,702) List of Officials Club Stewards RLO Clerk of the Course Assistant Clerk of the Course Entries Secretary Chief Marshal Ass Chief Marshal Secretary of the Meeting Chief Scrutineer Environmental Scrutineer (noise) Chief Timekeeper Assistant Timekeeper Competitor liaison officer Judges of Fact for Controls Judges of fact (G10) Driving Standards Observers Event Photographer Mr Jim Jones, Mr Dylan Humphreys Mr John Davies Aled Pennant 07748 777538 Carwyn Edwards 07765 328682 Angharad Morgan 07970 308557 Ifor Davies 07772 297043 Tecwyn Jones 07879 493468 Angharad Morgan 07970 308557 Ronnie W Roberts Ian Williams Steve Price Rob Jos Peredur Davies 07748 081300 All marshals listed on the “officials signing-on” sheets All named Officials Will be noted in Final instructions Duncan Littler Speedsports Photography 01248 430015 Please do not phone any of the above after 9pm
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