Studeren in Canada, China, de VS en ZuidAfrika 1 Contents Canada - York University, Osgoode Hall .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 China - Shanghai: Fudan University/Jiao Tong University, Koguan Law ....................................................................................................................... 6 USA- New York: Brooklyn/ NYU/Columbia/Fordham/Benjamin Cardozo ................................................................................................................ 16 USA - Ann Arbor: Michigan University....…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………31 USA - Washington: Georgetown University…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….32 USA - New Orleans: Tulane University……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………35 USA – Ithaca: Cornell University................................................................................................................................................................................................ 38 Zuid-Afrika - North-West University …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 44 2 Canada - York University, Osgoode Hall 3 Osgoode Hall Law School Exchange Program Information 2014 - 2015 Name of University Osgoode Hall Law School, York University Exchange Program Website Exchange Program Contact Karen Willoughby International & Academic Programs Coordinator 1012 Osgoode Hall Law School, York University 4700 Keele St., Toronto, Ontario Canada, M3J1P3 Phone: (416) 736-5042 Fax: (416) 736-5618 Email: Responsibility: Administers all aspects of the international exchange programs, correspondence, applications and course selections All courses at Osgoode are taught in English. Language of Instruction English proficiency is required. Language Requirements Number of places available 4 students for one term each Application Procedure Paper based. Students are sent the application forms as soon as the nomination is received. Students are asked to include a copy of their transcripts as well as a photocopy of their passport. Application Deadline April 2014 Academic Requirements for Admission to the Exchange Program Students applying to Osgoode should have at least 3 years of university, including at least one of law school. 4 Semester Dates 2014 Fall Term 2014 - Sept. 2, 2014 – Dec. 5, 2014 Exam Session dates: Dec. 8, 2014 – Dec. 19, 2014 Winter term 2015 – Jan. 5, 2015 – April 10, 2015 Examination dates – April 13, 2015 – April 24, 2015 Orientation Information Orientation events take place during the first week of term. Course Enrollment / Registration Students ballot for courses in late May/early June. Information is emailed to students after their application is processed. All course selections are done online and students are notified of their enrolments in July. Credit System Students take between 13 & 17 credits per term (usually 4 courses per term). Classes typically run 2, 3 or 4 hours per week. Mandatory Course Load for Exchange Students Osgoode students take between 13 & 17 credits per term (4 courses) but some exchange students prefer to take less. If students wish to complete fewer courses, Osgoode requests confirmation from the home school that permission is given. On-campus Housing On campus housing is available providing students apply by the deadlines. Exchange students studying at Osgoode typically apply for the Graduate residences. Further information is found at: Health Insurance Requirements Exchange students studying in Canada are required to purchase the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) which is approximately $220.00 Cdn. Detailed information is found at: Visa Information Please refer to the Immigration Canada site at : Please refer to Estimated Cost of Living per services 5 China – Shanghai 6 Fudan University, School of Law. Fudan University, School of Law Address: 2005 Songhu Rd., Shanghai, China 2000438 Tel: ( 021 ) 51630l l l ; Fax: ( 021 ) 5163-0112 httpj/ Bezoek op Maandagochtend 11 november 2013 Gesproken met : Prof. Wei WANG, Vice Dean (Email Address: en Lei SUN, coordinator International office (email address: Locatie 1 uur reizen per metro vanuit centrum van Shanghai. Law school staat midden in een enorm park. Vanaf de law school rijdt regelmatig een pendelbusje naar de hoofd campus van Fudan University waar ook colleges plaatsvinden. Studentenhuisvesting Op de hoofdcampus van Fudan University kan een student gehuisvest worden. Student moet er dan rekening mee houden dat de meeste kamers, die beschikbaar zijn, gedeeld moeten worden met een andere student. Eenpersoonskamers zijn er in beperktere mate (kosten gedeelde kamer 55 RM per dag; kosten eenpersoonskamer 80 RM). Veel internationale studenten zoeken via een kamerbureau zelfstandige woonruimte in de buurt van de university, in de buurt of aan de University road, Daxue Road). Visum Geselecteerd student ontvangt van Fudan University, School of Law een letter of invitation waarmee de Nederlandse student een visum kan aanvragen in Nederland voor zijn/haar studieverblijf aan Fudan university. Taal TOEFL of IELTS score moet overlegd kunnen worden Introductie Fudan University organiseert introducties voor internationale studenten. Bij de law school wordt door Lei SUN ook nog een kleine introductie verzorgt voor de internationale rechtenstudenten. Aanmelding: online. Indien nodig kan hulp gevraagd worden aan Lei Sun. Aanmelding voor vakken is gelijktijdig. Gedurende de eerste twee weken van de colleges kunnen studenten nog vakken laten vallen. Academic Calendar LLM: Fall semester 1/9-25/12; Spring semester 1/3-15/6 8 Undergraduate: Fall semester 1/9-10/1; Spring semester 23/2 of 1/3 – 10/7 Tentamendata vallen binnen de genoemde periodes. Tentamens zijn meestal schriftelijk. Transcripts Studenten ontvangen een officiële cijferlijst (scan of hard-copy, komt in de overeenkomst te staan. Courses Law Cou rses Taught in English (Full year workload at Fudan University, School of Law is 18 credits (equals = 60 ECTS). 1 Fudan credit = 1 hour lecture Fall Semester: *International Law (3 credits) (LAWS120002.02 ) Kan niet worden gekozen door FdR student) *International Financial Law (3 credits) (LAWS130029.0 l) *Comparative Law (3 credits) (opzet onderwijs: gedurende 16-18 weken 3 uur college per week; soms nog aanvullende werkgroep of presentatie) *Commercial Law (3 credits) **Chinese Legal Culture (2 credits) (LAW630062 ) **Chinese Commercial Arbitration (2 credits) (LAW620046) **Chinese Business Organizations (3 credits) (LAW620045) **Chinese Civil Law (3 credits) (LAW620044) **Foreign Investment in China (3 credits) (LAW620047) **Chinese Constitutional and Administrative Law (2 credits) (LAW630067 ) **Chinese Foreign Trade Law (2 credits)(LAW630072) **Chinese Language I (2 credits)(LAW630063 ) Spring Semester: *International Commercial Arbitration (2 credits) *International Investment Law (3 credits) *Comparative Business Law (3 credits) **Chinese Contract Law (3 credits) (LAW620048 ) **Chinese Taxation Law (2 credits) **Chinese Intellectual Property Law (3 credits) (LAW620049) **Chinese Banking Law and Payment System (2 credits) (LAW620050 ) **Chinese Securities Law (2 credits) (LAW620051 ) **Chinese Labor Law (2 credits) (and Employment ) (LAW630066 ) **Chinese Trial System (2 credits) (LAW630064 ) **Chinese Criminal Law (2 credits) (LAW630071 ) **Chinese Language II (2 credits) (LAW630069) • The teaching schedule for each semester may be subject to changes. The course may be cancelled if the number of students who select the course has not reached the minimum requirement of the school. • The courses with "*" are courses for undergraduate students, and the courses with "**" are courses for LL.M. Program in Chinese Business Law. Exchange students can choose courses for undergraduates if there is any vacancy and at most two courses for LL.M. Program. 9 FD Postgraduates English Courses The postgraduate exchange students of law School normally can choose the courses listed below. However, whether they can successfully choose these courses depends on the policies made by the departments who open these courses and the limits of class size. For the details of course selection, please contact Secretary of Affairs Office of Fudan Law School after their arrivals at Fudan. Chinese Politics and Diplomacy Program, School of International R elations and Public Af fairs International Relations in East Asia (2 credits, open) POLl630034 Sino-American Relations and American Politics (3 credits, open) EMAP630019 Political Economy inEast Asia (2 credits, open) POLl630037 Studies of China's Foreign and Security Policies (2 credits, 20 students) EMAP630001 China-EU Relations (3 credits, open) EMAP630014 Chinese Government and Governance School of International; Relations and Public Affairs Fall Semester: Public management theories (3 credits) Public economics (3 credits) Chinese politics (3 credits) Emergency management inChina (2 credits) E -government and China (2 credits) Grassroots Democracy and Social Movement inChina (2 credits) Chinese Modern History (2 credits) Political Economy of East Asia (2 credits) I nternational Relations in East Asia (2 credits) China-EU Relations (2credits) Research Methods of Political Science (3 credits) Spri ng Semester: Chinese public administration (3 credits) China's environmental policy and sustainable development (2 credits) Public Innovation, Technology Integration and New Public Operation (2 credits) Seminars on Chinese public management (2 credits) China's Foreign Economic Policies (2 credits) Doctoral Program inInternational Politics, School of International Relations and PublicAffairs Fall Semester: International Politics and Theories Research Methodsfor PoliticalScience Political Development in Modern China ChineseLanguage4creditsFall/Spring International Relations inEast Asia PoliticalEconomyinEastAsia Sino-EU Relations and European Politics Sino U.S. Relations and American Politics Spring Semester: Chinese Diplomacy Studies of Chinese Foreign and Security Policies China's Foreign Economic Policies International Relations of Northeast Asia Global Governance Sino-Russian Relations and Russian Politics Department of Chinese language and Literature Introduction to Chinese Language and Culture (3 credits, open) EMAC620001 Chinese Literature in 20th Century (3 credits, open) EMAC620004 Chinese Art (Calligraphy,Painting,Drama,Film and TV program) (3 credits, open) EMAC620008 10 Integrated Chinese: Listening& Speaking; Reading &Writing (4credits, open) EMAC620002 Advanced Chinese (3 credits) Ancient Chinese Culture and Tradition (3 credits) Modern Chinese Popular Culture (3 credits) Modern Chinese Newspaper Reading (3 credits) Chinese Public Administration and Public Policy (3 credits) Topics on Chinese Ancient History andCulture (3 credits) Research Topics on China's Economy (3 credits) Comparative Study on Social Policy, East and West (2 credits) Seminar Series on Chinese Society and Culture (4 credits) Chinese Philosophy and Culture Program, School of Philosophy Pre-Qin Daoism and Mohism (3 credits) PHIL620068 Pre-Qin Confucianism and Legalism (3 credits) PHIL620067 Introduction to Buddhism (3 credits) PHIL630075 ClassicalChinesePhilosophy I(Confucianism andLegalism) (3credits) Chinese Classical Studies (3 credits) Wei Jin Xuanxue (3 credits) Neo Confucianism (3 credits) Modern Chinese Philosophy (3 credits) Issues in Chinese Spiritualities and Religions (2 credits) Daoism and Its Texts (2 credits) ReadingsinClassicalChinesePhilosophy (2credits) Chinese Philosophy from a Comparative Perspective (2 credits) Special Topics: Chinese Philosophy and Its Methods (2 credits) Special Topics: Chinese Philosophy inthe EnglishSpeakingWorld (2 credits) Confucianism: Then and Now (2 credits) Special Topics inBuddhism (2 credits) Political-religious Relationship of Modern Buddhism (2 credits) War and Peace inAncient Chinese philosophy (2 credits) Ways of Contemplation in China (2 credits) Dialogical Styles inChinese Philosophy (2 credits) Issues in Chinese and Indian Logic (2 credits) Indian Philosophy (2 credits) Seminar: Issues in Indian Philosophy (2 credits) Chinese Religions in Theory and Practice: Insider- and Outsider-Bias after WWI (2 credits) Chinese History and Culture, Department of History Chinese Modern History (3 credits) EMAH620001 TopicsonChineseCivilization (3credits) EMAH620009 Tourism Development of Historical Cities inChina (3 credits) EMAH630004 ElementaryChinese(4credits)EMAH620006 Intermediate Chinese (4 credits) EMAH620007 A Study of the Diplomacy of Modern China (1840-1980) (3 credits) Gender and History in Modern China (3 credits) The Arts of China (3 credits) Westerners in Late lmperial China (3 credits) Funeral inArchaic & Classical Greece andPre-Qin Chins (3credits) History of Chinese Buddhism (3 credits) A Study of the cultural exchange between Chinese medicine and Western medicine (3 credits) Beginning Chinese (4 credits) Intermediate Chinese (4 credits) Advanced Chinese (4credits) GlobalMedia&Communications; Communication andMedia, School of Journalism Applied Media Management inChina (2 credits) LSE630005 Chinese Society, school of Social Development and Public Policy Introduction to Chinese Society (3 credits) EMAS62000 Introduction to Chinese Culture (3 credits) EMAS620004 ChineseDemography andSocialPolicy(3credits) EMAS620002 11 EMA (Chinese Economy } Courses and EMA (Finance) Courses Chinese Economy (3 credits) EMAE620001 Basic Chinese (1)-A (2 credits) EMAE620000 China'sTaxation System and Fiscal Policy (3credits) EMAE620014 Public Management inChina (2 credits) EMAE630004 Basic Chinese (1)-B (2 credits) EMAE620000 Microeconomics (3credits) EMAE620002 Academic Writing (2 credits) EMAE630003 Industrial Policy of China (2 credits) EMAE630000 International Finance (3 credits) EMAE620018 Foreign Direct Investment inTransition Economy (2 credits) ECON630147 Attention: 1. Basic Chinese (I) - B is a bit more difficult than Basic Chinese (I) - A. 2. The final exam for Foreign Direct Investment in Transition Economy is scheduled for the 18th or 19th week. 12 Jiao Tong University, Koguan Law 13 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Koguan Law School. International Programs Office Room 104, Leo KoGuan Law Building Shanghai Jiao Tong University KoGuan Law School 1954 Huanshan Road Xuhui District, Shanghai 200030 P.R. China Website: Bezoek op Maandagmiddag 11 november 2013 Gesproken met : XU, Xiaobing, Dean Koguan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University ( en MA, Xinli, coordinator international office ( Locatie Redelijk in het centrum van Shanghai. Een mooie Chinese poort aan een redelijk drukke weg kom je op het universiteitsterrein: atletiek baan, winkels, collegezalen, studentenhuisvesting, oude bibliotheek (nu museum) en de Law school. Studentenhuisvesting Op voornoemde campus kan een student gehuisvest worden. Student moet er rekening mee houden dat de kamers, die beschikbaar zijn op deze campus, gedeeld moeten worden met een andere student. Op de kamers is geen gelegenheid om zelf te koken. Studenten eten in de mensa. Kosten per maand: 9800 RMB per semester. Ook zijn er studentenkamers beschikbaar op de Minhang campus: met de intercampus bus kun je daarvan vanaf Koguan Law school komen. Deze bus rijdt van 6-20 uur, 1x per uur. Op de Minhang campus kosten de kamers ook 9800 RMB per semester. Visum Geselecteerd student ontvangt van Koguan Law School, School of Law een letter of invitation waarmee de Nederlandse student een visum kan aanvragen in Nederland voor zijn/haar studieverblijf aan Koguan Law School. Taal Geen vereiste om een TOEFL of IELTS te overleggen. Aanmelding: Academic Calendar Fall semester 1/9-24/12 (only international students); deadline application 30/4 Spring semester 20/2-30/6; Deadline application 30/11 Full year workload: 1680 hours = 26-28 Jiaotong credits = 60 EC. 2 credit course = 36 hours 14 Courses Curriculum in English Basic courses: Chinese Society & Chinese law (2 credits, LLM course, not offered now) Chinese Constitutional law (Fall, 2 credits, LLM course) Chinese administrative law (Fall, 1 credit, LLM course) Chinese & Comparative law of Contracts (Fall, 3 credits, LLM course) Chinese Criminal & Criminal Procedural Law (Fall, 3 credits, LLM course) Chinese Property Law (2 credits, LLM course, not yet offered) Chinese Tort Law (2 credits, LLM course, not offered yet) Commercial & Economic Law Chinese Competition Law (Sprint, 2 credits, LLM course) Chinese Company Law (Spring, 2 credits, LLM course) Chinese Foreign Investment Law (Spring, 2 credits, LLM course) Chinese Foreign Trade Law (Spring 2 credits, LLM course) Chinese Intellectual Property Law (Spring, 2 credits, LLM course) Chinese Securities Law (Spring, 2 credits, LLM course) Chinese Tax Law (Spring, 1 credit, LLM course) International and Foreign Law Public International law (Spring, 3 credits, undergraduate course) Private International law (Spring, 3 credits, undergraduate course) International Economic Law (Fall, 3 credits, undergraduate course) International Financial Law (Fall, 3 credits, undergraduate course) International Commercial Arbitration in China (spring, 2 credits, LLM course) International Humanitarian Law (Spring, 2 credits, open to all students) Chinese Practice of International Law (Fall, 1 credit, LLM course) Seminar on Foreign Law (Fall, 3 credits, undergraduate course) Miscellaneous Law courses Chinese Environmental Law (Spring, 1 credit, LLM course) Chinese Human Rights and Labor Issues (Fall, 2 credits, LLM course) Contemporary Issues in Chinese Law Seminar (2 credits, LLM course, not offered now) Advanced Legal research workshop (1 credit, LLM course, not offered now) Other courses Chinese language*, 2 credits Introduction to Chinese Culture*, 2 credits (* required courses for foreign students in SJTU) 15 USA- New York Brooklyn Law School New York University Colombia University Fordham Benjamin Cardozo 16 Semester Exchange Program Information Request Form Name of University Brooklyn Law School Exchange Program website programs.aspx? Exchange Program Contact Details of person responsible for incoming students. Name: Julie Sculli Position: Director of International Programs Mailing Address: 250 Joralemon, Rm 932, Brooklyn, New York 11201 Phone: 718-780-0626 Email: Responsibility: Administration of the International Exchange programs at Brooklyn Law School and advisor to all international students. Also handles all visa issuance, summer legal English course, our LL.M. program and expanding future collaborations with international university partners. Language of Instruction English Number of places available to Amsterdam Students Fall 2015 Application deadline Fall 2015 2 Semester Dates Fall 2015 Orientation: TBD First Day of Courses: TBD Last Day of Courses: TBD Exam Dates: TBD March 1, 2015 Orientation 2014: August 19-August 25, 2014 Semester Dates Fall 2014: August 27, 2014-December 19, 2014 Exam Session dates: December 8-December 19, 2014 (tentative) Website to the Academic Calendar Is the Orientation Program compulsory? Yes No Mandatory Course Load Minimum 10, maximum 16 credits per semester. It is up to the student to have his/her course for Exchange Students selections approved by his/her home university. Course Do students enrol online? Yes No enrollment/Registration Are there any mandatory courses? Yes No Students selected for participation in the exchange program will receive information from Julie Sculli on how to access the online Teaching Schedule and WebAdvisor (the registration system) prior to arrival. Students may select their courses and register online before arriving, or students may wait to register once they have arrived at Brooklyn Law School and have had the chance to meet with Julie. The sooner they register the better as courses do fill up. There is no guarantee that an exchange student will be enrolled in any particular course as BLS graduating students have priority. Students coming to BLS on exchange should be flexible and have many backup options. Credit System Which credit system does your institution use? How long is one class hour (i.e. 45 or 60 min)? We use the ABA credit system which requires one credit hour to be 700 minutes of instruction. Class meeting times vary. Transfer of Credits Does your institution offer students the option to transfer their credits onto a future LL.M Program at your university? Yes No The requirements are that they apply and are accepted to our LL.M. program no more than one year after completing their exchange semester. Up to 12 credits can be transferred from their exchange year. They must still complete our two required LL.M. courses which are offered in the Fall semester (so the semester they must complete upon return is the Fall). If they wish to sit for the NYS bar, they must return the following Fall and spend the entire year at BLS, though they will receive a one semester tuition discount. Research Focus Visa information Housing Intellectual Property, Business Law, Entrepreneurial Law and Immigration and Refugee Law Students requiring a DS-2019 to obtain a J-1 exchange visitor visa must submit the J-1 EV Questionnaire (which will be emailed to them) and provide financial documentation showing financial resources to support themselves for the Fall 2015 semester. The financial documentation, along with a copy of the photo ID page of his/her passport, should be emailed to Julie Sculli and a DS-2019 will be created and mailed to the student typically by the end of March. Students should schedule their visa interview as soon as possible after receiving their DS-2019 as delays do occur. On-campus likely (but not guaranteed) On-campus not guaranteed Off-campus only Assistance provided to find off-campus housing No assistance to find housing Home-stay Other: Please provide relevant website: Please provide additional instructions below, if applicable: If you are interested in on-campus housing, please contact our Student Affairs Office at and explain that you are an exchange student and the dates you will be attending BLS. You must complete a housing application by May 1, but you do not need to submit a deposit. Health Insurance Requirements Do exchange students have to purchase health insurance? Yes No Does your university offer health insurance? Yes No If so, how much does it cost per semester? $1256 per semester (cost always subject to change) All exchange students are required to have health insurance that meets 1) their J-1 visa requirements and 2) the BLS health insurance requirements which include having an insurer with a US based claims address and mental health and substance abuse coverage. BLS offers a student health insurance plan that meets both of these requirements for approximately $1256 a semester. For details on health insurance, please contact Julie Sculli. Questions can also be directed to Gallagher Koster, the insurance program's management company and first point of contact for students and parents. (800) 394-5783, available 8:30 AM to 7 PM Is this health insurance: compulsory (no waivers)? compulsory (waivers possible)? If the student has comparable health insurance coverage our mandatory insurance may be waived. See above. recommended? Please provide information on waivers if applicable: If a student has comparable coverage, then the mandatory health insurance can be waived but the insurer must have a US based claims address and the coverage must be comparable which includes mental health and substance abuse coverage. Immunization/ Health issues Are there any immunizations students are required to have? Yes. Incoming exchange students are required by law to submit proof of one of the following vaccines or test: * Two measles vaccines, one mumps vaccine and one Rubella vaccine; or * Two measles, mumps, rubella vaccines (MMR1 and MMR2); or * The Titer test showing immunity to measles, mumps and rubella. The immunization form will be available online the Spring prior to the Fall start and must be filed with Nancy Balzano in the Registrar’s Office by fax at (718) 780-7548 or by mail at Brooklyn Law School, Registrar’s Office, 250 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11201 no later than Aug. 1 prior to the Fall start. The exceptions to the above requirement are as follows: * If you are a student born before January 1, 1957; * If you had the disease and your doctor signs a note indicating the date you had the disease; * If you are unable to receive a vaccine for medical reasons and your doctor writes a note to this effect and signs it; * If you are unable to receive a vaccine for religious reasons and you submit documentation. In the event of an outbreak of measles, mumps, or rubella, you will not be allowed to attend class. Students also must show (1) proof of immunization against meningococcal meningitis or (2) a signed form indicating that they have been informed about the risks of meningococcal meningitis and have declined to be vaccinated. Available language courses Do you offer intensive language instruction for exchange students? prior to semester - BLS offers a four-week legal English course for an additional fee during the month of July. during semester (at institutions) not offered If offered, what does this cost? The cost is $3,475 for the entire course. Please list dates when intensive language instruction is offered: July 6-31, 2015. Please provide relevant website: Estimated Cost of Living per Semester The below estimates are based on the 2014-15 school year for a Full-Time First Year Student (excluding Tuition) living independently and are general estimates: Overall amount: $26,870 for a year (including health insurance)/$13,435 for a semester (including health insurance) Details below Housing (includes food, gas/electricity, water, phone, cable & internet): $16,650 per yr/$8,325 per semester Living Expenses (includes clothing & other personal necessities): $5,400 per yr/$2,700 per semester Books: $1,300 per yr/$650 per semester Transportation (local): $1,008 per yr/$504 per semester Please provide relevant website: Academic Requirements Must have completed two years at the University and are in the top half of the class. for Admission to the Exchange Program Language Requirements Must be fluent in English. Application Materials Is your application form: completed on-line – URL: paper-based only – form will be emailed to student and should be returned via email. The application consists of three parts: 1. General Information; 2. Financial Documentation (for visa purposes); and 3. Copy of Photo ID page of Passport. Please note down any necessary documents (i.e. personal statement, transcripts) that need to be sent along with the application form: Amsterdam applicants are not required to supply a personal statement or transcripts. Prior to the first day of classes, they must submit proof of immunization for mumps, measles and rubella. They must also submit proof of either meningitis immunization or the meningitis immunization waiver form. Application Procedure Additional fees (i.e., library deposit, gym) Where should the application be sent to if not completed online? Julie Sculli at There are many area health clubs that offer BLS students a discounted rate. The YMCA offers BLS students a discounted rate of around $57 per month (sometimes there is an initiation fee, sometimes there is not). Gold’s Gym offers BLS students a discounted rate of $31 per month with a $75 enrollment fee. Equinox is a higher-end gym near the law school that offers students a discounted rate of $140 per month with no initiation fee. If you are interested in trying the gym, please contact Julie Sculli once you arrive to BLS and she will provide you a free trial pass. New York Sports Club offers a reduced initiation fee and rate of $75/month. Eastern Athletic offers no initiation fee and rate of $75/month. Students are given a printing account with $25 free printing then students must pay .5 per page and do so by refilling their account. Additional Important information Exchange students only visiting for one semester cannot participate in clinics but may do any of our pro bono opportunities for practical experience. NYU 17 Exchanges: Academic Year 2014-2015 1. General Information New York University School of Law is the preeminent global law school featuring innovative teaching, research, and intellectual and professional development in a uniquely collegial environment. Like our great city, NYU School of Law is a "melting pot" of legal scholars and practitioners, economists, social scientists, and representatives of the innovation industries. The essence of the Law School experience is the close interaction between our faculty and students. Creating and nurturing a stimulating intellectual environment is central to the educational philosophy of the Law School, and these characteristics hold high appeal for both students and faculty. NYU School of Law offers more than 200 rich and diverse courses and programs on issues that permeate all aspects of law in the 21st century. This extensive curriculum broadens perspectives and opens new ways of seeing and understanding, not only the law, but the world around us. NYU Law creates a vibrant community through our rigorous academic programs, including business, constitutional, criminal, environmental, innovation, interdisciplinary, international, procedure, public interest and tax law, as well as innovative programs, such as our renowned clinics and our groundbreaking lawyering program. For more information, please visit: Located in Greenwich Village, New York City, NYU School of Law is a vibrant part of this metropolis. Members of the Law School community enjoy an inexhaustible array of cultural options, thrive from the opportunity to work with diverse populations, and benefit from a rich educational experience that extends far beyond the confines of the classroom. 2. Application & Required Documents All prospective exchange students must apply using the on-line application after they have been nominated by the home institutions. Detailed instructions will be available in our website. Application Deadline The NYU online application is due on April 1 for August enrollment and October 1 for January enrollment. 18 Exchange Program Information Academic Year 2014-2015 Page 2 Transcripts Official hard-copy transcripts, and English translations if the transcript is not in English, are required from each university at which students have studied law and/or received a law degree. The transcript must be provided directly to NYU School of Law from the law school registrar or exchange program coordinator. Please be sure that any prior name that appears on the transcript is indicated on the exchange student application. Personal Statement Students must submit a statement of not more than 250 words. Students may wish to describe their professional interests and goals, as well as the merit of exchange studies. If available, students should also include a copy of their curriculum vitae along with the statement. Nomination Letter Students must present a letter authorizing their participation in the exchange program at NYU from the coordinator of the home university's exchange program. English Language Proficiency Test Applicants whose academic legal training has not been in English, or whose legal training was located in a country where English is not a primary language, must take either the TOEFL or the IELTS English proficiency tests. Applicants should request that the Educational Testing Service issue an official score report of their results from the TOEFL iBT to NYU Law (institution code: 2599). For IELTS test-takers, contact the test center directly and request that your test scores be sent to New York University School of Law electronically. An institutional code is not required. NYU Law only accepts scores submitted electronically, and all IELTS test centers worldwide are able to send scores electronically to NYU. A photocopy of an official TOEFL or IELTS score report (an Examinee Report is not acceptable) sent directly from the law school registrar or exchange program coordinator will be accepted provided that the score has not expired and the photocopy is an attested true copy by the registrar or the coordinator. IMPORTANT: Students should plan to take the TOEFL or IELTS exam at least one to two months prior to the application deadline. Students should indicate when applying for the TOEFL exam or IELTS that they wish a copy of the exam results to be sent to New York University School of Law. Please also note that for both language proficiency tests the scores have a validity of 2 years. TOEFL and IELTS Requirements: Information regarding the TOEFL is available from; applicants must register for the internet-based TOEFL (iBT) only. Information regarding the IELTS is available at; applicants must register for the academic version only. A TOEFL total score of at least 100, a minimum score of 26 on the reading and listening subsections, and a minimum score of 22 on the writing and speaking subsections are required. For applicants who take the IELTS, the requirements are a minimum overall 19 Exchange Program Information Academic Year 2014-2015 Page 3 band score of at least 7, a minimum score of 7.5 on the reading and listening subsections, and a minimum score of 7 on the writing and speaking subsections. Mailing Documents Because application materials are time-sensitive and may be traveling great distances, we highly recommend applicants use an international courier service, such as UPS, FedEx, or DHL, in lieu of national postal services. All materials sent for application should be addressed as follows: Office of Global Programs New York University School of Law 245 Sullivan Street, Suite 350 New York, NY 10012 USA Tel: 1-212-998-6691 Email: 3. Semester Dates 2014-2015 The 2014-2015 academic calendar is not available at this time. However, when the calendar is available, it will be posted on our website: 4. Orientation Program NYU Law School offers orientation sessions only for the Fall semester. We anticipate that the Fall 2014 orientation will be offered mid-August. The orientation is recommended but not required for exchange students. For more information please visit: 5. Course Enrollment / Registration Exchange students will have the same opportunities as our LL.M. students when registering for classes; demand for courses may exceed their availability so they cannot be guaranteed. Instructions for registering will be sent along with the letter of admission. Additional Course Requirements for Foreign Exchange Students Exchange students whose legal training is not based upon the common law are strongly recommended to enroll in "Introduction to U.S. Law" which is held during the week prior to the beginning of the fall semester. This course is designed to introduce foreign-trained lawyers to American Law, the American legal system, and American legal education. Students participating in the exchange program in the spring semester (January to May), do not have to enroll in any introductory course. 20 Exchange Program Information Academic Year 2014-2015 Page 4 6. Credit System Prospective international exchange students who are selected to participate in a one-semester exchange will be expected to take a full course load (12 credits) as a non-matriculant exchange student . Students must register for a minimum of 10 credits to satisfy their U.S. students visa requirement, NYU Law full load is 12 credits. Students can register for 10 credits if they obtain permission from their home university. Students must request their coordinators to email to inform of their permission and request NYU School of Law to register the student for 10 credits. 7. Visa Information International students who are not U.S. Citizens need a visa to study in the United States. The Office of Global Services will assist students with any questions regarding requirements for student visas. Upon admission, students are provided with a Certificate of Eligibility (I-20 or DS2019) and an official letter of acceptance. 8. Immunization/ Health issues New York State Public Health Laws 2165 and 2167 require that all students (graduate, undergraduate, transfer, and returning students) taking six or more credits in a degree-granting program must: (a) provide proof of immunity to measles, mumps and rubella and (b) complete a meningitis response form. Failure to meet New York State and NYU mandated immunization requirements will result in: • Inability to move into residence halls • De-enrollment of students not in compliance De-enrollment means: a) Students will be dropped from classes that they have been registered for, and students will no longer be enrolled in or able to attend their classes. b) Students will be excluded from entering campus buildings and the student ID card may also be deactivated. For more information regarding the New York State and NYU mandated immunization requirements, please visit the Student Health Requirements website. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the immunization requirements, please contact the Student Health Center at 9. Health Insurance Requirements Health insurance is required by the University and is a necessity in the U.S. because of the very high cost of healthcare. When students are registered for classes, they will be charged automatically for the NYU-sponsored Comprehensive Plan. Students will remain enrolled in that program unless they maintain other insurance coverage that meets the University’s criteria and 21 Exchange Program Information Academic Year 2014-2015 Page 5 complete the online enrollment/waiver process before the semester deadline to waive the NYUsponsored plans. International students should consider that the NYU Student Health Center and most other healthcare facilities in the United States will not bill insurance companies with international addresses directly. Therefore, students covered under international plans will be required to pay for treatment in full at the time medical services are rendered. Students coming in the Fall semester who will be attending the “Introduction to the U.S. Law” course will be assessed an extra Comprehensive Plan fee which will provide insurance coverage for this period. For more information, please visit: 10. Housing When students are admitted and confirmed, they will be able to apply for student housing. Please note that NYU does not guarantee On-Campus Housing for exchange students and that obtaining housing may in fact be unlikely depending on demand. Under our NYU School of Law policy, priority is given to students needing housing for the full academic year. Unfortunately, this means that students who need housing for one semester only will find out if they were assigned NYU On-Campus housing rather late. For those reasons, we encourage students to apply to NYU On-Campus Housing but also look for other options ahead of time. Please note that the Department of Residence Services is responsible for assigning NYU OnCampus housing and any questions regarding housing should be addressed to that office at: For more information about our housing please visit: NYU Law Office of Global Programs offers students to connect them with each other should they wish to plan to look for shared off-campus housing together. Interested students should contact the NYU Law Office of Global Programs by email at 11. Estimated Cost of Living per Semester Living Expenses (Estimates Only): Currency in the United States is the U.S. dollar. For current currency exchange rates, please visit or Accommodation: for housing options and rates, please visit: Food/Meals: Students have the option to have meal plans. There are eleven different dining facilities where meal plans can be used, including one kosher café and five traditional buffet dining halls. University meal plans range from $1105 to $2,360 per semester, in 2013-2014 depending on the plan. For more meal plan information, please visit Meal plans are not required. Books: approximately $300-500 per semester Local transport: varies; approximately $25 - $112.00 per month 22 Exchange Program Information Academic Year 2014-2015 Page 6 In general, students can expect their regular monthly living expenses to be at least $1500. 12. Exchange Program Website The NYU Law Office of Global Programs functions as a home away from home for all international exchange students at the Law School. As a liaison to New York University for all exchange students, the Office should be the point of contact for any questions or issues that may arise while attending the Law School. Exchange Program Contact Details Office of Global Programs New York University School of Law 245 Sullivan Street, Suite 350 New York, NY 10012 USA Tel: 1-212-998-6691 Email: International Exchange Program Coordinators: Alma Fuentes Director Phone: 212-992-8865 Responsibility: International Programs Florencia Luzzi Administrative As sistant Responsibility: Int ernational Programs Phone: 212-992-8 639 23 Columbia 24 Fordham 25 Benjamin N. Cardozo 26 Exchange Program Information Request Form Name of University Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Exchange Program Website Exchange Program Contact Details, i.e. person responsible for incoming/ outgoing students. Name: Amy Sugin Position: Assistant Dean, Graduate and International Programs Mailing Address: 55 Fifth Avenue, Room 1007 Street Address: (Same as above) Phone: +1 212 790-0361 Fax: +1 212 290-0203 Email: Language of Instruction English Language Requirements The minimum score requirements for the TOEFL are: 600 on the paper-based exam 250 on the computer-based exam 100 on the internet-based exam. TOEFL Waiver: Students who request a waiver of the TOEFL must include in their statement a paragraph detailing any experience with studying or reading in English, and a letter from the exchange coordinator must attest to the student’s proficiency in English. degree where the language of instruction was English. Each case will be considered individually. Number of places available to Bucerius Students Fall 2014 Application Procedure 1-2 Is your application form: XDownloadable from the internet at: Completed on-line – URL: Paper-based only Please make note of any necessary documents (i.e. personal statement, transcripts) that need to be sent along with the application form: The supporting documentation we need: • a letter of permission/recommendation from the exchange coordinator; • a transcript of grades • a short personal statement stating why they would like to study here. If they do not have TOEFL scores, please also include in the statement a paragraph detailing any experience they have studying or reading in English, and a verification from the exchange coordinator that they will be able to undertake legal 27 studies in English. Application Deadline April 1 Academic Requirements for Admission to the Exchange Program Students are required to have completed two years of their law degree and be in good academic standing Semester Dates 2014 Semester Dates Fall 2014 (semester 2, 2014): Not yet available—tentatively set for August 25 Exam Session dates: Approximately December 8-19 Orientation Program Is there an Orientation Program for international exchange students? XX Yes No If yes when will this orientation program take place in 2014: Tenatively scheduled to begin August 14 Research Focus Is the Orientation Program compulsory? XX Yes No What is the main research area of your law school / faculty? We excel in many different areas in the law but are particularly known for Intellectual Property, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Corporate Law, Constitutional Law, Legal Philosophy and Theory, and Jewish Law Course Enrollment / Registration Are students pre-enrolled or pre-registered? XX Yes No XXYes No If yes, can students do this themselves on-line? Do all or some courses have quotas? XXAll Some None Any other comments regarding quotas? Credit System Which credit system does your institution use? How long is one class hour (i.e. 45 or 60 min)? We use ABA credits, so each credit equals 700 minutes of class per semester Mandatory Course Load for Exchange Students i.e. minimum number of courses students have to take. Is there any flexibility here? Students should take a full-time courseload, which is at least 9 credits. However, a full-time load is generally 11-12 credits and we recommend they take that many Transfer of Credits Does your institution offer students the option to transfer their credits to a future LL.M. Program at your university? XXYes No If yes - are there any requirements? Must apply within two years of graduation from Bucerius On-campus Housing On-campus likely if student applies by deadline Oncampus available xOn-campus not guaranteed Home-stay Off-campus only Other: Please provide relevant website: 28 Please provide additional instructions below, if applicable: Off-campus Housing Assistance provided XX Unassisted Other: Please provide relevant website: Please provide additional instructions below, if applicable: We provide advisory information to admitted students on where to look but we do not find housing for them. Health Insurance Requirements Do exchange students have to purchase health insurance? Yes x No Does your university offer health insurance? xYes No If so, how much does this cost per semester? Approximately $920 Is this health insurance: Compulsory (no waivers)? possible)? compulsory (waivers x Recommended? Please provide information on waivers if applicable: Visa Information Do students need a visa? If so, when will the papers be sent to the students? Our parent university’s director of international student services works with admitted students to process their applications for a J-1 visitor visa. Information about applying for the visa is sent to students with their letters of admission. Immunization/ Health issues Are there any immunizations students are required to have? Students must provide proof of MMR vaccine, and must either be vaccinated against or opt not to be vaccinated against Meningitis. Information about this is provided upon admission to Cardozo. 29 Available language courses Do you offer intensive language instruction for exchange students? Prior to semester (at a language school) During semester (at institutions) x None offered If offered, what does this cost? Please list dates when intensive language instruction is offered: Please provide relevant website: Estimated Cost of Living per Semester Overall amount: 13000 Details below Housing (including deposit): 6500 Gas / Electricity: Telephone: Food / Groceries: 2750 Medical: 920 Books: 625 Stationery: Transport:500 Please provide relevant website: Additional Fees (e.g. library deposit, gym) Discounted membership to New York Sports is available to exchange students Additional Important Information Our exchange students are required to take the following courses: Introduction to US Law (2 credits) Advanced Workshop in Legal Writing and Research (1 credit) 30 USA – Ann Arbor: Michigan University 31 USA – Washington: Georgetown University 32 Georgetown University Law Center Fall 2014 Fact Sheet Primary contact person: Name: Cara Morris Position: Director, Transnational Programs Mailing Address: 600 New Jersey Avenue, NW; Washington DC 20001 Phone: +1 202 662 9860 Fax: +1 202 662 4038 Email: Number of places available to 4 places (one semester) Amsterdam students Fall 2014 Application procedure and Students must provide: materials required (please note any changes necessary): 1) Georgetown exchange program nomination form (to be provided by email when available) signed by Amsterdam administrator. 2) An official transcript. Semester dates fall 2014: Is there an Orientation Program for international students? Yes If yes when will this orientation program take place in 2014: August 25-28 (tentative) Is the Orientation Program required? Yes Semester dates for 2014: Classes Begin: September 2 Classes End: December 6 Exams Begin: December 9 Exams End: December 20 Address for submission of application materials: Application deadline: Courses: Office of Transnational Programs Georgetown Law 600 New Jersey Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20001 United States April 1, 2014. Detailed course and registration information will be provided to accepted students over the summer. 33 Housing: Georgetown does not have on campus accommodations available to exchange students, however the resources online here may be useful: Visa information: A Georgetown visa specialist will be in contact with students after they are admitted. Estimated cost of living per semester: Note that this reflects 2013-2014 estimates, the budget for 2014-2015 may change. Housing: $1300/month Utilities (gas/electric) : $175/month Food: $380/month Books: $500 Local Travel: $225/month Visa fees: $360 Miscellaneous (entertainment, supplies): Other (please specify): $750 student health insurance 34 USA – New Orleans: Tulane University 35 FACT SHEET FOR INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PARTNERS 2013 – 2014 International Legal Programs Office Contact Information: Herbert V. Larson, Jr., Executive Director (504) 865-5839 (telephone); Chana L. Lewis, Assistant Director (504) 865-5990 (telephone); Dates: Application Deadlines: Spring semester participation – October 15 Fall semester participation – April 1 Pre-program: ESL Program: July 1 – July 19, 2013 International Orientation: July 22 - August 16, 2013 Semesters: Spring 2013: January 14 – April 18, 2013 Exam Session Dates: April 29 – May 11, 2013 Fall 2013: August 26 – December 5, 2013 Exam Session Dates: December 9 – December 20, 2013 Academic Expectations: All Tulane Law School courses are taught in English. Students should be studying law and fluent in English, both oral For and written. Tulane Law School requires the TOEFL unless otherwise waived. The minimum score is 90 on the Admission: internet based exam, 233 on the computer-based exam, and 577 on the paper-and-pencil based exam. Students may also take the IELTS, receiving a band score of 7. Attendance/Participation: Mandatory/Graded vs. Optional/Non-graded Depends on the class At Tulane: Course load requirement: Min: 10 credit hours; Max: 12 credit hours (Approximately 3-4 classes) Examinations: Written or written/multiple choice Depends on the class Registration, Courses and Grading: Students can register for classes online through once they have been assigned a Tulane email address username and password. Exchange students can take any course offered by the Law School, subject to the prerequisites for any given course, with the exception of certain clinical and skills-related courses. Exchange students take classes with JD and LLM students. Most quotas are waived for exchange students, although spring semester students should enroll prior to arrival to make sure that space is still available. Tulane University offers exchange students the opportunity to transfer their credits towards a future LL.M. program upon review of their particular case. Exams cannot be rescheduled so please pay attention to exam dates when registering or booking any travel. Foreign exchange students will be allowed to make an election upon their arrival whether they will be graded on the same grading scale as foreign graduate students (E, VG, RM, NR) or on the normal U.S. grading scale (A-F). Students who do not make the election in writing when asked to do so by the Office of Academic Services shall be graded on the U.S. grading scale. Students are encouraged to discuss the grading scale election with their home school prior to making the election to avoid difficulties after grades are posted. We recommend that exchange students choose the foreign graduate grading scale. Orientation Program Information: Tulane holds an orientation program for LL.M. and international students for four weeks preceding the semester. It is strongly recommended for our international students as it is an introduction to United States Law. For this reason, we recommend visiting in the fall semester, rather than spring. Tulane University also offers a summer Intensive Language course in the month prior to the orientation program that is available to international students for a fee ($1050). The introductory courses give students the opportunity to adjust to life in New Orleans, get settled, and meet other international students before the start of the semester. Estimated Living Expenses and Adequate Funding: The 2013 – 2014 estimate for living expenses reflects a student budget of $2,392 per month for room (rent, utilities), food, miscellaneous expenses (such as parking, optional study aids), books and supplies, and all transportation. The student's Statement of Adequate Funding in the application should therefore indicate minimum funds of $10,764 for one semester or $21,528 for both semesters. Health expenses ($1,325 per semester), i.e. medical insurance/ordinary health expenses (prescriptions), are included in the estimated living expense budget. 6329 Freret Street, Suite 259, New Orleans, LA 70118-6231 tel 504.865.5990 fax 504.862.8853 36 Accommodations: Temporary on-campus housing is available during the July orientation session. After the orientation is over, however, students must find permanent off-campus housing on their own for the academic term. The Office of International Legal Programs is available to answer questions regarding housing and offer advice to students looking for housing. To request temporary housing please fill-out this form: Unfortunately, due to the scarcity of on-campus housing, only off-campus housing is available, although there are options managed by Tulane’s Housing Office, at either the Papillon Apartments, in the Lower Garden District, or at Deming Pavilion, downtown. Please see the website: for more information and to apply. You also have the opportunity to search for off-campus apartments through, the Housing and Residence Life Office’s web-based apartment finder. If you opt not to live in Tulane housing, you should plan on setting up temporary accommodations for the first few nights as you look for an apartment. Housing possibilities may also be researched by checking housing advertisements on the Law School intranet site (log in information will be provided to students before arrival) and on student bulletin boards. The following housing resources can also be used to acquire temporary housing accommodations, as helpful guides to apartments available in the area and an idea of price ranges, and to set up appointments for when you arrive: Gambit Weekly (select Classifieds): Craigslist: Keller Williams Realty, Ricky Lemann 700 Dublin Street, New Orleans, LA 70118 504.460.6340; Ms. Corinne Fox: Gardner Realtors 1820 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA 70130-5907 504-2391481; ReMax New Orleans Properties 8001 Maple Street, New Orleans, LA 70118 Latter and Blum, Uptown Office Manager: Larry L. Talerico 7835 Maple Street, New Orleans, LA 70118 504.866.2785;; Inclusion in this reference guide does not signify endorsement by Tulane. We recommend that properties not be rented sight unseen. Student Services/Facilities: Reily Center (recreation facility) Social activities and clubs Email account Student folder (for intra-school mail) Shuttles Libraries Health, Insurance ( & Immunizations ( The Student Health Center is available to students upon payment of a fee per semester. Students who may only need one visit can elect to pay a one-time visit fee instead of the entire fee. To use the SHC again during the 6 month period, students must pay the remainder of the semester’s fee. Students are required to carry adequate medical insurance. All J-1/J-2 visa holders must be covered by a Tulane University Sponsored Health Policy, or they must obtain a waiver to this policy by showing that they have health insurance with coverage that is equal to or better than the Tulane Health Plan for the full term of their program. The Student Health Center will provide information on their website just prior to the semester regarding the student insurance policy. Tulane accepts foreign health insurance only if it meets these minimum requirements and covers the students for their entire stay in the US. Exchange students must also complete immunization forms from Tulane University Student Health Services prior to enrollment in classes. Students should plan to have these immunization forms completed prior to arrival in the US. Should you need to get immunizations once you arrive, you can go to the Student Health Center by paying the cost of the vaccine. Application Information: The application should be submitted electronically along with the additional documents requested: authorization/nomination letter, TOEFL report, Official Transcript, Statement of Adequate Funding, and a copy of the student’s passport. Visa Information: Visas are required for students that are not US citizens or Legal Permanent Residents to study on an exchange program at Tulane Law School. More information about visas can be found at 37 USA – Ithaca: Cornell University 38 Cornell Law School Program Summary For use in 2013‐2014 Academic Year by Students at Partner Schools Name of University Cornell Law School Year Founded 1877 Student Population Undergraduate: Exchange Program website Location City (include nearest major city if campus is regional) Ithaca, New York [approximately four hours by car from New York City and Toronto, five‐six hours from Boston, Montreal and Washington, D.C. Campus Ithaca, New York Diversity & Inclusion at Cornell University A diverse community includes everyone and is the foundation for the meaningful exploration and exchange of ideas. Since its founding, Cornell University has encouraged a culture that provides for the full participation of all members of our campus community—this keeps us at the leading edge in education and in our fields and practices. Cornell University is a place where intercultural skills are developed and enacted among diverse campus constituencies, with community partners, and within the classroom and workplace. Postgraduate: X International:__X [Please note: Currently not linked to information for incoming students] Nearby Airports: Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport | Elmira Corning Regional Airport | Syracuse Hancock International Airport | Greater Rochester International Airport | Greater Binghamton Airport For More Information Visit: Students with Mobility and other Disabilities or Impairments Cornell University provides services for students with disabilities. Reasonable accommodations and services are provided for exchange students with documented disabilities to provide equal access to educational programs and services in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990 as amended in 2008) and Cornell policy. Student Disability Services (SDS) facilitates the provision of services and accommodations for students. Accommodations are determined on an individual basis using disability documentation and in consultation with the student. The admissions process and criteria are the same for all students applying to Cornell. Disability status will not be a consideration in admissions decisions. Some accommodations may take significant time to facilitate. Therefore, your request 39 should be submitted as early as possible, upon being accepted into the exchange program. For more information please visit: Accommodation requests can be submitted to: Cornell Student Disability Services Telephone: 607‐254‐4545 OR Laura Spitz Email: or OR Dawne Peacock Email: Language of instruction English *Students from non‐English‐language schools must provide information demonstrating English language competence equivalent to a minimum TOEFL score of at least 600 (paper‐based test), 250 (computer‐based test), or 100 (Internet‐based test) but higher TOEFL scores are recommended. Exchange Durations & Periods One semester or Two semesters 2013‐2014 Semester Dates Fall Semester: Aug—Dec 2013—exact date not yet available Period/s: FALL: August –December SPRING: January—May Deadline for receiving incoming exchange student application materials: April 1, 2013 Orientation: Mid‐August (International LL.M. and exchange students. We encourage Fall Exchange Students to participate in both the LL.M. and the J.D. Orientation. ) Start of classes: Mid‐August (date not yet available) Fall recess (vacation): Mid‐October End of classes: Exam period: Early‐December Early‐December Spring Semester: Jan—May 2014, exact date not yet available Deadline for receiving incoming exchange student application materials: October 1 Orientation: No spring orientation Start of classes: Mid‐ January Semester break: Mid‐March End of classes: Late‐April Exam period: Early‐May 40 Minimum Academic requirements for Admission to the Exchange Program Application Procedures Student must be in good standing and must be nominated by the partner school. At present, Cornell will send a PDF application form to the Partner School representative, who gives it to the School’s nominees. The application must be sent directly to Laura Spitz or Dawne Peacock, together with: a) an official transcript of university legal studies b) a letter of nomination from the appropriate official at the partner c) a Statement discussing academic interests and proposed course of study at Cornell; and d) two passport‐size color photographs With the exception of the transcript and photographs, which must be submitted in hard copy, all other application documents may be sent electronically. Course Catalogue/ Prospectus Website (2012‐13 Course Offerings and Descriptions) Click on “Grading Explanations,” and review all four pages shown. (2012 Fall Term Class Schedule) (2012 Fall Term Examination Schedule) (2013 Spring Term Class Schedule) (2013 spring Term Examination Schedule) Courses/ Programs Excluded from the Exchange First‐year classes are strictly limited; limited enrolment classes are available if not filled by upper‐class Cornell students under the school preference system. Courses/ Programs with restricted access Seminars, problem courses and clinics. Students are encouraged to inquire about the likelihood of getting into a clinic course by contacting the professor directly. Course Enrolment/ Are students pre‐enrolled or pre‐registered? (see pages 17‐35 of 2012‐2013 Course Offerings and Descriptions web site, above) X Yes If yes, are students able to register by themselves on‐line? X Yes Registration Level of Study Postgraduate/ Graduate Credits per study period Expected minimum Load: 10 per semester (Unless partner school Normal Load: 12‐14 per semester Maximum Load: 16 per semester expressly authorizes lower load) 41 Cornell students must enrol in a minimum of 10 semester credits, of which nine must be law school courses. We permit exchange students to enrol for fewer hours, with the permission of their home school. Average credit per course Varies: 1‐4 Number of courses offered per study period 70—80 Number of hours per week for each course 1‐4 Total number of hours for each course Varies—e.g., approximately 35 hours for a 3‐credit course Grading System Information Available Language Courses Exchange student may choose either the J.D. or LL.M. grading scale. See: TOKEN=12312769 English language courses are offered both prior to and during the semester at Cornell. The cost to the student is approximately $1,500; fees not waived for exchange students. Please visit the following website for more information: Finding on– campus housing On‐campus housing is possible, but not guaranteed. Exchange students are responsible for securing housing prior to arriving at Cornell. Finding off‐ campus housing The Cornell University Off‐Campus Housing Office can provide assistance: Other Resources: Health Insurance Requirement Exchange students must purchase Cornell health insurance, unless a waiver is granted (extremely difficult to obtain) For information regarding applying for a waiver visit: The cost of student health insurance for the entire 2012‐2013 academic year was $2110; the cost for one semester was $832.50 42 Visa Information Visa application materials are sent to incoming students in the Spring prior to enrolment. For more information visit: Immunization/ Health issues Orientation & Support Services Before the Fall semester, two Orientation and support programs are offered. The one that all exchange students are strongly urged to attend is the one for LL.M. students. It is specifically designed to introduce students from outside the U.S. to life and studies in Ithaca and Cornell and offered in the week prior to the commencement of classes. The other, which is much shorter, is designed for J.D. students and takes place two days before classes begin. Estimated Cost of Living per semester Room, meals, local travel, miscellaneous personal expenses (laundry, clothing, recreation, and incidentals) –Approximately $8,573 per semester Books and supplies ‐‐ $550 Student Activity Fee‐‐$40.50 Overall Managers for Exchange Program: Staff Contact Details Name: Ms. Laura Spitz Position: Associate Dean for International Affairs and Executive Director, Clarke Center for International & Comparative Legal Studies Mailing Address: Cornell Law School, 107 Myron Taylor Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853‐4901, USA Phone: +1‐607‐255‐3014 Fax: +1‐607‐255‐7193 Email: or Name: Ms. Dawne Peacock Position: Assistant Director, Clarke Center for International & Comparative Legal Studies Mailing Address: Cornell Law School, 105 Myron Taylor Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853‐4901, USA Phone: +1‐607‐255‐5978 Fax: +1‐607‐255‐7193 Email: 43 Zuid-Afrika - North West University 44 Framework for the Institutional Calendar 2014 / Raamwerk vir die Institusionele kalender 2014 January/Januarie 2014 S M February/Februarie 2014 T W T F S 2 9 16 3 10 17 4 11 18 23 30 24 31 25 5 12 6 13 7 14 1 8 15 19 26 20 27 21 28 22 29 S M M T 3 4 5 6 7 9 16 23 10 17 24 11 18 25 12 19 26 13 20 27 14 21 28 15 22 T W T F S 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 30 31 29 30 26 27 28 29 September 2014 T W T 2 3 4 10 17 24 11 18 25 M F 5 S 6 S 12 19 26 13 20 27 5 T W T April 2014 F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 9 16 23 10 17 24 11 18 25 12 19 26 13 20 27 14 21 28 15 22 29 30 31 S M T W T F S 6 13 20 7 14 21 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 27 28 29 30 31 S M T W T F S 6 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 13 20 27 14 21 28 15 22 29 16 23 30 17 24 18 25 19 26 July/Julie 2014 M 25 S June/Junie 2014 S 7 14 21 9 16 23 30 1 8 S 6 13 20 8 15 22 29 S F 5 12 19 7 14 21 28 March/Maart 2014 F T 4 11 18 M 1 T W 1 8 15 22 S W 2 May/Mei 2014 S T October/Oktober 2014 M T W T F 1 2 3 November 2014 T W T S 4 S M 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 16 23 30 17 24 18 25 19 26 7 14 8 15 9 16 10 17 11 12 6 13 19 26 20 27 21 28 22 29 23 30 24 31 25 18 School terms Skooltermyne 15 January – 28 March 15 Januarie – 28 Maart 7 April – 27 June 7 April – 27 Junie 21 July – 3 October 21 Julie – 3 Oktober 13 October – 10 December 13 Oktober – 10 Desember August/Augustus 2014 S T W T F S 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 4 11 18 5 12 19 6 13 20 7 14 21 1 8 15 22 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 F S 1 S 6 13 7 14 8 15 7 20 27 21 28 22 29 Keys / Sleutels M 14 21 28 December/Desember 2014 M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 10 9 8 11 12 15 22 29 16 17 23 30 24 31 18 25 19 26 Public and School holidays / Publieke en Skoolvakansiedae 2014-01-01 New Years’s day / Nuwejaarsdag 2014-03-21 Human Rights day / Menseregtedag 2014-04-18 Good Friday / Goeie Vrydag 2014-04-21 Family day / Familiedag Freedom day / Vryheidsdag S 6 13 20 27 Public holiday / Openbare vakansiedag 2014-04-29 School holiday / Skolevakansiedag 2014-04-30 School holiday / Skolevakansiedag 2014-05-01 Workers’s day / Werkersdag 2014-05-02 School holiday / Skolevakansiedag 2014-06-16 Youth day / Jeugdag 2014-08-09 Women’s day / Vrouedag 2014-09-24 Heritage day / Erfenisdag 2014-12-16 Day of Reconciliation / Versoeningsdag Christmas day / Kersdag Classes / Klasse Assessment / Assessering University recess / Universiteitsreses No classes /Geen klasse First examination opportunity / Eerste eksamengeleentheid Interchanges of days / Dagomruilings Second examination opportunity/ Tweede eksamengeleentheid University administration opens and close/ Universiteitsadministrasie open en sluit Day of Goodwill / Welwillendheidsdag 45 Monday SEMESTER 1 Wednesday Thursday Tuesday Friday 1 February 3 10 17 24 March 7 April June 4 11 18 25 3 Mo 05 10 Mo 06 17 Mo 07 24 Fr 07 31 Recess 4 Mo 08 14 Mo 09 21 28 8 5 May Mo 01 Mo 02 Mo 03 Mo 04 12 19 26 Ma 10 Mo 11 Mo 12 Mo 13 2 No Class 9 FX 06 16 23 FX 17 30 Recess Tu 01 Tu 02 Tu 03 Tu 04 Tu 05 11 Tu 06 18 Tu 07 25 Tu 08 1 Recess Tu 09 15 No class 22 As 03 29 As 07 6 Tu 10 13 Tu 11 20 Tu 12 27 Tu 13 3 10 17 24 FX 01 FX 07 FX 12 FX 18 5 12 19 26 5 We 01 We 02 We 03 We 04 6 13 20 27 Th 01 Th 02 Th 03 Th 04 We 05 12 We 06 19 We 07 26 We 08 6 Th 05 13 Th 06 20 Th 07 27 Th 08 2 Recess We 09 16 As 01 23 As 04 30 As 08 3 Recess 10 Th 09 17 As 02 24 As 05 9 We 10 We 11 We 12 We 13 1 8 Th 10 15 Th 11 22 Th 12 29 Th 13 4 FX 02 11 FX 08 18 FX 13 25 Recess 5 FX 03 12 FX 09 19 FX 14 26 Recess 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 7 2 9 Fr 01 Fr 02 Fr 03 Fr 04 Saturday RAG (PC) 8 15 22 Sunday 2 9 16 23 Fr 05 14 Fr 06 21 28 Fr 08 1 8 15 22 29 Recess 2 9 16 23 30 Recess 4 Recess 11 Fr 09 18 25 As 06 5 Recess 12 19 26 6 Recess 13 20 27 No class Fr 10 16 Fr 11 23 Fr 12 30 Fr 13 6 FX 04 13 FX 10 20 FX 15 27 Recess 3 10 17 24 31 7 FX 05 14 FX 11 21 FX 16 28 Recess 46 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 Recess SEMESTER 2 Monday July August September October November December Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 Recess 2 Recess 3 Recess 4 Recess 5 Recess 6 Recess 7 Recess 8 Recess 9 SX 01 10 SX 02 11 SX 03 12 SX 04 13 Recess 14 SX 05 15 SX 06 16 SX 07 17 SX 08 18 SX 09 19 SX 10 20 Recess 21 Mo 01 22 Tu 01 23 We 01 24 Th 01 25 Fr 01 26 27 28 Mo 02 29 Tu 02 30 We 02 31 Th 02 1 Fr 02 2 3 4 Mo 03 5 Tu 03 6 We 03 7 Th 03 8 Intervarsity 9 10 11 Fr 03 12 Tu 04 13 We 04 14 Th 04 15 Fr 04 16 17 18 Mo 04 19 Tu 05 20 We 05 21 Th 05 22 Fr 05 23 24 25 Mo 05 26 Tu 06 27 We 06 28 Th 06 29 Fr 06 30 31 1 Mo 06 2 Tu 07 3 We 07 4 Th 07 5 Fr 07 6 7 8 Mo 07 9 Tu 08 10 We 08 11 Th 08 12 Fr 08 13 14 15 Mo 08 16 Tu 09 17 We 09 18 Th 09 19 Fr 09 20 21 22 Mo 09 23 Tu 10 24 25 Th 10 26 As 01 27 As 02 28 29 As 03 30 As 04 1 As 05 2 As 06 3 As 07 4 As 08 5 Recess 6 Recess 7 Recess 8 Recess 9 Recess 10 Recess 11 Recess 12 Recess 13 Mo 10 14 Fr 10 15 We 10 16 Th 11 17 Fr 11 18 19 20 Mo 11 21 Tu 11 22 We 11 23 Th 12 24 Fr 12 25 26 27 Mo 12 28 Tu 12 29 We 12 30 FX 01 31 FX 02 1 FX 03 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FX 09 9 15 FX 15 16 FX 04 FX 05 FX 06 12 FX 12 FX 07 13 FX 13 FX 08 10 FX 10 11 FX 11 14 FX 14 17 FX 16 18 FX 17 19 FX 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 SX 01 27 SX 02 28 SX 03 29 SX 04 30 1 SX 05 2 SX 06 3 SX 07 4 SX 08 5 SX 09 6 SX 10 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 47 Semester 1: Information / Inligting Number of days/ Aantal dae 13 cycles of 5 class days each / 13 siklusse van 5 klasdae elk 65 Assessment and examination days (8 for assessment, 18 for first examination and 10 for second examination) / Assessering en eksamen (8 vir assessering, 18 vir eerste eksamengeleentheid en 10 vir tweede eksamen) 36 TOTAL / TOTAAL 101 Semester 2: Information / Inligting Number of days/ Aantal dae 12 cycles of 5 class days each / 12 siklusse van 5 klasdae elk 60 Assessment and examination days (7 for assessment, 18 for first examination and 10 for second examination) / Assessering en eksamen (7 vir assessering, 18 vir eerste eksamengeleentheid en 10 vir tweede eksamen) 35 TOTAL / TOTAAL 95 TOTAL CLASS DAYS PER YEAR / TOTALE KLASDAE PER JAAR: 125 TOTAL CLASS, ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATION DAYS PER YEAR / TOTALE KLAS-, ASSESSERING- EN EKSAMENDAE PER JAAR: 196 Interchanges of days must occur precisely as shown since otherwise the cycles run out of phase (important for practical classes)/ Dagomruilings moet presies gebeur soos aangedui sodat die siklusse sal reg uitwerk (belangrik vir praktiese klasse) o 2014-03-24: Changes from Monday to Friday / Verander van Maandag na Vrydag o 2014-08-11: Changes from Monday to Friday / Verander van Maandag na Vrydag o 2014-10-14: Changes from Tuesday to Friday / Verander van Dinsdag na Vrydag University holidays /Universiteitsresesse: o 2014-03-29 − 2014-04-06 o 2014-06-25 − 2014-07-20 o 2014-10-05 − 2014-10-12 o 2014-11-19 − 48 Assessment / Assessering o 2014-04-16 – 2014-04-30 o 2014-09-26 − 2014-10-04 First examination opportunity / Eerste eksamengeleentheid o 2014-06-03 − 2014-06-24 o 2014-10-30 − 2014-11-19 Second examination opportunity / Second examination opportunity o 2014-07-09 − 2014-07-19 o 2014-11-26 − 2014-12-06 Potchefstroom Campus / Potchefstroomkampus: Intervarsity day 2014-08-08 made available / Intervarsitydag 2014-08-08 word beskikbaar gestel RAG week/Joolweek: 2014-01-27– 2014-02-01 University administration and libraries opens / Universiteitsadministrasie en –biblioteke heropen: 2014-01-02 University administration and libraries closes / Universiteitsadministrasie en –biblioteke sluit: 2014-12-24 at/om 13:00 Original details: Jacoline Jansen van Vuuren(10225676) SHARE. Management\2.15.1 Institutional almanac\2014\2.15.1-2014 (draft 1).docx 2013-02-25 File reference: 2.15.1/2014 49 Private Bag X6001, Potchefstroom South Africa 2520 Tel: (018) 299-4900 Web: International Office Tel: (018) +27 (0)18 299 1622/4/2919 Fax (018) +27 (0)0872375453 E Mail Annelishé 15 November 2013 REF: INV/AM/PRRSA/11/AE Accommodation allocated to International Students, Dennepark, Oppirif, De Wilgers, Jooste str 20 Please take note of the following before your arrival and accommodation allocated to you. We request all International students, whom will be arriving early in the beginning in the year 2014 to confirm their arrival with the International Office at least 72 hours before their departure. International Office, Potchefstroom Campus International Office, Potchefstroom Campus Dennepark, married couples or single persons whom are partaking in their Postdoctoral Fellowship Please take note of the rent to be paid: Single bedroom flat R3200.00 per month, Double bedroom flat R3800.00 per month Lease agreement to be signed at the International Office before occupation! Short term bookings: Blocks: Single R110.00 p/p/p/n Double p/p/p/n Short term reservations to be made directly at Dennepark, Miss Brumilda Claasen, 0027 18 2992449 or Oppirif International Accommodation, Rent R26500.00 per year, R1000.00 starter package (compulsory), Pre-paid electricity for your own account Lease agreement to be signed at the International Office before occupation! De Wilgers. “Lion’s Den” Rent Per person R500.00 administration fee If applicable, lease agreement to be signed at the International Office 50 Jooste street 20, only allocated to short term students and visitors on agreements, students with no student numbers or internships Per person R500.00 administration fee If applicable, lease agreement to be signed at the International Office Please note that where student numbers are applicable, your student account will be charged with your accommodation fees payable to the NWU. If you are not a registered student you will be charged by the financial office on a creditor number. You will then need to collect your invoice at the International Office and you need to make your payments at the Joon van Rooy building, F1. You need to submit proof of payments made at the International Office so we would be able to give the Financial Office instructions related to your payments and we need to close your financial file at the International Office. Our financial rules and regulations are applicable and therefore you need to pay your accommodation in full upon arrival. If the need arises, you are more than welcome to ask the International Office to assist you with a cost estimate of expenses that you might be liable to pay upon your arrival. The cost estimate will include registration fees, accommodation fees, and any fees that might be charged to your student account or by a debit note. All International Students need to pay the registration fees of the amount Yours sincerely AE van der Spoel International Office 51
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