Evergreen Presbyterian Church (USA) The Grapevine NOVEMBER, 2014 Commitment Sunday COMMITMENTS AND PROMISES November 2, 2014 Please bring your commitment card with you on Sunday or use the one provided. Also, if you would be willing to serve as an usher, worship leader, or in children’s church, please indicate so on the back of the card. I believe God is alive and at work renewing our world. God has blessed me and my family. I promise to share in God’s work by committing in the following ways to the ministry of Evergreen Presbyterian Church: I would like to serve on the ____Administration Ministry Team ____Discipleship Ministry Team ____Koinonia Ministry Team Koinonia Lunch ____Outreach Ministry Team ____Worship Ministry Team Sunday, Nov. 2 I would like to ____Sing in the choir ____Play in Handbell Ensemble Immediately following worship Please bring your favorite covered dish! ____Help in the church office ____Join a Sunday School Class ____Help with Food Pantry/Mama Tina’s/other mission projects ____Help with Preschool-early elem., Tween-high school programs Name ______________________________ Phone ______________________________ Daylight Savings Time Don’t forget to set your clocks back this week-end! Email ______________________________ NOVEMBER, Page 2 2014 Living the Word Lectionary Texts Nov. 2 Josh. 3:7-17 Ps. 107:1-7, 33-37 I Thess. 2:9-13 Matt. 23:1-12 Nov. 9 Josh. 24:1-3a, 14-25 Ps. 78:1-7 I Thess. 4:13-18 Matt. 25:1-13 Nov. 16 Judg. 4:1-7 Ps. 123 I Thess. 5:1-11 Matt. 25:14-30 Nov. 23 Ezek. 34:11-16, 20-24 Ps. 100 Eph. 1:15-23 Matt. 25:31-46 Nov. 30 Isa. 64:1-9 Ps. 80:1-7, 17-19 I Cor. 1:3-9 Mark 13:24-37 Worship Leaders Nov. 2 Mary Lou Bradford Nov. 9 Alan Belsches Nov. 16 Mary Lou Bradford Marion Bryant & Meg Maddox Nov. 9 Chris, Ella & Lillie Pruitt Nov. 16 Ann Jackson & Amelia Garrett Nov. 23 Forrest, Liza & Brack Register Nov. 30 Mary Lou Bradford & Nina Harper Meals for the Month November Melba Chasteen Jeanene Knighton -Lector Ushers Nov. 23 Kim Clark Nov. 30 Malone Garrett Nov. 2 Richard Bryant & James Chasteen Locking Church Nov. 9 & 16 Craig & Jenny Winters Nov. Dave Andrews Nov. 23 & 30 Andy Gosselin Children’s Moment Nov. 2 Sheree Moody Nov. 9 Chris Maddox Nov. 16 Elaine Johnson Nov. 23 Mike Brown Nov. 30 Annamarie Arens Children’s Worship Nov. 2 Sanctuary Guild Acolyte Nov. 2 Nov. 9 & 16 Meg Maddox Nov. 23 Brett Vann Communion Procession Calling Visitors Nov. 2 Carol Johnson Nov. 9 & 16 Janie Harmon Nov. 23 & 30 Sandi Buntin Flowers for Month Nov. 2 - Amelia Moore Nov. 9 - Brian Cook Nov. 16 - Koza family Nov. 23 - Open Nov. 30 - Open Nov. 2 bread - Holly Hart cup - Victoria Gosselin The church office will be closed Nov. 27-28 in observance of Thanksgiving. To you I lift up my eyes, O you who are enthroned in the heavens! As the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God, until he has mercy upon us. Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us, for we have had more than enough of contempt. Our soul has had more than its fill of the scorn of those who are at ease, of the contempt of the proud. Psalm 123 THE GRAPEVINE Dear Church Members & staff, On behalf of the members of Alpha Kappa Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa Teachers’ Honorary, I would like to thank you for your generosity in letting our group use your facilities for our meetings. Please accept this donation as a token of our appreciation. Sincerely, Jo Williams Chapter Treasurer Page 3 Joseph Johnson & Ashley Mertz’s Travels Joseph Nov. 14-15 SDOP South Task Force Meeting-Orlando Ashley Nov. 10-14 Away from office during the day studying for an exam Nov. 26-29 Thanksgiving Holidays in Kentucky No Interfaith Lunch This Month We are encouraging people to attend the Community Thanksgiving Service, Nov. 23rd, at 6 at Evergreen. It is sponsored by Women in Ministry. We will have our regularly scheduled meeting in Dec. but it will be on Dec 17th not the 24th. Interfaith Thanksgiving Service Tuesday, November 25 @ 6:30pm Evergreen Presbyterian Church Evergreen is hosting the Interfaith Thanksgiving Service and Reception. Please bring a finger food to share and join the Interfaith community for worship! Humane Society Dates The youth are planning to visit the Humane Society on the following date: November 9 Plan to come to Sunday School and Worship!! Mama Tina’s News FEED MY SHEEP NEEDS Toiletries and Personal Hygiene BABY FOOD & DIAPERS We had a good month at Mama Tina's, the children showed us their report cards. Everyone was happy to see us. Thank you all who served, cooked or made monetary donations. It takes a village to make this mission work. We will be serving again November 17-21 so please sign up in the hall across from the choir room. Sincerely, Jenny Winters Feminine products ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We like to make sure we are well stocked with nutricious non-perishables like canned fruits, vegitables, & soups, dried beans, rice, cereal Keep those plastic grocery bags coming, doubled if you can. We use lots! THANK YOU FOR HELPING US HELP OTHERS!!! Operating Budget As of 10-26-14--14 Total Pledges received: $446,858.00 Pledges Expected: $372,381.60 Have you moved? Changed your phone number? Have a new email address? Pledges Received: Please remember to update Carol with any $343,933.35 information that has changed from the directory. Amount needed to be current: $28,448.25 Feel free to email her with any new info. Attendance 10-5-14 - 155 10-12-14 - 120 10-19-14 - 122 10-26-14 - 117 Advent Season Dear Evergreen Family, As we near the Advent Season many preparations are already underway to make this year very special in the life of our church. To set the stage for this year’s Advent Season, a workshop will be held on Sunday Nov. 23rd at 9:00. We will have a breakfast and then make our wreaths and other seasonal items beginning at 9:30. This will be in place of the regular Sunday School hour. Please check your Presbyterian Today for November for your Advent Devotional to use as you light the candles of your Advent Wreath. The Advent Celebration will begin on Nov 30th. You will take an active role in our services and we hope you will embrace this opportunity to share together as a community the responsibility of preparing the sanctuary and our hearts for the coming of the Christ Child. Again this year, you can purchase a poinsettia and/or plants to honor the life of someone who holds a special place in your heart. We will incorporate the placing of the poinsettias into our Sunday service on Dec. 14th. At the beginning of this service, we will have processional to add poinsettias to the sanctuary in honor or in memory of our loved ones. We hope this will be a meaningful time of recognition and remembrance. If you choose to be a part of this presentation, we ask you make a commitment to meet in the Touchstones Hallway at 10:05 on Dec. 14th to get in line for the processional. If you purchase multiple poinsettias, please understand that we can only call out one person/couple for the processional but all names will be listed in the bulletin. When you return your order form for the poinsettias, please indicate if you would like to participate in the service in this way and the name you wish to be called out as part of the processional. You can also purchase the poinsettias or make a donation to the plant/shrub fund and NOT participate in the processional. ALL MEMORIAL AND HONOREES NAMES WILL BE LISTED IN THE BULLETIN ON DEC. 14TH. All poinsettias will be available for pick up from the sanctuary after the service on Dec. 21st. Please see the separate order form for additional details. Yours in the communion of the saints, The Worship Committee Poinsettia/Plant Order Form This Advent Season you have a choice of ordering a poinsettia to be placed in the sanctuary or donating money for our Landscaping Fund which will be used to purchase bedding plants (replaced about three times a year) or shrubs. Poinsettia Order Form I would like to order a Poinsettia, at a cost of $11.00 (including tax), to be placed in the sanctuary during Advent. I understand the Poinsettia will be mine to keep following the 10:30 A.M. service on Sunday, December 21. I also understand that this order is needed by Sunday, November 30 so it can be placed with the florist. I would like to place this Poinsettia in: Honor of _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Memory of ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ My/our name ____________________________________Phone No._____________ No. of Poinsettias _____ Payment Attached _____ Would you like to participate in the processional? ______ Participant’s Name __________________ Name you wish to have called out as part of the processional ____________________ Plant/Shrub Order Form I would like to donate money to the Landscaping Fund to purchase bedding plants or shrubs. I also understand that this order is needed by November 30. I would like to place this bedding plant/shrub in Honor of _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Memory of ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ My/our name ________________________________________________________ Amount donated _____________________________________ CALLING ALL CHILDREN, TWEENS, & YOUTH!!! November and December Activities **There will be NO Wednesday evening activities on November 5 or 26.** Join us for regular Wednesday night programming on November 12 and 19. Children’s music is held on Sunday morning @ 9:30am in preparation for the Joy Gift program. Please bring your Preschool-3rd grader to music so they will be ready to sing on December 14. Contact Pam Bennett with any questions. Tweens and PYC: November 2: Meet at PRJ 4:45-6:45 for bible study and dance. Dance performance will be in worship on Sunday, November 9. November 9: Humane Society after worship. November 23: Meet @ Church 4:45-7:00 for bible study and Joy Gift rehearsal. November 30: Meet @ Church 4:45-7:00 for bible study and Joy Gift rehearsal December 14: Humane Society after worship. December 21: Progressive Dinner and Angel Tree shopping. Details to come. ALL Children, Tweens, & PYC: November 16: Bonfire. Details to come. Parents of children under 4th grade must attend with child. November 23: Advent Workshop with Breakfast @ 9:00am. Prepare for the Advent season with this fun workshop of crafts and fellowship! December 3: Santa’s Workshop. We will attend Santa’s workshop instead of regular Wednesday evening activities. RSVP by November 20 to Ashley. Parents of children under 4th grade must attend with child. December 6: Feast of St. Nick Celebration at Merilee & Jim Bryson’s from 1-3pm. Decorate cookies and deliver them to church members. RSVP to Ashley by December 1. December 10: Joy Gift Rehearsal during Wednesday night activities. Plan to be at rehearsal to participate in the Joy Gift. December 14: Joy Gift dinner and performance @ 5:00pm December 17: Last Wednesday evening gathering for the year and we will celebrate with a party! Evergreen Center for Dialogue and Discernment Presents Michael Jackson With Lessons from Aunt Katie’s Community Garden Aunt Katie’s Community Garden is a ½ acre site in the Baptist Bottoms area of Downtown Dothan that is a program of the Dubois Institute. Used for both high-density food production and as a community garden for local gardeners primarily utilizing a raised bed concept, the garden helps to demonstrate that food production can be beautiful and healthy. It is also a training ground for both the old and young to learn the skills needed to grow, process and prepare quality food in an urban environment. November 13, at 6:00 p.m. Community Room Evergreen Presbyterian Church 1103 N Pontiac Ave, Dothan RSVP to Lavonda@evergreenpres.net Come learn more about the garden and issues concerning hunger as well as food production in our area. 4 - Sally Brown 7 - Claude Cook 8 - Chip Jackson 9 - Victoria Gosselin 11 - Cecilia Banda Lucie Walker 13 - Janice Boyd Matt Parker Robin Powell 14 - Gary Bennett Ron Davenport 15 - Bryant Eller 16 - Jill Gommo Kent Weaver 17 - Becky Bigelow 19 - Maryanne Branton 22 - Ian Kent 24 - Matthew Mega 25 - Jim Knighton Ashley Beaty Perry 26 - Sam Prillaman 27 - Sharon Blondheim Carol Harden 6 - Fred & Candi Hanners 14 - David & Murriel Scarborough 17 - Jansen & Laura Tidmore 19 - Sam & Jeannie Maddox 23 - Bill & Annamarie Arens David & Dee Jamison 24 - Mike & Peggy Goodman Buddy & Sue Wax 25 - Justin & Aileen Stoufflet 28 - John & Susan Rudd 30 - Craig & Jenny Winters Serving at Mama Tina’s November 17-21 Sun November 2014 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 9:30a-Preschool- 3 3rd grade Music 9:30a-Sunday School (all ages) 10:30a-Worship Commitment Sun. Koinonia Lunch Sanctuary Guild Mtg. during lunch 4:45p-Tweens-PYC 9 9:30a-Preschool- 10 3rd grade Music 9:30a-Sunday School (all ages) 10:30a-Worship 11:30a-Humane Society No evening activities 5:30-Session Meeting 7p-Young Adult Dinner-La Parrilla 16 17 9:30a-Preschool3rd grade Music 9:30a-Sunday School (all ages) 10:30a-Worship Children & Youth Bonfire (TBA) 23 9a-Advent 4 5 5:30p-Bible Study No Wednesday Night activities 11 11a-Day Circle 5:30p-Bible Study 6:30p-Night Circle 18 5:30p-Bible Study 5:30p-Preschool Bible Study 6p-Dinner 6:15p-Choir Rehearsal 6:30p-Tween Bible Study 6:30p-PYC Bible Study 19 5:30p-Preschool Bible Study 6p-Dinner 6:15p-Choir Rehearsal 6:30p-Tween Bible Study 6:30p-PYC Bible Study 7 8 14 15 21 22 29 4p-Evergreen Preschool Ministry Board Meeting 13 10a-Bible Study 6p-Center for Dialogue Presentation 20 10a-Bible Study 25 26 27 28 Workshop with breakfast 10:30a-Worship 5:30p-Bible Study No Wednesday Night activities Office Closed Office Closed 4:45-Tweens-PYC Activities 6:30p-Interfaith Thanksgiving Service-EPC 30 9:30a-Preschool3rd grade Music 9:30a-Sunday School (all ages) 10:30a-Worship 4:45p-Tweens-PYC Activities 24 12 6 10a-Bible Study Evergreen Presbyterian Church (USA) The Church with a Heart for the Community 1103 N. Pontiac Ave. Dothan, AL 36303 Phone: 334-792-7898 Fax: 334-792-3160 E-mail: carol@evergreenpres.net Look for us online: www.evergreenpres.net House of Ruth Needs for Advent Workshop Annual Thanksgiving Baskets for Seniors Presbyterian Women are collecting food items for Thanksgiving Baskets for members of the Senior Cititzens’ Center through Sunday, November 9. Collection baskets are located in the Narthex and in the church office. Please help the Presbyterian Women by bringing the items listed below: Canned ham, instant potatoes, rice, canned vegetables (green beans, sweet peas, corn), canned fruit, cranberry sauce, Stove Top stuffing, broth, canned yams, gravy mix, raisins, cookies/snacks, crackers, soup, peppermint candy (individually wrapped), fresh apples, oranges, Jello cups, pudding cups, peanut butter, boxed mac and cheese, and cash donations (to purchase perishable items, etc). In preparation for the Advent Workshop on November 23, we are collecting items for the House of Ruth. Please place items in the bin near the children's library. Items needed at House of Ruth include: Unbreakable Dinnerware Sets (plates, bowls, glasses, mugs, etc.) Bed Sheets (twin size, white) Bedspreads (twin, white, washable) Towels & Wash Cloths (white) Kitchen Linens Pillows Baby Bath Tubs Disposable Diapers African-American Hair Products Feminine Hygiene Products Cosmetics (foundation, eye liner, lipstick, mascara, etc.) Money designated for prescriptions Laundry Detergent and other Cleaning Supplies Clothing, Food and Miscellaneous gift certificates Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash
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