News L e w i Lewinsville Presbyterian Church n s v i ll e www.lewinsville.orgNovember 2014 SUNDAY WORSHIP Dedicate Your Pledge on November 16 at 8:30 and 11 a.m. November 2 GOD Is Here! ence here at Lewinsville. Out of gratitude to God for the many gifts All Saints Sunday With joy, faithfulness, bestowed upon members and friends of LewRevelation 7:9-17; Psalm 34:1-10, 22 insville Church, and in anticipation of many ophope, and courage, 1 John 3:1-3; Matthew 5:1-12 “Blessed Saints” portunities to worship some members will Deborah McKinley, preaching Be strong and let your God, and learn and respond with pledges Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper to tithe 10% or more serve those in need in hearts take courage, all 8:30 a.m. Westminster and of their total income in the larger community, 2015 Grades 3-6 Choirs of you who wait for the we will dedicate Year support of the church’s Stewardship Lewinsville Presbyterian Church 11 a.m. Chancel Choir Psalm 31.24 2015 pledges of money ministries for the year Lord. November 9 2015. Others will choose to increase their pledges and service to the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time for 2015 by 1% or more of their total income. glory of God during both services of worship on Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25; Psalm 78:1-7 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 25:1-13 Sunday November 16. If your personal circumstances do not permit “As for Me and My House” that level or increase in giving for 2015, God and We have been reminded that all that we are Stephany Crosby preaching God’s church deeply will value your prayerful and all that we have belongs to the one God 8:30 a.m. Grades 3-6 Ringers commitment of personal service and financial whom we worship and adore. We have been 11 a.m. Creation Ringers reminded through this stewardship season of the resources at whatever level you are able to November 16 contribute. many ways in which we experience God’s pres33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Genesis 28:10-19 “Portal to Another Dimension” Presbybop Jazz Band Leads Worship on November 16 Bill Carter, preaching Join us for this special Sunday Stewardship Dedication On Sunday, November 16, we’ll welcome “Presbybop Music exists to create jazz music 8:30 & 11 a.m. Chancel Quartet and Presbybop Jazz Band Rev. Bill Carter and the Presbybop Jazz Quartet that glorifies God, renews the Christian church, November 23 to lead worship at both worship services. If you and models the integration of faith and the arts” Thanksgiving Sunday were at the quartet’s November 2011 concert at according to the group’s web site. Ephesians 1:15-23; Psalm 100 See Presbybop, page 3 Lewsinsville, you already know what a treat this “Thanksgiving Without Ceasing” will be. Bill Carter will also preach Emily Berman D’Andrea, preaching at both services for our Stewardship Sacrament of Baptism Dedication Sunday. A nationally 8:30 a.m. Special Music recognized preacher, Bill has made 11 a.m. All Singing Choirs See Worship, page 5 many appearances on the Protestant Hour and its successor Day One. and published four books of sermons. The Chancel Choir will sing with the Band, “All My Hope,” from Dave 1724 Chain Bridge Road, McLean, VA 22101 Brubeck’s To Hope! A Celebration. 703-356-7200 C L A I M ED u C A L L E D u S E N T An update on our Strategic Plan FROM THE PASTOR S urprises…I write this column on the train as I travel home from a Princeton Seminary Board of Trustees meeting. I was able to spend some time with David Morrison while there. It was good to see him in the context of his seminary community and friends. The Board meets three times throughout the year and, having served on the Board since 2001, I have some deep and enduring friendships with other board members, faculty, and staff at the seminary. I prepare for the Board meeting, in part, by thinking of the conversations I want to have and with whom. Some of those conversations involved seminary business, others were purely personal, wanting to catch up with friends and acquaintances. Sure enough, the meeting afforded time for me to have conversations I had planned to have. And there were unexpected conversations: while walking to the seminary campus from the hotel, while walking from committee meeting to committee meeting, over dinner. What surprised me was that while my planned conversations were rich and renewing, it was the unexpected conversations that captured my attention and my heart. It was in those unplanned conversations that I learned of the illness of a spouse, and how richly God has blessed that couple in this difficult time. It was in those unplanned conversations that I gained important wisdom and perspective on some of the topics of the Board meeting. It was in those unplanned conversations that I most experienced the presence of Christ. It was as if we were walking to Emmaus, and the risen Christ presented himself to us, walking as a companion on the way. Surprises can be a good thing. They sometimes open our eyes to new realities, catching us a bit off guard. One key, I think, is in remaining open to how God might be at work—not just in what we plan, but in those unplanned surprising events. May Christ surprise you! May your eyes and heart be open to recognize him when he does. 2 C L A I M ED In May 2014, the Session approved a Strategic Plan to move the congregation’s ministry closer to the Vision God has set before us. On September 30, the Company of Elders received an update on how the congregation is already living into the Strategic Plan. Here’s a synopsis: Worship At a retreat in July, the Worship Ministry Group began the process of assessing our current worship patterns and discerning what is truly inherent to worship at Lewinsville. They also began exploring the broad range of worship expressions that encompass these inherent dynamics. Education The Christian Education Ministry Group continually assesses its programs and possibilities, seeing the many ways disciples are formed at Lewinsville. Last fall, before the Strategic Plan called for ministries that serve young families and adults, a class was started for parents of young children. The Young Families Class meets weekly on Sunday mornings and has expanded to include parents of older children and youth. Mission Initiatives: Children and Youth at Risk An ad hoc group was convened by Allison Lineberger to explore how Lewinsville can respond to the current need in Fairfax County, and McLean in particular, with regard to children and families. Possible programming at Lewinsville includes partnering with a local Fairfax County public elementary school, an after school care program, or a weekend backpack program (extending school lunches into the summer). Mission Initiatives: Vulnerable Older Adults and Their Families The Older Adult Council helps our congregation care for vulnerable older adults. There are several At Home Choices Educational Programs offered and planned in partnership with Temple Rodef Shalom, Immanuel Presbyterian Church and Chesterbrook Residences. In addition, Lewinsville provides leadership for the McLean Village Exchange, with chair Courtney Nuzzo, Administrator at Lewinsville Retirement Residence. Mission Initiatives: Faith and Public Policy In his seminary internships, David Morrison focused on Faith and Public Policy initiatives, and his report provides a framework for how to move forward. A group is being formed that will plan Faith and Public Policy programs, building upon and broadening current programs, as well as exploring partnerships with local officials, local congregations, state and national entities. Mission Initiatives: Establishing a Christian Presence in Tysons While the Vision calls for establishing a Christian presence in the emerging urban community of Tysons, Lewinsville is first exploring an interfaith ministry of presence and service through the Tysons Interfaith Partnership. Debbie McKinley convenes and Jim Edmondson provides key leadership for the group that includes more than 20 faith communities (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Mormon, Unitarian Universalist and others). The group is busy seeking out and creating opportunities for spiritual connection, growth, learning and service with those who live, work and play in the Tysons community. A subject of further recent discussion is discerning what’s needed to strengthen our own community of faith. See Strategic Plan Update, page 5 u C A L L E D u S E N T Celebrate Thanksgiving with Us! Lewinsville Presbyterian Church again is hosting Thanksgiving Dinner and you are invited! Please join us on November 27th from noon to 2 p.m. for a delicious Thanksgiving Dinner in the company of our church family and members of our community. Whether you are on your own and looking for a friendly cohort to celebrate the holiday or your entire clan would like to join our church family for this feast, you are welcome. This is a day for warmth and sharing. We are also seeking volunteers to help organize, prepare, and clean-up the dinner. If you are interested in volunteering to serve on the Thanksgiving Dinner Committee, please email Kendall Deese,, or Pam Deese, Rekindling Our Spirit: Working Together as Spiritual Leaders The Session will go on their annual retreat, November 7-9, where their spirits will be rekindled and they’ll explore how to work together most effectively as spiritual leaders in the congregation. Susan Nienaber, a consultant the Session has worked with since 2012, will lead the retreat. Please pray that they may share a time of renewal and refreshment. Presbybop on November 16 from page 1 The band was formed in 1993 by Bill Carter and Al Hamme, his music professor at Binghamton University. With drummer Ron Vincent and bassist Tony Marino, the band has evolved into a consort of musicians who turn heads on the musical scene, as well as giving new dimensions to the faith and worship of the Christian church. To date, Bill’s Presbybop Quartet has recorded eight compact discs. You won’t want to miss this festive service! McLean Interfaith Coalition House Dedicated Lewinsville has been a member of the McLean Interfaith Coalition (MIC) since its inception in 2002. This organization of local faith communities works with Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia (HFHNV) to provide affordable housing in Northern Virginia. In the fall of 2013, just outside the city of Falls Church, our most recent project with MIC began. The resulting new two-story, three-bedroom, two-bathroom house was dedicated on October 9, 2014. The new homeowners, Amani and Mushin Khalil and their four young daughters, come from Sudan. Mushin works for a BMW dealer in Fairfax. Members of MIC congregations, including Lewinsville, participated in many work days on the Douglass Avenue house. New opportunities to work with Habitat on other homes will be forthcoming this fall and in 2015. Contact Mary Frase to learn how you might become involved, 703-536-4091 or Fair Trade Bazaar SUNDAYS, AT 9:30 AM AND NOON DECEMBER 7 and 14 Give a hand up to women and artisans, working their way out of poverty. Support small farmer co-ops, and buy chocolate gifts—for yourself, or for a friend. u Colorful African Textiles and Handicrafts u Hand-woven baskets from Africa and Guatemala u Colorful Indian ornaments and rustic metal work u Artfully crafted jewelry and feltwork u Hand-loomed scarves and table linens C L A IM E D u C A L L E D u S E N T 3 Highlights from the September Session Meeting The Session met on October 14. Below are actions and discussions that highlight the work of the Session at this meeting. • Approved the following recommendations from the Congregational Nominating Committee. 1. Appoint Bob Gottke as Chair of the Stewardship Committee for a two-year term effective September, 2014. 2. Appoint Suzanne Parisi as Chair of the Communication Ministry Group for a two- year term effective October, 2014. 3. Appoint Connie Church as Treasurer for a one-year term effective May, 2015 through April 2016. • Approved the Youth to raise funds for Church World Service through the Crop Walk on Sunday, November 9, 2014. • Approved the Youth to raise funds for the Winter and Summer Mission Projects through a Bake Sale on Sunday December 21, 2014. • Allowed the Summer Mission Project to raise funds for the 2015 blitz build. (A blitz build is a project to build a house in one week.) • Approved changing the date of the Annual Congregation Meeting from Sunday, January 25, 2015, to Sunday, February 22, 2015. • Invited the Rev. Bill Carter to preach at both worship services on November 16, 2015. Bill is the head of the Presbybop Jazz Band, which will be leading in worship that Sunday. • Approved the recommendation of the Parish Life & Care Ministry Group regarding the Membership Roll. • Received oral reports from the Pastor, the Associate Pastor, Interim Director of Music Ministries, Deacons, Presbytery Commissioners, the Stewardship Committee, the Survey Committee, and the Session Retreat Task Force. Mary Ann Philipp, Clerk of Session News from Our Lewinsville Family MEMBERS IN INDEPENDENT LIVING, NURSING HOMES & CARE CENTERS Ashby Ponds: Quinn and Celia Morrison, Glenn and Evelyn Jones Chesterbrook Residences: Ruth Bathe, Mai Estelle Collins, Dee Custer Goodwin House, Falls Church: Charles and Mary Hutchison Greenspring, Springfield: Herb Dimmock, Joanne Field, Alice Johnston The Hermitage: Margot Scheffey The Jefferson, Arlington: Fran Pearce Lewinsville Retirement Residence: Lurleen Ogle, Lucille Quinn, Mina Sulaiman Sunrise, McLean: Sara Mae Eckstein, Ethelmae Page, Roy and Betty Palmer, Mary Partridge, Mary Helen Youngs Vinson Hall, McLean: Elaine Baker, Barbara Siple, Charlie and Jean Mertz The Virginian, Fairfax: Maynard Kidwell Westminster at Lake Ridge (asst. living): Alice Gapp Westminster at Lake Ridge: Lora Watson Deaths Our loving sympathy and prayers are extended to: u Elaine Guth and family on the death of her father-in-law, Theodore Guth, on September 20 in Raleigh, NC. 4 C L A I M ED Former member Gene Blanchard on the death of his wife, Phyllis, on September 18 in Florida. u Family of Ernie Hileman on his death on September 26. A funeral service was held October 1 at Lewinsville Presbyterian Church. u u BIRths Congratulations to James and Jennifer Maiwurm on the birth of Alexander Joseph Maiwurm, on September 16. The proud grandparents are Jim and Wendy Maiwurm. Congratulations to Suzannah Ancell Weir and Patrick Sullivan Weir on the birth of Virginia Catherine Weir on September 24. The proud grandparents and Kay and Clay Ancell. Anniversaries Congratulations to ALL Lewinsville couples celebrating November wedding anniversaries. The following couples are celebrating a miletone: u Alison and Doug Bauer, 52 years on November 3 u Carolyn and Dale Hodges, 42 years on November 4 u Amy and Derrick Swaak, 15 years on November 13 u Anne and Tom Mellor, 40 years on November 23 u Kay and Clay Ancell, 48 years on November 25 u Julie and John Hiemstra, 25 years on November 25 C A L L E D u S E N T Presbyterian Women of Lewinsville Annual Advent Reflection & Dessert Monday, December 1 7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall Join us for a message from LPC’s own Parish Associate, Susan Fellows, speaking about “Emmanuel: God with Us” and a wonderful evening of fellowship!Dessert, coffee & tea provided by The PW Coordinating Team. Salvation Army Stockings Please leave filled stockings in the Volunteer Room by Dec. 1 or bring them to the PW Advent Event. Presbyterian Women are assisting the Salvation Army fill more than 2,000 stockings for needy local children. All are invited to help. The stockings and a list of suggestions are available in the Volunteer Room. L ewinsville Church members in Lewinsville t-shrits and with their Lewinsville paraphenalia sent us photos from all over last summer! You’ll find these shots scattered throughout this issue of the newsletter. Strategic Plan Update from page 1 Young Adult Catalyst Group A Young Adult Catalyst seeks ways to continue to build an environment and community that meets the needs of young adults and young families. Their mission is to enthusiastically work to further build up a multigenerational presence at Lewinsville. Finance Task Force The mission of our Finance Task Force is to complete an assessment of Lewinsville’s financial structures and practices and make recommendations to achieve best practices and transparency throughout our financial life including budgeting, accounting, and reporting. Congregational Survey Through the month of September we’ve conducted a congregational survey to inventory our congregation’s skills, experience, and interests. More than 135 people (adults, youth and children) have completed the survey. Have you completed one yet? Click on the link at www. or pick it up outside the church office to complete and return. The survey group began tabulating responses in early October in order to identify the gifts and talents of everyone at Lewinsville. Staff Alignment/Ministry Group structure The Personnel Committee has been working to align staff responsibilities with the Mission and Vision of the congregation. This allows our congregation to be good stewards of staff gifts, skills and experience. In addition, the Strategic Planning Group is working on aligning our Ministry Group Structure with the Mission and Vision of the congregation so our ministry groups and committees all pursue the ministry God has set before us. God has called us to a bold, bright ministry. God has been faithful through 168 years of ministry at Lewinsville Presbyterian Church, and God can be trusted to be faithful still. C L A I M ED u C A L L E D u Save the Date! PW Annual Spring Retreat March 14, 2014 (13th overnight optional) at Meadowkirk Retreat Center, VA with Pastor Emily D’Andrea Presbyterian Women Prayer Breakfast January 31, 2015 at Fairfax Presbyterian Church, 10723 Main Street, Fairfax, VA LPC–PW Coordinating Team meeting Monday, November 3, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the Library Worship from page 1 November 30, one service at 10 a.m. First Sunday of Advent Isaiah 64:1-9; Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:24-37 “Anticipating the Coming of the Light” Deborah McKinley, preaching S E NT 5 Need Answers to Questions about Fairfax County Services for Older Adults? For information about many issues vital to older adults, contact Fairfax County’s office for older adults, 703-324-7948 (TTY 703-449-1186) or visit OlderAdults. They have a wealth of information on such subjects as Adult Day Health Care Centers, Caregiver Support & Respite, In-Home Care, Health Insurance Counseling, Nursing & Assisted Living Facilities, Senior Centers, Transportation, and more. You can also subscribe to the Golden Gazette monthly newspaper by visiting their web site: OlderAdults. November 6 Lunch Features Well-Known Author Come to a lunch on Thursday, November 6, featuring Jane Hampton Cook, the award-winning author who makes history and biographies relevant to today’s news, current events, issues of faith and modern day life. The Shepherd’s Center of McLean-Arlington-Falls Church is hosting this lunch at 11:30 a.m. at Temple Rodef Shalom located at 2100 Westmoreland St. in Falls Church. Ms. Cook is the author of seven books, including her newest work, America’s Star Spangled Story which was released in August 2014. Her other works include American Phoenix about John Quincy and Louisa Adams and the War of 1812. Other books include Stories of Faith and Courage from the Revolutionary War, Stories of Faith and Courage from the War in Iraq and Afghanistan and The Faith of America’s First Ladies. To make reservations, please make your check for $10 out to the “Shepherd’s Center of McLean-Arlington-Falls Church (SCMAFC)” and mail to the Shepherd’s Center, 1205 Dolley Madison Blvd., McLean, VA 22101. Questions? Visit or call 703-506-2199. Annual LRR Meeting on November 16 A ll Lewinsville Church members are encouraged to attend the Lewinsville Retirement Residence Inc. Annual Meeting on November 16 in the sanctuary following the 11 a.m. worship service. Please come and learn about this major mission project of the church. 6 C L A I M ED u C A L L E D u S E N T Join the CROP Walk on November 9 Hungry people in developing countries typically walk as many as six miles a day to get food, water, fuel, and to take their goods to market. Join us on Sunday, November 9, for the Vienna Crop Walk when we walk in solidarity with those who struggle for their basic resources. We will gather at the Vienna Town Green at 1:30 p.m. (the walk begins at 2 p.m.) to walk three miles to raise awareness and funds to help combat world hunger. We walk because we want to end hunger one step at a time. If you are interested in walking and/or helping to raise funds, please contact Kate, The Lewinsville Sluggers The Lewinsville Sluggers had a phenomenal season playing softball. The co-ed team was comprised of all age players with varying skill levels. Our team was known throughout the league as being fun, encouraging of everyone, and inclusive of all people. The Sluggers represented Lewinsville well and brought joy and energy to every game they played. Congratulations Sluggers for a season well played! Mark your calendars for next fall, we’d love for you to join our team on the McLean Senior Source field or in the stands cheering. Are you over 55 or are you concerned about an older adult? Are you wondering where to find information? McLean Senior Source provides the particulars about senior services from the Fairfax County Government, faith based organizations, and area non-profits. There are three ways to reach the McLean Senior Source (MSS). You can call 703-300-1751, you can email McLeanSeniorSource@gmail. com or you can visit the McLean Community Center lobby on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. where they have a desk staffed by a knowledgeable person. McLean Senior Source has lists of Home Care Agencies from the Office of Aging. They have information about courses at the Community Center for seniors who want to learn how to use the computer. T hese fun photos show more of the ways Lewinsville’s finest took us with them on their summer travels. C L A I M ED u C A L L E D u S E N T 7 Season of Confirmation Begins! November beings the confirmation season for our youth. Confirmation is a time set aside for intentional exploration of faith. This is a time to ask questions, journey with peers and mentors, and make claims of our own. Confirmation uses imaginative ways to engage in the Bible using storytelling, creative reflection, and dialogue. We compare Christianity to other faiths, explore what the Bible has to do with our faith now, discover what it means to be a Presbyterian, and ultimately begin to articulate our own faith. Please join me in encouraging our confirmation students as they continue on their faith journey. O ur Lewinsville church family enjoyed a beautiful Festival Sunday on September 7: playing games, climbing trees, and eating a delicuous lunch. 8 C L A I M ED u C A L L E D u S E N T Christian Education for Adults and Young Adults Bonhoeffer: His Life and Writings German theologian and pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer is best known for his resistance to Nazism, in particular his participation in a plot to kill Hitler—for which he was hanged. That death was the culmination of a life devoted to struggling with two questions: What does it mean to be a Christian? And what does it mean to be a Christian community? Together we will look for our own answers as we examine Bonhoeffer’s life through his books and sermons. u October 26 - Bonhoeffer’s Life, and the worlds in which he lived u November 2 - Bonhoeffer Today with Dr. Victoria Barnett, Staff Director, Committee on Ethics, Religion, and the Holocaust and author of For the Soul of the People: Protestant Protest against Hitler, Bystanders: Conscience and Complicity during the Holocaust, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Biography. u November 9 - The Cost of Discipleship (Bonhoeffer’s “breakout” book), The Sermon on the Mount, Paul’s Letters, and “Cheap Grace” u November 16 – Life Together: Grace and Justification as Mediated by the Christian community u November 23 – Letters and Papers from Prison. Published after Bonhoeffer’s death, these essential works form a proposal for a “worldly, nonreligious Christianity.” Class leader, Rob Hunter; Location, Chapel Cracking the Christian Code Christians talk in code. The term, “justification by faith,” carries little meaning to those outside the Church. But this doctrine was, as J.I. Packer called it, “the storm center of the Reformation” and changed the world of Christian thought. What deeper meanings are hidden within the words we use in the Christian lexicon every day. What new insights can we bring to better understand and communicate these principles of our relationship to God, and each other? u Week 1 - Original Sin (Do we still talk about this in church?). u Week 2 - Justification by Faith (Not just another works/faith conflict) u Week 3 - Sanctification (Honestly, it’s the obvious follow-up) u Week 4 - Saved by Grace u Week 5 - Sovreignty (a theologically loaded term) Class leader, Darrin Raaum; Location: Room 103 Living Into Focus: Choosing What Matters in an Age of Distractions The distractions of everyday life are real as is the gnawing sense of disconnection— from our loved ones, ourselves, what’s important to us, and, most central, disconnection from Christ, our center. This five-week course explores focal practices to help us reclaim priorities that are ignored or threatened. Consider this a five-week on-ramp to help us live more fully in the five-week holiday period from Thanksgiving to New Years. u October 26 - Introduction – We’ll begin to explore three characteristics of focal practices: commanding presence, continuity, and centering power. u November 2 - Continue exploring the characteristics of focal practices: commanding presence, continuity, and centering power. u November 9 - Explore ways to use technology: Attention, Limits, Engagement, Relationships, Time, Space = ALERTS. This week we’ll focus on Attention, Limits & Engagement. u November 16 - This week we’ll focus on Relationships, Time, and Space u November 23 - We’ll review what we’ve explored and put together a plan for being focused and faithful during the upcoming holiday season. Class Leader, Rev. Deborah McKinley; Location, Library C L A IM E D u C A L L E D u Family of Faith: The Parts of Worship As any parent knows, corralling children into church on a Sunday can easily induce spiritual exasperation! Someone might finally ask why we do it, anyway, when everyone already has instant access to Christ in prayer, Sunday or not? This class approaches such questions by examining what’s going on when we meet for Sunday worship. From October 26 to November 23 we’ll examine the five building blocks of Sunday worship—prayers, songs, postures, ideas, and attitudes associated with entering; acknowledging sin and forgiveness; hearing God’s Word; responding to the Word, and being commissioned to go back into the wider world empowered by this Word. Class leaders, Betsy & Jon Wood Location, Room 25A Paul’s Letter to the Galatians The Book of Galatians is a letter written by Paul to the early followers of Christ in Galatia. They are struggling with obedience to the laws handed down from Moses while being faithful to Christ’s new teachings. Paul makes a passionate defense of the Gospel, saying that we live for God only by faith in Christ and not by performing the old law—or any law that says we earn our place in God’s salvation by what we do. Explore what it means to claim and live out what we believe and not just follow the pack. October 26 What’s Truth Go To Do With It? November 2 The Great Dinner Seating Fiasco or The Power of Disapproval November 9 Rule Keeping: Why It’s Convenient And Why It Doesn’t Work November 16 And Now, Two Little Stories That Explain A Whole Lot November 23 You’re Free; So Live Like It! S E N T 9 Want to show Christ’s love but don’t know where to start? I was much less involved in serving others before becoming involved in ChristCare. Since then, I’ve become more attuned to providing a Christian response to others’ needs. Whether it’s donating blood, participating in Good Samaritan Day, helping a ChristCare member, serving monthly dinners to the unwed mothers at AYM, or serving monthly dinners to the homeless men at Christ House, ChristCare has pointed me to these and other opportunities to open my eyes and heart to the needs of others. Jim Tenney Join a ChristCare Group! Communion Isn’t Prepared by Elves! A few “Marthas” and “Martins” are needed to prepare Communion at Lewinsville. The Worship Ministry Group is blessed to participate in the sacrament of Communion, but we have only a small handful of volunteers. This is an easy way to help out at the church and is often done in teams of two. Preparation includes setting the Communion table, preparing the elements, and cleaning up after the service. Each two-person team is responsible for only one of the Sunday services. If we have enough Communion preparers, then each pair would only need to prepare once or twice a year. In addition to training, there are detailed written instructions. We are especially in need of people to prepare Communion that is served in the pews, which is done the first Sunday of every other month. If you are someone who appreciates the tradition of serving Communion in the pews, please give prayerful consideration to becoming a Communion Preparer. To learn more about Communion Preparation, contact the church office or one of the Worship Ministry Group members. Miriam’s Kitchen Needs Non-Sugary Cereal Miriam’s Kitchen again urgently needs contributions of cereal to replenish its shelves. Cereal is too expensive for Miriam’s to buy in the quantities needed to feed 150-175 clients five mornings a week, and the Food Bank rarely has cereal. Therefore, Miriam’s is completely dependent on contributions of cereal and sometimes there is not enough available. Miriam’s requests healthy, non-sugary cereals (other than Cheerios). Cereal donations can be placed in the SHARE food box in the narthex or the Miriam’s Kitchen plastic box in the Volunteer Room at any time. You may also donate mugs (unused or used in good condition) or small toiletries for Miriam’s Kitchens guests at any time. This is a good way to clean out your cluttered kitchen cabinets of all those single or outdated mugs. The small toiletries (but no conditioner or items specifically for women, please) are used to fill holiday gift bags for Miriam’s guests. If you are interested in volunteering at Miriam’s Kitchen with other Lewinsville members for breakfast on the 4th Friday of the month (6-8:15 a.m.) or for dinner on the first Wednesday of the month (4-6:15 p.m.), contact Mary Frase, 703-536-4091 or Caregiver Support Group O n Thursdays, Nov. 13 and Dec. 11, at 7 p.m. Rebecca Porter, JSSA’s Senior Services Specialist, will lead a support group for family caregivers with aging parent issues. This group, which meets at Chesterbrook Residences, will cover topics such as coping with illness, sandwich generation, frail parents living alone, and balancing your own needs. The group is open to Lewinsville Presbyterian Church, Temple Rodef Shalom, and Immanuel Presbyterian Church members, as well as caregivers of Chesterbrook residents. Chesterbrook Residences is at 2030 Westmoreland Street, Falls Church, VA 22043. To register, please contact JSSW, 703.896.7550 or 1 0 C L A I M ED u C A L L E D u S E N T Join the Adult Club at the Old Brogue, November 9 All adults—singles, couples, young, old, and in between—are welcome to The Old Brogue Irish Pub on Sunday, November 9, for food and fellowship following the 11 a.m. service. We’ll meet in the church parking lot at 12:15 for car pooling to the restaurant at 760-C Walker Road, Great Falls, VA, for our 12:45 reservation. Please call Ruth Riggins, 703-533-2078, or Max Malan at 703-444-1271. Sit back and enjoy the Concert with Second Saturday Set Join the Second Saturday Set on November 8 at 8 p.m. for a special evening at the Fairfax Symphony Orchestra’s performance of “I’ll Be Seeing You.” Directed by the FSO Pop’s new conductor, Luke Frazier, the concert is based on letters written during WWII and includes the fabulous music of the era by Gershwin, Kern, Carmichael, Ellington and others. The concert is in George Mason’s Center for the Arts, and our tickets are discounted at $40 each. We’ll meet for drinks and dinner at 5:30 at Brion’s Grill, on Braddock Road, right across from GMU. To take advantage of the discounted ticket price, we need to hear from you by November 3. Get tickets on your own or just join us for dinner. R.s.v.p. to Patsy Duke, or 703-734-0729, to tell her, “I’ll Be Seeing You.” LIBRARY NOTES Many members of our church are socially conscious and want to keep up-to-date with current thinking in Presbyterian circles. Our church library subscribes to four publications that may enhance your understanding of what’s going on in our world from the perspective of our denomination. Here is a random sampling from recent issues: “Presbyterians Today” (June, 2014) examines how to bring peace to Detroit and interactions among Jews, Muslims and Christians in seeking that goal. “Christian Century” (July 23, 2014) looks at drug use in American culture. “Outlook” (May 26, 2014) focuses on Presbyterians and Marriage, discussing the rapid shifts in public opinion and how to address the options. “Horizons; the magazine of Presbyterian women” (Jan., Feb. 2014) is devoted to the issue of theology and the view that all people of faith who are in a relationship with God are theologians. Recent issues of these magazines may be found on a low table in front of the air conditioner. Past issues are stored in shelves under a window. C L A I M ED u C A L L E D u 25 Years of LPC’s Summer Mission Project T he Summer Mission Project has reached a momentous milestone—25 years of ministry! Make plans to join us on January 10, 2015, at the McLean Community Center to celebrate the past and recognize that God is continuing to do amazing and wonderful things through this dedicated and committed group. Enjoy a delicious catered dinner, hear how this ministry has touched the lives of SMP participants and shaped their future, learn about the family we will be building with in June 2015, and perhaps take home a fabulous raffle prize. Reservations can be made starting November 10 — watch the bulletin, www.lewinsville. org, and the December newsletter for details. S E NT 11 Give the Gift that Gives Twice! If you haven’t taken part in the Alternative Gifts Program at Lewinsville before, this may be the year you discover it’s wonders. Please stop by the table in St. Andrews Hall any Sunday in Advent to discover how you can give a gift that gives twice. Buy a gift in someone’s name—a loved one, a colleague, a teacher, a neighbor—and help mission partners around the world. You’ll receive a gift card for each person you’re honoring to let them know of this multi-dimensional gift. Consider all the people you wish to honor in this meaningful way and identify the organization(s) you wish to support with your charitable contribution. You’ll receive your gift card when you write one check for all your gifts. The Mission and Service Ministry Group will highlight several opportunities for providing special support to orphans and low income children, homeless individuals and families, very low income seniors, and others in need of assistance. Information about how donations will be used by each of these organizations is available at the table in St. Andrews Hall. A special family education and worship event Sunday, November 30 at 10 a.m. You could have received this newsletter faster via email. Save paper. Sign up for electronic delivery by sending an email request to ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED P.O. Box 538 McLean, VA 22101-0538 Permit # 12 McLean, VA U.S. Postage Paid Nonprofit Org
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