News L e wins Lewinsville Presbyterian Church SUNDAY WORSHIP ill at 8:30 and 11 a.m. March 1 Second Sunday in Lent Genesis 17:1-7,15-16; Psalm 22:23-31 Romans 4:13-25; Mark 8:31-38 “Saying What Needs to be Said” The Rev. Emily Berman D’Andrea Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper 8:30 a.m. Organ/Piano 11 a.m. Chancel, Westminster and Genesis Choirs 7 p.m. Taizé Service March 8 Third Sunday in Lent Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 19 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22 “The Marketplace” The Rev. Emily Berman D’Andrea 8:30 and 11 a.m. Austin College a Capella Choir (Daylight savings time begins.) March 15 Fourth Sunday in Lent Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21 “Great Works” Kate Satterstrom 8:30 a.m. Organ/Piano 11 a.m. St. Andrews Ringers March 22 Fifth Sunday in Lent Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 51:1-12 Hebrews 5:5-10; John 12:20-33 See Worship, page 7 1724 Chain Bridge Road, McLean, VA 22101 703-356-7200 v e January March 2015 Worship at 8:30 with a More Casual Atmosphere, a More Intimate Setting “Come and See” “Come and see” is what Phillip says to a skeptical Nathaniel in John’s Gospel (John 1:46). Nathaniel is grumpy and not sure what the big hullaballou is about this Jesus person…harrumph, harrumph! “Come and see ‘cause it’s pretty exciting what this Jesus person has to say to you and to me,” is what Phillip says to his companion. Now we’re inviting you to “come and see” what has happened to our 8:30 a.m. service on March 1, 8 and 15. You will probably notice a more casual atmosphere, and you may notice a more intimate setting. We will loosely follow the structure of the Iona Community worship, which is a form of worship that attempts to make worship more relevant and participative. We’ll move through worship with gathering music, then confessing our sins, hearing the Word for all ages, praying as a community, responding through our gifts and being sent out in song. “Come and see” what’s happening in the sanctuary at the early service on the first three Sundays of March. Children’s Cantata on March 22 in Worship at 8:30 and 11 a.m. Table for Five…Thousand! Join us on March 22 when our children’s choirs (grades 1-6) present the story of the miracle of the loaves and fishes. There is one young boy with five loaves and two fish and a willingness to share. We don’t know much about the boy, but we know the results of his action: an event so startling, members of the crowd wanted to proclaim Jesus as king. This event leads to an even greater revelation as Jesus tells his disciples, “I am the Bread of Life. Those who come to me will never go hungry.” Please join us in this presentation that shows that the most humble among us— especially children—can do great things with God’s help. C L A I M ED u C A L L E D u S E N T Revelers at the 2015 Summer Mission Project Gala. FROM THE ASSOCIATE PASTOR I took a day of study leave before Lent began and spent it on a retreat sponsored by the Shalem Institute called, “A Nurturing Day for Clergy.” The day was spent in prayer with thirteen other clergy from other Christian denominations. We ate lunch in silence and took a prayer walk. It was a good way to prepare for the season of journeying and returning to Christ—the season we call Lent. Here are the the two walking prayers we were given to pray as we walked outside (in the freezing cold). Feel free to pray these as you move through this Lent. Bless to me, O God The earth beneath my feet. Bless to me, O God, The path whereon I go. I have arrived. I am home. In God. In God. Another prayer exercise from that day was a Lectio Divina on Psalm 139. Lectio Divina is an ancient way of praying the scriptures and listening for God’s voice in those prayers. The phrase that “shimmered” for me from that Psalm was, “you search out my path.” Perhaps God put these journeying/path prayers on my heart that day for our congregation. We proceed on our Lenten journey following the well-worn path toward the cross and grave. As we proceed on the journey, we take each step with fellow travelers. We are not alone as we move through the Lenten season. Ultimately, God is our guide for this journey, and God even searches out the path we are to follow. I hope you will join us in the Lenten season at Lewinsville. God is indeed searching out our path— leading the way, guiding us to the place of rest. Lent is not an easy journey to pursue, but you and I are not alone on the path—on the journey. Come and journey with us this Lent. We will arrive home in God. In God. Faithfully Yours, Rev. Emily Berman D’Andrea 2 C L A I M ED Highlights from the January Session Meeting The Session met on February 10, 2015. Below are actions and discussions that highlight the work of the Session at this meeting. u Approved two fundraisers for the Summer Mission Project (SMP). 1. The Presbyterian Women will be selling Easter Eggs starting at the end of February. 2. The SMP will have an envelope fundraiser for the month of May. u Received the slate of nominees for the Annual Congregation Meeting from the Nominating Committee. u Approved one 10 a.m. worship service for Palm/Passion Sunday, March 29. u Approved serving wine at the reception following the Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 4. u Received a report on “Just Do It” and the Strategic Plan update from Jim Edmondson, Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee. u Discussed “what’s next” for the Strategic Planning Committee. u Approved the recommendations of the Personnel Committee to hire Carole Huston as Director of Music Ministries and Laura Marchisotto as Church Musician. u Approved the recommendation of the Children and Families Task Force to enter into a partnership with Fairfax County Public Schools and Westgate Elementary School and to give the Children and Families Task Force oversight of the partnership. u Discussed what kind of healing and reconciliation practices would be helpful for us as we move forward in faithfulness to God. u Received reports from the Interim Pastor Search Committee, the Church Administrator Search Committee, and the Stewardship Committee. u C A L L E D u S E N T Mary Ann Philipp, Clerk of Session Austin College A Cappella Choir to Perform at Lewinsville The Austin College A Cappella Choir, under the direction of Dr. Wayne Crannell, will present a concert of choral and vocal music at Lewinsville at 7 p.m. on March 7. The A Cappella Choir will be joined by the AC Consort, The Quartette, and Descant. We’ll also enjoy their singing at the 11 a.m. service on March 8. Choral music has been a part of the fabric of Austin College for more than a hundred years, and the a capella choir was formed in 1947, garnering international acclaim in its first decade. The Choir performs a variety of unaccompanied selections, from traditional sacred music to 20th century pieces to avant garde works. Featured on these concerts are works from the Russian orthodox church, the Anglican cathedral tradition, and Latin motets. The Choir completes its program with Sarah Hopkins’ “Past Life Melodies,” as well as other traditional a cappella works and contemporary spirituals. Also on the program is the Consort, a 12-voice vocal jazz ensemble made up of singers from the Choir and modeled after a cappella groups, such as The Real Group and Vox One. The program will be rounded out by the Quartette, a male a cappella group named after the first vocal ensemble formed at Austin College in 1892, and Descant, a woman’s a cappella group. Recital Features LeeLee Hunter and Anna Odell Guitarist LeeLee Hunter and harpist Anna Odell will present a recital on Saturday, March 14, at 7 p.m. in the Lewinsville sanctuary. LeeLee Hunter grew up in this congre- gation and is the daughter of Rob Hunter. She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at the Peabody Conservatory in the studio of Julian Gray. LeeLee has performed in masterclasses with Lorenzo Micheli and Matteo Mela of Soloduo, Carlos Perez, Bruce Holzman, and Zoran Dukic. In addition to solo performances, LeeLee collaborates extensively with other musicians, including soprano Chelsea Buyalos and harpist Anna Odell. Anna Odell attends the renowned Curtis Institute of Music for the Artist Diploma program. She studies with Elizabeth Hainen, principal harpist of the Philadelphia Orchestra. In 2012, Anna Odell received her Bachelor of Music in Harp Performance from the University of Toronto. During her time in Toronto, Anna studied with the renowned harpist Judy Loman, former principal harpist of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Anna has extensive orchestral and ensemble experience, in addition to being an accomplished soloist known for her musicality and sensitive playing. Both musicians are involved with Mobile C L A IM E D u C A L L E D u Music NOW! a non-profit organization devoted to providing music education and outreach for children and adults. For more information on MMN, please visit their web site: S E N T 3 Second Saturday Set Gathers This Spring for Artifacts and Bach! MARCH Join us for a potluck dinner event at the McElroys’ home on Saturday, March 14, at 6:30 p.m. to explore the Lost Memorials of Lewinsville. Much of the rich detail of Lewinsville’s history has been lost or forgotten. Roland and Bettie McElroy found a large box of memorial plaques among historical artifacts at the church and set about determining the nature of the gifts once associated with the plaques. Stories unearthed in their search reveal a church enriched and enlivened by extraordinary personalities and their gifts. Why, in 1891, did someone who visited Lewinsville once give us a sterling silver communion set that is still in use today? Why was a war memorial the only plaque or tapestry hung in the sanctuary for thirty-three years (1923-1956)? Come and appreciate these and other stories from Lewinsville’s past that encourage us to meet the challenges in our future with Christian vigor…while never forgetting the path that has been laid for us. Bring a dish to share and your choice of beverage. Soft Strathmore Center for the Performing Arts drinks and coffee will be provided. Please contact Bettie McElroy, 703-237-0358 or, for food assignments. APRIL Join us as we continue our Easter celebrations with an excursion to see the National Philharmonic Orchestra perform Bach’s St. John’s Passion at the Strathmore Music Center in Bethesda. Meet at Strathmore for drinks and a buffet dinner at 6 p.m.; then move to the concert hall for the performance at 8 p.m. You may also enjoy the pre-concert discussion that starts in the concert hall at 6:45 p.m. Tickets are $36 each. Dinner is approx. $20, plus wine. We’ll need a firm commitment by March 19 in order to purchase tickets at the group discount. For more information, including directions, please visit Contact Anne or Tom Mellor, 703-938-5498 or to sign up. As always, all are welcome! News from Our Lewinsville Family 4 MEMBERS IN INDEPENDENT LIVING, NURSING HOMES & CARE CENTERS Births Ashby Ponds: Quinn and Celia Morrison, Glenn and Evelyn Jones Chesterbrook Residences: Ruth Bathe, Mai Estelle Collins, Dee Custer, Jean Ours Goodwin House, Falls Church: Charles and Mary Hutchison Greenspring, Springfield: Herb Dimmock, Joanne Field, Alice Johnston The Hermitage: Margot Scheffey The Jefferson, Arlington: Fran Pearce Lewinsville Retirement Residence: Lurleen Ogle, Lucille Quinn, Mina Sulaiman Sunrise, Hunter Mill: Chuck McGuire Sunrise, McLean: Sara Mae Eckstein, Ethelmae Page, Roy and Betty Palmer, Mary Partridge, Mary Helen and Bill Youngs Tall Oaks, Reston: George and Muriel Rogers Vinson Hall, McLean: Elaine Baker, Barbara Siple, Charlie and Jean Mertz The Virginian, Fairfax: Maynard Kidwell Westminster at Lake Ridge (asst. living): Alice Gapp Westminster at Lake Ridge: Lora Watson Congratulations to Paul and Christa Ondiak on the birth of Jackson Thomas Ondiak on February 8. The proud grandparents are Susan and Wayne Ondiak. C L A I M ED u Anniversaries Congratulations to ALL Lewinsville couples celebrating February wedding anniversaries. The following couple is celebrating a miletone: u Ernst and Sara Volgenau – 56 years on March 29 Deaths Our loving sympathy and prayers are extended to: u Family of former member Ruth Schultz Beaschler surrounding her death on January 23 in Flat Rock, NC. u Family of Ted Garber on the death of his wife, Rebecca Garber, on January 31. Ted is the grandson of Lessie Garber Sutherland. u Family of Jean Kilmer surrounding her death on February 5, 2015. A memorial service was held February 14, 2015 at Lewinsville Presbyterian Church C A L L E D u S E N T A Heartfelt Thank You for Boost the Troops ly supainstaking p g in v a h d nk you for . 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If you are r fo k s a U SO MUC O imply Y s K o t N e A k H li amiring T would aul John C s you and P s ) le T b P d (C o H G in C Again, lon Chapla a T e rc o F k Tas 2015 Lenten Study Serious Religious Doubt: The Role of Faith, Hope and Love in Contexts of Suffering Our 2015 Lenten Study will be led by Reverend John Y. Lee, the Pastor of Rock Presbyterian Church. Rev. Lee is also a Teaching Fellow at The John Leland Center for Theological Studies. He holds advanced degrees from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Yale Divinity School, and Claremont Graduate University. Ordained in the PC(USA), he is also a member of the Reformed Institute of Metropolitan Washington’s Company of Teachers. Sunday March 15 9:45 a.m. Lecture #1: Faith and Doubt; Hebrews 11:1-6 during morning Education hour in Fellowship Hall 6 p.m. Light Supper/Fellowship 6:30-8:15 p.m. Lecture #2: Hope and Doubt; Romans 5:1-5 held in Fellowship Hall Sunday March 22 9:45 a.m. Lecture #3: Love and Doubt ; John 15:9-17 during morning Education hour in Fellowship Hall 6 p.m. Light Supper/Fellowship 6:30-8:15 p.m. Lecture #4: Community and Doubt; Hebrews 3:12-14 held in Fellowship Hal C L A I M ED u C A L L E D u Just Do It! T he Older Adult Council communicates, coordinates, and advocates for older adult programs and services at Lewinsville. Jerry Hopkins has chaired this committee since its inception in 2012. Through his leadership this new committee found a focus, exploring services and programs for older adults both within Lewinsville and beyond its walls. The committee focused on our community’s senior housing, Lewinsville Retirement Residences and Chesterbrook Residences; on services like the Shepherd Center’s rides for seniors; the education component, such as the programs provided by JSSA this past year; and the county programs like Senior Source. Jerry is stepping down as the chair of this committee, and we thank him for his leadership and expertise. Rosalind Phillips has agreed to step up from secretary to chair of the council. As we consider how we may each “Just Do It,” we invite you to participate in our next project. The Older Adult Council is working with the Christian Education committee to provide a class during the April 19-May 17 module entitled, “Navigating the Second Half of Life.” Topics are geared to older adults and those who love and care for them. Rebecca Porter of JSSA will lead a few of these sessions as we explore options to keep our loved ones active and safe. Please mark your calendar to join us. We also invite you to volunteer at Chesterbrook Residences or provide rides through the Shepherd’s Center. To learn more, please contact Claire Grossi (Chesterbrook) and Betty Douglass (Shepherds Center) S E NT 5 Take Part in the Summer Mission Project with Habitat in South Carolina This summer from June 20 to 27 a group from our church will travel to Hartsville, South Carolina for the annual Summer Mission Project (SMP). This year’s SMP will be done in grand proportion. In honor of completing 25 years of SMP ministry, we wanted to celebrate the best way we know how—on the job site with hammers and nails. We have committed to working with Habitat for Humanity of Darlington County to complete a blitz build. A blitz build is building one house in one week—start to finish! We first partnered with this Habitat affiliate in June 2011 and our Winter Mission Project team has been returning every January for the past five years. Lewinsville has a real connection with the community in Hartsville, and we are excited about the opportunity to participate in this blitz build. Participating in a blitz build is a large undertaking, but we don’t go in blindly. SMP completed a blitz build in Lynchburg, Virginia, in 2000. We have been planning for over a 6 year and June is coming up quickly. A team of SMP over the past 25 years and as we continue to do ministry. five SMP participants with formal construcPlease keep our upcoming blitz build tion knowledge is currently working with Habitat for Humanity of Darlington County (planning and executing) in your prayers. Thank you! to prepare for the blitz build and ensure the week runs seamlessly. Our fundraising goal for the blitz build is $70,000, which covers the cost of the entire build. We have currently raised $47,000 and are on our way to our $70,000 total. We are excited for people to partner with us by helping to buy the house. We have set up a registry that allows people to purchase different parts of the house. You can participate by visiting www. We thank you for Lewinsville volunteers went to your faithful support of C L A I M ED Hartsville, SC, to work on a Winter Mission project. u C A L L E D u S E N T An event not to be missed! 30-Hour Famine Remembering Our Stories We live in a world of abundance where our basic needs are more than met. We have a roof over our heads, food in our bellies, and access to health care. Yet, while we have plenty of resources, there are many people who live in poverty where even the most basic resources are not available. On March 20-21, the youth of Lewinsville Church will go 30 hours without food while learning about hunger issues Presbyterian women’s Retreat March 14, 2015 (13th overnight option) Led by Pastor Emily D’Andrea Meadowkirk Retreat Center in Middleburg, VA “Remembering is more than recalling flickering memories of the past. True remembering is reliving the past to give meaning to the present and to gain hope for the future…. Another dimension of remembering our stories is connecting our stories with God’s story in scripture. These stories record the community of faith’s experiences of God’s presence.” So says Richard L. Morgan in his book, Remembering Your Story: A Guide to Spiritual Autobiography. Join the women of Lewinsville Church on retreat to hear the stories of sisters in Christ and to get to know others who have stories to tell. Please sign up on the church website: around the globe, nationally, and here at home. While a 30-hour fast is challenging, this is only a small experience of what people face every day. While learning about hunger, we will also do a community service project, then we will break our fast on Saturday evening with communion. You are welcome to join the youth in fasting and are encouraged to support the youth through monetary donations that will go towards helping World Vision eradicate chronic hunger. Worship from page 1 8:30 and 11 a.m. “Table for Five…Thousand” Children’s Cantata Presented by Children’s Choirs March 29, one service at 10 a.m. Passion/Palm Sunday Mark 11:1-11; Mark 15:1-47 Triumphal Entry with Palms Dramatic Reading of the Passion C L A IM E D u C A L L E D u S E N T 7 Holy Week & Easter 2015 Palm /Passion Sunday Sunday, March 29, at 10 a.m. No Christian Education Triumphal Entry with Palms Dramatic Reading of the Passion TRIDUUM/April 2-4 (Maundy Thursday through Easter) Maundy Thursday Thursday, April 2, at 7:30 p. m. Foot Washing (optional) Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Stripping of the Church Exodus 12:1-4 (5-10), 11-14; Psalm 116:12, 12-19; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26; John 13:1-17, 31b-35 Rev. Emily Berman D’Andrea Good Friday Friday, April 3. at 7:30 p.m. Service of Tenebrae (Darkness) Isaiah 52:13-53:12; Psalm 22; Hebrews 10:16-25; John 18:1-19:42 Rev. Stephany Crosby The Great Vigil of Easter Holy Saturday Saturday, April 4, at 7:30 p.m. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper The Story of Salvation History Renewal of the Baptismal Covenant Rev. Stephany Crosby Post-Easter Vigil Celebration St. Andrews Hall Easter Sunday Resurrection of the Lord Sunday, April 5, at 9 & 11 a.m. Festival Worship Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Chancel Choir & Brass Acts 10:34-43; Isaiah 25:6-9; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Acts 10:34-43; John 20:1-18; Mark 16:1-8 “Simply Jesus” Rev. Emily Berman D’Andrea 10:15 a.m. Rock-n-Roll Easter Event in Fellowship Hall followed by Easter Egg Hunt on Peters’ Green You could have received this newsletter faster via email. Save paper. Sign up for electronic delivery by sending an email request to ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED P.O. 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