Inviting Others and Contributing Financially to God’s work Nehemiah 7 Morning Service Sunday 2nd November 2014 at 11.00am Call to Worship Praise Hymn 669 Ye Holy angels bright Welcome & Announcements Prayer and Lord’s Prayer Children’s Talk Why is it Important to Come to Church every Sunday? Praise ‘Shine’ Following the hymn Little Fishes is available for children aged between 0 – 3 years old. Little Fishes is supervised so parents may return into the church service. Children (3-11 years) may leave for Kingfishers, which starts this morning. We follow a programme of Bible teaching, activities include story-telling, art and craft, prayers as well as songs. We help the children learn about Jesus and grow in their faith in a fun way. Young people may leave for Late Breakfast. Introduction to Bible Readings Lesson 1 Nehemiah 7: 1-5 and Nehemiah 7: 66-73 Lesson 2 Ephesians 2: 11-22 Anthem O Praise the Lord - Batten Address Inviting others and contributing financially to God’s work. Praise and Offering Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise (Please stand as the Stewards bring the offering forward) Prayer of dedication for the Offering and Prayer for Others Praise Hymn 666 For all the saints The Benediction Organ Postlude Variations Sur ‘Sine Nomine’ - Bedard (Organ voluntaries – the organ voluntary played at the conclusion of each service is part of the offering of worship. Members of the congregation are very welcome to remain in their seats or come into the choir area to listen to the music) At the end of the Service please join us for coffee/tea at the back of the church. If you are visiting Fisherwick for the first time please introduce yourself to our ministers, Rev Michael Anderson, Rev Gary McDowell, or any member of the congregation. PRAYER MINISTRY Members of the Church’s Prayer Ministry Team are available in the Prayer Chapel following morning worship for anyone who would like people to pray for them. Prayer is available to everyone whether you are a church member or not. Listen up everyone in year 8-12! Are you feeling hungry? If you are ready for some Food, Fun & Fellowship we would love to see you at Late Breakfast. We meet in the youth room upstairs during the morning service. COME & JOIN US TODAY Sunday Night Live including Holy Communion starts at 7.00pm and Mervyn McCullagh will continue with our series “A People of Service and Outreach from 1 Peter. Sunday 9th November – Remembrance Sunday Sunday Morning Worship starts at 11.00am and Michael Anderson will lead the Remembrance service. The Prayer Ministry Team meet at 5.30pm in Wilson House. Sunday Night Live starts at 7.00pm. Gary McDowell will lead the service at which the Rev Wilfred Orr will speak on Remembrance. CHURCH NOTICES If you would like more information on any Church Organisations and Groups, please speak to any member of staff or leader of the Organisation or Group if you know them or simply email, telephone 02890 666683 and we will be happy to help you. Monday 3rd November The Kirk Session will meet at 7.30pm in the Parlour. Tuesday 4th November The Babies & Toddlers Group starts at 10.00am and meet in the Minor Hall. The Ladies Badminton Club meet at 10.00am in the Musgrave Hall. Over 18 Badminton Club meet at 7.30pm also in the Musgrave Hall. The NET. The NET is an informal, student gathering for those who want to discuss and share what they believe. Whether you are exploring the Christian faith or a long-time Christian, come along as we explore what we believe and why we believe it. The Net meet in the church during term at 8.00pm. Wednesday 5th November The Wednesday Table Tennis Group continue to meet each week 10am12noon. New members will be made most welcome. The Wednesday Club meet from 10.15am including the monthly dinner. Everyone welcome. Choir Practice begins at 7.45pm meeting in the Parlour. Please speak to Neale Agnew our Musical Director or any choir member for more details. The Indoor Bowling Club meets in the Musgrave Hall at 7.30pm. A welcome awaits you. No experience required. For more information contact Eddie Rice or Raymond Liggett. Thursday 6th November Students Lunches continue from 12 noon to 2pm. Anyone interested in assisting by volunteering to help on a Thursday or who wish to make a financial contribution to the work of student lunches, please speak to Ruth Crawford or Raymond Robinson. Girls and Boys Brigade begins tonight starting at 6.30pm. The Girls Brigade is a Christian uniformed organisation for the girls aged 3 years and upwards. It is international and interdenominational. They meet on Thursday evenings in the Church Halls from September to April. Girls 3 - 8 years are called Explorers and meet from 6.30 - 7.30pm. The Juniors (P5-P7), Seniors (Form 1-3) and Brigaders (Form 4+) meet from 7.30 - 9.00pm. ]The Boy's Brigade also meet on Thursday. The Anchor Boys (P1-P4) and the Junior Section (P5-P7) meet at 6.30 - 7.30pm. We provide activities and opportunities for the girls and boys and help them find new interests, learn new skills and discover their gifts. It is all about having fun and meeting new friends. Friday 7th November The Friday Morning Congregational Prayer Meeting starts at 7.30am in Wilson House, which is open to everyone to attend. The prayer meeting will finish at 8.15am, however if you have to leave earlier that is fine. Attention Youth!! We are launching a new youth program for 11-18 year olds on Sunday nights and we want you there. Where? Fisherwick Church Halls When? 5.30pm 6.45pm starting 9th Nov with Chat and Pizza. Monday 10th November The Presbyterian Women meet on Monday 10th November at 7.45pm with guest speaker Thompson Steele who will speak on “Belfast through Story and Song”. The ‘Building Blocks’ Children’s Ministry Conference will take place on Saturday 15 November 2014 in Assembly Buildings . This conference is for all those working with children in their local church, community or school. We are delighted that Lucy Moore will be our keynote speaker for Building Blocks in 2014. Lucy is the founder of Messy Church and works for Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF) as Messy Church Team Leader. She is responsible for developing the work of Messy Church nationally and internationally – writing, speaking, reflecting and developing Messy Church projects. There will be an opportunity for delegates to attend two of the wide choice of seminars on offer. Sunday School Teachers, Children’s Church Leaders, Kids’ Club Leaders and Ministers are sure to benefit from what the conferences have to offer. This is an opportunity NOT to be missed! Early bookings are greatly encouraged! For more information on seminars or to download a booking form please go to Thursday 20th November The Presbyterian Historical Society lecture “Presbyterian Chaplaincy in the First World War” (speaker Rev Dr Victor Dobbin) will be held in Malone Presbyterian Church starting at 8.00pm. Everyone is welcome and refreshments will be provided. FISHERWICK Girls Brigade & Boys Brigade invite you to a Fry Morning Saturday 15th November 9.30am – 12noon In Fisherwick Church Hall (Proceeds to the Boys Brigade) SMALL GROUPS Each group is unique in style and format but they all exist for people to meet together, form real relationships and encourage one another as we live life following Jesus. If you would like to meet new people and grow in your faith then join a small group. For information about Small Groups in Fisherwick check out the information boards beside the Coffee Bar, the website or contact the Church Office. The Small group Co-Ordinators are Peter and Linda Little. LITTLE FISHES Little Fishes is in the parlour. It is a place for parents to leave their babies and toddlers during the church service. There are supervised activities, toys and a snack time. There is also a designated baby area with a protective screen with a crèche leader supervising. The co-ordinator is Kathryn Ward. PRAYER DIARY At the end of today’s service please take this order of service home with you. Through the week, pray for each of the church organisations and through the events listed. Also, pray for those in our congregation family who you know are in need of prayer and each day pray for one of the prayer requests from the Presbyterian Church in Ireland’s Mission Ireland and Overseas Prayerline. Thank you. PRAYERS FOR MISSION IRELAND Arklow Presbyterian Church Pray for: Pray for the Kirk Session, Committee and Congregation and Vacancy Convener (Rev Dr Kathryn Meyer) and that the congregation will be able to move swiftly to a position of being granted leave to call a new minister. Ballyhobridge, Clones, Newbliss & Stonebridge Presbyterian Churches Revd Stanley Stewart Praise and Prayer for: • Give thanks for the Special Harvest evening service in Newbliss on 5 October when there was a good attendance of friends and neighbours from across the community along with the congregation; when God was truly praised by the singing of the Tullyallen and Mountnorris Male Voice Choir and the preaching of Revd Nigel Reid. • Give thanks for the Variety Gospel Concert held in Clones on Saturday 11 October 2014. A wonderful, entertaining and inspiring evening with the hall full to overflowing with 300 people from across the community in attendance. • Pray for our recently appointed Youth Worker (Trainee), Richard Marcus of High Kirk congregation, Ballymena. Pray that he will quickly settle into this rural area and balance the demands of his three year degree programme with the Centre for Youth Ministries Ireland and his 14 hours per week work in the Clones group of congregations where his role is to develop a programme of activities around the Peace Link Sports Centre facility in Clones, building good relations with and between young people as well as support the youth work in the congregations and the local presbytery. Ballymote, Killala & Ballina Presbyterian Churches - Revd Molly Deatherage Praise and Prayer for: • Give thanks for the response from the community to the “Combat Cancer with Coffee” day we had in early October. In spite of not having our notice published in the local paper, a steady stream turned out for a cuppa and a donation. We are praising God for the over €1,700 we received to donate to regional cancer facilities. • Give thanks for the turn outs at our three Harvest Festivals. We are especially grateful for the people across the community who came to the Ballymote Harvest Festival. • Please pray with us for our bi-monthly service of prayer for healing, taking place on the evening of 9 November in Ballina. A team from YWAM will be coming to pray with those coming forward for prayer. Aghada Presbyterian Church - Revd John Faris Pray for: • In a desire to be more accessible to the community, Aghada Presbyterian Church (in rural east Cork) is holding a series of “Reflections on the Psalms” on Thursday evenings in November. Please pray for this outreach. Pettigo, Tempo & Irvinestown Presbyterian Churches -Revd Charles Clements Praise and Prayer for: • Give thanks that the Harvest Services at Pettigo were well attended and that in the worship and in the harvest displays we were able to focus on the generosity of God and to reflect on how our lives should show the fruit of His Spirit. As seeds of faith have been sown in our lives, so in word and life we sow more seeds of faith and trust God to gather His Harvest. • We have 14 children at Tempo SUPA Club, so we give thanks for all of them and for the enthusiastic way they entered into the theme we chose. They have really grasped the essence of the Parable of the Sower and we pray that the seeds of faith that have been sown will grow in wonderful ways. • Irvinestown PW members are looking at the possibilities of starting a walking group that would meet on Mondays for a trial period. The PW members want to connect better with some of the younger women and families in the congregation, so please pray that this initiative will be faith driven and God guided. Londonderry - Strand Presbyterian Church Pray for: • Please pray for “Deep”, a new weekly student event started in October by the Presbytery of Derry & Donegal and “Exodus”. Andy Lamberton is heading up this late night (10pm) time of Worship, Word & Conversation, supported by Revd Nigel Craig. They are operating out of the old Strand Presbyterian Church in Londonderry. The first night was lively and well-supported. • Please pray for the students who attend, that their walk with Christ would deepen, and that they would be strengthened in their witness to those around them. Sonya Anderson, Deaconess - Shore Street Presbyterian Churches, Donaghadee Pray for: • Please pray for a four-week simple Ladies Bible Study that we hope to run during November. We had a similar Bible Study before Easter this year and were able to engage with ladies at different stages of their faith. • Continue to pray for our ‘Meaning of Life’ course on Thursday nights. We would love to see people come to faith and others grow in their faith. Sharon Heron, Deaconess - Strand Urban Mission Congregation, East Belfast Prayer and Praise for: • Please pray for nine people attending Christianity Explored; that they will make a decision for Christ. • Praise God for new families attending the congregation in Strand. • Pray for new people attending English class, that we can build on good relationships. • Pray that the coffee area would develop. MISSION OVERSEAS From MISSION OVERSEAS PRAYERLINE SPAIN Steve Anderson reports from Torre del Mar that he, along with three others, attended the first Presbytery Mission day, which was an opportunity for the congregation to contribute at Presbytery level and for representatives to think about mission in the incoming year. The challenge is now to develop the conversations from this event into a sustainable proposal and present it to the Church Board and then to the congregation. • Pray for a greater sense of mission to develop within the congregation. • • • Pray for preparation for the Sunday services and Wednesday Bible studies which continue weekly. Pray for three people whom Steve is in contact with. Pray that these contacts will develop and opportunities open up for sharing the good news about Jesus. Pray for the establishment and development of further 1-1 contacts inside and outside the local community. ITALY Sadly Alan Johnston’s mother passed away last Saturday (25th) and a thanksgiving service was held yesterday on the 28th. • Remember Alan, Tracey their children and all the family circle at this time of loss. KENYA On Friday (31st), a delegation from the Presbyterian Church in Ireland comprising of the Moderator, Rt Rev Dr Michael Barry, his wife Esther and their daughter Deborah, along with PW President Anna Morrison, and Charlotte Stevenson (PW Communications and Development Officer) left to visit our partner church, the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) in Kenya. During their visit they will spend time with PCI overseas mission personnel serving in Kenya, as well as connecting with the PCEA Women’s Guild and visiting partner church projects. • Pray that the group will have a safe and trouble-free trip, especially that they will each remain in good health and that travel (including internal travel) will go smoothly. • Pray that the visit will be an encouragement to all they meet and that through the visit our partnership with the PCEA and support of PCI personnel serving there will be strengthened. Stephen Cowan reports, “The October Bible teaching time continues and many people have gathered to encourage each other, and learn that some cultural practices are not in line with the Word of God. Paul & Elizabeth Davis and Keith McCrossan from Magheramason Presbyterian Church are due to arrive in Tuum this week to help out with the work for three weeks. The Davis’ will be based in the village of Wuaso Rongai and Keith will assist at Tuum and in the village of Seren Also this week a brick builder will go to Seren to assist in putting up the walls of the new girls’ dormitory being built there.” • Pray for the monthly teaching times that bring encouragement, especially to the few believers who live in isolated villages. • Pray for the logistics and safety in travel as visitors and workers are moved around in the coming weeks. • Give thanks for a positive change in attitude in some of the workers in the garage, and pray that they will respond to the Gospel. • Continue to pray for the ministry in schools that Kasoni is involved in. It is becoming increasingly obvious to Kasoni that culture is still very strong, and belief in the Bible takes second place. MALAWI On Wednesday 29th Neil worked with Tandu Zimba and other members of the One-Stop team to provide training on dealing with child sexual abuse to 60 policemen from stations all over the Blantyre area. Neil travelled to Ireland this weekend for a short home assignment undertaking deputation from Sunday 2nd November to Sunday 16th November (inclusive). Sara and their teenage children will remain in Malawi. • Give thanks for the donations that have made this training possible, and pray that it will be effective. • Pray for Neil while he is in Ireland for deputation. Pray that he will make the most of his opportunities to talk about the Lord’s work in Malawi. • Pray too for Sara, Ben and Grace at home in Malawi. Earlier this month, Volker Glissmann attended the fourth All African Theological Education by Extension Association (AATEEA) meeting in Ethiopia (11th to 17th October). The meeting went very well and it was a good opportunity for participants to jointly reflect on some of the challenges ahead and how TEE programmes across Africa can join forces to address some of the pressing issues that affect the church in Africa. Theological Education by Extension in Malawi (TEEM), is currently working on an internal training programme to expand the knowledge and depth within the organisation in all things related to TEE. For Volker, it was very good and helpful to have had the chance to talk to some people at the conference who have been involved in TEE for many years, to clarify the direction and topics that TEEMs’ internal training programme should address. Volker is currently on a short home assignment in Ireland engaging in deputation, and is due return to Malawi next Wednesday (5th November). • Praise the Lord for the fruitful meeting of the AATEEA and for the cooperation that is developing. • Pray for JinHyeog and the children while Volker is away. • Pray too that Volker will have a safe and trouble-free journey back to Zomba next week. After almost three months off the road waiting for repairs and parts in South Africa, the Dowds family’s car is now running well. Johnny and the children have been stuck in South Africa during this time on an ‘extended holiday’, (Lyn travelled by plane back to Malawi in September to continue working at the hospital). Thankfully they will soon be on their way to Livingstonia. Lyn’s parents are flying out to meet up with them in Johannesburg and they will all travel to Livingstonia together. • Give thanks that the car has eventually been fixed with the correct part arriving from the UK. • Pray that they will have a safe and trouble-free journey to Livingstonia. David McCullagh reports that Scripture Union (SU) staff throughout Malawi are continuing their day-to-day work in schools and meeting with local congregations. Quite a number of planning committees will meet throughout November to chat through the decisions that were made at the AGM held earlier this month and their impact on ministry at the grassroots level of the work. One key area of work that has come out of the AGM is the review of SU Malawi’s daily Bible reading guides for young people. Recently some funding has come forward for the Kande project, so David and Amon hope to travel to Kande at the start of November to look at the next phases of work that are to be undertaken at the camp and conference centre. • Pray for David and Amon as they travel to Kande to monitor the progress of work at the camp site. • Pray for SU committee members as they meet to plan future ministry opportunities. • Pray for SU staff as they juggle a healthy balance of ministry work in schools and with churches, and the committee work that they also must complete. FEBA William Mateer, FEBA UK & Ireland Ambassador, thanks you for your on-going prayerful support and requests the following: Africa: Radio Wimbe in Pemba, Mozambique was burgled last week with a laptop and mobile phone stolen. Pray for Narciso and the team as they work out how to deal with the repercussions of the burglary and how to replace the stolen items. The lack of the mobile phone is having a particularly big impact on the station, as they can no longer receive calls from listeners, which is the principle way the station interacts with their audience. Pray that this does not put listeners off listening to Radio Wimbe and that the team can negotiate getting back their old number from the telephone company as soon as possible. Asia: Pray for the Christian minority in Pakistan in the wake of the uncertain political situation. Pray too for all those affected by recent flooding in Punjab and Sindh region. Pray for the growth of the FM Expansion project; that God will prompt new potential partners to come forward, and give thanks for a recent visit of two of Feba’s head office team, which was encouraging to all involved and helped cement relationships. Middle East: Give thanks for 26 new Reality Church programmes recently recorded for broadcast to Yemen asking God to bless the listeners with encouragement and joy as they seek to follow Him in a very difficult place. These programmes bring an expression of ‘church’ to those who are unable to openly meet together for worship. Ask God to reveal Himself to new and current listeners in a new and mighty way through these programmes. Audio Recordings of today’s services and previous services are available online at . For this and more information about the church visit and connect at At the rear of the church there is a Visitors Book. If you are a visitor with us today please take time to sign the book. Thank you Volunteering in Fisherwick If you would like to find out more about volunteering in any area of church life then please speak initially with our Senior Minister Michael Anderson ( or our Church Manager, Raymond Robinson ( Attention Youth!! We are launching a new youth program for 11-18 year olds on Sunday nights and we want you there. Where? Fisherwick Church Halls When? 5.30pm -6.45pm Starting 9th Nov with Chat and Pizza FISHERWICK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Address 4 Chlorine Gardens, Belfast, BT9 5DJ Telephone 02890 666683 Email Web
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