Thursday 6th November 2014 The Rotary Club of Eltham Rotary International President 20142014-2015 Gary C.K. Huang President - Con Proussalis District Governor District 9790 Patti Bulluss RAFFLE Current Jackpot $148.50 We are still looking for the Queen of hearts Office Bearers 14-15: LEP BBQ President Con Proussalis President Elect David McFarlane Past President Ken Paynter Last Week Sunday $580 This Rotary Year to date $9475 Average Secretary Kaye Smith Treasurer Michael Martin Sergeant: Les Coath $728.85 Moving Average Snags Administration David McFarlane 298 Total Snags Moved 3787 Captain Con's Cabin It has not been a good year for our Secretary Kaye Smith, for some two hours after receiving a marvellous clearance for a fabulous recovery after her knee operation, Kaye, Tumbled at home and fractured her ankle. Now plastered and receiving physio. for a few day's at Epworth Hospital, we all wish her a speedy recovery and offer any support she might require. Congratulations to Brett Linsell who was presented with "Friend of Rotaractor's" award by Diamond Valley Rotaractor President John Craven. for the ongoing support and encouragement Brett has and continues to give over several years. Also was great to see Rotaractors Erin-Rose Dickson, Sean Ingram and Michael Shields. Public Relations Judy Sharp Bulletin Jim Phillips Judy Sharp Diane Penkethman The Festival roster, which is expertly prepared by Paul Kelly is now published. You should have received your copy. Foundation Jules Aussems Please notify Paul of any glaring issues and/or problems that you might notice and Membership: missed. Michael Wetzler At last week's meeting Judy Sharp was our International fine mistress and given that the Festival Ian Toohill Public Relation work load was at its peak, Judy conducted the fine session Service Community energetically and naturally testing Graham Miles members knowledge of the festival. Well done Judy. Service Aquabox Post Festival dinner, as overwhelmingly Max Lee requested at last meeting will be held at Machan Indian Restaurant 2/953 Main Youth Service Jill Ramsay Rd, Eltham 6.30pm . $30 per Person Paul Kelly Pre-payment would be appreciated. BYO wine only, no corkage charge. Program Gary Williams Continued Page 3 Rotary Club Of Eltham Chartered on the 19th April 1973, District 9790 PO Box 134, Eltham Vic 3095 | Phone: 03 9431 4241 | Fax: 03 9018 4358 Thursday `6th November 2014 The Rotary Club of Eltham WOTS NEXT This weeks meeting is at Strada Long Room Thu 6 November Alan Anderson director Eltham town festival At Strada Sat 8 November Sun, 9 November Eltham Festival Eltham Festival 4 WAY TEST Of the things we think, say or do 1.Is it the TRUTH? 2.Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3.Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4.Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? The Rotary Grace Oh God and giver of all Thu 13 November Amber Smith Founder Sensitive Santa program and Captain Steve Bradbury (Ex Ansett Captain) Flight Operations Inspector from Civil Aviation Authority (CASA) At Strada good, we thank you for our daily food. May Rotary friends and Rotary ways, help us to serve you, all our days. Thu 20 November Graham Fuller Director Toastmaster training. At Strada November in Rotary is Thu 27 November Vocation Night at Edendale Farm. Lebanese Night At Edendale Farm Celebrate the wonderful work of The Rotary Foundation. Explore the activities of our charity , The Foundation and consider how you and your club can help. Mon 1 December DV Rotaract Meets at the Diamond Valley Learning Centre, cnr St. Helena and Diamond Creek Rd, at 7:30 Thu 4 December RBTB, Graeme Miles Thu 11 December Xmas Party- at Wellers with Greg Champion of the Coodabeens. Duty Roster At Wellers Mon 15 December DV Rotaract Meets at the Diamond Valley Learning Centre, cnr St. Helena and Diamond Creek Rd, at 7:30 Thu 18 December No Meeting Thu 25 December No Meeting Thu 8 January No Meeting Thu 15 January No Meeting Thu 22 January BBQ TBA ROTARY FOUNDATION MONTH November 2014 Frank Lynch Paul KELLY Margaret LANE Max LEE Peter RODEN Visitor Host Captain December 2014 / January 2015 Ross McDONALD Jules AUSSEM John SKINNER Paul GARDNER Victoria CLAGUE Visitor Host Captain February 2015 Graham HARDIMAN Jill RAMSAY Clayton HEDGER Graeme MILES David McFARLANE Visitor Host Captain Fine Masters and Mistresses Please note that dates and Venues are subject to change. 6-Nov 13-Nov 20-Nov 27-Nov 4-Dec 11-Dec All are welcome at the Rotaract meetings, in green. John O'CALLAGHAN Ian THOMAS Paul GARDNER Ann LYNCH Jules AUSSEMS Christmas Break Up. Page 2 Rotary Club Of Eltham Chartered on the 19th April 1973, District 9790 PO Box 134, Eltham Vic 3095 | Phone: 03 9431 4241 | Fax: 03 9018 4358 Thursday `6th November 2014 From Page 1 Captain Con's Cabin (Cont.) Melbourne Cup Carnival at Red Box Winery was well attendant by Rotary clubs of Nunawading and Mitcham and from our club. President of Rotary Club of Mitcham presented a $750 cheque to Aquabox Director Max Lee who gratefully accepted. Sweep Results Meeting: 6th November This meeting is at Strada Long Room . Meeting: 13th November This meeting is at Strada Long Room Meeting: 20th November This meeting is at Strada Long Room Meeting: 27th November Sweep 1 1st 2nd 3rd Peter Roden Marianne Miles Hazel Wetzler $60 $40 $20 Sweep 2 1st 2nd 3rd Alan McCleary Paul Kelly Dale Atkins $60 $40 $20 At Edendale Farm The Internet Rotary Club of Eltham: User name is Rotary Password is Fellowship Eltham Festival: Facebook: Bulletin Editor (Jim): Images and Bulletins: Aquabox: At RedBox Winery. Put yourself in the picture next year District Web Site: Rotary International Diamond Valley Rotaract Celebrations Birthdays Peter Bishop Monday 13 Oct Angela Williams Ken Paynter Thursday 16 Oct Graeme Hardiman Edna Roden Monday 13 Oct Friday 24 Oct Sunday 19 Oct Margot Kilcullen Monday 20 Oct Lorraine Englefield Saturday 25 Oct David McFarlane 65 Clayton Hedger Thursday 30 Oct Friday 31 Oct Anniversaries Hazel & Mike Wetzler Sunday 12 Oct Lyn & Graeme Hardiman Monday 20 Oct Jennifer & Paul Kelly Wednesday 22 Oct Edna & Peter Roden Wednesday 29 Oct Priscilla & Clayton Hedger Friday 07 Nov Joined THE Club Michael Maloney Tuesday 07 Oct 4 2010 Alison Cooper Wednesday 08 Oct 5 2009 Gary Williams Tuesday 14 Oct 10 2004 Peter Bishop Saturday 01 Nov 14 25 1989 Roger Male Saturday 01 Nov 14 7 2007 Yrs is Years Service at THE Rotary Club of Eltham. Page 3 Rotary Club Of Eltham Chartered on the 19th April 1973, District 9790 PO Box 134, Eltham Vic 3095 | Phone: 03 9431 4241 | Fax: 03 9018 4358 Thursday `6th November 2014 Festival Heartstarter Club Meets: Why not start your Festival with Thursday 6:15 for 6:45pm At Cons Camping Ground Tai Chi at the Community Stage at 9.30am on Sunday morning.? It will energise and relax you for the big day ahead. Large Bark Hut at the end of the Village President: Con Proussalis Secretary: Kaye Smith Speaker Presentation 30 October: Bronwen Stephens – Assistant Governor District 9800 Bronwen has made no less than 13 trips to Cambodia to date and has dedicated much of her time in Rotary to making a ‘World of Difference’ primarily to what was a forgotten village 85 kilometres west of Phnom Penh and in dire need of assistance. Bronwen explained that when she was first introduced to Kampong Speu in the Bossala commune, the people there were literally dying of starvation and disease. In the week prior to her arrival, six people had died of cholera and typhoid fever – mostly young children. Malaria and dengue fever were also rife and very little hope was left for the 800 people who lived there. There was no safe drinkable water, no food, no medicine, no sanitation and no chance of any education. 0414 943 707 0458 332 499 Treasurer: Michael Martin 0416 238 640 Meeting Booking Kaye Smith 0458 332 499 Trust Me Margot Tours Last Chance Once upon a time in the streets of Dublin a man and a woman fell in love. I have tickets for the new Musical ONCE Wed November 19th 8pm Princess Theatre Dress Circle Row F Tickets are in the middle and both sides. $93 Payment due September 26th. LEP Ron Manison 0416 464 150 Sergeant Les Coath 0419 349 646 If you would like to go to dinner beforehand, I will make a booking somewhere close to the theatre for about 6pm Margot During the infamous Killing Fields years from 1975, under the leadership of Pol Pot and the communist Khmer Rouge movement, millions died of starvation, execution, disease or overwork. In an attempt to create a classless peasant society, particular aim was taken at intellectuals, city residents, civil servants and religious leaders. This brutal regime was finally deposed in 1979 but Pol Pot died in 1998 without ever being brought to justice. Much of the money and labour needed in order to make a difference comes from the organisation of regular tours and ‘humanitarian travel’ by volunteers and school groups, who are able to experience the culture of Cambodia whilst making a worthwhile contribution to the country. Earlier this year a team from the Rotary Club of Brighton spent 14 days in Cambodia working on a project to improve the health, hygiene and viability of Kampong Speu and a neighbouring village. The team fabricated six 5,500 litre concrete water tanks and installed roof plumbing for harvesting and storing rainwater for use in the dry season. They also provided vegetable seeds, fish stock and fruit trees in order to provide the community with a food/ cash crop. Gardens were planted where once there was nothing. Bronwen described the remarkable changes now seen in Kampong Speu which has been achieved by Rotarians working alongside those who live there. This initially included emergency food and water, including a ‘stolen’ Aquabox, water filtration, medications Page 4 Rotary Club Of Eltham Chartered on the 19th April 1973, District 9790 PO Box 134, Eltham Vic 3095 | Phone: 03 9431 4241 | Fax: 03 9018 4358 Thursday `6th November 2014 and mosquito nets. Dams have now been constructed providing fish for the villagers and there are also crops of mangoes and bananas. A school is being constructed and teachers trained. Bicycles are being provided for children to enable them to get to and from school but many more are needed. Some have to travel 10kms each way in the heat and on dusty roads. Other new projects include mushroom crop production, maternal and child health care, silk weaving and sewing as well as the introduction of livestock. Brighton Rotary, in partnership with Rotary International, has already provided significant funding for this transformative work in Cambodia and is strongly committed to further financial and other support. The 2013 statistics relating to the conditions of life in rural Cambodia, as compared to our comfortable lives in Australia, speak for themselves with the percentage of those living in poverty at 100%. The infant mortality rate was 50%, life expectancy 45 years, child malnutrition 100%, literacy 0% and years at school 0%. It is only through the efforts of individuals like Bronwen Stephens and community service organisations including Rotary that meaningful change can be effected. Our thanks to Bronwen for a presentation which is a wake-up call for us all and a reminder of the crucial and continuing need for clean water. Aquaboxes will be made available to her by Rotary Eltham and these will, as always, make a significant difference to the lives of those who have so little. Diane Penkethman Aquabox It’s interesting to read Diane’s report on our speaker for the night. In some ways Aquabox is a difficult project. We put the boxes together and off they go. But in many ways it’s a case of send and hope. We don’t always get the opportunity to find out if they do any good. But when working with Rotary Clubs at the far end we do get feedback on what happens to our Boxes. The Box that arrived in Kampong Speu was “stolen” from the Rotary Club of Phnom Penh. And how grateful we are that RC Phnom Penh redirected this box. Bronwen advised that when it was transported to Kampong Speu it was instrumental in saving many lives. To imagine that we have saved even one life is gratifying. To understand that we have saved several and transformed the life of a village really does give a warm fuzzy feeling. Its nice to make a difference. When Bronwen mentioned that there was still a need for Clean Safe water in Kampong Speu Max was quick to reply. How many are needed? Just 20 to see them through the next 12 months when there is enough rain for the new dams and tanks to fill with fresh water. Done. Of course this is just a drop in the Bucket, but the ongoing result is for people to learn how to fix the problem. We look forward to our next report on Kampong Speu and what Aquabox has done for them. Page 5 Rotary Club Of Eltham Chartered on the 19th April 1973, District 9790 PO Box 134, Eltham Vic 3095 | Phone: 03 9431 4241 | Fax: 03 9018 4358 Thursday `6th November 2014 Con's Humor Blonde Golf A man entered the bus with both of his front pockets full of golf balls and sat down next to a beautiful (you guessed it) blonde. I released him into the lake without incident and carried on fishing using the frog. A little later, I felt a nudge on my foot. It was that bloody snake, with two more frogs. oooooooooooooooooooooooo The puzzled blonde kept looking at him and his bulging pockets. Finally, after many such glances from her, he said, 'Its golf balls'. Nevertheless, the blonde continued to look at him for a very long time, deeply thinking about what he had said. After several minutes, not being able to contain her curiosity any longer, she asked 'Does it hurt as much as tennis elbow?' Whiskey Fishing Story I went fishing one morning but after a short time I ran out of prawns. Then I saw a redbelly black with a frog in his mouth. Frogs are good barra bait. Speakers in the Spotlight Steven Briffa You know, the face, member of our Club and Potential local member. We wish him the best in the upcoming election, as we do Vicky. Not sure why the new trend is hanging out the pictures, but that’s Marketing and they both do it. Steve told us in his talk, amongst other things, that his Family has been touched by Youth Suicide, and commented on a young go getter employee that wouldn’t take Steve’s advice. The editor knows of many cases of youth suicide, thankfully not family, but the families of close friends. Soul destroying. From this end of the road of life it is incomprehensible that someone at the beginning of the road should take their life. Rotary has done a lot of work with Youth Suicide. Some years ago we attended a Rotary meeting at Latrobe Uni that discussed just that. One of the scary numbers about Suicide is that many single car accidents are actually suicide by car, and are only recorded in road carnage figures. Knowing the snake couldn't bite me with the frog in his mouth I grabbed him right behind the head, took the frog, and put it in my bait bucket. Now the problem was how to release the snake without getting bitten. So, I grabbed my bottle of whiskey and poured a little in its mouth. His eyes rolled back, he went limp. There are many that see suicide as a “weakness”, which is far from the truth. Perhaps Doc McLeary can give us a talk on the subject. If you are in doubt contact someone like Beyond Blue. Geoff Kennett must be congratulated on bringing Mental Health to the fore. In the past it was a hush hush subject, today we are able to talk about it, which is one of the ways of preventing Suicide. (Special Mention also to Sam Newman, who talked about his Subs Due Forgotten your Annual Subscription? Its $385.00 Direct debit: BSB: 633633-000 Account: 142481613 Rotary Club of Eltham (Include your name) Perhaps eMail When you pay Or at the door Thursday Nights. Short of funds? Pay Quarterly , or even Monthly, but talk to Michael Martin Just $33 per month. Prostate on TV) Youth Suicide is particularly upsetting, a whole life thrown away. But Human Beings are strange animals that act in ways that appear illogical. The reality is that evolution means that we have developed very effective traits, as evidenced by our skill at eliminating other Homo Erectus species, such as the Neanderthal. Before proceeding, please try to remember back to your youth, and all the stupid “Invincible” things we did. Why is it that Young University Students are the ones out there trying to change the world? As they become older, most of them take a broader view and realise that you can only change things from the inside. Why do us Humans react to a sign saying “Wet Paint” by touching it? Because we learn best from making mistakes, but we are always on a quest for more by testing the validity of the “sign”. In Steve’s case a young employee, a bit of a handful, was told not to go back to base camp as there was a snake there. Tell a youngster to not go back to the camp? Think back, that would be great to see the snake, and nobody’s going to tell me what to do. And I am invincible. I have to see it myself. And lets just poke it with a stick to see what happens. Been there, Done that. Page 6 Rotary Club Of Eltham Chartered on the 19th April 1973, District 9790 PO Box 134, Eltham Vic 3095 | Phone: 03 9431 4241 | Fax: 03 9018 4358 Thursday `6th November 2014 What about Youths becoming extremist and joining ISIL. Forget about those that are older and a blot on society, we are talking about those that became extremists, even though their parents and friends thought they were “good Kids” and not particularly involved with religion. Then think about WW1, WW2 and the young Australians that volunteered, many lying about their age so they could join the fight. All very understandable? But as time passes, what a stupid thing to do. Its good that they went, we live in a great country, without them we would be in Big Doggy Doo, but it really wasn’t a smart thing to do. The more adventurous would go up to the camp to see what this snake is. Stuff somebody telling me what not to do, and whilst there, why not get a stick and poke it? Most of us would have, we were invincible. Youths always know more and better, a situation that usually changes at about the age of 25. Its when you realise that you know very little that you really start learning. Youths are always out to change the world, reject information from those close to them, what would they know. But a smart extremist is able to get in to the developing mindset and change it to some extremist views. Oh and while you are at it don’t tell your parents or friends, they won’t understand. Then we loose another valued member of society, who goes to Libya and joins ISIL, or senselessly attacks a couple of Cops, because their new “Friend” says that’s what you should do. Think about it, we have seen it all before, and feel sadness for the Parents that didn’t see it happening. The answer? It would be nice to think that they eventually see the light and return to Australia wiser and older. But there is no answer. You should have heard the stories my 90 year old Uncles told about their escapades when they were young in WW2. Top: The water before Above: Aquabox at work Right: There were other solutions available, but they were not as easy to use and much less effective than Aquabox Page 7 Rotary Club Of Eltham Chartered on the 19th April 1973, District 9790 PO Box 134, Eltham Vic 3095 | Phone: 03 9431 4241 | Fax: 03 9018 4358 Thursday `6th November 2014 Congratulations to Brett Linsell who was presented with "Friend of Rotaractor's" award by Diamond Valley Rotaractor President John Craven. for the ongoing support and encouragement Brett has and continues to give over several years. Page 8 Rotary Club Of Eltham Chartered on the 19th April 1973, District 9790 PO Box 134, Eltham Vic 3095 | Phone: 03 9431 4241 | Fax: 03 9018 4358 Thursday `6th November 2014 Rotary Eltham Festival 2014 Major Festival Sponsor Shire of Nillumbik Festival Partner Eltham Chamber of Commerce Precinct Sponsors Bendigo Bank, Eltham Community Branch Hello World Travel, Eltham Eltham Home Timber and Hardware Ballara Receptions Morrison Kleeman Real Estate Eltham Wildcats Buckingham's Real Estate Eltham College Back In Motion Physiotherapy Temby Auto Service, Eltham Leo Scott Frames General Sponsors Thompsons Pharmacy, Eltham Office Choice, Eltham Slocums Floor Coverings W & P Truck Sales Baker’s Delight, Eltham Skaterz, Eltham Rare Bears, Eltham Eltham Footwear Rotary Club Of Eltham Chartered on the 19th April 1973, District 9790 PO Box 134, Eltham Vic 3095 | Phone: 03 9431 4241 | Fax: 03 9018 4358 Thursday `6th November 2014 Page 9 Rotary Eltham Festival 2014 Local Business Supporters The following businesses have already signed up for our Local Business Supporters program for this year’s Eltham Festival. Our aim is to have 100 businesses signed up by the Festival with each donating $110. So far Ken the Hawk has been doing a great job but it’s time for all of us to give him a hand! Business Name: Contact: Seller: Australian Double Glazing, Eltham Heath Ken Paynter Pavilion Menswear Eltham Jason Ken Paynter Shadows Boxing Gym Eltham Rick Breese Ken Paynter Eltham Pumphouse Eltham Bob Mirreilees Ken Paynter Pieross Café Eltham Pierre Barel Ken Paynter Furnlac Australia Eltham Robert Love Ken Paynter Baker's Delight Eltham Jo Peatling Ken Paynter Eltham Deli Eltham Plaza Eltham Tony & Ros Ken Paynter Magenta Creative Jewellery Eltham Michael Snare Ken Paynter Red Finch Boutique Eltham Sarah Woolway Ken Paynter Mont Eltham Auto Electrics Brent Nunn Ken Paynter Thompsons Pharmacy Lower Plenty Peter Wong Ken Paynter Machan Indian Eltham Asha & Ronen Ken Paynter Kay Organics Pty Ltd Eltham Anthony Mansfield Ken Paynter Eltham Travel & Cruise Eltham Ian Pearson Ken Paynter Eltham Gateway Motel Eltham David Johnston Ken Paynter Emerson Oliver Real Estate David Gyton David McFarlane PBK Security Services Kevin Daffey Michael Maloney Stephen's Meats Ron Stephens Trevor Smith Valley Vision Riona Brennan Trevor Smith The Burger Lounge Rotary Club Of Eltham Trevor Smith Thursday `6th November 2014 Page 10 Chartered on the 19th April 1973, District 9790 PO Box 134, Eltham Vic 3095 | Phone: 03 9431 4241 | Fax: 03 9018 4358 Business Name: Contact: Seller: Chicken@ Bolton St Flora Trevor Smith Bolton St Fruit Market Peter Morabito Trevor Smith Shoe Repairs Plus Eltham Mark Stanke Frank Lynch Nandos Pizza Eltham Frank Lynch Maki Sushi Eltham Masaki Nakamura Frank Lynch Eltham Carpet One Jackie Mutimer Frank Lynch Get Fresh Meats Eltham Kaylene Tyack Ken Paynter Fleur de Feliss Florists Karon Graham Trevor Smith Action Coach Business Coaching Nick Ikonomou Brett Linsell Eira Café Lounge Bar Erin O'Connor David McFarlane Lawrence Pope Accountants Lawry Pope David McFarlane Food In A Flash South Morang Brett Linsell Brent's Pastissierre Kevin & Glenda Ken Paynter Greensborough Motorcycles Steve Ken Paynter Diamond Valley Woodcraft Mark Nickson Ken Paynter Natural Timber Décor Rita Barella Ken Paynter PKB Security Services Kevin Daffey Michael Maloney Paint Right Eltham Miles Johnson Ken Paynter Bolton Street Deli Colin & Lydia Trevor Smith It would be great if Members of the Club could support these businesses when the opportunity arises. Don’t forget to Mention The Rotary Club of Eltham If you want further details on any of these Local Business Supporters just ask Ken Paynter or Michael Maloney. Rotary Club Of Eltham Chartered on the 19th April 1973, District 9790 PO Box 134, Eltham Vic 3095 | Phone: 03 9431 4241 | Fax: 03 9018 4358 Thursday `6th November 2014 Page 12 Rotary Club Of Eltham Chartered on the 19th April 1973, District 9790 PO Box 134, Eltham Vic 3095 | Phone: 03 9431 4241 | Fax: 03 9018 4358 Thursday `6th November 2014 Lower Eltham Park BBQ Roster Fesval Weekend Date Sunday 9 Nov Sunday 16 Nov Sunday 23 Nov Sunday 30 Nov Sunday 7 Dec 0900 -Team Captain to arrange pick up of trailer and equipment at Rats Shed. SCOUTS 1st ELTHAM 9.30am to 2.30am Kevin John Skinner (S) Paul Gardner Ken Paynter (TC) Darling Filby (TC) (TC) (TC) Sally Squires Margaret Lane Heather Gardner Ross McDonald (S) David McFarlane Ross McDonald Alison Cooper Ann Lynch (S) (S) Michael Mar8n Lou Bolzonello Andrew Cooper Dale Atkins Ashleigh Clayton Hedger (S) McFarlane (S) Contact: Ron Manison— Remember, every member is expected to do 4 BBQ’s a year, not a big ask. If you are unavailable, arrange a replacement and let Ron know. You will have already let Ron know the dates you are Unavailable during the year, didn’t you? Above: Deep Festival Planning—but Lou looks happy. Right: Sorry Steve, but that is a really attractive Bow. Is it Pink, or faded red, and when are you going to bring it to meetings? Page 13 Rotary Club Of Eltham Chartered on the 19th April 1973, District 9790 PO Box 134, Eltham Vic 3095 | Phone: 03 9431 4241 | Fax: 03 9018 4358 Thursday `6th November 2014 Rotary Club Of Eltham Chartered on the 19th April 1973, District 9790 PO Box 134, Eltham Vic 3095 | Phone: 03 9431 4241 | Fax: 03 9018 4358 Thursday `6th November 2014 PAST PRESIDENTS: Geoff Dreverman 73-74: Neville Emerson 74-75: Bruce Holland 75-76: Bob McLellan 76-77: Doug Blaikie 77-78: Les Clarke 78-79: Keith Kelley 79-80: John Smibert 80-81: Paul Gardner 81-82: Chris Parenthoine 82-83: Arthur Trainor 8384: Merv Günter 84-85: John Maltha 85-86: Graeme Beyer 86-87: Mike Ramsay 87-88: Terry Boocock 88-89: Ken Ferguson 89-90: Bill Penna 90-91: John Jacobson 91-92: Jim Nairn 92-93: Nigel Bell 93-94: David Bowen 94-95: Ian Thomas 95-96: Vic Vela 96-97: Gabor Tamas 97-98: Gordon Birch 98-99: Gary Reid 99-00: Mike Irwin 00-01: John Lewis 01-02: Brian Weyman 02- 03: Graeme Hardiman 03-04: Alan Anderson 04-05: Chris Chapple 05-06: Max Lee 06-07: Ross McDonald 07-08: David Flint 08-09: Tony Wason 09-10: Michael Englefield 10-11: Rob Kilcullen 11-12: Mike Wetzler 1213: Ken Paynter 13-14 Rotary Club Of Eltham Chartered on the 19th April 1973, District 9790 PO Box 134, Eltham Vic 3095 | Phone: 03 9431 4241 | Fax: 03 9018 4358 Thursday `6th November 2014
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