MORRIS WHOLESALE N U R S E R Y Ph 209-869-4111 Fx 209-869-8774 To plant search: [control] + F or scroll down *L0C For our online order form visit: Rb= Riverbank You may also Email back this form to: November 1, 2014 VH= Valley Home *NEW added to list CUSTOMER NAME: ORDER RETAIL SKU # SIZE .#01 .#05 .#15 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#01X .#QTX .#01 .#QTX .#QTX .#15 .#15 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#05X .#05 .#05 .#02 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 869-4111 BOTANICAL COMMON NAME Abelia grand. 'Edward Goucher' Abelia grand. 'Edward Goucher' Acer rubrum 'October Glory' Agapanthus 'Getty White' Agapanthus 'Peter Pan' Agapanthus 'Tinkerbell' Agapanthus africanus 'Blue' Agapanthus africanus 'Blue' Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip' Ajuga reptans 'Mint Chip' Ajuga reptans'Chocolate Chip' Arbutus unedo 'Compacta' Arbutus unedo 'Compacta' Std Arctostaphylos 'Emerald Carpet' Arctostaphylos dens. 'Howard McMinn' Arctostaphylos dens. 'Howard McMinn' Arctostaphylos edmunsii 'Carmel Sur' Armeria maritima 'Rubrifolia' Asparagus dens.'Meyeri' Asparagus dens.'Meyeri' Azalea s.i. 'Brilliant' Azalea s.i. 'Fielder's White' Azalea s.i. 'George Taber' Azalea s.i. 'Mistral' Azalea s.i. 'Phoenicia' Azalea s.i. 'Pink Lace' Begonia grandis evansii Berberis thunb. 'Atropurpurea' Berberis thunb. 'Bonanza' Berberis thunb. 'Red Rocket' Berberis thunb. 'Rose Glow' Berberis thunb. 'Rose Glow' Bergenia cordifolia Betula pendula Brunfelsia pauciflora 'Floribunda' Buddleia dav. 'Black Knight' Buddleia dav. 'Black Knight' Buddleia dav. 'Lochinch' Buddleia dav. 'Nanho Purple' Buddleia dav. 'Royal Red' Buddleia dav. 'Royal Red' Buddleia dav. 'Silver Frost' Buddleia dav. 'Silver Frost' Buddleia dav. Petite Indigo Buddleia dav. Petite Indigo Bulbine frut. 'Hallmark' Buxus microphylla japonica COMMENT Goucher Abelia Goucher Abelia Red Maple, Scarlet Maple Lily-of-the-Nile (white) Lily-of-the-Nile (dwarf) Lily-of-the-Nile (dwarf) Lily-of-the-Nile (blue) Lily-of-the-Nile (blue) Carpet Bugle Bugle carpet Carpet Bugle Carpet Bugle Carpet Bugle Compact Strawberry Tree BERRIES Strawberry tree Patio BERRIES Trailing Manzanita Vine Hill Manzanita Vine Hill Manzanita Little Sur Manzanita Sea Pink Foxtail Fern Foxtail Fern Azalea (bright red) Azalea (pure white) Azalea (pink,drk throat) Azalea (large, pink) Azalea (lavender) Azalea (pink) Hardy Cane-type Begonia Bud&Bloom Red Leaf Jap. Barberry Barberry (Golden) Upright Barberry Japanese Barberry Japanese Barberry Heartleaf Bergenia European White Birch Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow Butterfly Bush Bud&Bloom Butterfly Bush Buds Butterfly Bush Buds Butterfly Bush Buds Butterfly Bush (drk red) Bud&Bloom Butterfly Bush (drk red) Bud&Bloom Butterfly bush (white) Bud&Bloom Butterfly Bush (White) Bud&Bloom Butterfly Bush Butterfly Bush Buds Japanese Boxwood Fx 209-869-8774 *LOC .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .VH .VH .Rb .VH .VH .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .VH .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb 1 CUSTOMER NAME: ORDER RETAIL SKU # SIZE .#05 .#05 .#07 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#10 .#02 .#01 .#05 .#07 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#24 .#15 .#15 .#15 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#05X .#05 .#01 .#05 .#05S .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 869-4111 BOTANICAL COMMON NAME Buxus semp. 'Suffruticosa' BUYIN-Acer palm. 'Emperor I' BUYIN-Buxus 'Green Mountain' Spiral BUYIN-Camellia s. 'Yuletide BUYIN-Hydrangea arb. 'Annabelle' BUYIN-Picea pung. 'Fat Albert' BUYIN-Picea pung. 'Fat Albert' BUYIN-Pieris jap. 'Mt. Fire' Buyin-Pinus mugho Pumilo BUYIN-Pinus mugho pumilo BUYIN-Thuja occ. 'Emerald' Calamagrostis acut. 'Karl Foerster' Callistemon 'Little John' Callistemon 'Little John' Callistemon citrinus Calocedrus decurrens Calocedrus decurrens Campsis radicans Campsis radicans Campsis tag. 'Madame Galen' Campsis tag. 'Madame Galen' Carex buchanii Carex comans 'Bronze' Carex oshimensis 'EverColor' Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' Caryopteris clan. 'Dark Knight' Ceanothus gr. hor. 'Yankee Point' Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca' Cedrus deodara Cedrus deodora 'Feeling Blue' Patio Cercis canadensis Chaenomeles hyb. 'Cameo' Chaenomeles hyb. 'Orange Delight' Chaenomeles hyb. 'Super Red' Chrysanthemum max. 'Snowlady' Cistus hybridus Cistus hybridus Cistus salvifolius Cistus skanbergii Coleonema pulchrum 'Compacta' Coleonema pulchrum 'Compacta' Coleonema pulchrum 'Sunset Gold' Convolvulus cneorum Coreopsis vert. 'Zagreb' Cornus alba 'Ivory Halo' Cotinus cogg. 'Royal Purple' std Cotoneaster buxifolius Cotoneaster buxifolius Cotoneaster dam. 'Lowfast' Cotoneaster dam. 'Lowfast' Cotoneaster dam. 'Lowfast' Std Cotoneaster dam. 'Lowfast' Trellis Cotoneaster dam. 'Streib's Findling' Cotoneaster lacteus Cotoneaster micro. 'Thymefolia' Cuphea hyssopifolia Cupressocyparis 'Leylandii' COMMENT *LOC Dwarf English Boxwood Red Japanese Maple .Rb .Rb .Rb Bud&Bloom .Rb .Rb Colorado Blue Spruce .Rb Colorado Blue Spruce .Rb Buds .Rb Mugho Pine .Rb mugho pine .Rb .Rb Feather Reed Grass .Rb Dwarf Bottlebrush .Rb Dwarf Bottlebrush .Rb Lemon Bottlebrush Bud&Bloom .Rb Incense Cedar .Rb Incense Cedar .Rb Common Trumpet Creeper .Rb Common Trumpet Creeper .Rb Trumpet Creeper .Rb Trumpet Creeper .Rb Curly Sedge .Rb Sedge .Rb Sedge .Rb Japanese Sedge .Rb Bluebeard .Rb Wild Lilac (med. blue) .Rb Atlas Cedar .Rb Deodar Cedar .Rb Weeping Deodora Cedar .Rb Eastern Redbud .Rb Flowering Quince (pink) .Rb Flowering Quince(orange) .Rb Flowering Quince (Red) .Rb Shasta Daisy Buds .Rb White Rockrose .Rb White Rockrose .Rb Sageleaf Rockrose .Rb Pink Rockrose (dwarf) .Rb Breath of Heaven (Pink) .Rb Breath of Heaven (Pink) .Rb Breath of Heaven (pink) .VH Bush Morning Glory .Rb Tickseed (bright yellow) .Rb Red Twig Dogwood .Rb Smoke Tree (patio) .Rb Gray Cotoneaster .Rb Gray Cotoneaster .Rb Bearberry Cotoneaster BERRIES .Rb Bearberry Cotoneaster BERRIES .Rb Bearberry Cotoneaster BERRIES .Rb Bearberry Cotoneaster BERRIES .Rb Bearberry Cotoneaster BERRIES .Rb Red Clusterberry .Rb Rockspray Cotoneaster .Rb False Heather (pink) Bud&Bloom .Rb Leyland Cypress .Rb Fx 209-869-8774 2 CUSTOMER NAME: ORDER RETAIL SKU # SIZE .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05X .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#05X .#02 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05X .#01 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#05A .#05B .#05C .#05E .#05F .#05H .#05I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 869-4111 BOTANICAL COMMON NAME Cupressocyparis 'Leylandii' Cupressus semp. 'Stricta' Cupressus semp. 'Stricta' Cytisus praecox 'Allgold' Cytisus purgans Cytisus scoparius 'San Francisco' Cytisus scoparius 'San Franscico' Delosperma nubigena Dianthus 'Raspberry Surprise' PP Dicksonia antarctica Dietes bicolor Dietes bicolor Dietes vegeta (Morea) Dietes vegeta (Morea) Dodonaea viscosa 'Purpurea' Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit' Echinacea purp. 'Pow Wow White' Echinacea purp. 'Pow-Wow Wild Berry' Equisetum hyemale Erigeron karvinskianus Escallonia 'Compacta' Escallonia 'Compacta' Escallonia exon. 'Fradesii' Escallonia exon. 'Fradesii' Euonymus for. 'Emerald & Gold' Euonymus for. 'Emerald Gaiety' Euonymus for. 'Emerald Gaiety' Euonymus jap. 'Green Spire' Euonymus jap. 'Green Spire' Std Euonymus jap. 'Micro. Variegatus' Euonymus jap. 'Micro. Variegatus' Euonymus jap. 'Microphyllus' Euonymus jap. 'Microphyllus' Euonymus jap. 'Silver King' Euonymus jap. 'Silver Prince' Euonymus jap. 'Silver Prince' Euonymus jap. 'Silver Queen' Euonymus jap. 'Silver Queen' Std Euonymus jap. micro. 'Aurea Variegata' Euphorbia martinii 'Tiny Tim' Euphorbia x 'Ascot Rainbow' Euryops pect. 'Viridis' Euryops pect. 'Viridis' Feijoa sellowiana Feijoa sellowiana Std Festuca ovina 'Glauca' Ficus pumila Ficus pumila 'Variegata' Forsythia int. 'Lynwood Gold' Forsythia int. 'Lynwood Gold' Fruit tree- Apple Fruit tree- Apricot Fruit tree- Cherry Fruit tree- Nectarine Fruit tree- Peach Fruit tree- Persimmon Fruit tree- Plum COMMENT Leyland Cypress Italian Cypress Italian Cypress Warminster Broom Provence Broom Scotch Broom Scotch Broom Ice Plant (yellow) Carnation (pink) Bud&Bloom Tasmanian Tree Fern Fortnight Lily Fortnight Lily Fortnight Lily Fortnight Lily Hop Bush, Hopseed Bush Cone Flower Purple Coneflower(white) Bud&Bloom Purple Coneflower Horsetail Santa Barbara Daisy Bud&Bloom Escallonia (rose red) Escallonia (dwarf) Escallonia (pink) Escallonia (pink) Winter Creeper Euonymus Winter Creeper Euonymus Winter Creeper Euonymus Columnar Boxleaf Euonym. Evergreen Euonymus Patio Vari. Box-leaf Euonymus Vari. Box-leaf Euonymus Box-leaf Euonymus Box-leaf Euonymus Evergreen Euonymus Evergreen Euonymus Box-leaf Euonymus Evergreen Euonymus Euonymus Boxleaf Euonymus Spurge Spurge Euryop Daisy Euryop Daisy Pineapple Guava Pineapple guava Common Blue Fescue Creeping Fig Creeping Fig (variegatd) Forsythia Forsythia Fay Elberta FUYU Fx 209-869-8774 *LOC .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .VH .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .VH .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .VH .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb 3 CUSTOMER NAME: ORDER RETAIL SKU # SIZE .#15 .#05Z .#05X .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#01X .#01 .#01X .#01 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#QTX .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 869-4111 BOTANICAL COMMON NAME Fruit tree-Assorted Fruit-Grape-Avail. Thompson,Flame Gardenia jas. 'Veitchii' Geranium cant. 'Biokovo' Geranium cant. 'Cambridge' Geranium sanguineum Grevillea 'Canberra' (Pink Pearl) Grevillea 'Noellii' Grevillea lang. 'Mt. Tamboritha' Hedera helix Hedera helix Helleborus x 'Blue Metallic Lady' Helleborus x 'Pink Lady' Helleborus x 'Red Lady' Helleborus x 'Yellow Lady' Hemerocallis 'Doubletalk' Hemerocallis 'Lemon Drop' Hemerocallis 'Orange Delight' Hemerocallis 'Ruby Stella' Hemerocallis 'Russian Rhapsody' Hemerocallis 'Sideshow' Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro' Hemerocallis 'Summer Yellow' Hesperoloe parviflora Heteromeles arbutifolia Heuchera 'Kira Jungle Green' Heuchera splendens 'Firefly' Heuchera villosa 'Caramel' Heuchera x 'Obsidian' Hibiscus mosch. 'Fantasia' Hibiscus mosch. 'Lord Baltimore' Hibiscus mosch. 'Sweet Caroline' Hibiscus syr. 'Aphrodite' Hibiscus syr. 'Minerva' Houttuynia cordata 'Variegata' Hydrangea mac. 'Big Smile' Hydrangea mac. 'Mariesii' Hydrangea mac. 'Nikko Blue' Hydrangea mac. 'Nikko Blue' Hydrangea mac. 'Pink Beauty' Hydrangea mac. 'White' Hypericum calycinum Hypericum patulum 'Hidcote' Hypericum patulum 'Hidcote' Hypericum reptans Hypericum X 'Ignite Red' TM Hypericum x 'Ignite Red' TM Ilex vomitaria 'Stokes' Ilex vomitaria 'Stokes' Jasminum polyanthemum Jasminum polyanthemum Juncus effusis 'Spiralis' Juniperus chin. 'Sea Green' Juniperus communis 'Green Carpet' Juniperus conferta Juniperus horiz. 'Bar Harbor' Lager. fauriei 'Muskogee' COMMENT *LOC .Rb .Rb Everblooming Gardenia Bud&Bloom .VH Cranesbill .Rb Cranesbill .Rb Bloody Cranesbill .Rb Grevillea .Rb Noel's Grevillea .Rb Woolly Grevillea .Rb English Ivy .Rb English Ivy .Rb Hellebore, Lenten Rose .Rb Lenten Rose .Rb Hellebore, Lenten Rose .Rb Hellebore, Lenten Rose .Rb Daylily (double yellow) .Rb Daylily (lemon yellow) .Rb Daylily (bright orange) .Rb Daylily (bright red) .Rb Daylily (maroon,evergrn) .Rb Daylily (bright yellow) Buds .Rb Daylily (compact,yellow) Buds .Rb Daylily (bright yellow) .Rb Red Yucca .Rb Toyon .Rb Coral Bells, Alum Root .VH Coral Bells (Red) .Rb .VH Coral Bells .Rb Hardy Hibiscus Fall Folg .Rb Hardy Hibiscus-Red Fall Folg .Rb Hardy Hibiscus Fall Folg .Rb Rose of Sharon (pink) .Rb Rose of Sharon(lavender) .Rb Chameleon Plant .Rb Big Leaf Hydrangea .Rb Big Leaf Hydrangea .Rb Big Leaf Hydrangea .Rb Big Leaf Hydrangea .Rb Big Leaf Hydrangea .Rb Big Leaf Hydrangea .Rb Creeping St. Johnswort .Rb St. Johnswort .Rb St. Johnswort .Rb St. John's Wort .VH St. John's Wort Bud&Bloom .Rb St. John's Wort BERRIES .Rb Yaupon Holly (dwarf) .Rb Yaupon Holly (dwarf) .Rb Pink Jasmine .Rb Pink Jasmine .Rb Contorted Rush .Rb Sea Green Juniper .Rb .Rb Shore Juniper .Rb Bar Harbor Juniper .Rb Crape Myrtle (lavender) .Rb Fx 209-869-8774 4 CUSTOMER NAME: ORDER RETAIL SKU # SIZE .#01 .#05 .#15 .#05 .#15 .#05 .#15 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#24 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#05X .#05 .#05X .#05 .#24 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#01X .#01 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 869-4111 BOTANICAL COMMON NAME Lager. fauriei 'Natchez' Lager. fauriei 'Natchez' Lager. fauriei 'Natchez' Lager. fauriei 'Tuscarora' Lager. fauriei 'Tuscarora' Lager. fauriei 'Zuni' Lager. fauriei 'Zuni' Lager. ind. 'Dynamite' Lager. ind. 'Petite Red' Lager. ind. 'Pink Velour' PP#10319 Lager. ind. 'Twilight' Lager. ind. 'White Chocolate' Lager. indica assorted multi Lager. x 'Coral Magic' Lantana 'New Gold' Lantana 'New Gold' Lantana mont.'Trailing White' Lantana montevidensis Lavandula inter. 'Du Provence' Lavandula inter. 'Grosso' Leptospermum scop. 'Ruby Glow' Leucophyllum frut. 'Compacta' Ligustrum jap. 'Texanum' Ligustrum jap. 'Texanum' Limonium perezii Lonicera nitida 'Lemon Beauty' Lonicera nitida 'Maigrun' Lonicera pileata Loropetalum chin. 'Majestic Purple' Loropetalum chin. 'Razzleberri' Loropetalum chin. 'Rubrum' Std Loropetalum chinensis Magnolia grand. 'St. Mary' Mahonia repens Melinus nerv. 'Pink Crystal' Miscanthus sin. 'Little Zebra' Monarda didyma 'Petite Delight' Muhlenbergia capillaris Nandina domestica Nandina domestica Nandina domestica 'Compacta' Nandina domestica 'Compacta' Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' Nandina domestica 'Moon Bay' Nepeta faaessneii 'Walker's Low' Nerium oleander 'Pink Beauty' Nerium oleander 'Red' Nerium oleander 'Sister Agnes' Nerium oleander 'Sister Agnes' Nut tree - Almond Olea eur. 'Arbequini' std Olea eur. 'Little Olle' Ophiopogon jap. 'Nana' Ophiopogon japonica Paeonia 'Edulis Superba' Paeonia 'Festiva Maxima' Paeonia 'Karl Rosenfeld' Crape Myrtle (white) Crape Myrtle (white) Crape Myrtle (white) Crape Myrtle (coral pnk) Crape Myrtle (coral pnk) Crape Myrtle (dark lav.) Crape Myrtle (dark lav.) Crape Myrtle(cherry red) Crape Myrtle (comp. red) Crape Myrtle (neon pink) Crape Myrtle (dark lav.) Crape Myrtle (white) Crape Myrtle multi Crape myrtle-Salmon Pink Lantana-spreading yellow Lantana (yellow' Lantana (white) Lantana (rosy lilac) Lavendin Lavendin New Zealand Tea Tree Texas Ranger Texas Privet Texas Privet Statice Box Honeysuckle Box Honeysuckle Privet honeysuckle Purple Fringe shrub Fringe Shrub Chinese Fringe Flower White flower form Southern Magnolia Creeping Mahonia Ruby Grass COMMENT Bud&Bloom Bud&Bloom Bud&Bloom Bud&Bloom Bud&Bloom Bud&Bloom Bee Balm, Oswego Tea Pink Muhly Plumes Heavenly Bamboo Heavenly Bamboo Compact Heavenly Bamboo Compact Heavenly Bamboo Heavenly Bamboo Heavely Bamboo-Dwarf Catmint Buds Oleander (pink) Oleander (red) Bud&Bloom Oleander (single, white) Oleander (single, white) Buds ALL IN ONE Olive Olive (dwarf, fruitless) Mondo Grass (Dwarf) Mondo Grass Peony (mauve pink) Peony (white) Peony (red) Fx 209-869-8774 *LOC .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .VH .Rb .VH .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .VH .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb 5 CUSTOMER NAME: ORDER RETAIL SKU # SIZE .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#02 .#10 .#15 .#15 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#15 .#05 .#15 .#15 .#15 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#15 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#02 .#01 .#02 .#01 .#02 .#01 .#02 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 869-4111 BOTANICAL COMMON NAME Paeonia 'Sarah Bernhardt' Peony (pink) Pandorea jasm. 'Variegata' Bower Vine (variegated) Parthenocissus tricuspidata Boston Ivy Parthenocissus tricuspidata Boston Ivy Pennisetum alo. 'Caudatum' Fountain Grass Pennisetum alo. 'Little Bunny' Fountain Grass (dwarf) Penstemon 'Firebird' Beard Tongue (red) Penstemon 'Midnight' Beard Tongue (dk purple) Perovskia atriplicifolia Russian Sage Phlox subulata 'Alba' Creeping phlox (white) Phlox subulata 'Emerald Blue' Blue Creeping Phlox Phormium 'Allison Blackman' Flax Phormium 'Pink Panther' Flax Photinia fraseri Fraser Photinia Physocarpus opuli. 'Lady in Red' Ninebark Picea conica Dwarf Alberta Spruce Picea pungens 'Globosa' Hi Graft Globosa Spruce Picea pungens 'Globosa' Hi Graft Blue Spruce Patio Pinus densiflora 'Umbraculifera' LH Tanyosho Pine Pinus thunbergii Japanese Black Pine Pittosporum 'Wheeler's Dwarf' Mock Orange (dwarf) Pittosporum 'Wheeler's Dwarf' Mock Orange (dwarf) Plumbago capensis 'Royal Cape' PP#7822 Cape Plumbago Prunus blireiana Flowering Plum Prunus cera. 'Krauter Vesuvius' Flowering Cherry Plum Prunus cera. 'Krauter Vesuvius' Flowering Cherry Plum Prunus sub. 'Pendula' Single Weeping Cherry Prunus sub. 'Snow Fountain' TM Weeping Flowering Cherry Punica granatum 'Ambrosia' Pomegranate Punica granatum 'Nana' Dwarf Pomegranate Punica granatum 'Parfianka' Pomegranate Punica granatum 'Wonderful' Pomegranate Pyracantha 'Santa Cruz' Firethorn Pyracantha 'Santa Cruz' Firethorn Pyracantha fort. 'Graberi' Std Firethorn Patio Pyracantha fort. 'Graberi' stk Firethorn Pyrus calleryana 'Jack' Ornamental Pear (Dwarf) Rhaphiolepis ind. 'Clara' Indian Hawthorn Rhaphiolepis umbellata minor Yeddo Hawthorn (dwarf) Robinia ambigua 'Purple Robe' Locust Rosa 'Carefree Spirit' Rose (red) Rosa climber 'Cecile Brunner' Rose (climbing, pink) Rosa Drift 'Coral' Rose (groundcover,coral) Rosa Drift 'Icy' Rose (groundcover,white) Rosa Drift 'Pink' Rose (groundcover, pink) Rosa Drift 'Pink' Rose (groundcover, pink) Rosa Drift 'Red' Rose (groundcover, red) Rosa Drift 'Red' Rose (groundcover, red) Rosa Drift 'Sweet' Rose(groundcover-dbl Pnk Rosa Drift 'Sweet' Rose(groundcover-dbl Pnk Rosa meideland 'Pink' Rose groundcover (pink) Rosa meideland 'Red' Rose groundcover (red) Rosa meideland 'White' Rose groundcover (white' Rosa x 'Iceberg' Rose (white) Rosa x 'Iceberg' Rose (white) Rosa x 'Livin Easy' Rosa (apricot/orange) Rosmarinus off. 'Alba' Rosmary (White Flower) Fx 209-869-8774 COMMENT Fall Folg Plumes Plumes Bud&Bloom Bud&Bloom Bud&Bloom Bud&Bloom Bud&Bloom BERRIES BERRIES BERRIES BERRIES Buds Buds Buds Buds Buds Buds Bud&Bloom Bud&Bloom Bud&Bloom *LOC .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb 6 CUSTOMER NAME: ORDER RETAIL SKU # SIZE .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#02 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#15 .#05 .#05X .#05 .#05X .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#15 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#02 .#05 .#05 .#05 .#01 .#01 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 869-4111 BOTANICAL COMMON NAME Rosmarinus off. 'Ingramii' Rosemary Rosmarinus off. 'Ingramii' Rosemary Rosmarinus off. 'Prostratus' Rosemary Rosmarinus off. 'Prostratus' Rosemary (creeping) Rosmarinus off. 'Tuscan Blue' Rosemary Rosmarinus off. 'Tuscan Blue' Rosemary Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm' Black-Eyed Susan Rudbeckia fulgida 'Little Goldstar' Dwarf Black-eyed-Susan Salvia greggii 'Flame' Autumn Sage (red) Salvia greggii 'Furman's Red' Autumn Sage Salvia greggii 'Lipstick' Autumn Sage (pink) Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' Sage (red w/white lip) Salvia nemorosa 'Snowhill' Sage (white) Salvia superba 'May Night' Sage Sarcococca ruscifolia Sweet Box Scabiosa caucasica 'Fama' Pincushion Flower Scabiosa col. 'Pink Mist' Pincushion Flower Scabiosa columbaria 'Butterfly Blue' Pincushion Flower Sedum spurium 'Dragon's Blood' Stonecrop Sequoia semp. 'Soquel' Redwood, Coast Redwood Sequoia semp. 'Soquel' Redwood, Coast Redwood Solanum rant. 'Royal Robe' Potato Bush (purple) Spiraea bumalda 'Anthony Waterer' Spiraea (dwarf, red) Spiraea bumalda 'Limemound' Spiraea (dwarf, pink) Spiraea bumalda 'White Gold' Spiraea japonica 'Magic Carpet' Japanese Spiraea (comp.) Spiraea prunifolia 'Plena' Bridal Wreath Spiraea prunifolia 'Plena' Bridal Wreath Spiraea reevesii Spiraea Spiraea reevesii Spiraea Spiraea vanhouttei Spiraea Spiraea vanhouttei Spiraea Syringa vulgaris Common Lilac Syringa x 'Bloomerang' PP20575 Lilac (repeat bloomer) Taxus baccata 'Stricta' Irish Yew Teucrium chamaedrys Germander Teucrium cossoni majoricum Prostrate Germander Teucrium frut. 'Azurea' Bush Germander Teucrium frut. 'Azurea' Bush Germander Thymus praecox 'Elfin' Creeping Thyme Trachaelosperum 'Summer Sunset' Stk Asian Jasmine-variegated Trachelospermum jasminoides Star Jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides stk Star Jasmine (staked) Trachelospermum jasminoides stk Star Jasmine (staked) Tulbaghia violacea 'Silver Lace' Society Garlic (vari.) Veronica 'Waterperry' Speedwell Veronica spicata 'Royal Candles' Speedwell Viburnum davidii David Viburnum Viburnum plicatum 'Summer Snowflake' Japanese Snowball Viburnum tinus 'Compacta' Spring bouquet viburnum Vinca minor 'Bowles Mauve' Dwarf Periwinkle Vinca minor 'Variegata' Dwarf Periwinkle Wisteria sinensis Chinese Wisteria Wisteria sinensis 'Cooke's Purple' Chinese Wisteria Xylosma congestum Shiny Xylosma Xylosma congestum Shiny Xylosma Xylosma congestum 'Compacta' Shiny Xylosma Fx 209-869-8774 COMMENT Bud&Bloom Buds Bud&Bloom Bud&Bloom Buds Bud&Bloom Bud&Bloom Buds FEW FEW Bud&Bloom Bud&Bloom Bud&Bloom *LOC .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .VH .Rb .VH .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb 7 CUSTOMER NAME: ORDER RETAIL SKU # SIZE .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 .#05 .#01 . . . . . . Ph 869-4111 BOTANICAL COMMON NAME Xylosma congestum 'Compacta' Yucca fil. 'Bright Edge' Yucca fil. 'Bright Edge' Yucca fil. 'Color Guard' Yucca gloriosa 'Bright Star' Zephyranthes candida Shiny Xylosma Variegated Adams Needle Varieg. Adam's Needle Spanish Dagger Zephyr Flower,Fairy Lily Fx 209-869-8774 COMMENT *LOC .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb .Rb 8
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