PA€TORALSTAI'F. . Pastor :,.,,', . ; Rev. Msgr.,P-atrick Cronin Deacsns ffiffi a€#il3,# ' r-. ?893 North Grissom Rd., $anAntohlo, Terce?8251 Parish Office: 681 -8330 . ReligiousEducation: 681-5063 ftx:1i81.22g0 11y]frineeo Robert Correa, Eddie Limas, Art Marin, Tlm McCarthy, Pino Sanabria :, :. : Gloria Cortinaz Parish Administrator Ministry Coordinator Deacon Leonard Cortinaz Baptism Preparation Coordinator Robert Rosales , ' PatMathews Bookkeeper ,i I , DianaBaiza Parish Secretary Secretary/Receptionist RE Elementary Coordinator {K. 5) Josie Castillo . .Ernie,Castillo RE fliddlelHigh School Coordinator ' ,. , , RosemaryHernandez Religious Education Assistant RCIA Coordinator Christina Torres , , Religious.EducationSecretarl,' r , ., , BarlaraForde Youth Group Coordinator Cesar & Maria Abinsay Kidls Day0ut.flrogram DiGctor., : ", ., Beckie Raymond, Maintenanse , .Jose Rui4 earbsMusic, Sean Magee , ,. , , BGLLETIN DEADUNE Mondaynoon. (Notices io be lypedlpnnted clg3{yhand-written,) , SACRAMENTS RECONCILIATION Saturday, 3:00-4:30 p.m. or by appointment. MARRIAGE Call Fr. Patrick Cronin al, the Perish 'Office at least 6 months before the desired date:for an app€intment to make anangements. Attendance at preparatory programs is : required. PARfSH,OFFIeEggffig:rrl Monday tlrough Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. Sundays of R.E. Classes 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. .: i' 't::'' ' ','R:f.,,OFF|CE l:: :r " HCI{IRIS " . 'I , Weekdays - (August -.ivlay) ,r, :'rii . 8:30 a.m. R. E. Offtce closed ftidag ^ (September - MaA) 4:00 Saturday - (August - lvlay) Sunday - {August - May) ?:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and 5:O0 Monday - Friday (June & July) 8;30 a.m. , to 5:00 p:m, to 5:00 p;m. to 7:00 p.m, to 5:00 p,m. LITURGY Saturday 5:OO p.m. $unday 8:30 and 10f0 a.m. and 12:30 and 7:00 p.m. Daily 8:15 a.m. BAPTISfiS Please call the Parish Office for an appointment with a parish representative who will assist you with the necessary paperworkfor the baptism and registeryou for the baptism classes. Parents and godparents must attend two baptism preparation classes. Classes are held the 1 " and 2"d Monday evenings of each month andyou must pre-register forthe classes. Baptisms canbe scheduled ONLYAFTER completion of the two baptism classes and submission of required documefrts to_the Parish Of$ce, : NURSEFilf is available during all the Sunday liturgies in Rm. 103 of the Learning Center. DEBilT {Quinceafreras) Call Fr. Patrick Cronin at the Office. NEW PARISI.IIONERS 1--F4R changing your address, please inform the Parish Office. :'. i l :i Welcome to Prince of Peace Parish. Please register at the Parish Office. Also, when moving out of the parish or HoIg Dags see inside bulletin. Parish ;i ..! PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Readings for Week of Nov. 9, 2014 to Nov. 16, 2014 SUNDAY: Ez 47:1–2, 8–9, 12; 1 Cor 3:9–11, 16–17; Jn 2:13–22 MONDAY: Ti 1:1–9; Lk 17:1–6 TUESDAY: Ti 2:1–8, 11–14; Lk 17:7–10 WEDNESDAY: Ti 3:1–7; Lk 17:11–19 THURSDAY: Phlm 7–20; Lk 17:20–25 FRIDAY: 2 Jn 4–9; Lk 17:26–37 SATURDAY: 3 Jn 5–8; Lk 18:1–8 SUNDAY: Prv 31:10–13, 19–20, 30–31; 1 Thes 5:1–6, Mt 25:14–30 NOVEMBER 8, SATURDAY 5:00 p.m. In Thanksgiving for St. Jude – Dorothy Kirchner NOVEMBER 9, SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. †Cameron Edmonson – Smith & Edmonson Family People of the Parish 10:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. †Bob Burch – His Wife 7:00 p.m. †David Rodriguez – Rodriguez Family NOVEMBER 10, MONDAY 8:15 a.m. †Maria Elena C. Covarrubias – Her Family NOVEMBER 11, TUESDAY November 9, 2014 NOVEMBER 9, SUNDAY RE CLASSES YG Family Night Ticket Sale Outside After all Masses NOVEMBER 10, MONDAY Adoration/Blessed Sacrament Chapel 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Spanish Bible Rm 105 10:00 a.m. Arts & Crafts Group House 1:00 p.m. Charismatic Prayer Port 1 & 2 6:45 p.m. Divine Mercy Rm 101-102 7:00 p.m. Baptism Class Hall 7:00 p.m. Columbian Squires Port 4 7:00 p.m. Squire Roses Port 3 7:00 p.m. 2nd Grade Student’s Recon. Service Church 7:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 11, TUESDAY Adoration/Blessed Sacrament KDO ACTS Bible Study KC Officers Meeting Boy Scouts Rosary Guild Rosary Prayer Grp Youth Group Theology of the Body Chapel 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Hall/Clsrms 9 am – 2:30 pm Hall 6:45 p.m. Rm 105 7:00 p.m. Port 3 & 4 7:00 p.m. Rm 101-102 7:00 p.m. Wkrm 7:00 p.m. Port 1 & 2 7:00 p.m. Various 7:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 12, WEDNESDAY Adoration/Blessed Sacrament Chapel 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Pro Life Rosary Prayer Group Church 9 a.m. –10:00 a.m. MDO Hall/Clsrms 9 a.m. – 2:30 pm RCIA Hall/Clsrms 7:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 13, THURSDAY 8:15 a.m. COMMUNION SERVICE NOVEMBER 13, THURSDAY Adoration/Blessed Sacrament Chapel KDO Hall/Clsrms Cub Scouts Various Women’s Sunday Scripture Port 3 KC Admissions Port 4 Young Adult Ministry Port 1 Choir (8:30 & 10:30) Church NOVEMBER 14, FRIDAY 8:15 a.m. †Deceased Members of Flores & Vela Families – Their Sons NOVEMBER 14, FRIDAY Adoration/Blessed Sacrament Prayer Group Covenant of Love Chapel 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Rm 101-102 7:00 p.m. Hall 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 15, SATURDAY Men’s Bible Study RE CLASSES Seniors Thanksgiving Dinner Arts & Crafts Raffle Ticket Sale Rm 101/102 7:30 a.m. Hall/Clsrms 4:30 p.m. Hall After 5 p.m. Mass Outside After 5 p.m. Mass YG Family Night Under the Stars CYO Field 8:15 a.m. †Michael Ward – His Wife NOVEMBER 12 , WEDNESDAY 8:15 a.m. †Piola Chavis – Charles & Irma Anderson NOVEMBER 15, SATURDAY 5:00 p.m. In Thanksgiving for St. Anthony de Padua – Dorothy Kirchner NOVEMBER 16, SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. †Maria Guadalupe Mendoza – Her Family 10:30 a.m. †Ernest Saldivar – Knights of Columbus Council 7983 12:30 p.m. People of the Parish 7:00 p.m. †Andres Ramos – Tovar Family 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 9 am – 2:30 pm 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6:30 pm ̶ 9:00 pm NOVEMBER 16, SUNDAY RE CLASSES Arts & Crafts Raffle Ticket Sale Outside After Morning Masses Baptisms Church 2:00 p.m. THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA A THOUGHT FOR TODAY A Healing Community The readings today are taken from Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Psalm 46; 1 Corinthians 3:9-11, 16-17; John 2:1322. One of the marks of the Catholic Church is its unity. We are one throughout the entire world. Union, or communion, is the deepest vocation of the Church. Our celebration of the dedication of a church in Rome is really a celebration of who we are as a Church throughout the world. Today we are asked to look deeply into the heart and soul of our Catholic Church --to rejoice in what we see, and to rededicate ourselves to the Church’s primary mission -- to bring all into oneness. One result of oneness is healing. When people come together in love whether in friendship or marriage, family or community, or any other genuine gathering of people, one of the effects is healing. We are not meant to live our lives in splendid isolation. We were created by God in such a way that we seek the companionship of other people. And when that fellowship with others is filled with love, then healing follows. You and I have been given the gift of the community we call Church. All too often we forget what a tremendous and life-giving gift this really is. We are the People of God, held together by our belief in Jesus Christ, and we carry a pledge to love one another as Jesus loved us. That is the truth to which we must cling. Let us not focus on what has gone wrong with the Church. That only puts us into the pit. We, of course, need to be aware of those areas where we can move forward, but to simply plant our minds and hearts in the negative aspects of our community will surely just drag us down. As God’s people, we need to rejoice in the reality that we are loved by God and called by this loving God into a loving community. That’s where we need to place our energy and our focus. NOVEMBER 11, 2014 “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friend.” John 15:13 Thank you for your service REMEMBER Those Who Have Gone Before Us Catholics have long seen November as a time for remembering the communion of saints and praying for all the souls who have gone before us. A "Book of Remembrance" will be on a podium by the votive lights where you may write the names of our faithful departed to be especially remembered in the Liturgies during the month of November. SPONSOR A FAMILY FOR THANKSGIVING AND/OR CHRISTMAS The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry will be registering families for the Thanksgiving and Christmas programs during the month of October. In the past, we have been contacted by businesses that wish to sponsor families for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. If your business or your place of employment or your co-workers wish to sponsor a family for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas, please contact Ramiro García at, Arnold Treviño at, or María Treviño at Past sponsors have provided Bill Miller gift cards, HEB gift cards, or Walmart gift cards for Thanksgiving. For Christmas, past sponsors have either purchased gifts or gift cards for the children in the family. Gifts or gift cards can be dropped off at the parish office Monday-Friday 9a.m.-4:30pm. Thank you in advance for your sponsorship and the blessings that you will provide to needy families in our parish boundaries. EARLY BIRD MEN’S PRAYER GROUP The New 2015 St. Joseph Sunday Missal will be available in the parish office. The cost is $4.00 each. Men of the parish and their friends are welcome to join us for fellowship and Bible Study early Saturday mornings at 6:00 a.m. at Rita’s Restaurant, 6406 Bandera Rd. For more information, please contact Adam Fasen PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS FAITH SHARING Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome God with Us INVITATION TO PRAY Pause for a few moments of silence and enter more deeply into the presence of God. Song: "Gather Us In," Marty Haugen, GIA Proclaim the Gospel of John 2:13- 22 Temple of God As you listen to the gospel be attentive to a word, a phrase, a question, an image, or a feeling that emerges. Reflect on this quietly or share it aloud. (The other readings for this week are: Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Psalm 46; and 1 Corinthians 3:911, 16-17.) INVITATION TO REFLECT This year we find that the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome takes precedence over the celebration of Sunday in Ordinary Time. The dedication of the Basilica as the first Church of Christianity commemorates the freedom that we experience to worship God as members of the universal Christian Community. In today’s gospel, we hear the account of how Jesus cleanses the Temple area of animals intended for sacrifice and overturned the moneychangers' tables. These people performed useful functions so that pilgrims could prepare for worship, by this "sign," however, Jesus points to the changes in worship of God in the final age (see Zechariah 14:20-21). The Jewish leaders do not understand the meaning of Jesus' words or the relationship between him and his Father. Nor do they understand that the cleansing of the temple is necessary for Jesus' proclamation of God's reign to be instilled in their hearts. Today’s readings help us to recognize that as members of the universal church, we are temples of God. In Corinthians, Paul tells us that as temples we are holy. The Holy Spirit, the manifestation of the mutual love between Father and Son moves through us, cleanses us, and flows into our relationships with people and all of creation. As long as we remain in God, we are refreshed and we become the fountain of living water for others. Living water, as our first reading from Ezekiel tells us, can provide others with the opportunity to grow and prosper in God’s love. Love calls for peace and is compassionate in reaching out to those in need. Love helps us reverence and grow in understanding of those who are different from us. It is the action of the Spirit that allows us to exemplify Trinitarian love and truly be the Church that we celebrate today. INVITATION TO GROUP SHARING 1. How do I see myself as a member of the universal Church? 2. Where do I need to be refreshed? November 9, 2014 3. Spend time in prayer, praying for the conversion of those whose hearts may be hardened by life’s experiences and who may be closed to those who are able to help them. CLOSING INVITATION TO PRAY Give thanks to God (aloud or silently) for new insights, for desires awakened, for directions clarified, for the gift of one another’s openness and sensitivity. Pray together the following prayer: Loving God, Holy Trinity, you have blessed us abundantly with the living water of faith. For this gift we are grateful. We pray that we will always be open to receive the love that you pour out through us. We pray that our response as a community – as church – will be one of loving service to our neighbors, particularly to those in need. Amen. Let each person express what he/she is especially appreciative of from the experience of this small community. Allow a few minutes beforehand. I am grateful for …….. Together we pray: It is a time of rejoicing when we come together. It is a time of sadness when we leave. But we leave not alone but carrying with us the gifts we have received from this group. We carry with us the ever-strengthening presence of the Holy Spirit who will guide us and support us as we live out our beliefs. This we know because of the faith Jesus has given us. This we know because we are baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. (Copyright @ 2003 by Renew International) ************************************************** Family Night Under the Stars Please join the Prince of Peace community for a night of fun and fellowship on November 15, from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM on the CYO fields behind the church. There will be live music, food, and games for all ages. Tickets are $2.00 if purchased before the event and $3.00 the night of the event. Children 5 and under are free. Proceeds benefit Prince of Peace ministries and the Steubenville South Youth Conference trip. For more information, please contact Mel Blankenship or Therese Blankenship at Thank you for your support. THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA The Arts & Crafts Group will be selling raffle tickets for a queen size quilt and other items the next two weekends after all Masses. The annual fall and Christmas sale will be held in the parish hall after all Masses on Saturday, November 29th and Sunday, November 30th. ATTENTION All Seniors (55+): Come enjoy a Thanksgiving Dinner hosted by the Prince of Peace Ladies Auxiliary. Dinner will be served after the 5 p.m. Mass on Saturday, November 15th, in the Parish Hall. Please sign up on the board located in the main entryway of the church so that we can have an accurate estimate of guests. We hope to see you there! As always, donations of food and time are greatly appreciated. Covenant of Love Date Night – Marriage Enrichment Program We would like to invite married and engaged couples to an evening of marriage enrichment and education in the parish hall on Friday, November 14th from 7 pm – 9 pm. Doors open at 6:30 pm. This month’s Covenant of Love Date Night program will be "Priorities in Marriage". The DATE NIGHT is a monthly gathering of married and engaged couples. It’s a fun opportunity to meet other couples, learn about God’s plan for marriage and spend quality time with the one you love. Each month is an independent event, so please join us even if you haven’t been able to attend in the past. Dinner and refreshments are provided, plus it’s free. Childcare is available on a limited basis. We hope to see you there. Please RSVP to Gil and Diana Montemayor or email Knights of Columbus Teddy Bear for Kids Christmas Dance December 6, 2014 Las Fuentes Banquet Hall at Cordi-Marian 11624 W. Culebra, San Antonio, TX 78253 7:30 pm to 12:30 am Dress - Semi Formal - BYOB Tickets $21.00 Credit Card Accepted Music By: Jesse D & The Mix For Info & Tickets Please Call 210-386-6454. CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP invites everyone to join us for prayer, praise and powerful testimony to God’s greatness and love. All meetings will begin at 6:45 p.m. on Mondays in the portable classrooms. Bring your Bible and a grateful heart to these exciting talks. Babysitting is available upon prior request. For more information, please contact Gracie Fuentes The new phone number for the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry is 210-462-9388. The SVdP Food Pantry is open on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:15 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. to provide assistance to needy families. If you know of persons in need of assistance, please have them contact the pantry on days we are open or leave a voicemail and someone will return their call as soon as possible. A picture I.D. and proof of residence at current address is required. ************************************************** On behalf of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, we wish to thank all parishioners who donate clothing to the Food Pantry. This is a kind reminder that we only accept gently used clothing and nothing else – no furniture, no computer equipment, etc. Thank you for your support and prayers. MEN’S PRAYER GROUP All men are invited for fellowship and Bible Study on Saturday mornings at 7:30 a.m. in rooms 101/102 at Prince of Peace. For more information, please contact Tim McCarthy or Gilbert Montemayor PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC CHURCH BAPTISMAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Only a Catholic parent or legal guardian can request baptism for a child. Requestor must be a registered member of Prince of Peace Catholic Church and agree to these requirements. 2. If one of the parents is not Catholic, he/she must agree to a Catholic upbringing of the child. 3. Parents and Godparents must attend two baptismal preparation classes prior to having the child baptized. Classes are held every 1st and 2nd Monday evening of each month and you must pre-register for class. Please call the parish office for an appointment with a parish representative who will register you for class and assist you with paperwork. If Baptism is to take place at another parish, ask (no later than by the end of the second class) for a letter certifying your attendance. 4. A copy of the child’s State Birth Certificate must be provided before Baptism can be performed. 5. The child’s Catholic parents are expected to provide a sound Catholic upbringing for the child. 6. At least one Catholic Godparent is required and no more than two (one male and one female) are permitted . The Catholic sponsor(s) will be registered as Godparent(s). A non-Catholic cannot be recognized as a Godparent and will be registered as a Witness. Godparent(s) must be at least 16 years of age; member(s) in good standing of the Catholic Church; lead a life of faith; have received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist (Communion); and not be the child’s parents. If married, married through the Catholic Church. 7. A Letter of Permission from the Godparent(s) Church-of-record is required prior to Baptism for proposed Godparent(s) not registered at Prince of Peace Catholic Church. Certificates of class attendance at their church is acceptable in lieu of attending classes at Prince of Peace. 8. If parents are not married through the Catholic church, we suggest you make an appointment with the Pastor to discuss possible church options. 9. A scheduled date for Baptism cannot be set until all paperwork is completed and in the parish office. Please make sure that your selected date is confirmed with the parish office before planning any special festivities. November 9, 2014 Parish Book of Intercessions We have a Parish Book of Intercessions located on the Oblation Table at the entrance of the Church. You may write in the names of those who are sick. This book will be brought forward during the Presentation of the Gifts to be placed by the Altar. This week we especially pray for: Edward Arispe Dan Aguilar Juanita Byrd Bobby Delbridge Felix Garcia Celso Hernandez Robert Macias Diana Prescott Ora Ramirez Bill Tyler Olga Aguilar Rosalie Barber Gia Crabtree Camille Garcia Leo Gonzalez Marta Hernandez Liz Mock Charles Porter Delia Rose Names will remain in the bulletin for one month. Sanctuary and Adoration Candles Week of November 9 to November 15, 2014 In Loving Memory of Cameron Edmonson His Mom Deceased Member of The Michle Family Mary Michle For the Health of Hildegardo Zamarripa, Jr. His Sister The Sanctuary and two Adoration Candles may be sponsored for the deceased or for a special intention which will be printed in the church bulletin every week. An offering of $10 is requested for one week. Please come by the parish office during working hours to make arrangements. THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA PASTORAL CARE “Is There Anyone Among You Who is Sick?” (James 5:14) If you know of anyone who is sick and/or homebound and would like the Eucharist brought to them, please call the parish office at 681-8330. THE DIVINE MERCY PRAYER GROUP is a Roman Catholic lay outreach ministry which professes and proclaims the truth of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist. This Prayer Group meets every Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. in rooms 101-102. For more information, please contact Jovita . Jesus, I Trust in You ARE YOU A REGISTERED PARISHIONER? If you are attending and supporting Prince of Peace Parish on a regular basis, we ask that you please use the envelopes that are sent to you each month. This makes it easier for us to credit your contribution to your account. If you are not receiving these envelopes or other mailings, and have not filled out a registration form within the last two months, then you are not formally registered in our parish. The fact that you’ve been "coming for years" is not the same as being registered. In order to be a registered parish family, you must fill out a Parish Registration Form. This form can be picked up at the parish office during regular office hours, Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. We wish to thank everyone for their cooperation.
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