DIOCESE OF CHARLESTON Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church 1100 8th Avenue N., N. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29582 DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA November 9, 2014 Rev. D. Anthony Droze Pastor Rev. Michael P. Cassabon Parochial Vicar Rev. José O. Cheverria Jimenez Parochial Vicar Hispanic Ministry Sr. Glafira G. Ortega HCJS Deacons Robert J. Tyson Andrew F. Stoshak Richard M. Flenke Peter M. Casamento Masses Sunday Vigil (Saturday) 5:00 PM Sunday - 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 Noon Misa en Español 1:30 PM Signing for the Deaf 4th Sunday 10:00 AM Daily: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM 1st Saturday 8:00 AM Confessions Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 PM Parish Office Phone: 843-249-2356 Fax: 843-249-8514 Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Friday 8:30 AM - 12:00 Noon Website: www.olssnmb.com E-Mail: olss@sc.rr.com A Ministry of Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Sheila Durante, Principal 843-390-4108 web: www.htcatholicschoolmyrtlebeach.com e-mail: htcs@sccoast.net Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church Rev. D. Anthony Droze PRAYER AND WORSHIP Pastor 843-249-2356 Ext. 17 Rev. Michael P. Cassabon Parochial Vicar 843-249-2356 Ext 23 Rev. J. Orlando Cheverria Jimenez Parochial Vicar 843-249-2356 Ext. 29 Hispanic Ministry Sr. Glafira G. Ortega HCJS 843-249-2356 Ext.29 OLSS Outreach Ministry 843-249-2356 Ext. 13 olssoutreach@yahoo.com Catholic Charities 855-377-1357 Administrative Offices Business Manager Linda Britzke 843-249-2356 Ext. 10 lindaolss@sc.rr.com Director of Music Ministry Deb Main 843-249-2356 debrasmain@gmail.com Co-Directors of Religious Education Charlotte Watkins Angel Roesch Hairston 843-249-2356 Ext. 22 charlotteolss@sc.rr.com ahairstonhtcs@gmail.com Director of Youth Ministry Cindy McCloskey 843-249-2356 Ext. 25 olssyouth@yahoo.com Faith Formation Ministry Dorothy Foss, Chairperson 843-249-5261 dtfoss@aol.com Director of Maintenance Steve Speedling 843-249-2356 Ext. 12 steveolss@sc.rr.com Office Staff Rosie Plank 843-249-2356 Ext. 11 rosieolss@sc.rr.com Vicki McCambley 843-249-2356 Ext. 24 vickiolss@sc.rr.com Lucy Garcia 843-249-2356 Ext. 27 lucygolss@yahoo.com MASS INTENTIONS November 8, 2014 through November 16, 2014 Sat. 11/08 5:00 PM Sun. 11/09 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 N 1:30 PM Mon. 11/10 8:00 AM Tue. 11/11 8:00 AM Wed.11/12 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 6:00 PM Thu. 11/13 8:00 AM Fri. 11/14 8:00 AM 6:00 PM Sat. 11/15 5:00 PM Sun. 11/16 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 N 1:30 PM Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 All Souls In Purgatory Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 All Souls In Purgatory Pro Populo (for the People of the Parish) All Souls In Purgatory Para Todas Las Almas Del Purgatorio Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24; Lk 17:1-6 All Souls In Purgatory Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37; Lk 17:7-10 All Souls In Purgatory Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23; Lk 17:11-19 All Souls In Purgatory All Souls In Purgatory @ Holy Trinity All Souls In Purgatory @ Church of Resurrection Phlm 7-20; Ps 146; Lk 17:20-25 All Souls In Purgatory 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119; Lk 17:26-37 All Souls In Purgatory All Souls In Purgatory @ Church of Resurrection Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31;1 Thes 5:1-6;Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 All Souls In Purgatory Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31;1 Thes 5:1-6;Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 All Souls In Purgatory Pro Populo (for the People of the Parish) All Souls In Purgatory Para Todas Las Almas Del Purgatorio SANCTUARY LAMP INTENTION The sanctuary lamp will burn in memory of Matthew Damato from Joyce & Len Recchia. FLOWER INTENTION If you would like to give an arrangement in Honor or in Memory of a loved one or for a Special Intention, please call the Church Office. Each arrangement is $40.00. RECENTLY DECEASED Kindly pray for the repose of the souls of our recently deceased parishioners and all who grieve. IN HONOR OF OUR DECEASED LOVED ONES During the month of November, we pray for the Faithful Departed, especially remembering those who may not have anyone to pray for them. As is our custom, a special book will be placed in the Holy Family Alcove where you may record the names of your own departed loved ones. They will be remembered in special prayers until Advent. Please remember to write your deceased loved ones name on the All Souls Envelope as they will be remembered during the month. Also, the names of parishioners who died during the past year will be displayed in the Holy Family Alcove. The Dedication Of The Lateran Basilica PRAYER AND WORSHIP ST. GERTRUDE PRAYER CELEBRATING THE EUCHARIST "Eternal Father, I offer thee the most precious blood of thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen." DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET The Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited Monday through Friday after the 8:00 AM Mass. The Chaplet is recited in the cry room. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Adoration is held every Friday after the 8AM Mass until 4:30 PM followed by Benediction. Marian Movement - Cenacle following Divine Mercy every Wednesday in the Cry Room. The Order of Worship begins at # 166 Gathering: All Are Welcome # 850 Gloria Psalm : The Waters of the River (Sheet) Readings begin at # 1211 Gospel Acclamation: # 537 Creed: #174 & also on inside front cover Gifts: Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation # 745 Holy, Holy, Holy - Community Mass # 370 Memorial Acclamation # 373 Amen # 372 Agnus Dei: # 313B Latin Chant Communion: Litany of the Saints Recessional: City of God # 766 CHRISTIAN FORMATION FaithFormation Announcing our ADVENT SERIES "PONDERING THE WORD BECOMING FLESH" Presenter: Father Michael Cassabon Place and Time: Parish Hall -- 9:30 am to 11:30 am Dates: Dec. 2 - Advent I: The Promises of Our Father Dec. 9 - Advent II: The Pondering of A Mother's Heart Dec. 16 - Advent III: Awaiting the Glory proclaimed by Angels Please call Vicki at the Church Office to register at 843-249-2356. Any questions, you may call Dotty Foss at 843-249-5261. “Men's Spirituality Gathering” for Our Lady Star of the Sea. Men, kindly join us for a positive way to kick start the weekend with light refreshments, HIS gospel words, discussions and fellowship. Free readings sent to your email or at table. Please leave name and email or phone. Friday, November 14th, at 9:30 - 11:00AM Parish Hall, Room D. NO OTHER MEETINGS UNTIL 2015. Respectfully, Henry Karasch, 910 579-3127, or email at henry@karasch.com OLSS SPIRITUAL BOOK CLUB The Book Club meets the fourth Wednesday of each month from 9-11:30 am [Exceptions will be announced as they occur]. For your convenience, books will be available for purchase in the Parish gift shop. THE FALL SCHEDULE November: No meeting this month December 10: The Reed of God - Caryll Houslander For questions: call Kim Balbach 1-910-579-1706 or email me at cumi@atmc.net subject line: book club Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church CHRISTIAN FORMATION HOLYTRINITYCATHOLICSCHOOL A Ministry of Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish BISHOP’S TASK FORCE ON CATHOLIC EDUCATION DIOCESE PLANNING TO REVITALIZE AND STRENGTHEN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS The Diocese of Charleston has begun a comprehensive strategic planning process to revitalize and strengthen Catholic schools across the diocese. This Strategic Growth Plan will be centered around four planning areas: 1. Mission and Catholic Identity; 2. Academic Excellence; 3. Governance and Leadership; and 4. Operational Vitality. Guiding the effort is a Steering Committee appointed by Bishop Guglielmone. Sandra Leatherwood, Diocesan Director of Catholic Education, is serving as the coordinator of the effort. The facilitators of the process are Dr. Regina Haney from NCEA and Dr. Erik Goldschmidt and Frank Donaldson from the Institute of School and Parish Development (ISPD). The process will produce standards and recommendations to ensure a vibrant future for our schools. One of the main initiatives of this process will be to seek input from Catholic school stakeholders throughout the diocese. This began on October 16, 2014 with an all-day input session with Principals and Pastors. This will continue with input/listening sessions in November throughout the diocese. Core Teams populated with representatives of the diocese will be formed in each of the four planning areas. A diocesan-wide Congress will be held in June 2015; and, the final Plan will be presented to the Bishop in August 2015. Implementation will begin in September 2015. In the beginning months of the process, the facilitators would like to hear from teachers, administrators, parents, pastors, parishioners, and other stakeholders in Catholic school education. Input sessions will be scheduled throughout the state. The input session for the Deanery to which Our Lady Star of the Sea belongs, will be on Monday, November 17th in the Banquet Hall of Our Lady Star of the Sea parish center. There are three sessions scheduled: 9:00am to 10:30am, 4:00pm to 5:30pm and 6:00pm to 7:30pm. Your input is essential so please plan on attending one of the above sessions! VETERANS’ DAY Holy Trinity Catholic School students invite you to attend their annual Veterans’ Day Program which will be held in the School Hall on Tuesday, November 11th at 1:00pm. The students are hoping that many Veterans from our parish will be able to attend. SCHOOL BOARD AND COMMITTEES A search is now in process for qualified persons to serve on the Holy Trinity Catholic School Board and its committees. If you have an expertise in any of the following areas and would like to be interviewed for the openings now available, please call Ms. Sheila Durante, Principal, at 843-390-4108 before November 17th. The areas are: Mission/Education, Marketing, Financial Planning and Management, Development and Facilities. Correction to the Holy Trinity Catholic School Memorial Gifts: Mr. & Mrs. Robert Teed (in memory of Richard Joseph Daley) OLSS YOUTH GROUP Wednesday from 7:00 PM- 8:30PM All high school students are welcome. VIRTUS ”PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN” The Diocese of Charleston and Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church are committed to ensuring the safety of all children and vulnerable adults. All priests, deacons, sisters, staff members, and all volunteers who have any contact whatsoever with children and other vulnerable persons are required to be trained through VIRTUS in how to provide a safe environment. These same people receive background screenings in addition to education on how to make the safest environment possible. Diocesan Office of Child Protection Service: (843) 853-2130, Ext. 209 Diocesan Victim Assistance: (800) 921-8122 OLSS Safe Environment Coordinator:249-2356. The Dedication Of The Lateran Basilica CHRISTIAN FORMATION Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church COMMUNITY BUILDING THIS WEEK Mon. Nov. 10 Legion of Mary 9:00 - 10:00AM Board Games & Cards 12:00 Noon - 4:00 PM Charismatic Community 6:00 - 8:00 PM Hispanic AA Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous 8:00 - 9:00 PM Tue. Nov. 11 RCIA 7:00 - 9:00 PM Hispanic AA Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 PM Hispanic Al - Anon Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 PM Wed. Nov. 12 Quilters 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Caregivers Support Group 2:00 - 3:30PM CCD 6:00 - 7:15 PM K of C 7:00 - 9:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous 8:00 - 9:00 PM Thur. Nov. 13 Catholic Scripture Study 9:30 - 11:30 AM AA Meeting 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM OLSS Community Kitchen 4:30 - 6:00 PM Cantor Rehearsal 5:00 - 5:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 5:30 - 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 6:00 - 7:30 PM Fri. Nov. 14 Eucharistic Adoration 8:30 AM - 4:30 Men’s Spirituality Group 9:30 - 11:00 AM Church Office Closes at Noon Benediction 4:30 - 5:00 PM Sat. Nov. 15 Church Cleaners - between 6:30 -10:00 AM AA Meeting 8:30 - 10:00 Sun Nov. 16 CCD 3 - 4 year olds 10:00 - 11:00 AM Narcotics Anonymous 6:00 - 7:00 PM Welcome the Visiting Madonna While we are encouraged to embrace Jesus’ cross, perhaps the next best thing we can do as the faithful is to turn to the Blessed Mother for guidance…”Blessed Mother, please help me.” As human beings, we can’t do everything. But the Blessed Mother can go to her Son Jesus and do wonders. The Knights of Columbus are offering intimate prayer devotions in your own homes to all parishioners so that every family may experience visitation for one week from our Visiting Madonna. Families will begin to experience a sense of peace, quiet and reflection while saying the Rosary as a family with Our Lady. The family that prays together stays together. If you are interested in participating in welcoming the Visiting Madonna or need further details, please call Sam Konrad at (843) 399-7003 or email him at skonrad1@sccoast.net. VETERANS DAY SERVICE North Myrtle Beach Memorial Gardens: The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post # 10804 The American Legion Post # 186 The Ladies Auxiliary in North Myrtle Beach Our Lady Star of The Sea # 2431 4th Degree Knights of Columbus Grand Strand Blue Star Mothers will host a Veterans Day Service Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at North Myrtle Beach Memorial Gardens, located at the corner of Hwys. 9, 90, 17 and Nixons Crossroads, North Myrtle Beach. Entertainment will be provided by the following: Myrtle Beach Regional Pipe Band The North Myrtle Beach High School R.O.T.C. Entertainment will begin at 10:30 AM Service will begin at 11:00 AM The Public is invited to attend. North Myrtle Beach Memorial Gardens Allisun Hendrick 843-249-2932 22 INCH CHRISTMAS WREATH $23.00 All net proceeds to Veterans Welcome Home & Resource Center, Little River, SC. Sponsored by K of C Assembly 2431, North Myrtle Beach, SC. Orders will be taken in the Ticket office in the Parish Center after all masses this weekend. This will be the last opportunity to order a wreath. THRIFT STORE PARTNERSHIP Remember to bring your new and/or gently used items to the rear of the parish center on Thursday mornings from 9AM-11AM for pickup by BloomingDeals. For large items, call the church office and arrangements will be made for their pickup from your home. Your continuing support of this successful fundraiser is very much appreciated. NOTE TO ALL SUNDAY LECTORS Your new Sunday's Word book which begins November 29/30, 2014 has arrived. It is available for pick up at the church office. Thank you, Joanne and Joe Morrone. Ushers are needed for the 12:00 Noon Mass on Sundays. Also needed is someone to act as Head Usher for that mass. If interested, please call Tim Dugan at 399-0029. Thank you. The Dedication Of The Lateran Basilica SOCIAL OUTREACH THANKSGIVING MEAL Our Annual Thanksgiving Meal will be on Thursday, November 27. The doors to the Banquet Hall will open at 12:30 PM and dinner will be served at 1:30 PM. In order to attend the meal, you will need a ticket. Tickets will be limited and can be picked up at the Parish Center Ticket Office located directly across from the Library. Tickets will be available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 AM until 12 Noon until Monday, November 17th . If you would like to donate a turkey breast or simply make a monetary donation., please contact Betty at Bettysakers@gmail.com or Linda at 843-575-9068 or email at linsc03@yahoo.com. Thank you and may God continue to bless you. OLSS LIFE CHANGING MINISTRY Please Take Me Shopping With You Your Help Is A Blessing To Those In Need Rice A Roni/Zataran’s Yams Can Tomato Prod. Can Vegetables Pumpkin/Pie Filling Pancake Mix/Syrup Box Mashed Potato Can Chicken Baked Beans Hamburger Helper Gravy / Stuffing Can Fruit Tuna / Spam Can Potatoes Peanut Butter/Jelly Sugar / Flour Cranberry Sauce Grits / Rice Saltine Crackers 10-12lb. Turkey WHOLE TURKEYS Box Cereal FOR FAMILY DISTIRBUTION. “For I was Hungry and you gave me food…” OLSS OUTREACH MINISTRY Thank you for your continued financial support and your food donations each week. Your generosity is helping to support the Community Kitchen, that serves hot meals to 35-60 people every Thursday, as well as 3035 families at our Life Changing Ministry food distribution program every two weeks. Your contributions are our only means of support for this growing need in our community. Please continue to drop off food in the narthex or the church office. All donations are greatly appreciated. COMMUNITY BUILDING GRAND STRAND CITIZENS FOR LIFE CHRISTMAS PARTY Friday December 5, 2014 Johnny D’s Restaurant, Myrtle Beach GSCL members and friends of Life are invited to the Grand Strand Citizens for Life Christmas party to be held on Friday night, December 5th, at 6 PM at Johnny D’s Restaurant (formerly Nibbles), 3301 North Kings Highway in Myrtle Beach. You may arrive at 6PM. Dinner will be served at 6:30 PM. The price of admission is a $10.00 donation plus a contribution of a baby gift such as diapers, clothes or blankets. Reservations are necessary. Please email Terry Borkes at t.borkes13@gmail.com or call her at (843) 6508828 to make your reservations. Our purpose is to celebrate Life together during this Holy Season of the birth of our Lord Jesus, and also to share our good fortune by bringing a baby gift (example: baby diapers) that will be distributed by our Partner organizations. (Bethany, Birthright and Catholic Charities and Coastline Women’s Center). Come and celebrate Life. Healthy Women - informed. empowered. Women’s Group Depression, Anxiety, and Life’s Challenges Join us every Wednesday at 3:00 to 4:30 PM Open to all women - No charge At: The Center for Counseling and Wellness, Inc. 110 Ye Olde Kings Hwy., North Myrtle Beach, SC 843-663-0770 EVANGELIZATION R.C.I.A. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults The R.C.I.A. is a process of spiritual conversion and growth, over time, in one’s relationship with God and the Church. It is a faith journey where adults are fully welcomed into the Catholic Church. If you’re interested in exploring a relationship with Jesus Christ; inquiring about the Catholic Church; becoming Catholic; and being fully initiated into the Catholic Church through the celebration of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist, WE WELCOME YOU! For more information about the R.C.I.A. process, please contact Deacon Bob at the Church Office. Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church STEWARDSHIP Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Church in Africa is the fastestgrowing Catholic community in the world. Many people in Africa face a daily reality of food insecurity, water shortage, unemployment, lack of medical care and illiteracy. At the same time, Catholicism is flourishing amid these harsh circumstances. The Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa supports the future of the Church by funding projects that nourish the people of Africa in both body and spirit. In 2011, driven from their homelands by violence and drought, Somalian refugees flooded into Kenya. The Dadaab Refugee Camp filled to capacity with refugees, yet more people continued to arrive. Close to 450,000 people formed settlements in the camp, which caused an incredible burden on the resources of their host community. Courageous priests, nuns, and lay people worked on the front line among these refugees, distributing food and medical supplies and ministering to their needs. But the trauma from facing this suffering on a daily basis threatened to destroy the health of these workers. A grant from the Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa provided relief for these priests, nuns, religious and lay people to attend a period of rest. During three retreats at St. Teresa Pastoral Centre in Lodwar, the workers were able to spend time away from their parishes and reflect on their ministry. Older members encouraged the younger ones who had never seen the challenges stemming from famine and drought. Revitalized by these retreats, they were able to return to Dadaab and continue serving the refugees. With your help, the Church in Africa can actively evangelize the world. Projects like the retreats for church personnel in Kenya care for the spiritual needs of the African Catholics. Please give generously to the Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa. In the Lord’s Peace, Most Reverend Robert E. Guglielmone Bishop of Charleston COLUMBARIUM AND PRAYER GARDEN Spend some quiet, prayerful time in this beautiful and holy place. Niches are $3,000 for one or $5,500 for two. No-interest financing is available. To reserve a niche or for more information, call or stop by the Church Office. WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Offertory Online Giving Budget Variance November 2, 2014 $ 21,971.65 $ 900.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 371.65 YTD Offertory YTD Budget YTD Variance $ 397,511.53 $ 386.010.00 $ 11,501.53 Second Collection: Capital Reserve Account $ 3,285.00 THIS WEEKEND SECOND COLLECTION Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS It is a great joy to welcome our new members to our parish family. Please register as soon as possible in order to find out about our various programs, ministries and activities. Just drop this form in the collection basket and we will send you a detailed Registration Form. Or you may stop by the Church Office and complete a Registration Form. Name__________________________________________ Address________________________________________ City_______________________St_______Zip_________ Telephone______________________________________ ONLINE GIVING Enjoy the convenience of electronic giving by going to our website, www.olssnmb.com, click on the Online Giving button in the right hand top corner and simply follow the instructions. If you need assistance or information, just call the church office. • Direct Debit from your checking, savings, credit or debit card. • Recurring or one-time donations • Your complete online giving history available to you 24/7 • All payment information is encrypted PC1 Level 1 Compliant Service Provider. Mobile Online Giving Use your smart phone and scan the QR Code to connect to the mobile version of our giving page. Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora Estrella del Mar Fiesta De La Dedicación De La Basílica De Letrán Queridos Hermanos: Hoy celebramos con gran gozo, la Dedicación de la Basílica de Letrán, ubicada en Roma-Italia. Esta fiesta tiene origen, el día 09 de Noviembre del año 324, cuando los cristianos después de las persecuciones, dedicaron a Jesucristo-Salvador, esta primera Iglesia. Es como la Parroquia del Papa, y él va allí a celebrar la Santa Misa como Obispo de Roma. Y se le considera a esta Iglesia como la cabeza y madre de todas las Iglesias católicas del mundo entero. Esta Iglesia significa signo de unidad en la misma fe, símbolo de la primera piedra: Cristo Jesús, y todos conectados a esa piedra angular quien es Jesucristo nuestro Dios y Señor. Hoy en día, como todos sabemos, hay muchas Parroquias, Catedrales, Basílicas, construídas por todo el mundo. Los templos materiales son un signo de Dios. Cuando vemos un edificio en una ciudad, lo asociamos inmediatamente con algo...Verdad. Por ejemplo, si vemos un Restaurante, lo asociamos con comida; si vemos un Banco, lo asociamos con dinero; si vemos una Fábrica, la asociamos con trabajo; etc. Si vemos un Templo lo asociamos con Dios y nos recuerda a Dios. Por lo tanto, ese es el objetivo del templo material: El recordarnos que lo espiritual, es también una parte muy importante en nuestra vida humana y cotidiana; que la solución a nuestras necesidades, no está solamente en el trabajo, dinero y diversión. Todos tenemos una necesidad espiritual. Y la respuesta a esa necesidad espiritual la encontramos en Dios. Por eso, el templo material es un signo de Dios. El templo es la casa de Dios, no porque El se encierre en las cuatro paredes; sino porque El quiere darnos la seguridad, de que El está en nuestro barrio, en nuestra colonia, en nuestro pueblo, en nuestra ciudad, y que El, está listo y dispuesto a ayudarnos en nuestros problemas, necesidades y quehaceres diarios. Los templos son también un signo de una comunidad viva. Por lo tanto; el templo no es solamente la casa de Dios, sino que también es nuestra casa de encuentro con El. En el templo nos reunimos como familia de Dios. Y a esa familia de Dios se le llama Iglesia. Por lo tanto, estamos invitados, asistir y participar en la Santa Misa, todos los Domingos en el Templo Parroquial al cual pertenecemos. Pidámosle a la Virgen María, para que Ella, nos ayude a mantenernos firmes y fieles a nuestra comunidad parroquial, siendo miembros activos en nuestro trabajo pastoral. Dios los bendiga. Padre Orlando. EVANGELIZACION CATEQUESIS PARA ADULTOS (R.I.C.A.) El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos es un proceso de conversión y crecimiento espiritual, que toma tiempo, en nuestra relación con Dios y la Iglesia. Es un camino de fe donde los adultos están totalmente bienvenidos en la Iglesia Católica. Si usted está interesado en la exploración de una relación con Jesucristo y se a preguntado acerca de la Iglesia Católica, o convirtiéndose a la fe católica, la iniciación en la Iglesia Católica a través de la celebración de los sacramentos del Bautismo, Confirmación y Eucaristía. LE DAMOS UNA CORDIAL BIENVENIDA! Para obtener más información acerca del proceso, R.I.C.A. por favor póngase en contacto con la Hermana Glafira Ortega a los teléfonos 843-742-0341 o 249-2356. Fiesta De La Dedicación De La Basílica De Letrán COMPARATIENDO NOTICIAS….. EXPOSICION DEL SANTISIMO TEMA: LA NUEVA EVANGELIZACION, EL ANUNCIO DEL KERIGMA (COMO PREPARACIÓN PARA LA NAVIDAD) FECHA: Viernes 28 de Noviembre (Desde las 6:30 P.M hasta las 9:00 P.M.) Sábado 29 de Noviembre (Desde las 8:00 A.M. Hasta las 5:00 P.M.). Domingo 30 de Noviembre (Desde las 8:00 A.M. Hasta la 1. P.M:). El Retiro Espiritual termina con la Santa Misa a la 1:30 P.M. (Una y treinta de la tarde). PREDICADOR: I. REVERENDO PADRE CIRILO BAILON. Doctor en Psicología (Sacerdote Mexicano) -Participantes: Adultos Mayores de 18 años. -Costo del Retiro: Gratis. -Lugar: Parroquia de Nuestra Señora Estrella del mar. Dirección: 1100 8th Ave N. North Myrtle Beach SC, 29582. FAVOR TRAER BIBLIA, CUADERNO Y PLUMA El requisito para participar en el retiro es asistencia comprometida durante los tres días y registrarse con la Hermana Glafira (843) 742-0341 o 249-2356 ext.29 CORO Practica del coro todos los Jueves a las 8:00 PM después de la Hora Santa les invitamos a participar CURSO BIBLICO Hay estudio de la Biblia todos los Lunes de 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. Y todos los Miércoles de 6:00 – 7:15 P.M. Aprendamos a defender nuestra fe. Para mayor información comunicarse con la Hermana Glafira Ortega a los teléfonos 843-742-0341 o 249-2356 QUINCEAÑERA Para la celebración de una Quinceañera, los papás y familiares deben informar al Padre Orlando, al 803-351-9784 o al 843-249-8514 mínimo tres meses de anticipación, para hacer la preparación necesaria. Todos los Jueves hay Hora Santa, Exposición y Bendición con el Santísimo. A las 7:00 PM. INFORMACION Si necesita alguna información para algún Sacramento o alguna Celebración Litúrgica, favor comunicarse con el Padre Orlando Cheverria, Teléfono : 803-351-9784. EL SANTO ROSARIO Si alguien desea llevar la imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe y rezar el santo rosario durante la semana por favor llamar a Sra. Juanita @843-855-7362 BAUTISMOS La próxima clase para la preparación del sacramento del Bautismo, será el ultimo Martes del mes a las 6:30 P.M. (Seis y treinta de la tarde). Deben asistir papás y padrinos. Los padrinos deben ser católicos y casados por la Iglesia Católica, o solteros. (Favor no traer niños porque hacen mucho ruido). Los papás deben hablar antes de la preparación, con el Padre Orlando. LAS LEYES DE DIOS “Dichoso el que repase estas enseñanzas a menudo; el que las guarde en su corazón se hará sabio. Y si las pone en práctica, en todo será fuerte, porque la luz del Señor iluminará su camino” (Eclesiástico 50: 28-29). Colecta de la Semana De Noviembre 2, 2014 Colección Total $ 22,871.65 Colección de la Comunidad Hispana incluida en el Total $ 765.00 Gracias por su Colaboración. MATRIMONIOS Las parejas que deseen contraer el Sacramento del Matrimonio, deben informar al Padre Orlando, mínimo con 6 meses de anticipación, para comenzar la preparación necesaria. Preparación de Parejas para el Sacramento del Matrimonio el 2ndo Martes de cada mes a las 6:30 P.M. Favor no traer niños. OLSS Tienda de Libros & Regalos Horario de la tienda de: Lunes - Viernes 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM y antes y después de las misas de fin de semana E-Mail: olssstore@sc.rr.com / 843-249-2356 Ext.16
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